very» nice for Christmas gift, each ........................... Collars Ladies’ Fancy Silk and Ne‘ lars, plain and With jabot combination colorings of sky, mauve 'and black. Indi- Vidually boxed, 25c and Scarf: Wool Fibre Silk Scarfs, fringed, 9 inches wide, 42 inches long. colors of white, sky, grey, brown and green. See these for a dainty 150 I f‘hriatmas: gift. each ............ Fine Irish Linen Handkerchiefs with initial, neatly embroidered, boxed, 6 to each box at $1. 1 25 ï¬ne quality, per box ............ . Motor Veils 25 yards in length, 24 inches wide, hemstitched, colors of black, white, champagne, sky, grey, mauve, pink, rose, Alice orown, reseda and navy, For 25c, read what we have here to offer for a nice Christmas gift: Hate Pin Holders, Tie Holders, Tie Racks, Ribbon Holders, Pipe Racks, Whisk Holders, Match Holders, Pin Cushions, Manicure Setts. Sheer Shamrock Lawn cross and stripe effect, neatly boxed, each box, initialed with any ini These make an extra ac- 1 ceptable gift, box ............... . Linen Handkerchiefs Christmas gift, each Handkerchiefs Ladies’ Handkerchiefs Fine Swiss Embroidered Handker- chiefs, extra choice patterns, with or without hem, extra nice for fancy work as well as Christmas gifts, special price 2 for ............... 7". Never before have we had such a large variety of high class. Furs to show you. ‘ n-..:... Inmh Sable Muff Persian Lamb In black, all the latest shapes in muffs and neck pieces. Prices rang- ing each at $12, $14, $16, 35 $19z50, $22.50, $25 and ...... Special Furs Extra Pretty and Dainty Presents from Our Ladies’ Department Very speCial showing of Blue Fox, Natural Wolf, Natural Mink, Natu- ral Sables, Natural Coon, Natural Opposum, etc. Prices in reach of all. We make a specialty of Children's Furs. See our little Dainty Sets for Christmas Gifts. Silk and Net Col- with jabot eï¬gct, Fur Section l, 6 to initial. 500 50c 25c 75¢ Attractive ChriStmas -- Goods 27 inch for Gloves A selection of Ladies' Plain Color- ed Dresden, Elastic and Velvet Belts, assorted sizes. our special 50 Christmas price, each ......... c Belts Our special Silk Gloves are priced in reach of all. Extra hem-y qual- ity of silk, double tipped, two domes, colors of black and white only. 24 inch for ...................... 750 Our special extra large empire shape. The value of this mutt will surprise you. These were bought direct frOm the manufacturers, 15 to clear at each .. 7.95 Sean‘s to match at . 5.00 and New York styles in Trimmed and Untrimmal Hat‘s; All must clear out, Game and securé are 9! than stylish mm Ever»- mini 1% half 131490! 7 ~77 You will ï¬nd here .Parishpondot} Millinery Parlors ‘ ‘ , , Christmas Suggestion from the Presents m ‘ .g v . u- taunts-.. nmd :3: at Waist Lengthsâ€"Something New French Delaines with pretty silk stripe patterns", separately boxed, extra special... 95c Pailette Silk San Toy Dress Goods .......................... Navy and Taupe colors, Copenhag- en Blue, Brown, Gray, Roseda. HeaVy quality, guaranteed not to cut, very soft ï¬nish, 36 inches wide. an elegant silk for dresses and coats, regular $1.25 value for 89¢, 5 34 or dress lengths for ............ u All silk and wool, 44 inches wide. Very pretty silk stripe patterns, for evening wear. These were bought at half price, colors of copemhagen blue, golden brown, grey, reseda and navy, reg. 75c, sale 456 nri on price ........... We Now Come toour Dainty Linens Where You Will See One of the Finest Assortments of Imported fancy Linens that will be Shown Choice lot in all colors and sizes. Very best sateen tops, prices ranging from $1. 50 $1. 75, $2. 25, 5 $3. 25 up to ......................... Table Cloths and Napkins Comforters bi Tray Cloths 25c. up. Five o'clock's 75c up. Four o’clock’s 500 UP- Centre Pieces 12§c up. Pillow Shams 25c “P- Doylies, all sizes. 5c UP- Table Cloths $1 “P- Tuble Napkins 7 5c up. Fancy Towels 25c up. Table Linen 250 up r‘ancy '1me so» uy. Table Linen 250 up. Heavy quality Damask Table Lin- Bed Spreads 81 up. en, 72 inches wide, lovely patterns, Fancy Huck Toweling.15c. up. absolutely pure linen. See these at. Guest Toweling 25c up. half price. Scarfé 25c up. en--.“ run. .....- .- on .o-.-. all colors and sizes. Dréss Goods Bengaline Silk Heavy English Corded Silk, very soft ï¬nish. 40 inches wide. dainty for separate waists. dresses. etc.. colors of shell pink, pale blue, cream, grey and black. Dress length for - Waist length for An extra large collection of all wool Bananas and Serges, '42 inch- es wide, colors 0! brown, navy, old rose, green, dark, garnet and black, 1 50¢ d 60¢. {agegeaior per 32rd 366 Panama: and Serge: Costume Velvcts Twill black ï¬ne heavy Dress Vel- vet, guaranteed perfectly fast. pile, colors dark red, 'olive green, mid brown, navy and black, 60 speCial price per yd. 50c and c For fancy work. All English qualitieS, 30 inches wide, an extra. large range of patterns and colors 3%,. 2?.3.°ï¬â€˜?____ff‘ffff:..i5fr..f?fz 25c Art Satcens Mill Ends Silence Cloth Get your table padded before Christmas. an extra heavy quality. special price per yard- ......... $1 .......................................... Bcrlin Wool All colors, both 4 and 8 fold for fancy work. We have an extra large stock to choose from. 86 per ounce ........ ................... ounce ......... ......... noouuclc n...- .un- loo-l... .ao 3.75 Christmas ; Suggestion from Gent’s furnishing Dept. Suspenders President -â€" the best can bIIY- These co blue. pink. buck, spec Men's Armlets Neck Tics combination colors, C mas price 50c, 90c, 81 We have this season the best var- iety of Silk and Net. Ties that will be shown in the very latest shapes and colors, prices 25c, 35c ï¬ï¬‚l' Silk Folders Colors of white, grey and black. These come in the very best shapes. ¥§i°°§13?‘inҤfff?°wâ€Â°ï¬‚l.50 Padded Scarf: Aprons These are time quality, and shape, hand embroidered, scalloped edge. These are very dainty for 65c and .............................. $1 Where you will ï¬nd an extra large showing of the able Christmas Presents for a lady. Am... Black Net Waists Extra: Fine Swiss Lawn, tucks and insertion, would make an extra nice gift, spegial price 35c and... W 50c Aprons ..uan.. 0000- on. Kitchen Aprons Made of ï¬ne gingham and print, perfectly fast colors. A large \ar- iety ot patperns. Prim ~ 7". priced, $1.25 and . Spgcial Blouses Blouses Hand Tailored Vesting and Muslin 27 x 54 all colors '1hese Blouses, in very neat patterns. samples, regular 33 and ‘ These are extra specxallv I 50 33.50.3a1e price each ..... . 4 priced. $1. 25 and. 'These are a. special cut for Christ- mas. Fine muslin, very pretty pat- terns, long sleeves and high collar regular 81. 25, $1. 50 and 98 $1.75. See these at each... c Muslin Blouses These are extra. dainty, high neck and half sleeves, hand embroidered front, very pretty patterns, nothing more acceptable for ........... . q l): Silk Blouses New Tailored Silk Blouses, double cuff and collar, also pocket, very up-to-date in black, brown, 3 0 any and shot ellects, each .5 Net Waist: These come in cream and silk lin- ed, kimono sleeve and high neck. a lovely gift. See these 2 75 at ...-tuu‘ IDDDIDII-Ohï¬ibl n. II!\I\I|‘ Ladies’ Suits and Coats all the latest styles at prices in reach of all. W'Wvuuu Sensible gift. v wide Fancy Silk Elastic separately boxed, colors of LN†“d 25c . the best that money These come sepugtgly you. 0.â€- cc .0. on. «.0 extra choice gift; , Christ- 125 3, $1 and a Sshrt- - box. . . . 500' WWZWI‘ L 2.25 Men’s Fine Shirts Negligee Shirts, fine asmrvmvm of patterns. in light and dark c,olors ‘7‘“ 53%;“ mm" "1.125 Handkerchiefs Excclda Handcrchiefs An extra large assortmun: of ('01. cred Bordel'ed Handkerchiefx These nuke an extra nice gift. 2 Prices 2 for 25c and 3 for... 56 Sweater Coats For men and Boys. Hm m‘ the best assortment of combination (‘01- ors, from 50c, 75c to ....... ‘. $3 Gloves This is our special extro goou style lined with ï¬ne faxxxnv~s3,1in 131‘; “£23; #:2331537?“ 14. 50 Pretty Black Silk Net Blow-s, silk lined, beautiful patterns. .\ glance over these would meet with your approval at once, 33 3 50 and .............................. . A regular dandy, fancy I. ming, semi-ï¬tting, lined 1.. tom. positively a, bargai at ................. . ................. Ladics’ Plush Coats Axminster Rugs Black Broadcloth Coats Large Rugs Imported direCt.â€"Axminsi. :- ton, Velvet, Brussel, TaIW~‘â€'-‘ combination of colors that ha shown. See the many 1’87"" can show you. For men and boys. Bea )1 ad Kid Gloves, best quali'u-s flousefumishings mam-Y. woman 7 , prices from {O most accept- 1‘, 1111- UUL’ was!) un- the b0t' 1M trim' “'e mocha 200d $2 Wil- faces and pean peasa â€There they are gsing to ‘ fore long. 0“ a great den! i clever artists : from the boys they dressed ‘ until a Whole and dressing see. and :1 bn: mt'vdeilcd 3154» Sought In ma} We}! ac SanI The old S stateroom : Interesting expression . all this nm‘ but that h‘ hustling, I vidual exp Mrs. Santa never couiv mind 11mm doll. and 5h old in: the \"ri: stand s::‘ are expm and indiv “DO y(. to be ‘1': porter. “N": 8| of an SUNS tew Weeks To a no“ SantaC Chm Christmas tacturers :' terminazlux science mats, l “It w we had reportc it 5cm; them :1 ('T( ï¬nd :: u compel!" Chocks. few Hm make-up sure â€1:! {er her the hm i “And 1 doll‘s In 3031111! and had 5.“ U. I "Suppusv _\-~‘r \H Bupp‘m‘ 1\\n ‘ “lg. Thoy \x. :.~ ~:! Went arpnvm ‘\ M hï¬nét‘d :w \.;n .b‘ss by mw x‘f _ U h: nm- A. IMM‘ll n HDIWP‘M :H 3“ Che an-Iu‘l it \\'mt m 1 “I. m N!!! A. «and 10 m R; I “N a law the N m 3%. (I :u' Pa7atz'a biles, . ing A} [angle uu New After