e knew the "'mumgmg’ cry satisfactgr, for '“ntefl'w - r members felt. a)“ he 18 to get, alon . . elves his 891 g big-1y m n i‘OHImiltee "Y“ 8 It! 3 the circuit ma. 5' e promised balsam .5]. 8 having been handed mo . ebec circuit )1... W h} - . laced on the P011 an“? 8 . ., Ago by the pregbyt 5° 102‘ one ea . had bï¬'n gla(l;eas hls the Homo . ' min.- the meeting [tth‘ m‘ the lunch pr lC‘S of St. Andrew's for .S. and prcsbytery delegatu «.lrowing is a. list of present: ltex’. I) ton, lit-V. . ileV. W... l xbrillire ' R D E" -‘ V r , 8V. . w;..(\l(l ; lie". II. N E00» 1 R10." .I \flll ' ‘ . . at .k. . In, \Im‘llnnnlli. L383: 1. .\. Nll'lxuy, Wick ; Ruma J; ('nnmnufnn ‘ l0" l'll(l(ln‘ Ian "1‘ I G. I. . . . 31’. Wcsl V. :lnul ‘ RIW I I" .. , , . . .‘f‘l’fv’, Co ow, “‘5...’ \funn. \l’oodv'illbgo: . :l .m‘v‘, Lin l8 ’ . ..f “Mm-q ‘ "3' and . W M £39: .I la Co'dcnrod, 1... . . 12.7.?» one cup milk. ‘ . . ._ [lust- one tablo- .. l. :n“"-§â€H’ll llnur. 0n.- ,, u:.n'1'::‘lllll Spoon ,: .1111 \\‘lill.~ \‘lllll't' of . ~::lf :lull popper; uzl \\lllil‘\i.llr eggs. “in! in sillll‘t‘. Ab p or: your ammo. ore-r, ammull slrulucr. '. .> [1 .1~.'. lllll'lllb‘ll with ~ .' C.iramol. »:- 1...: rupture to ll Illlo' lu‘u'llllflv 0f ;.1..'1_( ElNlt'zdl of ;' (.~' on; lumw tlmt ‘ :lr IH ln-zlt. ile- 'llllli' “ilh llmplo .: Il'l'l caramel for flavors blend cx~ ""Ill 3 li llHo‘flll For an for flavoring by It's Dons Counts. .3 girl who would be (N «was»: «llullul always ‘0 u. l†“Hil‘l' wuflll‘u. Sh? d0. lluy ,lml mlk; for out ul‘ her way. But (l‘I lll‘l‘m'lf livill‘ the moths! llvr frw-sz-l or any old“ \“llnln “ill" l1 known-pt- q‘ In Willis" lulu“ In. h. l slm ‘lllllllld go up and n Illul my, "How do ’00 lgll 1hr \\.llllc‘1l in say it. "Lly ll of J†lllnil my id sly-l llll‘ l’l‘llllf'llllll'. H l. 11...! .‘ulllllfl. and Iullllml I'lll ill flu: thought y llllll :1. (bu ullliudo fill! â€in l'nlillllllfloli Ul' sucbi rlluuyn .l wvrlulu urn-on. m-ll’, s .‘l'l'llllll low-1H bo- ll In the u-u~l'l»~~.~l u-l' (Ill)- 1c~.ll".*4| pm 111. -'lf. infill-P '.lklll.‘ 1... ll lU- \lllll ll nvf L11; \\‘!1~ l‘ï¬lll.» lllH llllll‘ll M gmnplo Ila-l" .lll .r. (ll-111.; ..’ l . .‘ll ll l'.‘.' ‘illl'l' l l., I.. Cat in tho Air. 11.1xflll Sl.‘lll"llll‘l‘ William inwr mt war»: Vlllllllg uloug 1:."94 coast, um! every The ship's (.‘IC .111 lively not cur- - ..‘ll'>¢1'l¢‘l‘ .~\-.-r reached i.» 11 mulch-lily tllm'u '1. w, :1 l':‘:1:;.‘ir' :md 1380- w 1-: Filing in . ‘1".‘lt .\lllL‘rl‘ :' u..- ll1.- last that tho .‘lflll :‘I‘l‘u ~L‘lV 0f '11.~ hungry lrlrll The] halls! lune lllcnfl- ‘.\' flu-l 2mm tip to only \‘Ilt'll I :1'.\:1_v with U ammo. 1 . 3" ‘ "il- l . . .1. .',' ‘. “l .l 2\":"»-E1.' '~w‘.\:l lar- Hen Cackled. _..;".‘.L‘. said 5'03 ‘~~ who was vlsltfnl f . To Wasn't any 883-â€: *4 .-_. lant Recipes. ~'i‘;1§...~ two young 'llin will even and lay 1:.‘31 you have seasoned _Y>.f:c:‘ so taste; then dip :l'. mulling lightly, and ' lei :o limit the slices. 1.2122 â€" Choose four eggplants, Wipe 'h. cut in huh es and t 9. thin layer of the (1 the skin. Sprinkle shells with salt and rted. on a platter to it? prepare the ï¬lling ‘hop the scooped out mix with three small 0 and browned in but. the moisture is well add a little minced en button mushrooms 0 add an equal quan- ‘ldcrumbs, season to. . and pepper, remove - .i add the beaten yolks :. gs. The ï¬lling should... - t too soft. Fill.“ "' with buttered brood-- _ ~. in g hot oven hi . .. nicely. servo . ‘..l;l5i ...g‘: the nip .3 W. , 5.1 I ‘ ' .‘» .2. an]; anxious to mlodflwopï¬on 1°"de standing-~43! tbs-township. W. W. Jones. of Victoria. Road. was then Wounly puolnted as chairman for the g. The next business was the ‘ of the following oï¬cers: 13:36:33 gr. G. T. Mcnguo; vice-pm. Rev. . Sangster : secretory 'and__trcasur- or, Mr. -Pcter Sinclair; assistant sec.-tress. Mr. Joseph Black; nominating committee, Rev. W. Snug-star, Carson's Siding, Mr. .303. Black. Bexley: Mr. Chas. Dach.l Victoria. Road :. and Rev. Ireland,[ Coboconk :1 central executive coin- - mitteo. T. H. Myers and Chum.I Davey, of Victoria. Road; J. Phil-l , most- BRUSHES Hair, Hat, Bonnet and Military Brushes in Genuine Ebony, other woods and Parisian Ivory 50c to $5.00 DISPLAY SETS l‘ontaining Hair Brush, Comb and Mirror, Comb and Brush, etc. $2.00 to $20.00 RAZORS The Garbo-Magnetic, Auto- h‘lrop, Gilctte Sufoty, King (Tuttor, Ever Ready Safety. $1.00 to $5.00 CHOCOLATES Neilson's and Patterson's Fancy (thistums Boxes 350. to $8.00 BACK COMBS ’l‘llu su'cllost in town, beautiful Rhinestone setting $1.00 to $10.00 COLLAR BOXES 'l‘lw crush kiullâ€"mjust the thing for u goutluumn 750 to $2.00 LEATHER GOODS ('mwl l'nws. l’ursos, Ludios' Hugs, \‘s'ulluls. 'l‘iollolllors, Glove llâ€l(ll‘l"i. ’l‘l'JlVl‘lll‘l'H‘ (.llll‘ll Cases, Music Rolls HALL SETS Clothes The Young People's Society of St. Andrew's church held a very suc- cessful meeting in the school-room Monday evening when Mr. ~ McKay science master at tho L.C.l.. gave an, interesting as well as on educative talk on “ Wstcr.†By tho use of some chemical up- couplo of the students. Mr. McKay mode the talk very interesting by performing some oxpcrllucnls in which be displayed the dlll‘urcut pro- perties of water. Ills first experi- ments were to show how water was made up partly of hydrogen and . partly of oxygen. Then by unotlior I â€Billy." tho play which a. large number of Lindsay’s theatre goors looked forward to with anticipation. and which was billed for to-morrmv. (Wednesday) night. has been run- cellod. owing to the decision of the management to no to Boston for n while. Manager W. H. Ilocnlgk ol‘ the Academy 0 Music wishes 'l‘ho Wnrdcr to state that. those who huvo nlrosdy secured and pa for lholr souls Can got. a return by upplylng at tho muslc store In regard to tho cancolllnu of tho allow Mr. Roonlgk recolvod lilo rub lowing lottor from Mr. A. J. Small: M ___._..__ ('unmlulng llilt lllltl llrualws, ole. $ 1 .50 to $5.00 HOT WATER BOTTLES (lur Uuuruutoml Kiwi $1 to $2.50 PEREUMES lu lwuutii'ul holiday lloxos, from 1..-st umkors 250 to £58.00 THERMOS BOTTLES Km-p controls but 24' hours. Km-p Contents cold 3 days $2.75 to $4.60 MIRRORS A superb assortment of genuine ebony, also other kinds, all l with heavy bevel edge plate glass l 500 to $4.76 TOILET JARS Facts About the Fishes That Fly. Tho ,wlngs of two known kinds dying ï¬sh are the psctorll ï¬ns # to an enormous sins. ssys 8t. Nlc i The kind commonly can is culled 7 flying herring and resembles tbs 't pike. They do not move these 1 when flying. but been rather to . ‘ on the wind. such night sometimu , tending in calm westbcr to s of more than an ï¬ght!) of I When they come on besrd s ship coming lb supposed to be caused air currents which the wind tuck. it strikes against tbs side of tho sci and which lift tbs ï¬sh a deck. Some observers say that it change the chrectlou of its night hm- trinkets, powders, etc., in will. but it .8 probably at the m of the wind. The ï¬sh are suppossd I handsome decorated glass. 2513 to $1.50 leave the water to escape s hm IMPORTED son’s â€â€˜â€" Highly perfumed, - 25c to 31 pct coke ’ CAMERAS . The inimitable “Ensign†English make box style and .folding $2.50 to $20.00 Magic Writing. In this 5399 a confederate is use. ~bury. The player sates to dim . to! s few remarks on mmmthatbeissbleb!‘ made with a stick on the do. ap- l pnrutus and with the assistance of u l 0‘ ' .ssocistion. V“! m-by the m" of the " ' Wes-kerb." my Temperance mm spicy Indians were that delivered by Ben. Jones. Sung- sur and Ireland. oil of whom pic- tured vol; vividly the curses sud do- octs .of strong drink u n indulgors and the miseries brought upon their wives and families. which in a great many cuss ends in ’crim'c. Mr. G. McKngue. reeve of Boxlay and president of the sssociaticn, was next called upon and in a few well chosen words expressed his sincere desire to see every tree and independ- ent elector of the tawuship mark his ballot for locsl option. A solo. " Rally for Temperance †was rend- ered by Miss McKaguo. after which the meeting was brought to a. close by the singing of the national on- them. Excellent Talk on'l “Water†y L.C.I. Science Master series of experiments he cvplnlncd very clearly that it was composed of hydrOgcn and oxygen only and thst in the proportiou of two to ons. Wstor. although a. very common substance. plays a. very prominent part in life and is present. in great. quantities in many nppm‘cuLly dry materials. It. does a. great unï¬t. for mun in providing vegetable food and in many other ways. Space is too limited to go into the toll: in .letsil. but suffice it. to any that those who were not present. missed a trccl. , At some future date it is “worm! that. Mr. McKay will give a talk on hydrogen and oxygen sopurulcly. “Billy†Has Changed His Mind: Show Cancelled "Dear Mr. llocnlgk.â€"â€"Sidncy Drew. in "Hilly." has just been cancelled out. of tho Canadian cities on ex- trcmcly short notice by tho Slur bcrls. as they are putting the at traction into the Majestic Theatre in Iloslon for the romnlndor of this week and all of next. The company will then play the Royal Alexandria in Toronto during the week .of Jun. o. and they arc going to arrange now dates with mo during tho week of Juan. 2. to cox'cr the cities that lmvo just. been cancellod. Including Lindsay.†. M‘WW I few more signs are made so as not to finish too ubruptly. sud the player than status tbo word to be “Numb." lf carefully conducted this game will Interest an audience for s considerable 1 thus. . An ldls Ionian. A most bountiful rainbow was light- in: up the skies. Gold. crimson. pur- ple. ovcry lovely tint. was comprised in its urcb. from the deepest to the most dellculo hues. . Every one admired it. Most of nil it udmlrrd itself. "I am bnmlsomc." it saidâ€"“more beautiful. fur lmudsomcr than the sun. for bright as he is be bus but one col- or. und l have muuy." The monarch of the skies board this boast and smiled a quiet smile. Then. hiding his beams'iu s cloud. be con- cealed himself for an instant. Where was the rsiubow? It had disappeared. it had forgotten that only by tho reï¬ectiou of the sun could it exist. And so it is with vain nnd' conceited folks who forgot by whose favor they live. whose band has made them prosperous sud by whose grace slouc they are permitted to on- joy those gifts the possession of which makes them conceited cud proud. Conundrum Wbonwunpioccofwoodllks George V? When it we: made into I ruler. 1 What u tbs: which no man wish. to have. yet never wishes to loss! A bald bond. What is the diuomcs bctwccn s wipe-tut! French pastry cook sad 1 One puffs up nuts and tho otbc pastes up puffs. What is the ï¬rst thing s mun ssh ~ land from the CARROLL STORE may bcjust the word fyou need to“ the question in your mind. ' Calabash. . ‘ sozc'nurs - '~‘:7“'-' ssrscmti’kuurios 1..“... at ripa- in s hundred , different styles cud; shspcs, either Moorscbsum. Brist- or no 10 nonuns CARR-O LL’S Cigar Store The Making Girl In Com? for-table Knitted Costume. A norm “A!“ m There is nothing so comfortsblc to! the girl who skates than s wsrm. well made. becoming sweat-n and to this garment this your the manufacturers have added I knitted l l l Baton cup that I ‘ult be Obndnn often unhtsudonslly mks mischief between neighbors sud friendnbutitiswlsssottosttucbtoo *b importsncc to the tslcs the bring us. for their funds- curry than sway sud beyond the resins of fact. In a neighborhood where there are many children it is well to climb!†their opinions of on. snothcr. They no lsrgcly controlled by prejudice. libs- sud dislikes founded on nothing. The mother who gives ssrtofhctll- of bsr m‘cbild. sbout some mu- plsymsfc should ï¬rst stop and think it out carefully before the demands on explanation or shows sugar. abs should not always tnkc it for gruntrd‘ THE POLO COAT. It's tho Smurf Outing Wrap of the 80mm fler Waist Line at Last Disappears A Chicago dcspstch says: Women's wsist lines. which have been won- dering- from their guns to turbos. hove disappeared atom. At. 0:05. cooventlon of the Notion-d Olosk.w Suit. and “It My tbs moduli â€torturous mama. and tbsro is no Ingestion of s wsist lino in any of the newest garments. This applies not only to gowns. but to clocks. and costs as well. The new woman will luvs no waist. She will appear in Its-sight lines. True to their promise, the manu- fscturers hsvo (11de the bobble skirt and all its “adds the now gowns there is no suggestion of tightening it the {skim or knees. Instead, there are msny pleats. sll cunningly devised. inserted st odd places. which hrs delightfully who. the wearer is in motion. but are in- ‘ visible st other times.“ that her child In truthful and tbs. - neighbor’s little due uutrulliful. It is perfectly right that every mother should have conï¬dence in bar owu ol- sprlng. and ab. should not let then know if she does doubt them. but tho: sure thst their children have is the cholc-t thing of its kind in on not sllowcd their imsglnstlous. scul- :lstcncc. A delightful scarf of dose! wool sud s splendid pair of guuutlsl gloves. all in wool. the girl who loves anus-s sud prejudice to color their term It h perfectly into that runny moth- †skstc may h". ‘0' her own (bl on do not know their own children. winter. â€Iâ€" la Velvet Attics. Persian paw. s comparatively c fur u to price. but exceedingly king in apps-runes. makes us: .Imcrt cont. combined with blsck v64 wt. 'ruo upper pom or the coat in of the fur. while the deep cub us They my be perfectly obedient sud respectful st homo. sud when they go out from house. where psi-cum cm ity is not enforced. they may show tbs chum in their conduct. Nova-tbs- .’ ins it b not up infrequent occurrence. man‘s tbs pity! We the wlu mother will shul' sun to am borne by bur children ; “t then u jokes to he laughed ' st tutor and n serious matters to bo tub- up and noticed. m friendships have been joey child under sight yours of use. Wh. the chickens go to most cud twilight begins to deepen tbs country bsby's bud begin to droop.,sud be is may for his cot. The was nervous town baby. who bus nothing for an example except the sun sud who â€say rots on ruluy (Inn is used to twilight st; mcspbcrs st midday. seldom wish. to go to bod with the chickens. I! he lives in In spurtmcut he must but drifting down the hall the tsu- tslixing voices of his elders at dinner. and the smell of savory things from the kitchen greets his nostrils. But. band as it must seem. the city mother must have even more rigid rules about bedtime than the country mother. Her child is at s" groom dissdvsutugs in the ï¬rst place in not living where he can breathe the purest air in the midst of healing country sights and The distractions of city life Mums For children. “shouldbotbctuuoform clty bred children need more repose than children in smile! towns or the country. all Biting. Nail biting is u very common habit among children and is often the result of an extremely nervous tempersmllt. Ff 'l'll I" P0150 WAT. When is u polo coat not A polo cont? Tbs! is the question which may be In- swcrcd in mi sumo breathâ€"when you see it worn by smurf girls and women n In outing wrap. for motor- ing. on the tennis court as s blanket for the feminine champion u obs stands to receive the congratulations of bar Mend: offer the gums thou cold autumn days. on the ï¬eld of con- quest or st football games. Tbs cost will be worn on cold and stormy days by swagger girls during the winter. sud. is short. it’s mighty useful sll round wrap. but when it gets its nuns nobody knows. The material of the polo cost is not unlike s heavy cldcrdown fsbric. and u suuffy brown sbsds is tbs sppmvcd color of Duns Fashion. The cost is long. loos. sud double breasted sud futcusd with a double row of large buttons. There are 1 wide belt of the mtcrlsl drawn through «rcpnsnd s collar that button: up lightly about tbs thrust. or it may be turned down of These coats range in prlco from “0 to $20, accord- lng to flnlsb sud motorist. â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"fâ€"' Big Huts May Produce Baldness. lpndou. never as exaggerated as America‘s metromlis in the matter of feminine fashions. nevertheless ï¬nally has fallen victim to the enormous bats of straw or lace udectcd by summer cowncd womuuklnd. Not only do the English newspapers and periodicals denounce the huge specimens of mil- lincry worn by women of the smart set, but they even invent hy- gienic moons to prove the evil of this type of bcsdwesr. One west,eud bur- drcsscr. for instance. bu taken it on himself to denounce publicly and in no mcssurcd tone the effect such buts bsvs on their wearer's truss. “As grass cums yellow under s mushroom sowomsu'sbsirwm loselucolorsnd mu under the gigsutic bats " says this Jackets will be much shorter. sud long costs will be cot with the new loom on the shoulder and boll-shaped sleeves. Many suggestion were offered by designers from Cincinnstl. St Louis. New York. Cleveland. and other cl. ties. sud s jury of the largest monu- fsctursrs salt. in judgment on them. They were displgvod on live models. who were required to walk. run. bit sad pose to show the sfloct of the gown in sll sorts of sction. At ths‘ close. the “might-lino design. with tho waist lino lost, mot opprm‘nl. It will be the basic rulo in all gor- mcuts for women. WANTED â€" FOR 3. 3. NO. 4. EL- dou. qualified mocha. duties to commons. beginning-of the your. Sultry 0000.00. Apply to 8 Smith. soc. trons. Hu-tloy. P. O. M WANTEDâ€"DINING ROOM GIRL OR smut girl willing to losru. Good wsgu. Apply to In. Kelly. Cout- rsl house. Lind-q. =_____â€"â€"â€"'â€"-: I)! Imâ€"snvns BEFOND- us ores-s flush: in uric- bu- ." to us. numb-solde- asks room for now goods. and the pur- chaser may W as he likes. This Is . rm cbsnoc to got on organ. High grads instrummts â€" pisses. owns and gr-mophonss dwsys on hand. sud sold st proper prices. Csllsndsoomygoodsor writs. Mer- tak- for piano tuning. Br number the placeâ€"96 Wellington-st. Lindsay. Thou. Brown, Gerhard Huntsman representative. _______...____________â€"â€"- sum-nus 81008 FOR SALE. - Big discount for 80 dsyl. Ono slightly ussd upright piano. was 0.“. low m. Ono upright pl. no out for our only. was .815. now â€75. 0.0 second bond 88.. Baritone. Ms:- of Singing of the Toronto Conscrvstorv of Music. w be In Lindsay every Tuesday ITO DID OYIR MGUMHII“ DRUG DIOR] Address all communication to P. 0. BOX 3 I 693. Lindsny Dr. T. P‘McCuuough mammaromm. m “t MB... MD MMMWWM In mummamtodpmh