I long Jae thought-my youthfu' friend A something to hae’ sent you, Though it should serve nae ithetend, ,,A-“- week. Miss Lottie C 0 spending 3 '59 Grove. Miss. Amy Hal- «has accepted a. I“ belï¬â€™s dry 8°°d3 5 Todd, of Winnipeg. and MI- Lean Spent Sunday '1 town. u- 1‘ w. RA Battle. of Always a. big. range m. ,V.. here, always the new styles, al- ways the best gloves in the trade, always the ‘ owest prices. - 1.25. Elbow Lengths per pair 2.00, 2.50. 2.75; HetIWaists 3.75 has ~aczueigga {position in W. Camp- belli’s dry goods store. Mr. Grant Austin. of Lindsay, pasf sad through town on Friday. Miss E. McArthur is visiting fri- ends in Bid-0n this Seek. W J A-.._ iiiied throat sleeve. 0P8n cum-a Lu â€"-v-_ Mr. and Mrs. A. English and two children Spent Wednesday in Bobâ€" caygeon, attending the wedding oi .Mr. J. Cameron. ‘ Miss F. rmmrston, Ned. and Annie "Thurston attended the bazaar in ‘ltown last Wednesday. A __ Fancy Baskets 1% sts-T’blet': fell, -of Cameron. is bookkeeping in Mr. J. T. Arnold's Ladies’ Small Furs w Ladies’ Rufls, Muï¬'s, Stoles and Collars, in a great variety which for quality and value there are none better. Thai; just a kind momenta. :hildren spent Weanesaay 111. now Ever . one is now Busy wwmwe ml W V..e...-v_, ,, :ayge on, giant: riding the wedding 0i ‘- for Chyr‘istmas. Even Nature seems credit for the manner it}- Mr. J' C mn' Idisposed to give us give us an abun- rendered the anthem ' . Miss F. Thurston, Ned. and Annie . N t.†Thurston attended the bazaar in dag? €853 Moon had the misfor- (1)) r. Moore and C. Th4: town IaSt Wednesday. . tune to have his finger tladly lacer- genial banker, spent M01 Miss Violet Feu' °f cammn' ES ‘ ated in the rollers of the utting- mum, bookkeeping in Mt' J' T' Arnold 5 'box, while cutting feed at Mr. Robt. A concert will be gin grocery. . . IBraxien’s. Junior League Of the I St' Andrew’s church ml-l hold thmr‘ Mr. Harry Anderson has returned on the evenn'ng of Dec. annual Christmas tree next M03133. «from Saskatchewan. He reports pregrammc will be given night. A short NW 13 being times dull and labor scarce. ment. prepared by the children, and 8' 3006‘ Mr. . William Stiles, one of the Mr. Mitchell's little in time Is expected. pioneers of this locality, died on the arm broken last week. A large “nib" °f m" ymmg pew morning of the 13th inst.. at , the A high class concert ple attended the Glenarm fowl_supper age of seventy years, after a so me- in tha- 13.0.1?“ 1191101 on Monday, and report havmg a what lengthy illness. He was buried night by the Epwgrth 1 stand tune. in the Fenclon Falls cemetery on the methudist church-'7 It P1 Mrs. J. J. Hunter and Mrs. _J_. .E. 15th inst. , ’blgm‘r and better M .Hunter, of Gooderham. are Vismng The Council met he re on the 16th 0 ï¬rian. a‘ W . . ‘ to. wind up the business for the ,from Whitby M8931 "re Jm Movnes. Miss Culhs “31.....- 1on7 ‘ . i .. en *3“ _ _ â€l tute in Guelph. Hisses Vanostrand. of Toronto. is the guest of the Misses Hand. The skating rink opened on Satur- day ovenilp, and as usual was We 1y attended. sad the ice was in ï¬rst class condition. ’ _‘ I ‘Cr,,;l~ Mufl's from 1.25 up to $16. Ladies’ Sable Opposum Scat-f5, 80 inches long, fur al- round, cord and braid orna- ment trimmed. Extra special value each .........7,75 Parasols, Always Good for Xmas gifts. ï¬ne Tafl'eta am tops, steel frames, pearl and handles. A good variety in tl mas o'er-vim -- -. The com: is also preparing special music. « Mr. J. Golden. of the (3th Comm. is in town this week. Mr. Harris. who has been relieyihg in the B.N‘.A. bank for the past, (gr Weeks, left for his home in Tor-06 on Honda-y. ‘ - T _ ,_: - The Harmony Mk1 an assemâ€" h): on My, which wag very Inge- Lv attended. ‘ ’ « Its. A. McIntyre spent Tuesday .in Sable Scarfs from msmh, NORTH 1mm. "'ï¬, m m‘ The manual meeting of LJ).L. .952 In: mm on Dec. 9 for the pal-9989 Lottie Copp, of Lindsay, is 2- a few days at Balsam Joe Moynes Miss Cums and E. Nie attended a, meeting 0! East Victoria Farmers‘ Instiâ€" vvâ€"â€" - v-vâ€"* 0 5.1.0111. of St. Andrew’s h will comma. special EM 8 Shirley and Hazel of Lindsay, apd Mr. A. if“ 1. 11‘s. J. Northey and child: friends in Peterboro last Now is the. big. range for A.__‘ -. :hout Hallway, of . Iiartle, of Picton. Of the Brooks House N FALLS. and Mr. of Parasols, suitable Taffeta. and Gloria pearl and assorted variety in the range. 12 50 to in W. Camp- J. Mc- not as houses m was WWW-“ ,. Mr. David Kennedy, J r., is ï¬xing this house over, which will and much 5to the appearance of the place. Mr. John Ashmore attended the Board of Health meeting at Omemee on Saturday last. ,At a meeting held in the hall last Wednesday night four delegates were appointtd to attend the Conservative : 'convefntion on Thursday. Our pastor, .Mr. Wilson, preached a ‘_ very able‘ sermon last, Sabbath on the “Mode of Baptism," .in.which he proved his points very clearly. I. Clearing a Mantlféamtztutrer’~ 5 Lot Of Sample Collars at about They are a very special ofl‘ering, sil Xmas is whylthe’ pricesare so 10w. 1 'All a in almost all colors a person could "desire are equally as varied; all must go, so: - ‘ 25¢ and 306 40c and 50c ' , Collars ISC Collars " 25C 75c and 850 Collars Buy A Waist Length Handsome embroidered Waist Lengt white with colored embroidered design. An'impor‘tatio Japan for the Xmas trade. The Waist Length for..... ‘ Embroidered Silk, 30 inches, wide, nice for gift Special per yd ................................................ Ladies?.Fur Coats W Our range of. Fur Coats is by far the largest we have ever shown. The qual- 111 bus: nay-“v, .., make looking elsewhere only a waste of time, especially moreso now when we have put special low prices on the for the Christmas trade and your time will be fully occu- pied getting Xmas gifts bought. Let us interest you What lengthy illness. n-e wna ~Uu|iw “:50.†â€J __W _. _ in the Fenclon Falls cemetery on the Mcthndist church. It promues to be 15th inst. 'b‘JgPI‘ and butter than evec. 7 ms. The Council met here on the 16m 0 Brian. a celebrated cflncutionist, has inst. to wind up the business for the from Whitby Ladiesf College. year 1907- 'been mam-d. .hesideshlocalVNIaM-nt of Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLean v-isit- high order. ed with Little Britain friends last: 'J'hm-e 13' no reason why our town Saturday and Sunday. cannua reduce some Inst skaters Mr. Jas. Braden is now working 4,)“. wzu'nr. .Tndicatibns point 10 the. in CareW's catnp at Zion. - erectionï¬! two‘ rinks. owzrin the ‘ mm o! Time to Buy Furs. Prices Say 1W u.- “'v ISC Collars $1 and 1.15 50‘: Collars Important Values ] I Ladies’ Fur Lined Goats busy prePam Gertley ; TreaS- . offering, 'siui'ply to clear before >10w. - All are'very late styles and mnld "desire while the désigns are turneu on me CASHâ€"ONE PRICE 5t Lellgths in all black and all e‘sign. An ‘ importatiog . from J. SUTOLIFFE son's, M Mr. L. Wickett, of Lindsay, spent last Sunday at. Villa Dell. Mr. Richard Moase has improw-(l his premdres by erecting a. new Tor- onto windmill. We are very sorry to learn that Mr. Reginald Croft met with «an ac- cident on Wednesday night of last, week which will no doubt. lay him up for some time. The many frieflds of Mrs. C. Rod; Anm W These ever popular Garments are becoming, even more popularâ€"you will like one immensely. The prices won’t trouble you and for we know that Xmas times takes plenty of money so we. have priced the garments low enough to make buying one not interfere with any other plans you had. Nowhere will you ï¬nd better linings and better tops than the garments we show; ‘l’ The many friends of Mrs. C. Rod; man are pleased to see her in our midst again. Mrs. John Grooves, of Seagxavm spent a. few days with her mother. Mrs. Wm. Foster. Sr. _ Quite a. number from this place attended the choir cum-Pr: at Sa-nya on Friday evening of_ 3113-: weak, and LITTLE BRITAIN. l A large audience attended the Meâ€"| bhodist. church Sunday even-“mg. Rev, Mr. Moore pmaohcd a. sermon to young- men on “Manly Greatness,†which was received with marked atw tention. He dwelt. on the great. pos- sibilities for good young men. The chair was composed of :a ï¬ne lot of young men, who rendered the music ‘for the occasion, and deserve great. credit for the manner in which they “a..-“ nu. anthem “Fear Thou Not.†Dr. Moore 9.- gen'i'al banker v ronto . A concert will be given by the1 Junior League of the Math. Church on the evening of Dec. 23m. The, prOgramme will be given in the bus..- ment. . Mr. Mitchell's little boy had his arm brokcn last wee . A high class concert. will be given in flu- 1.(9.0.F.. hall‘on Chï¬sm as night by the Epwqrth League of the Mcthudist church. It promhes to be -LL»-~ "a mm than ev..:. > Miss. '10; W vvâ€"W The annual New Year's 0'" given by the Methodist church will be held as usual manta preparations are ‘. Next SW" am the choir in the thM-fll meow 60c and 75c Collars good time. and c. Thompson. out p, spent Monday in To- ~ 1.50 Collars 0.000.05' ('1 750 Now Await You. 3 | Men’s Fur‘Coats 3| . A dollar goes a vlongway ' thisséctiqlg. ' If you onlyi-"m how happy'you could mgk‘g" t Iv" speJdiié dollarâ€"and. more too. RockinéChaM 35¢ and 406. Big Variety Toys at 25c. . Doll Carriageq qt 25c. Horses on Whe'gls at 250. _Toy. Dishes. zoc',2_5c. 30c. 118 Games} 15c, 25c, 35c. Bugate Dutcl; Carts. 15c. V Dolls. 5c. 10c, 15c. 25c, 50c.‘ " fFrameg Pipturysli‘w‘gé 50c.:75c. 95c Stoty‘ Books, 5c to 25¢. Toy’Stoves, 15c, , 5c. " Silvered Napkin Rings, each 100. Silvered’ N t Sets. 250. Gram!) Tray and Brush, 20c, -- J spam se Cups and Saucers, 12§c Fancy Cups and Saucers. 10c. Fancy China. Pitchers, 5c to 2530. Waste Paper Baskets, 500 to 75¢. Mr. Mex. A. McEachem called on friends here on Thursday evening. abolish A couple of wedd-‘mgs are expected 1 cm is to come off soon. travelli ‘ ‘~Aâ€"-â€"- Acnn no;- martial DU \r\,._v We are sorry to lose from our mi- ‘ bonhood and church Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald. also Mrs. Bailey, who having sold their farm here, have retired to Wacdville. We are sorry to learn of the ill- ness of Mrs. R. Grant, but hope soon 7 _ _ -.-..-- In - the' Basement H’ We emphasize‘ Coon Coats for men, because they are extra good wearing, ex- tremely light and easy to car- -.v-._, v- to hear of her speedy recovery. I Mrs. J. Birkle and daughter, M-issz Jessie, dressmaker, have moved to Kirkï¬eld. Both will be missed here. Mr. M. McLean spent Tuesday in ‘Canning‘ton. Mr. Hugh Currie attended the con- ‘cert at Lorneville on Friday. and reports a good time. Go to McLean for Christmas goods. It is with deep regret that we have to chronicle the death of Mrs. FM‘ IMcEachem, who dies on Dec. 5th, af-ttr a. very short illness. Mrs. Mc- Eaahem- was one of the early settlers of this place. She was a: member of the Presbyterian Church here for years. was -a kind neighbor, friend and mother, and was well lï¬ted by all. who knew her. She leavas ï¬ve sons and two daughters to mourn a." inst Hm- mmm'ns were interred ry, have good appearance, are warm and more particularly because we make a specialty of them. This season we pro- cured a leading manufactur- er’s samples at prices away below their real value. Men who have them are pleased and mgny sales are the result. Better see them when in. in the Angyle cemetel'Y- LINDSAY The Rev. Mr. Menzie, of Quebec, will occupy the pulpit Sunday, Dec. 22nd. - Mrs. McIntyre is improving under the medical attendance of Di‘. Me. Dermot. Mrs. Clark is qisiting her brother, Mr. Godfrey Truax, for a. few days. ‘ “7-: .4“. Ell- “WI‘VJ â€"-.. Mr. Simeon Noble happened with' a. pain-ful’accident ,‘wbile chopping in- the bush one day last week. A chip flying (mm his axe struck- him in the ,,,,gI| _-L L- AAanIfl "’qu ll v..- â€-â€" 0379. The results-xvii! notâ€" be serious. Mrs. “Archie McDonald is recovmrj ing from“ an attack q! the measles. ‘ 11A DTPOLQA S. S. ASSOCIATIOX MARIPOSA 8,- The ‘ 10“} option CRESWELL. gladly re expreuwicnu .9 .. a_-w, travelling public, a factor in com- )m our mi- mercial prosperity, or an aid to tax- r. and Mrs. Zauon, 9,11 04 which is quite queStion- its. Bailey, table. its abolioion will bring about arm here, a. condition of aï¬uirs Very much more satisfactory to all “10508-5 “1011 of the illâ€" as establizhing a happier and mom- .t hope scon progress me home, a richer manlmmLa overy. more sucmstul medical practict‘. a ghter, Miss twider education, a relief to tho WV- moved to 0115' which drink multiplies, and the; missed here. more rapid development of religion. Tuesday in which brings peace and advancement. towide neighborhoods of m'cn. (led the com 011 Sunday evening the Rev. R. Mc- ‘riday. and Culloch addresses a. large congre- gation on the subject of local op- atnms goods. tion. The address was very logical, :hat we have and convincing. and no doubt, will )1. Mrs. F. lgmatly influenoegthe issues on J an. You should- Put It on No Men‘s Fur-Lined Goats E’ For a dressy, good appearing warm coat you cannot do better than procure a fur lined coat. We have them with splendid quality Beaver and Melton tops, Ot- ter and Persian Lamb collars, light and dark color rat lin- ings, only prime skins being used. Remember in coats of this class they must be well made inside as well as out- Large. len‘s Clothing 3:? You'll need a new Suit or Overcoat for Christ- mas. Better come here for it. We will give you the kind you Ordinaryly pay high price to the tailors for, at a price that will mean a big saving. Good materials are necessary and gnml workmanship is essentâ€" ial to good wearing clothes. We sell Northway made gar- ments which is a guarantee .1â€; tkav um made right. of the newest furn men here. Come a special showing fo day trade. We knc buy your gifts fat at this store. Tln ishing department uated for ladies men, being situa centre of th store ed by all aisles. Ties at 25c and r uâ€"â€"~"‘ owl supper at Glenar night. Miss Florence Brok< L. C. 1.. Lindsay. is ebec, week at home. .3“ n... A number of yount interred I on I good things we enjoy. If t. abolish the bar, which so: ted gem is a. great convenience travelling public, a fact: vei- menial prosperity, or an : lrs. :ation, all oi which is quiu Lev. Lable, its abolition will bl 191.. satisï¬ed with the reOBPUOII Elven Ilupa . . . .ys. thomlby the host. and hosteSS. he Wm not disappomt them. 1e, Mlcn., ucln rlth Mrs.“ naming. accompanied by ' 'â€" ara Falls and E 5.0. was Ettaand Master Osgvnm E. CAMERON. “ “I - Good goin De ms. m. Claude Irwin and Allan . . verâ€" Phtchlord walked ï¬fteen miles in “me m 0'13 0‘ our 0w" and ' ' 4 we and a. half hours one 6‘! 1st. . rm ‘ M. Who can beat that for fast son of Ir Wm. Styles. He died or. Good goingDe .nvlmndng? WW. December 13th. uterushort 25,an Dec. 2! , , _ _ 7.__ M. n... times. 'lhe remains were interred in gafï¬allgoot y 5 We have stills g while theyfllash we are going to put money _ _ ‘ purses in the way of ctual saving; Don’t put off any longer mantle before Christmas. ~Now there is no but get'your new reason for further delay as prices have ‘struck the lowest notch. ‘ - ' 15 38 Costs $6 $10 Coatsuï¬so ' sCoaltasng)?13 5'0 now only now only ‘ ' ‘D_:_... n.†Children’s Coats Silk waists . $3 Japanese Tafl'eta Silk Waist-s, in blacl ered panel trimmed with lace and tucks lace trimmed cuffs, open back, Only.. Aprons, Gowns, H‘s-“v side. Ours are and the prices are right too. “Wu “3 “v... A number of young .pcople "013 [slay and Cambmy spent Friday ev- ening at the home of Mf- and ‘11“- Armour Hancock. After dancing and other games the gusts departed well satisï¬ed with the reception given them by the host and hostess. ms.“ naming. accompanied by â€Ethical Master 05W“d E- mu, spent nursday with Mrs- â€It. Anumbor from here attended the [owl supper at Glenarm on Monday night. Miss Florence Brokenshire. of the L. C. 1.. Lindsay. is Spending this Hr. anhurs. E. Burtonml‘m Sunday gum. mums- J- 3“" ton. o'f Canningâ€!!- Mr. A. Clark is also on Some luncheon saying "The "1“ ‘0!†Math! I think we “MY. ., can Christmas†YҠR â€a“ like is now 1 new is 3’0“" “0" than†‘ 7 .. ' aux: Ithink win-awn". _- mm", W :hristw." Yes. it looks CM“. o! m Fans, delivemd up: them .is you now â€'7 inï¬nitive sermons not): morn- , ~ “I apt! evening to Qpnciative and- in; “9" ‘0' °‘“' “3‘†“â€" m‘ The M owns amounted some mt few W .30 w seventy doll-n. J- 'thh «wall In. m. o! B. c.. hatpreeem; lug!" sister. Hrs. L. Hooey, ALSO IN OSHAWA CALIBRAY. mus is at, pmscm quite Kimonas, Wrappers, em, u acceptable Christmas Gift. are also greatly reduced In price. little ones in. 1t to-duy M 601110 consid- mce .to We Lot [112“ 11- Mc- Mrs. John Black happened with '39 cong‘l‘e- very painful accident, injurmg f local 0!" , hip. but we hope for her speedy very log‘icQE covery. _ - . - ,QLL . A n the sick N here VPowlo’i comers. Sunday" Hag-(run. m spent. Sunday .1. m Ewan: M at Sonya and Lime in black or white; ï¬ne embroid- d tucks, 2 sleeve, tucked and of mantles at Ralow Their 33’ You’ll need a new Suit or Overcbat for Christ- mas. Better come here for it. We will give you the kind you ordinaryly pay high price to the tailors for, at a price that will mean a. big saving. Good materials are necessary and good workmanship is essent- ial to good wearing clothes. We sell Northway made gar- ments which is a guarantee that they are made right. (‘ume in. well attended on Friday evening of ast week. but. the lecture by Rev. J. . Hector at Manvcrs kept several away. .Dentalwâ€"One of the ï¬rm of See- lands . Irvibe, dentists. Lindsay, w 11 be at Mr. Morton's. Little Brit- ain, on Friday, Dec. 27th. BEXLEYL V We are pleased to have Kigg Win- ter with us again. and to hear the merry sound of sleigh hells once 'vv“ - We are glad to have with us again} Mr. Fred. llrcntnell, after spending a 3 couple of «maths n Moose Jaw. He speaks well of the west. The woolly west. must ugree with you all right, eh. Fred 9 Miss Minnie McKenzie has been on ‘the sick list for the. last few days. ‘We hope she will be out again soon. Mr. Joseph Black. of Glenarm. calâ€" led on friends here lately. ' We hope that many of our young people will take advantage of the meetings to be held at Victoria Road Christmas week. The McKogue brothers have a ï¬ne display 0! Christmas goods. Coll speaks well ‘ west. must a] ch, Fred 7 Miss Minnh the sick list We hope she Mr. J coop! nod on friend Gust preparations are being made by the children for Santa Claus. We hope he will not disappoint them. again visited our neighb'orhood. this time taking one of our older and most respected members in the per- son of Ir. Wm. Styles. He died or. Friday, December 13th. afternshort‘ ilheas. 'lhe remains were interred in the Mica Ftlls cemetery on Sun- ‘day. Inch pympnthy is felt for the ba'enved'hnily. A. In spite of the unhvorable weath- er. quite a. Wat-tended the an- niversary services ‘on Sunday last in .coo-y-cooo make suitable and LITTLE BRIT AIS . I. Show?†a; SONS. Lindsay and Oshawa coo-conunoooocoo of their ubâ€"to-kate Bring the Kenzie has been on the. last few days. be out again soon. ck, of Glenarm. cal- 'e lately. ' mm of our young advantage of the To Our Customers with a We Wish you one and all A Merry Christmas ï¬Ã©w here is a. splendid oppor. admityï¬i! buy. pometbi that is suit ‘to he appnec'm and a “inching anyone neger has too many ‘01- ‘ ’ 9 liengtitched Lawn Handk‘fs. 5 Lace Corner Lawn Handk’fs. 6 Lace Edged Lawn Handk‘fs. 3 ï¬ne Lace Edged Lawn Hand- hex-chiefs. 3 Hemtiqued Law_n_ Handker. LGmt 25c Offering her chiefs with embroidered initial 3 Hematibched Pure Linen Hand- kerchiefs. . i . 3 Handkerch’fs with embmidery 00m? and hemstitched inner. Fine Embroidered Hemstitch- 2 a] Haggiffrsgefs. "he, 0 ed Han - kerchiefs; Eds - d 1 all p-ire Linen Initial Hand- kerchief: hemstibched. 1 Handsome Swis: Embroidered Handkerchief. , 1 Lace Trimmed Fine Linen Handkerchief. Furs, Gloves and Scarfs W Always a good range of the newest furnishings for men here. Come and see our special showing for the Holif day trade. We know you will buy your gifts for men best at this store. The new furn- ishing department is well sit- uated for ladies as well as men, being situated in the centre of th store and reach- ed by all aisles. Ties at 25c and 50c; Gloves 75c to $2; Scarfs 50c to $2. Handkerchief Sale 6f Great Importance †Campbell has not spared in making this concert Comcnoneu, come all. treat nf [the season- There Will be a big concert and DI kgt social at Cameron under them: P1085 of the Basbeball Club on Jan an 151:. Particulars next week. 61‘ WANTEDâ€"Land for sheep farm Must have good water supply. ( ,f‘ull particulars, covering chart! of Land, distance from railway. Address No. 97. Watchman-Wu 5 Ofï¬ce. TEACHER WANTED 10, Townshjp‘of S qu. 'Bury's Christmas and Ne‘ Year’s Rates “UlUlln 19th. 1907. CAMERON WANTEDâ€"For 5- 1908. Apply t" V and enjoy no any 98“ a sum .ac LITTLE LVbLUME by Act ' Cars of thi> an n to Mariposa an Stations: sump] seen and prim 5 either 111;:ch quirino few 1 W!†i bargain 1 Always in the “BIKE, RE! and TIMOTE 3 Highest marl paid all the :1 Salt, Steam Coal. and ‘ ‘Chri u; Mariposa. Hard Coal a1 Station. meet 1 of 1031“: 1 times mm , t- 0! 31.00 :5 We are re We have and have how As our 5 suggestions. slapâ€"outta: .tcn Bdll‘ .A no- which R Will Advert! on Lind ind Grunt Plai‘ Colore Kid, mere. Belts Cushioi Cards. and Ril T ablj Tea Cl Tray (1 Lad Linen Stoles. Blaxï¬ skirts, 'I‘ICS. Kid am with i‘