3.50 ER, lined min. in all very L‘em re sum-rs. rs of '1 sad town . â€OHS .35 col- ,ble. .50 Its: in; * Shaw I Muffs \Qm be worn as 3- u‘fr or scarf, very new 4;; pretty colorings‘ T. ccial at Ladies’ Taï¬eta Silk Under- skirts of real good quality silk, in colors navy, grey, brown and shot effects. These will please you and they are right in price. Each - - 3-95 A Special m Silk Underskirts \ CC- mugs. We ‘1 fies good reading for the winter‘ 11bound.Sa1e lame \\'c are showing some "3' special values in ‘ics’ fur lined coats it will pay you to : them before decid- THURSDAY, momma}; 2;" 719:1. on your new one. ‘vrs have saved mon- 50 can you, at thlS Please Shop Early, It is Best. :11 pretttyOlUI1“5°' :i;11 at €52 75 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE REST ROOMS, SECOND FLOOR. This Waist $5.00 Ilciliiriiirts 3°95 ‘ ‘ These parasols are put up in individual boxes. lined slightly imperfect in ‘V The quality is a ï¬ne Gloria cloth. The handles color: Special - - 75c W are gold and Sterling silver- monnted; $3 Nâ€" CHRISTMAS "ANDKERCHIEFS Special each - - - WE SELL THE LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS It is easy picking your gift handkerchiefs from our ‘immense . ' assortment, both in mens and ladies. We advise you to buy them ' a early that you may get-:the best choice. They- make acceptable A r I “1:-.. c..-" pure gifts, so do not forget to buy some. pile : 52 inches wide priced at per pd -_ Ladies’ “Gift†Parasols These Sealettes are a beutiful quality and will make upiniqe, haying a ï¬n; s_ilk_ï¬f1ish and even Ladies’ Dresses of ï¬ne all wool San Toy, in black. navy, brown and capenhagen, kimono style with yoke and sleeves of all-over lace. Some styles have the popular high 9 75 - I waist effect. Very special each - Mantle Sealette $4.50 and $6 per yd 9.75 These are attractive Kimono cloths a good range of pretty colorings and all-over patterns, others have 25c fancy borders. Special per yd. Kimono Cloths 25c Yard. These make a most acceptable Christmas gift. We have them 1n a very large range, made of wrapper- ette, kimono cloth and blanket cloth. Very pretty styles and coloring 5. Prices range 1.25 1.50, $2, $g6 2.25, up to - Ladies’ ecru Net Waist with Kim- ono sleeves, very ï¬ne quality net with front of embroidered net, yoke of ï¬ne tucking and trimmed With heavy lace insertion, exactly $5 like illustration. Special each Ladies’ New Kimonos This Splendid Quality $5 Net Waist for only For Ladies’ Dresses Just Like the Illustration on the Left 153;“? $4.50 and $6 Please Carry Small Parcels. ’ «m ‘ .r g .35, vi‘ We anticipated a big demand for small furs and have provided “an assortment that will be hard to equal and more so because of the real good values they are. Mink, Persian Lamb, Marmot, Sable and Mink Marmot are here' in values that you will â€" o‘ . appreCIate. '“- t Ladies Small Furs WOHEN’S INSTITUTE mm 302119 d 'WAWWARDER; Be Sure and See Our FurDispEyâ€"jl} , you will have more 27 These» are excellent quality imported Tapestry in splendid colorings and designs. The size 3 yds. x 4 yds. These $10 squaresyvill ï¬t most any room, and an excellent value. _ Each Tapestry Carpet Squares $10.00 Mens mocha gloves, made with wind break wrists, dome fastened, lined, slightly imperfect in 75c color. Special . - - There is nothing that is more useful than a nice pair of gloves, and few things make a more acceptable gift. For ladies and gentlemen we show some very attractively priced lines. You will ï¬nd glove buying at this store a matter of saving money. fasténers reg. 50c, Speéial 256 A splendid lot of sizes and. color- ings. These are made exactly like 5 this illustration, I long fronts, dome On all ordersw - and over we will - amounting to _ $2 5 â€" prepay the freight or express charges to your nearest railway station on the G. T. R.‘ 'or C. P. R. Customers will do well to club their ' ’orders andhave all shipped‘to one address. Try it .; . 1- LINDSAY: » What can you give a lady with a home that will be more appreciated than a piece of nice linen. Something she can use and something that adds to the completeness of her home furnishings. We are showiii .a very choice range of Tea Covers, Tray Cloths, Side Baal-g Sqaï¬s, Centre ‘Pieces, Qoylies, Napkins, and Table Covers. g~Th’é prices W‘ill interest you greatly from a saving view. 3' ‘ >u Wlll have more comfort and more genuine satisfaction than you thought. There are many .Here you have a big store with an immense stock at your service, plenty of space to make d 15- Here you will accomplish more in a short time because this is a convenient‘store. and en Joy the advantages of early buying. 25c each Mens and Ladies’ Gloves Mufflers for Ladies Egamflï¬fmfl Gï¬ffl Lï¬mgm We Prepay Freight or Express Charges Hand Bags 750 Special These hand bags look very much lik the top one in this illustration. They have the long cord carrier and come in assorted colors. Special each 75c Childre’n’s Dresses Just Like Illustration Children’s Dresses of black and white Shep- pard’s plaid and trimmed with red, W111 ï¬t ages 2 to 6 years. Just like illustration. $2 Very special each - - - - PLEASE SHOP EARLY STORE ‘BRIMFUL OF ion $2 These are splen- did for wearing under your coat. made exactly like illustration ,shaped at back, longfronts dome fasteners mercerized quality, for 25¢ 25¢: each Mufflers for Men Our boy’s overcoats are made with the Converto collar and are warmer, as the illus- tration shows. They are made of good all wool tweeds and well made. Prices $6 range 3.50, 3.75, 3.95 up to - g . mine" I .25 These are a splendid winter weight, in grey color with navy or red trimming, well made and good generous sizes Special - - ’ 125 We sell you only such qualities as we can recommend and when you buy here you are not taking a chance. Come 1n and let us show you how reasonably we can give you a good garment. ‘: These Splendid 9 9 Overcoats only ' 5 These coats are warm and‘ service- able, made with the military collar that fastens up close at the neck. Nice dark coloring s and splendid 2.1111aliteé11381scoaieonsslallig:6 $9. 95 We are not only oï¬ering you over- coats that are attractive in price but they are just as attractive in material, style and ï¬nish. The Convento and regular lapel collars are favorites, some prefer one while others want the opposite. The following range of prices will give you an idea of how a little money goes a long way, $8, $10,y and up to . $20 Special Values fn MENS’ OVERCOATS Boy’s Overcoats' Priced Right Entrance «mm: Men’s Fur Lined Coats. These make popular Christ- g mas gifts and we invite you to see our range of boxed goods» ‘ put up especially for the \ Holiday _trade. A These are the nicest range of brass goods ever shown :11 Lindsay. We imported them direct from New York, Jardin‘éres, Trays, Pedestals, Umbrella Holders, F ern Pots, Card Trays, in either dull or gloss ï¬nish. BOY’S SUITS 2.85 This is a ood, strong, well made suit and you will ï¬n nothing to equal it for anywhere near the price. Bring the boys 1n soon for these. Only - $2.85 THE ONLY STORE lN LINDSAY SELLING SEMI- READY CLOTHES. Mens’ Suspenders â€iv New York Brass Goods Both shirts and drawers, heavy weight 65c garment Our range of Neckwear for men will be a most attractive one this Christmas time. All the seasons newest lines will be rep re- sented, priced at 25c and 50c Mens Underwear Regular 65c Value 50c Men’s Neckwear the Parcels PAGE m