Full particulars on mortgages tion on properties Can be obtain ton and Stinson, barristers, Lind: tives. â€" ""r.1 I "W" GOLD DUST is the sanitary dish washer.â€˜ï¬ It riot only cleans the surface, but digs deep after hidden particles of dirt and kills the germs of decayed food which ordinary dish-water overlooks. GOLD DUST. sterilize: as well as cleanses. Dishes get dirty, greasy and sticky and soap will not clean them. Soapy dish water merely cleans the surface; it doesn’t dig out the corners and drive out the decayed food particles. Moreover, soap leaves your dishes with a soapy, animal-fat smell, that is far from inviting. Besides doing the Work better than soap or an other cleanser can, GOL DUST will save just half the time £011 spend in washing dis es. GOLD DUST is sold in 50 size and large pack- 1 PAGE mam. You wash dishes “about two hours every day. That’s one hour AwaSIed! Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, - - Montreal Makers of FAIRY SOAP, the oval cake. Invest Your Money in Guaranteed 6 per cent. ured, i’nevitabfy‘: 35361;; odeq uhcy of your Life Insurance in providing for them. How do you MEASURE UP according to this test ?â€"One of the tests by which memories of you will be gauged 2 Dominion Life Assurance (30., ‘ of Waterloo Ont. “Devotion to one’s family is the measure of a man’s real worth,†and YOUR devotion to YO_UR family will be meas- offers protection at not cost. For rates and actual results of matured policies eispplyr Do Yom Xmas Shopping at Head oï¬oe or to The People’s Trust Company. L 451 Columbia Street, New Westminster, OUR MOT'I‘O RELIABILITY Authorized Capital $500,000 Assets “7‘45ҠSeven Ofï¬ces in mm Columbia Pitt-flout, no nou- w "w: _ _ - _ clients» Opportunities. investments, or any other W desired of British Columbia. Bud 060.: Vacuum. 3.6. madman urn-n. HID-W m m†mm um um m 0200.000.“ 10 gages from us. We are ï¬narr cially responsible, and guarantee the payment of pdncipal and interest. We collect and temit the money without charge. You have q The most carefully managed department of our many is our British Columbia Infmtion Bureau. W this de- partment, we aim to anpdy aliphatic pm negating “ , A 3â€"2-_..A___ Follow the example of the lead- ing Loan and Insurance Companies, and invest in ï¬rst mortgage: on improved Saskatchewan farms. Get 6 per cent. interest. Buy the mort- National Finance (30., Limited ages. The large package 05ers greater economy. The reliable and oldest established jewelery store in the county. Quality right. Price is guaranteed. You always be pleased afterwards. 26 WELLINGTON STREET EAST, ITORONTO First Mbrtgagesâ€" rs on mortgages and valuations and detailed informa- I Can be obtained from Messrs. McLaughlin, Peel, Ful- barristers, Lindsay and Fenelon Falls, local representa- smite}: BEALL JEWELERY s'ronE ï¬rst mortgages in Saskatchewan â€"-an excellent and legal investment for â€Trust" funds. You can in- vestwithusanysumfrom $500.00 to 810,000.00 or more. Send for which gives list of directou's explains the advantages your choice of the best me (In cow nus? rm H-..‘ -..-..L†', B. 0., Canada will GO' Urn-nova. v-â€"w . _ . pile up surpluses like that. and that the money should be spent in order to beneï¬t the people. The people should get the money, instead of having it piled up as it had been piled up by the late Government. Where there is such a surplus, why should not at least part of it be devoted to immigration purposes ? Financial aid should be given for immigration, practical instruction in agriculture and the improvement of the permanent roadways of the pro- vince. ’ ’ “ ThYs gee-5631: of imm'igration has been laid before the present Prime Minister of Canada, Hon.AMr. Bor- IMMIGRATION MATTERS». ReferringL to the question of migration, Sir James stated that as the result of. provincial expenditure for immigration, the ordinary ex- penditures were increased. When the province spent money for immigra- tion, the Dominion Government re- :venue was increased because the im- migrants consumed additional goods and paid indirect tax to the domin- ion. “ My own opinion,†said the Premier, “is that the Dominion an- nually should give a lump sum to each province or distribute a sum among them, to be used for the pur- pOSe of immigration, and I have ad- vocated that time and again. on: v ---_ will, either, but I am sure that we haxe already made demands upon Natural Care For Catarrh Obivates Taking Drugs IT HAS SUPERSEDED THE OLD- FASHIONED STOMACHâ€"DOSING REMEDIES AND INVARIABLY: CURES QUICKLY. ? It was their inability to reach the real source of catarrh and bronchitis that Caused the medical proiession to drop liquid cough medicines and adopt ‘; Catarrhozone †instead. Ca- tarrhozone provides a method of breathing right into the lungs cer- itain rare medicinal vapors which are so healing and comforting as to en- tirely banish coughs, catarrh and throat trouble in a very short time. The most wonderful thing about Catarrhozone is, that no matter where the gems of bronchitis or catarrh are hidden, Catarrhozone Seven Years - Without a Scandal will reach and destroy them. " About ï¬ve years ago I took a cold in the head and Catarrh set in. It kept gradually increasing. until at last I found I would have to. After trying several things I heard of your remedy, Catarrhozone, and procured a. bottle and began using it. I was not long in ï¬nding outIhadstruck therightthing. I am recommending Catarrhozone ‘to all who have catarrh, etc. “(Signed) Everton L. Wesson, '_‘ Blur P.Q., Queen's 00., 16.3." made canton. ighingrecordofcures. Itsmethod bright;nodrngs;juthealingbd- amicupors,thntbrlnginstnt lidtoeatnn'hnnd'nuthroat,bron- 5 H16 Whave cafarrh, etc. “(Signed) Eva'ton L. Wassan, ‘,‘ Blur P.Q., Queen’s 00., N3." 1.25. Fatsalcatalldealersawiflbe 'ed dnggct onflreceipt of price by v - #eA-j II‘MOA Imam“!- Continued. from page 18. iast several years the receipt of price by l., Limited. Toronto. _ mu ("has i ha action I! Goya-am aside on: ' not been a 9:118 guï¬s Eagg 3% E E, ___c ï¬ï¬_~ guise of instruction. and of c0m- 1 munication with the pupils of the ! public and separate schools of the 1 province except where in the opinions ‘ of the department of education it ‘ was impracticable and it Was under- ‘ stood that the child could use the j French language till a. more that. ough knowledge 01 the English lan- guage was gnlned. , ‘ “Mr. Bowen is elowtï¬gmaking‘ "a- ‘1â€"-- the people that alter being known as a temperance man for years, he and his party will consider the tem- perance question for four years more. and at the end of that time he hopes to have arrived at a. conclusion. Mr. Rowell was known as an advanced temperance man until three weeks ago, .when he issued a. manifesto in which he refused to take a. stand on the temperance question. No won- der Mr. Howell’s candidacy is a joke. vvu vn.â€"v . more to colonization roads and this year the government had given $532,000. He would establish suit- able demonstration farms through- out the province and several had al-. ready been established by the gov- ernment. In regard to these mea- sures, Mr. Rowell said " Me too." TEMPERANCE QUESTION. In connection with the temperance question, Sir James stated there were two deï¬nite stands which might have been taken on the question, and yet Mr. Rowell refused to take either of them. What is he making all this fuss. about now ? He tells ILSIAVD, w“ v“... a'_e,, er of the Opposition, says that he would abandon provincial rights and that their railway should be taken out of our hands and given to the Ottawa govunment to deal with it." Mr. Rowen said that he would bring about active immigration to the farms and that was what the gov- ernment had been doing and would continue to do. He would give can u.- . He was in favor of the mainten- ance of the colonization character of the T. and N. O. railway. What else would be done with it ? He also suggested that our railway should be taken out of the control of the province of Ontario, and giv- en into the control of the DOminion Railway Commission. " Here, (or years, a conflict has gone on, and will go on with regard to provincial rights, and this gentleman, the lead- 77â€"_A_ ‘Lab ho Sir James referred at some length to temperance question and the un- decided stand that Leader Rowen was taking, despite the fact that he posed as being a great worker in the cause of temperance. The pre- mier also quoted at some length statements made at the gathering of Liberals at Toronto when the plat- form of the party was being:prepar- ed. Leader Bowell had no remedy for the temperance people. EDUCATIONAL MATTERS. Mr. Rowell's contention in regard to education were next criticized by Sir James. He advocated that training schools be established so that there should be a sufl‘icient sup- ‘ply of teachers, and that every child should be given a thorough training in English. “ I neVer heard 01 one who ever dreamed of anything else but that every child should be given a thorough education in Englis said Sir James, “ but I have heard a great deal about bi-lingual schools. On that question no human being ever picked his way with more care over a hot gridiron than Mr. Rowell does in this case.†Mr. Rowell stands before the party the bond slave of the interests and opinions I have just read, and I say here that he dare not formulate a policy on the temperance question, and he dare not form a policy on the bi-lingual school question." BI-LINGUAL SCHOOLS. Continuing, the premier said he was sure of his own ground on the issue. After explaining the meaning of bi-lingual schools he said that the alleged trouble (as in certain schools where twoâ€"thirds of the pupils could only speak French, and the teacher .- - I‘ll-V. 111'. Rowell was not a stranger, for they had met him many times going up and down the country defending the mal-adminis- :tration of the two Liberal govern- ments. He had issued a most re- markable manifesto, threefourths of which at least. was a repetition o! matters that the government had dealt with, done and ï¬nished. " I un- am bound to say that I do not derstand my honorable friend's atti- tude." Mr. Rowell’a platform, said Sir James, was a remarkable state- ment, the like of which never had been seen in the heavens above, the the earth below, or the waters under earth. as g joke." a: ï¬ve nam'e 70! all that is imagin- able should I take him seriously ? But if he resents me taking-him ser- iously, then I will have to take him meat of Mr. Howell’s, which appear- ed in the Globe. in which Mr. Rowen said that. the premier was taking him (Rowen) too seriously. " Well, why n01? ? †asked the Qremier. ‘~‘ Why ___A --A .le premier then turned his atten- tgon ‘to the attitude of the Opposi- taon. ‘f I suppose I should say semething in regard to the condi- tion of the Opposition (and I say that in a. sympathetic way.) I have been accused of saying that Mr. Rowen was a. jokeâ€"I did not my £10.31“ thy wecune w uw dewouthbï¬m. We '0 West Vm, too. and to greater inoe. We are pro-Parity for the prov not“: and possibly we have made ‘ *- '-- -â€"A 1' ha- Sir James thereupon 8:11 {hgt is_ good read a stat We made enquiria about uus tion and we appointed Dr. Herc to ï¬nd out if certain reports true and bring us in a report, a we ï¬nd abuses have crept in we correct them, but we will not demn anybody unheard." HUDSON BAY PORT. Mr. MacKenzie King, former-13 of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's collea: had asked the question why .vu time ago that the district known as Keewatin would be divided between Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba, and etlort was made at that time to get for Ontario 9. suitable port on Hud- son Bay for ocean-going vessels. Surveyors had visited Hudson Bay, and had reported that Fort Church- .ill was the only sport on the bay which could. be made into an ocean port. A little further down was Port Nelson, but owing to the fact that the land and water were almost level, it was reported that could not Mr. Rowen asks that Oncano given an ocean port, said Sir J ames, who went into details, explaining the eï¬orts made by the prov nce to get an ocean port. The former Domin- ion Government announced some in connection with the matter, the discussion was gnimated. Dominion Government {chased be made there. give Ontario Fort Churchill, and when Sir James asked to have Port Nelson included in the province that request also was refused, so that, we were absolutely shut out from any- thing like an ocean port. on Hudson _--L Bay, and Ontario received the treat- ment with malice afar-thought by the DominiOn Government, the friends of this man who wants to lead the peo- ple of Ontario. This is another of the things of which he was not A GOOD RECORD. In conclusion, Sir James said that. he had acquainted the people with the record of whievements of which they were not ashamed. " You are familiar with the results brought about by the several things we have done. For seven years you have had no public scandal. For seven years no member of the government has had a charge made against him. “ but let me ask yon." Jmes' †why Mr. King the port when he was in ion Government ? †aware. correct them, but we wm um. um» demn anybody unheard." HUDSON BAY PORT. Mr. MecKenzie King, formerly one of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's colleagues, had asked the question why Sir Mr. Rowen in his manifesto has made nowharge, and there is no charge mwhere else. We are satis- ï¬ed that the people will renew their confidence and that they are not anxious to change the government. We did not make the mistake when we came into 011100 of thinking that we were heaven born statesmen, but inst ordinary men who would and Furn- vâ€"â€"v - â€". gauge they can be taught English lessons by means of the much lan- guage until they can speak English. riw about this ques- We made enqui tion and we appoihted Dr. Merchant Eould do thb honest thing: and we believe that you want us to cun- tinue to do so." pupils ca._nnot Sir J ames concluded by stating that the (human considered it 1m~ honor to be in charge of the al- fairs of the prOVince, and expressed conï¬dence that the electors again would support the Government, and that West Victoria would send Dr. Vrooman to Toronto. is what, you need. If the ï¬rst bot- tle fails to beneï¬t, your mpney it returned. Ask your durum. nus MEDICAL co., Toronto. can. D}. Milec’ Heart Remedi- mm mm 134-1321311999 3*. Almoat counties: are the number 70! appropriate gift from ISO up. Diunoogy Jewell-7', 31]":- Indie: Gooih and Novel; geeâ€"write (or it, it in free r the taking. We prepay ell delivery charge. on evety article Ryrie Bros†Limited Calif-1mm ll... Jo. kph, has. â€only“, 801.40... Suitable Christmas Gifts 7 but we will not con- iv unheard." himself went to Ottawq aâ€"aék-s that Ontarig be “innit an!“ .. said Sir g did not get in the Domin English 13!}- port, f CHRISTMAS GIFT§ Inth 6 County of Victoria. for Arrears of Taxes, to be held in the PattofLot or Street totore Sold to T1103. Adam) ........ . N. of Water-st... W. of Colborne-st., West pt. , ........... North hall .7. 16 n 100 7.40 2‘ U mount. ,, m q-) E. of nun-st. , ..... 9 t 7-85 9““ : "o; E. of min-ct. 10 i 7-85 9-533 “33;: E. of nun-st. 11 t 7-88 ‘~-~‘;' 3;}: E. of Main-at. 12 ~ t 7-83 2-5" C I. James Richardson McNeillie, Treasurer of the (warty fof '3 “5““! by the Warrant of the Warden 'of the Coun‘ï¬nopr 4““ the Twenty-second day of November, A.D. 1011-, 1nd fl sell each and every of the above mentioned parcels 0‘: :m c.“ rear: of tunes now due upon them reapectively, as aAOXS bum 80M With 303“. (unless the said W8 of taxes on . -2 r :nAcrn- 1n as directed by the Warrant of the Warden 'or tnenLULuz":-f "‘ d to dated the Twenty-second day of November. AD. 1‘11; 1“ 1 cell each and every 01 the above mentioned Dame‘s of ‘32:, w tears of tunes now due uPOn them rmpectivelyr as 8"“: "aucosts are gather with costs. (unless the said mars of tafos‘uW.†the said 300†POM). at the Court House in the Town of andnxngx.1 lTue- . County of Victoria, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon Twenty-seventh day of February. A. 12- £912- ‘r_\'1~1'7 Y 7T7 , County .Tmurer's once, Lindsay. November 22nd, 1911. IT " WILL PAY YOU When the problem of something to give “Him" {m mos confronts you, as it does at this season ()f “w Wm. this store for relief. " Every line of goals we carry, offers a sugwmm a. Man’s or Boy’s Cl :15 man. You can’t go Wrong here. Look over this 1m and you can’t strike something that you know will 1.9 We would just “hint†that you make your Sch-aims carlv while the picking 18 at" its best. ' We’ll assist you in every way we can and win make anv exchange you desire after Christmas. ‘ Suits Overcoats Raincoats Auto Coats IL A, Dunn pun.- ,. oprt-(Swm) 22 To see the man at. “ > . y useful lines suitable for All at lowest prices. Cinnampn’s Hardware Store 57 KB“ 81'. LINDSAY The Victoria Loan Savings ~ Company In the mortgage business we are enabled to pay intercs on savings at rates varying from 3;; to 4g per cem, under conditions as to security etc. which are unexcclled. We respectfully solicit your patronage. JAMES LOW, Incorporated 1895 Qgpital $800,000.00 - Reserve Fund $58. 000 00 COURT HOUSE, LIN DSAY NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE R Ladies‘ and O HOUZ Gent‘s Furnishar Treasurer's Sale Of Lands On Tuesday'February 27 1912 At 11 o’clock a..m. TOWNSHIP OF GARDEN. Lot Con Acres Arrears Cq‘m'x} :mId T L 36-100 17.00 2. 6? TOWNSHIP OF LAX'I‘ON . . 3 2 100 15.07 2.63 ...1 10 100- 23.19 2.83 TOWNSHIP OF SOMERYIILE. 19.6 17.7 26.0 7 o a 22 9 i 12.27 2.56 VILLAGE OF FENEDON FALLS. 81 4 100 6. 96 2- 5 TOWNSHIP OF FENELO} Neék wear Gloves Snapenders Fancy Vests 16 Mummies TOWNSHIP OF DIGBY . Just'l'he'l'hing including, Skates, Hocke Tableau! Pocket cutler:iy heatém cheap. oil THURSDAY Ties Shirts Dress Skirts Hosiery NEWTON SMALL ocxet cutlerv SWC-n l BCiBSOI‘S, 9‘ ‘_J 7 ,SCISSSI‘SmOr .-ha.nd cook stoves Iom'n and Total Costs of 50 Publication Named waded suggestion for Xmas p". ‘0 59.14 PM!“ Caps Umbrellas H ats nderww 19.67 9.46 Not WI 9.90 Not P“ Christ. turn to and d 1911 [I Met [IMF (0., U1 PHONE 77 I J. HOUZ‘ m gag“ asmmdm. 625 F 89... Wash mm “hatch and Omar! NW1: our omnmn {rec v “1' probnbly pmenmhle. (2. WW conï¬dential. HAHDBOOK ' “(In Moot I envy {or avvurmg Pm used t, muuh Mu: '1 s 4: â€QM vigour. chnme. in up p my mm W ‘19 of“! 33.759708 unexm‘lc J"‘- -"H .posua: w' m “pubic man. at gnod 5a} «commisoomm sell our well km â€Nicks in fruit and nrmmm mes in your county. “'1‘ pay “his to ability. and dwin- ieflt man pmcurable. Shake}: 7‘ Emmi .hed .m m Write Sales Manrtgvr. m m of fruxc trcm f 'hlch to ï¬ll customer}. rn-qu menu. Our salesmen :nvalmull ly sure to supgy reliable. m: if m stock. stabli-hod m'rr Pam Nursery Co.. 'I‘ommu, ( N. B. To Customers ‘. If our tatives have not Callmlw “Mogues and prices. in 1mm “NADA mm co's uquno PI t salary ef M11 .330 obtained h4 . m‘ngin our SChOC ‘ . . mngflVinKs’ accnul ,~ A" M .â€"promotion , you like to earn $14 , â€d for our catalog: WWBPSWES We: for you. Wï¬ï¬c Hm“ “\‘ Mo“-.. ........-~ w“ “" k‘ï¬r‘mw‘a“fllh J in edacï¬tioc always pays :1 bestlnurut- For ye Lrs wv lm‘ hundreds a foot hnld iven ï¬fe commercial world. An i “chover Lh a (11 proves the growing P" a madam-school. Vk hat undoneforotb erswe can 1.190110! - ‘Pï¬sm Bran All kinds of f1 ind highest pri‘ .cLennan Wig-0'30. Ont. flatâ€":50“, era! If our 11:] ï¬nd: walled, write gas “and†015°“ Read Mixed Fa Limited with Dmniniun Wence School oom- Cd! and 9t " all kinds of Woolfi. [mo "q“; â€VD-s M" >MU'ACTURED STUDY couas 119 ‘3 ' CRESS‘WT LINDSAY m - Presid« Tom Sent! . Shaw. Princi; CORDWQ OVER 66 Yul b EXPERIENC ‘ Tam: MAI DESIbN‘ COPYRIGHT; 4 pâ€. iurnn