Ill McAlpine, corner at William .1! Com stun, Lindsay. Spec h.) attention pud_ t9 diseases of .‘n.-- mam-ate nn. JO] credo at: of Q ucmherot‘cth yous. Onta of Surg titï¬cal make Surgery. G Graduate of Queen’s Medical College 1901. Member of the Collegeof Physicians and goons. Ontario; Fellow of the Rays. of Snrgeons. Bdmburgh: Fellow o titï¬cal Sveuty, Edinburgh. wil flake Surgeté, Gynaecology and Midwifery a Qedaltv. 0 co and residence Cambridge-3L. gaudy occupied by the late Dr. Harriman. ce hours 1â€"5 p.m , and by appointment. [hone No. 36. MEATE TORONTO UNIVERSL em, COBONER FOR comr- ‘ TY OF VICTORIA. Dace.â€"Ridout-st., corner Kent and Lindsay-eta. Phone 45-35 ITBWART O'CONNOR, Barristers Notaries, Mo Money to loan at "ray lowest current rates on best ï¬rms. Ofï¬ceâ€"comer Kent and York 31:51.. Lindsay. 1r. Stewart. L. V. O'Connor, B.A. IOLAIGHLIN. PEEL FULTON, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. caneâ€"corner Kent and William- lts., over Dominion Bank, Lind- say. Money to loan on real es- tate. Money to loan at current rates of interest. R. J. McPaugh- LEIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, So- licitor, Notary Public, solicitor for Farmers Bank, representing Water- loo Mutual Fire Insurance 00., of Waterloo ; Federal Life. Assurance 00., of Hamilton, Empire Accid- cnt and Surety 00., of London, Ont. Ofï¬ce over Farmers Bank, opposite post omce. HOPKINS AND HOPKINS, Barristers Solicitors, Notary Public, 9tc. Solicitors 101’ Bank of Montreal. Money to loan on terms to suit borrower. Ofï¬cesâ€" 6 William street, south, Lindsay, Ont. G H. Hopkins, K.C., F. ï¬rm and town properties tor sale. Pn’vabe funds to loan at low rates 9: of interest on farm pggerbies. Accounts collec . OFFICES - [Owe -‘â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"r_ , tilts, members of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons. We have 1.11 the Latest methods of dentistry. Special attention will be given to Orthodonia. Crown and bridge work. The successful exmction of teeth under gas (Vitalized Air) and the insertion of the best artiï¬cial lentures continue to be a specialty of this omce. Ofï¬ce nearly- op- posite the Simpson House. Stanley LGilsop [DORE J ACKSON. Barristers, 01:43., solicitors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan - mod/mm at ï¬ve per cent! Of- leo William Street. Undsay. 1". D. Mnore. K.C. Alex. Jackson. Rn, K.C., James A. Pee]. A. M. Fulton, B. A. hwey to Loan . B. WELDON, Mariposa township Clerk, Oakwood, Fire Insurance Agent, Issuer of Marriage licenses. Conveyancing in all its forms. 2mm Lumber, Shingles, Etc ï¬fï¬f'§3 Cement and Sash and dangm 'the buck Factory Goods mum, 7-... un‘ 1. Hopkins, B.A. Votinary su'rgeon and Dentist JANETVILLE ONT. DR. F. BLANCHARD GEO. A. JORDAN kmANDs a IRVINE. :10 m.w8P-m-: Veterinary if i: JOHN McCU LLOCH Barristers. etc - Over Farmers in. Wstchmsn-Wudu‘ Dentistry Wood I of Oflce FIVE DROWNED .L A v u y... ’ vv â€"----» Buffalo, N.Y., Dec. 9.â€"â€"The Str. W. C'. Richardson went, on the rocks about three miles out of Buffalo this morning and ï¬ve men were drowned. The rescuers brought fourteen men into the local harbor, who were res- cued from the sinking boat. The stern of the Richardson is under ï¬fty feet of- water. .4,-___' __ Port Perry, Dec. 8.â€"The skill. tact and determination displayed by Mr. Harold Archer of this place on Sa- turday last in extracting from the waters of the Scugog a couple of skaters who had the misfortune to break through the ice, certainly just- ly entitles him to the Royal Humane Society medal as well as the Car- negie medal, and it only requires that the facts regarding his brave act be made known to the proper authorities to secure for him the honor to which he is so justly en- titled. MISSIONARY GIVINGS. The reports of the givings of the Various churches were roar! Wod- nc-Sday. St. Paul's was n-proâ€" sented by M. H. Sisson. St. - drew's, by J. P. Donald. Cambridge.- st. Methodist, Jas. BoxaIL Baptist. A. D. Kitchener and the Quoen-st. Methodist, A. Kennedy. The Bapâ€" tist, as previoualy mentioned, lead the list. Following is the list of ï¬gures 4 The Protostant laymen of Lindsay last year contributed to missions the sum of $4,962.17.‘ The.1aymen. at a missionary banquet held last year, pledged themselves to give $5 a church member. Only in one in- stance was this attained, in the Baptist church where over $6 per member was contributed. There were substantial gains in ever-3" church. however. The total church mem- LLV n bership .of t‘hvé'ï¬ve Protestant chur- ches in town is about 71865. - 11-- GANANOQUE MAN OUT OF TROUBLE SAVED LIVES. Had Rheumatism, but Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cured it without a. Should, they In extract- ed? Once out â€"out for over! Don't hobo hasty. Come and consult us. They MAY be saved. Stanly the matter I. worth 9â€. minute. talk? Our “vi-o. out. you nothing. AGAIN â€" CURE IS SIMPLE, NATURAL ’s Kddiéy Pills “and. you he cold. wet days of fall (our oi rheumatism. ch' f Lindsm THE- WATCHMAN NARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIC. om: ~ INTERESTING THINGS ABOUT THE POULTRY. . It everyone who kills, ships, w landlo- poultry had to buy turkeys. ducks and chickens for his '- ttble from, the supply presented for inspection when the city consum- ajoos to make a purchase, the bus- in!" would be much better manag‘ 0‘. Of all the food products the consumer has to buy, poultry goes the limit for unsightliness, mussy“ also, and lack of attractiveness. Only a small percentage of the birds g. sale Can be classed as respectable. dean handled, and presented in a y. to attract and not drive the cus- tgmer. away. Why is this so 5’ linply because of the bad handling to poultry business gets in the kill- ‘ing and marketing of the birds. A Jenner has a few ducks, geese, tur- lkqu or chickens to 'sell. He feeds hem right up to killing time. They are plucked-and packed away for market in some old barrel 0r box, without any regard to their shape or for: when they are taken out, and what is wor9e still, the food left in the crop “hen killed decomposes disceloratiori sets in, and by the time the birds reach the consumer they are anything but the tempting mor- l eel Uhey should be. Starve the birds well and good before killing, shape nob one properly before packingr 1173! for market, and the consump- tion of poultry will soon double in volume. Unless this is done, better far ship the poultry alive to some responsible dealer who knows how Ito kill and dress properly. a uu.-v of East V'ictoria..= We have no sym- [ pathy with appointing High school' teachers to public school i‘nSDCCTOTS‘ when there are competent teacherS' like Mr. Broderick available. This' should be one of the school priZes offered by the county for the man‘ who wins the promotion in- the Pub- lic schools. We congratulate the. Victoria county council on its rom- ‘ mcndabl’e. and sane action and. on‘ having: a practical and very success- ful Public echool teacher of Mr. Ilroderick’s ability for the very im- portant ofï¬ce of inspector.â€"l’lowman- ville Statcman. WANT MANY TEACHERS. When the Model Schools of the ll’rovince close their doors for the Christmas term the anxiety of sov- eral hundred rural school trustees will be appeased, for at time three three hundred Untario girls equipped with Model School certiï¬cates will suddenly he turned into the Pedo- gogic market. As an illustration of the scarcity or rural school teachers it has been shown that nearly six hundred schools were without teach- toachera since the beginning of the term. the reason being the sudden ox- odus toward the Normal Schools un- der the new and inViting conditions inaugurated by the DOWt of Education. which simpliï¬ed the ob- taining of ï¬rst-rim oertlncoteu. So “. “8 EUW‘uI u Uuw -. v. -.__.. der the new and inviting conditions inaugurated bv the Depot-uncut 0! Education, which simpliï¬ed the ob- taining of ï¬rst-rinse certiï¬cates. So many of. the rural schools tempora- arily depleted of their teachers have struggled along as heat they could. The close of the Christmas term, however, supplies about three hun- dred young women W‘Vto‘m. UNSIGHSLY POULTRY A very earnest young luau m m... ing Socialism in the council cham- ber these evenings. He is J. Stitt Wilson, is entitled to have the pre- {.\', reverend, placed before his name indicative of the fact. that. he is or wasa Methodist. minister, and is withal a very convincing speaker. Is Socialism a joke to you ? Perhaps it is, but. there was little levity amongst the crowd that over- flowed the police court council chamâ€" ber as they listened to this man. who with illustrative gesture and flashing eye tells of the wrongs of Capitalism and the plans of Socialism for the emancipation of the oppressed. A At best cold type cando little to simulate the ï¬ery eloquence or con- vincing argument of J. Sti'tt Wilson: but he speaks to-nig'ht 'in the same hall, and twice on Sunday. and what he says can be characterized as far from uninteresting. The sapeech or lecture lasted over an hour without a murmur from those present. Some stinging pamgruphs, bitter reflectiops and supposedly out- spoken truths‘ are reprinted here : 1“] wonder that 1 can be as sane or = "â€in . as quiet as I am when in Chicago. ispmtunl doctrines .who do_ not know New 3011:, Toronto and in the lai‘g- 'thfi; they are denying (Phnst. . er cities there is a condition 'of pm‘- I the on .mi‘u'vel at F29 1311on c." my which is appalling. and that in ?. f“:°‘" “‘31:“ “1"â€? at â€â€˜9" the face of the most colossal wealth. {“1“ We?“ “ ‘°' “t““f‘s â€my "All wealth except. the natural ’23“ :1; m.Ihwdl an opgol'tublggg' m be _ . ' . ' uca . t a ways as the gifts 0‘ avgvytarmvdmhthe Pnlflud 0‘; i. few who haveboen educated. School . V , -. :from the Francoâ€"Prussian war. “3510;200:312“ 2,0!“ ‘29 fall-tin “I would not enter on my list of th' 8 9 ng :3“ ca - W ‘ inmds him who would needlessly set no .11;th t2), be ï¬lml's: 9L 1 am ihis [act upon a worm ; where shall we 35:11:11 no: ii}: in; $3? daizdirli enter him who sets his foot on the . _ ' - back of humanity. ([X‘as‘l‘ t“: did not. enter my protest “A girl in London worked for six “Sums 1 - .. _ days making a beautiful garment; ‘or ’t l! nunrinhénc I?! 5;:er anngert; which she rootiwad six shillings. Go- 1 IS sacr re. t Eternal 0! ing down the street shesaw it in a and the Holy Church are so. anxious shop window marked to sell at six for us to have a pleasant life of It. guinoas. That's your civilization for up .allOVf‘. why should they not be you; that's your Christianity which finxious torus t.° have, pleasant 9x- wants to go and convert the heath- .mnnnn ham Life should be pleasmg en 3 SPECIALISTS In follow!“ disease‘ of men Piles Epilepsy' Dvspepsia Asthma Syphilis Rbemuatism Oahu-r11 Stricture boat Vitality Ru ture Ennis! one Skin Dis- Dia tea Varicocele eases idney Aflections ‘ due visit advimbie. hub if impos- sible send hiom and two-cent stamp for free rep y. DINO] : Cor. Adelaide and Toronto 8h. Hours: 10 to l and 2 006. Sundtya 10 mm. to} p.11! 25 Toronto type Guido little to Toronto. Ont REV. J. STI'I'I‘ vubm From Friday’s Daily. is talk- STI'T'I‘ WILSON “I“. "With the capitalists on Sunday it ; is ‘Suï¬er little children to come unto ‘ me for such is the Kingdom of He»- mn.’ and on Monday it is, ‘Suflcr lit.- | tlc children to come unto me for such ' is the kingdom of Proï¬t." 1 "The average age at which a wdrk- ingman dies is 36, and with prota. .sional men it is 55. I take it theta .mun is only commencing to live at, I "Hell is that isolated horror of a Ihuman soul that haslivud for use", 13nd not the burning furnace it has gm pictured as. 1 “Some of you people will receive a lshock when you get to the Judgment 3 Seat. You'll not be asked if you men invea soul, but you will be asked ;how you treated humanity. ' Capitalism is an immoral. unholy. ‘ sub-human form of chi- llizatzon and is morally supported by ispiritual doctrines who do not know :that they are denying Christ. i "You marvel at the ignorance of xthe gout-rad masses ; I marvel at their [intelligence when for cmturios they :have never had an opportunity to be a -â€"-.y _ ea or déiégorabeo uhmï¬an life, is a wrong and ought not £0430 tolerated. "Physical existence. intellectual en- lightmcnt and spiritual Mreshnunc is What SOCialiern want! ’to give to an IARRI AGES WAKELIN â€" RYCKMAN -â€" At the Cambridge-st. Methodist church parsonage, on Dec. 7. Miss Kat» Ryckmun to Mr. Frank Wakolin. both of Cannington. by Rev. J. P. ‘Wilson. . PARKS â€"- BARTLETT â€"â€" In Lin?!- my. on Doc. 9. at the homo of the bride. by Canon Marsh. Estella Bartlett. and Ralph (‘. Parks. PEA L0â€"SMI‘I‘Hâ€"At the rectory. renown Pulls. by the rector. the luv. w. H. A. Each, onWedae‘s- dun December 8th. 1909. Mr. John 11â€.?!†mm“ of healthy tad good-looking datum will kindly keep this in mild. . THE BABY snow. Enrico for the baby show on the doy of the winter uh. Doc. 21. must be in the hands or the â€oratory. D. A. locum. before noon on flat ‘ ' Anything n.‘m1o. to was ume Etta Smith both of Somervme. umt, wrongs. depreciat- ror of as “Six bottled cured me this wintera for itself, bronchitis. I am completely rm 9 it h“ 1 and I owe thanks to the Peruns. § “1 hsve recommended this remodyu receive a ' oluge number of my friends omictal Judgment L with the some trouble. and they hm r w... mm. § veriï¬ed my good opinion of thh yd- WY, DECEKBER 15 A frank Statemm ‘1 Pmprietor It“ i: W Best Maddy a] World. A RACE HORSE. Mr. Dave McMahon, of Ember. has a young race-horse m training in town. W. Sher-an is training the this momitig. Mr. McMahon outed Harry Direct at one time MR. EMILE MAROIS,1879 01mm atroet, Montreal.Csnuda. writes; “After tasking nine bottles of Pm I ï¬nd thut I am cured. .â€" ' All makes ofguns and mi.» n-pm- ed. Key~ and splings mted m locks. Sewing machines and gem-ml j ahhiug at LINDSAY BICYCLE \VORKS. ‘71"ch take It occasionally. For not! b thc met medicine in the world. “1 11310 recommended it to a number of pet-mug." â€" c. .- .-,,_ n__; ‘_ l'xâ€"gflclltnro, Otuws. Ontario. mites: “Th0 Pumas la particulsrly om dons in the cure of catarrh al aflecu of the lungs and brpn. his! ‘tubcs. 3_L_ 4 Ask Your Druggist 101' Frec Fer- una Almanac for1910 Birds and animals stuf mounted Canaries. Finches. Pi‘oons and other for sale at Deer and Moose Heads "hem .â€" n! O nkot eidnd dew"! %a â€(gram our ommun {me n in‘! nu .- I' 20%:ny Mt nh‘o. (‘nmmunlm (1 com. 31. ANDBDOK on l’atefl $8“: €5â€Â°'§°ï¬â€˜:ff““§‘c"“‘°""‘ 1n 0- % in we on mmm , --A. â€"--- __:A.“ Toronto Bird Store 175 Damian-st . Toronto 'rietor . William-8t. NEXT POST BUILDING :l. C. Harms Pelletier, Dept.“ Taxidermist waft?" u w . Campion this winter d asp “'Ui‘k. .u. â€dsome hands and M07 ’ mad: 1qu '8' .510 to White W001 My soft woo‘. rt 25c, 36c and Colored and \K 7 ( It ï¬t, 85c, nnr lead .V 16-inch Mm Do'Ts Dons' 12â€"inch Neatly 1"“ h sntu rd 3 \ I! dupe Loh be [awn A g n‘( 14 and 16, \ London H “mom m' by constalno [our hardw It Uxbridgc “'3 taken t m beforv f ; Persian M u said to h from P of revolvt‘n a them wm ' Pianm “0 Albert J “action w: h corresw an mm to the doi: Haltv. in ' Vllentia Brother the for ling Ma? :1! and " Sto 1 Sablt um Blo f mm