It to ii. mediciné I lake, In: t , trulysavthntâ€m§f ~ . and exotica i present 5906 be. it? h"; . Strictureoftilem in: compiiiatisuéme "ii inâ€: i found "Fm“:gz' u me More good than w â€lb-.5- ?‘ifléilj'. M ' m mi riodti Hi9 hi§tiak {z "m 9 "W's" and ' «an. me {n‘ 3‘31â€â€œ ‘ “m 5““ in boom ham: "1‘ a ' road ‘33,. lint hat-'6 m“ amém‘ uucnillc in; 6%?wa U wind: if you think this: m ' ' rcrercnce from me will a.“ I , to iii.illCB some oihcra ï¬g 1 .. Fruit-a-tives â€, I be if, éiililcliiéï¬ï¬ its publication, ‘ WM. PARS“ els and Stricture of the Do 5, scum, "liver pills" and“; lot increase the secretion of Bi hey merely irritate the m 9' ll try to cure a headache? try in cure Constipation ' true liver stimulant. “Fruit... . alwavs restore the li , vcr sea of Constipation. to R. l dealers or cent on receipt d l .wr‘r; l-lllllliy, of l .i. . .r» moving to .\.’i‘ilii a hearty \ .. mm ". \. "viii.“iu tuck lilo) ii-.\..x.l y)... "Fund ch‘ ‘ . m- lll"ll.ili.,nul ~' li.l\_ ' ul' ll... 1. \l’H'Gl'i'n ' â€in l'rlli'i‘l". t Hung. l'lll , nun ihi) Dhorh my-mn in.†ilw i\,in'»i.m ' ', wiiii'h h“ hm! i-t'urri "l llm Woollen in: Mill nmm‘ titulmi «latent â€.l'. l'lll'i‘lii l\ l-‘ll in .m llm I‘itllll‘i' iil' “i‘ I‘M. nil†lihw'i Ill iliillru . umii' \n-wuiib \\:I‘l llllllily 7 .‘lu n'rlui‘k . .» wrnuiiz; nml tin» iI\ lil‘i‘ liiiillli iiu‘ iiiilnu ....i lm ..-..~vi-tnlnoii I Iinf‘ " m.| lilo 3"- .I.’ 1;. ‘ "i ll i‘ililql :1ilimt‘l . . 'wmv. woro lliw inn-wiwii 0‘ '....:. lvlllilt‘ti Horro- lu iiiu "â€th bl l‘l l.’ l :\.I 1. 1.1‘i'. _.'.l lului‘ ..l‘ in. H.» .-i., Win .ili‘l‘, Will “I“ llii ‘5"i â€ll . 'Hi.l‘\~ l'nt‘ â€0â€. ii; ‘i .ut H ill‘lt‘ in 3 J“. 'l‘llu solo lm i'lvmior, . whn do ' '~"i'\mi with "'ilii‘l' klltlw- v.‘ ‘iiil " ..; F i'u-ipunnllilo 3 Wu \iillitnoy . n--_ llnnlioll ‘ ll :iiiiilli iill'a‘fl I Ii‘v‘ll‘lo‘ ill‘l'lt‘l‘itlf .ll‘ ll l H iliw null‘y dill-Ml 7“ illlli- .iui i\\\‘ n'o'iiii‘k linurg vii il". a u mum liiiw iii. lil .i. Il‘u i-mnii blurg . â€main". mi "inâ€? wild“ «‘ugind oil‘- t‘di‘ i. 1-..1li .... the ll Luca lliiï¬ rugifla xl.l -l iill:l;l'li iiulll “i'l iiniiiciyil ['3’ :n- li.1il ii.) b0 1"†pill [Moda- .vll tho I - ili‘iii at L r, ‘ rim-1i from ‘ I ..~._\l...~.. for llm lfl‘lelt? in ~,'.iii(m at as inlil'lli'ii, .mil VF. Van nqvn’, hull gl'v'di, iiifn‘ hie. l‘uml‘n .\ illnl‘ Ii Vlil‘arn“ H. “‘ l'li Il' ‘lll.i\\'.i wi-l‘o . . . .mrnul .n "*""‘.'"»"-"'Om s: «law-Fm. A“ :T i',\ ‘. m VF. " “‘l‘ 31 l’i‘i‘i‘mliel'a ,4 \'.' ill .4 ... l' f law-1, n.'li‘linneei'. .~ i '. \hrqumn, tho i ll." “(fll‘lll‘ilâ€˜ï¬ (If “10 h Vow-jg, i'u nr 7 Horn.“ 0! ling mnpln wmv'l, in f , juai, n llilln norlli Of Cation {lain "9, arm 0'- . Turing of main. Chub 0‘. l-iEN' lanNiiiw .. ‘ WI†a hand . ‘ 900m book 0‘ â€MI I M of . 1y. TORONTOMNT. . ' .- wgg High Gian Commercial â€not!“ enjoys an 61";933331332 e. instruction Itrictly ï¬n‘ class. ‘ graduate.†Ali", Mgsfui. ’5 “Ii... “4% wagome Catalogue. w. J. ELLIOTT. principal" 0'99" Valli"! rind Alexander-st; Business College a I: .. link. in Uuuada'a Gradient tlviiii .ir‘ liigiiiii-aiic Gullogos i....;i.i.-iiilm'mg ibis past twenty .; I. 5.: .ia. ‘l‘liia chain is tho Mug: â€1 immursul‘ young people in i .mnla and ii. in firmly .liiuiittczii .i. .i ii: gl‘llii'laltï¬a got the heat positions. Then: is a mason; 'ni‘ilc fur ii. A iiipiillllit from lluziiuiniiiei'cizil Educators" As- sociation nt' Uitllutid is l. passport Lu business. You iii-.iy study with? at home and ilnisli at the (Sullcge. Enter Any Day. Fall Term Opens Aug. 29 PETERBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE Principal President ('liwd. \V. Burns. - (ii-i). Spotton - The Canada Paint Cos... nrdware. Coal. Iron â€" M t t l and Wood Lumh .r. Shin lice. Etc Cement and Such Factory coda ile Biker lumber (0.. llmlieu PHONE 7'! p. . t r..." m--. -â€" -â€"v'v-â€""' w» W Notice for Tender: Nation in ilfll't‘ily ulvon that. l‘on« ilora will be l‘t‘i‘tliVPti tn â€t‘l‘t‘llliifll‘ lilth. illlil. turtlio building of a now Hohuni llnnoc. at 94.8. No. 7 ll‘rnolim .iccorilln tn tliopluna Mid opociii- mtimin old by W. ll. Htovono. Public School itinpoutni'. Lindsay. (in tho orcc honor of any tondor lilo ’l‘runtoosc aim the right. to liol hock ill por rout. of tho confront mum of the building until the work iailono according, to controot and all matorioluml ohor paid. (Jon: imotor will ho roe uootodno givo a hood of nooiu‘lty i; or. tho building will in oroolor uooordin to con: trout bcl'oro any moncy w l he paid and motoriul on tho round. l‘ho umblingia to ho ho t lit School vacation lulv and Auguut lllll. to i... mimplctrad by Aug. lath. lï¬ll. The brick of the old school can be used by contractor it he in (“ï¬lm at a curtain rout according to woo- .uent with trustees. Plano can be seen t W.'H. Stevens. Public 8. [ma itor. flindauy. Joulefl A.Brien. Ulla non of Board. ’ E m M‘ â€"- ##â€" loii wish to (attain! for your my We have gone into the matter very thoroughly and ï¬nd that our prices in general are from 10 to 20 per cent. lower than any other jew- cler in the county. Time and time dividuaia, and thercby we have in- creased the number of our custom- erI. Those who do not buy regularly from us lore from 10 to 20 per cent. on their porch“ flooding Ringo and ring. Manuel oi the Minion Alliance. will preach Dance temperance mom in the (lamâ€" bridge-it. Hothod‘lat church and the King George V. Dissolved Parliament Monday London, Eng. Nov. QSâ€"Thcrc was only a. email nttundnnco when thu Houac of Commons convened touluy.‘ and Home Secretary Win-don Churchill was the only mlnlator pro- cont. immediately after tho (‘mumona worn i'nliril to order tho momhoi'il murrhod in n body to tho uppor houno lo hour King (loorim'n upoorli 'l‘ho Kim: roiorrod ilrut to tho druili oi ilil lulhur. King l-klwm'd Yll. uny- lnu lllnulnnd hod loot A good irioud and o. wioo rnlor. llo thou oxprouaml plouuro that tho Atlantic nahcrioo «moatlon botwoon (lroot llrltoln and tho llnltod Stator hon ilnnlly boon liottlod by tho ilouuc 'l‘i‘llmnol. iii a murmur Intlufoclm'y to all. Thou planning to tho polltlrol altim- l tlon. hie mnioaty cold “I regret the failure of tho conlcrcncco which had been arranged to solve the dlflcrcncca existing bctwcon the House ol‘ Pcore and Common. I had hoped that tho wlno counaola oi tho con- form would lnvolvo a. antlaiactory notllml." The King thou tliunkcd Parliament for tho work it land dam in tho 'llriol‘ porloii nl‘ in: proocnt aoulon. Ilol‘nl‘o ilic dollborotlona broke up. King (looriro olunod tho proclamation ot dilaolutlon tor tho prooont parlia- mont. Aitor the mootlnu it want roportod January 17 had boon practically decided upon tor tho convening of tho now parliament. â€WWW (l.'l‘.ll. MAN KILLED. llollm'iilo. Nov. 28.n-(loiirixo 'l‘ho' mun ltuumoy. '.li yours of on». won hillod curly lbiu morning at. tho (i. 'l‘.|l. round bouno in thin rity. llumnoy wun nporuilnu it turn triblo whou ho woo runirht hotwoon two omrlnou moving in oppoidto di‘ l‘tlt‘iiillll. tho buiTor bonmo oi which rruuliml hln llio out. ilouth won in- olunlunoouu. itnmuoy woo tho oldoot. non oi Mr. 'l‘lion. ltumnry. onulnour oi tho (1. 'l‘. ll. pump house horc. (‘AlWlilll Ul' lilrl \Vili‘lil. lloiiillton. Nov. ilfl.â€"-'i‘horc won a HN‘liHlR stabbing ul'lnlr this morning. whrn l'ctor Virunky. n torclgnor. oluohcd hlo wlio with n rnmr. 'i‘hoy had not been living togothcr for some time and this morning Vir- onky wont to his wife's boarding house on Sherman-mo. north. and carved her with his moor. The woman in aorloualy wounded and the city hospital uuthoritlcn any rho in in a critical condition. Her husband in undor iii-root. 1.0.519 'rimm LIVES. Newark. N. J.. Nov. oil-acne. buns orcd girls worc irappod by the flames in a bot lactory at inch and Orangc Itroote hero today and hall an hour alter the flames broke out. are tilde! Ashley declared that many had been killed. The building was destroyed. At 3.0.30 o‘clock the police oculars ed that they believed twenty girls had lost their liver. and that the death list might be higher. . The it" broke out shortly alter 0 o'crook thin morning...“ cpl-cad so “only among the combuotlble ma. tcrlal in tho nix cot and a mad acraiublo for tho atolr- woya onnucd. Many who truuplod undcriout in the wild ruah mil Icon omokc druvo tlioiu towarda tho win- 0qu. iii tho othcr monutacturing pineal wliorc thoro worn it doaon in tho building. the aoauo maddonod accnoo iullowod. The tire Itartod on tho llrat floor. whore tho draft oi tho ovolntor ahuitu turmoil it into a. lury. UAUtlll'l‘ 1N A 'l‘llAl'. Illmllinymt oi the lowor iloor atart- od upuiolrn to warn the man and girls oinployod above and wore thcm- aolvca trapped. HOME mtAVill ATTEMPT! 'I‘h’c tlamca cut oil the cirll from the Mo corapco. One at the main omployon oi the box making concern attempted to get the girla down it stairway. but won drluon back by amoko. Hcvorol oi the glrla tainted. and wcrc lclt lying on the floor. all their companion more too tarrltlad to try to save than. Making tholr wqy hark to the windows. tho glrla criucuicd tor help. 'r‘lioac ct tho girls at the windows were hyatcrlcai with tear. and otton a lace would disappear on though one had tainted. flail a doll! aubu- arrlvcd upon the scone work holding back the "culled tam- lllco oi the trapped girls. mmmm 'l‘O HOSPITAL. The girls who lumped won illne- diately rushed to hoopltalo. It woo said that. my of tho’ torty who many hurt. Insomnia baptist church. llllilltil m8 LEG. Enginccr mini. cmploiod at the Geo Kaitliow's Company's tamer-g. at ï¬ctcrboro. had his loll log brill... on Saturday owning by the char... {or dropping lrom the third floor. J. Fatality who was on the plomimx at the time was not hurt. i0 XON‘PES‘ Ultitllll‘l‘ The nest rule at Fanning'o liquori- tory. Lindon. will ho hold on ‘l‘huradoy. Dec. 8. no hood oi cattle will be sold on 16 montha' credit without interest. last sale was very auocaastul. and the next one promises well. "warns. HICKSâ€"At Pottory Bornor. lot 9. con. 5. on Sunday November 27. William Hicks. aged 70 years. _ Funeral will take place from his home, on Tue-day. November 29. at. 1.80. Service at the house hall an hour earlier. BIBTBB. NICHOLS -â€" On the 15th. in Bob- cuygcon. the wife oi Mathew Nich- olu. of a. daughter. DAVEYâ€"0n Nov. 16th. in Olda. Aim... the wile of Thou. H. Davey, oi a son. NICHOLSâ€"On the 16th. in Bobcay- goon. the wife of AllredNichola. ot a con. ROBINSONâ€"0n Nov. 12th. at St. .ioacph’a Hoapitel. Pctorboro. tho wile oi Captain W. 1“. Robinson. 0! a daughter. # OBI’I’UARY. w. WALLACE. It. was quite a docp gloom that Will root ovor tho villoxo on Sunday ovonlnir loai. wlion it hocumo known that Mr. Wulluco. merchant. had paoaod to tho grout beyond without a word oi warning. 'l‘ho docooood had not boon tooling oxtra woll tor a day or no but nothing aorloua Wit. ontlclpntcd. llo ate a hourly din- nor on rluniiay and boloro mix in tho ovonlnu he won cold in donth. 'l‘lio doo‘oaacd woo ci a quiet. diapoaitlon and generally liked by all who know him. He lonvoo [a widow. two acne and two douuhtora to mourn tho loaa ot a kind hut-band and loving lather. The family have the arm- pathy of a largo circle oi tricnda in their oad beraavomont. â€" Canning- ton l'lolndcaior. M SNDW COVERS MANITOBA FALL A ll‘im'l‘ DEEPâ€"WILL BEN E- ll‘l'l‘ THE LAND. Winnipeg. Mam. Nov. 27.-â€"A heavy blunkot 0! now covcra Manitoba about a tool. deep. It in warm and poll. and la what the land roqulrod. It. axtonda into Saakatchcwon. It in the am good nowiall of thc win- tct‘. M For over twenty yearn the Weekly Hun. Toronto. baa occuplad an on- vlabla ponitlon. diligently acrvlng the Ontario tarmcra. It in culled tor their particular bcncnt and a apoclal eflort will ho made during the coming year to make it own ct more pracileal value than «or bo- tore. All intimated la tannin: should read the Sun. 5â€"6 Ir. ii. OfBricn'a abootlng match )1! WW I: “term ' you . widen W. The: unpaid at about an... ducks in a abort time. lam George and Will burlap were amt. Ir. Rout. O'Brien. cl Sbciboumc. nan. returned to his home hero on Saturday evening. Mrs. John Fountain visited at tho home at Mrs. dag. Quinn on Wain»: day. Mr. and Mro. ‘l‘iliiii: Moiirbio on: visiting ilioir dauuhior. lira. ‘l‘lum. Argue. Mrs. John Vogue vlaiicd lira. Eilofl O'llrlon on Wuluaailoy. Mrs. John McGee and Mrs. Jag Quinn visited 343'. 0. ll. liurkwell. on ‘l‘hur-sday. A number at young people gathered at tho sohoul house on Wodnooduy cV- oning in the interest ot a social at Christmas. Mr. D. O'Brien's {ox bound chaired a to): into its den one day this week. They have been digging for them ever Ilncc. and have been successful in getting one fox. and have Icon two more, but the foxes must have been thcro tor years. an there acorns to be no end to the den at all. Robt. O’Brien shot a fox this week. Mr. Wm. Founteln went away to the camp at Donald thin week. Mr. Frank Bordon of Norlnnd pou- cd through here on hie way to John Auctio'a camp in Dudley township on Wedneodey. Our teacher. Mine Bella Dundee. is visiting tricndc near Klnmount this week end. Mr. Joe. Chynowcth. who spent tho aummcr in the West. returned to his homo on Holiday. Every one will be plrnled to ace him home again. Ho waa working at carpenter work. Mr. Jae. Quinn hall born drawing hla hny to market this wock. Mr. E. l‘. hooraw oi Nor-land. at.- tcndod Silaa O'Brion'o shooting match. and bought a number of large ducka for hil shooting match. Davla wan working in tho atruck him on tho oyo. lilo oyo won black for aortic daya. llowovor. it wan tortunatc hll taro woo not out. Dr. R. R. Front. oi Klnmonnt. hon boon through hero on bill Way to- warda Norland twice thla work. Hr. and lira. Stove l)olnuo.l in. vialtod hla mother and iathor laat Sunday. Mr. John Moore. who won working at Donald. was home laat Sunday. and Monday. He won driving Mr. Mlddlobrook'a loam. and waa hiring men. 0. II. Barkwcll opont laid. Sunday at home. M ZION. l-‘iï¬ï¬‚ltinN. .'I.ion. Fcnolon. Nov. illâ€"Milo Eth- ol I‘othlck rcturnod on Friday laid. having wont a very ploooont varn- tion at tho homo at her aunt. Mro. Thompoon. oi Mupic Lake. The choir to now vcry billy prac- tialnc tor the cutertainmcot which in to take place acme time in lio- combor. , Hr. W. Worniey ntortaincd a tow triendl to too on Friday ovonlng. Mr. George Oarow. oi llurnt or. vllltod Zion iricndo on Holiday. Mr. Wm. l‘oihlck roturnod homo trom the north. brln‘luu with him one dear. Ir. W. H. Warwick. oi (‘omcron Point. vialtod a tow trlonda In the vicinity on Sunday loot. Ir. Oooil ill-own. oi inlay. Sunday at home. Ir. W. Woulcy. a otudcnt oi tho “9.1.. came home on hlday to apnd a tow «lava. rotunda; again on “outlay moral“. Ir. W. Perkin and Mr. W. Woreloy vialtod the oetaract villago on Ia- turd“. Ir. ll. ham moved to the bouoo owned by W. Illliah Wornloy tor the winter months. The children 0! mica Sunday acnool are very buoy making great. plane tor a Chi-lime! tree. Ir. ll. Oliver purpoeu goiu to the charity to apcnd the whiten apcni ' numerou- Ottnwe. can. NOV. 88.411003 couche- m node in tho Home 0: Common. w in the mu upon the m by Dr. Sprout. (Illa-t Grey) and Ir. lilo/ll (Peal). If. m. “a m .t hi. but and “do one oi tho moat eloquent speeche- at tho outta debate. citat- ed a low: otcxcitucnt among the metal“. of the House by his state. ment tint there wan roam to be- party. which had not W and which had been on well pro-cud a few do:- ago by Ir. 3. 1.. Both. the leader of the Oppolttion. Dr. Sproulc pleaded whichbennidlwdceuedtolive in 'Cnnada under the nutocratlc rule 0! Sir Wilfrid Leuricr. tor deacon-nor. If. Gilbert. the neutral“ have there was about to be a glam: ' rumba for Drummond and Arlin- tic merger ct the agricultural Moles. moat mauutarturora ot the titular and l‘cuada. and rolled upon at}. anatomic king to put. into one: outlon his murhdimldcd atatuio l . backa. vans introduced to the House tuition nine alteration by Mr. F. o. leak and Dr. nook alone in Mb. and Ir. Speaker Maren walnut irunio. combines and ‘ marr- aiimr language. Mr. llllbol‘i. “Q“Q‘i (‘ In!†i If. responded iii the who ore. Mr. libiiu limit with the pooh scallion mun: colimimcoaoo. came tor- iiou oi bli- burly upon the quoallou. llo _ naval .worii noid that while ilic linoulior. and thou tools illli soot in and nhooli hunilo with 34!. naval program should not be oiiiorrlibo colony or liberal overflow. at oil upon willioul ii mandate from l tho lcii oi the Himmler. Not a â€W WNW» WWW“. Shim“ be ready ioiuglo mornber applauded when Hr. upon any emergency to some to tho‘ililbort was introduced. {PWElOR would have been quite pains Minister .tul except for the new mu own old- [quiet assurance. old oi the liliiipir-o. lion. William Paterson. of Customs. made one of his The in: Old Wilmington: time speeches, which was interrupted glans any that tho m it Vim time and again by ironicul applause from the Opposition. Dr. preoodoot in too Booed!» Home ot Sproulo Comm. "W Crops Rather Poor In West, Stated Resident 0t Kinmount to Reporte Mr. Win. Eym. a. resident of Kln~ mount. arrived in town Monday from the Canadian Welt. In converâ€" utiOn with a Wardor reporter. Mr. Eyre. had the {allowing to lay ebOut that grout grain country: "It to a one country." aald Mr. Eyroa. “but the crops were rather poor thin year. In Southern Socket- cbcwan and North Dakota the cropa wcro morally dcatroycd by hot winda. Around Regina and Home Jaw tho cropa were lino.†While in tho Wool. ho vlaitod Gain:- il-oro. Elmore. Home J aw. and , North Dakota. and picked out a mat in the Swan River district near Tie- dalc. to which he. with tile aon, in- tenda to return next spring and take up a homutead. The Huda'on Bu railroad la expected to pan through thin district. and will no doubt in- crcaoc the Value of property. ';I new home-tendon working 101' titty canto a day in the West thin year.†acid Hr. Eyrca. "They were driven out tram their tame. and the tar-more took advantage at their need. Oi coum the put acuon won on exceptional one. and many home- aioadcra were dlaappolntcd.†W on «Way. Tho other morning. enough thoro wan aomothlng doing. and on going ovor. thoro won a big Illvcr uroy oo'l. om a trap on cacti tool. it well oxaciiy two wooka More the llrat trap ill-impound. William hoe Mr. Owl atlll living. and he in a dandy. Many Happy Return Ills EXCELLENCY 'I‘Iill‘. GOVER- NOROENERAL. Ottawa. Nov. mwâ€"flil Excellency Flarl Grey today coldaratod hil 69th birthday and won the roclplnit oi NW of comatula- tlon. Congratulations For Dundas Fiavelles The ï¬rm ct Dundee a Fiavellaa. Ltd" are receiving many letter. ct oomtulatlon on the occult:- ct toll. .tliolr littleth aoolveraary. 'nie Harder had the plea-or. ot reading one ct thou today and publish it hero. m it W the aeo- tlnunta ct Linden! cltlaaao aa a wholeâ€"Wu. Fianna. Dom. Praeto- ant m a Novella Lulu nod- Iui‘o HOVING MACHINERY Mr. Carroll. foreman of tho con- atructlon work on tho now lino. baa been busy unloading a car oi machinccy. A Itoam above! and n cement mixer arrived today. ac that everything will be ready to curt work an noon on the away to con- plots. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"'P.4-'-â€" FARM. FUR SALEâ€"THE WEST hall 0! lot 81. con. 8. Opl, con- taining 100 com. 'i‘horo are on tho promlaoo n tramo houoe. born 80 x 80. good wuli. never-tolling olutcrn and a good young orchard. Apply to it. Richardson. Box 809. Lindaay no. -... gâ€"nâ€"oâ€" â€-- B'rltAl BILâ€"CAM]: INTO THE PRO- porty oi the under-hood. lot 7. con. 9. Eldon. on or about the 14th day oi October. one roan octet. Owner la requelted to pro. property. pay exponen- and take Neil J. Holman. But» of tho undoroisned. lot 1. mm. acme time in mm. corner-old atoar. Om In: by mm mm. expo-loo and table. the hunt our. Willi-ac Vania. cannot v.0. .â€" .â€" â€"â€"â€"--. G ‘ ammoâ€"moat m m at no. Sanderson. lot. 7. con. 10. One. on or about. Nov. 0th. a lad oi cheap. con-latte; of an. ow. and a lento. Ind rail not an lctt aide. Any pluc- chi. on: â€"â€"â€"M._'â€"â€"â€"'= W > NOTICE TO common Forward to Migrant ot the m Court at Juatico made in tho canoe ct Fol-bear va Aubert. theoredlton at t luttlc. late oi tho WI- ahlp oi lonervllle in the cent: ct Victoria. who died on or about the lowland: oayct W. a.n..1ooo. including the our attor- who havoapeolullnea on plalntla. their cbrlatlan none! and W with “W m monouwbobavooaowcll-I on the whole utoteoranyundlvldd lamicraetatotbuotnctau ct the woman-coercion inc mmam.1uo.uuu mammoth. llama-accusagcémrm' <.:£.:.:..~,mw m: - mm.†1m..“_,.“ . -