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Watchman Warder (1899), 24 Dec 1908, p. 9

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he are selling out our 3 boys, dolls, fancy cases: Bu our “3‘ y y and cost. has presents here I) 8y. 250 to 50c 25c to $1 Sc to 3.50 'fs 250 to 1.50 ‘fs 15C to 25c d'fs 1-2 doz. 1350 to $2 And A Bright and Prosperous New Year fflersSOc756 s 250 to $2 250 to 1.50 250 to 1.50 :tors 250 to $1 1', DEC. 2 ’9 for Lindsay (Registered) Have In! $19 In WALKER, Mont mum,me Lindsay Branch. banking businfi BANKING BY MAIL Wu way with «ind W‘ SECTION ONE ,.wmm 5Ist YEAR. Capital Paid Up Reserve fund The Bank 0 October 313t.,1908, Fund, thus furtt and stability anu SL-auuwy With a Saving Department at every one of its many Branches, it offers the opportunity for all, who so desire, to avail themselves of its many advantages, by opening a Savings Account. A Savings Bank account is the best safeguard against misfortune, being always ready and available, and earning interest all the time. mily demands that all heads of households should provide against the day of 'mpler way than by adverse conditions, and there is no 31 laying by systematically from time to time a portion of Deposits can be made from One Dollar up, and withdrawals can be made at any time, without notice or delay. Bank of Montreal 10 to 3 o’clock. Saturdays 10 to 1 o’clock Office Hours ESTABLISHED 1817 un V0 AI..v- 908, added another $1, 000,000. to its reserve further emphasizing its great strength of Mbntreal at the end p§_its fiscal year, A THE WATCHMAN $l4,400,000 $0,000,000 26,400,000 -y (w. The portrayal of the pretty and ‘emotional Evangeline Bender did not "suller in the hands of Miss Eliza Spratt. That young lady acquitted herself in splendid style. particularly in the parts requiring the displaying of the emotions. She has a good voice also, and her articulation was excellent. Mr. Byron Green tack a leading part as Dr. Alfred Hastings. always in the sorriest of predicaments in love with two charming ladies at once. and young He was a good fel- 'low, for all that, and the audience ‘was pleased to see him escape un- lscathed.‘ Mr. Green tool; the part 3 well. To the lot of Mr. Bruce Paton fell the portrayal of the loquacious and and the audience did not stint ap- plause when cleverness in particular portions warranted it. The discrim- inate would hardly be fair. but a number are deserving of considerable praise. cult; character of Mrs. Bender to out- line and in her delineation of the part of that. somewhat uncertain and suspicious wife of the more uncertain and worthy of suspicion, Mr. Bend- er, the qualities that go to mark success on the stage were visible. Miss KnOWISOn upheld the title role to perfection. W; Many were pleasantly surprised at the degree of talent displayed by the local, and amateur devotees of the histrionic art. Exceptional talent was displayed «by several in the caste Humor naturally takes with the theatregoers, and laughter is con- tagious and “ All the Comforts of Home ” is a comedy which furnishes abundant amusement. The audience was kept in a. continual state of keen delight and the ludicrous mix- ups and comical scenes embodied in the. play left no room, for sober faces in lhc crowd that filled the Acn- demy. mmmns. BANK; For the past several weeks a num- ber of Lindsay's talented young peo- ple have been diligently rehearsing for the playing of this humorous production. The aflair was {or the benefit of the Lindsay Hockey Club, and last evening Lindsay citizens joined in showing their approval of the spirit in which those young peo- ple undertook the putting on of the play. Few seats were unoccupied last evening and the ushers had plenty to do in handling the crowd. The popularity of amateur theatri- cals in Lindsay was evidenced by the large crowd that witnessed the pro- duction of the comedy, ” All the Comforts of Home," at the Academy of Music, on 'I‘horsdav. The play was put on by locai taient with the exception of Mr. Irving Beers the director, and the confidence Lindsay people display in amateur acting was not misplaced. It can be con- fidently stated that the play was a splendid success. Local Amateurs Gave Grand Production at Aéademy i THE VICTORIA LOAN 3 AND SAVINGS co FARMERS BUSINESS A SPECIALTY JOINT ACCOUNT. particularlv valuable and evnvient for farmers Permits depositing or withdrawal 0t money by husband or w’fe. Farmers' sa‘o notes cashed and promptly collect; d. Drafts and money orders bought. and sold an very low cost $1.00 opens an account. Interest allowed from d~te of deposit and compounded FOUR times a. yen. Deposits and withdrawals may be made by mail without loss of time or formalities. Open an account with us. We offer the very best security possible for your money, THE WESTERN BANK In the Savings Depafi C. S. Thompson, Little Brltaln. Ont. Acting Mange;- Miss Edith Knowlson had the dim- g Mamsmhlaopn. Qmfi'»9!‘£.”‘mmW . Wich $1.00 you can open 9- 4“!» am: now. me. CANADA ESTABLISHED 1895 WILL!“ FLIYBLLB. Pro-tut llNDSAY, Bun, Imasnm um 24. ml. uvv‘n lent Mr. Langhorne. the permit!- catiOn of EngliSh dandyism Mr. T. R. McGrugor represalted Mr. Don- ald Smith a Iowa-born swain. The other members of the caste support- ed the leading rakes in superb style. CAST 0F CH HARACTERS. Dr. Alfred Hastings (in hard luck) â€"Mr. Byron Green. Mr. Tom McDaw (his minnowâ€"Mr. Bruce Paton. , m3}; -l;¢:‘t_tvibone (jealous and bad tempered)â€"Mr. G. P. McHugh. Mr. Dabney (a mad music-iamâ€"Mr. W. A. Thomas. Mr. Langhorne (an English dandy) Mr. Boyd Sylvester. Mr. McSnath (a. stubborn Scot)â€" Mr. R. Murdie. Alli. 1.. ;‘. ---- V, Mr. Thompson (an officer) â€" Mr. Loon Koyle. Fifi Oritanski (of the Opera Comi- quc) -- Miss Alda Sylvester. Mrs. Pettibone (Pcttibonc's second wife) â€" Miss Edith Spier. Emily Pettibonc (Pettibone’y daughter)â€"Miss Maris-l Flood. Katy (the I’cttiboncs’ maid)â€"Miss H. McDoug‘all. Gretchen (Fiti's nmid)â€"Miss Mary Simpson. Evangeline Bender (Alfrvd‘s sweet- heart )â€"1\Iiss Eliza: Spun t . 2â€"- bl... u. .n.â€"-._.- Mr. Donald Smith (badlv in love) -)Ir. T. R. \IcGrogor. _. - ‘od “can u] .u .uu --- ._~._ Theodore nondeé"(sti11 in the game)â€"Mr. Irving Boers, and Miss Edith Knowlson as Mrs. Bender. For the first time in the history of Halifax, large shipments of cattle will shortly be taken from that port. Formerly there were odd shipments from Halifax. The change is caused by the shutting down of New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore as cat- tle shipping ports because of the pre- Valence of the foot and mouth dis- ease in seVeral of the States. St. John is also doing increased busi- CHRISTMAS INCREASED SHIPPING 5 neQS. mas has the dithcult character of Mr. Dabney. a. mad musician, to w0rk out and he did it in fine style. Mr. Irving Beers was head and shoulders above an ;n his acting of the part of Theodore Bender. but this does not detract‘trom the abil- ity the rest displayed. Mr. Beers is an accomplished actor and his work was near perfection. Mr. Boyd Sylvester was an excel- Bank of Toronto HALF A MILP!0N predated. Miss Edith Spier, - Hrs. Petti- bone, and Miss Muriel flood. as her daughter, Miss may Pettibono. pos- aessed talent thot cannot be over- looked. - In the male portion of the caste Mr. G. P. )1ch uthe jealous and bod-tempered Mr. Peuibone, played a. meritorious part. It. W. A. Tho- Savings Account Omemee Branch J. B. L. GROUT, Manager bgppy-go-lucky Tom licGaw. who didn’t; “ give a rip " as long is he “ got. halt.” Mr. Paton was given an opportunity to m ability. of which he has a. store, as a. fun-mak- er. , Miss Aldo SylVestc made a. dunn- ing Fifi oriunski. the Comique opera. sinner. and a solo she mg was apâ€" “ml um. loan-at The Râ€"esierve Fund of this Bank is 0pm an account this Xmas for your boy or girl. 81 will open an account and it will teachthem the value of money. a useful gift would be a gore than the capital in the (Stall Correspondence) KEEN COMPlu'l'l'l'lum. Little Britain. Dec. 18.â€"'I‘h'is \‘il- The lady driving competition elicâ€" i lage was a centre of attraction to- ited a good deal of interest and the. day for the farmers and Villagers of judges, B, L, McLean and Thomas the neighborhood, the occasion being Spratt, faced a knotty problem when the annual Christmas fair. An event‘it came to deciding upon the win- of such nature affords a good time ers. The ladies handled their out- for el’erybody, as Well as being an {its on the main street of the village incentive to business. and hence to and the specmtors stood on the sideâ€" the progress of a community. and walk. Finally, Mrs. H. Reazin, (f the villa streets were wronged Salem, a skilful driver, was decided with a hap .' crowd all afternoon. 'on as the best of the quartet of com- Little Britain has been the sceneof petitors and received a prize of 82. several Christmas or winter fairs. Miss Broad, of Zion, the youngest of and they have proud most popular the drivers, secured second prize, $1. amongst the people. Such a [air has and so eVenly-matchcd were the other advantages and sources of amuee-‘two. Mrs. Nelson Stokes, of Zion, mat of its own. distinct from the and Mrs. L. Davidson, of Glenar-m, ordinary fall fair. Like the fall the judges decided to award two fairs. the Christmas show on‘ers priz- third prizes, es particularly for farm produce. COMIC OUTFITS This brings the farmen‘and his ex- pectant family to the town or Vii-l The competition for drivers in co- iage and, naturally, a thriving trade mic costume brought out three rigs, among the merchants is the result. gaily bedecked in bright colors and Little bits of com), are “mud- “ith the norms and driVers arrangal wiched" in between the judging. of in a grotesque meaner and bespangl- the dairy produce and the lady driv- odtvith colorJngeBand flag; Eg‘he ' ' o the r . en rles were rims er- ers' and “1'8 adds spice t p o ett Mark, Jack Homewood. D. Wick- ceedings. The inevitable laugh oc- casioned by the fancy stunts of a ett and W. Mediand. make-belief clown always makes the! The boys went to considerable crowd good-humored. pains to haVe good make-ups and de- FAIR HUGE SUCCESS. ‘33:" "egg; a?” meet‘tlon was To return to the fair that attract-l Mr. B. L. McLean and Mrs. Thos. ed the attention of the bannertown- lSpratt were petent ll” and Ship 0‘ Manposa. at least, n can all were satisfied with their judg- only be said it was a success, with grants. ' the word spelt incapitai letters. Al The committee in 0W of the. sunshining afternoon followed a blus- ifair, ”1d who work hard to bring it be?! morning. and afforded 013°“?M lto a successful termination are as weather conditions. Everythinggfonows; ,R- S. Robertson, J. Gregg, went ofi‘smoothly- lV.S., J. Glass, W. Glenny, G. W. The butter and eggs were thclfiali, M.D.. A. Varcoe, Secretary, C. choice of the country. The iowil'l‘hompson. were fat and good to 100k “me-l Among the visitors from nearby Tom Spratt. of Lindsay, the dairy towns and villages present were: produce jm, Dim the butmr Infim E. H. Spmtt, Rose and Gert’ I_..A. hv "one of the best llutter- {rude McCrom, Mary BMy aner. A Big, Successful Winter Fair Held at Little Britain Sn he pays port cash. and takes away a forty dollar ring or watch, or trinket and leaves elated. The bite has worked. She is bittm 3180. What can she get him ? He smokns. She will go to the tobacconist, and purchase a box of good cigars. Paar victim. the cigar man now her com- inz and she carries away as prime stinkers as eVer humanity was forced to smell. Another girl is bitten. Hur sweetheart never smokes. As she will buy him a Bible. with the course of the childncn of Israel outlined by maps in the back. And so happy. Rht‘ has satisfied. The bit has Worked- The butter and eggs were Ln01mll,m.u.,: choice of the country. The fowllThompson. were {at and good to look upon.‘ Among the Tom Spratt of Lindsay. the dairy towns and but“? IMisaetex E. H. made by "one 0‘ the best butter- Etude McCroh makers in the ridinl!" BS 370“" ’9' Thou. Spmtt Mum- was informed. on three 9'19” tle. of Oakw Tom Spratt. of Lindsay. the produce judge, picked the made by "one o! the best makers in the riding” as yo! porter was informed. on film cessiVe occasions. for the red Beware when she sits on your knee ma throwing her nuns ubout. you. deem you~ . lovey dovey door. The christmu bug has flung her. in is working you. that's d1. Behold ! The Christmas bug ls stinging eVorywhero. Ha is stung. The flame burns warmly in his heart. True. he makes but 810 per week. but the sting In duep. He must buy his sweethecrt a present worthy of his uhnimtion. to shou the sincerity of his love. Tixe Christmas bug hu stuns her, all the mutt buy. The judges are not 9." butter they am judginfi wards LADY DRIVING. The lady drivers wene splendid. all four being accomplished reinswomen. and Judges B. L. McLean and Tom Spratt. of Lindsay, were in a quan- dary for a time when it came to select-mg the priminners. To crown 7 7,) __ -A,_-A trousers dam: The cmunu' bug in busy. Your wife will rob you tweetly, and quietly uni scientifically while you Dylan's. v. _.,_,,,,_,__ day for a time when it came to select-mg the priminners. To crown‘ all the comic costumers perform-51‘ such ridiculous antics and genemllyi misrehaved themoeIVes in such a Style that they had the crowd split- ing their sides laughing. Verily it was a aucoesstul Winter lair ! LECTURE AT NIG HT. 5 Not the lust dttmctlon on the program was Col. Sam. Hug-mad lcc. ture in the”. 118,] in the evenâ€" ing on “Scenes From Greater Brit- ain." Many come miles to listen to the.- locture alone. Sow md re- citation. intersperted the lecture. The display of dressed. poultry and dulry produce was held in the mark- et building, and this structure was the scene of much activity during the day. While not as large as it might be, the Little Britain market is put to good mend-it mutated that over 8800 of business is done there on three. suc- the red ticket. aware of Wm,“ mt until after- The lady driving competition elic- ited a good deal of intenest and the judges. B. L. McLean and Thomas Spratt, faced a knotty problem when it came to deciding upon the win- ers. The ladies handled their out- fits on the main street of the village and the spectators stood on the sideâ€" walk. Finally, Mrs. H. Reazin, (71‘ Salem, 3 skilful driVer, was decided on as the Mt of the quartet of com- petitors and received a prize of $2. Miss Broad. of Zion, the youngest of the drivers, secured second prize, 31, and so eVenly-matched were the other two. Mrs. Nelson Stokes, of Zion, and Mrs. L. Davidson, of Glenarvm, the judges decided to award two third prizes. COMIC OUTFITS. The competition for driVers in co- mic costume brought out three rigs, guily bedecked in bright colors and with the horses and drivers arranged in a grotesque manner and bespangl- ed with color paper and flags. The entries were Jack Griggs and Ever- ett Mark, Jack Homewood. D. Wick- ett and W. Medland. The postman. always polite, be- comes a regular Chesterfield as he aces alomz his way. Christmas is comimz. and the world's heart is large in this hour. The boys went. to considerable pains to have good make-ups and de- serve credit. This competition was The boy who leax'es the papers no longer throws the even‘ng daily in~ side the gate. or drops it on the step. The bug has bitten him. Christ,- mns is coming, Christmas. and the gift from every door. a dime under the plate z The kid in stun. I It. talks of Santa Claus. dreams of into-mu. noc'm .nd night. Will he be ‘num to come? When is he now? Sister and brother each stung, plan surprises. On goes the kissing bug. The old fellow feels it in his blood. and tells the nemy to keep the change. He is a named grouch, but he surprises the girl who waits on him by a mile aâ€"uv â€"â€"v-_ '77.. 11108. Spmtt, Lihdséy. Mr: Ed. Ly~ tle. of Oukwood, Mr. Tom Jackson. Port Perry. Mr. T. Brpthogr, Lind- say, It. Jas. 'l‘horndyke, Oekwood, Mr. C. Crozier, Valentin. Col. S. Hughes. Lindsay. B. L. Mama. and L. D. 'Nesbitt. Lindsay, and many Willhoeomedownthedximney, and what it he going to bring? Would it be all right to hang up his trous- ers-ad tie upthelegs? A BAD FALL. The many friends of Mr. A. D. Mal- lou will learn with regret that. he will be confined to his room {qr serge days as the result of a fall that he received on Wednesday on Lindsay- st., near Mr. Williamson's photo gul- lery, while on his way home to sup lcl’, “Ml-v v... â€". . per. It was not thought that he was seriously injured. but upon close examination by his physician. it was found that the heck of his head and shoulders were bruised considerably- His. many friends hope to soon see him out again. EGGS ARE SCARCE. A we" lmown Ops farmer in con- versation with The Warder stated tint before many weeks eggs would sell for 85 or 40¢ per down. The only reason'attributed for the scar- cuty is that there are Ito-eggs in the country. Last week in London, 0nt., eggs sold for 45¢. per dozen on the mark- et. A Warder representative called on Market Clerk Callaghan this morn- ing in regard to the-scarcity of eggs. While it is learned that the supply was limited the egg famine that is being {elt in Toronto and other wea- tern towns, has not threatened Lind- aay as yet. Yesterday at the mar- ket fresh eggs sold from 27 to 31¢. per dozen. and very few were offered for sale at all. CLOSE KEEN COMPETITION. by starting that long delayed SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Don‘t wait until next year, do it now. You will be very much plessed to see how rapidlysmnll accounts will grow. We are anxious to add your name to our already large and growinglist of depositors. It does not matter how smell your 'first deposit my be, it will be none the less appreciated. . occasionallg' leaving Dominion Bank At the Hotel Kawart-ha. on Wed- nesday evening last at Fenelon Falls, a most enjoyable banquet was ten- dered Dr. A. Wilson by the Liberals of Fenelon Falls, on the eve of his removal from the village to take up his residence in Toronto, says the Gazette. The large dining-room and drawing-room of the hotel were beautifully decorated with flags, bunting, etc., for the occasion. and the more than one hundred persons who sat down to the tables shortly after nine O'clock enjoyed a gastron- omic treat such as has been seldom been eqvalled in the village. At the table of honor sat the guest of the evening with Mr. R. J. McLaughlin, K.C., Dr. R. M. Mason, reeve of the village and warden of the county, Dr. Blanchard, president of the \‘ic- toria and Haliburton Liberal As- sociation, Mr. Thos. Stewart, Mr. John Austin, Mr. W. T. Junkin and Mr. Charles Junkin. of Cannington. After the many good things on the program had been disposed of, Mr. W. T. Junkin took the chair, and the secretary. Mr. E. Fitzgerald, read letters of regret from the Honorable J. R. Stratton, of Peterboro, Judge Barron, of Stmtford, and Mr. G. H. Wilson, of Lindsay, all of whom were unable to be present. The first toast on the list was that of the King, which, after the singing of the lnational anthem, was proposed by Dr. Mason and responded to by Mr. McLaughlin. The Canadian parlia- ments were then proposed by Mr. John Austin. and Mr. Thomas Ste- wart responded. The next toast. that of the guest of honor, which was proposed by the Rev. W. J. H. Cragg, brought forth the singing of " He's a Jolly Good Fellow," fol- lowed by three hearty cheers and a I" tiger." Banqueted Previous to De- parture From the Falls And all are «stir, the high and low, all kinds, all colors. every one's stung by the Christmas bug, and the whole world‘s glad. Some one has felt the bite of the Christmas bug. and some One has hastened to help some one more help- less than themseIVes. DR. WILSON will be softer and his Very foothill less harsh, for he is sorry for these poor devils, caged in this festive season. The poor will wonder why thepax- cel sent prepaid, why the coal or wood, or the roast or turkey. 'ten, guys : "mve one on me." In the hospitals the sick and lone- ly disOOVer new friends. and find flowers on the little table beside them and gentle voices inquine how they are. . A In the great prisons, the houses of confinement and correction, this bug, the Christmas bug, is not barred. The day will soon be here when the prisoners may sing awhile and test from work, and the voice of the In his reply, Dr. Wilson spoke in a reminiscent vien, reviewing past oc- currences in connection with the re- cent election campaign, and with his long residence in the village, and thanked his friends for the kindness and honor shown him. THE DOCTOR CANED. At the conclusion of his speech. Dr. Wilson was confronted by Mr. E. A. ty: and they have 8 holiday season entertainment to promote good fel- lowship anon; the mentors. It tribes the boom. who feels tint it is time to have another. and still one move. , , 7 _ The bug is eveuywhom. It bias the Luther Aid SocietY. and they 13% 0. upper in “d 0‘ their church. It. bites me Young People's Socio- mittee in the recent. campaign, arm- ed with an exceptionally handsome acid-headed cane, which he asked the doctor to accept as a token of re- membrance from the Liberals of Fe- nelon Falls, and which the doctor did, after thanking the donors very nicely for their gift. The other toasts proposed were to the County liberal Association, by Mr. W. H. Robson, the learned pro- fessions by Mr. T. C. Birchard. o! Coboconk, and the ladies, by Dr. J ohnstone. These were responded 1to respectively by Dr. Blanchard, the ‘Rev. C. S. Lord and Mr. Chas. Jun- kin. and, after singing “ Auld Lang Syne." the assembly dispersed about [12.30. the sign "Ladies Hay Smoke." in a. popular hotel, has been taken down. Another hotel manager. who "oflend- ed a lady the other day by sending s request that she dispense with Mr cigarette at tea,” but who did not at all object to either her or others smoking after either lunch or dinner, assures us that very few now take advantage of the permission. A London despatch says the ladies who think it smart to smoke are be- coming fewer and fewer: so‘ fey: that LADIES SMOKE LESS. YEAR I 51.00 m. WAS CANED of the 'local com-

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