orations Eff small Union #1 Two or [Thief Chil- although ing the . 3; et r even al~ msed for Md there- ï¬t. with 9; in ques- estimable t'all Yan- g: that the Lions simâ€" to arrive . and that »th by the ple and i 1- nd 9; mien of ()r we Italian tenors of woceeding 0 \V the grea- of the in, Tri- 3 reDBWuI en Ger- moved most in. arouse radian. een in the elaborate necessary ms were Yuletide 'htly mod- ilance allow in front til. Lge '. 1911. Italy is re for SH :n‘ #2!) .\‘ 5101} â€" â€" ‘ 50:) (7» .‘UU ! .< 530,0 :75 C 35m (1 51.)! Yuletide Personals From . the Cataract Village i REMEMBER l‘hese E Greatly Reduced Prices ; . E are for cash only. rHl‘RSDAY, DEC. 28, 1911. XL ' C ,\ endl'y. \hss Marion \. rk_ was the Mr. andway le xst l-‘riday, after {PQkS the guest 0 OVERCOATS, SÂ¥1¢().\lozx's Overcoats for 510 Men‘s Oveicoats 10:...,........ 8'12 Mvn's ()vercmtts fur..." ...... ..... $13.50 Men’s Overcoats l'or...... '1 Men 5‘ ()vcrcnuts 1’“: $1651) Mw u's ()Ver mats for >18 um] 5‘20 \Ien s Uva‘coats ....... .. - in _.\~:r 1 -hnn Beaver Bur Coats for... '1) 1 im:;11)0 'skin Fun (oats1nr . .. 3614“)†(I mts . SM! . 'mm (Ants .....,........;.. ......... \‘TUCm‘m (huts fur... . .. $75 CCU“ (Units for ..... 1... $6M) (Than (bate fur .. 51.3 Fura Trimuw 1 (I'vercï¬amfl' 1.01231... 18 Fur 'i‘l'nnmed Uwrmm's tor... - 3 Fur Lined Overuaus rfur .3 Fur Li-zed ()x'crcmts for 3 Fur Lined ()vcrcoars for . Wag-an The Woman‘s l~‘oreign Missionary ociely, of St. Andrew's churchheld u-ir annual business Jnm‘ting‘ .last mincsday and was “'01! attended. he society .has been very successful dring the past. year and hope for a â€:11 better year in 1912. The «of- ccrs for theyear were .olected Aas 'llows: president, Mrs. Lord ;‘ lst icc~pri-s., Mrs. Northey; 2nd vice- res., Hrs. Jas. Dickson; 3rd vice- "93., Mrs. Walsh ; secretary, Miss S. 2-.\rthur; treasurer: Mrs. A. A. .muz-uq tidings secretary, Mrs. J. Hrundun; organist, Miss V. M. l ink Season 5 weather conditions leave us with the greatest overstoijkc mas. Our policy IS never to early these goods over from one se :50 most drastic Cut Price Event in ordei to retlnc: ould. Miss 1.1m Hamlin: left on Thursday , spvnd L‘bristmas with hee parent's Kim-zu-dinp, . Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Jewell, of untsville. are in town this week. “1'. Robertson, of Wax-kgorth; out, Christmas in the burg the est of his parents. . Mr. Arthur Lord, of Ushawa, \‘iS- Nd his parents. ReV. (f. S. 9nd Mrs. .011! over the holiday. ‘ ‘ \Iiss Annie Ellis, of Toronto, ‘is mm for the vacg‘tion. 7 - ~‘,< 111'. 11951}? MScKendry, of TX- -idge, and \Ir. R. E. MacKendry, of Should be she choicest procur‘ «bl -. Don’t make the common mis t-xke of buying cheap perfumes decked out in hanosome packages snnplv unwary gift seekers; You make sure of choi ceperfumes if yen Select from our stock. Our goods are all of standard‘make and.» we have the Lost egquisite' odors in - n. #2-; dainty fancy 891‘! mas giving. P“ c) ver U1) Mrs. W. guests of 3U 3 U College, Lindsay, was in I'm‘ a few days .lust week. and Mrs. l-‘red Maunder‘ of Current, MAL, were guests of mi Mrs. Alf. Miller for several Sputum. ,uin ' g 111 town ‘11 Falls, Dec. 271â€"3122 and LS. Brandnn: of Blind River, Boy’s Overcoats s 1;. ya" Overcoats . . . . ; Buy; 0 ycch-A-ts .-.. ) Hnys’ (J‘ser‘ooats ...... ) Hays" Overcuats ) 7 iuys 01m: cums ..... Clothing Department the way left for Cannington -, after spending several guest of his daughter MrS. of “(max-me. and Mr. . l‘rcsswell, of Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. John holiday. principal of the Bu‘ Henderson. Di gust of Mrs. A 1860 A ‘SENSATIONKL prices. oatswr rats i0:............ .......... . . . ........ :tts for......................... ..... ........'.......... rcoats‘ l'021.... rcnats for .... s ()Vcrcoats ....... war Fur Coats £012.... u Fur (‘oats for . .....-.---...o ..... coon-.u-colotoo-OIQEOO uneasy-oo-oo ...-non...--o--. ~oonooooooo-uo co ..IOIOOOOaQIIOI'lIII- .(I’vercaams fulï¬l... ‘...... Uwrmm's mr... 'Cl‘CUJLS fur .. 'crcmts fur .. . -“nn\o’g an -- ... ... no... . for Uhrist- 1.90 2.90 3 90 4.90 5.90 and 'l‘orumo, spent Christ-Atlas season town. Miss Bertha Brokenshire, of To: 11mm), spent, the week end in to'x’vn. .\Lr.. Andrew Betts, .of Belleville, spent, Christmas with Mr? and. Mrs. Burgess. _ ‘43 '. (‘bristmas’ day in Iflï¬dSBS’ ' “1.53 L ecil‘ SWanion' iS- Q week v Mn. A, 7“?“ Hague, of. spent 'l‘uésdsiy in mm. ‘ . .:-; ~; » gr, Allis. “alter Ellis and childrfln, of Saskatoon, animal in town ,,_ last. “eel; and will Visit 101; .a. ,iew manths \Vith her parents, Mir. and Mrs. J. Aldous in town- "4‘“ 2r †“-‘ ‘- \1 v nnd Mrs. Baniksy of (Maiwa, spem, Christmas Wtfll Mn. Geo. Littleton. ; "'itjkxd ~.._.‘;v.,, . ‘Miysses Margaret and M. A. ‘ {Jor- dan, Mr. W. Jordan and Master J ordan Sutherland, spent Christmas day 111 Lindsay, ‘ ; , .‘ . H 1 Miss Mary Kellï¬pf Lin‘dsaggpajss- ed through town oh Monday en route to spendu few weeks with friends at Kinmount. ‘ “ A-..‘ A\A||AAAV ’l‘nc Misses Ethel and Bertha t Aus- tin, of Toronto, and Mr; and Mrs. Walters, u‘ Belleville, spent the,1 | ‘ Christmas vacation with Mrs. 1-1. Austin. . , ‘ . 311‘. and Mrs. Bishop and: daughter } of Midland, were in town for a. jew§ days the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ‘ ï¬eï¬son. § Mr. k‘has. Deyman, of Hamilton, is Visiting in Lawn for a. few weeks Mr. J. Trask, of Orillia, is in ito’wn the guest of his sister Mrs. :Jubn Robertson. . ' E Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brokenshire [and Mr. Willie Brokenshire, of To- :1‘6nt0, spent Christmas the guest , of :Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Brokenshire. § Miss Ferguson, of Beaverton, spent, 2the holiday with Fenelon friendS. l The Misses Ic‘lorenoe and -Minni.e ‘Bellingham, of Toroxito, spent the ; holiday in town. â€"~ n-u.-...‘..._‘- -na Mr. and daughter and Toronto, \verc nell. Mr. and Mrs. R. Patterson and daughter and Miss Cora 'Brynell, of Toronto, were guest-s of Mrs. ‘Bry- nell. .‘ ' i ‘ Mrs. McLennan, of ‘Peterboro. spent Christmas with her‘ parents. Miss Jean Calhoun, :of 'Peterboro, spent. Christmas the guest .0! Mr. oooooo uuuuuu Fur Gaps and Collars $6 fut Caps 4.90, 553 caps 3.90 10 caps 7.99, $12 caps 8 90 15 caps 11.90 7.50 collars 6 90, 810 for 7.90 $12 collars 8150, $15 tor 11.90 ,lendi‘ and: Mrs. 3’3!“ 3') 4 { 0.3 A- ‘_ 1.. Gaaia" 7 Islam. .335 hr t‘o “m ’th'LS ‘ rug, , .. ' ig' of: ‘Qamerdq, the children and after which ‘a. Jrogram of songs a given by the nee Dickson. " 01 sent and gave a. describing: .thB 1 Mr. Harry Lush, the Petarboro er poultry breeder. has returned with {W his binds from Cannington, where he -5- had splendid luck at the peultry {show which was held. theme last week. is 1 With sixty-seven birds he won sixtyâ€" . Liour prizes, including the special m1 prize for -the best bird in the Show, ’5- which he rwon with a‘spangled ham- ‘bu'rg cock, also eight other special LUJULHCI auay..uy "v... __ .Mr. Sutherland «m beha’df of tlie St.’ " . - lAndrew’s Ses'siah presented :Rev. Mr. Mr. Clam" (â€PM the. popular ._ Lord with 'a handsome gold héade‘d recve of Emily, (‘leculed thm year to gcane. Mr. Lot-d. thongm completely withdraw irpm municipal gutters, ‘ {taken by' surprise, manna the co-.aҡԠ99"“? the â€â€œ5“" ‘“' “‘9? ' " ~ . . ~ .' . ‘ ' . ‘ u [workers for their loyalty and Sup- . above capamt; for _t\m yam-s. .\ port, {during his pastohaité in - Iflhis‘ though [us many frwnds n'pn-F-sed a rchurch. ‘désire thatfhe:shonlrl still repres-nt ' the peoplt‘of Emily" in the county 5 ‘ MR. Robert Bell, Of Lindsay, and . nd un'cip'il "ouncil his modestv .Miss '1‘. ‘Henrv .5 \Ch ' ' 1h ~a "m l ‘ Cc ' ' ‘ p cm, ‘ nstmas e ; and )gwish that nthnrs >h.m‘~1 hum guest of Mr. and Mrs. men; 9 -' ' . . ‘ 1 Miss C. Wm, 10f: {Durante Ghent an opportufz-It3- to hold 1‘“? 3101101? 1the. holiday inattowgï¬ - V , L‘ ’ ; appealed to ‘him that i2 5315 Fwd" . _ . . . - % ~ent to retire. “ " Mr. J. H. Aver ramm- (1 £1: ‘ y e om Few men who'have surved the peof th . I e we“ °“ saturday“ 1e as Mr.'<.iompi1 mu for 26 yum ‘M‘.V" 1 . '*\‘-P . . r lctor Chambers spent LhnSt - have left ‘béhin‘d ‘.he clean record «rimsf with his mum Lb5. . . , . . _ Mn. Ernest Halid- ‘oI'tco’bal't‘ "spent. winch he. has to his rredxt.’ "“0 ’9‘ Christmas in the b’m‘g. , -' ‘ i tiring reeve-aCted in’ the L'zmm‘ity nf ' ‘ :assessor for ï¬ve veurs, collector of _ ‘Mi's‘s’Norma Masom‘m'tuméd ' “home . , k011i Ross Hospital on Saturday and taxgs for 19 ‘years and in .the'reewf hei- ‘host of friends m pléaisod t'o,. 0’3"?†““0 Years. 9‘1““? â€m." know she has imprOVed ‘r‘m meant]: and ; tlme : $250900 passgd thrqugh his are very ‘g'lad'to see: het- bomé on'ceI hands; and not .-.nc mistake occurre-i mnIs. ' , . 1 ‘ . . . . ..to mar the dxgnity of his duties, I g g \, z . . : and no dissenting voices wzre hem-d ' ' - . "to clamor against ï¬ne mariner in s z . which he discharged his nutâ€; ox‘ of- Vague possibility Captured Prizesat $2; @335; «hp. 0; mm. who would wish u- see Mr. C‘omcil ‘ .I cannington Show in the reme's emir again, he migin . ,‘ wiisp, b'ut ' not I i concede to t‘heir 1 class presumed him with a hand-' Some Signet ring and a beautifully \V'Orded address as a‘mark of ap? preciation of “his in the Sunday school. Next came old 4 Santa, Claus and distributed laViShly among the little folk. At the close another surprise was in store _when Mr. Sutherland «m beha’df of the St. .-\ndrew’s Ses‘sia’n preSenxed :Rev. Mr. .Lord with ‘a. hafld'Som'e gold héade‘d cane. Mr. Lot-d, though cemplemly’ taken by' surprise, thank‘m the co- ‘workgrs for their loyalty and sup- ;port :during his pastohaite in ' minis E church. DUNDAS' 15 ZFLAYELLES LIMITED prizes . 111'. Lush says the Cannington show was a grand success. “At the dress poultry show which was held on Thursday in conjunction with the other show, there were ï¬fteen tons of chickens sold. The turkeys brought 130., vand the prize butter 28¢. per If). Mr. Lush also won many prizes at Guelph. McTaggart is ‘5’ 1111’ J . WATCIï¬M mg mm "~ “1149i Children ' hear Lo‘..ch (throw ‘in and mufl', in whitenr brown. reg prim: toclear Childreu’g muffs i-n ulnmsmn and mink marmoxt, mg. 4.0†In clear at ........... (â€1.2.90 Litdies’ muffs. in Elecxrii; seal and Aï¬trachan,1eg.5.00 value to clear at ................... 3. 90 Still Missing Ladiés’ muffs in dar‘ ' or nat- urail mt. mink murmur: astra- an and emctl 1c seal, mg, 7.09 m clear at ."........ '........5.9U Ladies†Mufl'sm Black 'Rus- ainu HJ‘e, Natural Conn and mink mat-mot, rev 8.50. '10 Clear. at .......... . .......... ‘...U. ()0 Ladies Muff: in “ink Mar- mot Mack 01‘ "my wn: f rmtnr- 211 Jr fly) ed (men; Ruscian :Hme and Muskrat, leg 5510 at. .7.90 .VHRH 15111 in the reeVe's chnir he represents. EXPLAINS HIS POSITION RE CERTAIN MATTERS. Mr. Peter Hawkins has volunteered the following information to The Warder concerning Ops municipal matters. As certain parties made statements which led the public to believe the reeve favored the raising of salaries at the last meeting of the county council, he wishes to state that this is an meniscus idea. and that he was powerless to act as he tion came up and could only show his hand if he were called upon to decide by casting a vote' for or against the m. In reierence to Hutton's [grove bridge he also wish- es to state that a. saving of $2200 was made by his judicious attention to the mum of the township. ‘ ï¬bre Indian troops have been kill- 9d 1137 the Persians. M13. myako,l{...P 0! Japan, who is via-ting attains... says his Govern- mam; intends eto stop the; emigmtion A _ IL._,.I_ aim cm MR. HAWKINS POSITION 05k of 01' rooms, Mantles and F urs we have ever had to carry ne se 1501 to another We have therefore been compelled to a to reduce these stocks----Don t Miss This Chance ' NILES A Eï¬Ã©etts are» .‘l . l n C (t Ava ... many friends n'pn-csed a ï¬e :shonlrl still repres -m ‘of E'mily" in the county albonncil his ‘modesty, Iat’ others mau‘d ‘haxe rity to .‘hold {he ahï¬nm‘, ‘him that i: .x'les' prudé in. the time the, Ladirs' mJfl's in grey squir- rwl, grw (‘1' black wolf, mink m-rmut, and American' Op- powum, reg 12.00 to 13.50 T‘o claar at. .. ........... 10 90 Peruiau Paw Muffi in large pilluw and rug styles, down pil OWS, reg $15 at.........12.90 Elect i0 -eal mnfl‘s in same style: as the Pam an Paw, reg $15 mum to clearat ..... 1: â€.90 leniun Lamh mufl'e in Em- pire >t_\m. rich ;_'1J~'~\ curl rog. 22 50 each to clear at ..... 19.90 Natural Canadian mink muï¬â€˜g rug and empire styles, down piHmvs 22ml sagin lined, 1125534000 to clear at, .. ..... 32.90 Throw Ties and cvnrfs to match the almve muï¬'s' at the same reduced prices. ter having been compestoa to in Jun nine months. ; The English and other foreign} lnewspapérs withdrew 1heir corres--' pendentd from Viberbn mon ugo,‘ and few†if any, of‘th- nape have' printed it line 'of the {trial sin , even the Italian journals drnpped the re- pOrts for: a time and, though‘ they have since mumed pr'nting items about the trial, they 11 we conï¬ned 2 the despntched to per{. nctory para-1 graphs. 2 . l ' BUT NONE ("A M‘E. . Vita-ho, Dec. 26.â€â€"A week ago: it was thonght that there would be a mutual agreement to (mp 92 minor witnessed against the‘accused mm- 10! the Camom, who havebeen ‘Qntrial here since Huron 11 last. for thqgnurqer ol- Mncwccolom and‘ thelcaso would lee-hustlodtonn énqï¬f , t. thez~wi‘m mtg“. not†was notrrealizgd,‘ and mi TRIAL IS l’luH‘ICElHNG. Rdme,§ Italy, Dec. .21‘. 5â€", The acute cau§e of: the collapse clothe Camorra. 1rial atiViterbo was the threat of the juro‘rs to strike. Théy notiï¬ed the courgt that they needed no ad- ditional Sepidence and this, .with the refusal 5 of witnesses to attend, broughtéabout 'a farcical crisis‘ ‘in what ha?! been regarded as a farcical proceeding. The qulic presecutor had indicat- ed that. it would tave a fortnight for the closing arguments, the“ defend- ants' counsel seeking; an opp‘ort‘unit'y to make. long speeches. The jury became curious at. this inrospect, af-I Reeve CHARLES CORNEIL. o_t Emil), who retires this ; ~ year. ‘ lied £0 sit for Ladies’ Winter Coats i Serges, three 'qvmrter laugh: waist with Italian Satin. 1 Missee' and Small \aneu’st/oats military and notched collam, all this s to [0. Take your 'choia at Lmlies‘ Winter Coats in Plain Green, Navy, and Cardinal, all th These we clear at the follovduor 1'1 88 to 10 Coats f0? 5 90 16.50 to 20.00 Serges, Friczcs Children's Winter Ccats' in Beau-rs, Cheviots‘, To clear at and Pony Cloths: This season's Very ' latest styles. the following reduct ons : 3+ Coats fur...2.90 $6 Coats fox-"4.90: 8.50 Cdaté for 6.90 35 ants f0r...3.90 7.50 Coats foé' 5.90 310 Cunt<f0r...7 S10 ESchool Teacher Remembered by - The Pupils 'Cay on mm 2L. 1!“: wymu and5mteenpf her crew was lost. Seven sunrivors were picked up by the British steamer Lincalrn and landed here to-day. Camorra we I‘olice (‘ommlssz \‘ino was called to \vhiwwm character of Sortino. He sa Sortino had only commitu particularly atrocious murder that. otherwise he was a gentleman.’ -._Sixty witnesses were called. Omemee, Dec. 22.â€"Mrs. White. who has been assistane teacher [in the imbue ;schools fer the p‘ast term. and wnose labors concluded' on the 22nd inst., was the recipient of a very pretty handbag and a.complimentary address from. the pupils of her room. ‘Theeaddras was .read by Daisy Ald‘ anus and the presentation .made by Doris Sandy; The address I01? lows : -- -c tents. Alter q, sumptumIs weddingi nepast the young benedicts left cm the 8.30 p.m. train for a honeymoon! trip“. The contracting parties; _-..:JA BRITISH STEAMER GOES DOWN -â€" SEVEN RESCUED. _ _ aré popular citizens in Omemee. CANOES OUT. Mantle Department Lgow. Dec. 26.â€"â€"The British at Guillemot, from London for ,, founda'ed in the Bay of BiSv :1 December 21. The captain SIXTEEN DROWNED Take Advantage of both the cheap railway rates next Saturday and also These Prices. rCoatfls in Tweeds, plain Cloths and Diagonal ,er lenghths, loose and semiâ€"ï¬tting, lined to the Satin. Reg $10 to 15$ To Clear at ........ 2.90 Doats in Piain Cloth: in shades of Black, Brown, ardinal, all the latest styles, high and low necks. \e following reductions : your pupils Of 9 sorry to know about to leaVe 118- ms been proï¬tabie f0? 5 90 $12 to 15 Coats for 9.90 50 to 20.00 Coats for 13.90 called for one one appeared White. who 1"†_____ will reside l 1911 s in long semi- ï¬tting styles seaeons garments Reg 7. 50 A490 arry past Christ- to adopt a S5 ants for...3.90 7.50 Coats my 5.90 310 Coats for. ..7 $10 Dr. T. P. McCullough Successor to McDiarmid . Weeks, having removed their business to my own ofl‘ice. opposite Watchman-Ward- er, Kentast. Phone 41. Insurance and Real Estate in all its branches. eVery ï¬rst and third Weanee the month from 2 gun. to 6 p 1 consultation in eye, out, nos! throat. LEIGH R. KNIGHT Barrister, Solicitor. Fotary Publi Commissioner, c. Than; «Very ladv who has used them loves toilet waters. is so lw u't- ily an ahsulnte truth Lbat you will Welcome this gift, sugzpsiinn in our Christmas disulay. “’e have umnv of the rarer odors which are prime faVnrites. being productions of the Oriental type frnrgrant‘and subtle yet: nct t-no heavv. \Ve have them in beautiful boxes. also in pretty bottles that on sight will give you the Impression that they are of the classy kind. Single boxes~ 23c t 3 ................. $1.50 Combination 1.50 to ............... $2.00 When buysng DUN CON ’5 Will visit Benson IMPORTED TOILET WATERS DRUG s'ronn THE Pnnruun STORE FRESH FISH Just in This Morn- The Oak Front Grocery and third Wednesdy o! mention r?! C '1‘} K { PAGE mng‘ The Warden fcr