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Watchman Warder (1899), 1 Dec 1910, p. 6

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E :l i E 2 l i Q. .._. .â€"........_... ..__,...‘ u. .39 _ hwâ€" ,wxw.'ro “9.! 3. - ., . clucOomme . an extensive . . ‘ .~ ~ ’ . . ‘ 2‘ ‘ A I: . M M fl ~ Imotion at! .3 willi' V. ‘l \ ‘ ‘ A, ff » ,. w " " ‘ "I, k \ m .1 V E .‘ 'fl“ ‘0‘" ‘ ‘ Bunions. c ‘ l" , . .‘r = . Men’s Black and‘vGrcy Winter...overcoatg of Cheviot and Beaver Clothe. velvet colluggoodlhmflleluc. Beth‘s.” I Lfli . a . ‘ ~'4 mosaics. ill“ pd“ .10 “a ’1’. |Alhlm m ueueeuunueuuie'eeeeeeuuuuuuee" . . l " A, l" 1' ' “.0 ,I 7_ m ”mg? Men’s D. B. ,Tweed Suite 2 > . .. mewmz I ‘ . . , h " Good linings, exceptionally wellnedeniluulo”. Regular price no to $5 90 mm. M . M M m ‘h.i;u , m- m '3“. “I,“ “mm“ -, terboro .‘ii AflhlVM‘SM'y pH“ miuuiiiuiuuuuiuu I||II|IIIIIIII'IIIIIOIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII‘ I “I. M would N my W .1 fl ‘ . N . “-“If ” l» ,5 “MM“MJNHQHNH’: . . ' °' ‘1‘. “”5'...“"m““‘.'ll'e"l.‘ "'3 ..:.. a“ r M *- , “ ‘ o‘Jfilfikifll‘.“"'“ Busmes Boys Overcoate w "“ Ir My. m l e- eet min. "m“ “M000. Yet we ‘0 liimu oill reeled . M M.’ :‘duvgtdfllloyellehl: '1 .. our uses. us here lilies the H "mm so only Heyn‘ Winter (hereunto. ls Tweede slitl Melton. velvet collars, well ‘ I“! “ "m " ' m‘ ecu oi living. on me is eel-ii III mmmfi. Lilfijj‘W-o CO] leg Ir. 81“ «MN “I! “l! MIRII a. b m. ‘ . "milfl find "lull“. “Q“l ’9 ‘9 '0 and “pi Annivefm pr‘oelnunillnlunc I ‘ W. .m a f I. pm I I!!! M" Ill In... on male '0" °° ”Wu" which we oil-ii the lotus hem is lien in. mm... "' , mum. 2.. .-.......i... so... , . M mad "9 W. did I" [RIF "if. IO! m.» M V. been 0 '"M'm ”in «of limb mom ( «IHI'H . Boys SChOOl suits '3 “um “I this I M Vhw 0' O “‘WOVNllfly,“ vi asundmloli'il‘ing llu girl luv“ ’ . till!!! entirely unwarranted by elr- nuclei-ill! W intuition ei pee- eém WIILBlli'lslim. I.{tril‘h1rl‘lltlu‘i‘tl'i't‘i‘l‘li‘ .,"ii.'.lvdi'..i iio iiilihe lot. i. lees suits. Norfolk in is. good aims Woods. well nude. all 1 90 0mm . in H o mm m9”. 5" 3‘“ telnduoe tom.".1...Ԥ.'.'i..e, 3....'3.'.'.'.‘..3 .. .’.....‘.. ......... “will ”a“ “a. 3.50 and ‘4'“). Aim Willi“? PM” Ieeuunlli ninm ”Mini I Bottlesth "0‘ ""y M 'h" ”n. lull“. “0""... ‘M‘ n m '0‘ ‘ “M“‘fiv.‘”y I lie all! No H”""“”“” F” H“. h" " try. but also abroad. are llluetre- guess but as absolute certainty el ‘0 NW“! outcome... line... Tin... .. .. numb , . . tlonl oi the extravagance in which whet wells the country "WWW m WI. lea Wu. roam write 2... use} id'l";"".".‘... to: Men 8 Heavy W001 Llnéd Mitts the world has been placed tor the or cost you. when business setivi. Obstacle Wflhimm“mm“n‘flm °-' "1‘ “W". 3:5;i'i'.'.'i'.".'.lli‘ljiuiwl1'ff”: .'..~.~..1. , last two decades. ’l‘he "lousy ior lieu become dormant. He pointed 3."th wwm' 3‘33”“ tar-25‘)". ' and“ i... “We... 1 Knitted lining. Willi heavy roll top ouflli. covered with black goat skin. oiled 490 the ”new...“ 0, M ,m been on that at Mt m u “0' “mequ to more a... hwy“. MW Wu:;lc:i’lwiif":2: w” W." PM“, ,‘.....i. a, ,W tuuudd. “Gaul“? pflfle 600, Annivel‘lldl'y p‘doanneeIeneeetneeeeene'nueeeneu W‘MU‘W "'0!“ umm‘.‘ O‘N'”. ill-”O projected. Wh'Oh mun. I “W hm W a ‘Im. O“. m I. “u to w" . heed-ch. ll ltlul Mill-fill a! ”in (.iillrp. mi almost as good as squandered. pension of activities. son-dines- Ihsderimntom" .u to try me emanation witi'. Enter Any is... ' F' N t r 1 W001 Und =rw ' WWW mushrooms;- $”'ii".l2‘"m“'"“"te‘ti.;;’ilfz , i Men S lne a~ u a L ear WHAT BURNS nozw 9 today (Monday) are beinz largely PW condition “4°“. themoetobctiaetecseceolgoetipction. Fa“ Term opens Aug' A Ponemefmalre. Sovereign brand, all sizes. Regular tries 31 and $1.25. An- 8 We have had so many inquiries attended by the tomes-s. their wives. Fagmmfuhimgg‘o'gg” “ “u 4"” “' m °° "ml” d PETBRBORO livunl'y pace o'eegoeteeeee'lliIO'OQOC'OOOVQIOIOeeeeeosveeeeqeeeeeeeeeeeeqnI'veeeeueeee‘ . . 9c 31“? mm“ m. “M 0th“ '0” and “Whm. . M _ skin diseases, that we are glad to An unusual large amount of poul- * ~ ' ‘ ' * * - “~- ~~ 7 ~-~ - ~ BUSINESS COLLEGE . make our answer public. After ,try has been delivered from this vi- the winter. .‘John McEechern and imiiiiy, o, . P D NDAS FLAYELLES LI ‘ careful investigation we have found .clnity to the doalcrs at Fonolon Very and now: reached our village Hence Grove. Eldon, are no...“ .0 own“ if‘:’.“"_ ‘ ,.‘ U MITED that a simple wash oi Oil at Winter- iron. during the last two weeks. The 0- 8mm morning of last week in;our pretty burg. We extend ., hearty 5°“ ””0 " e e e green. as compounded in D. D. 1)., lextra high prices that are being paid 1'er 10 the death of Mr. Bob. Mc- welcome. ClOthlng‘ Flil‘l‘llShmg Department . can be relied upon. We would not .‘m a great inducement to tumors (“’7- MP- 34°01" Just left his home1 ________,.,.._~â€"â€"~ v" * make this statement to our patrons. ito go more extensively into poultry in 33350“? 10“! wiles west of our w friends and neighbors uni,“ we '0" lrdgin‘. village. three weeks ago. Much cym-l CANADA SCORES. sure of itâ€"and althOiigh there are! The holy sacrament of the Lord's PM"! i' “waded ‘0 the mew“! ‘ ('hiCH‘O, Nov. nsâ€"Canada tool; ‘ 2, m canadd paint CO“ and give a stereoptican lecture on many so-called Eczema moodioslsupper W“ 41'9”” with to a large “mu,“ :iong stride toward the grand Chem. , we ourselves unhesitatingly re- congrcgation in St. John's church Mr. HWW" Campbell 01' WOOdVillc _ . Epionship of the International Live last Sabbath morning at- the hour paid a flying Visit to our town last Stovl: Exposition to-day. when Bean Becauseâ€"We know it gives instant {of 10.80. week on business. lJamcs, the property of James leash .held by Mr- A. Dam, on Thursday. relief to that torturing itch. - The Sabbath school in connection “‘5' 3‘1“!» five? and Miss Maud 01 Green Bank. Ont. won the short- Bocauseâ€"D. D. D. starts the cure'with St. John's Presbyterian church 1°.“ °"°' spent “’0 “-55 Of “St horn championship. He Girls’ Guild of Christ church and a . . defeated Ben- ointend holding their annual Christ- week “1 POTOfltO- . doctor, the Kansas steer, which had BRAND their high tea. on December 7th. Becauseâ€"It cleanses, soothes and .mas tree and entertainment in the Chflsm“ ’5 drawing near. Why taken all first prizes at the t 01y Vacant houses are usually the ex- heals the skin. ' Western ever tasted defeat church on December 16th. and al- "0‘ give the WMCI‘W'WW Becauseâ€"It enables Nature to re- ready the scholars and officers are gift 7 pair the ravages of disease. preparing an ception in our town, ‘but there are or as. a State fairs and 11 two at present; on King-st. until today. “We Fairies Know Everythins" excellent program. Hrs Rushton who has been very Becauseâ€"The records of ten years More particulars later. ill ‘0' the past week, was removed BARN DEBTROYED the 1380011 for a couple Of days 185$ 0! complete cures of tbOusands of the The trustees o! 8.8. No. 7 Veru- ‘0 Lindsay hospital on Monday of The bum 0“ the Properly of Mr. aw HAT docs ‘invisible' mean, daddy?" asked'Jiick, who had never week. Ready Mixe PAINTS Made from pure Le and Oil. Mlllflllln 82(1 ardware. Coal, 1‘ ' at a recent meeting found it this week. We hope t0 see her back Ed- Barnes, who lives heard the word until daddy told him and Evelyn the name of The Rev. new amongst us soon. township. near Nassau, this bedtime story. . teacher for the New Year, and al- Mr. 'I‘rysilla, of Orillia, is busily destroyed by lire about 7.2m o‘clock “it means unseen,” answered daddy. “Anything that is in- dist church next Sabbath morning ready the ad appears in another 5838811 putting a furnaCe in Mr. 011 Satlflday evening and 2h.- less visible cannot be secn. The lady in this story was a rich and good woman and evening. Rev. B. Burns ' will talk over our case with us column '0, this t:aluable a :- Dan. McEachern's store this week. will be very heavy. The .iiuse of who wanted very much to do good to the poor people in the tOWn in which preach at the Sunday school anniverâ€" y ' . p pe ' Mrs. H. Hanson, of Toronto ' the blaze could not be ascertained the lived. But she was also very modest, and she did not want it to be known A rather forlorn l°°kmg pedestrian ' w ‘ E. Gregorv, druggist, Lindsay. ,- ’ ’ ' \‘isiti ~ that she did the good. She wanted to go around and talk to the p00,. people a”? 391’ ”“93 “1 MW!“ Pleasant the -‘-‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_._ was met on the boundary one day ng mhti‘es in our tom” and find out what they needed, but she did '- ' ' same day. in “Ollro uns totally Drop into our store to-day, just to The fire had obtained a good start ISLAY last week. He was dressed with _ HIV-BTU ,before being discovered and the of. about it. But that was a hard thing to do for. of course. when the poor folks 0n Sf‘b’bath' Dec- ‘11th, there will 1513,“ so“ 27._wm the person slouch felt hat and rather shabby Kinmount N. v 0281:: forts 0‘ MI“ Barnes and neighbors received food or clothing or money to pay doctors' bills or moot-y to pay the be anniversary smlces “1 the Ome- ' o ' ’ b h or sent they praised the lady and told every one about it. 7. who paid $2 at-our counter on Sa- coat With a muchly-worn pair °‘ the Women's Institute “ :mwgcthwm $2.1m“ When Rev" J' twin?» NOV- 96. kindly 0811 or send °"°“°"°v and °'1 "08" “swam“ in our village last fizzy to??? ed to her that she must give up ‘ 1 50’} or L1 say, chairman 0‘ no post card with name as same has was noticed that he wore a good Ste rt distri ganizer. . . One day she said to herself, ‘Oh. the district, will deliver morningand b d. suit, underneath this garb He was s We . Ct or . irom it I could only be invisible while I am going around, then 1 cmld leave the evening sermons. can mislai - ‘ ' . chaygeon' “d " fairly we“ - - The ‘ovial crowd f 11 co le ISIQY. Nov. 29.â€"-Mr. Metcalfe and “’3‘ cling west and "’qu the attended meeting. The branch starts knownj as the ‘9sz unsgbep’Appo w. “7- H. Warwick were business Way to 1381191011 Falls. Some Of our its course with a maxim“) 01 *v_ HOTELKEEPER FINEI)_ . ’ Club" held another of their hagpy visitors in Lindsay last Tuesday. citizens have been wondering who sateen. They are to meet every third Ed. Haskell. proprietOr ‘an my matter for her to make the lady invisible. evening entertainments at the 1101115; Hessrs. Thomas Enord, now this Stranger may “have bi E ' Tuemy 0‘ the month. Th8 ‘d‘owtng 2 “The next-day, the fairy called on the lady. ‘I hear you Wish to make of Mr and Mrs Parnell last ‘ Frl- Graham 'and T. W. Lowery transact- Mfi Georgo,Armtrong 531”“ last are the odlcers elected at the meet- ed 3150 and ’24 0“ TueSdav for 58“- :genrselr mvimble, said she, ‘in order to keep on doing good without being ‘day 'l‘he evening was spent in am ed business in town last Saturday week a. very successful season's grain ing' President Mrs . (Dr) Whiter ing liquor without. alicense: The Sale n.’ - . - . _ _. . . . . , , , hi . - . . . . _ and attended Mr. Fanmng’s sale. threshing, he haung recently purâ€" tics-resident Mrs. Maguire Union "“8 ”wan-V mad. 1’" the 1"”de- YeS. sand the lady, but I cant imagine how you know It. I am sure I augments °f an Interestmg and h“ The Misses Cassie and Ma... s em, chased a new clover mill. has com- p - ' of the hotel Pe slam. ~ never spoke to any one about it.’ Emorous character and the host and l W ”n . P . menced this week to thrash clover Creek. Seentrm. Mrs- Ailex. Mor- ' "’9' 9" “h0 d“ “ ‘Well,’ said the fairy, ‘we fairies know everything. If you really want to :hostess were pronounced royal 911' o 00d“ e, spent Sunday at their become invisible I can tell you how. powerless to stay the progress of the flames. The barn burned fierce- ly, lighting up the sky to the north of the city brightly. (:3 and W. Lamb :r, Shinrles. Cement and Sas of the Dennison House, Goldwater. Was fin- Factory oods ”son, camped after he had been served with ' Always carry with you his package of tertaincrs. / home here. - . for the farmers in the surrounding Mrs. Craig and .her daughter Athc- a summons, Haskell denied know- m BIKQI “MM (0. I. tern seed. It you have it about you no person will be able to see you. The The committee oi management or Mr“ Isa“ lung” and 5‘5“" °f coulry’ 0‘ Whmh the" is a great lone. paid a visit to Peterboro ledge of it, but was held responsible PHONE 77 'miries can do so, but that need not bother you, for they will never interfere the presbytefian Sabbath School an- Balsam Grove, visited their sister deal ‘0 d°- friends last week. by the mtmm- Reeve Millam‘l' “w you.’ nounce that the annual school con- M’s- E Boyd last week. M"- Thos. F19“ has muy 9“" Miss B. Beech was a visitor in the and “I” H- 14- Levering. ”351%“ - 7.2;“. “The lady thanked the fairy. took the packet of tern seed and put it into icert will be held (D- V ) on Mondav Mr. and. Mrs. Sam. Copp are chased a handsome young dril'ing village [at Sunmv. was fined $40 and costs almm fhrrj-e 1 her pocket. ‘I think I’ll try it now,’ she said to the fairy. ‘Do so,’ said she. ‘ v n‘no I 2 (1.1.911. ‘ spending a week with friends in mare from Mr. Geo. Isaac of Pope- Mr Chas Cohen more of Galwav liquor for sale. Litmnsi- Momma,- “When the lady went out into the street she was astonished to find that no ’8 e l ” ' an. n.’ . ' Mariposa and other places 1°11 . ' ' . ' one noticed her. Folks walked right past her as though they did not see her. , The people Of (“hnSt Chm-Ch have . and. indeed. they really did not see her. She was able to go into and out of jerected a comfortable and commod- the a number of the farmers houses without any one noticing her, only, : -_ spent last week attending the meetâ€" Fisher laid the Ch“???- Mlss Jean M. Parker spent Sun- of course, she had to be careful not E Notice for Tende . ilgs of the county council at Peter- 330K135: RA ious frame shed in the rear of the from this district attended Mr. day the guest 0! M" and mm‘ Wm. 1L bem seen. Notice is hereby given that 8 .th' 1 f t k d i l J Flett bore. returning home on Saturday. The local up.“ mm). due every den will be mien‘y) 9“. 13") “9;“ to touch anybody or an thing. And so she could visit the r n ell e church. in: s sa, e o 5 oc an mp e . . . l . ' V, . L _ 10th. 1910‘ for t e ‘m ‘mK-n. , thei'r “m‘unts and do as nine!) 300d as She liked Without . gpoo g d r ev I Nâ€" ments, in Eldoh laSt WGGR. We Un- MP- Chas. E, BPOOkS, brother 0‘ . ‘ “y “t :txfl p_n;u;n‘:nl\::101:.:1:gi 8011001 House. atfis éggdl [:0 . derstand even-thing was disposed of Mr. Geo. Brooks. of this place. and wooDVILLE this morning more 1271:} rue hours ”spilling 311ml? an H. N... “N ‘ OBITUARY. I at fair prices. IMP. .Arthur BPOOkS. 80!) of Mrs G. WOOdViue. NOV’o 28â€"m8. Dre late “8 del'a‘. \VaS (‘i:l"\t“: 1'27 a agfic School Especial} Li. Inter eStin Bud et 0f MOSSOhd HUGHEs Miss Alma COWieSOn has returned ‘lBl'ookS. arrived home on Wedneshay Grant spent Saturday in Lindsay ° ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘- ‘ n to her ho e n c ‘ last after spendin the last on. g g There died Monday, Nov. 28th in m o a connt of illness, g l c On the acceptance of an y the Trustees claim 1:101?)th l. k :{l r cont 0 l l.» ('U :3; of fife building until the is done according Lu ('iilll l'ac v all material and labor plild. lfllight mishap on the mun. line- .it _ . of Sarnia. “d , M . , Ross Memorial Hospital Master b“ we pleased to hear she is ’years in Saskatchewan near $33k" "3 visiting friends M“ 16:16:91! Torin‘toniin-Ln which l'ii‘U'S ' re ainin her health . t00n and are at 7939M "' iting . (reo‘ has been 3115.! ‘ ~ / I H L News From Omemeelmom Hug... .. i... g g m... p ,. ... - 8...... .. - d M s c H h B t 12‘ - The collectors for the Bible 80- lfriends and relatives here. an r . :90. ug es, urn lver. cietv Miss Rot Ch - t - Mr: Robert Curtin, His illnch Was but of a few days' " ’ a "8 inn and Russ the till fr Momr-zil at (Cure- ferred to the Standard Bank, Stoull-E '1 °“‘ ‘ Ocmniee, Nov. 28â€"h. C. Robin-Ii (D12) ' v . meat, 18 mi»: west of llur‘iwlon, 'llbe mutual. '0 - - ' . .. . 0f Rlsthe. was ulle. Mr. McLeiland, oi Whitlby. tall-E . the qug at that place grgfgcuritflhal ”W h“ C. H. Brereton, of Toronto, duration an abscess inw ”1y beinw Gertrude Heme. called on the peo- "1 tlhis \lcinity last week dehorning ing his' -place here. in o - tog 1d 1h» other W“ when '11 lo 8”..th according l I ~ _ . ‘ I D - - u . t . - ' . . we! L . ‘ ' g . " gen. who graduated from the Lindsay formerly of Bethany, and extend 8111- the cause of his death. Being of an :3; £133; mat?“s:a8t week and we :13; se for quite a number of the far miss Jessie Ferguson spent Satur- a broken rail let me heavy -~ng‘ine tract before any mono} “ill schoo' of railway telegraphy and cerest condolences to the bereaved re- anectionate and loving character. he ‘ . 7 me “I h a g erous re- . day ‘1 n in ton. V tag-gag" masters, has been appoint- lstives and friends. spouse. ”an“ Coming d material on the ground. ulldingis to he built al . vacation July and Allgurl’ ill be completed by Aug. Inlll. The brick 0f the nld school c was much loved and respected b on ‘ ' ed to a. position on the G.T.R. ht-n- Mr. Chas. Ivory purchased a large who knew ll . Hi i from FMr. David Graham was in Pension Verulam. spent Sunday with friends 3 gralwalfons. number of live fowl on Tuesda. y, conveyed this morning to his home allsfiolivoring a load 01 11088 last 1”“ . 0““ 9‘9”?“ lights went on strike 22nd inst . - week. The fumes-s are pleased to Ir. Weir open, t Saturday and Sun. t” “ ”me weaned” evening. and Mrs. Tsfienderson and Miss' Hen- h; Bur? mverwnwm will 1?? note that .ch are a little higher. do! at his home in Harm the mark darkness of the pace o-morro . odnesday. o . .drop to the ground. Before llw en- Tbe lumber: oi the Presbyterianim was stopped. the baggage ca,- unday school are practicing for w“ on the track, too. both on m. m “M“ '“d‘ " °° i" side next the main line. The engine held on _ the WM between LOP if hr \U ' m...” .... .... 2 t... .. e. m .... m... auscultatiome... .. , . ~ NO! Y I. 0 but no serious damage m. at. with trustees. Plans - “me“ am“ a” “31““! ”W3 in ' “'9 soul. at 2 o'clock and proceed to 9" W. . .W» E'- low-w. ........ 2 In. Bulb Coupled], and h-ieoe. ”w ”en t ng, Stew... 9.... swmed intensified. Pedestriamsm was Northwest; I ll ah oh I b I has been W by tho m 101" {mndw‘lpp’d and lanterns were called Municipal prophets predict B 8 ' - (1401'. tindsay. James A. 3h? nan of Board. CHARLES HORE. a lively 'Va-ulem. when interment will take “kg". "V ' III! 2.1“: IQKIIII lllsultodhlargoenginehad to be . mm, ME. ...._. Kirkneld.Nov.28â€"m. m 8".“ W to the scene to pull the do “- ym'nflodcngineondcarbuk on the .md‘ agdn, Which took considerable time. M 8m“ m“ Sunday at b“ is IINRTANI m‘ in noral are from "cent. lgozmr than SPY ° els- in the county. Time . again this has been Pm" ' divide-h. and thereby we crossed the number of o are. Those who do

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