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Watchman Warder (1899), 24 Dec 1908, p. 7

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‘al of . , Perfumes fume» of the was“ Ely arrived at 0‘ L trade. [1 more than Main. \ of carrying the (in. fiors in this Vidnity Lhe best the Whole , present stock in. the laboratories 0f perfmners and you same rich. dainty e that delight the Sons. imple" in harness. P also the fine >3. Roach. to select perfnmés Lmal use or holiday Smmper, Cold rk. Berry Spoan. 13-2; 01‘ Cofi'ee \‘cl‘ Knives and (-h was use: lowm' part perfnmps in fancy {y of sues as well Razor. J ack- :mc, Saw Square, AND SEE {DREN ’rsto choose from can easily pay ucks, Skates, etc. one (‘I'V for Father, the Children UGGIST rust that C. Christmas SDCI'H’ \ ‘._‘...‘...‘..-‘m§ rum and friends wish a "K hn mow 1mm» vow-v wrution of the v to Sh()\\' what 19-891“ soul was : First. in a secondly, in a. POSi' lastly explained 110" mgght know when he "YT-*ratfll. A small COB Drcscnt . botham DunoOn lid um f0 tbs-f n he ‘~O-‘ .Q“,..‘.. v§M-.° 'reetz'ngs (‘IHN 1hnut 330 3’ Irou-d a large I. Malone, the hp sub Mannie ts desay. 8S5. planos, ID fine brick DUN Scxssors. H ockey u(‘h(~d here 135‘" uis SUbjeCt for 5. “And Jesus 0 him. ‘V'erfly. . except a. man cannot see the Kb' vac (’91. and muâ€" -d for the 101119503 and \lr. nont mpson. )[r' .\nderson. ”a Gard- .315 were 1.01“er It. which were Iht' voting Lebanon 3 horoug‘hly and Par‘ rs and O K'n ‘m‘mq-d at r. _\da.m$ at memâ€" .nds quite med to vacation rizes Ltcn‘ ’ ‘ {or Kinmm \ mun-H. Mmi ville Council Condude 50mer . Busmess For I908 . PRQCEBDMGS Several Important Motivns Put Through Cnnncil nah 19! U.“ 1m U HI 1| THURSDAY ha Backache, Kidney Pain “h. ki‘im-y trouble. {Khr-z' indications are "equ‘wv “Hâ€" I mmn pain 01‘ Smrtin‘g When [lg-53‘ mg water. (19905-1133 in the urine, huarim'ho and loss of ‘flesh- Dr. A. W. Chase’s KidneY'L‘ver Pins «'wvrcome kidney derangements mm»- promptly and thoroughly an}: treatment you can Obtain . be- caxm» 01‘ their Combined and dlreCt avtinn on liver and kidneysg - This letter to prove 0"" Claim. ‘ \Ir. Rob. P.- Miller, time" St" Marys, Ont... writes :<-â€""‘ I was ”0‘11" It'd with severe pains in the abdo- mm. chills in the back. too frequent urination and general w a.nd tirwi feelings. There were brwk dust deposits in my urine as wiseéallseas other symptoms 0f kidney d. ‘ . IN". ('h-aso's Ki‘dney'ldiver Pills .re‘ lieved those Sfi‘mptoms almOSt 1m. med-finely, and with the use of Dr. Chasefis Nerve FOOd my health was restored completely“H ' -- _a-‘1n’¢ 0r i'LII-‘tâ€".\.lui1--â€"That the time for taxes. he entered to 1909.â€"â€"Ca.rried. 1' ~1Eim~t30n 0f in}: m‘ January. \\ :2? w ranouthornâ€"That the clerk authorized to notify John O’- zhm this council ’does not see L. r way (-h-ar to take any further mm in the matter of a refund 10“ Jim- labor paid by hi-m.â€"-Cvarried. “Nil prm-m-dings of the l’nitedl using» of Luxton. lligby and .3er! : w'lnril met in the township hall. w: Lal-iu. on Tuesday. December .. with all the mom-burs present. .almmn m‘ Wm. Watson and A. Smnhnrn. the minutes of :‘ormer‘ “m: wmw- confirmed as road. 3 nu:h.~rn~â€".\(luirâ€"'l‘hat the collect- instructod to not collect $2 lulmr charged to Mrs. Han- Hurm on thu collwtor‘s roll of in- N' «('m'riq-d. \'.1: s1 mâ€"l In voyâ€"That the financigl .Y--::wnt m‘ the township treasurer “nu ynar 1908 be accepted as pre- vw: :1an that the clerk be author- ‘5 v» SPPUI‘U 200 copies for distri- tmn .‘Fm'x‘iml. “mu-3“-l\(lail‘â€"Thilf the sum of '4“: 1»- rm‘umled to the treasurer l >28. \‘n. 0. Digby and Laxton. Hun" having been collected m “vatâ€"("arrio'V-d. r . \Ch:mâ€"Snuthernâ€"Thut the sum of (luducu-d from the taxes of n).;l:<.\ “null for statue labor. mum! in m-mr through being imâ€" ‘ 7,“â€" I!“ - wuu- xu xuxnnynu vs“: - 25 cpnts a box, at. all dealérs C EdmaHSOD, Bates Jr. (30.. Toronto. DR. A. W. CHASE’S Kidney--_ " «x. $11. \:n~â€"â€"";n‘v\\': That J. Handloy .uwml $15 for the um- 01' his and mm] across his farm) till [“1 bridge is finished. «#Hmkinqz That ten dollars .ptmi W. Wilson to spend on Th1 Mix-H: That the financial'1 ,3. 11.. aim-opted and that 1005 ”31111-11 for distribution. ‘ Him-kins; 'lhat by-law No.1 m authorize the loan ofi d“ “v; the sinking fund be: .; I:;1>\4'(i.â€"L‘arried. i ,[-'.-',I : That the follmvingl \ it" paid: (N30. Traln, $3.1" “hing” and making financial _,.~ 531 ; .I. Brisbin. for the1 '1 21111111. $1.000; T‘hOS. Bul- . unt'ix unmhe road. $11.25; .u-i iii-1', for culvert tile. $10; 1.3 min-111x. printing $2.75; ,1)”; Free I’resS, print'inz $2; “1231)", i'an'O bontls, $54.70; “NW-n. for 3 scrape-rs anrl _5" '" _" \. )2 (lazg :‘ugtin for .n- iimmount bridge $46. 34; n 41‘ iupairinq culVQrt. $2. 90; sum“ «10.. $53: A. Morrison. . (“n-gu's crook $3.65: E. R, \ Wurk on road. 33: S. S011- 3111? salary. posture and at- hmll‘ll of health, $42.50; my; I'm-5‘ and commissions.’ A. :‘mn, $92. 5“»: S. 'R. (‘arew, !.i~ Foil. $32.50: Wan. “08k- 7 71”: J. L. DaVis, $33.50; x m‘ 1.0111‘1'1 01' health attend- .-.-1i.»1-:: R. .\. (‘ailan $2.50: 1:11-11 $22.30. J. Golden $2.50. napkin“ $52.50. J. Hodzsun. -.r wurh-t fever cases. $12; « Ewan-11. 1‘1'nt of hall for council Fun-w 2 That .\. CvaV’anaqb 173 «i m put a boom at tho RV- ~ hridq‘v tn Drovent 1ogs ;ml from jamming against the (l x‘h‘ nnmunt nail“. ‘uN-w : nwt Dec. 15. pursuant to} 1! the members present, the‘ ;-~..~ chair. : mh-s 01' the last maeting! and confirmed. Mr. Wil-‘ .“ml the council re‘ the in: fence. The twagmr'ér' :31.» financial statement“? linn west of the. ri\'er. [{(ISkinS: 'l‘hat Goo. Train rirml to pay $5 per month .nncfit of the Johnson fami- I). ~ in the for OF COUNCIL 21 rut u rned 5, DEC. 24, mos 'l‘hnt Mr. Martin‘s Eoml sunplie-d Georze (1 over for further in- That tho council Ld OF COUNCIL till further provision mornâ€"That the sum of} d from the taxes of! II for statue labor. mr through being im- lrned to the clerk. â€"- small of the back hut tho:- sum of l to the treasurer lrigby and Laxton. been collected in -m(-d as road. -'l‘hat tho collect- tn not collect $2 (1 to Mrs. Han- are frequent urin- T0085” Emiig Dec. 22. . Liverpool whgg; futures closet? tq-day- '51! higher than Yesterday. and cqrn egosed '5“ higher. . , ‘ . 7A} Chicago} September Wheat-303m 1c ibigher than )‘Esterday. December corn Iclosed 1%c higher, and December oats [ closed Kc lower. ‘ 7 ‘. .- , \I’HE MARKETS. LivorpoiaLEngrB Chimp Wheat lFutuZues Co'zTn'â€"S;m't Stead-y; new American mix.- ed. via Galves'on. 53 435d. Futures quiet; Jan. 53 Bad. March 53 1%d. ._(..V‘. _v_ Lardâ€"Prime wes' em in tiereesffleadv -73 'Dd: American refined, in pails. dull. 485 6d. réhcorn-réu'mberland chi easy, 393 0d: short rib dull, 453: lor clear‘mlddles. light. easy, 41's: clear bellies easy._57s‘." New York- Dairy Market. NE‘X' YORK, Dec. 22.â€"Butterâ€"Steady. unchanged: z-ecoipis,11.347, Cheeseâ€"Firm unchanged: receipts. 1‘90. Iggyâ€"Firm”: reaeipts, €476: western firsts, 321,532; seconds, 301,530 to 3155c. Londmx. Deg :2.â€"Loudcn cables for attic;- are steady- at 125:0 to nine ,.er Xh. dressed “ehmt; refrigerator beef is quoted at was to 1“â€"’;c pex lb. Toronto Live Stock. TORONTO, Dec. 22.-â€"Receipts of live stool; at the CiLy Mamet were 36 canoads, composed of 3:62 cattle 429 hogs. 70-1 snecp and lambs and 36 calvw. George Rowan-e..- Housnt 60 outcm as follows: mums at $1.30 to $4.40; I dium cattle at $4 to $4.30, and good choice, heavy cattle. at $4.70 to $5.1: cwt. Milken. and Sprlnzern. A few milkers and swingers sold at to $55 each. _. - n-1-.-.. cwt About per cw: 01' ycn L n L- Sheep and Lambs. Lambs are lll‘llltl‘. at :5.;3 to $5.85: sheep. $.25 to $3.40; rams $1 to $2.50 per cwt. Hogs. Mr. Harris quotes we market steady at. $6 for selects and $5.73 for lights. East Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO. Dec. Lilâ€"Cuttleâ€" Stemiy: prime steers. 56:3 to $6.75. Veinsâ€"Receipts. 25 head; active and easier. $7 to $9.50. Hogsâ€"Receipis, $00 head; active anti 5c to 10c higher; heavy, $6 to $6.10; mixed. $5.85 to $6: yorkers. $5.25 to $5.85: rougns. $5 to $5.40; dairies, $5.50 to $5.3). Sheep and Lambsâ€"Heceipts. 1400 "(1: sheep active and steady: lambs slow and 100 lower; lambs, $5 to $7.73; yeaz-lings. $5.50 to $5.73: Canada lambs $7.33 to $7.40. New York Live Stock. NEW YORK. Dec_ TLâ€"Beevesâ€"Re- CCiDIS. 433; nothing dodiug in live cattle; feeling steady. Exports to-morrow, 3903 gunners of beef. Calvesâ€"Receipts, 303; veals steady at. $5 to $9.50; choice. $10: Indiana calves. $5.75; barnyard and western calves nomi- nal. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts, 2411: sheep steady; best lambs a fraction higher; others steady: sheep. $3.25 to 5-1: year- lings. $5; lambs. $7 to $7.75. Hogsâ€"Receipts, 3916; nominally steady cm- on weights: sales late Monday, $5.75 i l 1 l I a Sheep and Laml sheep active and = 10c lower: lambs 35,50 to $5.73: Can Ila-Adv- -____ One load of exp0.'~»l'a {vas reported at. ‘..1') per ch; bulls at $3.25 to $4.50 per lluha. w. .....-- ~_ Hogsâ€"Receipté,'3916; nominally Steau: for all weights; sales late Monday. $5.75 to $6.10. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAGO. Dec. 22.â€"Cattleâ€"-Recelpts. 5000: market was barely steady; steers. $4.60 to $7.90; cows. $3 to $5.25; heifers, $2.50 to $4.60; bulls. $2.73 to $4.50: calves, $3.50 to $8.75; stockers and feeders. $2.50 to 85, Hogsâ€"Receipts. 33.000; market steady; choice heavy ‘h~ipping, $5.73 to $5.80: but- chers, 85.65 t $5.75; light mixed. $5 to _ . . A u-“ «:2 am 35.55; packnlg. Hogsâ€"Kecexpts. “NW. . -, choice heavy ‘hipping, $5.73 to $5.80: but- chers, 85.65 t $5.75; light mixed. $5 to $5.155; choice light, $5.3 510 $5.55; packnig. $6.35 to $5.70; pigs. $4 to $5.15; bulk of sales, $5.25 to $5.65. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts, 15.000: mar- ket was steady: sheep, $4 to $5; lambl. $5.25 to $7.60; yearlings. $4.25 to $8.5 Close Higherâ€"Live Stoékâ€" ' Latest ‘Quotations. ' Inessw [Iva-3 vv 5" P, $6.50 per cm. Beef, hind quar.te Beef, fron t. quarter, $5.50 perem- ' 7c to 10c per pound. Beefwrétail 3c to 10¢ per m. 1 3c to 11¢ per pound Pork retai Live hogs $5.75 per cwt. Beef cattle 2 to Sic per pound. Hay $11 to $12 pér ton, Stmvy $5 per load. ' Potatoes: _50c to 55c per bushel. *Aâ€" han- {Um-4.7-- , Apples 65¢ per bag. Hides $7 per cwt. Fall wheat 87¢ per bus. Spring wheat 82¢ per bus. Goose wheat 82¢ per bus. Buckwheat 50¢ per bus. Large peas 90¢ per bus. Small peas 80¢ per bus. Rye 60¢ per bus. ' Barley 48¢ per bus. Oats 35¢ per bus. Flour, best Manitoba $2. Se] CATTLE MARKETS Winifipeg Options. Veal Calves. 40 veul' calves soid at $3 to WEEKLY MARKEIS. me Saturday's Daily. rush ,.... ...... w 93 to 3....' ’ush .......... 0‘94 . bush ...... 0-90 ............. '... 0§0 )ushel 0' a5 ............ 090 :1 ............. 050 ............... 042 :0 Dairy Market. or. dairy 0 25 ots ........... 0 Z". ry, solids 0 27 ry. lb. rolls.. 0 3 . dozen 040 rage ......... 0 25 lb ............ 0 1395 lb ............. 0 14 ted ........... 0 101-5 dozen ....... 2 23 o... .... Exporters. Lil'ec ”ought 63 butchers, uws at $1.30 to $4.40: me- 54 to $4.30, and good to 'altle. at $4.70 to $5.12 per Butchers. $2.95 to mm WORDS FOR THE REEVE Last Meeting of the Council of Mariposa Muriposa council proceedings. Wed- nesday, llcc. 13th. The members were all present and the minutes or‘ the last meeting were read and ap- prOVed. Mr. J. .1. Glass desired a refund of $7.92 for Mr. J. W. lien- -derson, being the amount of n doub- le assessment on his buildings. Dr. Dale presented an account of $5.95 for damages stistained by his carriage and harness. caused by an upset on the roadside at Little llri- tain. After some discussion of the matter the claim was withdrawn. Mr. Rich reports that Mr. Harcus has completed his contracts on the Dunn drain, and is entitled to be paid the balance of his account, 15150. ’ Mr. Black wished the council to Li- :..... an. n. rv... -_7‘_, for work done by his who was unable to at cil Hmeting. The nu ed. (guite a Strong petition from the ratepayers of Little Britain Was handed the council asking that Mr. John Martin be appointed deputyâ€" returning officer for division No. 3, at Little Britain. Mr. Michael pre- sented a report of the expenditures of the boundary line of Brock and Mariposa for 1908, which shOWed a balance of $3.80 in favor of Brock. The clerk read a communication from Mr. H. C. Small, secretary of Board, drawing the attention of the lcou'ncil to sections 10 to 13, of the ' > - Hm.....:.:m Ant of at Little Britain. M sented a report of th of the boundary line Mariposa for 1908, w ‘A an from 311‘. n. e. ........ w 7 the Ontario Railway and Municipal! Board, drawing the attention of thel council to sections 10 to 13, of thei Ontario Municipal Securities Act ol'i 1908, respecting the submission of by-laws for approval or validation. Mr. John Sloan desired an exten- sion of time for the collection of taxes as some $500 remained un-l collected. The commissioner's re-l port respecting the expenditures on the boumdary of Brock and Mariposa iwas received and adopted, and thel sum of, $3.80 ordered to be paid the§ treasurer of Brock. Mr. Stacey’s report showing the cost ot the ibridgc at lot '11.‘ con. 6, with a, steel super- structure to be $512.94, and the bridge on-the side road at _lots' 10 and 11 with a concretearch to be the sum oi'3289.92 was receiVed and tiled. each bridge- being the same 5length, 20 feet. accounts for r pairs to the Hancock drain were paid and the clerk ' au-' thorized to collect from the persons interested‘in the drain. ‘ -, By-law 635 was introduced at“ read the Wus‘ual number of times, providing the following places and appointing the following deputy-re- ‘n-m-imr officers and pol-l clerks for !,_. Uke‘s' Tlié Wattlm'ili-J Harder turning A" “shbscrihe'r in the Northwest writing to'The Watchman Warden“ has‘ the fo!lowing appreciation to offer : “I must say we cer- tainly appreciate the hemp paper mace. it has bgen im- proved so much and look forward to its‘coming with pleasure." 5’ S. J . UH tern; No- 61’ Percy Brown- and John T“ Tamlin and 1 The reports the contracts You ‘ can make yourself solid with an absent friend by sending him The Watch-‘- mun-Warder for a year. Innis like a. weekly letter from home. Barley. De," Rye. 'Pel' bus" 00.1.8. per busw PeaS. per Win Little hogs. Apples. P6P ‘ vote of ‘Vt‘u nun .380 ordered to be paid the of Brock. Mr. Stacey s owing the cost of the ibridgo con. 6, with a. steel superâ€" to be $512.94, and the with a. concrete arcfi to be of $289. 92 was received and in J anti“?- 1 his annual 'gz;'bi,i., ”.75 to ss. bus” 30c to 90¢. ' per bus., 75. pint.10c. $5. 50 to $600: the door. The couécil then adjourn- ‘ed sine_die. after having spent in very“ pleasant. year with pun-h other so far: as the business of the towhship is ‘conceméd. ” A large number of accounts were ordered to be paid, which will ap- pear , in the, tronsuror's‘ financial statemént.‘ which is now in the prin- ltnr's hands for publicationâ€"J. B. Weldon. clerk Dec. 23.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Lamb were visitors to Pet; Tuesday last. Mr. George Mills. of Hal-h noba. arrival in we Villag‘ day. evening to spend a fe‘ holidays with his sister, N Elia-gee. m'uigw. It. is hape the next time any of the Omemec boys undertake to take their girls over (.‘owan's bridge for a driv . they wcn't get lost. on the way and have to turmback again. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bland. of Mt. Pheasant. were in the village Thurs- Sir, and Mrs. Pleasant. were i day On business URI.) U“ ”Hui-"\rv-.. Mis Gertie Grandy and Mr. Have- lock Fee anon-dd! the convert at Mt. ‘I’k‘asam 'l‘uesduy night. Miss .-\'nnio Mct‘afirey arriVed home Mcmhy night for her Christmas ho- lidays. â€"â€"A.l 4_ '1‘“; lllldpa. Miss Hattie T0019 returned to To- ronto last Friday. Miss Sara Lamb spent a tow \x'ixh Lindsay friends this week. 'Mr. Ed. quicson and Mr. llobt. “"i ‘1‘! «man atfirhdod tho Lindsay fai r 'l‘uomiuy. days ' -L~â€"- QOAI‘G Mr. G00. Wilson spent Saturday w say. What might haVe prOVeu u. my... accidcnt occurred last Sunday after- noon. when some of our boys were doing fancy driving. One of them happx’ned to turn too quickly and turned out of the cutter. There was quite a spill of robes. etc.. to be picked up. but many hurried to the spot and soon everything was ready for the ladies. m . .‘ .ULA Lac hmn Mr. and Mrs. Rent '0 Friday last. Mrs. ’l‘h-os. Ingram n Lindsay. -taking up bi'ble st ‘ spending her Christmas holidays with her brother. Mr.- Morgan. 01' _the Standardbank of Lindsay. spent Sunday in our Vil- a g60d time. Mr. J. Blaycock : visitors to Lindsay Mr. Bumie Rehill Saturday. ~- “A Ul Juan-“v.â€" lazge. the gUes’c of Miss Miss Gypsy Paton sp in Peterb-oro. 'Misses‘ Carrie Mega Foxjd were visitors at, ant Tuesday night. The Misses Nora and - Vifiss . Hattie wene visitors 1 'Mrs. Albert fine 1 ture. .II VI- Mrs. S. Grundy Tuesday 188’?- iting her Mr. de Mr. 'a Sunday Mr. Geo sptnt Sunt' uncle. Thursday night to “and the play “All the Comtorts o! ; Rom." Hrs. (Rom) Clare and little daugh- ter of Athefley. m u. mt vis- :.a... a...- M. Ir. and lu.’A. ter of Still! ‘ BS nuLv-c v.-.“ visitors to Millbéook Sunday. 5. Albert Stinson- was in ' Lind- Saturday on business. ‘ . W. D. Stimson has purchased a team of black ponies. We all e to have a. drive in the ne'ar fu- n Qmith. head-milling at Chas. enjoy and first "In. 4-va . _ in Liflord. the guests of Mr. m. Norton Mills. 'md 'Mrs. J; Nichols were in I‘ll ‘nu. . -7. dolphin {or the past six arrived home Saturday evâ€" accompaniod by her cousin. Iâ€"WA’RDER." LINDSAY, ONTARIO. UM'EM EE rad his; sister. Mrs. “out were pn and sister Stella. with friends in ind- at spent 7' "', 60.2 Amy Adams to Lindsay last Wednes: day evening to be present. at. the ' by Miss Addie Adams of wane adopted- commumcxrloxs len Mr. llcNeime. county 3 sumac ot_ expenditure 01 u, .44... at It is like a big, Morial' which clerk . town- the county as a whole is benefitted by the hospital. and a. motion was passed to that effect. John Lynch applied for wire fence bonus but council advised him to make application to the new council 7 ,A!__ Wplw. u. ... v, 81.50 be paid to nos. H. Reed for roadway through his crop to gravel pit ; $10 to John Wilson for 12 days labor ditching on 10th con. road lot 26; Walter Arksey. owner lot 21, con. 8. be pemitted to fell and re- moVe trees from the road bordering in his land v; that this council pay ling all the home news. for 52 weeks. edy. The treasurer mm m ula financial statement for the y , which was on motion of Messrs. n’Tnmhlin and Hawkins, accepted. O’Loughlin and Hawxms, a and of which 100 copies are printed . The by-le.w authorizing nominaâ€" tion and election of council for 1909 receiVed the usual readings. and was duly, passed, signed and sealed. The following are the booths, deputy-re- turning officers. and poll clerks: No. “nn u “*1. lUllanus I... ‘- ____ turning officers. and poll clerks: No. 1. â€"Hussey’s house. D.R.O..H. Fitz- patrick, poll clerk W. H. Payne; No. 2â€"Kellett's house. D.R.O.. Dennis Murphy, poll clerk Thos. Twohey; No. 3â€"Townshjp Ahall, D.R.O. H. A.-__:â€"_ ham: No. 4â€"Wt's nouse. nu. 0.,.Albert Park‘in, poll clerk. P. C. Murphy ; No. sâ€"Band hall, Baboro, D.R.0., Jas. Greer, poll clerk, 'Ihos. Downey; No. 6â€"37. Ops Oh.-'I‘y, D. R11. Jag. A. Agnew, poll clerk John R.O.. J38. A. Agnew, pou Cler- uunu Giltenan. Moved by John” O'ponghlin. secon- ded by Peter Hawkins that this council memorialize the government to order that the height of the new dam to be built at Lindsay shall not exceed the hight as given by George Smith, township W. The towndlip business for 1908 be- @“fi‘w clooéd. the W8, on motion 0! Ilsa-rs. Wilyop 3nd Hawk- ;:M nivobe of thanks to the move for his courtesy ahead of the council on I.“ occasions during the year. _ The new. in turn thanked them- bers for their expression: of appre- fiction and good will and hoped that all future councils you” york har-

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