-r ‘5 un'vv‘: u 31.. _. uld have to to the got as far as . a sister living. One bout two weeks. but dli thought I had but a short earnestly prayed to die. all over my back ...... . when swears " no“ ' “any"? I omceeâ€" oldstra â€35353.3 â€hugger turns to suit borro . .. w. my . w , sister. I E. H. Dav h d a small . William street, south. I‘M’ partxo'l’abox ofï¬utlcura in 3'.- £009.81» 0'“- 9' 3' mm†X" " F‘ so'm“3.§".°“ ‘mï¬a‘h‘z'l‘li Eno““°"'.m"' me a 3- HOW» B-A’ - Eurekal titer: was relief: stopped the tel-ï¬ne I ______________â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"- ey mm a; O’CONNOR. Barrister- l’otaries, etc. Honey to loan at mlowastamentrateson m I. scam. L. v. O'Connor, ah. Dean 1; JACKSON. Barristers eta. solicitors for The Canadian flank of Commerce. Money to loan a. (neeâ€"w Kent tern eta. I’d-bay. - - mertpgss at ï¬ve per eentf Of~ he William Street, Lindsay. I. D. Hoots. K.C. Alex. Jackson. IIIGH B. KNIGHT, Barrister. So- licitor, Notary Public, solicitor for farmers Dank. representing Water- loo Mutual Fire Insurance (30., of Iatarloo ; Federal Life Assurance 80., of Hamilton, Empire Accid- at and Surety 00.. of London, Oat. Oillce over Farmers Bank, sppositepost once. , IaLAUGHLIN. PEEL. FULTON a EMERSON. Barristers, Solicitors. and Notaries. Money to loan. Spe- siai attaition given to investments. Dances: Dominion Bank, corner of Iilliam and Kentosts" Lindsay. R. I. lcuugnlin, K.C., A. ll. Ful- ton. B.A.. James A. Peel, ’1‘. B. Ithaca. honey to Loan In I. HELDON. liariposa township M, Oakwood. Fire Insuranlv.l Int, Issac of larrlage nominee Bunnyancing in all its forms. rates of interest. Company private funds. I am always ready to buy good mortgages. I. "LDON, Solicitor, etc., flock, Ihdssy. ,__â€"â€"â€"â€"a- lFarm and Dairy eclipses all previous efforts of its editors. printed in two colors. tration on the cover is that of champion Jersey cow. in the natural colors of the Jersey. lhim. The illustrations throughout the is- lchï¬gtmag morning. sue are most pleasing and tive. T. W. Campion Taxidermist Birdsï¬and animals stuffed: and mounted Deer and Mom Heads a speciality. Also case work. Oan arias. Finches, Rabbits Pigeon and other pets for sale at Toronto Bird store or leg,†burningflsensation from the word go. immed egngot Cutlcura Rmolvent Oint- ment and p. I commenced by tahlngone tablespoonful of Cutlcura Resolvent three times adayaftermeals; had a bath once a day.,wster about blood heat: used Cutlcura Soap freely: applied Cuticura Ointment morn- ingandevenlng. Result: returned tomyllome inJust-six weeks from the time I left. and skin as smooth as t ' t of . E. Carpenter, Hm N. ngw ' “Wehereby certif that we ares ainted the aforesaid 3"†E. Carpehqt‘elr. and ow his condition have been as stated. beamtve'his statement to be true in every part 1'. chants: G. A. Thompson. Merchant; A. A. gavis; tgmatrdViE'I Jgiiner. lreï¬hant; Jobs arpen ;.....en e, tornean Coutuelor~at-law, all of enderson.N.{. The above remarkable testimonial was written January 19, was. and is republished because of the permauen of the cure. Under date of Aprll 22. Jill , llr.Ca , nter wrote from his present home, 610 alnut 8t. 80., Lansing, Mich: "l have never suffered a return of the psoriasis and although mangeyurs have passed I have not forgotten t terrible suffering I endured before using the Cutlcura Remedies." Since this cure was made by the Cuticura Remedies. they have made their way to every et fart of the civilized world. A 32-Dm book- dwcribl humors al d affecti as of th skin will benm‘ailed free tr; those dgsi a fur- ther information b the Potter Drug Ethan. lcal Corporation, Bhetou, U. 8. A. ._ .-â€"â€"...â€"â€"â€"--.., Of interest to Stock Men. in Peterboro county, One farmer of pure-bred cattle, which had been as wise as he is to-day, might have saved. he3cd terial disease. second annual Breeders' Number and how to ‘prevent it. The hund- The second Breeders' Annual of The instrucâ€" No farmer can read this The l sideration. Breed is the key-note 175 â€â€˜3'.“ M3“. throughout. ' Plant breeding is handled by the well-known authority Mlllllt till liliilli Moments J Still doing business in the same 01 stand but not in the same old way. We 3 livauce with the times and are in a many others. Suition to do better .work than ever. 0f the Agricultural College, ew designs, new granites, new and mproved tools and methods, in feet the most up-to-date Marble and Grain its Works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. a Shop and show rooms 11 13 Cam- bridge,St., immediawa northvo'f'Fire Ball. L'ndsay Marble Works B.{(}‘}llll~$. Prop’ Ila Johny Cones-limb; ilg Home for “listens Place the very best bread and pastry before him. I ' _ This is easy ifyou buyfloklj Nodal or Baker’s. Queen for your bread'an'd our-IDâ€: ,1 ,AtallGrocerd. to. launder 'Son Olin, M’ 00s] an ill. Mr. T. G. Raynor. kinds of farm stock, by such known writers as Prof. H. S. Arkell, Oll prepamholl 6f. stilt; Am: 105-. me cry-perm misuse flood There are articles relating to well- as. Smith, who is farm manager d for Senator W. 0. Edwards, Dr. H.’ . Reed, V.S., W. F. Stephen, and Prof. Geo. E. lDay. contri- T. h l s, is “ill trade. mark which ‘ is found on _ every bottle.j of the genuine Sean’s. Emulsion ï¬ve , ins T 3 l , ll Kiwi??? , ~:. ‘ ' are The cover is . n‘ng tonage mu scribed above. if left a t an “early date. Ifatesthat wel-hve‘ Jottings from fill†. buy a ' F . ‘3‘ IV! if Wtbottle from your magistand give it to you MY “ ‘m : ,- . -‘.._._ r‘ , '_ :zAttl‘g'Tf. , ‘ 7‘ .- 2 llnshe with Farm and Dairy unabl- Cshillwaegbostooyearsof‘e. ; ' z . fECC to try? i-‘oryearshehsdboasï¬d‘oqu' ,'â€" - . I“ k "8 ptloua my" 5" “mun“ “umâ€. ' to In. -.' .3 A hosiery W building, lfyou are troubled wltborfesr say. A confidence that has In I with the special needers’ lane de- memo W.‘ 30“ M . Iliad with costly apparatus. equipped please all in and send the coupon to on our thirty years' expertise oi“ t this oilica at “ with W"'MNOH M will. ll Meiâ€"you'll never regret your de- this splendid preparnazon, wig}; , lull -. ~ ' musâ€" . , clsiou: ' knodvgledge of the hundreds of lbw. ’ ,, ' ' - can 0 cures It has n ad . ° ' A splendid :bnlldlns lo overs meet. 3,,“ who: L‘il-s-M I e situated on audios-Avenue, Toronto, grog; wig“ ------------------------ «...».g ~ on . . is eloquent testimonial to Psychlna. rm 0. “he" COUPON No. .- 88 Ell]. . "o m -. were “.8. - . For Psychlne in s third of a ceu- 13mm" "f“ Mm'wdmff' To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM. Ud‘ fly, 2 ~39 g ‘1 â€wk m over tury's extraordinarily successful use lfooero-mo NkhtSweals [93495 S I. Ave†T . " ' . . o m". MI, I" “090', your ffc l ...: Zion, Pension. Dec. Bâ€"Miss Elva wit the body to sink. The body . km“. 33.1.3? PM all of Psych“ ‘wgnofngly Si flow Wot-slay returned home on Saturday, from Sturgeon Point. where she has been spending a few" days with rela- tives. A number of gentlemen of this cinlly intend going to the Laymen's missionary banquet on Thursday ev- ening next, and have alread tickets. Mr. Cecil Brown. accompanied by Mr. 1‘. Lowery visited at his on S unday. The young men of this neighbor- hood are very busy making a rink. expect it will be about the last of next week. as there is a small house to be built for the [990916 to get warm and put skates L. B. Simmons d: Sou, Mer- '0!!- and we secured y? opened home wards. Annual Mettilll‘. viâ€" until February. Messrs. Wm. Perkin and H. Wors- follows: ' ter. Memorial hospital. Wm. erson .and daughter - Katie. journeyed to Lindsay on busi- nose on Saturday. . bliss Elsie Moynes attended divine‘ services here on Sunday. We are sorry to lose Mr. and' Mrs. Henry Mark from our midst? have recently moved to Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Mark have lived here C:'â€"â€"_â€" Ont., recently lost over $500 worth, many years. and will be much miss- the neighborhood. correspondent joins The cattle were with all their neighbors and friends carried off by †black leafâ€"8L “6- in wishing them much happiness and If farmers read the prosperityin their new homes. Mrs. throughout he Your who is humble She appears see what- issue of Farm and Dairy without be- guest of her aunt. ing greatly beneï¬ted thereby. health of animals receives much con- they can learn ' homestead for some time. Parkin. , also Miss Reta Worsley. visited at the home of Mr. Spence of Islay on' Sunday. Mrs. Robert Trice spent a days“ in Lindsay visiting her daugh- xory ill in the Ross icy visited Cameron Point friends on Saturday inst. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. daughter, D. R. who 0f understand that their son, Mr. Percy 1,..- pair. a; UNDERSIGN’ED 1, preparedto Farm and Dairy PlibliShed this week Mark will continue to Work their old loan money on Farm, Town and at Peterboro, Ont., tillage Poverty at very bwust much about this disease of " black Don't 50's“ a†1.0m,“ who. mas tree at Zion on the 20th knowledge which may'he gained from 23rd of this month respectively. In: reading this special issue of and Dairy may save several reds of dollars for you some. day. lag 'n at 7 p. m. and On Farm 9' why the 18th special services will be held in the morning at 10.30 and. The good housewives of this place very busy preparing and plan- . Christmas presents and how i11“5"they will spend the day. The chil- a dren are also getting very curious to Santa will leave behind and are eagerly awaiting Miss Ether Pethick left on Satur- day for Sturgeon Point, where she medal intends spending a Presidentâ€"Mrs. Robt. Ross. and gal. Lcnnan. . Rec. Seaâ€"Hrs. A. Horn. Cor. Sea-Mrs. G. Hatthie. Lit. Seaâ€"lilac Slight. Treasurerâ€"Mrs. A. McIntyre. Pianistâ€"Mrs. A. Jackson. THE POULTRY SHOW. few stated this morning that he is ceiling enquirieg every day in gard to the show next January. People from all over have sent for pri7e lists and entry slips. BETTER THAN EVER. Mr. D. A. Mackenzie, B.S.A: of the local Department of Agriculture, has returned from Guelph, where he We attended the annual Provincial Win- He reports that the fair was this year better than ever, and a magniï¬cent success in every re- for “ NOT GUILTY." Vincennee, Indianna, Dec. 9 -â€" ’Ai- ter long consideration the jury here this morning handed in a verdict which was a definite and direct vin- dication of the unwritten law, when they acquitted Menlo Moore of mur- dering Charles E. Gibson, the mil- lionaire operator. It will be remembered that Moore shot Gibson dead after his ivlfe had confessed intrigue with Gibson. Mrs. Moore repeated her story in the wit- ness box. and the jury said “Not guilty†on hearing her evidence. ‘9" "99“3- “m 1138' EDDY'S FORTUNE. Mr. and Mrs. R.' c. Webster. Balsam Grove, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Weldon, Brown Friday last. .1. ,‘Statistics of Steamers on on W ' Savin Mk ' ~ . ._ . l9::: a\‘ ‘ . ~ I interesting The annual report of the meat of Marine and Fisheries which has just been issued contains ihformation navigation of interest',to this part of the country. . .There are 58 registered vessels on the Trent canal, including all vessels propelled by steam of more ' tons burden, but does not in- clude the celmtless gasoline yachts f that play havoc with the patience of the~ lockmasters. ‘ Petérboro. is of 136, I M- m sue-aet- unneeded-I5 , - ; - â€ti susoeesss sense... seb‘bbiei!“ ‘. , ,, ‘ A , . . ï¬lming“ “new. bibs-s hi“ .3“, \ ~ tools. "a...“ “maï¬a :r 5"" m “33:33 flbbsee ...... ' ' m . ‘ menu. as W n†i‘ Local Waters ' Depart- some regarding than The Otonabee of the. largest craft ply- the Trent canal, having a being licensed to carry 444 passengers. , The -' Lake comes next,being licensed 3. carry 272 passengers.‘ The Islay of 7 : Orillia comes next, being licensed to ' carry 246 and the Empress 224, A world. Meringue-us ‘ on o... ..:::::::"...:1'::::::. it to Md" ’ up? «was i 33m:.::::::--:..::::::::::::.-.. “ "o... and W W of Bessie Butler .. no. oi Boston, Mass, Dec. Gâ€"I‘he Horu- ing Post to-day claimed to have it ofï¬cially that the will of the' late °n Mrs. Baker Eddy, the leader of the Christian Scientists. leaves practi- cally her entire fortune. estimated at a million and a half dollars. to the Christian Science church, with the exception of a small bequest to aâ€". n†Contracted a H can y C 51d. 'If Became a Lung Splitting Cough. _ Mr. J. H. Richards, 1852 Second Ave. East, Vancouver, B.C., writa: “Allow metowriteafewlinesinpraiseofyour Dr; Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.‘ Last fall I contracted a heavy cold which, left was floating in the hole. face down: . of wall. lonely The annual meeting of the W12); 8. of St. Andrew‘s church was held Thursday afternoon in the school room, when the reports of the dif- ferent omoel‘s for the year were re- ceived and proved very satisfactory. The treasurer’s report was not sub- mitted. as it will not be completed - (household) servants. Hrs. Eddy’s The 0190131“! 0‘ 00°C“ resulted as son and adopted son are not men. 15} vice.-presidentâ€"Mrs. D. Honou- 2nd visa-presidentâ€"Mrs. llcNelllie. 3rd vice:-presidentâ€"lfrs. W. A. hic- Mr. J. P. Riley. secretary of the Lindsay pet stock and poultry show, re- re- Aud it did moreâ€" Psychine is a tonicâ€"- dition to cure or resist sickness. ‘ehine will cure. ‘ tioned at all in the will. BADLY INJURED. A bad accident occurred Thursday afternoon, when Mrs. Robt. Sander- son, who resides west of the town, wrist sprained by being thrown out. of the and little child were driving into town. had an om broken and her cutter as she and her husband It cured hundreds of thousands of people suffering from diseaseâ€" It builds up, the bodyâ€"by strength- eniuglhe‘w-hite corpuscles of the blood. or phagocytes. which by devouring the ' germs of cheeses keep the body in con- ..â€"-- w‘ ~â€"... hear-lope. Now. we don't ask you to take our wofl for the tremendously beneï¬cial And made the most remarkable re- eilect of Psychine. . Fill out the coupon cord for efï¬cient curing ’0'". of any below. mail it to us and we'll glve your 5 druggist an order (for which we pay preparation known to medical science. the â€all" retail price) for ‘ : l3sychlne to be given him Ell-cent bottle of you free of cost. Psycblne. And we do that to show our entire Below is a list of diseases that Psy- confluence in this wonderful prepara- 5 tion. We gill undoubtedly buy and dis- ; tribute in this manner hundreds of 5 thousands of these 50-cent bottles of 'our expense. I have not luul .' bow. of i‘sychlne under m. “5,137". gladly adaisemémy drrggis: to dl- iver My Name ................................ Town ................................... Street and N umber ...................... My Dmggiet's Name ..................... 1 Street and Number ..................... I This coupon is not good for a file. ball} ' of Psychine if present d lo the drawn: a l i â€"-it must be sent, uswlvc will then buy the 60c. bottle of Parohine from your druggistaud direct him to dt-‘iw‘r ll lo you. This offer may be wi.hdmwu at any time without not'l-c Send cou run ; to-dsy. WORK WITHOUT FATIGUE You ‘qu't feel exhausted when you take It appears .that while driving east. on Colborne-st. some eight or boys ran derson was the above-mentioned injuries. . It is unfortunate that such an ac- cident should occur and that a num- ber of Lindsay boys should be cause thereof. cutter, but nevertheless an was made. SERIOUS CHARGES out and frightened the horse with the result that the ani- mal made a. had bolt and Mrs. San-. thrown out sustaining It would be impos- sible for the ten to get on .the one ...v Reminiscences Thursday, Oct. 2, Monday eVening last. Cann, curate of St. Paul's, whose term of service has ended, the ladies Gleaned From Files of Warder 1 Peterboro, Dec. 9..." Gross neglect, . of the congregation gave a social. l of children, desertion, blgomy,‘ adul- the school being crowded with peo- tery and incest. " are the words us- lple from the dillerent denominations, ed by Inspector Gunton, an omcial iWho listened with pleasure to of the Department of Dependent and lexcellent concert. in describing Neglected Children. conditions found in Belmont ship in this county. As a result of their inspection man and woman have been arrestedl for bigamy, and a serious charge is ' in being laid against another man connection with the same case. Sixteen children‘ have been taken out of that apogamy for homes, ole-l the Children's Aid Society Shelter here. condi- tions of crime and immortality in this section are almost incredible. Children are growing midst of tions. 26 Below Zero ‘ at communion...“ ven of them being brought to The oillcials state that the most degrading t0“- up in til. ‘91,†being ‘ large one and the best condi- .01 good feeling prevailed. The fol- the quisition ‘ i of signed by a large number ratepayers has called a public meeting! in the opera house for Thursday evening. 9th inst. at 7.20, for the purpose of considering the expediency of promoting the structi0n of the Bobcaygeon, Lind- say and Pontypool Railway. October 9, 1890.â€"-A Liberal Con- servative conVention for South Vic-l ,opera house, the attendance of dele-' - lowing ofï¬cers were appointed: Pre- sldmt, John Dobson; secretary, E. D. Orde; treasurer, F. D. Moore; vice-president to represent each the municipalities: biariposa. Zero weather prevailed on Friday I balm; Bobcaygeon. Capt. Bottum ; was, 21 below zero then, while 130ng it was 14 below. N THE cmsms ooosn ~ mmm¢¥sletide season, '1†Wymmdn‘. m.withahuï¬nswughmawï¬mo All laden withjlnessbrowa, Iwould allttlemoreeold ' haehn' ° S“ A toothsome" . Stan: Icing}. twousotldgmbecome. _ alung an" one. 01.1" ' m m “or†I . e ' '. money ' homo °" g°WWm medias until a friend 4°"! Would. . had ever tried Dr. Wood's Santa can. adores. because mg and throughout the day, and .lt 'me' 3â€â€œ Hughes. is reported that the thermometer re- gistered 10 below in IJndsay. Mr. J. Cassie, of Coboconk. was in town this morning m stated to . Somerv llle Agricultural Society held Warder man that the thermometer the“ annual fair at Coboconk registered 26 below in that vilm 00t- 1. and was a decided success, .3, 6.80 o'clock “I. morning. A re- the exhibits in each department he- port comes from W that it lug numerous and good. There was at a keen competition in each departâ€" OD ment of horses and colts, the two- year-old colts, one-yesr-old and the foals of this year would have done credit to a Lindsay Central fair. A lugs number of friends of Ir. E. Johnson. late manager of the Bell? Telephone Ce.'s abency here. met at Mr. licConnell's hotel and spent a few pleasant hours. it being the eve ot his departure. Hr. w. 3. Graham as chalnnan, in a very ï¬tting address, press:~ ted Hr. John- son with a magniï¬cent gold watch. 0 l i l committee from Earth and Mendelian and EPPS’S COCOA “$25..“ It will sustain you as nothing else willâ€"there is strength in every particle of it. As a supper beverage it is perfect. Glimpses of Doings in l 1890 BY BUSYEYES 1820. â€" The ’ veils; chaplain, Rev. A. Johnston, “1° ‘ Church of England Temperance So- , B.A. ; committee of management, J. clety held their monthly meeting on 'Keith, J. D. Flavelle, J. H. Knowl- In order to 'son and Dr. Poole. attempt Imark their appreciation of Mr. Mc- The annual election of ofï¬cers of the C.L.A. took place on Monday evening last, when the following of- ficers were elected: Pres, Dr. W. V. Lynch; lst vice .l. Gillo;:ly; 2nd Vice, J. M. Kennedy; rec-sec. ~G. Hargrove; ï¬nancial-sec., J. U'Reil- ly; treas., P. White; chaplain. A. Mayor Smyth in response to a re- IO'Loughlin. â€"-â€". RIVER POLLUTED con- MONAGHAN nm'vmrlos WAITS 0N PETERBORO COUNCIL. South Honeghan, Dec. 8â€"A joint South ()tambee councils waited on the Petcrboro city council toria was held last Saturday in the l to protest against the city emptying sewage into the Otouabee River. I: was stated that Mr. S. Dezell, of South lioneshan. lost four horses. the cause of their vhath being attrlv lluted to sewage :n water in the sprin- of‘front. and later. . ll n it recedes, it B. leaves the â€turn file river. The "overs the river u'sonous. It was Ops. James McLean ; urged that till 'x- take steps to Emily, W. Switner; Omemee, Dr. treat the sewer: 0 her by septic Cornwall; Verulam, Chas. Fair- tank or some ollv" system. Alamehorae_ isadeadlosss.s v- Club, , wo ea lasts my won’t curethemselves. Yetyoucancnre thesetroublee-andmabeyourlame horsebundwith †' Handkzrclli Every l l Fancy Lawn Hamil. 3c, 5c, 7c, . . I.“ OVercheck v. ll edge, 2 for Pure Linen with 1-‘a on $58!, 20C, or 2 for Wei-ed Hamil; 40c, 75c, $1.00 to . .. Gentleman’s Liar-n In chiefs, half down: m ...-on s s In lawn, 4} dozcn ln Ladies' Linen Handk- stitched edge with initi doz. in box, ........... Gentleman‘s Silk . ï¬anlfkerchicis, 23c llnll Men’s EXCI‘ldll 35:121le colors, full Sill‘, 1m 3 for .... _,. Other suing, :3 r. (Elites Ladics’ Kiri C10 ..- orss 76C» $1.00 and Ladies' Knittv-w 1.2g: in navy, red, ln‘m, ' and black , MORE Suede l' ...xi: .. chamois, grey, brmxn, black, 35c, 12.30. Fancy Heir thlwnri dine], blue, brown, 3 and black, 4 in, Ladies’ (‘orso‘ls in v. 506, 75¢. $1.00, $1.25 1â€"- “Min lill'mv‘ ~ 7160, $1... and (JHiM's l‘}:~lhi~ 35s., and WOOI Ecol (‘93 1'" and ‘-w 'â€" ......... Boys’ and (mic \c Bose, fine and Muir l'l Lam’ Vests .-»_l.«: in"; 251%, 056., SW 7.2. Children’s Knï¬'ltf l . near, â€by \ust: 1,~«_ (‘hil‘l‘el'e \'l-t~‘~ 3...‘ 34%., ms. and Child’s-h 20th, â€12, Wool Shauls my iml $1. 31.25. ex u. nrs. IFW l. l‘ ll .l ‘Llyll 2.1% .‘L.- .17“- !lrh \x'l l\ 3.")? 4‘,“ n l-l)l¢3.", Main Ill. ’" , and lprtvn l; " l.- nï¬ial‘dnfl l. : t. ‘- 13f in r;«~l. :zv ' 5.13%â€, lll.‘ . eras v.33“. rlllal he i... l Trashy: or;- :. him, er. :1 . Old Gm): ‘\ good-bye “Cowl-urn" -' {lilo Sill-aw I. sphere. or» ï¬lm M »"- _ng-l;i \i or 1188 l‘f’~"‘. ' Church, llll. r ét7't‘SSll'l; Yr) := best for " . should no nix. w. (or loud lurch ~l More “am“c tr. '9 1“" been hollow f.‘ U G