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Watchman Warder (1899), 15 Dec 1910, p. 4

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csstorinisn harmless substitute for Castor-Oilfirsso- Jl. pflgDmpsmdSmthinziSyr-ps. “EM“ 7 contains neither Opium, Morphine not other Rm ; substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys We“ . and nilnys Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Will] f Colic. lt relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ] . and Flatulency. It nssimilntes the Food, regulates tho i Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ‘ The Children’s Panaceaâ€"The Hothor’s Friend. opium; CASTORIA Atwsvs Bears the Signature of Jim KinquonF Have Algays Bought . M OII‘VMII OOIMIV. W IUIIM' sues-r. I" "II on. About this time you will begin to think of that new store or range you promised yourself. I am showing the ' Imperial Oxford Range- which stands in the first rank of stovedom It will be a les- sure to show you this stove and point out the good features which it alone possesses. h.â€" T. J. PARSONS HARDWARE, TINWLRE, ETC. STARR S A TES THE FOLLOWIG STYLESâ€"â€"â€"ALL SIZES Men's Velox Hockey Men’s Regal Hockey. Men's Scoiis Hockey; Men‘s Bracketted ! to Hockey; 4. 50 Boys” Hockey i pair Genuine ACME Spring Skates 500 per pair. . Uur STARR Skates are guaranteed, and we replace every pair leaf Hockey Sticks. Sliemsc and other newliiies, {Film in!“ I” ;;;;;i.. J. G."‘ “MWâ€"â€" Ladies’ Glacier Ladies’ Beaver Ledies’ Acadia Lsdies’ Beaver Plain and Flanged 033135.; .illiiiilliilll 2 3 ' Edw ds; 3. GASOLINE ENGINES I’nimeia. Ilihh‘l: your work lighter an: a lit I it ill} I .c, i} inn ll?) s Fairbanks Moshe (incline 1'; pre, State 1 ti t’l Illtt' {u on. I in female s 6 liaise potter and 10 10128 pint), tuna Ill-d Willis in 1-“ class condition both genuine bargains- Cups and talk it over. a. w. HALL - LINDSAY GARAGE EAST END WELLINGTON STREET BRIDGE REPALRING 1N ALL ITS BRANCHES PHONE 317K. McLuughlin'Autnmnhiles A full line at supplies. Fsirbsnk's Engines. “ Special Christmas Sale This yeor we are in it better position tor the Christmas trsde then ever beiore. Space is too smell to tell you oi oil the splendid bor- gsins We have gotten together for this Christmas sole. but More you buy your Christmas presents inks u look st our ”OCR. Remember our stock is all new. We ht“. no old bankrupt stock to offer you that has been on the shelves ior years. We have is Very large mugs oi Toys. Dolls. tissues. and at prices that we have never before been in . position to otter. We have Just received it beautiful sssortment oi Lesther Goods. Ladies Hand Bags. from 60c. to 85.00. Oentlunui's Collsr end 0“! Boxesâ€"some very and goods st very spsoini prices. Also lust wives s specie! purchase oi iiusiesi Instrumbts. Violins Violin Bows. Autohu'pe. etc. A spocisl lino oi bend pointed chins. suiteblo for null m- bnm. snd s lineiot bssutliul chin. sultsbls is: other gifts. Our stock oi Christians decorations. Christians Bells. Christmss he"; Genomic. is now complete. end the bust vsluss we he's ever A W specie! lino oi Christmss Post. Cords. 10c. doses. 3" W m" m- were Idem. iron now until cm... 3' Lo nnooom domain; . ' w. \ lowing lsrins : was. Hershey. is.” A Fine- " itch oiFMusliies message-MM .m’smmgusumsmmddtsm torio.wos¢csptimliygoodd¢flngol thsoutiq,sndthsiliustrstions thelsstscssonsndmsshinoqs otshowthspos'sibillti-ntnssltm largo size were {recently cought. llr. F. A. Hilton and Ir. OI 0‘ TOM“. Mi» M nation 'lhsss ilsh weighed iroin sixteen end st Cssssrss. n tins em resort on the lotto. The piece is rsschsd otter s two hours' ride from Toronto on the trsnedtsn Psciiie Rsilwu. the trgin s s hell to twuty-two pounds such. ”.1. A. Union osptued s tm ty-two pounds: end the ole otths slashes. Tenure. Dec. um. i”, hotter end the pets I N tskcn three 501:... I 'I a" 9‘.“ "' Praia!!! gone. Ah. well “liq-DO punâ€"no nigh-d by ‘Ms-tives" wss indeed ens. relieve as of laundering. .- mitosis this terrible dnenss' Rh“, ’ this sate-wot." ’ nu. 1.12213 Burs; mod, 0‘ nctnslly cures Mounting,“ ' is the only modiczne‘ thst sctuslly prevents um Acid his. focused insny Wy. If these isnocxccssoiug in‘bhiood, thhecsn no . _ '0 mmdesn-thc liver sctiveâ€"thc hostels 1.; Along thssflnhsslthy/i‘hescuc theorgsns thst rid the Wh- imflfim" so tes the system thst ell wuie ‘ no "to or “uses" to be chsngrd into uric odd. thascsnhsnenricscidin 11108“.th nervessnd csuse the the Illa. d ”mam. Bdstios. Luinbsfio, every m of Rhcumstism. Psin In The sch, Swot M Pest. sud mm“ dus to the‘blood being poisoned by uric sold. liyensre uh’sct to Rheumstiun. curs yourseu now with “Fruits-tin." end end he irss otpsin this winter. boot: tor two miles. Good sccommo- by such succsssss. thet the meshin- dstion is to be tied. sad the scenic onge is one oi the gemisst oi as: bcsutios oi the plus of. unsurpassed wster tlshes. The delights oi such elsewhere. Bess fishing is good sud cspturos sro insult. end they “I! N on ssversl occasions during their utoysd to the tut] in the lesson st stay the brothers csugbt their limit. (mm. W. by surprise. but in s iswlbrtsi well-chosen merits thsnked the choir. stetinc thst he lsbor in con- nection with the choir was s nutter _ 7 -_. oi duty end love. Kiss Word has torn . islthiul member at the shove: musicsl ormirstton tor s number so. s hos dict . trisl sine s_ At sll deslm.otscnt postpdd «pie-by mug-iii. United, tsws. cm. °' Destructive Carp Coming Down. Canal To those who have given the met- tor any degree at thought. it is quite evident that that the tlsh commonly called carp are about to play havoc with the various lakes and rivers that comprise the Trent waterway, in so for as this district being look- ed upon as the sportman's paradise is concerned. Some years ago carp were un- ltnOWn to most people along the line of the Trent canal. 'I‘o-dsy one can find this fish in any oi the streams from Kirkfield to Rice Lake. Their destroying eflect on other fish will soon be delt, and the various ledges end rivers adjacent to Peterboro will be seriously affected. .These carp have come down from Lake Simcoe. As to how they came to that lukein the first place, the writer does not know. It may be that. they were placed there inten- tionally., with the idea that the): were a good fish for that body oi water. The fact remains. however, that with the opening of the Trent canal, from Lake Simcoe to Balsam Lake. these fish traveled over to Kirkfield, slowly but gradually got locked over the height of land and. were soon down in to Balsam Lake. From Italsam Lave they have travel- ed on down the canal and can now be found in all oi the lakes and riv- ersto Hastings. The carp is a most destructive fish and i9 bonfiri io Itill amine hinge. bass and other fish that allehl such good sport to the enclors at this district. The destructive nsture oi corp is not confined to the killing oi tlsh alone. The rice beds 0! our lakes ond' rivers are beginning to sullcr. In the section oi the cone! that stretches from Balsam Lake to Lake Simone. are hundreds oi scres oi flooded lend. Some yeers ego the government very wisely sowed wild rice in these areas. The rice come up splendidly and the indications tor a. time were that the flooded-reaches below Kirkfield would prove to be e splendid duck shooting district. But the destructive nature oi the carp; become evident in. this respect as well. and today there is scsrcely s. stalk of wild rice to be seen slong this stretch. It hes all been meted out end eaten by these glutonous fish. ' 'I‘he frogs, too. sre diseppesr- ing. One can now scarcely hear the crock of a frog between ‘Gstne- bridge and Kirkfleld, where a few years ago there were thousands. The que Simcoe-lesain Lake section is hols depleted of every living thing excepting carp. The same destruction that has Dome Over the other fish. the trays and the rice shore Kirkfisld. illl soon be is evidence between flotsam inks and Trenton. The carp is gradually taking possession at our waters and a serious state of strain confronts us. “ headband ” in‘ the: tumors theme». The Village Band Not Passing Away The village me is not becoming semiotics; it lies 5 wide. and as s of yosrs and the members lost sight expressed 'thstr sincere rem-ct st her dopsrturo.. but wished her pence. prosperity sud inmates» in her new homo in the [rest Donsdisn West. Beioro dispersincato their homes. n hcsrty vote of then!“ wss moved by Dr. H. Irvine end second- ed by Hr. P. Nesbitt. to Mr. sud hire. Win. “evens who so kindly opened their doors to the choir sud provided we end moons tor the spending oi s thy hermenious and delightful evaiing. LEI-"r N0 WILL The late Charles Welsmsn, oi To- ronto. who died on July 29 lost. lcit 882,262 in property and securi- ties ior money. He made no will. His sons. Cheries A. Welsmnn. and Frank Squire Welsmsn. hnve sPPlied for administration of the estate. There is 820.500 in reel estateâ€"No. 770 Queen-st. east; valued st 817,-- 600; No. 2 Rose-eve, 82,500: n third interest in Burgess Islsnd. Muskoks. G‘s. widow, H". BMW’s Whla~ man, is to get 810.764. ’I‘hrewsons and two daughters each get .4.- 801.72. They are Chsrles Alfred Welsmsn. Toronto ; Frank B. Welsmnn. musi- cisn and leader at the Toronto Sym- phony Orchestrn‘ ; Arthur Jesse Wels- msn.. Lindsey. jeweler: hlrs Fred '1‘. Burgess and Mrs. John hi. Living- stone. both at Toronto. mum can- A MOTHER’S . SACRIFICE KAfiE lit Xlfifififlbfl 18 01"“th All iNJUS‘l‘lGE TO fllfififlfihi AND T0 333 FAMILY. it is s common thing tor mother. mious I aluminum alloy top and perfect design. 8(th = set is Babes can is so mutter oi test. s muerstivs line - was a one o... w $3.... mil; ..- mums g... m 4.. m .. fizmfifié‘ififitlé’i'; .2‘.’°l§."‘t..il‘ rustling a retest issue at the itch: assisted so well uysubstssttsl civic [59 common indeed that unto at. gorgeous independent. An item in greets. hut the village hid. “I099: ties is m..." 9; it ' ' that Widely reed Journal says; light at the smell hey. the ("tendon It “WM also "3' tired 0.. west: 9 ’{l use new slide trombone and at the various church societies. and m" mother “m on them ' liu demons: were is the window at the pride oi the municipality. has to thou-ii ;, so» time ,9, mother to h. Hamilton's store this week. the exist under much less tsvorshla ctr: “a; or to set- the much-needed mi trombone having been purchased by cumstsuccc- The village W i“ '“P’ So she neglects her ailments unti Mr- Lloyd Hamilton. and the clor- posed to turn out st any old time. she 9.. beyond 0,, reach a, b a, hall“ by Mr. Cliff Beck. Messrs. Wm. on any old occasiom end invariably “a “ m y e, A. Sieby and Geo. Turner hai’e without maceration st that. No ' each purchased comets. When the wonder, then. that there are lower ‘05:: 13;; “WES”? :2me on: members of the band are purchasing tillage bends in this district than oil ?It ’i' ‘ moth I.u d pro their own instruments, it shows in- there were some years ago. The Vil- r" it. til b: . uty t. terest. in the Work, and a likelihood tags band is. as g rule, supplied with 0;: 0:21:02: ose ;~ ut her. of perseverance and progress. Mr. instruments by mslw oi the man- ' . roux L‘: ”I; Brooks. the headmaster, is giving o hers providing their own. end the I'm]! ya“. I I”. m . ‘0“! large share of his time to the bri . remunder bet urohnssd ins out of a. good band. a“ W by “:13”. 'Mch.”hmm 'i‘hsetesllnss oi weskness end rouge. They intend giving niconcert in the case at .. city emulation. would” town hall on Holiday. Dec. 26. It is down JMO :11. pack.“ of a. pm. the intention oi the use to cm s m Mm. The viii... m i. a” 8W. ‘m"' ‘M“ W... good pros-run, lots at lsughtsr. “PM to 8“” its ”‘8' Willie momiths onus “.W good mmic- “was. etc. MN “I. only st every Sand” school picnic. tive trestmut is “used. It shsrpso- do s lsrgo business in our sturdy. medium priced suitsâ€"built to YoucennotgstweiiinsduJis ishricsitis i l The Top Notch Skate Say “AUTOMOBILE " to a real up-to-date .‘Ixiiltr and be will tell you that Automobile stands for tin- best thing known to the Canadian skating world for the lightest and most serviceable skate mode. h i. â€"â€"â€"~ lighter than any others by ounces. because ofiu Its blade is strong and durable, tough and keen. because it is . made of Nickel Steel. Give him a pair of AUTOMOBILES for Christmas. A Full Line of Hockey Sticks, Hockey Pucks, Ankle Supports, Etc. Eon. A Good. Reliable Boo-t- To call on J Hii lies’ Hand DON’T [ORGEI Mode Boot and hoe Store. WGIMEWM oi Hem! Sch i1 "not; and Elwin in celrii MIGHII iiflti wofhtlihhclflfi. ll «c heir tmi em' in ninth to our messersiers putt. Gesd Fit. Comfortable sod harshest. Distssss ss stucco. DULY l'ili‘h‘o. ”Ill-Uh“ INIIOYID AID Y I II? LIATHII U H REPAIRS HEAT” AND PROMPT” EXECUTED. It you nerd s' . royalties done or rubber heels axed. call m and m u .2: till your requirements while you wait. J. HU 'HES, LIUDIAY IT. and WILLIII ST. N. Worliingmen’s We tslis geodesic oi the 'orkin‘mnn in our clothes provision. We moat W." result-nun. oi the inns whoworks end who vents durshility. The motorists srs nest potter-u oi the most dursble weer-resisting scours. ' concert, Mr. Brooks. the henchnsster intends to moire s cheap in the isnd._snd stsrt s. coursed musicsl instruction from the hissioboerd up. so ss to‘bs propel-ed ior'nsxt sum- snd houshle to turn out ture’s cures one ‘rsdusl snd looting Mon My. bsshst socisl. or on . . snyhero-worshtppi.‘ owe. a.“ Dr. A. W. Ohnssshl’vs Food west. moi-ininsesiuontoohisr mum-um viiisoshsndisespsctsdtorssl ed momma withpsstcsnssnd hmwimConw- votive liaise. with plenty oi room st every point. when the workintf' Branc Province 0 I A 3 gen‘ transacted. Saving Branch. Office H0 lit in 3 «i‘i‘lni‘k. Saturdays 10 to i 0 THE CA OF 5m EDMUND WAL ALEXAN o PAID-UP CAPITAL. 31 i IIEA LONDON. ENG; 2 Lombard MEXICO Cl In addition to the of in every Province of Ca mIt is thoroughly eq other banking business Lindsay Branc lie Vittoria INC . MAKE In Uh)“ 5m mp. HR hlglii‘l‘liilf‘il‘l llilill tl. . List-cuim“ 4"" "‘1 WILLIAM I 11/“ THE M '. H fisussc'rs '0 I ~ SA‘ We lliiVi- ii lll(‘l‘ M'li't' HOCKEY S'i‘ii'ios RAZURS, (‘All\'l.\ sud Sl’tii iXS, (‘AI suitable Cili'istimis p What about a. : line OI Stoves cvci‘ s and get our prices. GINA m..."- D. ......â€"â€"- Ldverti -

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