veryloweu D to $5 00. Combsâ€"The high grade in town, these 98% and. 989 Ltinate, )t you. -a superior Walrus. etc.. ‘ mother or andsome and ’, brother or lave the best letic, Gillett’s Safety. $2.00 â€namménugw e r. 0 .11 %f.00 to $5.00. bittenâ€"Am- m a .alf an BUT z. 1907. nfection, axes, 35c :al a. superb 3 for shaving heavy glass. 20 20 2o 20 2o 20 15 15 15 15 10 15 10 10 20 20 20 U! BIS etc; 50c to 15 15 15 20 15 15 15 10 10 10 15 15 10 10 10 Elam in 44 67 67 76 67 53 67 70 70 70 61 51 74 74k W1, DT1D__E_ Good News For the Girls , Handkerchiefs for Gifts for Men, Women and Children ‘ Gentlemen's Initialled Handkerâ€" Men’s Initialed White Silk Hand! - Ladies’ Embroidered Handkerchiefs chiefs, all linen, 4} dozen in box; reg. kerchiels, ......... 25c, 50c, 75c 100, 15c, 20c, 25c. All special. £1.60, sale ........................ $1.30 Colored Border White CentrfExâ€" Ask to see our 2 for 25° Embroid- King Edward Linen Handkerchiefs, celda Handkerchiefs ......... 3 for 35c ered Handkerchiefs. 7: dozen in box, reg. $1.65, sale .............................. 2 for 25cj . . , . an 0: MM": mu. â€Rwandan Silk Init'ialed. hfftl‘EACAhl’dfenf Handlierchlefs, 3 VOLUME ...... $1.35 Men e Linen Handkerchiefs, drawn with hemstitching, i; dozen in box :32. $2, for ..................... $1. 60 Ladies' Black and Cblored Kid Cloves ......... 756, $1, $1.25 Ladies’ Ringwood Gloves, red, brown; green, navy and black 25c Lined Cashmere Gloves, 250, 35c, Men’s Heavy Underwear, fleeced and wool at 500. 3 extr specials 75. $1 and $1.25. ‘-. Fancy Xmas Veiling to 500. Children’s Fancy Windsor Ties-2:30 and 30c. Bear Coats. Bear Bonnets, navy, green and garnet Brown, 35 31 c, s e Checked Dress Goods. r88- 25c. Navy, garnet, brown and green Ve- netian, reg. 60C, has 3310 506. -‘ Brown, navy, green and black Ladâ€" ies‘ Cloth for costumes, panama ï¬n- ish. reg. $1.50, sale $1.25. Cream Lustre Voiles and Panama, 60c, sale 500. Black, navy, white and brown and Nile green Eolienne, reg. 31-15. 8816 The be“ medium for Advertilm Conr- Lindsay Nile green Eolienne, reg. new, w" 350. yd. ' White, cream, grey. rod and navy Corded Velveteen for costumes, reg. 60c, sale 500. China Silks, all shades. $50; 35c, and 506. ‘ V Black Merv Silk. 1’08- $1. 8310756- Y8213431: peau-de-soie, reg. $1.50, sale 3..' '. ‘ . , All shades of Taï¬eta and Tamo- ï¬nes Silk, 50¢, for~ 454:. 604: for 506. White BedlSpreads, $1, $1.25. $1.50 $2.50, $3.00. Lace Curtains, 766. $1, $1.25 and $1.50'to $10. ‘ ' . ‘ The Monarch Muffler 25c and 50c. Men's Fur Lined Gloves $2, $2.50 and $3. Men's Mocha; Gloves, 85c, $1, $1.25 . and $1.50 Men's Heavy Lined Mitts 500, 756i ‘ and $1.00 White and Black Silk Blouses, ï¬'ne tucking, fastened in back, ï¬ne tucking back White and Black Japan Taffeta Silk Blouse, _ Brown, Navy and Black Taï¬eta’ Waist, reg. $0.50, sale ........ Embro,dered Cream Taffeta Cloth Blouse, reg. $3.50, for ....... Handsome Flannelette Waists for houSe wear ........................ Black Sateen Blouses ......................................................... Black Sateen Skirts ................................ nd navy moreen, reg Colored Underskirts in grey and brown 8. Black Taï¬eteen Skirts, reg. $2.25, sale $2. Spun Glass $1.25 _ -_. . -- ., ,_1._-..A.... LL10 and red strme, reg. $1 ........................ Ladies 1' wo specials in Bonnets, 500, 756, 90c, $1.50. Bear Skin Caperines, 75c and $1. Jackets, $1.7 5, $2.25, $2.75 and $5 canon-0.. one-go... no....II.-OOOOO .tanooooo 00¢.“ ooooooooooooooooo m S W WW. 0 ~ Other lines ‘ofFut Gout: .. ....................................... Men’s F“: W: ’M .O'l...â€â€v ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo LADIES,COHE T611118 STORE FOR ‘ms we want ,to see yOu. 'It will be Quick March Time if you do your SHOPPING in the time left. 500 Toys, Dolls, Games and Notions bought at almost l-2 price on display in our Mantle room up-stairs. c o M E A N D s E E Gloves Xmas BraceS_. Blouses, Dress and 50c. 0. Gauntlets, 3 sizes, for 75¢. xd $1. Children’s Imitation Grey and $3.77; Gauntlets and Collars. , sale $2. Spun Glass :31 ‘. blue and red stripe, reg .............................. 2 for25c Men's White Excelda Silk Init'ialed Handkerchiefs 20¢. each Men’s Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs ...... 25c1 350, 50c 4 inch Taffeta. Ribbon in ibrown, cardinal, pink and navy, for 15c yd. Holly and Dresden Baby Ribbon. Silk, Satin Baby Ribbon. Handsome Laces for fancy work, from 5c to 15c. Embroidered Collars 10c, 15c, 200. Silk Collars 25c and 50c. Ladies’ Silk Belts 25c and 500. Necklaces from 50 to 60c. Side Combs, 10c, 15c, 25c. Back Combs, 20c, 25c, and 500. Fancy Hat Pins 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c. MEN’S TIES, SHIRTS AND MUFFLERS . 4-Iin-hand Ties, new patterns, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Xmas Regatta Shirts, 3 specials, '50), 750, $1. Hook-on Ties, 200 and 25c. Berlin Zephyrs and Floss, 7% oz. Children’s and Ladies’ Clouds, 2'5c, 50c, 7'5c. Boys’ Sweaters, 506, 750, $1.00. ZOO, OW, m Ladies' may Wool Hose, 25c, 30c, 35c, 45c and 506. Ladies’ Knitted Underwear, from 25c. to $1. ' Childmn's,.15c to 506. . , Flannelette Night Gowns; 60c, $50, $1 and $1.25. Dlawers. 306, 500, 75c.“ .. A‘ pa Golf Jackets, v navy, red, wmu $3, Cream and green Shades, with lace 50c, 75c and $1. . Ladies’ Silk Parasols, $1.25. 92. Va.†200 Golf Jackets navy, red, ‘white and blue, 113.52%, for $2.. Toques, Mitts Hosiery Toques, 25c, 400 and 500. Mitts, 250, 356 and 506. . V Little Children’s Wool Hose, 15c Ladies’ Cashmere Hose, 3 specials, Wr'appers, $1. ............................. ‘1..°.'.'.'.'.'.'"..IIIIL"..'.'.'.'.'.'.'."..'..'.'.'"$1,$1.25, $1.75, $2.56,"'Soli§ht for Xmas. $1.25 and navy moreen, reg. $1.40, sale . ...................................... $2. Sp_un Glass $1.25, for $1. ‘ ' “ “ $1.50 1 '7: e915 ................................. Neckwear â€Gnu, vus mum ireg. $2.%,,for $2., ., Roman shaped Damask for lckets, navy, red, White corners. reg. 70c,_ for 000. ma green Shades, with lace Cushion Tops, Qoxds and Girdles. lnd $1. Cotton Blankets; $1-%1 921 $.1'50° ,. 1 W001 Blankets, :3, $3.75. Christmas Gifts sale $41.50. Black Coney, 1-3. $3.50, sale $2.50. Grey Silk Parasol's, L $2.25 , reg $3.50,, sale .......................................... $2 :quirrel, reg. $14.50. sale .........._....-..... .. .... $1230 ibat, reg. $9.50, sale $350; Black 3031' 1511!. 1‘08. . 8316319 mzPersienWedaes, 133.35. ,sa1085.m8- r 3333 cosy DR. BURROWS AND DR. SIMPSON OBJECT. . Dr. Burrows appeared before the 896, $1, $1.25, cannon and addresses them Venom; subjects. The ï¬rst was the question 0! his taxes. Dr. .Bnrrows thought that he should noti be required: to pay more than 845 all his property. Thepl-operty had dept-minted ’very ' much in value, and this he claimed was due to the nation or Lukas! ac- tion of the council .in allowiljf: the maintenance of a. nuisance a1 ide ’ . Dr. Burrow‘ s. 7 ,,‘he Goods and Underskirts Eor'75c; $1.10, $1.50, back, $250, for - back and from} 0.0.0.... o co. c... to! 731,75, sale... Vo-ï¬-covo-mtoo-I. ...oo .00 . cu. w- coo-cu on...- 50-09.... no II- o. ..ucoo... n.- ...o--o-o .o-u...-- .00. o o no. antic-no. non-unnoo Ask to see our 2 for 250 Embroidâ€" ered Handkerchiefs. Little Chi,dren’s Handkerchiefs, 3 for 50, 2 for 50, 5c and 8c. , Children's Shell Purses, Souvenir of Lindsay, 15c and 250. Children’s Beaded Chatelaine, 3 colors, 25c. Handbags, 25c, 50%, 75c. Peggy Bags, 500, 750, $1. Beauty Pins, 56 and 10c. Fancy Brooches 10c, 150 and 250. Sea Shell Novelties. Glove and Handkerchief Boxes 25¢. Fancy Pin Cushion Box, I {and Mir- ror, Butterfly Box, Heart Shaped and Leaf Box for \25c. each. Dog Kennel Photo Framasl Little Children’s Sewing BoxeS, 25¢ each. Children’s 5 o’clock Tea. Setts 25c each. Photo Frames, 10c, 156, and 25c. Fur Dogs for 'children, on wheels, 25c, and 50c. Ladies’ Corsets, 50c, 75c: and $1. Children’s Suspenders from 15c to Colored Handkerchiefs for fancy work, 50, 80, 106, 12%. ,A____ _, 25c. Men’ s Sweaters reg; $3.75, for Table Linens, Table Cloths 5nd Napkins Table Napkins, , $1.75 for $1.50, $2, for $1.75 ; $3, for $2.50. Linen Table Cloths, 10-4, reg. $1.- 95, sale $1. 124,- reg. $5.50, sale $4.50; reg. $3.75, sale $3.25. White Damask Table Linen, 65 inch, reg. $1.30, sale $1.10; reg. $1.- 10. sale.85c; reg. $1.60, sale $1.25., On, L‘BK- 'P-l-UV, w Yon-v m a , "c, ,. 1 , al .856; r . 1.60 sale $1.25.‘ payment. 0 S 8 6g ’ Mr. McWautters, ‘tax collecsor for Pmâ€. Slfafns' 50", 375° and $‘ 1906, asked that the tax roll be re- 8333? 122111530 Tenenï¬e» 2 for 5°. 5° mm to the Finance Committee with. . . , - , power to act, so that he might .be $1Battenlmrg Centre Pneces, 26¢, 40c, released from. his omciaJ position. He _- » . explained that he was ready to re- -Pillow Forms for Cushlon, 50 and turn the 'oolleotor’s ran for 1905 â€50. with all the coilectable taxes shown ‘ Hemmed Pillow Cases, 1513 each- as paid. Oln motion the request of . ' 1, 150, Mr. McWatters was granted. the date _C_h_em]1e Table 09““ $ $ of the meeting of they Finapce Com- -,10 .per cent. of! _.all Chenille Tapestry Curtains. ,‘Rï¬ngan shaped Damask for corners, reg. 70:, for 00c. and easy I Gauntlets 506, 750 and $1. Collard, $1.25 and $1.60. Black Gauntlets, 50c. and LINDSAY, ONT, "THURSDAY,““1‘9TH BECEMBER, 1907. ‘00. . Purses and / .Handbags on noon-o... .n-n-c... Shell Purses, Souvenir .--o a... 00- 0" ‘ no. o...‘ cant..." O.†at... 65c, $1, $1. P 15" noooologu â€0.0,... Boys ...... $3.15 500. and 75c $1, $1.50 and 75c. $1. A great many people are beginning appeals of- this nature before the to take special interest in the matter County J udge. and when the parties of the equalization bi assessment of . came before. Judge Harding there the country. and particularly in re- Was some diï¬erence of opinion as to gard to the prospective cost of the the procedure. Some held that the handling of the appeals before Judge Judge should deal only with the val~ Harding. The expenses connecteduation of appealing municipalities. with the hearing of the appeals has ‘ Judge Harding. on the other hand, already mounted up apparently tar ‘ took the ground that it was his clear beyond what was expected when pm- duty to take into consideration the cecdings were ï¬rst institute-l, azrl as Valuation of all the municipalities in the matter‘is not vet disposed of, the county. His authority was R.S. some ratepayers look for a. particu- 0... 1904, Chap. 23; sec. 8‘2; SS. 4; larly heavy and Lurdensomc hill of which seems to be clear enough on costs. Such, ï¬gures as $7,000. $8,000 the matter. , and even higher, have been quoted as I Ev1dence then was taken and' the as- n... mm mm. ofthe Irrnt-cerlmzs. lsessment of all the municipalities A great many pebple are beginning to take special interest in the matter of the equalization of assassment of. they country, and particularly ‘in re- The County Assessment * and Its Equalization and even higher, have been quoted as the total cost of the proceedings. From present indication, however, these ï¬gures seem‘ to be somewhat wide of the mark. Probably $3,000 would be nearer the ‘igure, and the expense mav be even lower than this. Of course, it is impossible to do much more than guess at the amount, Judg- ing from the number of sittings held and ï¬guring as closely as may be to the probable cost of each sitting; All the arguments in the appeals have al- ready been hehrd except that on the township of Somerville, Which is be- ing taken up this week, the sitting having commenced on Wednesday morning. A brief history of the case may not be out of place at this time. At their June session in County Council appointed three val- uators for valuing the real property of the county for purposes of county taxation. At the June session, 1907, the county valuators made their re- port. Against this report, the muni- cipalities of Sturgeon Point, Bexley, Garden, Somerville, Eldon and. Lax- +nn “in-luv ant] Tnnofnrfl annealed. | Evidence then was taken and the as- isessment of all the municipalities lwas considered before the Judge for equalization purposes. It has been assumed that Sturgeon Point shall be rated at $64,000 for county equal- ization purposes. Sturgeon Point is now. paying on abasis of $16,'187~. The county valuators placed it at $95,000. Sturgeon Point municipali- ty is the only case where indication has been given as to the outcome. It ,IS generally accepted, however, ' that {several changes will be\made in . the equalization ï¬gures by the judge. The assessment rolls of each municipality were fyled as exhibits in the case 'and the valuators put in their figures for comparison and as the basis of their equalization. These were considered 1906 thelby the judge, but his chief attention Iseemed to be to ï¬nd a basis from the {study of the records of sales. This method has been responsible, no doubt to some extent at least, for .the high cost, but as the records of gsales are a very valuable basis when }taken with other evidence, it was, jperhaps, the best method to adopt in 1securing_ an equitable ï¬nding: At their June session in 1906 the County Council appointed three val- uators for valuing the real property of the county for purposes of county taxation. At the June session, 1907, the county valuators made their re- port. Against this report, the muni- cipalities of Sturgeon Point, Bexley, Garden, Somerville, Eldon and. Lax- ton, Digby and Longford, appealed. "In the by-law conï¬rming the valua- tion by the county valuators, there was'a clause to‘eï¬ect that in case of appeal ï¬nal equalization should be made bv the County Judge. The ap- pealing, municipalities expressed their willingness to have J urï¬ze Harding hear and decide the appeals._ This was the ï¬rst time that the County of Victoria had to deal with :of the Board of health, mr. awn. -Hom, was received and. read, and on motion of Ald. Rea: ascended by Ald. McGeoug-h, it. was decided to have the report published. 'lhc Town Council met in regular session on Monday evening in put- suance to the statute. Mayor Vroo- man occupied the chair, and all the members of council were present. A letter was received from Mr. G. S. Patrick, Secretary of the Library Bound, transmitting the resignation of Mr. R. Kylie from the Bom‘d.; The resignation was accepted on motion. A letter was received from the 0. RR. informing the council that the bill for freight on cannon was cor-' rect‘ as Minder-ed. The account of McLaughlin. Peel Fulton for $296.25 for legal services during the year was submituxl. Sev- eral of the aldemum thought the ac- count was a very reasonable one, as it included the l 1 costs for de- fence in the case Mrs. Breault. against the towh for damages. This alone amounted to $200. Several other accounts were receiv- mdttee being get for Saturday even- “N0 minus nus YE SAYS [REASURER KNOWLSON IbeDecision ofthe County Judge in the Matter of Appeals and Equalization wull be given before Janljary lst.â€"A brief outline of the Caseâ€"Cost of Proceedings will probably be about $3, 000. referred to committee for 9! AAccoi‘aing‘ t6 the sgctionsâ€" of the i believed a nuisance was being"9ause(l- ssessmcnt Act (R. .0. 1904, Chap. 23) the Judge’s decisions in the ap- THE MAYOR APPRECIATED' peals must-be fylcd by Jan. lst, so! Mayor \‘rooman, on motion, was the ptjoceedmgs may be considered as asked to vacate the chair; and llepâ€" practlcally closed. The hearing ofmty Reeve Jordan was'asked to pré- the caee of_ the township of _ _Somer- side. A motion was then made by vnlle W111 l1kelv "ï¬ned tms week. Ald. Eyres seconded by Reeve Begg. The Judge will snhmxt a zu'ritten re-Zwam the Mayor be asked to MOODt port of the proceedings. [$100 as some recognition of his em- The Mayor thought the Board of Health the proper place for this complaint, but Dr. Burrows explain- ed that it had been brought to the attention of that Board without a remedy. A.]d Eyres thought rt a. mistake to bane allowed the building to be plac- ed where it Was. Aid. McLean made the suggestion that the Boand of ‘Health should he asked by the council to kindly take up the matter thoroughly in the in- terests of all concerned and inVesti- 7 i in .‘ For Father, Brother. Relative or. .. Friend, in everything that IS useful, exclusive and yet reasOnable 111 __price, form the wheel 'V, i- This Mehs Store is the" “hub†iqf- that wheel for L1ndsay ' 11' m m stoma 1v take I In replying, Mayor Vrooman thank- the in- ed the council for the appreciation investi- lshown and also for the assistance he made that the use of the council chamber and market hall be allowed the Poultry Association for their was also altered for sale in town, and no ort, he said, washe- ing made to stop all this. Oysu‘rs oi unï¬t state were also Leiug sold. Dr. Bumows thought this a. most ser- ious state of affairs†and he believed the council; ‘the people should he made cognizant of the facts. A deputation including Mr. John- ston Ellis. J . O’Reilly, Mr. l‘r. st and others, were heard. and a recomé mmdation passed to the new council for a grant. of $303M a guarantee of 850 for the Poultry Show of 1908. Recommendation was also year, and the question was consider- ed in all its bearings- Eventually it was decided to give the contracts for the se'aBOn as follows :-â€"-John Kearns East Ward, $100; 11. Armstrong, west part of South wand, $90: J. Reynolds, east part of South Wand, $70: these amounts to include pay- ment for what already has ‘pbeen done. The North Ward will be handled by the town team and employees. ' N0 DEFICIT THIS YEAR. The Treasurer, Clerk Knowlson, had a draft of the ï¬nancial state- ment for the year, and stated that the town would not haVe a. deï¬cit‘ thisyear. or, at most, a very smalli one. A number of accounts were re-z ferred to the committee, and the re- Q ports of the various standing commit-V tees read and adopted. Dr; Burrows then brought up the matter of the sale in town of food sums unï¬t for use. He said there ve’ere sewn! casts of ptomaine pois- oning from the eating of ï¬sh sold an improper condition . Diseased meat. A lengthy discussion took place on the matter of snow plnlfl‘ilg fat: the Wan hiatibn, the vbax colle'ctbr (Mr. Knowlson) was authorized to receive taxes up to January 4th without inâ€" terest. Mr. W. Fee again spoke to the council about the Ops ‘drairn matter. Aldermen Devitt and McGeough ex- pressed themselves on the matter of tht Fanaing Sales Stables, a1 (1 both believed a nuisance was being ‘causetl. that the Mayor be asked to accept $100 as some recognition of his efï¬- cientscrvices to the town during the year. This resolution was heartily approved of, and all the members presenp spoke in the highest. terms of yhe goo-d services so willingly and so eflicienelymenodemd the town by the Mayor. Reference was also madc' to the pleasant year spent by all 39 the council work. The chairman of the Various com- mittees were also praised for careful and effective management of their de- partments during the ytar. 1 resolution‘ to this cflec' «had received from individual members. The past two years had been very pleasant in their associaâ€" tions. The Mayor also congratulated the council on the way the ï¬nancial situation of the municipalitv hm! Eta-med out this year. This, he said, 'was most gratifying to him. and he believed would be appreciated bythe peOple in general. After each member of the council had expressed himself on the pleasanï¬ associations in council during the year about to close and made a. few general remarks on the situation, the council adjourned. JEWELLRY Jeweller - Optician Successor to S. J. Petty A. S. WELSMAN ‘1 Having ‘1 Jewellry Business of S. J. Petty, Kent St, I am off- ering great reductions during the Xmas trade. our New, Complete and Up- to-date Stock in all the lines. q] I feel assured that if you see our complete line of I see our complete line of Jewellry it will-be an easy matter to satisfy your wants XM AS PRESENTS Call and ‘ ADVICE Selling at Cost “ During Xm as BUYERS Would be very pleased to Nth/[BER 51 4000‘