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Watchman Warder (1899), 24 Dec 1908, p. 1

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"s Old Stand .. MORGAN ('lll’h "ow ‘w-I‘L' 9113. fancy caseS, itute rul "ulnuy u Imm-uwnt , Lindsay m. Optical: and WW“ l|('1‘ UI‘SQ and 15 picccs 54 inch Txyccd. ingood range m’ mlurings. us lcndld cloth for Skirts ..miChildrcn's Coats. rcg. 550, 356 (‘hilds white Thibet er, muff and stole, regular 4.25 <ale 3.40, regular 5.50 sale 4.40, regular 7.50, building sale .............................. 6.00 Ladies German mink set, scarf and muff trimmed with head, tails and claws, reg. value 21 52b”, building sale price ..................... .80 «wt-man mink tipet and muff, tab and tail, trimmed, regular $29 00, building sale the Set 2 fm‘ ............................................. 3.20 Annual Xmas Sale of Furs Xmas Sale of Dress Goods C‘uwint. \‘.'ulcs, Serge. Venetian and nut stripe ct'fcct5. 1}“ pure wool, 46 n'gulllr MC, Budding Sale c Misses imitation ermine throw tie and muff, n1; 5,00, building sale ........................ - Mink mannot throw ties, rev. 6. 00 sale 4:. 80 reg. 8.00 min (5.4-0, rev. 9.00 buildixiu sale“ ...7 20 ................................................ for All Lindsay A manufacturers set of samples bought at half price. Our 10c, 15c and 25c dolls are wry nice, bring the children in to see them. Ali sorts 0' games, mechanical toys, from 5c ............................................. 2.00 7.x \1 limwn (Sunny set, stole and muff rcvrulur 5 20 ci.5(),1)uil:1in(r sailc........ .. .................. \link mnnmt sct,10gular $11. 00 building 8 80 Mile ................. .. ...... . ........ . (:n- -y and white squirrel lock throw Wtie and Empire mufl, ..1() 50, buildinu sale. ..... 8 4o .............. coo-no.0 Give something which by it’s constant usefulness, reflects your fore-thought in its selection. Christmus shopping is made easy here. The values save you money. Lace and Silk Blouses "duck PC: u dc Snic Dress Silk, Ixmy, not cut. Reg. 1.15, sale Teneriffe Mats, etc. impcs from 50c to 1.00. Llnen Baum any.” 3 {-4 and 2;; yds. long, 3 specials 65, 85, 1.00. i Hhcr larger ones $2 to $5. Table napkins from 60c to 83 doz. Fur scarfs, fur muffs, gauntlets, caps and caperines at 20 per cent or? regular prices. Dress Goods Silks For 2ch, 3fc; 5c, 8c, 10c, L I‘vers side board drapes : n table covers, carvers »»»»» Colored and black silk, beaumu ment suitable for blouses, coats am at 20 per cent ofl regular priceS, nicer for Xmas gift, . a ,_1_ 20 per eent of? all black goods. 3W: _\1lf'd$ Pricstlcy' s V’cnctian,shrunk J. :zwputtiblc finish, in black \\ and cardinal only reg. $1,:1t 750 I” picccsTwccd. 42 inches wide, 23 gnud shudcsxchUc to 50c.sulc c for lizxck Mcrvc Silk. will not Cut :1: 95c. building sale ......... 5 piece}; black and colored soft {cm lek, reg. 60C, sale ....... SECTION TWO Slst YEAR. 80, 10c, 13c, battenburg drapes and table cloths. carvers and side board 1.00. Linen table cloths ng, 3 specials 65, 85, 1.00. 2 to 85. Table napkins Come “to This (most Buying opportunity Ever Offered By us. silk, beautiful assort- L888, coats and dresses “m1" nrices. nothing and colored dress ic758 THE WATCI Lndies’ navy and black Kersev Coats, trimmed with large buttons on back, reg. $12, sale .............................. 9.60 trimmed with self strapping and silk braia, 7 reg. $14. sale ................................................................ 11.20 Misses’ fine Aeaver Cloth Coat-s, silk braid trimmed, reg. 10.50, sale ......................................................... 8.40 All wool Panama Skirts in all leading shades. tfimmed with folds of cloth, edged with silk, reg. 5.75. sale...... .4150 Holiday Sale of Ladies’ Cloth Coats Ladies’ Directoire Skirts, in green, navy and black, reg. 6.50. sale.... . . . ............ 5.20 Lau'lics' loose back Coats, in brown, nav ', green and black, Many Handsome knitted ank silk Muflers Suitable for gifts, from 25c to...... ......l.25 Men’s Hosiero becomes more popular as Xmas gifts. Three specials, 25c; 35c and 50c You Can’t Afford to Turn Your Back on Our Redudtion Sale 6 only ladies’ fur lined coats. in green, black and brown shell, extra fine broadcloth, neatly strapped with natural Alaska sable collar and muskrat lining. Reg. 65.00, sale price while they last ..................... 49 50 Ladies’Astrachan jacket, with blouse front, western sable collar and reveres, reg $60, n10 fur and Fur Lined Coats Men’s rat "lined coats, cloth shell, reg. $75 sale The Christmas tie is always in order Three specials, 15c, 25c and ............... 50c Gloves for men Practical Gifts for Men . MCGAFFEY Western sable empire mufl' regular value 8.00 building sale price .............................. Extra large full fnrred western sable empire mufl'reg. 9.25, building sale ................ . Large black thibet stule with empire mufi“ to match reg. 23.50, sale ................. ‘ White thibet throw tie and mufl reg. 13.50 1 ‘ building sale ................................. Alaska sable stole 60 inches long trimmed 1 with ten tails, reg. 12.00 building sale ...... Alaska sable stole, 72 inch reg 17.50 sale 1 A Children’s grey lamb cap, rich curl reg. building sale .............................. Men’s Nutria beaver caps 3.85 sale ..... Men’s astmchan and seal driver caps reg 5.00 sale 4.00, reg. 6.00 sale ........................ NECKWEAR OIOOIOIOOI-oooouloouo o a I u otter collar, beaver always acceptable ivcr caps reg 5.004 80 ooooooooooooooooooooo I Wmm L??T..‘IT‘.’T‘.8.§:‘.’.95.4U '. 13.50 10 80 Ti??? 7.40 2T?3.9.50 T‘f 14.00 3.75 3.00 13:33.10 llNDSAY, ONL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 18 Men’s and Boys’ Odd Overcoats for 2.00 Men’s 5.50 and $6 Tweed Overcoats for 4.00 Mens’ 38 and 8.50 Tweed Oval-coats for 6.75 Lined Mocha Mitts, reg. 77c, sale 60c; reg. 1.00, sale 75c; reg. 1.50, sale.........l.25 Mocha. Gloves, 3 specialsâ€"75c, 1.00 and Black and colored kid gloves, reg. 80c sale 68c; reg. 1.10, sale 94c; reg. 135, sale 1.15. Ladies’ Wool Gloves, 3 specialsâ€"25c, 35c and............ only Sensible Gift Suggestions in Kid and Fabric Gloves E136}. iéllégéfi' Eili 'éiekég ‘ Eég. 2.50, sale 2.13. Ladies’ heavy unlined Dog Skin Gloves, reg. 1.10, sale 95c. Navy and white Woollen Gloves, long cuff, reg. 75c, sale 63c. 25 per cent. below regular values. 2c, 3c, 4c, 5e, 7e and 10c yard. All shades of Shetland Floss, full 02 skeins for 7c. 3 plys and Berlin Wools 7c ounce. Germantown Fingering ............ ~ ...... 10c 3 specials in Ladies’ F lannelette Wrappera â€"1.25, sale 95c; 1.65, sale 1.25; reg. 2.25 -I‘A -7 2.00 Black Sateen Wrappers 1.50. 2.25 lines sale ....................................... 1.75 Ladies’ Knitted Golf Costs, 1.75 to...3.50 Special Sale of Ladies’ Cloth Coatsâ€"$12 Coats for 9.60. All colors. Hansdome Cashmere 801:, 45c lines for 305; 50c for .................................. 40 2 pairs of 25c Black Cashmere Sox for “P. Christmas Ideas in Handkerchiefs Posi Card albums 10b, 15c and ......... 25c coon.-cuto-oouuoO-ouo-uo-uo cocoa-ocuoo-oooo-o Laces and Insertions Men’s Clothing 81.00 lines for ................................. 750 81.25 lines for ................................ 880 81.501incs for .............................. 1.19 92.00 lines for .............................. 1.60 Big drive in Wrappctettcs. 36 inch. reg. 15c, sale 9“; reg. 10c. sale ......... 'Ic 18 Men's and Boys' Odd Ovcr- coats. from 3.75 to 84. sale ...... Men's 85.50 and 86.00 Twccd Overcoats. new styles. for ......... Men's Twccd Ovcrcoats. 8.00 and 8.50. sale ......................... 6.75 12 fine Bcavcr Ovcrcoats, 10 00 reg. 815. sale ........................ . WHITE BEDSPRELDS Xmas Sale of Men’s Clothing Men’s Gloves colonooaooo-oocooouoococoo- IQOOIODIIIIQOOI nan... 0;. 0.0.0... Oil-l. 2.00 4.00 1.90. 1.20 35c in town for the past few days, re- turned home to Toronto on Friday. Rev. (3. S. Lord attended induc- tion senvices in Sonya on Friday. .Mr. J. Hand arrived home on Fri- day. Mr. Hand is engaged in the printing business in New Liskeard. ,Measrs. Chas. Mitchell and W. J. MacKendry spent a flaw hours in Pen- sion on Friday. violinist. minted in the progmm. We are ghd to note by the Lind. uy popqu daily. The Vader. that Miss Helm; IcDoupll, of town. was Fenelon Falls, Dec. 21.â€"Christmas decorations are the order of the day and the stones are taking on a gay holiday appearance Mains Irene McDougall. of the Lad- ies College, Whitby. arrived home on Friday for the holiday season. Mr. Walter Reesor, of Lindsay, spent Friday in town on business. Dr. Mason. our very popular reeve spent Friday In Lindsey. Mr. Hill. of Winghnm. has purch- uod the herdwere store formerly oc- cupted byA L. Cooke. A number 0! our young people utâ€" teudd the concert held at Bury'e Green on Thursday evening and re- port 3 splded entertainment. Mine F. C. Brendon. our very popqu ed silk curtains, which add greatly to the general appearance. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stacey, old residents of l-‘enelon Falls, will be delighted to hear that they are on their way to Yelverton from Balcarre, Assiniboia, where they will spend Christmas. Fenclon Falls will also be visited before they return home. The ladies o! the Baptist church will hold a sale of fancy work and home-made baking in the rooms for-l merly occupied by C. Curtis. The sale will commence on Friday. The skating rink opened on Satâ€" urday evening and a splendid crowd. attended. [ rison. The C.0.0.F. hall is being exten- sively repaired. One new attraction worthy of special mention is a, hand- some red velvet carpet anqAred cond- Miss Vina lwwell is visiting friends in town. The basket social hold at Bulmor's schoolhouse was a grand success. The proceeds amounted to 870. Bas- kets were sold as high as $6.50. ily of fiv-é bovs. They are : Joseph, Fred. Thomas, James and Edward, all of Fenelon. Miss Gracie Fountain is in Lind- say the guest of her aunt 31111.net- During the past season we nave heard nothing but merry widow hats, bows, songs and waltzos, but the latest hit is to be the Merry Widow Roast Pan, which is on view in Mr. J. Heard's hardware window. Noth- ing like being up-to-date. Many friends are sorry to hear of the illness of our popular young bank clerk, Mr. MacAdam, who is suflering from an attack of acute in- digestion. Master Ronald McIntosh is very ill with an attack of appendicitis and at the time of writing is sufler- ing considerable. Miss Edie McArthur is visiting in the Bethel district. Master Hamilton and his chum. Master Peri-in. of Lakefield college, haVe arrived in town and will spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. R. M. Hamilton, manager of the Hon- treal Bank. ‘ 'l‘hu funeral of tho lale Film-uni Chambers took place to l-‘cnolon- Falls cometary on Tuesday after- noon and was largely attended. Mr. Chambers lean-s a widow and 3 mm- St. Andrew's Guild hold u mission- ary meeting on Tuesday night and a most interesting program was given. Mrs. J. Northoy road a Very inter- esting paper on tho work done by the missionary. societies in the for- eign lands. Miss Ethel Robson gave a splendid report or the Home Misâ€" sion work and Miss M. Bollingham addressed the audit-n00 on the lay- men's movcuumt. aftvr which Mrs. Albert McIntosh gave a splendid reading showing the very important work there is to ho dom- in the home mission work in tho Wost. The Guild has decided to dovotc their funds to the aid of the Home Mis- siou fields. v..y nâ€"‘â€"' , Miss Pratt. who has bevn head milliner for M. Campbell for the past season. left for bore home in Petrol- in this week. Mr. I. E. Weldon. barristers of Lindsay, spent Thursday in town on business. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Northey enter- tained a few friends at their home on Wednesday evening. Games and singing made the ewning Very en- joyable, after which dainty refresh- ments were served. Miss E. Jones, of Cunnington, is the guest of Mrs. _A. Norlhoy. -,,,J seems a pity that such foilowa as Tom the Peopor and these other gon- tlemon' could not be landed in the jail for a while. are residing around the town or vi- cinity as they apparently know where to locate places, whore the work will not be hard to obtain booty. It Rumor reports that some burglars! have been doing some work on the} north side of the town. It is claim-i ed that several houses have been on? tered and a number of articles talc-I en. It seems as though the thiovcsl Thieves at Fenelon Falls- Other Interesting News Items Penelon Falls, Dec. 19.â€"Mr. Bing- ham. secretary of the Y.M.C.A., of Lindsay. spent Sunday in our town. Dr. A. Wilson is in Toronto this week on business. Mr. Bob. Dundas and Jack Chatâ€" cen left on Thursday morning for the chemical works in Gelert. Mr. D. E. Merriam was in Lind- say on businws on ‘Monday. 4L2- Miss R. Hubby. of Lindsay. spent Sunday with her sister. Mrs. H. 1 WE WISH. OUR READERS A MERRY XMAS (From. Our own correspondent. very little damaged with the excep- tion of the. doorways. which were badly scorched by the flames. All the Intact. Veitmts and mar valuables in the main part of the church were curried out and plated in the convent. The altar and pipe oratn are uninjured. but the carpets will have to be replaced. One ate- the etfll rennin eilghtly blackened ‘up by the smoke. I The loss h eetimcted at a. con- ‘sidenble mount and is covered by Insurance. It h with much mt Hundreds of citizens alarmed at the apparent extent of the fire, thronged to the scene and many as- sisted the firemen in their work. Without rubber coats or other pro- tection many Were soaked through to the skin. and the cold night add- ed to their discomfort. The firemen realized that they had a big undertaking and worked like trojnns. Two hydrants were used and the waster was put on with all available force. Owing to the many willing workers most of the statues and other valuables were saved. The ventry is a. total wreck. in- cluding the magnificent altar. and it will cost considerable to replace it. The min part of the church is Mr. John Jordan. caretaker of the Pa: ish Hall was the first person to notice the fire. He had just retired to his room and had extinguished his light. and as he was getting in- to bed he noticed the reflection of the flames on the window. In order to save the main part of the church, Chief Bell put a stream in the front door and fought the flames back into the vcstry, thus saving the church from destruction. The other stream was used on the inside of the vestry and in a short time the fire was under control. hand. By this time the fire had gained considerable headway. and the entire vestry building was in flames. The fire commenced inside the porch door, swept up the stair- way and into the small tower near the altar. This made it very diffi- cult for the firemen as it had to be fought from the inside. The slate roof was very slippery and the fire- men‘could not stand on it. so the hook and ladder wagon was sent for: Mr. Mulvanoy was formerly ticket agent at, the G.’l‘.l{. depot, Lindsay. His many Lindsay friends will wish him every success in his new home and field of, labor. ‘ 'Hie fire started inside of the door in the porch of the vestrv and in a few minutes the entire building was fieâ€"gt Sm}; hurriedly dressed him- self. sent. in the alarm and in a Very few minutes the firemen were_ on The vestry of St. Mary's R. C. church caught fire last evening about 11.45 o'clock and was completely gutted. The cause of the tire is unknown, but the theory is that it may have been caused by a defective electric light wire. but taking into consider- ation where the fire originated many people are of the opinion that it was caused by an incendiary. in Disastrous Conflagration at St. Marys’ Church Before leaning Toronto (‘harlio Was presented with a gold-headed cane ’by his fellow employers as a token of the esteem they held for him. Mr. Charles Mulvancy, an old Lind- say boy, of Toronto, is in town for a couple of wwks' vacation. visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Mulvancy. Charles has been .n the employ of the (ERR. for the past four years and has resigned his po- sition and will leave for Butte, Mon- tana, where he has accepted a posi- tion with the. Armour Packing (30., of Chicago. WAS " CANE!) Mr. W. McCarty and Master Billie spent a few days of last week in Hot- spur . McDougall has assisted in several dramatic enminnxnts in this town rl'Sidmt of the Lindsay Winter Race Meeting. and also President of the Lindsay Senior Ilockey Lea- guo. From Tuesday's Dan y. J01! N C AREW med gt ., comma of treat every summer have is covered byialu-med the (Inner, unsettled the a much regret 'pluu of investors, . disguw the at this seusOn whole community. whect does not harden until the 5;: son when frost in that country my be expected It any moment. Rum- Now we learn on the authority of Dr. C. E. Saunders, of the Dominion Experimental {arm sum that there has been in progress a, series of ex- periments in the production of wheat which mu mature well before the men 0!. frost, and Still have all the minim mantle. ol the best bud when known to-day. The best hard wheat known to-dny is grown he was looked upon by the settlers as a harmless Collector of insects. Not very many years passed before they got into the habit of calling in his serviczes whenever they saw any unusual insect invasion of their farms. His knowledge of insect he- bits saved the crops and made mo- ney for the western farmer. and for the custom financier and for every one else in the country. There was a hockey 'match between Kirkfiold and Victoria Road on Mon- day 21. This seems a little provâ€" ious as our hockey team has just m-org'an'imd and have had but one practice, but it was at the sugges- tion of the neighboring town. The circuit {or the six months of 1909 {or all the judges of the high court of justice, non jury and crim- inal courts have been arranged. Mr. Justice Meredith will preside at a non jury sittings in Lindsay on May 25 and Mr. Justice Britten will be the presiding judge at a jury sittings on April 6. A NEW WHEAT. It is not given to many of us to grasp the full significance of the work done by the men who are spending their lives in the service of the experimental farms of Can- ada. It has been said of the late Dr. Fletcher, Dominion entomologist. that when he first visited the west Too much praise cannot be given the firemen and the citizens for the able manner in which they worked. The firemen remained at the tire un- til 8 o'clock this morning. 810,000 LOSS. It is estimated that. the loss will be $10,000. The is the first tire the church has had since the con- vent was burned about twenty-eight years ago, and it will be remember- ed that the late John Rogers, in- miliarly known as “ Happy Jack,” saved the. church from 'destruction on that occasion, when the roof had re- peatedly caught an fire. He scaled the roof and kept putting the fire out with pails of water. NON JURY SITTINGS of the year when everything was in readiness for the Christmas services. Work will be commenced at once in the church and everything will be in readiness. for Christmas morning. The vestry will be rebuilt as soon as possible. The vestry will be re- built as soon as possible. A num- ber of statues were also destroyed in a. room upstairs. Miss Pearl Graham. who has been attending Albert College. Bellovillo. is spending the holidays at her hon‘e hero. A lovely baby girl has come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lytlo. EVcrycns that was not complowly buried in thoughts and things per- taining to the festiVe season. attv-n'd- 0d the rink opening on the 16m. The building was suitably decorated with fiagfi. bunting and evergreens. We had oxwllont ice and everyone enjOy- 0d the first skate 0f the season. (me evening last week the execu- tiz'e of the league met at the call of th'! president, Miss 1“. Graham, to appoin' leaders for the coming year. Those interested will find the results on the list in the lolibie of the church. the program was of good Variety unt‘. evcry number well rendered. Spe- cial mention is due the young ladies \ahn touk part in the Grecian flora: drill. The movements were grant-11 and pretty. Miss Mabel Shields pleas- (‘d u'l vr:'n her solos. Readings by Miss l\targaret Shields were well re- ceived A solo by Mr. Griflith, of Nurluno. was much appreciated. and lust. but not least. the proceeds am- ouxzteu to over $50. On Tuesday night the League was re opened. Rev. Mr. Clair. of Ath- orlc-y. president of the district league gave a very interesting and spicy 1:11in on books, “What to Read, and how to Read," was his subjecn; In Mr. (,‘lair's style, which is all his own, h: made the evening very in- struttivr and enjoyable. 1n the course of the evening Miss Mabel Shields sang Very sweetly, “ U, Lit- tl: Town of Bethlehem." Victoria Road, Dec. 21.â€"The goth- odist church re-openmg and concert onthel3thand14tn,msagreat success. On Sunday ReV. Mr. Bob- ins, of Beagrave, conducted the morning and eVening service. His sermons were very profitable and ap- propriate. The concert Monday ev- ening was well attended and we re- great that. owing to the crowo‘lcl hous: a number were turned away. The Victoria Road Methodist Church Was Re-Opened RIB-OPENING OF THE CHURCH EIGHT PAGES $l.00 YEAR. west. Bui this

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