Sale strikes â€" Coot nun. .- 949 O-U'}? .0000. .....oo- ......... 1.99 ....... 1.49 Vests to ...1.25 ....59c .. 1.69 ...].49 ...279 v ...23c o... ...99c made 99c 49c 69c 73c 98c 39c 49c 49c 9c 1 5:: 25c 35c 49c 78c 69c 21c .ms. J ohnéone, of Colbome, is the guest. of her son, Dr. H. B. John- aone. ' 7 Mr. Roadway, of Jarratt Corners.- is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. R. Wagar. motored to town on Monday. 311:. Geo: A. Jordan, of Lindsay, called on Toronto friends on Mon- day. Rev. C. 8. Lord spent a. few days 11‘ last week in Toronto. Miss Bellingham, of Burnt River, spent Sunday in Toronto. Mrs. John Robertson and daughter I'Lmily are the guests of Mrs. Jas. Cnok, of Cameron. For the ï¬rst time this. season Cameron Lake has been frozen over, and for several evenings past our yam: people are being. thoroughly exercised. Every evening huge bon- ï¬re< are to be seen. and eve '_one seems to be enjOying the sportf Mr. C. C. Forsythe, of Lindsay, was in town on Monday. ’ Misses Ella Pearce and Lulu Jones drove to Bomt River on Monday. Mr. W. Mc'Arthur visited in Lind- say last, week. Mr. 5. J. McKendry left on Thurs- day to visit friends in Gary, In- diam. sts Jennie Duggan as the guest of Lindsay friends. melon Falls, Dec. -5.â€"-Mrs. John YES-L 'n and Miss Grace McFarland were in Toronto last week. Mr. C. C. Forsythe, of Lindsay, )1sz Margaret Lee returned home from I indsm on Saturday. I Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew’s ï¬gurr‘a were entertained at the gomeA or 11:,» Dr. Johnstone. ". .1213. Lord returned to Detroit 7 Spending a. short vacation with {inrents in town. Mr. R. )1. Hamilton spent the week end in Peterboro. . The St. James’ church Pansh W"Tk'~r'~ are holding their annugl baTddi‘ (-n F‘riday, Dec. 8, and it W111 he mini on Colborne-st. one door non}: of McFarlane’s store. A splen- did assortment, of fancy work, home mad" Fundy and baking will be for salsa W lSdOIIl of Church - Union Subject of Debate I Mrs. Radnor left on Saturday ' for ’etwrhurn. A Full Assortment of Ladies’ and children’s hosiery. A complete range of Ladies’ and Children’ s knitted underwear E. E. W McGaffey 0n 1m. 15 the Methodist 11:25:: hold their bazaar at the Was millim-ry parlors. -’ , .\t the meeting of the womï¬gsgz summ- held at Mrs. A. Jewe large Friday. Dec. lst there was a Men'x‘ Fur Caps. (‘oney 2 5 317.3. 52 nncL.-... . 0 and livat'm Hundkeï¬hiefSâ€"l’h for 250 ‘or 10c; 2 for 25c, or 15¢ each. 31mg Initial Handker- I 75 dyer? lint-n P. doz. in box†Mm S MOCha GIOVCSo 750.1.50 ‘1, 51,35 and. .... ‘ v v Vuv- ' ._ -V 7 w â€em-lance- The meeting.was pre- S‘ded over by the president, Mrs. (Dr.) H. Gould, who gave a splenoid address on the institute convéntxon held in November at Toronto. Miss 8‘ Martin gave a piano solo in her usual good style. Miss Margaret Jordan led ’a. discussion on prepara- Ladics' Corsets. 50c 51 51.2 5 up to Emhrumered Linen Hand- 1 25 kerchivis, 500. 75¢: and ....... - Ruching>_ \‘eilings, Wool Mitts. Wool and ('ashmere Gloves and [fhjlriron’s Mitts. Rmmm in fancy and plain eï¬â€˜ects. per yard 2C, SC, 100, 15c, 50 20c, 25c and c Black and colored, 75c, 31 and ., Lumen" hined Kid m ... u' .. with era; .. Glo‘es Ladies Fancy Belts ..._.’... 50C._ 75C and. 2°C. Ladie< Handkerchiefq {awn 3 for Farm Handkerchiefs, 5c". 10C, 150 and Fancv ' and wrunsnllars at 25c Visitors to our Winters WinterFair. Dec Mocha. Mitts Ladies’ Kid Gloves SEC "0‘! 31.??? 1.25 50c 2.50 75c $1 Kirkï¬eld, Dec. ,5.â€"‘A very pleasing event occurred a}. the residenge .of Mr. J.’Ha.w, on may, Nov. 28, 1911, this data being the twentieth anniversary of their wedding, and 7 A 1-3. sin-1.0, ’ We are glad to see Mr. Warren EI- lis home again from the west, where he spent the last few months. Mrs. Wm. Bell spent a few days last week. visiting friends in this village. Mrs. C. Perkin has returned home after spending the ,aw few months visiting friends in the west. sorry to learn that We are v Grannell ggry had his arm badly bitten by a dog. We are all plemd to see that Cap- tain Warren is back around these parts egain. _. - n ,‘i I__L m...“- ' Mr. rferman Wicks’ sale last Tua- day was a very 3 success, 3.14 though it rained all day. EVery- body turned out, and everything went at a. good price. ' the query ‘:-3 she wanted, and when he returned he found that the Angel of Death had visited the home and that his moth- er had passed away. The funeral took place to the Pine Grove ceme- tery. Captain Beck conducted the funeral sermon. a- It is with regret that your cor- respondent reports the death of Mrs. Mole. It is stated that her son, Mr. S. Mole, had just ,-left her for a. little while to get something that N ORLAND. Norland, Ont., Dec. 5.â€"The young people of the village are enjoying themselves these times skating. $8.50 and ................... ' ..... V Mink Marmot, Mufls. empire .shape. 34. $5, 86, 7.50 and... Children's White Sets of Furs, $3; $2.25, $4.50 and Ladies’ Astrachan Caps. $2.50, $3.50 and .................. Ladies' Blouses in Lawn, Silk Net. Astrachan Caps $3.50 and Men‘s Fur Trimmed OV'e - coats $16 and ..................... Men's Coon Coats 954 to ....................... ~NECK SCARFS. Mrs. H. Robson entertained the Ladies’ Aid at her home on Wed- nesday evening. 4 Throw Ties in German Mink. $3.75. $4.50 and........ sav. The debate on church union held in St. Andrew’ 5 church under the auspices of the adult Bible class was a great success the lecture room of ted ï¬fteen Vminutes to discuss the subject. Both sides of the question were thoroughly relieved, the judges' decision being in favor of the non-union debaters. $10, $12 bets. A splendid paper entitled “Pennywise and Pound Foolish," by Miss Cullis, of Powle’s Corners, was read by one of the members, Miss Cullis being unable to attend. A cordial invitation from the Pleasant Valley branch to attend their‘meet- ing on Thursday was accepted. The a great success, the lecture room of the church being ï¬lled. The sub- ject, “The Beneï¬t of Church 13n- ion" was amrmed by J. J. Lee and Mr.-J. S. Nor-they, and was denied by Dr. S. J. Sims'and‘ W. Hether- ington, Messrs. I“. Warren. W. Imrie and Dr._ R. M. Mason acting as judges. Each speaker was allotâ€" mack Pony Coats, $18 822 and. Fur-lined Coats 835" â€$40 meeting and c..-..... In Sable 'I‘nmmr "'ing""" tion for Thanksgiving dinner, which was entered into by Ladies’ "Cloth Coats, tweed plgin cioths, $10, $15\$8 and Ladies' Fur Trimmed Coats, $18, $22 and ........... - qusian Lamb Caps, $6. Fur Trimmed Coats $40 Black Pony Coats, $18, ...a.- .«--«u 3-... u.o ....-. ..‘. . Magee spent Monday in Lind- closed Qvith the national an- PRESENTS FOR MEN o. -.u....... .. . .50 $10 20 gm 75 $15 $10 $6 $4 $25 $25 $50 Mr. J. F. Laï¬erty, of Reterboro, made a business call last week. Mr. H. W. Livingston. of Hamil- ton, and Mr. W. G. Grant, of ‘To- ronto, called on Omemee friends on Wednesday. , On Thursday Messrs. A. H. Cle- ment and J. 0. Homer, of Toronto, Some Of the visitors to Peterboro on Saturday were: Messrs. G. Mc- Quade, G. Spence, W. Mitchell, J. Palmer, H. Bradlord, S. Fee, T. Jn- gram, I. Shaw and L. Wilson. Messrs. . John J. Burton, F. J. Owen, and E. T. Butler, of Toronto, were in town on Tuwday. ‘ The village is .quieter since the col- lapse of the Graham fake electric railroad scheme, the employee hav- ing disappeared from the scene as if by magic. However. there is a large force of telephone men moving about. They are putting in a new line straight north from Mount Plea- sant to Henderson's Corner and then direct west to‘ Omemee. The old main line, which entered town via the quarter line, is sold, or about to be, to a. company that will use it in connection with a. rural line to Mount Pleasant. It is current talk that Mr. H. Beatty, owner of the Commercial House, has decided to close up this well known and well-conducted hos- telery about the ï¬rst of the year municipal elections. There were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McEwchern and many reasons given in support 0‘ Miss E. McDonald spent “Sunday in the change â€id in fact the board “'38 Bolsover at the home of Mr. and unanimous when the vote was taken. Mrs. Steele. It is in the interests of every citizen i Mr. Clarence McKay spent satur- ta enquire into the change of this day in Lindsay. important factor of our educational' The regular monthly meeting or the me and to be prepared to vote in~ Ladies’ Aid Society was held at the telligently on the issue. {home of Mrs. D. J. McEechem. on The village is quieter sinpe the gql- j'rueeday afternoon of last week. Mr, and Mrs. Haw were the recip- ients of numerous pments, including a beautiful dinner set from the Kirk- ï¬eld Cement Company's employees. ' was passed that the present status of the library be changed to that of a. free public library. A committee was appointed to present the matter to the municipal council and to ask them to submit a. by-law to the peo- ple for endorsation at the coming municipal elections. There were â€"-MEN'S CAPS. $1, $1.25 and ................... L replied to in the negative, as the genial couple decided to celebrate their china wedding by letting oth- ers participate in their happiness. A very sumptuous fowl supper was served, at which an address of con- gratulation was read by Mr. Roy 0. Banks, and ably responded to by Mine Host Mr. J. Haw. Dr. Grant, After this an impromptu concert was held, which more than pmved the quality of the local talent as ex- cellent vocaligts, and musicians. of Victoria. Road, and Mr. Alfred Vaughgp also made short appropri- Omemee, Dec. 4.â€"A meeting of the public library board was held on Friday evening. when a rmolption ‘â€"BERLIN WOOLS. â€"ZEPHYR WOOLS' â€"ANDALUSION‘L WOOLS. Dancing was also on the program, and the evening’s enjoyment was terminated with Auld Lang Syne. Shaker Sheets $1 $1. 25 $1. 50 and. ... ..... Wool Blankets, $3" $3. 75 Fancy Mats 5c, 70, 1211'. and .................. 0-0 $1.and " $1.25, 32, £2.5o,'a£d........... .~...-.~. .... .. n a... Runners 25c, 35c and" £3§5§ï¬Â£Â§Â§ff ".i"..... yd' ..._l .25 White Linen Table Covers, ' 75c, $1. 25, $1. 75, $2.50 to Table. Napkins, per doz, 750,. $13. 1“ A- AA #A ‘Mgep’s‘ Sweater Cuts, 31, Boys' Sweeter Coats 75c Neckties 20c,. 252- and ..... . Night Shirts In Battenburg' and Tenerifl'e; Tray Cloths 25c, 50c, 75c Shams 35c, Soft Front Shirts, 75c, Children“er .vo. nun-on o.- no no no can goo-to? AS,TORIA o c 09’... 0.. mnu‘uhms 0 rs 25c 350 and‘ ......... 5m erd ‘11th s1, s1. 25: 1 65 [Bdlankets â€s3 s3 75 4 5n nooc....onoo=ou 0-. an a. coo-0,5 FOR FLETCHER'S - 0 0 ca... 0“... . at .--..-.n ...n;;.. OMEMEE. 91' Since Lne cor grues‘ m fake electric Mr employee hax- cupie the scene as if‘ chum rer, there is afaflm ., ue men moving 'vice, tting in a new sent. an Mount Plea-l De! UNDSAY, on.,}nunsQAy. DECEMBER 7, :9" __ r53’» sc‘ 51 50c NOTICE. Votice is hereby given that a co t will ‘be held pursuant to the Ontario Voter-9' List Act, by his honor the judge of the county court of the County of Victoria, at Cobo- conk, on the 15th day of December, 1911,31: the hour 0! eleven o 'clock Ava-A, on vocv -â€"-v7â€" -7 __-Vv_ ' v_'___ a.m., to hear and determine the se- veral complaints of errors and omis. sions in the voters' list of the Muni- cipality of Laxton. Digby and Long- ford for 1911. All persons having business at the court are reqaired to attend at the said time and place. Dated this 4th day of December, 1911. ’ w'illaakth9 Mr. Staples, of Victoria Road, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Methodist church here on Sunday last at 1-1 a.m., and preached a. missiopary ser- vice, which was enjoyed by all pre- Dentalâ€"One of the ï¬rm of Neelmds Irvine, dentists, Lindsay, will be at Gusty’ 3 Hotel, Kirkï¬eld, on Wed- nesday, Dec 13, and Pattie’s Hotel, Thursday, 14th. Call in the morn- ing it possible. . 19th was the most laughable pm of the program. The hall was packed by 8 p.m., while the proceeds mounted to dongs were given, and last of all came the "Johnston family," which spent the week and with her mother, Mrs. Moflatt, of Victoria. Road. The Olde Tyme Concert under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid Society. which was held in the town hall on Friday evening of last week, was a. decided success. Several choruses were given by the young lads and losses dressed in their ancestors' old clothes. Dialogues. recitations, so- los, duetts and quartettes and sailor Mr. Hugh McMillan, of Lindsay, and Mr. J. A. McIntyre. 1! Toronto. called on friends the last of the week. Mr. J. W. Williamson came down from {I‘m-onto on Friday. Fancy Glove and Handker- Chief Boxes 253' am much. made business calls. Mr. D. F. J ohnston. of Hamilton, and Mr. M. A. Hughes. of Kingston. were visitors to Omemee. â€"MEN'S. BRACES. Men's Underwear in fleec- ed and wool, 50¢:- to MW. â€"WOOL COlfl-‘OR'I‘ERS. r-BED» SPREADS.. â€"LACE CURTAINS â€"CARPET RUGS.. â€"FLOOR OILCLOTBS. â€"FLO0R MATS“ The village council met on Wednes- day and transacted routine busi- 3 specials, Chilton, Tafl‘eta, lene and Penn do Soï¬e. reg. $1.10 salbforv ............. .. A huge number at articles manned: ‘ Wool Dress Goodsâ€"Navy. Brown, Black and Cardinal, A Christmas sale and high tea was held in the basement of Christ church on Wednesday evening from Doll Heads 5%. 101:, 1' Fancy Plaques 5c. 10c, Kirkï¬eld, Dec. 4.â€"Mrs. Jas. Daniel Phased Dolls 25c, 50c, Colored Silks 50c, M Khalid .................. and ... - ;.--..- ooo an... un- nun»... u... go" Whisk Holders ..... . on. noun: 0 on -t o. aunnoO-oo an '5‘ ' Olympic Oommï¬tteg 85c $1 25c 50c 15c for light. The industrial section is being de- veloped with careful reference to the advantages of the transportation fa- cilities, so that the future years may reap‘ in full these beneï¬ts. Commercially, Lindsay's position is undisputed for a town of its popu- lation. “All roads lead to Rome." 'eo« all roads lead to Liaison-from I Lindsay is on one of the branches 10: the Trent Valley Canal, and when this is completed between Georgian Bay and the St. Lawrence, fuel and heavy raw materials will be brought in at prices competitive with Toronto and other lake ports. Thus, Lindsay. situated on two transcontinental railroads with wa- ter transportation, has advantages of the lowest freight rates both on raw material and ï¬nished products. Lindsay, too. has an unlimited supply of the great white coal, «.1 Ontario, The Seymour Power Com- pany supplying power end light 4‘ ihe 'surï¬risingfy_low rate 017620 im- h.p. per annum for 24 ‘hour service and seven «:9an per thousand watts ciflc lines cross here. one being the new Victoria Harbor water level line between Montreal and Winnipeg with both water connections at Port McNichol, and rail connections at Sudbury. , r Among others is her unsurpassed transportation facilitiesâ€"both rail and waterâ€"two railroads. Four Grand Trunk lines radiate from the town, one being the Midland grain route to and from the North-west by To enumtrate the manufacturing advantages could be done best by saying Lindsay has them all. either at the moment or in prospective. the Great Lakes. Two Canadian Pa}- Balsam Lakes. Gull and Pigeon Riv- ers, all alive with the flnny tribes awaiting the sport of the angler. No tOwn anywhere can offer more. latest books and periodicals. Then, as “all work and no play makes Jack a dull bay.†there is the great. play-ground of lakes and rivers, Sturgeon River leading into Sturg. eon Lake and beyond. Fenelou Falls and Bobcaygeon, the Cameron and {the town this has been taken ad- 1vantage of in no small measure. Lindsay is unique in this, that it is an ideal home town, possessing at the same time unsurpassed manufac- turing and industrial advantages, and as well is peculiarly a commerc- ial and trading centre. Among its 'many other home ad- vantages are its good water. its has broad avenues in the resident aeo- tion, its splendid opportunities for social advancement and culture. with six churches. having 8980 membership, both public and par- ochial schools with a total or 1446 scholars in attendance, including the Collegiate Institute with 290 scholars. These schools are all housed in ï¬ne buildings. only last year seeing several new school buildings erected, including an exten- sion to the Collegiate Institute with teaching equipment unsurpassed any- where. A good library. modern and upâ€"toâ€"date in every way. with the loveliest village a! the phi)... when peace and plenty no“ the laboring swam. bisects the town. The cross streets extending in each direction make the home avenues of the ï¬nest home sec- tion in Ontario. Then the river winding its way trom south-east to northwest. providing along its banks manuiacturing sites unsurpassed, and in the grouping and laying out of inoe and at the gateway of Qatar- io’s greet nus-ground. the Kawa- tha LAM uture has clothed our town with. bounteous gins. und man has not been niggudly. one at England's leading municip- al engineers lately said in Toronto, "A city must be planned tor its tu- Th: Wordin- by. means» off a Santa Claus Stocking Fund: last year an- deavored tc relieve mum of? those who were in dire med' 0! assistance. and in diam; Thom-i was; very libs-ally snbscnibod‘ to. and tho‘ So might he have said 0! Lindsay. Seated. in the: hurt of the richest. ug- ricultural suction of our mgr_pgov- tux-e." The settlers of many were wise in their time end handed wiser than they knew. for no town can boast of a ï¬ner lay-out; or wiser than this. The broad ain street (Kan-st.) extending fro out to west, the principal business artery 0! travel is 100 feet in width, and hole the with my. oh «ne- poor children at Lindsay“ They expect nothing in: airshow; inst on Christmas morning. but when they ï¬nd nothing m ore cer- tainly diatppointed. Their disappoinunmt is {to him disappointment that: only children. Well: dad W sayj..A“‘Aub}1m,. “Blessed are they that: upect no- ting, {on they shill not be disap line engines. pumps and ,tractors, tanning and larrignn manufacture. concmte blocks, brick building ma- terial. lumber wood-working, iron moulding, machine shop, saw mill machinery, water wheels. food pack- ing. brewing, launch building, pea packing. milling, both cereal and flour. cooperuge, wheel manutacture. wagon making and marble cutting. border and those coming here to trade ï¬nd at their hand the very best supplies from the marts of me whole world. 0! so much importance is the importation trade that the gov- ernment maintains it is a. port of entry, and an the shelves other mer- chants will be found the very highest grade of goods obtainable anywhere even in cities of much greater popu- lotion. Dr. do Van’s Female lels In retail trade Lindsay's position is the best. including all lines lrom dry goods and groceries onward through the line of human necessi- ties. so that those living within her The town has a total assessment of $3,018,975, with outstanding deben- tures of only $218,974.81 on Dec. 3lst., this gear. The town has a comolete sewage system and water works with mains in and paid for and permanent pave- ment well under way on the main streets, together with ï¬re depart- ment and equipment with high water pressure, giving a low, insurance rate. Lindsay has thirty-one progres- sive industries enjoyixg her advant- ages at the present time, besides the G.T.R. railroad shops. employing al- together over one thousand hands with an annual pay roll running well toward a hall million dollars. These industries are varied and include knitting, woollen spinning and weav- ing, agricultural implements, gaso- ectly in poverty. but neverthele- too p00! to buy boots for Johnnie. and atdoll for Lucy- Many were in abjectf' poverty. and The Vader's Sent; Claus Stocking Fund mth menu 0! bringing Christmas cheer to 0. large number of little m gwho wens deserving of mm Christmas is now but three weeks away and the 1912‘ Stocking Fund company, and alter- any benkbmnch becomes ï¬rmly established here. it is never closedt These- banks have an approximate estimated deposit of considerably oven- $3,000,000, of which over two and one-half million dollars is 6811mm to be savings deposits. . Lindsay's indnaulnl and trade de- velopment is. handled by an indus- trial council: 0! ï¬ve selected annually greatest bone“ now and in the fu- ture m seiner! from the town’ a advantages The town' 3 present ï¬- nancial condition is the best, as is also its industrial growth. This is continually kept in mind by the In- dustrial Council or ï¬ve and the com- missioner working in conjunction with the town council. that this con- dition my be improved and not an. paired by ill advice. municipal im- provements or advances involving the borrowing capacity of the town or its credit. from among;- tho lending citizens of the tom, together with an industri- al commissioner working under the title 01 the "Lindsay Industrial Movement.“ through which an indus- trial development work is carried on. And in its conduct by this body great an. is W that industries are properly pieced, so that the umoun‘ subscribed to _this szpt th’c Ming ones, found nuns-out. cases 0! families, not ex" Lindsay supports tWO daily news- 7 78 Cornhill E. C. This Branch will iuua Letters of Credit and Drafts on .11 import- ant into In Uganda. negation Bills sent for collection. make telegra- phicptgonofon and transact ev descripaion of banking busim. Information will lu- on 111 Common matters. A mods! We; gilljb provided for the use of Vititors and HELD onwa-rononro E. I. 081.“. IR. Pmdat l. D. MATHEWS‘ Viceâ€"President m 041,000,000; Rona-10 $5,000,000?!“ Laot- $02,500,000 A ranch of this bank has been establlshed in London, England, at m'ofour “Mm-Moran's “lathe- ’ THE DOMINION B AN K A special dometment will He random- ofOredIt. is. " m pmparly dammed proprietor o! The Warden has .1. _____ ,0 HA. - ---g_..:_-.\ a: wing ones. («Indirectly auboc: milieu, not ex- Sumac but neverthelefll thankfully n on (or Johnnie, contribution . Many m in large or am: ad The Vader's disappointed n3 Fund was th Christmas In Christmas cheer The hard 1 amount 0.1. MINI, Gourd lung-r The young people are very busy practising for Christmas functions. Don't forget that Rosodale Sunday school scholars are giving a Christ- mas tree and onoert on Tuesday evening, Dec. 19. Miss Redford, of Echelon Falls, is visiting m S. Isaac. Mr. Will Everson and family. of Cambray, were visitors to the dis- trict on Friday last. Mr. W. Prouse and family were at the home of Mrs. M. Haynes on Fri- day last. CAMERON POINT. Cameron Point, Dec. 4.-â€"Reserve Friday evening, Dec. 22, for the Christmas concert and basket social in the school house. Miss Pea-n has returned from visiting friends. Mrs. Geo. D.Isaaciav' 't‘ ‘ Toronto. 131 mg in Cameron Lake is again frozen over. Let's hope there will be to wind storms to break it up. The next monthly meeting of the Inlay branch of the Women's Insti- tute. will take place at the home of Mrs. Cowieson on Wednesday next. the 18th inst. o! shelter, clothing. food. and' 1101. La your nun. hovadded‘ to. the list. Mr. John Cowieson and Kisses Birdie and Alma Cowieoon were In Lindsay town on Saturday last. Mr. Tom Parker, from Pleasant. Valley, was visiting friends in the district on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. M, Haynes were at. the Cataract Village on Saturday The many friends of Mr. John Currins, of this district, are regret.- ting that his state of health is caus- ing some unéiety as to his further recovery. He is receiving every at- tention possible from the doctor and his family. It is hoped everything is being done for the best. Mrs. S. Bray from Penelon Falls, was visiting at the home of her 313- ter, Mrs. D. R. Spence, during last week end. lot-go or small. There-must: be no disappointed children in Lindsay on Christmas morning. Tho hard crystals of snow which {all m messengers,“ slumping to the poor. The discomforts of sum- mer on â€durable,- but: the- nigors o! Residents from far and near at- tended' the stock and implement sale on Friday last at Mr. Thou. Grs~ ham's. The prices obtained were of a, satisfactory nature. MLEdgax-Oflmwustthecgt- exact village on Thursday of last Mr. Geo. Fittall is staying at the punk! home to attend to his fath- orâ€: business for the winter months, His “then-has not been in the best 8 health lately. To many it would appear that the telephone switches ave not in the or- der that they should be. as it is only with difï¬culty that connections can be made at times. Several attempts were made to get central on Monday morning last. but to no; purpose. few in. bins. Memlfe was in Lindsay on: Sunday last. Is .ay, NOV. 4.â€"Hiss J. Knox has left the district to main in the town of Lindsgy with friends for a. viQiting friends on Sunday last. Mr. W. B. Wuwick was in Lind- say on Saturday last, transacting business. Mr. Le Bush is staying at the home- of It. and Mrs. Thomas Hill for the winter months. below : Mica-«me tau-My and ukfully received.. Sad: in your attribution now, whether it be . Memlfo and daughter were LIST OF DONATIONS. aubocrined $5.