fast 00 the Lesson. Mata asvlli, 1... Memory Verses. 3. Holden 7058' i. m "Vim. Mainland-y Pro- pared by Rev. D. H. “earns. . Those it» nothing or... sis-s Christ M In: of. tslthfor tor- glvene- of,“ or Cite: aim! and have‘no goqlel to believe or pruch (1 Cor. xv. li-lili.’ it was the one great topic of Peter and Paul in all their preaching. “This Jesuh hath God raised up." “The Prince of Life. whom God but raised from the dead.†“ 'lth great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of thel l v'y’(r. HANDKERCHIEFS I FRILLING. . ': . All Linen Handkerchiefs, nicely boxed. In half dozens. , . , :1 Any initial ,desired. Our Christmas price, per $1 These are gotten up in holly boxes containing Six frills, l One Visit Edwin i it. ll l if‘ '- sible send bittmy :id will; amp for tree reply. C( nsullation â€HOB Hours: 10 to l 606. Sundays 10 rum. to (lug; Dre. Super and White, 25 Toronto-st. Tort‘nl o Ont. box-nu...- oo-o-oo. coo-ooousssoaos soon-soot aooasueooooooow KID GLOVES ' a splendid assortment of chiï¬â€™ons, cords, and 250 ‘ “elVets. Per box-n....u...u..u......... asosso-soe-O Ladies’ ï¬ne quality, French Silk, self stitched, Paris point HOSE black. These come in all the best staple colors, two Lord Jesus." “The God of our fathers raised up Jesus.†“Him God raised upthethirddayandshowed Him openly.†“God raised ï¬lm from the dead" (Acts ii. 2!. 82; iii. 15. 28; iv. 10. 88:v.30:x.40;xiii.23.w.33; Rom. i. 4). Hear the Lord Himself to John in Patmos long after He had ascended. ,“Fear not. i am the ï¬rst and the last; I am He that lived: and was dead. and behold i am alive forevermore. . amen.andhave the keys or heiland nmions loved him and revere bk 0! death" (Rev. i. 11. 18). In Col. ill. 1. memory. Mark‘l‘wain wastheChrilh- believa'sarespoken 9‘†“risen with mas spirit personiï¬ed He was a son Christ“ â€d "'3 exhorted t° seek “‘1‘“ Of literary 83“ Claus to a. mum things WhiCh .1? above. where Chrbt Do you know why so many people mint“ mt-md-QLW" .‘oved him? it was because he was i kind and gentle and tender and loving. Butâ€"Mark Twain was a kicker? Oh. Raï¬,“ indeed. he “s! a. W! AT'mathaea ttoPilateandaskedforHisbod admitted it himself. He kicked against m r. all kinds of injustice. Whenever a “a h’ "“1 â€New“ t°°k it and brand of inj Ii ‘ old or new. dared wrapped it in a clean linen cloth. with ____:_._ â€"â€"*“" to my melt Mark Twain kicked it about 100 pounds mm ofspkaand Something for 25 Cents â€WW" mm“ a tstoneoteoorau ea- njgyfgï¬gg newsman J“... “.3... 3...? 0...; $2.13. Hand Painted Tie Racks, Key Holders, Clothes Brushes, Hand Mirrors, Work Baskets, Dining Sets, Handkerchief Boxes, Photo Holders, Handkerchiefs, Sachet and Pin Cushions or heart that made Mark Twain urge '0 many â€â€œ8“?“ 09°F“? ‘0‘!!! b0- - 0 all people to do their Christmas shop- cause the: knownOLa risclLChrist. A A“ a - . ... ping earlyâ€"to begin a month or so in’ T56 erh’ï¬â€˜r . WWW?oeeooeeemoeeeoeoeweeeeeewwmewweoawareness “mm 0, cm,“ m mm mm mm m; gi£§§§§g§ffg , l the lot of the shopgirls easier. tomb to do what they had purposed This Christmas for the ï¬rst time the for His dead body. but the tomb is Has Eieciric Powei Co. iDiVOYCE ShOWSIGI'eat I-leease in Calida :3:.'£1.2f‘i?°;‘.:'f:.2:°$'::i ï¬"..:‘3:‘::°:.22:‘.1:"s:33:2f§‘ ‘F/Iade PurChaSe Reported ?IPThe applications for divorce at spondent: if you revere his memory remember from heaven said to the wome “ ' n: he J are! that his big heart was touched by the seek Jesus who was cruciï¬ed. He is 2' arliament number twenty~se\'en. a Zenon St. A’ubin, oi the city of grandma militias: of the clerk'- ul not here. for Be is m. as He said.†' grecord number,_ it is said. i: Montreal, master plumber, from his â€krieztmsdbpziunfo it: and that he Mary Magdalene. who came with the . ' there were twenty-ï¬ve applimcationysmoli wife, Dame Marie Anysie Trudeau, of mm aâ€. other women. seems to have run' to '1‘. following rumor re the plans Mir. Lat-month in answer, wouldn t wh (‘ll twenty, were granted. The lMontreal. PING EARLY THISXMI. tell Peter and John as soon as she oi the Electric Power Co. is ' pub- 'Bay anything about the matter, and saw that the tomb ' avcm 'e for the est ten 'ears has Geo Mclm ' .-.......-. ..._.. .- “3 open and the ushed in the Peterboro Review: was equally retlclent as to whether been :bout ten 2 year. 3’ rsia . of Gilbert Plain, l body cone. While she was gone the l l . Manitoba. clerk from her husband l ‘ ' were were negouatwns 80mg on- , “ . ‘ , . ' other women saw the an is THE RUMOR lor not “3'th silent on thei lne Woodstock Sentinel-Renew 'Ihomas McLean, of Vancouver. ho- iJud e Emphauc heard their message "m "9:: to :3 That the Canadian Electric Power: ' ’83-“ that no doubt the time will telkeeper. in Vice Enquiry the on.†(mama. Pd" “d Jo“ "as ran to the tomb. and. having seen for h ,subject, it is quite safe to read be-' them"! that it was empty, m. Coal and WOOd demes, individually boxed, every pair guaran- '51 7 25 I teed. Special 31 pair. With safety dome, pair Ladies’ Plain Black Cashmere. Hose made by PENMAN. Sizes 8% to 10. Extra good value. 3pairsfor $1 oooooooo o cos-oooesoasoossooooa. oaasoaoooooeeoooo-oaooo' sseooo MOTOR VEILS Chiffon Motor Veils, '24 inches wide, 21; yards long, ï¬nish- ed with 1,} inch hem. Colors of brown, navy, green, HAND BAGS 3 i a grey, mauve, white, pink, rose and sky. Our 500 Winter Term Opens Jan. 3 ELLIOTT \ @é/éaa Toaox‘. (. on. r. Cmada'agighClc a; Comment; School: enjoys an extensive pat- ronage. instruction strictly ï¬rst class. graduates always successful. Write today for Handsome Catalogue. special ................................... . ..... This Hand Bag is very special, being 11x8 inch frame, COLLARS suede lining, double strap handle, ï¬tted with change $1 purse .. CIll...OOOODOOI'0.0.0....OOOOIOICIOOOOOOOOOOIOloo'00000 prettyholly boxes. Good range of colors, per box ...... ..... .. ............. 25c HAND BAGS. BELTS Solid leather, 8x11-inch frame, leather lined, extra good Ladies’ Elastic Belts. Come in all colors and widths. tastener, ï¬tted with coin purse, guaranteed to give gord good assortment of buckles: assOrted sizes. 25c to $1.00. wear. Something that everyone would appre. $1 89 “'. J. ELLIOTT. Prin'ci a! Corner Yonge and Alexander-stat p Ladies’ Fancy Christmas Collars, separately boxed in . E g Best Ones Separately Boxed. -_ ciate, for . ..... W Peterboro Business College Is a link in Canada's Creates Chain of High Grade College: founded during the past twentv ' Six years. This chain is the larg- est trainers of young people in Canada and it is froclv admitb d that. its graduates get the lost positlm 8. There is a reason: write for it. A diploma from the'Commercial Educators' As- sociation of Canada is a passport to success. You my study partly at home and iinish at the (.‘ullege. 0 his best to kill 06 the strevl i-ur hog â€e†“"9 5" My “"8 '3“ “WW 7. and cure the ill tempered ticket agent ed and prepared 89‘0“ with which t° and eliminate other unmet-usury evils, anoint H†body when the Sabbath he became interested m the Early should have passed and rested the Christmas Show," â€awn?“ Sabbath day. Was there ever a gloom- He had been m the crush at the ier Sabbath to any believers? He in t‘. m Just before Christmas. and he whom they had trusted as their Lies 3 had seen how the ahopgirls were over siah. to whom they list! lovingly min- : i worked. how they and the men clerks. istered. for whom Hiey had forsaken 0 I too. were rushed to death in the last “L â€d been "km from them and . few a†before Dec. 24 and even “ll cruciï¬ed by the authorities as a wick- to nearly midnight on that day. 50 ed person. and now they were in great Mark Twain became an earnest advo- darkness. without any hope. for they I a“ of In, Early Christmas Shopping looked not for His resurrection. "Hav- ' Movement. lug no hope and without God in the i It m . 0.80 0! mm“: kindne. world†(Eph. ll. 12) is the condition Of -â€"-_â€"~â€"__â€"â€"_.â€"â€"â€". '4‘ x ‘1‘“. BUSINESS COLLEGE Chas. W. Burns. - Plinci 31 Geo. Spotton - Presidvfnt .â€" I Cb. had purchased Burleigh Falls. . tween thel that there is moronic when the divorce question of Lorne pom Robertson, 0' Strat- and Buekhorn water powers. l lthis country will force itself upon ford, physician from his wife Eliza- 'big deal pending in connection with me No STATEMENT. {the "mam both the people and the politicians. beâ€, Louise R" â€on. now of 33 The present method of applying for . “‘1 enquiry into certain vice cou- "l‘hey’d get a pretty fair price if 30.000 H. P. a private bill can may be said 393% Kalil“: Lind°:-‘:ing ditions in Winnipeg in connection they got 3200.000, wouldn't. they?" He stated that the Electric Power.,° be mm‘cto mm m m n, “n ' ° “‘M- with charges and. by 1,, SM use in- Lax-month of the ReView Co would runalino from Campbell-‘ ry’ ‘mm he†husband. Arthur Grant] d the... ‘ ' - '~ - [suits Common sense would seem now of Vancouver. ,an ° will POSlthely close on 03" the lag distance ’phone this ford to Peterboro in the spring. to suggest a. propa'ly tilted Dal Saturday, Hie Lo intixn . . â€3'“ ton Mabel Sta 1 t , - â€WP ated mung win he was communicated There is 30.000 h. p. available at court with a. carefully defined an d to, from her humzegzrrgf (£03; Winnipeg? Han" Dec. 8.-’I‘he Judi- linen cloths lying Just as when the . . body wps in them. they went away Lumo 4"! Shingles: Etc again unto their own home (John xx. Cement an 8-10). Mary Magdalene returned to , FEBS i :35!) the tomb and stood weeping: that, cry 00 8 two angels and heard them say. “Woâ€" | in “K“ “Hillel (0., "mt“ mlln- "I! W thou?†Even as stun Eat the St. Lawrence Hotel. A :hed coinpany's holdings in Campbell-ll closely restricted list 0! cases. Stapleton of Peterboro expense. and there was nothing to :9! mohalto her i think that she PHONE 7"! m 09°- '03'- ' ' b rolo . W I III ookin be ‘ :CA salon: at a. zzcent issue ’of the Mary Kath,“ 0mmâ€. o, Gil- 5:; 41;“ lasing the enquiry. In turning "on“. 0:. “wars'and. "nets is a rumor current that Lvou , Power from this source will also; axis a azette ows the following bert, Plains, Manitoba, from her hus- he bell ed 11mg the judge Said she supra! ' to be the ar born a“. bought the powers." persisted be transmitted to Lindsay. Bowman- applications for divorce: band, Stanley A. G. C ritten den, of tabla "1:" dentts e‘testii‘m‘einympf respec- .1†said to her: “Womawn, den.†. who u C ty of the I" the mm. ville and other tom J Pauline Verlna Meyer. 0! the city D‘uphjn â€2:", machine agent. ergorontpgrfgm per husband. Hf“. Mary Hamilton Johnston. of To- 038A. tr twp of 10" route. from her husband. Gilbert bridge. counts/~01 Ontarid; tumor- Gsraeld Jthon, 0: Montreal Town Treasurer to Have . Mary Gertrude Grantham, of tit. cleric. WEE“! TOWN Hall leity of Toronto. from no: husband. Violet "- Jane Dalila. of Hedicine Dr. Shearer was asked by Mr iArthur Myles Grantham oi the same ' .- . ‘ '. Hat, from her husband. Wm. Dalila. .Hunt hht his id f Salary Increased to $750 9““. â€WWW- Andrew Lorna Hamilton. ot“ Port- who it the obtaialn: °omeEg Walter Harvey Kirkland, of the ‘3‘ 1“ Prairie, bank manager . from '0’ 1mm through collusion ? A special meeting of the town sistant clerk. to“ of St. John, Quebec, commer- his wife, Hands Louise Hamilton, of Dr. Shearer answered calmed! Was held on Saturday for Special Auditor Rutherford Wil- cial traveler, from his wife. Ev. Ida the city 0‘ Toronto. would explain 3"“ as the “9‘0Ҡthe purpose of reconsidering the mat- liamson was present and briefly out- I Browning, 0' the “W 0' Montreal. Ethel May Hat-veil, of the C“! 0! ing 0' the Moran and helpless, tot of salaries and duties of the lined the duties of town treasurer.’ Cecil Ernest Man. 01““ Vll'l'l‘oronto, from h" husband, Dfl-"ldl W“ tdwu clerk. town treasurer and as- emphasizing the responsibility of the-$80 (ii Eglington, coachmah. from Wyllie “â€1“". “W 0' Montreal, BURKE!) TO DEATH omce. He contended that the Mi'imfmw 9- Rose Mary Mk" PM salesman, - N"? York. Dec. 11.â€"R0fusing to "fit-rump lie appeared tothe (Wu who ticn of "mm†was ‘ very import-t . ’ D. Madeline Peterson. of Toronto. “9° eMisti-icky or gas Hrs. F. A, waited to Emmans. and no walked ant one and that it was absolutely George Addison Brown, of the iron her husband Francis John Pot- 31111013 a wealthy “a mule mil- wflll lllt'ln and cinema to them the BECAME so WEAK’nocesm-y in his opinion that tho town of Port Hope. gentleman. from m' hm“ ““8". MW“! "um" maw‘“ m °‘ "8" smpmm‘ 1" "" "'""" a“ “W person ï¬lling the position should do- hia wife..llargaret Brown, of Bali’s M‘ Toronto. "I. vote his entire time and attention to Bridge. Out. the duties of treasurer and that the vice district who gdve evidence last week. From the (moral remarks of m. “aâ€. it is believed his r0- ed ï¬rst to Mary Magdalene even be- body. As she went to tell that she had seen Him He. having amnded and returned. met the other women and nllowed them to hold Him by the feet and worship Him (rem 9i. Part 0! the angel's meta-ago to the women was. “(in your way; tell His disciples and Prior" (Mark svl. Tl. the only one men- tioned specially by name. Some time. mmowbere. on that day He appeared to Peter alone (Luke axiv, 30. in the â€" m He appeared In times on that and we know that He appeared on“: ‘mmmm EM ardwaro, Coal, t.†. the municipal building. It __ be impossible for a man having his On loihce down town to handle the af- place._ ' ~ . k. fairs f the to WHO brought. ti 1' , . i ‘ 0 Wu must. Haggis Florence Saddler. ot To- “? Ml! 800d 91100. n“ it... what mlbum'. Heart 3.4%.", be on the Job all the time. '11:. ronto. from her husband. waist- A. “d “*0 M’- VNdI clued lest alsht w mu“ â€â€™ l . to .barriater.of'lloronto “Me-Nam. over 80.000 P009" “'13! bun luminance. Hun- dsties at my tot-uteri; theBoardofDducatioaaldthawa. of (muesli. lilct‘illlili ,‘ 3y.uw l-‘nR Pl ‘ the Connoil of the Munio ,__.. BY-LAW N0. fl l.†SALE BY ï¬mfl‘ijmiï¬, FER imp; R hiANl'l-‘A QUORS IN THE '1Ԡâ€XLEY. mus a petition “W“ by at least tw~ w of the total num . was on the last al' List of the hiunicl flown-hip oi Dealt-y. to to wote at. Municipal E] hon ï¬led with the clerk municipality on or twin day of November, 1810, the submission or a lv}-l Optics under the pr0\is Liquor License Act an. solidated Municipal Act meats thereto. AND W'HERICAS it is ttion of the Township 0 submit such LOm-J 01.â€. the vote of the xz.:.r.;i‘i;»:t the time ï¬xed by statu- for the annual election of the Conncil of the sol ity for the year 1‘31]. Therefore the Mummy; the Corporation of the Bexiey, t-nzicts as follow 1. The sale l._-. rl-tai‘. 0 fermented or 0‘. hr-r liquors in any t;-.-.l-m, i house or place «a [llllll mat, and lht‘ \...w lli(‘ by wholesale ll: 9mm 1 other than hous-w of mi tainmom, lb lit-rt“ 5- lumh in the municipni-" .22' . of Bexley. 2. This l)}'-lii‘.\ shall force and 1akcu-"u-ri ...~ i day of Mn)" new tilivl' thereof. 3. The Votes 1»? 'ho (-1 said Township of llwhln taken on this in ‘ u at hour, on the 512:;- aame places, and 2., deputy returning milll‘liz‘s next annual mum .;I;.l the Municipal ('1 > nrll 0 Township of Bonn.» Mh year 1911.) 4. On Friday. *l .. Tin December, 191“, Mm l{( said township stuff. mti ofï¬ce of the cll-r's. tlmrc. o'clock in the lUY‘l’J‘ï¬Tl, persons to hl‘c'lMl at DOlling plant-5 ill'ul‘~‘:~:-.Ml_ ï¬nal summing up of th- the clerk, on lit-hm" of interested in and promo posing the passim «.‘J 1h spectively. 6. The clerk m†:l.t~ .- 81†Township of l’u'.\li'\' At his Ollice iii viv' l-n 4" (moon on “'t-linwwinjv, day of January, it'll, . the number ()f \'(,'-w. for the said byâ€"law. Read a ï¬rst 1m": awn 09th (lily of ONO“- ' l‘.‘ Take notice lhn' 1}.» true (‘Ojly (if " , pro whit‘h has hovn ‘1 awn m tion and “'hll‘l; Kt... lug by the (‘ounctl u: tha- Bexlev 0n the l-H-r,’ ml the electors lu-nz. â€Lula in accordanCe mt}. llm 4 Section ‘14], of '~.- Lit Act, after one ll.l'l.'l. fr publication in 'ltw \lut or, the WHO I)“ which tion was tlw vi ""1 «in ber, 1910, lillll l ' 'Ll‘ electors t)! i‘ -- 2“". shall lri‘ lukon W. hour (in the Cairo \ name [llll“lâ€, depllty-rvll:rr.:t - municipal l-lw" as proxiliwl lY‘. .V, l KOlli‘l- ix hm, Will lvt‘ l'll'lsl_ ' ers' .-‘\I" judge of 1... County mi \'l("~u'..: Coboconk. on the b.‘ Mmlif‘r, AJI ' ‘ mm. o'«~ln«~;., ~. the sou-m1 (‘1 ~ omissions :n th» municipuiny of l.:~'«-:, Longford. for 1910, All pI'r\("n*~ hu‘ '. court are rmpu’n-w ‘ laid time and law. Dated llllx 2m: ~:..; 1910. ll. ll Kill (‘lt‘l‘k Ol lllt' Fill“. \l _______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€",...â€" FOR SAl.l-‘,.â€"â€"«"-V mw: tramo house, hurl-um. henhousv, lur-w- )nhl and “00(15th I‘hf‘ n d. half sol li’ll in Man Tnï¬lllzt‘l’l’l‘“! nnvl posehcrrios. green it rants. black, white strawberries. apple, trees. Suitable for - “ebbing coming in to pay (or idle time reasonable in s mllr‘ ht town cause int . ' m write (2. W. J W. 0" i“. ii. '