Ladies' Electric Seal Mulls, made of sott.p1ia.ble pelts, down pillows, empire style, price each ...... $5 a ........ u..n-.........-u .cn-u-noaoaouo. coloré, high storm collars; prices each $3.50 to ............ richness, prim ................... Ladies’ Black Astrachan Jackets, from. 30 to 50 inches long, full sweep large lapels and high collars, lined with best satin. Every skin select- ;ï¬hii’zsitspï¬ï¬ffynnmfff 65.00 domes, $1.25 v‘ Perrin's Cape Skin Gloves, in tan and brown shades. one large dome. pigue stitched. soft plia 1e. durable leather. made in their English fac- tory, every pair warranted to give satisfaction. sizes 6 to 7-}. 1 25 per pair .............................. a Midget’s Cape Skin Gloves children. :rom two years up to 18. at per pair 75c and With Alaska. Sable Collar $39.75 to Ladies’ Fur Setts, made in the latest shapes in mink marmot, black Coon, black hare, Alaska. sable, Per- sian Lamb and natural mink. The sets range in price from 15 $10 up to ........................ - S o Ladies’ Fur-Lined Coats with na- tural and tipped muskrat linings, all made with No. 1 quality shell, ‘real Alaska sable or natural mink col- Perrin’s Guaranteed Dressed Kid Gloves with two domes, fanqv stitch- ed backs in black, white, naVy, myth le, tan. brown, mode. grey, cham- pagne and red shades, all I 25 sizes. per pair ..................... a Ladies’ Persian Lamb Coats made from $31th skins, rich, glossy black curl, lined with best quality Skinner’s satins, 30 inches long, siz- es 236 to 40, prices $125 $225 lars. Prices : Ladies Dressed Kid‘) (Hones. with fancy stitched backs, 2 domes all sizes in tan brown black 1 00 white and grey, per pair “'0 un- sole ngm‘s in Lindsay for Perrin’s French Guaranteed Gloves. These make handsome gifts. Gloves and Hosiery Section Children’s Grey Lamb Collars, me- ;um, even curl, dark and medium ifg’ï¬hsafâ€™Ã©Ã©â€™ï¬ $31.13? 10.00 With Mink Collars $75 COME ! Let us smooth out your wrinkles of perplexity for here you MASTER, MISS, MOTHER, FA' PAGE EIGHT. .cu. tvo on Fur Section Black Astrachan Jackets, 13.50 85¢ for See our Excellent Range of Bugs, Tapestry Covers, Door Mats, Etc. These Make Acceptable Gifts Boys' girls' and women’s heuxy Ribbed Wool Hose, made from suit yarns, seamless heels and toes, “ell shaped, fast colors, sizes 57} 25 to 10, price per pair ........... C Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose with heavy silk embroidered feet and ank- les. A large assortment to select from, embroiderings of pink, sky, cardinal, helio, white and gold, all sizes. prices per' pair 40c, 1 00 I 50c and .............................. Ladies’ Black Astrachan Nun's, made from specially selected skins, empire style, down pillows, 6 prices $4. $5 and s Muskrat Throw Ties to match the aboxe, satin lined 36 inches 15 long, Prices $7. 50 to .......... Handsome Linen Setts of Cloth and Napkins in pretty floral and conventional patterns, hemmed or hemstitched. Prices $5.001 : flfl Ladies’ Muskrat Muï¬s, empire and rug styles, dark and light colorings, down pillows, prices $7.50 $15 Pure bleach double Damask Table Cloths in pretty floral and conven- tional designs, 2x2} yards and 2x3 yards. Prices $2.56 'up to to .................. Knitted Fabric Gloves in cash mere, cashmerette and wool, in shades of black, white, brown, grey. cardinal, myrtle, garnet and yellow, sizes 6 to 8. per pair 25c, 5 40c and .............................. no With every purcha'sc of one dollar or more we will give a fancy box. Ladies' Long Kid Gloves, 12 and 16 button lengths, fancy back, two domes. Perrin’s make shades of black, white, tan, brown, navy King's blue, apricot, grey and myrt- le. All sizes, reg. $3 and 2 50 $4 pair, per pair ., Perrin’s Cape Skin Gloves, wool lined, fancy corded backs, one large dome. sizes 65» to 7}, per 1 nn pair . LINDSAY Table Cloths Prices $2.50 up to 6 on ...--u-.... “nu..- ..-.....- I ........u.- a. m" 333915.00 50° Handkerchief Section THE WA‘TchANLWARDm .f perplexity for here you will ï¬nd gifts for everyone of the family : BABY, BROTHER, SISTER, MISS, MOTHER, FATHER, GRANDMA and GRANDPA. DUNDAS Ladies’ Fancy Waists in silk, net. and beaded effects. A magniï¬cent choice of the latest effects, prices $2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $5.50 600 and ............... Imported Marseilles Quilts in 10- 1.103 Kama; ‘sazss 7-51 pun ‘7-11 A‘q {7 a1 and conventional designs, satin ï¬nish, prices each $2 up c “n Down ï¬lled Comforters, coverings of fancy art, sateens with satin trim- mings. 'I‘heee would make hand- some gifts. Prices $5 to....12 on ........................................... U to 5 ...... .. Ladies' Initialed Handkerchiefs with § and 4 inch hemstitched bord- ers. made of purest of ï¬ne linen, eVery initial from A to Z. 25 Shamrock brand, price each c Lndies' ï¬ne lawn Handkerchiefs, hemstitched borders, assorted em- broidered patterns, put up in dainty Christmas boxes, price per 50 box .................................... c Ladies' Fine Linen Handkerchiefs. with Bebe Irish lace borders. These‘ are real beauties. Price each 50c, 750, $1, $1.25 an}! ............... I :n Ladies’ Ingrain Silk Hose of super- ior quality, in black only. Thwe are the swellest hose ever shown in Lindsay and certainly make hand- some Christmas gifts. Put up in individual pairs in dainty ,1 75 Christmas boxes, per pair -‘ Ladies' Imported Black Cashmere Hose, made with seamless feet. shap- ed legs, guaranteed last black, sizes 8% to 10, price per pair ...... 35 3 pairs for $1. - c Bed Spreads Comforters as each $2 up 800 ......................... g Waists :::::::: L50 m LINDSAY, ONTARIO. French Delaine Waist Lengths, all pure wool in dark and light color- ings, fancy floral and conventional patterns, prices each $1.05 I 50 and ..................................... I Handsmne Silk Waist lengths, put, up in fancy boxes that m not. only a. dainty but a, very useful' . Do not fail to see these. We have them at $1, $1.50, $2, 82 50 5 00 $3, $3.75 and ................... . We are specialists in the blaoket business. Our blankets are careful- ly picked qualities. They make not and useful gifts. See our vast range only handsome but very acceptable of No.1 qualities now. $3â€" â€..6 00 75 to (per pair) Rose Jars, Jewell Boxes, etc. magniï¬cent range to choose from, prices from 25¢ each .7.00 to . .. Fancy Goods Section Brass Goods from Holland. Ger- many, Japan, India and Egypt. in Smoking Setts, Trays, Jardinieres. Ash Trays, Vases, Candle Sticks. Crum Trays, Fem Pots, Finger Bowls, Tobacco Jars. Table Bells, Ladies' Plain Hematitchcd Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, made with { and { inch hem. ï¬ne sheer cloth. prices each 10, 12}, 15. 20. 35 25 and ............................... c 5O dozen White Lawn Handker- chiefs, hemstitched with {and} inch hem. made of ï¬ne cross-barred lawn, good bleach. each ‘p Ladies' Fine Sheer Linen Handker- chiefs. edged with real maltose lace, beautiful gifts pug upAirn_f_ancy box- es at '31, $1.25, $1.50 $1.75, $2. $2.50, :3 and..... Ladies’ ' and Misses' pure Linen Handkerchiefs. :- inch hem, put up 6 in fancy box, price per 50 box .................................... c Dress Goods Section Blankets ?TT: 3.50 If you think of s. Velvet Dress Length do not fail to see our excel- lent showing ot Imported Dress Vel- vets at per yard 50c, 75c. I 0] 85C and .............................. I ‘ our special per yu‘d ........... Heavy Black Pailette Silk. 40 in- ches wide, highly ï¬nished. soft and lustrous, a real beauty for costs, dresses, skirts and waists, 1 “n Skirt lengths in plain cloths and fancy tweed enacts, an elegant as- sortment to choose 1rom.'l‘hese l1:11.“.1ae1111gt‘;y‘all-( 1 95 Dress lengths in all shaides ‘ and weaves. plain and fancy wool ma- Lerials from France. Germany, Eng- land and Scotland prices .20 on each 53 up to $1 and Dainty Fabrics for evening dras- es, and what gift would be more ac- ceptable. See our vast. range in all the wanted weaves and colorings at. per yard 35c. 50¢, 750, 1 l): Centre Pieces. plain white. em- broidered. and also colored silk embroidered, scalloped edges, 18 and 22 inches in diameter, pric- 2 5“ es each $1 to ...................... o Dailies. embroidered, hematitched and with drawn work, sizes 6 x 6. 9 x 9. 12 x 12 inches. pric- 40 cs each 100 to ...................... c Tray Cloths, plain hematitshed. embroidered and with drawn work. made of pure linen. size 18 x 27. prices each 25c up to ......... I on .......................................... C Ladiea’ Fine Silk and Linen I’m- brellas with sterling silver and gnld handles. boxed indixiduallv in {June} Christmas boxes. .85. 3 50 price each l-‘ancy Pin Cushion; Work Bugs, Needle Cases. Powder Rags, Hand- kerchiefs, Kimonas HeJ Slippers Crochet. Kimonus. priws 35c “.2 25 each up to Fancy Baskets from Japan, in Work Baskets. Handkerï¬â€˜cf task- ets. Waste Paper Baskets. 'l’he.-,e make handsome gifts l’.'2':- ï¬n“ handsomeâ€"gifts 1'.-:c- 50 10c to .. . c Fancy Linens 5’71}? 1.25 1.00 Mei Voflo Skirts, plain m nloely brglded, good '0‘“ prion 87 to ............... 1 Ladieu' Skirts in black a: «1 Panama, pretty plain “Mes, panel back and from price. range {ram 85 to ....... Children's Cream Bear Skin ( 'uats heavily lined with flannel trimmed With Silk braid and frog ornaments m mow .3100 Children's Coats in 1308ԠU‘ Wide Wale Serges, double-hm Cloth lined, plain tailored storn‘ hrs. shades of navy, brown, grey and cardinal, 91'1“" 1 n 11388. price ......... . Ladies' Cloth Coats with fur (‘01- m and reveres of wcstvrn Sable. padded linings, double- breasted. full length 1m-25 on in“- m-ica Ladies Sealette Coats. It n: 50mi- ï¬tting styles, college collars lined t«lll'oug‘hout with good Ituli an satin 333mm??? .f’°“'i“.‘.'18. 50 $8.50 to ................ Ladies' onépiece Panama Dresses. With cream lace yokvs, Princess 8‘31“. long. plain straight skirts. colors are navy, black, bruun, L'M’n. ggey and cardinal, privvsq‘ nn Ladies' Allover Net and I-‘and’ 1m. lace and insertion trimmed. high or low neck, tIm-o-quartgr sleexmes the very latest 51) [vs m white, cream, ecru, sh nayv and black. pruos25 00 813.50 to . udies' Collars and Julmw, in all the latest effects. I‘hcse are wry handsome, boxed indixidually in dainty Christmas boxes. I on prices each 50c to ...... . , . Ladies’ Fine Silk Vests puv un in- dividualh in {any Christmas boxes. .-\ daintv gift. Prices emh I 35 75¢ 850 $1 and IAdies' Fine Chiffon and Silk Scarfs. in beaded and frintzml ofl'ects, shades of white skv pink peach. helio and black. prices each 3 50 $1. 50 to . .. . Ladies' Elastic, Velvet. Time] and Gold Belts. in black, new, hnmm green. helio. “hire and numerom Persian eï¬ects. prices math 30“ 25c up to Fancy Linens in lioilivs, (mu-e Pieces, Tray Cloths and Runners. These have handsome borders of Bebe Irish L869. the very 3 lateSt rrices each“. ’Sc up In 50 Collars and Belts to†Mantle Section msmw, Vests in BCGVCr (310‘.th s, double-breasted lilored. storm w" .. hrnn‘h. ETC“! :‘va5.00 10.00 1 and in prct 1 ‘ "Special :11 l - _ '51!an Muffs‘ Can be ‘ Inuï¬ or so: Wearc<11 very specia' ‘ladies’ fu. fund it \in ; see them W . mg on v ï¬llers 11;. . « ey, so can ~- Ladies' Fur-Lined C1 Ladies' Taï¬ skirts of r6111 :3 in colors navy. shot effects. you and they :2 in price. E2531 A A Special in Silk Undersk shopping Buymg h @EGIN Hentv and WOMEN'S DAY. DI This Wais‘ [“638