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Watchman Warder (1899), 19 Dec 1907, p. 10

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;‘ Mums the Word!” with Pugsley. Ottawa, Dec. 1-}, ,IUUJ I The dtfiiite on the address was con- 1 tinued three days of this week. clos- 1 mg on Wednesday a vigorous eight 1 days discussion. The opposition spe- l akers were aggressive and vigorous, 1 showing a splendid fighting spirit, 5 confidence in their cause and 21 our ‘ tainty that they have the country 1 on their side. Sir Wilfrid an. the bc- ‘ ginning departed from the usual 1 Course and instead oi‘ explaining the ‘ policy and intentions of his govern-l- ment and dealing with the mldress'cs'1 before the house, wen-t out of his way ‘ to attack Mr. Borden's platform and to insinuate that it had not the. Mlppul't of Conservatives general-1y, but \vus Mr. Borden’s own creation. 1 THE CONSERVATIVE PLATFORM 1 Before the debate was through it was made clear to the Premier that the Conservative party in the house Stood by the platform. Every plank in it was discussed and defended with strong argument. The opposit- ion forced a. division three times, with the result. that the government mwjority was in each case less than the normal margin, showing that cer- Wilfriid’s supporters Were less willing to record their votes against the platform than the Conservmives were to Stand by it. CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS. Mr. Armstrong’s motion for free delivery of mails in rural districts was voted down :by a. majority of 49, inotwithstandimg the mass of ev-i- ‘ deuce which the mover produced to show that the system had been re- markably suCCessful in the United States and other countries. Mr. Sta,- pleS, of Maodonald, Manitoba. show- ed how much the Government. which cannot aflord to take up this re. form, had mated in other directions. particularly in subsidizing creatures of its own who Were employed in mutilatiing electoral lists and stud- ing‘ ballot boxts. Mr. Wright of Mus- kokia. proved that the immigration returns of the government wereenor- 'mously' padded. He mentioned one car load of passengers with whom he travelled from St. Paul to Win- days diSCt akers \Ver showing confidence tainty t1 ujpeg, who were all put down in the! records as settlers from the United States, ‘though there was not. 0m: settler among them. {They were com-1 mercial travellers, visitors, a. min-3 strel troupe and other ordinary pas-- seugers. 'But they will allfigure as immigrants. Mr. Jackson. of Elgin, pointed out the shortcomings of the Department of Agriculture and asked for better protection to the tarmac from railway trains crossing their lands. Mr. McLean. of Prince ‘Ed- wand Island, made a strong appeal against the neglect of that provi-nCe oompan: by a government which stems to have I ors’ ens minions to spend in. regions when ’a much nobody lives. Mr. Perley, of Argenâ€" have be teuil, showed tliatt the increase m' properly expenditure was- not represented by and the con-espmding services and benefits. on. Tim Mr. Lake of W’Appeue, and Dr. over th Roche. of Max-um. addressed them- | tour ye: selves, to several abuses in westem’ store a aministra-tion and to the unsatisfie- tory Condition of Canadian trade. Mr F THE QUEBEC BRIDGE. \ ier pk -‘ ~ 0!: Wednesday, Mr. Barker, 0! not to Milton. moved an amendment de- missiod A Great [laying in Parliament lor the Pugnacious One, but now he, who had so much to say, is, Dumb as an Oyster â€"â€"- Big Estimates for Next Year; $8,547,572 More than Last Year asked forâ€"â€" Some of Fieldlng’s Expenses and Interest Pay- mentsâ€"Conservative Platform Strongly Sup- ported . 4- wa‘fll‘n‘ 14, 1 90.7 ploring the umbusiness-iike proceedâ€" ings of the gov-~e1nment in the mat- ter of the Quebec bridge. The his- tory of this enterprise, ending with the aVVful cavlamity of last August is summed up in a sentence in the Scientific Americam, VVhich saVs that the records of this transaction “read more like the story of some county bridge than the record of the erec- tion 01' the greatest VVork of bridge engineering of the centurV’ MI. Barkei Mr. Monk and Mr Hag-gait shOVVed that this impartial criticism was just. Four years ago the Quebec Bridge Ccmpany had expended all the sub- sidies it. could get, had issued nearly half a million .dollars of bonds which per cent. of its stock. It was prac- tthtc‘gow the vGovernmene with the help tic'ally bankrupt and could not go of‘an immense corruption fun d were on. Premier Parent. of Quebec, who ’ was also Mayor of Quebec City, had supplied a: Provincial grant and a City grant, and obtained a subsidy from the Laurier government, one member of which was his own part- ner in business. Yet the company was over $700,000 in debt. The! then! intimate and confidential friends} of Mr. Pugsley, and were trying to make him Minister of Railways. The head of thni alleged conrpiracy, Mr. David Russell, gave a great banquet to Mr. Pugsley a month ibefiore the election, where speakers nominated ‘ i o - ' ' ' Government should then have. taken 51.11;“figsgfi.§;‘;‘w§;§w§qfig‘fi ever the Work, as the Ghahd Trunk nection announced 'it as the opinion PaCifiC scheme 11““ been “109th 39d 'oi the banquetters that Mr. Pugsley the bridge was to he a part Of th‘s ‘ must he promoted. Immedvi-atelv af- TFanSCOflhihent-a‘l- Instead Govern- ter this, according to Mr. Pugsley’s ‘ment I‘US‘hed ““20th m the 18:“ own; statement, lange contributions ,hours of the Sessxon Of 1903 a bull lwere made to defeat Mr. Emmerson author-hing a 10311 to the Company in Westmoreland. Mr. Kemp pieced 0361678300. WhiCh was then esti- together the evidence to show that mated t0 be the COSt 0f completing whatever was done for the defeat \l' the work. This programme compellâ€" Mr. Emmersotn was done bv Mr ed the public to pay more than 935mgsley's friends and in his uterflt: per cent. 0f the cost, but left theil'e read from a New Emma-iv}: pa- control in the hands Of the Company, 1 per a statezn :nt that Mr. I’ugslev whose ween-dent was made chairman was aware of these proceedinn's and of the TranscOntinental Commissmn in the opinion of that journal was at $8.000 a year, while he continued 9 the chief ad~ isory man in the. scheme. ‘ to receive $3,000 a year from the fi ' ‘ Bridge Company. "Later it was found PHIL CHALLENGE. that the government estimate was There was a continued round of too low, and that the bridge would Conservative applauSe as these facts cost something like ten million dolâ€" were revealed, but they became lars, leaving another three million stronger when Mr. Kemp again and dollars for the country to pay. 'again challenged Mr. Pugsley to tell , . . ‘ .all he kn v 3‘0 PUBLIC CORROL' l 'I- doubt," said Mr. Kemp, “whet- Though the country was pay-mg her he has the coup t stand practically the Whole 6°“ 0f the and repeam'ain this rig; 3mm he 5:13 - bridge, it does not wt appear thm- upon the mm 1 ti "" ' l _ . . ’ p c p a orm. - the Government-engineenhg‘ Sta“ 93‘" Mr. Kemp added: "So far as I any attention t0 the plans 0" ‘had am eon’eerned and I believe any any supel'ViSiC'n 9f the “0"" The other member 'on this side 0! the . whole matter was allowed ‘56 drift. house, we desire to see' him go the > and money was~paid out when ‘13 full length. It does not“ make anv, Lmanded until the end of August. di r. ‘w ' - l-' when the bridge went down and Mfi 92:6 lxmriehefhgzrtsi'n‘ 13:3 hm 510195. 11'.- CUUlu 5v», mun.“ , ...... V half a million .dollars of bonds which it had to sell for 60 cents on the dollar, but had paid up less than one ' scores of IiV'es.were lost. Many thou sands will now -be spent by a Com- mission to find out whether .the loompany’s engineers or «the contract- ors’ engineers were at fault, while ’a much smaller expenditure would have been sumcient to haye the plans properly examined in the first place and the work supervised as it .went on. The govemmeot must now take over the work as "I should have done Hour years ago, but it cannot re~ 7 store the loss of life and property. Mr. Fielding an! Sir Wilfrid Lam-c u- ploaded that the subject ought at to be discussed until the com- THE COUNTRY PAY S. ing 51' the century.” Mr. Mr. Monk and Mr. ‘H-ag-gart that this impartial criticism The answer was The mos-t sensational episode in the It address debwte was the challenge to Mr. Pugsley. Four times outside the House the Minister of "Public Works has talked of disclosures that he i could 'make respecting Censervaxive campaign expenditure in 1904. Be- fore the House met Mr. Borden, whom Mr. Pugsley connected with the trans-acti'pns, challenged the Min- ister to make good his statements. In the first day’s debating Mr. Bor- den repeated the invitation to the Minister to tell all he knew. Yet Mr. Pugsley kept silent. Day after day he was reminded that he ought to] speak, yet remained dumb. Bwt on Tuesday Mr. Kemp, of Toronto, pm the challenge in a form which a1- lo'wod of no escape for Mr. Pugsley without exposing; himself to the con- tempt of the country. MR. PUGSLEY BEFORE THE EL-l ECTION. Mr. Kemp gave a sketch of Mr. Pugsley's political aztivities immed- ‘iately before the election of 1904. The persons accused 'by Government organs of a dark conspiracy to over- throw the Government with the help of‘an immense corruption fund, were then! intimate and coafiden’tial friends} of Mr. Pugsley, and were trying to make him Minister of Railways. The head of thxi alleged conrpiracy, Mr. David Russell, gave a. great banquet to Mr. Pugsley a month before the election, where Speakers nominated him to the DomimiOn Ministry, andl Mr. Russell’s newsphpcrs in that con- nection announced it as the opinion 'of the banquetters that Mr. Pugsley ‘must he promoted. Immediately af- ter this, according to- Mr. Pugsley's own; statement, lange contributions iwere made to defeat Mr. Emmerson in Westmoreland. Mr. Kemp pieced together the evidence to show that whatever was done for the defeat if Mr. Emmersorn was done by Mr. ‘9Pugsley’s friends and in his '2 tert‘t. til’e read from a New Bums-xiv}: pa- 1per a statemsnt that Mr. I’ugsley ‘ was aware of these proceedings and in the opinion of that journal was E! the chief ad~ ism-y man in the scheme. THE CHALLENGE. 5 There was a continued round of I Conservative applause as these facts - were revealed, but they became ity 0’1146. qu lengtn. n: noes now mum: any n , n difference whom he hits, be they DONT FEED TURNIPS THE high or law, be they in this haug- t{EST WAY. WESTERN ONTA- 'Ol' onto! this house, we want to ’see RIO CHEESE MAKER USESI this matter brought to light. and S ALTPETRE. 7 We want to know what there is in- it. ‘ - , . If the Honoraihle gentleman romsos to On account of the scaictty A utheri go fupther’ if he is satisfied to make feeds the turmp flaVOr 16 more no. insinuations in this way hé has done tieeable this year than usualâ€"and outside of the house, without takhgd that’s bad enough. Many are pneâ€" s-teps to make his posit outgoo . I . Ii 0 '- , cannot 'but feel that he is; condemned ‘My comptll r thunk they t’ before the country for makingstate- Whmh practxcale works out to e ments whichme knew wére not fine. samethingâ€"to teed turnips to their Si" he?” “9‘03 0’ “1935 “Won dairy animals. the result is that geygfswm :1: $2118; ‘m We” users of the daily product must eith- He is now at the bu. otpublic 01"!“ er gultiute -a taste.for tunnps ‘ 111 ion, and let him chJuS-a his court? then: buttgr, or durymen must find; AN INDEPENDENT mvrrfirton. W m tb reduce the ohm LLâ€"-k‘-“‘hm- ‘A - ”I‘D-{mum . 'the lfii‘étal'benches Mir. 1mm.” independent member 0! WY‘N- pasted the demand thntlfr quss‘ 18y should speak. .“Itg he M3 any- thing to say," said ELL; Lasagna, ‘o‘laet him say it now: ’ A Tittle later mg added “The master fig! my; me I! HUW 'flub UW'WI U1 PHI-111V Uylll' ion, and let him chaos-.3 his court.‘ their butter, or dairymen must find, AN INDEPENDENT INVITATION 50m my ‘0 “am the °b5°°‘ ' In various forms 11:18 manage tibnable flavor to ‘ minimum. Tl”- “ was repeated by Mr Kemp med up. consumer will undoubtedly be slow proving cheers. Not one wood could to adapt himself to anything along b0 80‘5 from the minis/‘9’ He ”“0 the line of a turnip sandwich, so it the fashiondescfibed-bynr. Kemp, seemsto beup tothe men to to the great confusion and disgust of many government supporters We find a way out. When spoken to about _ otwhomgtwodmlatermthe go'v- themtter,Mr..F H. Reed, thong” A ernment caucus made strong oom- rioultnul expert attic L.C.I., sud plainte cgdinet this course. , Frau: thatifth‘eturnipsmfodlflormflk' 't liberal hen gig-no, 13M nomad 15" an ”in; the trouble 0! the objectionable meted the demand that]:- Pop-Y flavor is reduced, bathe did not in- ' ~ ~ orthe'teedingofturniplinsnygusn- - tit! at 911. it itoqnld he avoided. I The W tied ismt voiced turnips atsu. dovetails idioti- .A.erwiee to “in; as WM! PUGSLEY CHALLEE‘IGED can be got from Mr. Pugsley. nu. Aylesworth, who made his first ap- pearance this week, will next be in'- vited to make good his statements concerning Mr. Borden's connection with the corruption fund. DEATH OF MR. GUNN. The country and the Conservative party has suffered severe loss by the death 01 Mr. Benjamin Gunn, the into member for South Huron, who died at St. Luke's Hospital.” n this city, on Monday. Warm tributes were paid by Mr. Fielding and Mr. Bord- en to the duracter of their departed col'league. EXTRAVAG ANT ESTIMATES. The estimates for neXt year, brought down: this week go to show t-hwt the extravagance which. has marked the last few years is to go n-Uu "w - W- on increasing. Though this year's expenditure will far exceed that of any previous twelve months. it is proposed to spend a. great deal more next year. ~ ' -- 773â€"‘LL=A nova- J vâ€"â€" . To 5110 how things are going this year, we have the official announce- ment of expenditure for the last e‘ght months compared with the same period last year. It shows the following : Increase‘of taxes 7,966,691 Increase of total revenue 9,148,876 Increare of cur. exp. 8,457,680 Increase of cur. exp. ...... 8,685,320 Total in'. of exp. 17,143,000 Increase of expenditure over increase of rev. 7,994,125 INCREASED INTEREST CHARGE. We have also the statement of Mr. Fielding in the House that, whereas when he took office he float- ed a loan at two and a half per cent. interest a. little below par. making the net cost less than three per cent., he is now paying four pen: cent. on bonds that came due last year, and are continued for four years to come; that he is paying four and a half per cent. on (An) months. and a; half million dollars borrowed from banks, and seven per cent. on overdraft of $1,500,000. while he has large debts falling due within q few It cost $42,062.00 to pay experts last year to put the Marine and Fi- sheries account books in shape. One of these experts was paid 3‘7 .032. an- Otbcr 85.861, 3 third $5.282. 1t cost; $88,366 to build an addi- sion to the Western Block. which only contains nine wanking TO‘I‘P‘E- ......... found in a first-oh“ that “on. All stock Mata! find-ad both. R. L. IORGKN. 3“" 01d Stuntâ€"5032. v 'th0. Government worked' the Yukon telegraph svstem at this rate for the last eight months: Receipts WW WRNIP PLAVOR MAY ' BE OVERCOME â€"Our Dru; Department in no- FEW SAMPLES. $52 .725 136.188 83.463 Picturing the impetus which mark- ed the country doctor’s advent, he described his means of travel as a horse picked from the bcst on :is to.- ther's farm, or om: he has bought 0:! but]. a laLw, v; Vu u- ___ a slow note with the assistance of paternal endorsation. . Scene two with doctor's life was} marked by a strange unrest. Assured-1 ly the most widely spread of all ma-l ladies was upon him, and very short-1 ly, the doctor became a living exam~ ple of the fact that more men {all in loVe than in war. “The doctor doesn't circle round and backâ€"peddle on his affections,” said Dr. Powell. “He uses that in- strument of precision, his heart, and never making a mistake. Lawyers see the worst side of life, ministers the best side. and the doctor just as it is. Finally he selects the very best girl, the one who has agreed to call him .‘George,’ instead .of doctor." “Ten years later sees the country doctor thoroughly established. He has become reeVe of the township, chairman of the school board, and an elder of the church. “The ideal country doctor, it seems to me, must haVe the wisdom of 801- omon, the strength of Samson, the bravery of Joshua. the charity of Dar cas, the meekness of Moses. the huSi- ness capacity of Jezebel, and the tireless perseverance of the devil him- self. The country doctor's life is one of unconscious bravery and devotion to duty. There are many William McClures but no [an Maclarens to tell about them. The country doctor was described as not only a man of tender sympa- thies, but one of Sound, common sense. having within him as a protpi- nent asset of his nature, an ever- ready inclination to cheerfulness. and a strong sense of humor. “If it had neVer been intended that this world' should be mirthful. SO many funny things would not have been allowed to happen," said Dr. Powell. “From 10 years' work as a coun- try doctor a large sum can be accum- ulated at one's ledger. But from ‘7'5 to 90 per cent. of it is goodâ€"or Will be after the threshing or in the spring. Generally. however. a coun- try dootor is safe from any sudden attack of- influence. “ ‘A poor nun served by thee 81““ make the rich, 3 weak man served by thee shall make thee strong. thou shall be helped by every sense of set- Yioe, whieh'thou renderest.' " was the putting 11qu the speaker- FARM T0 RENT.-Lot 15. com sxon 9, Fonelon, one hundred W. seventy acres of chance. 110““ and burn, stone stabling. 0V?‘1°9k‘ me .Stutgoon Luke ‘and adjouung 3311': the station. Apply to MRS. ELIZABETH ROBE. Fm ldn uniâ€"494. www.â€"m A001 good openins_ good m for g pgomumg nvrnun 31v unanimous young lawyer. Also a 800‘! 02"” Notice is hereby given pursuant to in; for ,4» first class Placmlth- 3.8.0.. 1897‘, Cap. 129. Sec. 38. For my other information address that, .11 W having claims L. M. REESE. Aberdeen, 833k. gun-t the estate of Eliza. Brown. ‘49-6 hiaoltho'l‘ownshipofomintthe tion, 10 acres of fall wheat, 30 acres Med down, {all ploughing almost. completed. comfortable dwelling hohse and good frame barn on ”one foundation. frame driving house. {rm hog pen and hen house in goods repair. A splendid opportunity to buy a good form. Possession 1st of March, 1908. For further particulars apply to John Suggitt, of Cameron Post Office, or to the undersigned. Forms of tender and conditions of sale will be supplied by the under- signed. Forms 01 tender and condi- tions of sale will be supplied by the undersigned. Dateduat Lindsay thms Seventh day of December, A. D., 1907,. McLAI'GHLIX. PEEL FI’LTON, 50-4. Solicitors, Lindsay. Ont. FOR SALE, a quantity of stand- ing timber. on Lot 23. l'nn. 8., Mar- iposa. (on the lake sharp.) Tim tim- ber is good hemlock and hardwood (maple and beach}. Army to CEO. GINN. Cadmus P.0.â€"50-4. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN‘:â€" 1. That the list of lands in the County of Victoria, for sale for at- rears of taxes has been prepared, and that copies of the said list may be had in my ofiiee in the Court House in the Town of Lindsay. 2. That the said list will be pubâ€" lished in the Ontario Gazette on Nov. 16th, November 23rd, Novem- ber 30th, and December 7th, 1907. 3. That in default of payment of the taxes, the lands will be sold at the Court House, Lindsay, on Wed- nesday, February 19th, 1908, at 1-1 o’clock a.m. County Treasurer. County Treasurer's Omce, Lindsay. November 12th, 1907. 46-14 Notice is hereby given that all per-i sons having claims against the es- tate of Charles Naylor of the town- ship of Mariposa. in the County of Victoria. are required on or before the 12th day of January, 1908, to send by post or deliver to S. A. Arm- strong, Senior Inspector of Prisons and Public Charities, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. their names, ad- dresses and descriptions, and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of amount and the nature of the securities, if any, held by_ them i . . .. .a . ,1L4_ LL- --:A vy vuv-u - And take notice that after the said date, the said Inspector of Prisons and Public Charities will proceed un- der and by virtue of the Statutory Bowers conferred and imposed on him “he Revised Statutes of Ontano, 1 . Chapter 31-7. and Amending Acts. to distribute the assets of the estate among the per. sens entitled thereto. having regard onlv to the claims of which he shall then haVe had notice, and that the said Inspector of Prisons and Publie1 Charities will not be liable for thes assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not haVe been received 3 him at the time of such distribu- i on. \ Dated at Toronto this 6th day of \De'oember. A;D.. 1907. l s. A. ARHSTRONG. F - . [newton of Prisons, and Public Charities, , Parlia- COUNTY TREASURER’S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES NOTICE TO CREDITOBB TIMBER FOR SALE J. R. McNEgLLIE. ‘tho oecurity (it to!) hold nd- M “the said day my For“..t°...d;: . Tommi k FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€":11» Kt“! Wood "gym". 3 allovved (m (h In this WEST HALF OF LOT 4. in “he... cos-ion o! Eldon. containing 1m Fanning’s Repository Saturday Dec. 21. 1 O’clock 34 Cows; carload of first Class cows, eldest 7 years old: all due early. 2 dozen First Class Horse Blankets 2 dozen Girths. 2 doz. Sweatpads. any prices. 4 Ackerman Electric City Robes. 2 dozen Ackerman Russett Halters: any price, don't miss them. 3 Firrt Class New Bishop Robes. 1 Second Hand Arctic Robe . (new last winter). 1 Heavy Robe, new. 1 Set Double Driving Harness, nearly new. 1 Set Double Driving Harness, new. 1 Set, Single Harness, nearly new. 4 Setts Single Harness, new. 6 Strings of Bells, new last win- cos-ion o1 Eldon. containing loo mm. 11168011 unclay loan,“ in all clénred except between on. and two acres. There are arm..- propcny. and is within three all; at tho villas“ of Woodville. Lora.- vmo and Grass Hill station. .3 each at which places there are good whats for farm produce. For tux. ther particulars apply to Mr. Don- ald Jackion (East. half I in St! con. Eldon) Woodvule P... or to [GORE JACKSON, Solicitor-u, Lindsayâ€"354:1. and shaft. 1 Long Sleigh, 2 seats, with pole. 1 pair Steel Runners for cart. for racing purposes. 1 carload of Cows. Don’t ,, mi_ss this éhle, as these cattle will told regardless of prices. sald regardless of prices. A discount at the rate of 6 per cart. allowed for cash on credit amount... Always home Saturdays g “'(NH'VH T l' 311'. John Cnxnplu‘.‘ 1“ home 1;1!~‘ S. 'w'“ lph Fart 5mm 5‘ ~ been Very surrw-Aui field of Comp-1" -! of! many 11w 1. : the largvsx um: ‘7'. ,‘Gwh. 311'. (3121:} -'1 his sheep at, Hymn. , may first. Ina/m» flutes. pocket Ar Marriage Licenses meyllr.’l‘hos.Bosll.dth¢ st his office in 1m. G. BEALL'S Joveuory Stone or I! M- m on Albert-fl... m1- 9 head Young Cattle, 2 years 11 Horses, mixed classes. 5 Good Young Sheep, all ewes 4 Wheelbarrows, all new, 5011 m" Linda-1y... .. 4 Second Hand Sweat Pads. 1 Horse Collar, nearly new. 4 Plush Rugs. 2 DOzen Rawhide Whips. 4 New Tudhope Cutters. 1 Old Cutter. 1 Set Light Brass Parfiess. 1 Set Light Bobsleighs, new, pole Dun Toronto .. .. “ n . ", HMO... . 1907. oooooooooo 55105 W“ “ (To Tory Hil'. :Seoond hand “00d («)0 ‘ heaters cheap ax «umber the ('111‘i~1 m: Went in («mum-1; Mme Method”? chum luv. 23rd DOCemtuy 1‘ 3 than usual Worth seeingâ€"“hon c‘ “stuns shoppim: he s h beautiful display 1.1" 0111-: M F. 13. rt of the dis-ASH Spout forget the can {1' hall on the 3“ ‘1 ofSt James -\r tint is in $1011 ":‘1‘ L local Option :3; ‘, Meetings 1112. M in the Lt)“.‘t;\'t‘. w Buchanan. u' ” pfinCipa} Sht'axw-y' Worth seeingâ€"“hr histmas shopping b beautiful display I “Peninsular" . hence on Friday 12: I! our regular corn->3 blind elsewhere in 111 w kni\'.es furk~ pet sweepen. coal pt cutters, eta. jun fistulas presmh. at b. A. Train and chi a Friday after u 1w with her panents, {\-\ ”rd, Pewrlmrn. hm, pocket kniww. one of thv i‘m may he is unahh influx-account iof {'Fll hppy ex cm band wood cool "QMS cheap: at immrian 811 C1 entertainme'. .. when a good W by the S. be“, 1.. Findla} B. " i had Rev. R. \\ will give add .. will be h: " ‘0! the chmch. KIVM(')1‘.\'I'. - ' “legatos \xcl'v w big Conn h? i4 “.9 19th \i/ 1â€".\ J, “H's-.011 ‘v‘ “Peninsular" rs and ranges I. sweepers, “ cutters, etc. mas presents hmmktoe: Rt. bi- MSmIth. K.C.B 3 sets, suitable 1}, its, cheap at ('inna and ran gcs Imp at, (‘hiruu‘n my first, pri/vs. I," pocket Ruin-M sets, suitablu in ., cheap at Cimm hingâ€"When whopping be Ill display of Mar" and l‘ names. at knives, {or a. non. ViOCOl I! Munro, Vic 12. B. Menzic GLANI'INI‘ : Farm Hugh‘s It” Londoe ”d Bank. N4 Lyonnnis. P: a! bankim a untrics. coal and ust it )I‘

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