{reful éatis- Limb Eion â€CY ‘obourg. rt Hope. Peterboro. met in the night for I. Memb- ,indsay. Cobourg. looked in- viriety if every Ye have supply article at :lanchatd, [cation .ts Trenton V0 a nature- Lion with ,~ received styles of Hope in the 315:5: Mr. Ed'. {woken is moving to the xAnn formerly occupied by his lather kf- Mark Wickett. - Onr village. A large number from Little Britain tnd vicinity attended the 9311' held in Lindsay on Tuesday. ‘- ‘ , ‘3'“ The funeral of the late Elias Hath erell took place on Svnday and WE! Wife largely attended Movements of REV. .Ias. Archer is home . after haviat: conducted revival semces at Cambray for some weekS. ‘ Mr. M. Metherell of Toronto, was “1 town over Sknday. . We are glad to see Hrs. Lanna Kennedy out, again after her il‘messz Mr. and Mrs: Lane have return?“ to their home in Columbus afterj’is' Little Britain, Dec. 18.â€"Hr. J. Newman has moved into a. part. of the house occupied by Mr. Man Groves, ‘ 512-3. Rodd has been quite sick durzng the past week. Mixs Lyda. Whitesides is home from l'etmboro Normal School for the Chretmas vacation. ' ï¬lm's Hazel Connor is the delighted reagent of a. new piano. Mrs. Tipp, of Port Perry, is spend. in: .1 part of the winter with her} New Mrs. John G,enney. 1 .Mrs, John Wallis has been spend-j In: a few days in Lindsay. M. Mr. Morton, Little Britain. tomcat-ted the service in the Methodâ€" ISt Ci‘LuI‘Ch at Valentin. last Sunday. Masts. Rogers and Short had a. Very suCCessiul shooting match last Week. Competitors were prwent from the surrounding villages, and the .1 » crage was Very high. 31155 Sophie Mark is home for the h01l<3a§ S. A mowing of the electors 'oi flue Township of Ops ‘will'be held in the Town Hall, Lindsay,'on Friday, Dec. 2:), 1911, at the hour of one o’clock p.m., to nominate duly qualiï¬ed per- 8118 for the ofï¬ces of Reeve and (‘mmcilors for the year 1912. viz... a Reeve and.,fonr Councilors. If more than the required number of candidates be nominated the pro- cmhngs will be adjourned-until Mon- day, the lst day of January, 1912. when a. poll will be opened in each of the several polling sub-divisions of the townShip at; 9 'o’élod: a.m.. and remain opén till 5 o'clock p.111 but no ranger. ' W. E. AGNW, Returning oflcar. - Dispensing «Druggist ..x-enll of standard make and we hmw the thus exquisite odors in daintx fancy packages fa; Uhrist- mas giving, All prices. Snould be she choicest ptocur ah] . Don’t make the common wis take of buying cheap perfumes deckrd out. in handsome packaues sxmplv unwarv gift seekers. You make sure of chui ceperfumes if you wlact frnm any stock. _0'1r goods Municipal Elections A. iï¬GINBOTHï¬M their daughter, H. Motherell has moved- Nomination Meeting Township of Ops ngoftpesmtbxo now: ' WA'.‘ 7;.»4M] THURSDAY, DEC. 21; People of Britain For Baby Bibs, Caps, Shawls, Booteed, Mittens, Cloaks, Bear Cloth Coats, Dress, Lengths, Un- derwear, Gold Pins, Fur Quilts. Robes, Crib Blankets, Crib MZI‘S. Ed. Wick- Lindsa Eurw- ' ess. ‘ 1 Special time will be devoted each visâ€" day to the dzscussxon of practlcal Help topics by menibers 61 the class, and one whole day wil, be set name for let _ a. conference on .1001 brood. was Remember the dates, Jan. 9-20, 1912. No fees, nomination, re- _ the duced railway rates onraflways. For Lther program and further intonation ad- dress G. C. Graeme-n, 3.8.5., LLJ)" into [President 0.x 4: 9911030 Guelph, During this course Mrnâ€"morley Pettit, Provincial Apiarist, will give a series of demonstrations and illustrated lectures covering all the main features of practical manage- ment in a way that will be helpful to experienced beekeepers and begin- bers as well. Lectures will also be given on allied Subjects by other members of the teaching stafl, and a tew expert bee specialists will be brought in from outside to tell how they have made (success in their special lines, such as the breeding of queen bees. the production of bees- 'I‘hieooumeisfreetoallwho are interested in bees and every session from beginning to end will be full of information on the care of bees and how to make money from them. How can this industry he develop- ed ? Mainly by the eeduéational me- thods now being used by the De- partment of Agriculture. The suc- cessful organization work culminated last month in the biggest annual convention of heekeepers Toronto ever saw. The next event is a Bee Short Course at the Ontario Agri- cultural College, Jan. 9-20, 1912. ‘WW 2 Our Medicine Bag 2 ter of tube nectar secreted by Ontario flowers is ever utilized: And al- though honey prices are advancing every year, not one :tenth of the hon- ey A :is consumed ‘in Ontario homes that [our people are vcapable of eat- (To the Editot of (The Daily Warden Dear Mr. Editorâ€":Do you know that the annual honey crop in On- ttario is worth one and a. halt mil: .lion dollars, and \that ten thousand persons from Point .Pelee to the Co- tbalt regions, and smrther north. are engaged in the business of producing it, keeping three hundred thousand hives \of bees for athe purpose ? Even then I venture (to my, not one quar- Majority for Vrooman 104. Mariposa (Eden) Poll. Div. Lindsay, l ONTARIO‘S {HONEY CROP. Official Returns in West Victoï¬a - -[ ~ mGift ? Suggestions Mumcrs, Mitts, Sox, Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Pyjamas, Collars, Ties, Suspenfiers, . Snitl, Caps, Overcoats, Fur . Collars, Fur Mitts, Fur Coats, Rain Coats, Pea. Jackéts, 5 Gloves, Underwear, Smoking Gloves, Underwear, Smoking Jackets, Night Robes, Loung- ing Robes, Umbrellas, Collar Buttons, Cuff Buttons, Cuffs, Tobacco Jars. I 1860 humans AND FLA] No. Yrooman. LOW Rum FOR cumsrnus AND NEW YEARS EXCUB-' .SIONS. . Via. Grand Trunk mum System betweenrm stations in Canada». .180 to Niagara. Falls ghd Bun-1o. NJ" Port Huron andpgtroits Itch. At Thhisensgeofnewdiscoveries. To grow Intranet it has Mien out. to-duyilgrodity. Selvie, the great hair tonic and draining. willpoeitivelya'eatesnew growtbofhl-ir- It you went to have 3 beautiful headdhairfreen-omdendrufl use sumugumteedto linghdrandmtorotho mtmflwlor.mgmtelt orknomAtmglnbothuI' 55 'E 8 ii a? 'CLARK. â€"At Cambray, on Tuesday, , Dec..19, 1911, Clarence William I Clan-k, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Robert Clark, aged I 8 years and 19 days. :sented with a beautiful solid gold watch by the members of the council at their closing session. Hr. Joseph Hickson, the popular new of Man- ners, :made the presentation on ‘be- Tma‘ll 'of the members of the council. HPhe \watch is beautifully engraved, with an inscription on the innernaee and ’h'is monogram on the outside. Mr. Kelly was a. worthy oflbiul, and this “token of respect is a slight reh cognitiOn of his worth and esteem. and (Durham, was last. week WA'RDEN T. A. KELLY m. ‘BERED BY COUNCILLORS. Mr. 11‘. A. ~Kelly, Warden of fflhe United Counties of Northmnberland For those who have not yetSojveditfheperplexing problem. Only a few days more in which to "make yourlrchoice. ' H'ere"are somey’help‘fuyl hints of suggestive gifts for everyone of The Family. The funeral will leave the famâ€" ily residence, Cambray, on Thurs- day. Dec. 21, at two o’clock and proceed to Eden cemetery for in- Grows flair Abundantly PRESENTED WITH WATCH - 1-1-1 97 95 1 11 66 .119 79 79 27 22 76 37 11 81 . day and watch the 67 21 89 15 47 89 49 _. if? Johnson '90 16 9W One entry is of “Jan Cornemsen of Amesland. complaynlng‘ to ye court that his son Erik ts bereft of his nat- ural! sences and t- tnrned quyt mad." whereupon It was udered that "three or 4 persons bee lured to build I lit- tle Blockhouso at Amewlna for to put in the ad. madman." In the suit of Andria Inckhooren against Constablg Andria Bowman. It appears fun! the, record that “the Pet. complain. that this. belt. hath pulled him by the Bend and twisted his neck. and dean-amnion:- mam; who claim to be cured. As a cure {or consumption, weak lungs. bleeding of the lungs, weak throat. larengitis, severe or ï¬ngering coughs and bronchitis, this remedy is in- fallible and can be given without fear of disturbing the most sensitive stomachs Our continued experi- ments with the most advanced cases ,of consumption have proven without a doubt the marvelous qualities of this preparation. Together with the strong germ destrOying' proper- ties. its actions are that of a stimu- lating tonic. , ‘ Kindly mention nearest express of-l ï¬ce when ordering. Price $1 per1 bottle, six bottles for 85. Sold only by William R. Copeland, 511 Pepe-ave, Toronto, Canada. Oueint Old Court Races-dc. In the records of the "Court Held at Uppland. 1n Delowar River. From 1676 to 1681." are some quaint entrie- of Interest to Pennsylvania. This was the court conducted by the Swedes. Dutch and English previous to the granting of the state to Penn and pre- vious to It: being named Pennsylva- David War-nook. A Street Car Conductor, Toronto. I am receiving testimonials duly from people who after being given up by ' doctors, and who claim have tried all-other medicines. alter tak- ing this cure are recovering! and say too much in favor of this medi- cine, knowing what it. has done for me. Wishing you epery success. -I remain, sincerely yours, (Signed) I honestly believe I would have been in my grave toâ€"day it I had not taken it, nod can heartily recomâ€" mend it to everyone suï¬ering from any kind of lung trouble. I cannot t'er givirâ€™ï¬ up all hopgbf ricovery l' commenced taking vour wonderful discovery, and found it stopped that weakening perspiration almost im- mediately. Betore taking your me- dicine I could keep nothing on my stomach, and when I had taken two} bottles of the medicine I could eay heartily.’ I was up in‘a few days‘ time from the day the specialist said ‘1 might die any hour. Find lag the medicine was helping me. I com- menced taking a. dessertspoonful y every three heirs, and in four weeks’ time I was at, work. My doctor and a consumption ape cialist of Toronto, Ont., said I had the worst kind of consumption, and ’ithat it was impossible for me to re mover, saying that I could not live longer than eight or ten days. They gave me up to die, saying there was .no use in treating max/as they had done reverything they ï¬nk]! go. At- a.\'e., Toronto. Dear Sinâ€"After tak- ing an bottles of your wonderful discovery, Copeland's Cure for Con- sumption, I believe I am completely cured, and feel better, and stronger than I have for yearsr and am a. liv- ing witness of what '{his wonderful medicine can do for the lungs. sure' h publikhiï¬g the following re- markable letter : Toronto Man Gives Credit to Cope lanh’s Consumption Cure. As a proof of what Copeland's Cure for Consumption will do for those amicted with the White Plague, the proprietors take plea- CURE!) OF CONSUHPTION. chiéfs; Purses. Waists, Ki- mantis. item; waderskim. Shawls, Linens. Umbrellas, Undefimsr, Bria: Goods. Curtains, Rugs, Table Covers, Hats, Comforters, Blankets, Cushions, Bed Spreads, Pil- lows, Japanese, Chairs, Wool Dress Lengths, Silk Dress, Lengths, Delaine Waist Lengths, Silk Waist Lengths, Fancy Collars, Beauty Pins. For Mother ~ ‘. Copeland, 511 Pape- This is concert time, and so we must get tuned up to concert pitch. On Tuesday evening Knox congrega- tion (Presbyterian) and Sunday school spent a very enjoyable end so- cial evening in their school room, where a very pleasing and entertain- ing program wan carried out. Rev. Mr. Smith being absent at a session- al meeting in Lindsay. Mr. Mills, principal of the public schools, Rae pressed into the chair and made good, his ready Irish wit keeping the assembly in the beat of humor. ‘Bev. Ir. Smith arrived on the evening train Later, and gave a short adv dream After the program cakes and tram Mr. E. P. Young. who summers on the Kawartha Lakes and winters in Florida. Mr. Young writes that he is enjoying the sunny south am- ong the orange groves in ideal per- fection, where the mocking bird sings its sweet notes and where liie is one long pleasure day. We extend to Mr. Young out kindest regards for a merry Christmas and happy New | The annual oyster supper of the Verulnm agricultural society emcers and directors and their wives was [held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. ‘E. Thurston last week, when a very enjoyable evening was spent. These social evenings are altogether the proper thing, and do their share in promoting harmony and united . elo- rort towards the completion of ev- ents. The society will be the better tot-their meeting together, and their eflorts for next year's labors meet with better success than if they had not met. ,'earned applause. The poetical pro- posal was quite amusing. and the ' scout drill showing that they have ' been taught to march to the bugle lwas a feature. The concert was pro- lnounced a success, and netted over 860. On Monday evening Mr. H. G. Hammond, of Toronto, Secretary of ‘the Scouts' Association of Ontario, t visited the local associatiou on his tour of inspection. The scouts met the inspector on the evening train and conducted him to the parish hall, where inspection was made. It is reported that he was particularly well pleased with the scouts, and said that while they were the small- est in number, they were the best trained in drill they had yet inepect- ed. He addressed the boys and gaxe them good encouragement to be truly loyal scouts, and said that at the coronation last summer Canadian scouts held the position of honor. It might be mentioned incidentally that Mr. Scarrett, master of the local or- !ganization, received special recogniâ€" 'tion from his majesty, being present- ed with a cane as a mark of esteem in having the best trained scouts at the coronation. so that the scouts are evidently in good hands. and more will be heard froin them in the. smite. : Like a voice of spring comes new: Bobcaygeon. Dec. 15.â€"â€"The scout. concert in aid of the local Boy Soout Association last Friday evening drew a good house in the town hall. The program was carried out entirely by local talent, which as usual received good attentiou, every one of, the act- ors doing their part to the King's taste. Tile boy zininstrels from Ala- bama. were quite pleasing,-and Miss Nichols' Scotch dance received well Boy Scouts Held Concert -Doings at Bobcaygeon caps, fur collars, fur mitts, fur coats. underwent, pyjam- as. mitts, gloves, silk surfs, lounging “obes, night robez, Smoking“ setts, ‘umbrellns, emf pins, collu' buttons, cuff buttons. Swetter costs, toques, cops, hats, suits. over-coats, garters sox, suspenders, shirts, col- ' For Brother ies, ram coats, fur are going to make that delectable dainty for part of the family feast on Christmas day. Never having tested any pudding made from the recipe which, the Journal says, is used in the King's household, we shall not hold ourselves responsible if it turns out a iailure. We simply give it without endorsation. trust- ing that the loyal citizens of Lind- say will accord it a fair' trial with- out visiting upon tne Warder the re- ; suits. Here is the recipe: ‘ , "1} lbs. suet, (ï¬nely shredded), 1 lb. We. sugar, 1 lb. small (raisins, 1 1b. plums, (stoned and cut in halt), 4 oz. citron (cut into thin slices), teaspooni‘ul 0! mixed spice. halt a grated nutmeg. two teaspOon- {uls salti 1m. bread mmbs. 4} lb. sifted flour, 1 lb. of eggs (weighed in their shells), wineglass of brandy. Beattheeggstoan-othand ,then slices), teaspoonml 0! mixed spice. halt a grated nutmeg, two teaspoon- tuls out! 112). bread crumbs, i It). sifted flour, 1 1b. of eggs (weighed In their shells), wineglus of brandy. Beattheeggatoeh-othmd than addto them‘hutnpint of new milk and mix the various ingred- ients. Let the mixture stand for â€"_ â€"-â€"_‘n--_ ._.- â€"_..â€" We are indebted to the Ottawa Journal for some inlormatiOn in re- gard to the plum pudding of old England, especially the plum pudding that is yearly set before the King, that may be of interest to those who You do not run any risk whatever in using our Flour.» the fullest guarantee of the Com- pany in behind every bag that leaves the mill Later.-â€"Mr. J. J. Devitt, Reeve of Verulam, entertained the council at Mr. Kenney's, the Iroquoix hotel, to oysters after the day's proceedings. Next Friday will be nomination day {or towuship and village councils for the new year. Verulam council sits to-day, and are transacting business. This is the winding up day of the season. Vil- lage council sits to-nigbt. It is re- ported that Vernlam taxes are all but in. three days this week, and Mr. Wood of the village having his garden plowed on Mondey. Mr. Peter Grant re-roofed Dr. Mc- Camus' drug store this week. OUR MOTTO RELIABILITY CHRISTMAS PLUM PUDDING. The next time you are ordering Flour try a. bag of The reliable and olden. established jewelery store'in the county. Quality right. fPriqe is guaranteed. You will always be pleased afterwards. The Mill ' For of Patents Fancy surfs, fancy hosiery, gloves; hand bags, sweater coats’ toques,_ furs, kimonos, Obelts, jobots, «fancy pins, kerchiefs, 311k waist lengths, evening dresses, corset cam era, silk underski'rts, fancy veilings, lingerie, hat pins, work bags, jewel case, bar- ettes, side combs, back combs hours.†Afterwards. prepare for indigestion nightmare, and all the other things to which flesh is heir. 8m." , , j “Trips to the Holy Land" I ' ‘g "The Band Then [’18de “America." “Lamb Chopsf’ â€"Chimgo Tribune. twelve hours in a cool place. Then place in moulds and boil for eight. “I'd Tip You. Walter. if I Had Any- thing Lass Than a Twenty Donal: ;, umbrellas, fancy hand- Favorite Fiction. “Wax-ranted to Keep In Any Cli- mate." “Passengers Win Please Keep Their Feet 03 the Seats.†New; Well Berried 1911 The oonditioa of 5:.- Charles ’(‘Up- at is critical. The Oak Front Gtocery NiceGreenStock DELICIOUS New Naval ORANGES “(R