brushes. Ebony Cloth Brushes ............. Ebony Hair Brushes .............. Ebony Hand Brushes ............ Ebony lilitarw Brushes, per mamas names The guaranteed kind make a we. . Y V was»: focus. , V59. 5 j-‘L‘Eï¬h .. KEEP THIS . ~‘X hi‘lwb - ‘fl‘, 4 THE HOME .W-‘A.n~â€".- - , H ache)! Teams in the North .., .. fJ'igï¬â€˜.’ â€1‘ . n‘wu-“ . ? ,_ l m. ., “ya. 4%,; At a hockey meeting in Haliburton on Thursday last the following of- floors were appointed for the ap- proaching season : Hon. Presidentâ€"Dr. Soady. Presidentâ€"(X D. Kellett. Vlce-Prosidentâ€"Daniel Gorric. Managerâ€"Geo. H. Potts. Assist.-managerâ€"J. T. Laking. Captain“). 8. Elson. Sec.-'l‘ruas.â€"-Wm. R. Gorrie. ...-.._,v. -s»g$ ,g' :4; $1. j<,§:â€*".;Â¥-t.“ ~ can... The reorganization of the Minden hockey team was well attended and resulted in the election of the fol- lowing ofï¬cers : D. J. llartle. hem-pres. E. C‘. Young, pres. H. Seward, lst vice-pres. S. F. Stinson, 2nd vice-pres. A. E. Stinson, manager. J. E. Donaldson, sec-trees. Child found $6,060 in Bills Toronto. Nov. 28.-â€"A West Toron- to resident, returning to his home on Thursday was amazed on enter~ ingthe sitting-room of the house to find his young son having a gleeful time with a bundle which contained upwards of six thousand dollars in crisp new 'I‘raders' Bank bills. The gentleman in question had but recently moved into the house, and left alone in the sitting-room the child set to work to pick out a few of the tiled grates, exposing to view underneath the ï¬replace the beauti- fulnewnotes. whichappsaledtohls youthful fancy.I The father. immed- xé">‘ .........¢ “Mu-*g‘v imï¬â€˜W‘é. e .4 ;" â€madman. pe- There is already a “Christnlassy †feeling inthe airwhlchpsnhuliybnngs to your-mind all the worry and trouble which you had last year in making ," last udnute’ gift selectionsduring the rush. Avmd it this year by shopping early You will ï¬nd here's wonderful assortment of the better class of suitable articles. Here are some suggestions. GENUINE EBONY BRUSHES No gift whether for a l idy or gentleman is more appreciated. We pride ourselves in our high grade Ebony Hat Brushes .............. ........... 1.00 to 2.00 Ebony Bonnet Brushes ....... ............. 75s to 8.00 ............... 250t0750 gift ........................................... Organized Womens Mmdem LEATHER GOODS , . A selection that for beauty and utility will appea to the most critical. . ' Hand Bags, in Genuine Seal. Morroco, Alligator and Walrus .......................... . ..... .....100 to 12 00 Card Cases ......................................... 500 to 5 00 Music Rolls ....................................... 2.50 to 5.00 Purses. ............... . ............... ........ 75s to 8.00 Purses (Strap) .................................... 1.50 to 3.00 Wallets ....... .. ....... .. ............ .. ...... . ........ .000 to 5.00 00in Purses ..... ................. . ...... 250101.00 ............. vantages ............. 600 to 1.25 pair...2.00 to 5.00 useful and sensible The Crush kind, just the thing for a gentle- .......... 1.35t02.50 man 75cto2.00 LIST FOR REFERENCE AND GO TO BUNOON’S DRUG STORE or “REXALL REMEDIES†, BROSll SETS Indespensable in the Nursery. Sick Room or for For hanging on the wall c ontainin Hat and . one’s own comfort ------------ Pint“ “5' Qulrts' "5° Cloth Brushes ........... ............. 1:5 to 5.00 HOT WATER BOTTLES COLLAR BOXES stolen bills has been put in circula- measure diminish the trouble tion. cost of' handling their output. Strong. of Pension Falls. are guests of the Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Stevens of town. lnstitnte at Balsam Grove ‘ Balsam Grove. Nov. 28â€"Mr. and . Mrs. P. Jones visited Glenarm friends on Sunday. Mr. W. Imrie attended the Smith Bale at Hartley on Wednesday last. Mrs. McDonald is visiting her no- ther. Mrs. Knight at the lake shore. Mr. Will Tolmie returned home from the Northwest last week. and lie visiting his parents on the Fourth Line. l please remember the . l Mr. Don. Nichilsan. of North De“ Rev. w. H. savourtlth the of Rota. is Visiting relatives here. l‘flcers and teachers of the S S are A meeting of the Women's Instiï¬ busy training the pupils for a tum was held at the home of Miss Christmas tree entertainment to be Thurston on Thursday last- The held in the to on...†meeting opened in the ““81 WWII)». 21 m mm on w w. After the reading of the minutes of last meeting Miss Knight gave her report of the convention held inTo- ronto last week. This paper was full Box RENTS of helpful hints for furthering instiâ€" â€"_ ture work. The district secretary, ; WHAT BOX RENTS AMOUNT T0 Miss F. Maynes, was also present. A IN LINDSAY- and gave an outline of her trip to ccording to the latest Governâ€" 'the Horticulture Show, which proved l meat report the 10110“ ‘3 the rent interesting. Miss Ethel Pethick. sup- !" letter W08 and drawers of a in her usual pleasing number of post ofloes in Ontario. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lucas, of town. A flower sale and concert under the auspices of the Women’s Instlé tute will be held in the town hall on the 16th of December. A splen- did program is being prepared. The president. Mrs. G. Potts. sr., no pains in making this the plied music . . manner. The meeting closed by sing- “â€1“de Lindaâ€: 'ing the National Anthem. The next. 1908-09 1909.10 meeting will be held at Mrs. Knight's Il‘owmanville ------ 3 464.03 518.84 1; Decanber, when seasonable sub-l Lobourg . .............. 588.35 583.90 jects will be discussed. The youngéKingston ...... 885.18 872.90 ladies on the. program committee of Lindsey ...... ...... 790.26 656.86 the w. I. have decided tozhold niNam ...... --------- 618.60 559.46 ’mcgrt about New Year’s. They 015111.. ...... ... u... 959.15 888.95 will get hm pmï¬m diam. WW8 no so. no...- 502.89 008.62 etc.. immediately, “a ., good pro- Peterboro 767.76 251.90 'm i. W, Picton some 871.5: m, n Imrie mt SW at Port Colbourne 981.03 208.08 Cameron. Port Hops â€9.48 548.30 We“ 419.1! A amber from here attended the St- “W ...... Institute m at Mon Falls ‘ Good; 1:; News ;;< â€for on Monday and listened tossed lad. _.. '. ~‘, and Miss Jounstoa and her sister Mrs. the Miss Bessie Lucas, of Lindsay. is E day. from each edge of a piece made of that snaon's gay colors. A New Double Bug. Bags are alwiys acceptable. and each‘seasuu new designs are brought out.for the bolldan. Tï¬'uéwest" li’i'd’ouble bagâ€"that In one placwl over the other. one is usually of plain silk or ribbon. the outer of brocade or hand embroid- ered fabric. The ï¬rst bag is made in the usual wayâ€"that is. the sides sew- ed and the top ï¬nished with a draw- . string. The outer be; must also be sewed at the sides. but in the center it is slashed from the top down three inches or more and the corners turned back. revere fasblou. These are faced with plain goods. One comer may die- playanlaltlal. orallfour may bedec~ outed with sequinsoranydevlcetbe sewerpleases._ Thebagssreplscedouewlthlutbe With otherand ï¬rmly securedattheeuds. her numerous co-workers. will spare The inner bag will hold the opera event glasses while the outer pockets serve of the season. friends will as receptacles for the handkerchief. powdcpumetc. Thlslsaaotberex- ampleofadalnty present thatcsnbe madewlthsmsllelfortandfor little OM .ChrlstmasOI-nemeuts. TomakellttledsndssforChrlstnss treesfasbion popcorn lntollttlebslls. thresdwlthdarkgreeusflkstemdlp makes a pretty ornament. Silver or :olddustmayalsobeused. Aquar- tefsworthofdyelnbluayellowned andtbe‘llkewlllmaheaaestquan- tityofbells. ‘ ‘ dlna‘lsssj 10m here to the threads and make Holes rtbe‘tree. WhyflotflalcsaI-latstend .nech servlm bleand dainty hatstsndofblueï¬owered abluesatlnbowbyguayogf 2 iii? l i: ii l l edges de- mk “Mm. m cones-u 2 ‘ $323.. my come out anywhere. kï¬ouey. ecu-acted. lb.......... on There is more variety in color and de- Ilsa use may be kept. gathering one and en's-half inches . ofrlbbon. Sewthegatbaedrlbbonovcracandle shade and conceal the stitches with agoldcord. auteuribbonwlthross sprays ln nytunl colors and spin satin edge 9 meat effective. The pin- cushion is of white Meta ribbon. hav- laxaredsauhstrlpeaudï¬curesand red satin rllbon flowers with tiny green taffeta Ilbbou leaves. This is a delightful Christmas present. as it is Tbeluncr perm. .aod lambs as follows: l ...... MC! (0* “N. What can '2‘: use! self Rom such a man? The damsel who kept the do". . shesswhlmslfbytbeï¬re “mg" blmselfleebed earnstly upon mm and said. “And thou also west with J“ of Namath." Compare the four .6, venom. BIC ll. wed. saying, ~w°_ man. I know Elm not; neither one, stand I what thou eaycet." Alas_ at†now can we account for it? mu m; devil. who led Judas lscarlm to not“, Cbrtst. take possession of Peter also? Even so. for on s previous~ occasio- Jesus had to say to Peter. “Got thee b, M â€I. cw , ‘IN / V ‘ ‘ â€sou.“ - amueaesnous‘eees :: ( B! w M. 1' ~ 'Jwrfoouoosss I 7 â€I I la :wlmuesu Toronto. My flat-Ow. soarsâ€. duty. b. O I m m sous-sou... . a W. Th. soul“ 0’ I†«v ‘, :i .. , tâ€: . ' j ' â€m aural: “'0 ll) Compan m’hlhmdurm and my.“ ms: 3 man. rolls.. 0 I 1...... ........... Mud me. Satan" (Mast. xvi. 2% On the Passover night the Lord said “Simon. 81M behold. BET“ 0801 (lo-ï¬red ill have you (R. V. asked to have yam. that)†may slft you as Win-m. but 1 have prayed for the that my faith fall not†lLuke xx“. 31. 32. After that ï¬rst denial he went out Into the porch. and the cod; crew. Then anotber meld saw him and be can to say to them that stood by. Mn“, fellow was also with Jesus of Nan. reth.†And again be denied Will) an oath. “I do not know the man " if h. bad only left the bad company as soon has be found himself falling be (high: have repented sooner. but ii is grow. lug worseâ€"the second denim was ac- companied by an oath. About an hour later another conï¬dently still-med. say- ing to Peter. â€Surely thou am one of them. for thou art a Galilean. and thy speech agreetb thereto." The kinsman of the man whose ear Pmur rut 08 said. “Did not I see thee in lllc garden with Him?" Then be begun lo curse l M W eeeeeooss-eege . ' calm .......... O I M ouolowos'woOoIIOOOOQI . 3 New York Dairy Market. ï¬w Nov. zaâ€"nnm-nuy: 355m specials. also: as- “discipquortbeyallasserbsdthe clue. ltwasaslf Peterseld:“lord. Thou dost not know me. Thou canst surely count on me to be true at any cost." Do we see ourselvo? Have we ever sung “Surely the Captain May De- peudonMe?†Ifso. werewenotas foolishly boastful as Peter? How the Lord must have pint-d him! How He pines us! None can be saved until they know that they are lost. for He came to save the lost. The condition of ev~ cry sinner before God Is guilty. with- out strength. ungodly. enemies. enmity cams mxam against God. dead in sins. children of dbobedleuce and wrath. having no American Cattle Lewer In Londonâ€" hope and without God in the world United States Markets Steady. (Rom. ill. 19: v. 6. 10: V1“. 7: Eph- ll. NEW YORK. Nov. Ila-London O‘N- ln‘l. 5. 120. Such belplm. bell duel". American attic lower at It: to m sinners Jesus saves fully m for and to swear. saying. “I know not this our n?“ “L: rmw beef. fl ’19 ever by His finished work without any 1 man of whom ye speak.†And immedi- Toronto Live 8 help from us whatever. When saved I ately. while be yet spake. the cock . ._ ' w we are Just as helpless to live a Chris- crew the second time. and the Lord ngflgoénï¬gzdgï¬f 1'53: :3; â€a: flan life and to serve Him as we were turned and 'Wked 0000 PMâ€. And the City Market, consisting of 1588 to save ourselves. So [be great lesson 99'" called to mind the word that cattle. 921 hogs. 1341 sheep and 1811150. for the saved sinner to learn is the sig- 13808 said unto him. “Before the cock 8 calves and 3 horses. niflcance of “Not I. but Cbrlstf‘Wot L crow twice thou shalt deny uw thrice" Ei‘portsrs. but the grace of God:" “Without Me ye (Mark xiv. 30-72.. And when he 15°" "- ‘ Md °‘ “w†“m" can do nothing" (on. u. 20; l cor. xv. thought thereon he went om and wept mghzf‘flnihég‘tm‘f â€II.J%';,:â€~ 10; John xv. 6|. Unless it is God who bitterly. This was not lllm the re "I. be“ 10“ 01 9W M '° 3;: worketb In us both to will and to do of mouse of Judas lscarior who-h led to m“ b'°'i$“mn°":;o°"m 318 8000 Pleasure the work cannot suicide. but there were tears of true at the close of the market. Export NIB stand. but will prove to be only wood. penitence. are '0'“ from “~50 to " hay and stubble. We must be ever How much do we know m rho mm- Bmu‘ watchful. prayerful. submitting to God for! of the assurance [hm and resisting the devil. if we would livetb to make intrrcescim. walk worthy of Him who bath called «Heb. vii. 25). "lie ever for us" Do we lay ll lu lwal't Prhne picked lots sold at from 85.0 to 8,8: loads of sood. as.» to 5.0: medium. 8 to ï¬xfcanmon'. ill to use: rows. 8 to sinuous. s: to 82.50; bulls. 83.50 " us to an kingdom and glory. We have that the same great :ulwnnri 1.. war Feeders. seen Peter daring to rebuke the Lord seeking lo cause the \‘ulhw 1.. fall Mm of be“ guilty for goon-nos. as He spake of suaerlnx. though the that be may bring reprow'l' upon that! am to $6.40: road. grunt steers. “I Scriptures my be said to be full of beautiful name by whh -, m. are t° “-1°‘;I‘;:m.:d‘°8“':° ere. predictions concerning the suï¬'erlngs called? He does not ask 'nr who un- ne" ‘1. 3.“, up y 03mm“... a. of the Messiah. We have heard him saved. because they belong mm lie :"§"‘°,{"“1,‘_,’§" agrgzmuuo$ggug straw“- have legt 81111021112; What did not ask for Judas [scorn-I. mu m- n s "1' s V n 5,. s n "r me. I m o" " e In" bad to ask ror Job and for Peter Lo: mn2“53"§$§k§'..' $1.1 2 Vilma. f. “'0 beard him “.V- â€T500 "Wt 39'" us never make light of turn. for he the sum'of 8100. ' wash my 2995" We “'9 beard h“ is too formidable an enemy Let us Veal Calves. There was no clients on the calf mosh ket. prices rel-nailing steadY. I! l3 to I Sheep and Lambs. week-y Dunn quoted prices for its. Ewes. use b 84.6: maisonhzlsmbauto. per owl... in eacthess. . .tcrortri.§§ SO“ Was Kllled and fob. cars at country pointi- Le d M R e 5%.â€..2‘".‘.‘$:§.a.. 1n say an €C€1V€S celpts m heed: steady; prices unchan- $715 From the Company rous'hs. an to as: seas-s. a.» to u; A few weeks aso 10- John Dow- 1 county lodge of Peterboro. “£12: 17:: {:mflhwpu in best nay. of Liam, issued . writ: city. sheep active and steady; lea-ha, slow and against the Victoria Harbor Elevat- Yesterday afternoon a settlement Dec. 6th to be heard before the: Johnston. K. C.. for the rampany. M Baldness and Itchm' g Scalp Caused by Microbes There is no doubt about it. Dr. ed. Vealsâ€"Decelpti 3 head: flow and fl l ; : 3"?" M“ ‘3“ u M†or Co. for unstated damaged for the was reached between the hm Par- a... y“ LM M death of his am Prank. while em- ties, with the result that Mr. Iow- Sabourand proved it when he infect- ed a guinea pig with dandruff germs self conï¬dent boasting that be was ready to die with Christ. Yet we have seen him taking of! a men‘s ear. for a little while fomking Christ. then fol- not be afraid of him. for we have n shield to quench his ï¬ery dune and a sword with which to muquer hlls llph. vl; Rev. till. l n that lower: 8.?! to 310.50. ~lo ed than about. three months n . Honâ€"Receipts no head: active and . to its: higher: bee mixed. 87.0 to ".0: yorkera 87.. to .8; will. 87.†to It ‘80- mhï¬pg’ 19$,“ “a. a Mr. R. J. ncuughnn, x. 0.. acted steamy. Veala. “was; era-eels The date of the trial was set for for Mr. Downey. and Mr. E. B. F. n h 8. .3 ul .9 i. l i i; . ‘MWfl-nslflr: Innâ€. and all itshairdisappeared in a fl‘:m†Em,su 37,“; muâ€:§’;m.,~: short time. Thee-tire medical avzgg “-86; a“ how; u‘ world has accepted Dr. Sabourand's Deep suddmm 3.0:†discovery 53 final. Ask any worthy met-6y.uwvautou:wm Mm, 83wâ€;m‘u;lsluh.-' ï¬veoutoflï¬; mug.“ Pmmthe'ofldlnknowlodge ofdiseesespfthehalr and remedies forthesame. usdParlslanSege is theonegreatremedythatkllls the uses. “mama-sum youhavehalrtotebcenol.Kill thedandrudgumsnowbdore the ParDhaMthemsteeddandruncananddellghtfulhalrdreu- uglsussdmw‘hdlesofMtbscauseitkeepsthescalp mmmumrnmhslmmmmir. price so military one. Colonl'l Hughes has 1115 A T. W1- from Dr. J. early as follows: My dear Colonel Hugh just read with wry . that our old friend, M. has passed to ‘lhv (:r Should you meet any m- hlfl family kindly tender mv expression m Sincerely yours, behalf Bobcaygeon Wante c .._â€"â€"â€"â€" Sgnd. .l V " â€Eon.†- Regret Death of colonel Hughes, M. 1).. .~ to m Warder a i he eXpressee the 5 * his brother ofï¬cers f. 3“ lamily oi the leu- . , ‘ of their old comrad gel regrets that he (lid . a lad mummies until “I after the funeral, ()l . would have endeavored to principal of the n . School, now a wealth}- - on. resident, of Vancoux- but having through the Northwest p well as in British ('oluml time Dr. Tanner wrote h quna on business. His large in A. Will the pcrsnx. \\l..l w-r tal male for (mu :wrk ‘ and (lid lull lfl‘l‘ ‘..:Y:.t' " ward mum'- in 1h z.‘ 1's that Shim mug. lu- vr‘m-i' list. CA‘RLK'I‘ Fillill i’-\' ll! Ul-‘ Ml'llLl/cJJv \ London. ....___.__â€"â€" _\()\. CONTESTS CRIPPE .l‘ been ï¬lo-<1 again“ Belle Elmore, 111; Elbe solicitors \xhu .w, lht? aCllOn din'h no say in\ olxe litigation. Four (‘anadznn in a: i. grantl 4* ance for lube lull irulllc. __._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" an (:51 i-llrlul'x U .l ose’ph 1.5: ulunir. killed roundhnuse near Wimiro 10 MONTHS" (‘l'.l‘ll|l’l' The next suln m l‘nnn 1011'. Thursday. will be without suco-ssiul. well . SI :8 0“,le (ens: cause. Could the" l’" 0'" ‘ dd. .0 the people ol this P! l‘_\‘ a sllof‘lx Ln L I.ln(l‘:xf'. lis‘l'. 503i on micrvr‘ nrni .‘ 1 A 11. 1 l 1',†on behalf of a li.-'..’ Y.:,’ 1.:1“ “ TIE SWEETEST TIIE OIARITI The sick child from lb: m ' has the same claim Ml. gdthtgf'flHh" â€"â€">\ L‘ ‘. kin .1. iv} ‘ \ an vl‘ (\u‘ll :‘H' h. 331â€â€ vii“. '