sSale, on t9 3.1a. mw E. am , “1:1.98 ARTING day, Jan. will gm lue Moneym nothing and u! lads} Away Goodll un ‘ “Sc “'1‘f9c ‘i‘i7c y. Fifi)?12c . 517-3 80 “17596 “"350 12c 690 19c MNNING'S HORSE [XGHANGI SALE 8 \IURDAY. JAN. HUNDREDS OF SATISFlï¬bil’ATlENTS 111 Lindsay and vicinity are wearing glasses ï¬tted during (hc past year by MBMNNISOIL 1)., wvmthI-I'r SPECIPALIST Hny guiding, by Low (dam Valentine.) mu‘lmul COWS. 2 years A†in mh‘. shipped o mums. Must be sold. r: Kent-st Evuuclaifla4 Satisfying or pealthtu. than a juicy 1-31, roast of {ugh grade beef, such as we sell. We have a knack of cutting and â€in? up a. roast tuat makes it- cook wel , carve well and taste well. Try one. The Butcher Glad to call for orders. “Prom delivery, Phone 119. pt. Rich Roast‘Beef INNS. 3‘ buggy Dole. whime trees. neck Uk‘. must be sold, any price. .1 new horse blankets, 25 new Sir’ x m-w robes. 1 box stove, 4 halters, 5 was cum-r shafts. 1 Gladstone cutter. nearly new. 6 Whitimtrecs. single. new. 1 mckf'oke. new. 1 wagon reach, neW- 1 dOUhlvtree, new. TERRISâ€"IO months, credlt, etc-r carload of cows, ~all yom‘ «w», an tun month-5' eradit. hul‘m'n, all classes, consigned. rsznh'hn'd vallu, general put'posï¬. 27m; Hm, in good condition. Irii rluss delivery umro, sound. ("an mum, In Eagle Bird, can mow a 3- minute clip and regis- tun-d, .. ,L ,_4... Terms as Usual. [LPN After all. thergui§ ngthing In?†n u host single harness new. In“ light double harness new (hm-d in medicine sleigh, nearly m-w. ('oming' bodies. with seats mums. Must xvuâ€"yrur-nld steer, Wurk. . . stitching horse, for makmg . J. Campbell Comwan. JIM.-- inver Neill' ,4 sinâ€"0e threl Iindsay â€paired Ilroken , .enae‘ rep laced ,_._.___* ; holstein heif- Lord Roberts. Kent-st 3 and under, one hundred 9, ’09 box. envy Dec. 30.â€"The Women's Institute intend holding their social evening har- at the home of Mrs. Wm. Fowler v in January. The the ï¬rst Thursda~ representatives to the Guelph von- vention, Mrs. Cruess and Mrs. Cullis full report will be there and give a rogram prepared by along with a p ‘--â€"- All are cordially in- and Dec. 30.-â€"A large number attended the. funeral service, which was con- ducted by Rev. J. U. Robbin. of Seagrave circuit. in memory or little Etta Grills, who departed from our midst a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Grills has the sympathy of their many friends. Arfzwro} air citizens are rather in- disposed after Christmas dinner. ville Gilson, also the Misses Luna and May Gilson. of Sony-a, attends the funeral service on Sunday last. Mr. Arthur Sanguine is spendix his vacation under the parental roof. ‘ Miss Mildred Dennis. of Lindsay. is visiting with her sister, Mrs. F. Broad, Zion. Mrs. Wm. Sanguine is spending a few weeks with our pastor, ReV. J. U. Robbin, Seamve. Mr. Edgar Woolarioge spent b‘un- day in Little Britain. Mr. T. Beadle is busy moVing to his new home at Sea-grave. Mr. Thomas Heatley greets the world with a. smile after becoming the fond parent of a. little baby girl. 'lha wedding bells have rung once more. Crnzwratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams. Mrs. Walls of Toronto, is visiting ‘undcr the parental roof. 1 We are pleased to see Miss Ida :Downer and Miss Muriel James in your midst again. Mr. Charles Foster is still imDX‘oV- tint: his place by erecting a telephone. Hus a... râ€"..-- __‘, Messrs. Norman and Byron Os- borne and their families spent Christmas under the parental roof. Hurrah! for the basket social at the Zion Methodigt church on the ev- en'ng of News Years day. Come one. come all. and buy a good big basket. Dec. 28.-â€"Next Sunday, being the ï¬rs! Sunda) of the month there will be serV‘ice here morning and eVen-ing. Mr. C. Thomas will conduct the morning service, our pastor, Rev. Mr. Depraw. conducting the service in the evening. SeagraVe service will be on Thurs- day night this week on account of New Years being on Friday. A busi- ness meeting will be held after the serVice for the purpose of straighten- ing up all ï¬nancial business in con‘ nection with the church for the past year. Those having bills against the church will kindly present them cn Thursday night. Mr. Neil Beatin. of Toronto. is spending a ' few days with friends here and at Cresmvelli Mr. John McDougali. at Toronto. is spending his vacation with friends here. and at Sonya. Mr. Sam. Thorn and family, or Sydney. Maui. formerly of this place are vlsitlnq friends in this vicinityx Miss Maud tlownll. of Toronto. is: nimding har holidays with her inlh: or in Halem. , 7,..4 ‘A‘..J‘A‘Q .x Mr. Arthur Tremeer and zamny spent Christmas with friends in Lit- tle Britain. Mr. James Thomburn and family spent Christmas with Mrs. Thor- ’tyurn‘s mother,.Mrs. J. McKinnon, :1 Cresswell. Mr. Harry Drene. and his sister, Mildred, spent Christmas with their father at Oannington. Mr. Tom McInnis spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Steart, at Sunderland . , 1?. _--n annhi‘ (‘hrist'lnas Mr. anu 4111:. 4.-. .... daughte“. Ettie. or Oakwood, spent Chnstmas with Mrs. Walton’s mot-11‘ er, Mrs. Robert Graham, Salem. couple of weeks with his daughter, " 7 n-.. havignn at Wilfred. l'ng-uv v- Mrs. Geo. DaVison at were among those who mas with Mrs. J. M. E well. Mr. and Mrs. J spending a week ‘ Fenelon Falls. Mr. James Fenlerv', ' g a. few week ipe‘flt â€ganta Claus has comc u..- u all apparently enjoying some again, portion of his good gifts and happy merriment. Was give: in the A good concert Grange hall in behalf of the Pilbl‘ic . _ -.1..M1 “0 ex_ ZION. MARIPOSA Eniest Wooldridse and 3531' SALEM C ORNER S LINDEN VALLEY. Varcoe spent Christmas in Toronto and London. ed Drew is spending a. tn her father at Can- the Mi§ses Lillian of Sony-a, attended Walton and their Sparks mm and family with Mrs. Thor- J. McKinno'n, a fumes West are with friends in 336th his fath- of this place. of Manitobg. is ; and families. 3 spent (‘hrist- Simons, Cress- Institute family in Lit- by the‘his home. ‘ , , A1- ' Miss Laura McCorvie, Toronto, n. of and 159s Mary McCorvie, Rochester, flll a. 11- v- â€"'w_ was with her son George of town. Mr. and Mrs. T. Treleaven, of Ben.- verton. Spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Cullis. Mr. and Mrs., J. T. Terrill visited with Mr. and Mrs. Loudin last week. Mrs. Sadler and her daughter are visiting at. Linden Valley for Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Terrill are spending their Christmas in Toron- “ï¬r. White is the guest. of his daughters, Mrs. Terrill and Mrs. Wel- don. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bit-chard spent Christmas with Mrs. Birchard's par- ents. Mr. McCamas left last Wednesday morning for his home near Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. V. Ray is visiting his parents and sister, Mrs. Giles at Linden Valley. Mr, and Mrs. J. McEachern sgent Christmas at Mr. and Mrs. Herr Jewell’s. Mrs. Hoover and family is visiting her mother and brother at Linden Valley. Miss Zella Cruess is enjoying her holidays under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jewell. of Lomeville. spent, Christmas with Mrs. Jewell's mother.‘ - m, ,,_“_ I'll a. ‘.‘. v. V-- _ Mr. Russell Birchard. of Toronto. is enjoying a holiday under the par- ental roof. Mr. D. Brokenshire called on Mr. and Mrs. P. J. MoElroy last week. Mr. M. McEachern and Miss Me- ‘Gilvary, spent Christmas with their friends at Linden Valley. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rogers were at home to a number of their fricn‘is on- Tuesday evening of this week. Mr. Ed. Rogers and Miss Jennie Cruess are the appointd delegates to attend the Sun-da}',sch001 convention {held at M'an'illa Jan. 12th. f‘ â€II "It: nuu A "mums m‘ tho mummy of mu ()aku‘mnl community will In. th in mm t'l‘vmw'l‘y‘ on Jun; 41h. 1909. m :1 mm. rm: mu wrung" nf nmmim: mg «Hruvuwa and smiling Hm prion or summrm'tuving. aim: mu swim: of mu huunrmilk w Hm ,w_m' 1mm. m“ m» huunrmilk tm' Hm ,wm' Hum. Election day. Monday. Jam. 41h. Thu 19ml murvhanlu aw rauluuiahmg thnir 1510ka of " Royal Mixed," sup- posing the ulvctml candidates don't buy. Alas ! Enough said. Mr. ltuy Gardner, 'l‘orontu, is awarding the hulillays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert (:urdnur. Miss Lil). Every, Toronto, spent Uhristnum at how home. Misses Mable, Man-dc and Ethel Prouse, 'l‘oronto, spent the (‘hrist- mas holidays with their mother. Mrs. A. H. Frenrh and daughter Dorothy, ()rilliu. and Mr. A. . Smith and wife. of Toronto, spent Christmas the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M-acPhorson. Mr. Lou Short Eastern. represen- tative of the Sunlight Soap (30., is spending the holidays at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Houston, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Manning, Toronto, Mrs. Powers, Kerby, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. King, ’K'ingsview, 'Sask., and Mrs. Laidley and family, Lindsay. were the guests of Mrs. Houston over Christmas. . 01,; L‘U‘IDUV-n “V _ Mr. and REFSIGCO. Ruseland, Sut- ton, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. Wm. ' Thorndike.“ luubu, arw ‘-__ ._V,, , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Adair. Fort William. Mr. and MrS. Herb Ren- nie. Toronto. Mr. Charlie Rennie. Toronto. and Mr. Reg. Rennie, Lind- say. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Rennie, Christmas. Miss Nettie Perrin, Toronto, spent the Christmas holidays at her honie. Miss Maggie Cameron. Toropto, was home for Christmas. Rev. G. Munro and wife are visit- ing friends in the neighborhood of Landon. Ont. Mr. "Lu. Al-v.--‘-.._ Mr. Herb. Thornéike and \vif‘P. To- ronto, spent Chrig tmas at. his home. I‘A_L Look! VThe local rink is open every afternoon and eVening. wea- ther permitting. Bumper crowds every night. over sixty season tick- ets sold already. Have you pur- chased yours yet ? All ticket hold- ers are entitled to a free lunch at. the feather foundry each night. at 10 p.m~ Be wise and secure a tick- et. ‘ - ‘ I AA~__AA:â€" ments which were held on Christmas n-ig'ht 'weré both a decided success, the hall being crowded to its ut- most capacity on each occasion. Mr. Joe. Bun-bridge, Sonya. called on friends in the village last week. Mr. Walter MacPherson and sister, Mrs. A. R. Frenzh, spent Sunday awfiémoon in Lindsay. Mr. F. G. Perrin visited Lindsay on Simday last: ng,- :fâ€"ï¬-JFatié Coad, accompanied by McDowell, spent Christmas at local Sunday 'SChOOI ()AKWOOD. is spending Christ- Bert ly spent, Lnrwumu 1:: W any... visiting friends. .\ ‘ , Mrs. M. Scott. of Earhart Puma. his gsm†arrived Thaw owing to Wel-lmke an extended 1m in our vil- lage and surrounditg coun , . pent Mr. Edward Johmom our village parï¬lacksmith. spent. Gin-{m with his parents in Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Erwin and c-..n.. n' Rharhntf bike. are here are ran- Mr. anth-s. J. Thad-Jo and hmi- , 1y spent. Christmas in our viu'uge gm. . . Entry visiting (ï¬ends. 4‘. I M X. 0.0 )[cI-eroy of Mrs. Gee. Scott. I Earhart Puma, r. . n. . . o in; with (ï¬end! in l I citsmth, (trim. 'm ' . ‘ a 1 mm m The mue- Lillian. 3mm «Id Mr. and Mrs. meme nut-mu mu family. of Sharbott’ Lake, am here visiting old friends. Miss Maria JM. 0! Peterboro. is spending a. few days under the pur- enml root. Our skating ï¬nk is in full mom at present. Mr.. Percy Parsons has "7 7â€"4 .“m_ I" vâ€""- good {6e for the sir-(mere and W‘ modntion for snecutors. . -‘__I_ A Mk. Ross Hui-son. of the Toronto. of Petrolia. spent. mas with his parents. In " . â€"_ ____ Mr. Albert Jones spent Monday in L'ndsay on business. Mrs. Robt. Irwin and sister. Miss Ella McConnell, of Saskatoon.“ Soak. are home for the winter. Dr. and Mrs. ncculloch and child- ,4 LL‘ mm of Toronto. are glut/s home of Rev. McCulloch. Miss Lena. Bette. of Bethe], guest of Miss Carrie Ila-gee. Miss Brown. of Bdbcaygeon, guest of Miss Latte. Burgess. 0â€" _n...4l!-. Miss Irene EVans Is spenulng Lu; holiday season with her sister. Mrs. Fred Fielding. Coboconk. Miss Della Carey, of Potcx‘boro, is spending holidays with her. parents. accompanied by her friend, Mr. Bar- rie. of Peterboro. - . ..__ 4.: llvm‘a v- ._._.V ‘ Mr. Cl‘ifl'ord Mulligan and Earnest McCulloch. who have been attending- Toronto University. are home {or the holidays. A. .7 7_A_‘ Mrs. Clark and Miss Wednesday in Peterboro Mrs. (DH) ’Curry and !amily. Peterboro. spent Christmas at home of Mrs. qury. I f‘. V'L'u‘nvï¬uu3 u- n ......... Mr. Lorne Sisson. of the Bank of 'l‘orcnto. spent. Christmas with his parents in Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bryson. of Ar- thur. are visiting at the home of Mr. T. I}. Iaidloy'g. lll-IHV Mr. Mel-Vin Wlnslow spent Walla-s. (lay ln Paterboro. 'l‘he Mlam Thompnon. of Toronto. are spundlng holidays wlth thelr pn- rmts. m. and Mrn. 'l‘hompnon. Mr. Marshall. of Lindsay. paid a llqu Hall to our Villagv lasl Ral- unlny. A m“......l.- r'I‘he nmny frimds of Bolton†Munro sorry ‘ lingering iIlnens. Mm MmMcn hnvhlnqm. of antmhn «mm ('hrlntmaa with her aunt. Mm Iledmm Mr, Wullnw quumlu. yummy" cu Hw "on ‘l‘oivvhnnp ('uu "ammo". In henna fur “Math _ ‘Nw "Hwy Manda of Mr. Jumps Dolmen warn glad m use him in our village 'l‘uuuduy, Miss Mania human. of l'flkfl'hul'u. is me gm of Mrs, Wm. (iuwtinar. Mr, and Mrs. A. Mills. of “Miami'- ton. aw visitors at the home 0! Mr. Wm. Maw. Mr. J. J. Lamb and daughter spam. Christmas with friends in Tomato. Miss Ella and Gertrude McQuade were in l'etemoro Wednesday. calling "Mr. 'F. C. Ivory end Miss Mary have returned Iron) Toronto. after spending the holiday there. on Manda. Mr. Howavd Laidley purchased a driver at the Lindsay {air last week. Dec. 28.â€"News was received here last Tuesday morning of the sudden death of Dr. Donald Niespie, of Canning-ton. Dr. Gillespie had many friends here who were shocked to hear of his sudden death. Dr. Gilles- pie lived all 'his life in the county of Ontario and was one of the best known men in this partial the coun- try, having always taken an active part in politics and municipal af- fairs, and was always before the jpublic. The late Dr. Gillespie was ‘75 years of age. He was married twice and leaves ï¬ve daughters to mourn his loss. All are married ex- cept Elizabeth, who lives at bane. The funeral took place on Saturday at 2 o'clock, and was private. wilt-.1}. Weeks. of Toronto. is holi- daying hem with his brother, Mr. C. E. Weeks. Misses Lam and Hanna. McArthur Reeve Grant. Dr. Galloway, Dr. Grant. C. E. Weeks F. R. Edvanisa Dr. McKay and J. J. Run attended the funeral of the late Dr. Gillespie in Cannington on Saturdey Mr. F. R. Edwards, and her moth- er, Mrs. Campbell. are visiting with friends in Owen Sound. Miss Carrie Barns, who has been in Cookstown, for the last. two months. is home for the holidays. WOODV II‘LE am: is spending “‘3 with her sister. Mrs. has of Mrs. Gabriel Sorry to hear of her Miss Susie sncnt Lank of Christ- Jan“ in our hold-st. Collednte. i8 holiday“- Mr. Archie Kirkland. Heppenstall, Mr. Bee. ] Russel McKay. Miss 5' ,_._‘ in of Toronto. woodville. l‘wnIV' -. - v Bolton, are visiting hare uncle. Anthony McKinnon. Miss Josephine Duncan, anston. spent Christmas ' Korma!) Ferguson. Miss Stoddart and M334 Stoddart. of the Port H tending college in Toronto. is home. Miss Helen Campbell. of Balo, ar- riVed home on Christmas eVe. Miss Ann and Miss Minnie Camp- bell. who has been teaching school in the Haliburton district. are home for the holidays. Mrs. Cave. of Midland. visited here last week. with her (other. Mr. Ar- chie Campbell. ' "-4 an ‘nnf T‘fho tnllnwlm MUM haw ham nmnmnwfl fur m.- mmflnp and mum" far "In Vim-up M anMHv-z mm NERVE. mu iimni. mm. N, in i'anmmn. 1i. MWI'wi-i. William Nexus, Wm UOUNUIL, A, t'umpiwii. (milbr). A, Harem: nun. W. Mammalian. A. mam. Capt. N. 14. wuss-m. John Humm- iiuu, I). Mo'lmrl, William In“, A. ucKiauou. FUR M‘HOUL TRUSTEE. A. McKinnuu, J. V. Staples. Dun Mcucblun. Carden Council comprise liam Henry Wilson. For , Councillorsâ€"William Best. John Deyell. jr.. Fred HicksOn, John O’Loughlin, William Isaac Reid. Dn- vis Wesley Terrill, William Sloan. Elections will be held on Monday Ynethnd theï¬q‘ht will be.kealone ’especiully {or the recVeship, as both lcundidwas are well and tavombly iknown. There are semen in the ï¬eld for the council. tour to be elected. The contestants gm .1! able men and whoever is elected. OPS will have one of the best councils in the history of .the township. A Keen Contest ‘ll‘hoae who qualiï¬ed for the Ops council betore 9 o'clock Tuesday eve- ning before Clerk O’Boyle were as follows : For Reeveâ€"Peter Hawkins and Wil- m Will be the Same Expected in Ops John Cullls, 791 hope Colle- of with William Satur- last iï¬dvertina in the Warder GIFT FURNITURE There is always a place just waiting for the proper chair, rocker or parlor piece, and so we have gathered together some of the choice odd pieces and marked them at particularly low prices. to make them particuiarly attractive. You should make their ac- quaintance. 0P .TANGNEY ‘f‘ï¬R’ï¬ffï¬RoE :91: we will include. free of chuge, gauged.“ our Ostrich Feather Aster. w ich hufeatlv ety, snow white blossoms frequently ï¬ve inches was If you may choose a package of our Run-inn} Ginnt Lettuce or Colossal White Sugar Beet seed. ‘ . J Write My and none you! choice. do. lie-ï¬ll SEEDS FREE odd Rocker for? ALL KINDS O