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Watchman Warder (1899), 28 Dec 1911, p. 12

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â€"4".’; Ydfi are 116*. déing yourself jus- ~. t_~:in.milgin the malltown' their pernicious teachings to young men inspire in them the belief that to be immoral is to be healthy. He cited cases that have come under his own observation where young girls were led astray by clairvoyants.’ .Be' told of one instance where a. Minne- lortune teller had written the following letfer to a country girl who had gwrit‘t‘énffé have herim ijymfia: '22.; 4 ~ .‘if SANTA CLAUS sometimes forgets and the hght of a, ...... If you want to get back at some of your fmends who: unexpectedly surprised you on ChriStmas by the kind rev; membrances or 1f you feel you have overlOoked someone in your bounty and would like to fill a few more rows of stockings, play Santa Claus some: more and select some, = thing to wearfor useful " “ ‘“ ‘ ' = Wimli z. B WEHSIâ€"Inliiiigll Favors Hanging For ' Detroitg. Dec. _21.â€"i-Blame, for the existence of the white slave traffic in AmeriCa was laid at .the door 01" the eral public by Reformer C. W. Arnold of Minneapolis in an address A ”4“. .1. n.v.â€"â€" . - at the Bethany Presbyterian church. Not only did be subject his hearers to an arraignment {or being directly to blame fur such immorality by their negation of sentiment and act- ivity. “If tlu- people of this countryl would rise in a. bed; and demand that th». trgj’fic in women be stop- ‘L 11â€"- A-.. _.:mo-§An " to an arraignment 101‘ beingr airecux to blame for such i111111or111itx their negatiOn of sentiment and act- 1‘ 1t} “11‘ 1111- people of this would rise in a. body and that th traffic in xv omen he pod. it wouldn 1: live ten minutes, said Mr. Arnold. '.\'0 crime can exi- count“ (’ ist a1 :1inst public sentiment if it is}the str011.. enough. The trouble is we seek to lop off the branches instead of getting at the roots. People crito icire me 101' the \erx reason that I blame them for the evils that exist in our cities. instead of trying to dr.ve out individual cases of crime. “If two or three 3oung' men ‘ who make a practice of betraying inno-- cent girls xxere hanged to the nearâ€" est lamp post in Detroit, there wmfld vii-the kn on oefnnichina int-relish m b v hunt-s he cited was to cbnnixfe ‘ xoung 111911 to descrthe then; to girls who came" Another. method of the Eclairvoy- . with to. have .their; ,fortunes, t,old as their “natural matw,’ tellg demand ing the girls to wait for them- The stop- men would then scrape up Lwith the victfls,“ and vein q irtaniafl would follow; . “Girls, tell your brothers about the things that occur in your li‘leh ’f he; abjured... “Your brother may be a cigarette Send, and he may stay out late nights, but he doesn’ t want to see you go wrong, and he would jump at the chance to crow met you andv say, ‘I told you that _‘ nian wasn ’t the kind for you .to 11'10et.’ The brother has a. greater responsi- bility in his sister' 3 Life than ”go knows. . ,_ , If two or three young men ‘ who make a practice of betraying inno- cent girls were hanged to the near- est lamp post in Detroit, there wbuld be an astonishing increasb m m here.’ Some of the things which Mr; A:- nold declared were agencies of the traffickers in women were baby farms clairvoyants, fire-gent theatres, 'med- ical frauds and street mashing. More than 90 per cent. of the clairvoyants inthehndmdirectagentgl he said. while the medical hands - by PAGE TWELVE. We have a bountiful supply of useful and practical gifts at extra special prices We ve made specizi reductions on , the balance of our Christmas Stocjk. New Years Guts At B. J. GOUGH’S , u; uuuc. Jud-sly --v .â€" uen * who and say. 5g '~1nno-~ wasn’t. t] the nearâ€" The broth: are would bility- in- 1 'in vii-the knows. . 1 Mr: A} .“Within ,8 of the iV’e in my , ._:A :1. AT] The Girl. Luzriergs i fitting your‘abahtges Destro'v this I letter and mentiOn it to 3.0119,. _, The recipient of the letter Rel} into the trap he said, .and we. saved 6 onl\ by a matron in the railroad | staticm, who inquired her d46tin¢§ion~ E and steered her to a. decentihotel. - "Within two year; I and a detegtâ€" ive in my empIOy made it a. Jpoint. to visit the courts and ask the par- ties to everv divorce suit the ques- tion, “Have you ever visited a. Clair- voyant ?' Out of 200 answers ‘80 years past. People seemed to have the money this Christmas and par- eels, letters and post cards were Eauekedhighinthelewpostoflice per ceot. were aflirmative. Doesn’ t that sOow where the clairvoyaht has an interest in divorce case's ?" EEJBDDDEI DD DEE! DEBBIE EDD L'J EDI A BUSY CHRISTMAS. _ Mr. Albert Palen, of the post of- fice, intormed a. Warder than this morning that the Christmas we_ek and Chmstmas day of 1911 was by far the busiest of any duripg several mmmmwmnw ed to. aver. 17m; ..-~1 '3 tterhhallv into waé‘ saved he ' railroad er déstina'tion :ent hotel? the ficlairvoy- FROM. 01571511“. A Sam and sober Christmas The‘ fprbe of .the fegfilfition’s: wig plainly noticeable yesterday, 'Intgxi? 'cated' people' Were' npt'to h’e ‘segn ‘ailviv‘ne're, and "the police hadg'light Monday was 4 the, (inst ., Christmas :in Lindsay in which the Provincial law1 pa8§e§1,t\\'q .yejaxsiago forbidding the opening‘of the.bars was mforcq. Last year ChriStm§§ nail on Sypqlgy, and the 1m did not‘hanfe a.tg§t- ‘i. day. oafiiduil, Sask" agewglso visitii'ig 1111- the strong germ destroying properâ€" der the parental roof ‘ $58, 11:!- batons are mt 0' a; stimu- -Mr. AlbertMm-shallssd daughbmw- n: ter Miss Ruby, 0! Calgary, his visit- ' W‘mflofl meme-mesa og- ing his brother,- Mr. A mall: 'fiee- mm!!!“ 2m‘31.,,:per town. Mr. Marshallispropneeurot bottle. Bahama: Inn. 55- ; ‘ )7, om‘othan’sfiib-toâ€"date :idotlbi Sammywnmn, 9 133g. 5.983114139111335 W mm :30 3,1} mm ,i.i.=u!.'i‘l That Dandruff 13' pulsed by germ- 15 Accepted by every ,‘sensible ipe'rson. Dandrufl is the"root of all hair was‘ in townito-day. - I ‘ ‘33: " ~â€"Mr.. Albert E. O’Neil, oi.Q.ue?n“s- University, Kingston, is spending the Christmastide with his mother, Hrs. Paul OfNeil, King-st.~ ..He wilLalso remain in town-over New Ydapis. h “Lâ€"Hessm. D; P. and J. T. Shier, of Bracgbridge, are spending their Chnistmhs holidays_ .at anbray; the v ._I_.._ V_ 7 , guests of their father, Mr. Thos. Shier. Another son. Mr. William Shier. wife‘ and son Kenneth, df makes the Hair Beautifulfgf; ing this cure on recovering. ‘ and many who claiptoxbe cared. “As a cure vjor-consumption, week lungs, bleeding of the lungs, weak throat, lazengiti‘sl severe or lingering coughs and, bronchitis, _this.rexpedy is in- fallible; up can ,be giver; without. fear ' or .distm'bing . the most ‘sen'gitive atomic}; L L Our Icohtinued eull'peri-~ 'men‘te with the most,,edya.nced cases [1-, jvmos, ofibonsnmption have prdven without . Wuhan fa dqvby‘fihefim‘elouskudlitm. ‘ 0! meta." firthisprhparationzi Togo” wwith risitmgl‘utx- * l’ - ‘ Lornevme, of 7 Que'm‘s. wading the when, Mrs. 8 will .also Ywie . I‘. Shier, ling , . their mbra'yg‘the. .Mofntr'cgt'rfie'é: 2;:Game V Warden. ‘W‘ 'H. T rifilths,’ 'of ,the Assdéia‘iqn 7 for, , ;théf ’Pijotéction" of’ Fish’ and‘ Game o£ Qdebéc.‘ "telephoned 10' ‘ Y headqu artets' Modday that'he «had‘sarrestod 8L men at- :Csr.:')ou Lake in ‘St...,.Mdurice Coumy.,'and had seizadgn'elarly a ton of red. trout,,:a,,begyer, just, as it) had been Argpped,‘ a .;;_1_1,m.be,r . of beaver. skin's. muskrat,‘ mlnk. ‘marlenomnd. w'esselx The' m‘wfllnbe triedmn, .FxfidaytotTiuee Riverssn- . .::. . uenuua yu V‘Jluv .u ... ”w ’to'wn’ and _' cduntry‘ d urin .- ':;-‘m~'.l Kingston, .DQCL' Yinâ€"It is 119%: very oitenflhatn marine wr gj'oyi p'c’ah undertaken this 1312 int cab-31g sea'sqh hint Ftht‘. steamerl-I inc kley'm workin ‘on th'e' Barge Davy of the 18"Montrea Traits: nrtation Co. , which sank. ’near Alexa rlria Bay early in ibe season while 213111 laden on me w‘ay tq Mont,- vreal. Good progress is beingimnde, .and if the river does not freeze over the ‘=z.rge uill be liberated i11_ twig . 4 bovcruumu 1W“ “‘m 2.2... "7 ’AmmumtiOn Fa . IEAB'I‘agURFALOu “mum“? eâ€"ikl- (e133 98d t .cuvc' m I '1 1: ..... :TeEH W 111-1215113091th t0 FWprtCheau; “1,, ., . ,. . . fl '3’“ t ' ' ‘ “‘0 1 ". calvesâ€"Receipts. 160,. 134141.11. L 1611’: .é-I I “Cdl. th’e‘ Him.- Ssh; Hughes. wile 1“"19‘3‘.‘ 5‘“ .,§ “WWW ‘0 Pr reiui 63”- ” mdmmily' spent: Christmas in Lind- L:9: ' A c 88.1“. and renefwd' muammnées with jug-(Es. ms?“ '33”... 'aéfifztgp mfg; a. host 0! friends. The: Minister . '4 c1111 t‘o ram. flag” to as yea-um mum is always an. welconle VISItOi‘.‘ ’60-'5‘ “09.131 ito W. a' I t q n‘ wqu of hm N'iSi’ 3C , mnmip :1 4 air! hi:- am 9* k ' ‘ {U11} 0 .1p lwpiovlm vet‘ N11333: 9 38.5}: .wis" .‘i F‘h’df- 39.59” he! intonlned a: $613“ 1391: . Wards: manI that, he had a' big 5, $6.25}! '38131‘Wfi ”$2“ {9“ ms: Im'eav'y. 3M Ito'mfi: coughs. .5010 1011133111188 box in 3101-13 (or Lindm3 5-5" “853' “no to ‘5. . (I u . . N93 n1. lxj will. he see to it th‘t large 14- 0014mm. lrlyfl- 5'3““; 1-;es a e estsbiish I here. and .C “PAGO Dec, .2§.-7.C “8"3‘349’3' £111.. :1; ne1‘\:COn'Crete d0c is built at. 26 ' mark“ 5 ewy‘ ,b: ”93' 34183 to t‘Yu io‘wii wh'ai'i. bixt' h;eI ais'o ,is do- ‘38".90"'1‘ex'as sum-813.3! 20 30- $5.75: western ImeersI 34.30 30:3W1Istockers an; féedérs. ink 13 3' be'sz t6 have lbca'ted in I indâ€" S 9" 51¢ "9‘ ”$180.5! t°°"‘-35 and h 09! " w 3530- - say a lerr'I facto‘ryflifo'r tre man niac- CE 28 ' _ > . 1 t) rinéI of \arjous kids of ummu 11 mogéaunecelpm. ammo: matrixét' slow” n “a ilitid ppl ' 1 15} mhxed 16.“.85' mm,“ 5- 953153530 (33:43; 011311: 5 gm “.1113, tame new Hinisbet‘ iof Militiaf. as is’ 800:; $3??wa ’32:? 19.51%“ «.5 Pug; well L11 wn in iLindsay1_is progressâ€" 34.60 1 1 o e . We at 11 firms, and has Lhe’ inter- “8h 41 L b â€"-Recei 49, 22,000. mas-- set $2113; 13?! 1': 32.50 [:0 34.;25 eu-. est. of; the town of Lindsay; and the ““39- “50 ‘0‘ 5-150 lambs. 585". 34- 5’5 ‘0 county of Victoria ever uppertnost in 39:40:" westerns-'19:“ ‘0 “I 35’ ,.. , his. inind apd. heart. 7 The IIshme - II m-I: -"â€"'T"_"â€" ' i .. : '1 ‘ pmms it mayibe are 0111;- i inci-‘ Cs ht Poachers. ‘ ‘ ' denials to what, is in store .{or the MOMW‘BII 99:,- mâ€"game Warden tonn 11nd country during the years _- --:LI:1‘-u ‘4‘- ‘ , _Mgr.'Stagn’i Named. 3)" . Ottawa, Dec. 27.â€"Mgr. Stagni; papal delegate to‘Ca‘nada is again promin- ently mentioned in despatches ,irom Rome as‘the probable ,succes'sor to Mgr. .Falconio as agostolic delegate to Washington. T 3 position" ya madevacant bi the elevation of‘Mgt’. Falgonio to t e cardinalate laufew ‘10" DB}:- 3H,.) (m1 luck (3. «.6 neweétbd My a)‘.(‘il!‘efleldn- Fa! {WV “‘0 ’I oronto Mun Ghes Credit to Cope» lanh’s Consumption (um. ‘ ' As‘ a‘: proof of what (opeland s Cure : for Consumption will do for those atflict'ed with the E White Plague, the pro’pri‘étors take Lplpaâ€" sure in publishigg, the follow mg. re- markable letter. , , no use in treating me, as they hm}1 done everything they couldwdém ,sAfy, 1911 giving up all hopes of recbygry I\ commenced -ta,kin_tr your woLndgrfu‘l‘ disgoyeryi. and; gonad ix, Istpppea'fihat.‘ weakening, perspiratiqn glgnpst ' i‘m: medigtely.. ‘Before‘ takip' you?" me- dic'ingIlcould‘keep no‘ihi 3.07:1" "my stbmach; and'vwfhe‘n I ha taken tW’q battles of'lhe‘l'm'edicine . could-QM? heartily; ,~ I'w'as up in ‘a re'w Idays’ ‘tithe fibfn”t'he day the epe'cielist'said Hum} haycion years.;. and supra; "liV- ing witness, pf what this. quderful medicine can; do for the}u1.13§.'“ ’ Myfiqcton apd p. conpumptio'n' spe- ciqlisp 9! Toronto“ On't”, said I had- the woijsj. kipd Of ‘consumption, and that it was imbosbible_fbrl'm¢ ,wi rev 'covet,‘ saying that Ilc‘ofi'fld npt Jive l‘onger-than-eight o‘r te‘n days.) They gave me up to die, saying there w AL~__ LA; “Iv -- v-.. ‘VV' I might die 'amy hour. ”Find 113‘ the médicine Was ' yhelping me; I u com. :menced taking 5. déssertspoontul every three hem, and in four- weeks’ timeIwasatwork. ,« .. '- Mr; ’ 'W‘. R. Copctand, 511 J'ape- a\‘e.;"'Toront,o. -Dear ~Sifgâ€"1Afwnmgk mg .ten, bottlesof‘your wongicrful discovery; Copeland's Cure for, .Cdih sumption; I: believet'l Iam‘ compIetely cured. and feel better. and . sfiijffngér 5215 too much in favor ,of this'medl- Cine, ’ knowing what}, it has. done " for me. Wishing you. e'pe'i-y ’succe’ss. I remain. sincerely yours, (Signed) David Walr‘nock. ‘. ‘ ' ; A Street Car Conductor. Toronto. " I ' am receiving testimOmgls «daily train people who‘ ulnar being given up by "1!océt.<>rs,~ ~a’ni‘l f' who‘claim have tried an othabmedicine's; after; takâ€" - I yhonestly. : belieVe Itwould ghave» beean my-graveuto-Qay lit-I had not taken. it; nod :mfimmily - recom- mend ih-‘po everyone suffering "from any kind of lung‘xrouble. ,, I éanndc‘ n LL:_I_’_-JI ("mam 013 1:0}; SLMPTIOS < 'Blais‘i'ng' Sunken “851.39. :Dltir- SWJ . ( $111311 .‘ 3‘ [ludALBa-Zbcjck ”Tfi ’ 1:1anme Government May Establish Ammunition Factnry in Lindsiay ‘v I?) ma: :3 We fbnq‘rs in ondav n ‘fi'wfien the W min mowed w elect a man me; We “Mme es and mamaomim- , ., 1 { motions waif; Mid: on’ jI-‘riday Luck, pun “It‘ll M1 gwpu- v , Mr. ,Skinner was wafled: 3,0: Miss ”Margaret“ FraSer voung I y of 1m en'zne bca‘ia‘nd ‘ ‘ rdeen- "shire: ' In 1873 MrL‘ Slit‘nner camb to Lind- M; I ' e I town iizri 3353a? t_h ou‘ré "mm:- with interest flié‘ haiflég “befmlfh’e' 'gent‘lemed wfio Quhnflé’d' "Tl‘ab‘ Midway- 'gehuemea hue entered the fieid to‘ Last”: ”For myorL-Jllessfis. J W. Wood”. :M.‘,‘D. and-TR; M Beale»: Fanl neVeI-oMessrs... fins. Grahxu'm A pleasinw and :happy‘ chem Coup‘i 01.1110 family {our'were born in Red 1111!: memories which have sprend '(‘anaci'a' ”$171? Inverunc‘ over qnpâ€"halt century, tqu, glam? '81 Thc’ when" 111g members “ere pre- the home of Mr and Mrs, 1\quanG¢r.:uent.§,t 1111c b'e'autiful hpmteO of Mr. Skinner I'lpesday. The, festive, flent Skinner' on C‘olbpnie-st.en,1oy was, the ce}ebratxon at 3pc KOIGenithemhe'i\:es and 'congratulate the wedding of Mr, and Mrs. Sidnner.- -happy coupggxon 1he celebration of 111111 qbok‘ p11‘1ce 1n the :“ 1.11111 0 the 1111111111 91?; 111 11101111“ .Mrs. M thé eathé'r" " Itft'y ‘ yea'rai ego. 'g'arefi Me .éuclph;M1-s'. Ma - 'l'hOugfh mahy' 3831‘s h'ave' elapsed‘colm M'cfgan,d¢Bar1-ie; Mrs. James smee 'bkihnér 106. K18 Hashing Skinner Owen Sound; Mrs. William bride-I 40" Mthe altar; the 'ceres and‘Grant, Chatham; Mr. “m. Skinner? iwo'rries of me would nbt- cam Iona tbwu; Mr.’ and Mrs-11.1 Kin-fight tor. feel that anything but1sunshin¢ Ashbu'n; Mr D. 1A. MacKemfie, B. and happiness has Peb"a¢e¢‘.' “he’s Am.’ and' ‘L'Ire'. Mackenzie town; home 014.1118 happywom- ' i Mr,’ 'Ja's.’ ’wa, sondin-laW' rmhmger -.Mr Skinner :18 We Ben 01- the --:lnte of Victoria Loan' and 9111' 111553 ("no Skim..d \Yesuipld.- lymmwr Lindsay, 1 and MLeen grandchildren Scotland an canted, genuemn 1n and one great drandchild. 1 1111111, 111319111: melt»... . _‘_. _ 1.: _-~1:«:'111nue1_- 11111.1» gen'ed at six p.n1.,_ his' acquaintance; Since coming to Lindsay Mr.r Skinnernhas- followed a busmees: life, meeting; with highest success“ From the hapm unto!) ,11 children were born, sewn o! ‘ {\hom‘ and one sen suniv, .. to mourn the .loss of an indulgent an. i kind father. They are: ms. Jag. I‘m-rein; ' Mrs. E. Tangaey’,‘ "In. Hickny am! we daughters; who reside at 11me also Dune] Hogan, the deceu'ed'a son, who ho ’a prcim'nent positionrwith' the L‘mber' .fo. . .. ~ - 'l‘h'e pqlbearera were Mefién (3W McLaughlin "P; , Mur- ”$37 Roe“ and "‘ mm saw There died at. his mime, 6:} Queen- st. on Saturday, Dec. 23;' Mr. John Hogan, one of Lindsay s 'n‘ios'tt' es- teemed citizens. ' Downemiue was: the deceased gent'lemnn's birth- place. in which locality he resided {or ‘ many years minions mo cuwim: to Lindsay. ‘ At the time of his death he'waas -79 years of agc.,uuid he‘d been-until. recently possessed of goad health. considering his longevity. The funeral took place on Tues- (lav marmng from his lut'e laidence proceeding to St. Mdn‘ s church; wheré solemn high mass xx. us chmt- ed and afterwards the remains were {akezi to the 110. mm Catholic ce‘mo- tery for intérxncn.‘ ' I‘lve dpughters Reelected 1w mbma‘tim a: llenutyâ€" flaws of vthe Township 0! Mariâ€" GQlden Weddmg of MI ._ ' and Mrs bkmnef (elebrated LATE JOHN HOGAN; A. J- VARCOE. OBITUARY. aorflé’w ‘ T at Mari-i Ike-elected Reeve of Mariposa Toy-n- » ship I» acclamation. ; LLUuJI.‘ â€"â€" I“ 1; 'Dec. ’23. 1911‘ .79 years. ‘. Shortly after taking o'ydr 'thé reins of- p‘owér 'as'lfinlflieg' ogimaigia; ,Co'L Hughea' outlined Kinny! 'i’eférmq " in which hazinteuladwto-put unto '- inf-1 . . . mediate pmtifie,mnd d 3' rain t. the, Eight‘, mimic“ militia; dominant is-uready . {Idem-J Shahgb'ai frmr 80m alum ‘91. m'mw. a. d thé f ’43ij 0f ”Upchl {country intimo willzmp: thel fiefit 1‘ ' - - ‘ 0.1 having 9 manhmnpu; who . ;.- ' [head 01; .aflairasy’: Them” :Swtory: in. - ICpdeIQr tha- msmwmpe 0! var- .‘o,us kingsuof umxp'quitmn .is ope‘ "of my Inmate osssi‘w schemes - no haVe p‘slar possible the, 'angmuniâ€" ‘tj'o'nrcse'd ii: Cunpdajfiunufantured in Cum.” . vv ' . ’J..' 2'! .: ’. _ . ‘flle' IOcatingbf’bhch' Q'MOKy 'J‘n ‘lw'flh wag" 93'915. Lindsay Would-"hem. great 196019 60 i3 ‘3'" “hm?“ “Pr"? lth'e-tmrn and Would embloy ,mam-l .wh“ went‘nr.“ Hulnds'. I'It' is m'be"hiope'duu1a't the "C" "3"” “7‘“, ' 'uhemawillbflng'torth‘result‘s, and "m” Nev-manor ant, .Col. Hughes, will' hand the plum aminatio'n and “to: Lindsay. -, ,.,,. .-~ . ‘ A 1 M. B. AN i It shoq‘ld :gewo mm. {or seconddég e p 3m D0 0!!“ ng op- posédlfr by '1“. ‘W’. W. Jar-dun and not ””311... otddh ‘ , :1"! 1";yi.‘ to come, byb‘h mu‘ing Bach an mmw to i-egrésent' thb m' in Foods! House. ‘ " "’ _ A presentation of a. purse off gold wiil be made to the hippy couple by 1he.'lamily on this their 50th anni- :‘Dinmer- Mu be served at six". 9 m . slur- which ‘gained and, hmusmients' will be indulged in. ' ' ' 3 .> nu} BURNED TO DEATH 5 London‘ Ont., Dec. 26. -â€" Harriet Cohelms, am ‘Indflap. :wbman. aged 75fflwafis' bmed'to ,. dFéth' at noravâ€" ga'xg‘thwpfoh‘, Way” fight. ' :wmxc Lh__lJ.._ AI. - -uiv - ...' ~Aâ€"n RHEUMATISN LUMBAGO ‘ and LAME BACK 9m béf-cwéfi .by .918! ney‘jmd 'liqu remedy, «FIG PILLS 'm-sbiuoré ‘nt.,'~Aug.13, 1911. You: . modiclné; I-‘zg Pills has worked wondersflor mo 'lhe rheum- afic- pains havp entirely left me and .I one ev¢rything ,to your remedy 'Ydu ar‘o iii libééty to publish this. R. H.6A1LMAN. 'At all dealer‘s 25mm! 50 cents or mailed. by the Fig Pill Co. ., St; Tho- fir-,1!" mpflélih by A.- lfiginbotham. fruit kid- 1? 93 m- 1 q“ with wogweyes. wo 60 'l ordain/IL sprqalkr. I ' . " Lm‘ whr. H charmed by w rh'r-l iczl '9‘7' and r9_=:t1_ a‘ Sfiangbhi: 7‘; from Hurthwcrsrtgén' R'a'elélebtéa "Heeve of I’melon .3: gwmmmmm ELFORD. - At the “Mun-m 11!, Toronto, Dec. ‘25, 1;. ford of Islay, HOGAN ;â€". InhLllndfidfi'. on Sat Dec. W23 1‘911,J()ht) Hogan ..79. ”year: '. W 3m: nqvaiwd g'ass sa 01' ha! any In ml. with wouweves. wouldn' 1 son rath ergo; tuflsprq q:1.li~l; m n]; imfl w” whc' u env‘or-ed hv Nu 1.....ungm..d 30‘! man and re' A.“ ma h? 1~ hi “mam Mmzmnt! \' m Y ill'i\.l\ F; aminatioh and conunhuti .n (M. Funeral Wednesd- ~13 clock to Zion cemetm-x SINGLE FARE Dec. 23, 24, 25, Return Limit K ?-' - Als Dec. 30,31 Jan. I Return u Jan. 2 PM}: and ONE 1, m Minimum ‘Fme 25c brim-er! 1 fig? fin ,C'mwd I. vast of Pa 'n‘nd to, Su'flx ~! 0 film-iv,“ N“ Mich. Buffilln. \ingam Fall . T. AC.‘ MATumvr. Agent M a ”:1Ju. l, Redm engraved wuu gram or stone Sci, Very desireable an} a gift. Our stock complete and a \\i« pricés. V. B. Widdt’e‘s .. \ Mac Nahh ......... Our bracelets in >up< grade gold-filled in fancy, 5 set or plain styles, make a Our 5 all. M. B_. nuns AOp} o .mliliSMY. mac "CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS RATES Handsome I" Pu}! pianiculars [‘31 um mistionarios have arrived a‘ D. 1‘0,me DEATHS Wouldn’t You wxd patterns pattern 3 n exec _ Call 0n SQ} urdayj h and m ‘16 inst ()I'lt> 039i dis!

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