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Watchman Warder (1899), 19 Dec 1907, p. 11

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w. iving Harness, .1 rvpurf of the disastrous five at Hum: on Friday morning last, om our n-gulur correspondent, will found elsewhere in this issue. Plated knives, forks and spoons, arpet sweepers. coal oil heaters, .eat cutters, etc., just the thing for "bristmas presents, at Cinnamon’s, indsav. rix' ins: Harness, - mess, nearly new. mess, new. ls, new last win- Bishop Robes. Arctic Robe. (new Whips. Cutters. Sweat Pads. nearly new. ass Home Blankets 2 602. Sweatpods. 2 .......... [0 oou-oo-o W. H 3': appq 32:: $4 '53 E and happy event,» becond hand wood c00k stoves and a1 heaters cheap, at Cinnamon’s, 'ndsay, The Prmbyterian Sunday school J1 81% an entertainment on Friday h inst. when a good program will Presenn-d by the S. 8. children,“ ‘- W. L. Findlay, B.A., of Can: on, and Rev. B. W. Whattan 01 Worth seeingâ€"When doing your I'i'stmas shopping be sureand see e beautiful display of the celebrat- "Peninsular" anti “Chaxppion” Y” and ranges, at Cinnamonts. :tric City Rm. m Russett Halters: eiss them. ws. Don't miss cattle will be prices. he rate of 6 p8! Cattle, 2 years 3 seats, with pole. :ners for cart. for n1) Ruuu! 9004?. .- 113 ”Q )ecp, all ewes. all new, sell at ABLE. 3 SERVICI- ‘r. 1907. I FarfleSS. ,Ieighs, new, pole idson Gxist Hi“- now 0pm to the done {01 five cents grainâ€"4941. 21. 1 o’clock lot-1.0% ‘epository classes. ”“3 James Murray, of Erskine W)» Toronto, wil-I address‘ the ‘stian Endeavor Society here on Wkly chning, 19th inst. -~; - » “mien meeting, will be held in the Wterian church on SW35 5‘3“" r.....oooo of first class 01d : all - due m5 .0...‘ 8-” .goo...” 8'40 . ..... 8. ......10.25 mug...“ [)0 P... at 'to ON. swam Store or r- in “he“. mmmmm ”sums GLANDINE. Remember the C'hrismmas tree and .tertuinmvnt in connection with the Eandine Methodist church, on Mon- . 23rd Ilccember. Program bet- r ahthzm usual. ‘bnrth seeing. â€"When doing your hri<tma< shupang be sure and see Eebeautiiul display of the celebrat- Pminsular” and “Champion” EM“. and ranges, at Cinnamon’s, Lindsay \ raving sets. suitable for (7111151311133 regent» cheap at Cinnamon’s, Lmd- a1 heaters cheap, at Ulnnamon's, Milka) Don't forget the concert in the C LF. hall on the 20th under due wus- W5 nf St. James’ Ang’lisan church; Atmzu is in store For those who at- 'ml. C. W l 50 DVILLE. ' - Juhn Campbell, Fairview, rc- ‘rxnml In. 11.3 last Saturday from the “h'h'h [’03: Stock Show, where he as hmm wry successful against a ‘JL'E Iielu‘ ul' competitors, in carry- lg MT many first. honors. Thg flair ‘5 1h" Latest and best ever held H'utll h Mr Campbell also show- “his sh-«p at, Chicago, where he ran mum first prizes. 5k3185.1»ocket knives, razors and \quxe: home wedding took place nWedmsd-uy of last week at the Dme 01' J. Murchison, when Mrs. [unhismfs sister, Sadie McKay, "as married to Mr. McIlroy, of Lin- m Valhw. Rev. W. Kannaywan P81“ mxed thv marriage ceremony. By “no Oversight your correspondent ~- Vlt' ‘ ‘D“" V vu; vv - as not one of the unvited gUests, ’n‘eqm’ntlv he is unable to give {‘5‘ further account fiof this import; ”on1. S. Hughes. M.P.. passed through here on Thursday on his my to Tory Hill. ‘ Second hand wood cook stoves and \Irs A. Train and children return- ,d on Friday after a. two “mm: vis- 5' mm her parents, Rev. and Mrs. soward, I’etcx‘boro. Skates. pocket knives, razors and mvinz sets. suitable for Christmas ”agents, cheap at Cinnamon's, Lind- 33F Th.-1m-.:l option fight is on in ear- >s!.. Meolings billed for different, {arm in thu township, when Mr. uhn Buchuntzn. m‘ "fol-onto. will be 1» prim'i; .1! speaker. Worth seeingâ€"When doing your Exriztmas shopping be sure and see ac beautiful display of the celebrat- ! "Peninsular" and “Champion” oves; and ranges, at Cinnamon’s, indsav. KIN’MOUNF. A mg'fil'lfl: or the local Constrvat- us was held at the Simpson House Wainirmiay, the 11th, when 'the Mini delegates were elected to mad the big Convention m Lind- V. on the 19th, viz :â€"Messrs. S. H. gpkins. .1. Wilson, Wm. F. H. wig. R. .4. Frost, A. Y. II-IpRLns. fluendchO-n, Jas. R. Mark, '1‘. _Argu0. J. Quinn, A. Train and A. . WHSMR. Plated knives, forks and spoons, pet :wecpers, coal oil heatdi‘s, eat cutters, etc., just the thing ‘for gristmas presents, at Cimiamon’a, ’ndsay. iHE WEEK’S NEWS of the" COUNTY and DISTRICT . tors: Rt. Hon. Viscount Team,“ LTWi-‘m ' t, . . n. csM'mro, m.m 1' but , 11am, «. “9'3" ,; tiféinjwfii R. E. Meade. Butdge Gaby, A. Grown:A ' “ Ian. W. “1 Committ“: Rt. Hem-Viscount'r '. , Wf‘f‘gwn Smith. K.C.B. C.S.I., and C. finqkkfiu> 5" w _ W: R. 13’:ng GumlIudgcir: , THE W1 Unto my Gad my sum, Unto my fog I kave ‘my IOVeâ€" . “These” are of life the whole. heaters cheap, at Cinnamon’s, Branch Oflca in fihip district: ‘ . Beth‘lny’ Pontypool, Restleton, Janetville and Dina-ford. t3 8 year ls Farminé Your Business ‘2‘!- .‘(i‘rt nglnwed on the dailybalanceâ€"fromthe d3 “4 ' . , .h-guvul. In this way nata dollar is ever idle.y _, gePOSIt to the day L! 4 011E MEE 07. The music rendered by the chair was well worthy of praise. In ad- dition to the choir music was 9.5010 by Mr. El. Reazin, entitled . “Abide With Me,” which was sung with ex- quisxte sweetness. We also had the pleasure of hearing our quartette The League service last Friday night conducted by the president was well attended. Missh. .Bateson took the topic. Miss Real and Mr. E. tilark, ' at Sonya, were the guests of JIiss Mc- Innis on Sunday; - Worth seeing.â€"-When doing your Christmas shopping be sure and see the beautiful display of the celebrat- ed “Peninsular” and “Champion” stoves and ranges, at Cinnamon’s, Lindsay. Mr. P11in 0! Canniugton, spent, Sunday with friends at Salem 1. edto sfieézling'vgvfevfi Fda'ys' with her grantP father, Mr. Robert Grahmz, of- this place. â€" . . , I. The t-hank offering services held on Suhday were fairly well attended in spite of the hght snow storm that prevailed throughout the day. The Rev. Mr. Leitoh preached in the morning from St. John, 3rd chap- Second hand wood cook stoves and coal heaters cheap, at, Cinnamon’ s, Lindsay. The followihg attended the shoot- Mr. Neil Sinclair made another shipment of fowl to the eity last week. One young people are anxiously waiting for skating. Mrs. Hugh Ferguson is much imâ€" proved in health and able to be 011.! agam. Congratulations to Mr. J. and J. D. Camphell, ”Fair-view,” for suc- cess at Chicago Live Stock' Show. ter, 3“} verse; in the evening from II Kings, 2nd chapter, 9th verse. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kennedy and Miss Jones, of Canningtom. were guests at Mr. Choate’s one,day last week. Plated knives, forks and spoons, carpet sweepers, coal oil heaters, meat cutters, etc., just the thing for Christmas presents, at Cinnamon’s, Lindsay. Mr. C. Carmichael also took a trip to Montreal this week. . Social teas are all the rage in om- village. Mr. T. Choate pass<2d through here en route to Montreal on Friday last with a couple of carPoads of fine looking cat-tle. (From another Correspondent.) Mr. M. Stoddart’ 5 many friends will be pleased to hear of his recov- ery from an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. A. Spence, of Miriposa, and mother of Mrs. H. McKinnon and Mrs. 'Wm. McLean, of this place, met with a severe accident last. Sat- but as she. undef‘ the skilful urday, havixig fractured her hip hone, care of Dr. McKay, we expect to hear of her speedy recovery. Skates, pocket knives, razors and carving sets, suitable for Christmas presents, cheap at Cinnamon’s, Lmd- say. 3 The Methodist Sunday school of this place, will give their famous cantata. Santa’s Conveufion, in the town hall here on Monday 'evening, 23rd inst. A good programme is in preparation. Mr. S. D. Dunn, Grand Organizer of the Independemt Order of Forestâ€" ers, is here in the interest of the Order. ~ Miss Mabel McKee, of Toronto, for- merly of this place, arrived here lasL- Saturday night, and will assist at, Santa’s Convention. Plated knives, forks and spoons, carpet sweepers, coal oil heaters, meat cutters, etc., just the thing for Christmas presents, at Cinnamon’s, Lindsay. Mfiss Lillie McKay, Of G‘lenvarm, has accepted a position in xhe (general merchandise store of J. Murchison Co., of this place. Mr. Fred. Bing-ham, of the Dental College, Toronto, is home for the Holidays. JohnG-ordon went to Toronto on Monday, and will be gone three or four weeks. ' inst., at 7 o’clock pm” when Rev. Mr. Barber, of SfouflVirlle, will .de- liver an address yn lo‘cal ”prion- - Miss Ethel anpenstall, who has been in Tor;.2:m Ior‘the last six monthais home and will remain here for a lcw weeks. Second hand wood cook stoves and coal heaters cheap, at Cinnamon’s, Lindsay. iiiâ€"s}: Ettie Waltpn, orVngwood,~is) in. The offering received amount- SALEM CORNERS . WOODVILLE. looking charming in a navy blue suit and white silk waist and car- rying a. bouquet of white carnations. She was attended? by Miss Edythe narrow, sister of the groom. who wore a blue suit and carried pink cal-nations, while Mr. John COCh' rane, brother of the bride. supported the groom. After the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. Mr. Munroe, pastor of the Presbxterian church, Cambmy. the party proceed- ed to the dining room,~ where they sat down to a SumPt‘loius reput- “'5 came the wife of Mr. John William Morrow, of Glenarm, Miss Emma Shier_ played Mendelssohn’s wedding march as the bride, who was given away by her cousin, _Mr. Jae. Goob- A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. John Cochrane, lot 5, con. 5, Township of Fenelon, when his eldest daughter_ Lizzie, be- happy couple left on the six o’clock train for Toropto, Niagara.- and other pomts. The many Afriends of Mrs. Morrow .bbne testimony to their good will, love and esteem for her by the may handsome gifts accompanied by Unto my friends ‘1 Unto my God in: The U.0.0.F. social and: ball was a. great success, and the proceegls am- ounted to $47.25. Mr. Joseph Day was chairman, and made a splendid Openings address. Col. Sam Hughes followed with a, first-class lecture, which was altogether too short to suit the audience. He also gave a recitation as well as several select- ions on the granmnphone. A recitat- ion by Miss Weston was" well rtnder- ed, and merited loud applause. A telegram from. J. H. Carnegie was read regretting his inability to be present. After the concert and task- ets were sold, the seats were rennv- ed and dancing was the order of the evening. Mr.Harry Ward, of Goder- ch, furnished the best music we ever had here. The Oddfcllows are to be congratulated upon the nice orderly way they carried off everything. Mr. J .‘ H. Anderson has placed a," fine new piano in the hall. Mr. T. Burrows has moved his Christmas gOods to Goodnrhaml. and has opened them up in Mr. F. Val- lewn’s store. ’ Skates, pocket knives, razors and carving sets, suitable for Christmas presents, cheap at (‘innamon’s, Lind- say. Messrs. J. H. Ancdérson < Son will have Will J. White, the grewt con- cert comedian, and Miss Hazel Bell, soprano, of Toronto, for the evening of Dec. 26th. Evergbody should try and be present to hear these. enter- tai'ners. Rev. Mr. Weather-head and Mr. Jas. .Sheu took in the concert" Mr. and Mrs. H, Deyman and a n-umftjerof friends came up from Good- erham for the conoert. Mrs. Wm. Rollins has been wry sick, but under Dr. Walker’s tram,- ment she is recovering. We are sorry to report the death of one of our esteemed neighbors, Mr. Adam Graham, Sr., of IUrsa. Mr. Graham has been. ailing, for some time. He was bailiff in the third Division Court "for over 20 years. In politics he was a staunch Liberal. He was very popular with eVery- body he came in contact with. His family have the sincere symputny «.f the who-lo community. Second hand \ioo'd cook stoves and coal heaters cheap, at Cinnamon’ 5, Lindsay. Reverend Archdeacon Warren, of Toronto, passed through the inllage on the way to Essonv-ille on Thurs- day. Worth seeing.â€"-When dbing your Christmas shoppimg be sure and see the beautiful display of the celebrat- ed “Peninsular” and “Champion” stoves and ranges, at Cinnamon’s, Lindsay. Mr. Fred. Taggart, of the Frost Wood (30., was in the village last week Settling with the;local agent, Mr. J. H. Anderson. ' We have nearly a, foot of snow. It makes good slebhingr Please don’t forget, whaze'ur lmtidc; It comes this year on Friday night. Plated ~khiVes, forks and spoons, ,carpet- sweepers, coal oil heaters, meat cutters, etc., just the thing for Christmas presents, at Cinnamon’s, Lindsay. Salem Ohriatmas tree is drawing The one we all hold so dear. Eta name has travelled far and wide;; his knee. He Was carried over to Mr. thison’s, where Dr. McPhail was summoned. We are glad to see him around again. Ur. Thos. McInnis bought a fine cow last week from Mr John Praise of Woodville. - $kates, pocket knives, razors and carving sets, suitable for Christmas presents, cheap at Cinnamon's, Lind- Mr. Original Croft had the misfor- tune last Wednesdgy night while yaugixng to Sal'em to slip and sprain We are pleased to have with ‘us agmn‘Miss Sarah Graham, who has been in Torbnto for some time. WEDDING IN FEN‘ELON. Qitei'ed the parlor at 8 o'clock Legumes TORY HILL. 1V6 1 56%!!!“ W Miss Carolyn Beacock, soprano, of Toronto, proved a. host in herself, and her songs “The High- landman’s Toast,” “My Heart is Sair for Somebody,” “The Beautiful Land on ~High,” “Caller on," “Kil- larney” and “Visions,” were all sung in a manner which gave evi- denceoi the artistic temperament i-n a-high degree. Harv-best efl'ort was undoubtedly the Scottish fishwife's song, “Caller ou'." Mr. Peter Wilson was in excellent forum, and his clear baritone voice rang 'out finely in “The Coming o! the King!’ He also gave a fine rendering of “The City of Light." -; and later, :by request, the humorous Scottish ballad, “Come under my Phaidie,” Was sung by him in the 'broad Doric tongue of his native The second piece by the choir was in fine contrast to the first, and was sung with a. fineness of expression and taste rarely found in a. country dhoir, This piece. was “Hear the Belis!" (a Christmas hymn for ladies’ voices) from the Voice of Praise; Mifi Madge Sullivan took the obli- gwato in the chorus, and her voice rang clear and sweet above .the rest. of the choir. The concert was opened by the choir,“ which, under the leadership of Mr. Peter Wilson, gaVe a. spirited rendering of the Chant National (0, Canada, Beloved Fatherland 3.) by Lavalle, an inspiring hymn which has grown greatly in popularity since it_was translated from the FrenCh by Mr. James Acton, the able editor of the “Church Choir." point of view. . The Rev. E. D. Leitch " presided over an audience of over 200, which included two sleighloads from Port. Perry and others from the surround- ing district. abundance of talent had been pro- cured !qr the event. which proved an On Friday’ night a grand concert was h in the Presbyterian church eld under the auspices of the choir. An \(From omit special cormspondent) 3?: of“ ’ m :1?" EW‘hat Shall It Be ? 'n worm atonmio do not *{takea just pride 1n the number at able journals that cater particularly to their needs and keep the profession of agriculture always to the W the farmers do not eVinee such well- - merited appreciation for these live well-printed and ably edited advocat- es of their particular calling,â€"then the farmers of Ontario, do not con-1 sider matters fully. Probably no other profession is so ably and em- ciently represented and assisted by its ’ journalism as is the profession of husbandry. There is a long list of good papers devoted to farm life and work, and close to the top of the list will always be found The Farmers' Advocate of London, Ontario. This paper has an established reputation for good informatiOn and lots of it, interesting home reading unstinted and clean and helpful, and for intel- ligent and comprehensive articles on ‘the various phases of farm life and ‘work. In addition the Farmers’ Ad- vocate deserves credit for its typo- graphical excellence and its general good press work. But in all these re- / spects, the Christmas number of The Advocate has outdone itself. The letterpress is both attractiVe and me- chanically excellent. The color work is certainly well done. And the mat- terin the nun-ber'is in keepinz with the high mechanical standard and :m- 1 propriate to the calling the “naper represents and the season in which it V A" ’Chrfistmas Number to be Proud of WWW O mug. W ms anost exemp- Iry yonhgmm andan only son. His ather is an invalid, having sufieped wo makes Within the past year, The Problem of the Holiday Trade grows more important every day. If your presents are not bought yet, nor decided upon, we can help you to satisfactory choosing. Below We Give a. Few Hints: of “Electrical Development in Onta- rio,"sby Prof. Day, of Guelph, is one of the leading timely topics taken up. An exhaustive and interesting study is made in this article on this most important subject, which is of vital concern to farmers as well as manu- facturers. There are articles on the is publi8hed. There are splendid art- icles on every branch of agriculture, enlivened by. good illustrations. Po- etry and special home reading are given particular seasonable promin- ence and from beginning to end the issue is a. credit to the publishers and to the community of interest that supports the enterprise. ‘ 74 KENT-$13., LINDSAY E i 11.313308 3. n. mmzms, manager o f WWW ofthe weekand Saturdg Wholesale Prices balance We will gall Slippers at. Washington Money back if not suitbd. Christmas A Shoe House of Quality and Fair Dealing. SHOE STORE At The Heavily Silver Plated Cracker Jars, Egg Stands, Cake Dishes, Bread Trays Cheese Dishes, Fern Pots, etc., at rock bottom prices. Children’s Solid Gold Rings, from 75¢ up. Ladies’ Pearl Set Extension Bracelets, in cases, 4.50 up. Ladies Solid Gold Stone Set Rings, ‘l.50 up. Ebony Brushes for ladies’ 1.00 and up. Roger’s Berry Spoons, Pie Knives, etc., 1,50 to 2.00. Cased. Roger’s' C offee Spoons, 2.00 for half dozen. Cased. Geht’s Cuff Links, in cases, 2.00, to 5.00. 14-- k Solid Gold Pearl Brooches at 3.,25 5.00, 7.00 and up. 14-k Gold Pointed Fountain Pens, 1.00 to 3.00. 8 inch Cut Glass Bowls 5.00. mmm Gent’s 14-]; Solid Gold Scarf Pins, set with ‘Genmne Paris, 2. 50 up. [Natibnal LiVe Stock Records, by Jas B. Spencer, B.S.A.; the English Dairy Shorthorn, by Prof. H. S. Ar- kell, B.S.A. ; the course of trade in Canadian live-stock and farm indus- tries; Maritime types, by A. E. Burke; the beautification of rural homes and highways, by J. R. L. Forster; and the official report and awards in the split-log drag competi- tion. The number goes ‘free to regular subscribers to the Farmers’ Advocate and all who are not subscribers to that journal might find 25 cents very well invested if spent for this creditâ€" able Christmas number. Solid Gold Rings, any color, stone similhr to cut, 4.00 and 5.00. Gent’s ' William St. PAGE

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