= ny Smith, who was the said daddy, A: be “rm?" 3 back potatoes. If his mm to . wder at the dmgglsl's he "on y. often when be started for â€1):: mewhere all day. Oh, there w parents were angry With him 3 and szlld: ‘Look here you . 11 her boys or else you'll bar: :8“. - your brains or get lnto troublo, Go down to my ofï¬ce here.‘ m bring me a block he met some co he returned home. but/instead 0‘ ~ had brought home a man to! at all. ‘That settles it.‘ said In: . to remember wh ‘ ' Dd boy' a. IS told you- the stupid boy a b". When so“ imagine himself gain: to school, me to school with his arms fill manager a clgar he came back -- before he lost his position. a,“ - a stupid boy is in the con ake you up_' try. but there he seemed to be non he cow he would return with tho we the food to the chickens, and time.’ said his father. And lb ’3 neck. The sign read, “This I. i the youngster had to wear it an t read the Sign and laughed, and u may be sure that Johnny did -: d remember things It Wm't ~09“. and pretty soon m3 19,, after that." pop. lent; dsay to eresting Lecture ug With the subsequent battle lâ€"Ke'bzr. he told the sndienco 'ong night march across the which culrnznatrd 2n the cop- Arnbi's suppo‘n‘tllg' impregna‘ zlion after u. gallant charge Highland llrig‘adv. The suc- 'he British arms was due in 1 measure to Ina-Ht. Raw'son, who guided the Hoops OVer .7?†and who new one oitho full mnrlnllj: 1'. UllndM, “Hxs \ “is," lucturer. were, d i lvvl 12mm s‘:':iight."’ soul the w..~q1/w:‘ the services i‘l'wl lu'llia.)fl in this enm- with Lzmnlrzzmn. he Md 3. 0 Liv-:L-Cl'n. 511'. Party r0 whom he .‘I‘lC‘FI‘Gd, as yr tin: Canadian ugllb conducted the Cairo to .u Railway. and made possi- Kitchener's reconfluwt of lan. lil.r:i‘.- . d ldli‘l’ \fl'hr‘n JIM-Lilly“ Ul'e it" 10 ~ or \Rs WERE CWT'RAGPDUS he Soudan the mg to South. Africa. touching .-. the chief engagements dur- campnlgn. and then follow. phic portrayal of the slag. \rthur. In discussing the ggle in the far east, Mr. raised warmly the courage ssian troops, who, be add. avely throughout the long . He related several snac- be Japanese“ midier, Wm cry, accordrn- Yr) mwr -.~t be shoui' -.~. overtaken inn bullet ~ '2 -: clad in s. - PbOtOng" mowing his ns immedia', preceding; in; evidenr‘n' that the Tommy n3 is mo" an bashful. vre conclud- dress. Mr. \ "iers related estln: rmin' “vices oftbc Edward. wi?“ whom h° imatc term< Bad For McNulty Dev 3--.!“ ‘he rose d TeX-ilty, "w- l'lr‘lllln men. of Appeal wdnyw ls in the l.\ll It M. ' 1‘" (if ‘leslh for lndtlfl‘ -o to murder their child. 'he T‘nmlnlnn Cover!“ --l commutes the sent“ ll be hanged on the do“ . M. ll. l in m munr the calf-II. -lm law «9 tho same “a.- FURNISHINGS Linen, Exceldss and Silk Handkerchiefs. . . Cuff-links, Collar Buttons and Armlets, Men’s Gloves, Kid and Unlined Mocha, Silk and Fur-lined Mocha. Very Special in Men’s Umbrellas. Ice Wool Motcr Scarfs and Fascinators, Silk Scarfs Clouds, all Sizes and shades. 1' Ggoves in kid, mocha, dogskin, f. lined, wool and silk- 1ne . ' runs. runs. was. Very special values in Persian Lamb Sets, Minks, Isabella ‘ Fox, Marmot, Kangaroo, Alaska Sable, White Thibet, Coon, Natural and Blended Muskrat. Men's Dog Coats, No. 1 special. Men’s Coon Costs, made of large, dark, very full-furred pelts. Children’s Sets in Imitation Ermine and Thibet. Ladies’ Fur-Lined Coats, mink collars and revere in black and brown. . >. ' Ladies' Fur-lined Coats, sable collars and rovers. Ladies’ Cloth Costs, with Persian Lamb, Western Sable and Mink Marmot Collar and Revers. g- 0 ooooOOOOOOogOoo©@©0©©© Young Man who Escaped ‘ From Lindsay Police Court town: or to sum up whether urnâ€"t. thby wish go grant the , Canon poi» er Company the privilege of ducting thclrpowcrllncsln thctown "bl Lindsay. on Mutiny-ate. and mor- ketid‘g their electricul cut-cut in Lindsay. ' “ . o The town councilmct Wednesday and the agreement between the town of Lindsay and the above company. which had the night previous been carefully considered clause by clause by a. committee comprising members of the council. the Board of Trade question wts.thnt the new company and in sure:- 0‘ the Board 0‘ and the citizens, was presented with a. recommendition Iron: the com- Irregularitjes. of Ex-Tow'n doingtbcwatlncouccuon with the M‘ammm be . mammamm @mamcoimcllmmilmendwflreurydm inguinal-1n their opmon out the BouiolEdmtlon. onbpropcrthlnglwouldbotogmnt Tho-ulstmttownclck.who u th'c cbovc‘prlvl- Mto bccppolnccd. will rccclvc an inlutlulnryolm.dutlcctoln- cludcworklntbccla'k’soflcc.cnd cm';nlco cctucccrctnryofthcnocrd discussed, but it was thought that thc' agreement was sufï¬ciently blnd- T110 . in; and covered such a merger, and be appointed. will receive an inltlnl lurther that ., monopoly would b; salary of 8500. duties to include Ito- megal' according. to the statutes. Mary duties in emanation with the " ofllcc. and will .180 be trot!“ o! It was contended thnttbc min the 3mg.“ w,“ c i I . would endeavor to obtain new ln- Ed“. , cation. dustricc for the town and district, The above plun-‘ol’ mum the mittcc that a. by-law be submitted and this would moan much for the three a“. ' . to the ratepayers 0! Lindsay st the town. . above 0 was definitely aet- tled upon Wednesday. when the 'town aldermm met to transact com- mittee business. and it. was practi- cnlly decided thut the councll could not. do better than appoint Miss Cur- Clerk Total $20,541.49 3: misc: mom?- :2 .â€"‘ -_â€"._â€".â€".â€" The specinl auditor appointed by the town council to audit the books of the corporation of the Town of Lindsay. at the meat.“ 0‘ the council held Wednesday submitted the following report on the progress of the special audit: l Lindsay. Dec. 7. 1910. I, To His Worship the Mayor, land! Council of the Town of Lindsay.3 Gentlemenâ€"In connection with the special audit of the accounts of the, municipality. I beg to report pro. gross as follows: 1. The ascertained irregularities. to date amount to the sum 0! 320,-. 541.49. This amount. includes pcï¬â€˜ centnges on the taxes of $1~215.28.l These percentages represent the dis-l count allowed by Mr. Knowlson and; the ï¬ve per cent interest. necessary; toplose out the tax rolls for the' years 1908 and 1909. “lbs mm, mg and verily-mg o: the mum:- tiea has necessfltated detail work tor an extent of which you have little or! no conception. In order to auburn»; tlate the above ï¬gures-I have had {a obtain vouchers covering three items on the rolls, in addition letters on the rolls for the years .and 1910. Apart from this. I have George Walker, (â€Roxy") the man but who some two years ago made 9. tion as sensational escape from the Lindsay Finally word reached him that ‘thc police court, and who has since been man was employed in electrical work looked for by the police or many along the streets. Many enquiries cities, was arrester in Toronto F’ri- were made. and finally the man was day afternoon by Detective 'I‘ay-Jwatod. lor. The man'wcs arrested as he was He apparently got word. however. getting his pay for work done on the that the police were after klm, and - Hydro-Electric line laying. . left his work. He went to get his A ‘ Toronto decpctch says: Detec- pay at the mnrket. but sound him- tlvo Taylor for some time past. has .911 confronted by the detective. Al- known that the man was in the old. though surprised, he made no fuss. andwcnttotthourtstrcct_ “star tlcn. _/ _;' LAME BACK The man ls well known in Toron- "'“_ to, and the oflcnco for which he was PILLS. V ing 5 quantity of jewelery. He will I! you suflcr from backache like m. be t akcn back to W W- W. M. Ferguson. of Indian Head, Sask., don't wait until you are laidi Ohlel vim ldt for Toronto this on work belore you give the matterimm to bring his prisoner buck attention. He says: “I was °°mP°“‘!to tom . ed to quit work six monbhs ago on whl account of a, lame sore buck, ch , had become .. m w . w... PINE announce BURNED scarcely get around. Mynllmmmdon: feet were very much swo cu. FIâ€"AL THE INSUR- slso had severe headache- .occcsionulf “’83 $232) £113“, FIRE. ly. On learning of Booth I Kidney Bollcvlllo, Dec. 9.-A flue residence rm: 1 procured lound . to “d mm“! ‘by Hr. Thai. 3'. uwls. of Sldnqv township. wuc destroyed by are lost night. with my. curly ell-tbs contents. The bulld- mlmmmmmtupu am y.†and luau-lolly lurnlcbsd. no lu- curcucc we. 82,000 on building cud nu. cum on contacts. The loan CURED BY 5" ' pBIHHIl b "V bad to spend considerable time per- - conclly interviewing people who came in in response to the notices Mr. OReil’ly Requests That Town Council Object to Proposed Route of GP. At last. week's council meeting Mr. John O'Reilly. 0! the cost ward. presented a. grievance on balls" of thccitizensotthstput o! the word around the corner cl Sh Paul and Dennison-eta. Ir. O'Bellly‘ stated thstbchndsccntbcrouwo! the new C.P.R. Georgian Buy 11:36. which would be presented to the council in the near future. For dlflorcnt recs- ons. the route should be objected to by the council. bccuuae a. dungeons corner will bemude ntthe cornero! St. Paul and D'cnniï¬On-nts. This months to 3. Words!- levery outsclc BM been put in the good. strong men. me 'pmiate the fact thut work of on. hundred and ï¬fty diï¬crentinaturc involves most. careful and u an initial celery. The mount. tolpnlncrnklng lcbor. no" can be no could be ruined it necessary next ‘ . waslclt that no other person could “I fill the position as well as Bliss which had been sent them. I am Currie, who has had several years’ pleased to report that, with very experience. and who, it. is under- . ‘9' exceptions. I have been nblc to stood, has practically been doing the 80? the desired information from the bulk of the work in the ofllce of the b90910 to whom I have written. Dur- town clerk. Every manbcr of the mg the course of the audit. discover- council voiced the opinion that in let hnvcbecn made which prove con- mas Currie the town bod u very clusively that. part. of the irregulnrlefuluublc Quinton. clerk. Tho lnltlnl tics reported ubovc has occurred in may of 8600 means an lacrosse o! the period prior to January 1908.’ $148 over Miss Currle‘s former col- 2. The general ledger has not 317. ‘ been kept by . double entry systexn. ~ Second beputy-Reevc Kylie “v ï¬r“ and 3° journal has been employed. favored the nppolncmcnt of n town mm involvcdond will still ln- clerk.e.iu~gern1u-y.heto up- Volvca. great deal of clcdccl work. point his own gal-tout. but other in order to correctly state and verify members 01 the council thought our the ï¬nancial pooltion o! the munlcl- mu... polity at. the. present time. no . question cl sppointinc 11" 3. The systan of accounting in use Currie “we: m ruined, but ‘lt is not one that lands use!!! “-to c. 'm contended um tbc poolflon 1'0- rapid and cmcient audit. 'in riot. in Iqulrcd ., good strong man. In Met it some accounts ll. would scan as if wu felt. that there should be two O one for WW way or mm a. morongmm 039°- tmn or town Cloth. mu the 0th“ ‘°" ï¬ve midit. the positiori of town treasurer- 4- I 1‘08?“ 93°05“!!le thnt “this Some of the clout-men maintained been necessary to spend so much that 3500 was little enough {or the time °u the work. but. you will ‘9' “taunt clerk. but it. was contended that this amount we) quite sumclcnt hallway mensurc. The work must be â€h u could .1†m m of m “'611 done t0 â€0 0‘ any “I“ town clerk. if the proper person was Respectfully submitted, out-mod for the position. RUTHERFORD WILLIAMSON, um,n...7,1.?.‘3°,°“’ “m" Mr. Hopkins, K.C., Corrects Report In Warder Dear Slr.-I ukc exception to your case against. the . Dom-flu... two new homes. crossing St. Paul. and not “an“ m- “' ' place Mr. minimum did not. prove clearly thct than was no under- cundlng between him and the coun- cil that. I should attend the meeting The contrary is the Laughlln‘s own letter to me. McLaughlin- dld, however. state dis- Scott. Win. sun-on. w. B. Foo. Jon. uncuy that he told Mayor Bess tad llechan and other-"Innâ€. 1mm it Reeve McLean lnToronto that I crosses the river acct the old dlctll- ought to be paid. He stated ' the 17- " some thing at the trial. The only dam was that the town as n cor- poration were not legally bond. The judge in giving judgment mud there was no, doubt. the town ought to pay and tlut bo' regretted very much u n mutter 0! low that a: Q†WK ‘ ‘~ .1 ~ '5' ' I" . 2r. murm>mum MMWm1¢.wwmmmwhwum-ï¬ Mmctm.wudr- wmm.mckcon'cm.lflq0 cdlnthocourthoucc‘l‘uccdcy. ummmmasuy. and mwurdmom' Mnebedththcccwlr.mh wuthcflntwltncu, 'nud «mammmwm tbstonthclfltbotJuly Wonthct thccbcckwunbcu'crduck. c-molntcthcbuk with mwu(m)ujn. mundprcccuccdthochcck. 'Ibc mammmmw in- dorcc the check. which he did. .1- thougbthcchcckmgbccrcrchcck undtooklttothcmto oak him the amount 0! exchange, alter whlchtbcmoncngcpddovcr. 'I‘hcchcckwuchowngndldmtltlcd u thconcthctbsdbccnpmcutcd tbcl British North American Bank lFenelon Falls. started out he know. or the'xr. Cameron, being'ula banker. and witness, ’ that the signature on the check was leaving the f not. Hr. Cameron's. He gave severe! .nd another ‘ documents signed by Mr. cm Oman in his presence as proof. amorous? was: ' POUND QUICK CURE _ mu ElGllT runs by 7, It. 0. Boyd best A. Braden by 1.,but Richard Nichols for the Bene- dicts beat. G. R. Hoore by 16, mnk- , . â€". . lng the Benodicts winners by 8. Se- Md 5 We, Plus ‘Tnnmpt veml new pairs of 'ï¬toncs hove been bought. The regular schedule will "he" Ben: 9nd â€was start Monday. Then-well just. fall MOSES SHERWOOD. A IDNG SUF- wnit, if there won't be a merry time FISHER FROM BACKACHE. don't blame the caretnkcr. The hockey club have been organizâ€" FOUND PEBXANENT BELIEF DI cd (or the season and have arranged with the curlers for practice nights. With good management. they should develop not only better ideas of the game, but to act and be the gentle- man both on and all the ice. R0880“ 3. Thurston has removed (ammoâ€"m “mm ‘0'. bis harness shop from Mrs. Phil- ’6‘“. while ‘11 the time the N “99°" Bundtol‘r- ctrawler-1m" mmtumm.uoucu~ 8â€â€˜39 next ‘0 Hr. Culn. wood. n. well mwn 1m living The concert of the council will be w m. m I-odd'n Kidney PM this Friday evening in the tOWn ball, when the boy scout} umJaolnL . 'fort. They have been practicing very {sitbtully and expect. to put. on the best program ever. A Re-Unio May Be lleld The editor of the Hillbroolr Be- portcr lays : It. In: been suggested to uswhn’ ?‘ llbrook‘ om ' reunion or Gavan and in so". as I rave never be» troubled well . with it. since. mumphmm gluten- pom-yrclldluccleflofbnckndl or butch. dynyto upcclully by tho daughters 0.1 the district now {or or w in other lands and cllmcs. w. “m‘m' have thought. it well chordorc, st an: early date to set the bull roll- ing, and if possible to get the opin- ion of all interested in the moms» to cure the kid . tlou. There are many under the and Stripes and on the prair- ice or the West or on ‘31:. SW Ps- uURNEn our or Home cine. sad in all ports 01 the prov/12.00 “A rumor was passed around town «Iw tint; Dr. Cowcn afor- wh‘o would. we are sure, gladly cum [last gun...“ - . into the Spirit of the scheme. and mar voter-mu? surgeOn 11: My: we should be glad to beer from them was burned out in Kindcrslcy, M;_ tn the matter. All the suggestions No particulars as to how it might and communications will be publish- ave happened or to what cunt. cdlntthcportcr. andifltispub- the property was damngcd. are llcbcd in the Reporter, and it it. is nvcllnblc. thought advisable to go on with Dr. Cowcn intended leaving curly local committee (or the West early last spring, but boy-mg met wlth a serious my Boys would also doubtless organize resulting in a. broken leg. he .wu (or the homo-com “mg. Winnipeg compelled to postpone bl- trlp until all Edmonton, Vancouver and Vlc- April. In! Cowcn, with their two ,- ., d’ ‘ “("R'! â€49'3““3‘1? " ..' m: mad-«hue 09‘“J..« I . no.5 “la no... ‘â€" o- "â€35â€,... toâ€. mania-n. iswri‘miï¬uï¬b-a w- a