9M1 an. Large Number of Citizens} ' Nominated For the C ougej The nomination meeting held in the town hall Friday night went off as smoothly as a marriage bell. As will! be noticed by the list below a large number of citizens were nominated‘ for the various ofï¬ces. but it is ex-? pected that over half of them will re-‘ tire. However. there promises to be some new blood in the council this year. and the contests for the reeve- shipe will be particularly keen. THOSE NOMINATED. Below will be found a list of the gentlemen nominated for the var- ious offices, with the names of the mover and seconder. The candidates have until nine o'clock toâ€"night to qualify. R. )1. REALâ€"T. H. Davis and Jno. Wilson. JOHN D F.L\\ El 1 Eâ€"W. W. Stap- les and G. H. Lindsay. B. L. McLEAXâ€"Jas. B Begg and )ew ton Smale. J OH\ 0' RREILLYâ€"W. Nicholls and Iohn Kineer. J.\'O. W. WOODâ€"Frank McClory and G. F. Blackwell. JAS. B. BEGGâ€"B. L. McLean and J. W. Lyons. B. 1.. McLEANâ€"M. J. Lewis and The Best Treatment for Itching Scalps - and Falling Hair To $1131 itching and irritation of the scalp, prevent dry. thin end falling hair. remove crusts. sales and dandrufl, and promote the growth and beauty of the hair. the (allowing special treatment is most eflective. agreeable and economics-L On retiring. comb the hair out straight all ground. then at the side 3nd makesputing. tlyrub in Cuticura ointmentjpto % psgn with 3 Boise“ FOR MAYOR. “W Ivvw ¢ v-- -- Hug: ll Dobson. | RICHARD KVLIEâ€"A. C. BabcocklROBERT NAYLORâ€"G. A. Jordan and Richard Kylim and A. Cuthbert. JAMES GRAHAMâ€"J. Frank Maunâ€" JOHN McCRAEâ€"M. J. Lewis and A. C. Babcock. der and J. B. Begg. . I. E. WELDONâ€"Jas. Heeley and‘JOI’IIiVIWIUSO‘Nâ€"J- 13- Begs and R- y le John Wilson. DR. BLANCHARIEA. J. Campbell NEWTON SMALE-Jas. Boxau and John Hughes. and I. E. Weldon. FOR REEVE. AMOS HOWKINSâ€"John J. Walker _, J and 'I‘. H. Davis. Robert Naylor. JAS. B. BEGGâ€"Robert Naylor and RICHARD KYLIEâ€"Jas. Boxall and Sam McGill. _ W. B. FEEâ€"M. J. Lewis and R. Ky lie. JAS. WGRAHAMâ€"W'. W. Staples and A. Kennedy. ALEX. \4 -.--vv A. c. BAMBCKâ€"Alex. Kennedy and G. A. Jordan. R. M. BEALâ€"M. Dovey and John J. Walker. M. J. LEWISâ€"Hugill Dobson and A. C. Babcock. JAMES GRAHAMâ€"4A. M. Paton and R. A. Pogue. 1 J AMES HOPKINSâ€"Robert Naylor and Newton S-male. DR. V'ROOMANâ€"Jamcs Flurey and} A. C. Babcock. ' JOHN McCREAâ€"E. A. Totten and Alex. Horn. M. J. LEWISâ€"A. J. Campbell and 3 Alex. Ross. .ALEX. ROSSâ€"A. J. Campbell and i Dougal Sinclair. A. J. CAMPBELLâ€"M. J. Lewis and Dougal Sinclair. IST LEPUTY I'mEVE. \ JAMES H. HOPKINSâ€"J. G. Eyres and M. Myles. ' R. KYLIEâ€"W. B. Fee and M. J. Lewis. M. J. LEWISâ€"R. Kylie and W. B. JOHN WILSONâ€"John J. Walker and John Carew. HUGILL DOBSOXâ€"M. J. Lewis and A; C. Babcock. NEWTON SMALEâ€"T. J. Begley and I. E. WELDONâ€"J. P. Ryley and J. A. Gillogly. 2ND DEPUTY REEVE. W. W. JORDANâ€"J. G. Eyres and John Dundas. H-UGILL DOBSONâ€"Newton Smale and Thos. H. Mark. FRANK McCLORYT-H. S. Johnson and Alex. Clarke. R. KYLIEâ€"I. Neelands, and Alex. ‘ Clarke. . yJAMES GRAHAMâ€"A. Cuthbert and ? John McMahon. NEIL GRAYâ€"MI. Myles and w. w. Sam Howe. ' '1‘. H. STINSONâ€"M J. Lewis and Alex. Clarke. FRANK McCIDRYâ€"G. A. Jordan and Sam McGill. A. C. BABCOCKâ€"B. L. McLean and All“ Gilliâ€. - .' R. KNYLIEâ€"M. J. Lewis and W. B. JOHN HUG-RESP-John Wilson and M. Davey. ALEX. CLARKEâ€"G. A. Jordan and J. W. Wood. .JAS. nounâ€"ans. cars: as a. Bruce. GEO. DENNISONâ€"R Kylie and M. J. Lewis. W. H. ROENIGKâ€"Anan Gillies ‘and EX. â€"HOR~.\'â€"John Hughes and Chas. L. Hughes. you to our best ability during the next and wish one and all the Seasons Greetings.' We wish to thank our many friends and patrons for their liberal patronage during the past year and will try and serve Jas. Boxall and IR. M. BEALâ€"John Sproule and G. I Chamberlain. ‘ IJAS. h'l‘APEL-EYâ€"M. J. Lewis and A. v. Babcock. ALEX. HORNâ€"J. McCrae and Jesse Perrin. 'LEONAiib GOHEENâ€" ‘. E. Davis I and Jesse Perrin. iROBEli'I‘ NAYLORâ€"G. A. Jordan John Hughes. AMOS HOWKINSâ€"John J. Walker and T. H. Davis. J. R. O'NEILLâ€"W. Nicholls and John Kineer. WM. ' McWA'I‘TERSâ€"Hem-y Neddo: and M. Dovey. ‘ » JOS. A. BROWNâ€"G. H. Lindaay and . W. W. Staples. }JAS. STORERâ€"J. A. Gillogly and f A. J. Campbell. SAM HOWEâ€"J. B. Begg arid Newâ€" ton Sin-.10. JAMES GRAHAMâ€"B. -L. McLean l ‘and R. Kylio. JOHN ROARâ€"Alex. Horn and A. J. Campbell. ARTHUR WILLIAMSâ€"E. A'. Totten and Alex. Horn. WM. HUNGERFORDâ€"Alex. ‘Horn and E. A'. Totten. lALEX. HORNâ€"J. A. Gillogly.z and Alex. Ross. iJOHN P. RYLEYâ€"Ford W. Moynes and T. J. Begley. . NORTH WARD '1‘_.USTEE.. JOHN CAREWâ€"J. B. Beg‘g and Newton Smale. - ' C. Babco'ck. [. McWATTERS-â€"-Sam McGill and Alex. Kennedy. - . 1- ‘of course. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Headache, Nervousnas, Rheu- matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, Baokachg, Stomachache, Period- ial Pain: of women, and for paininanypartofthebody. . 'IhvensedDera'nedidm‘ï¬u {5 9 E 5 E 5‘ Take What Pill ? Why, a. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pill, yr fALl‘lA . FISHERâ€"Mad ison Williams DR. J. A. WHITEâ€"Andrew Robert- son and A. Clarke. B. L. McLEANâ€"W. W. Staple. 1nd G. H. Lindsay. ’EAST WARD 'I‘RI'STEE. JAS. W. ANDERSONâ€"Hugill Dob- son and J. D. Flavelle. JAS. W. ANIIERSONâ€"W. Nicholls and John Kineer. WATER COMMISSIONER. JOHN D. FLAV'ELLEâ€"M. J. Lewis and W. Galbraith. JOHN I). FLAVELLEâ€"G. H. Lind- say and Thos. Murtagh. "It was decided to allow those nominated for mayo ten minutes to speak and all the rest or the gentleâ€" ; Miss A. F. 1 'her home at I Christmas 1101 Mr. N. Muir? ,was in Yelver smess. Mr. Howard large tract. 0! Mr. R. Sliaw. I Miss Frankie Headers, of Cadmus, [is spending her holidays under the iparental roof. . ‘ 3 Miss A. F. Finnie has returned to ‘her home at Bensfort to swend the Christmas holidays, Mr. N. Muirhead, of Nestleton, was ,was in Yelverton Wednesday on bu- Yelverton, Dee. 22,â€"We are pleas- ed to learn that Miss E. Edgerton is recovering after her serious illness. ‘.-'-.â€"0 .._vv_ ,, Uh Wednesday last the home of Mr. Thoe. McKee was the scene 01 a Very happy event when their daught- er Violet was united in the holy bonds 0? matrimony to Mr. J oshua. EVanS, o! Yelverton. We wish them every success. 7 ,g . , LL1- V'v-J ........ A number of young people' of this village spent a, very enjoyable, even- ing at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Porters on Wednesday last. A large crowd attended the basket social held here on Friday evening. A- splendid program was rendered consisting of dialogues, recitations and songs. Proceeds amqpnted to vâ€"v M}. '1‘. J. Hepburn purchased a very stylish driver from Mr. Albert Farrow, which no doubt brought him guest ‘35-. Russell Henry Was the gueut of Nestleton friends on Sunday last. Mr. Howard Renders purchased a large tract. of standing timber from Mr. R. Shaw. which he intends hav- ing the same on. of Mr. Robt. Sunday last. While Mr. Geo. E. Wilson was leav- ing some friends to the station ‘ on Saturday morning he had the mister. tune of having his buggy wheels col- lapse on account of the heavy load. It. and Hrs. Geo. Porter Was in vyer handsome ï¬gure. Mr. yH. Stinson, of _Lotus, was the and Jas. Graham. SOUTH WARD TRUSTEE. ï¬ve minutes A. v'wâ€"rv vâ€", -- 7 t. of Miss E. Handel-s on Sunday 73.1'1’0“ is very busily en- d working ut his house in Cae- YELVER'I‘ON . Wilson was the guest McKee, o! Cadmus on Headers pumhased a Hausa at Lotus on Yet He said: “Return unto Me. and i will return unto you. I wlll rebuke the devout-er. and all nations shall call you blessed. for ye shall be a delight- some land. saith the Lord of hosts" (iii. 7. 12). He is the same as when He pleaded with them before the captiv- lty. saying. “0 Israel. thou but de- stroyed thyself. but in Me is thine help." “0 Israel. return unto the Lord thy God. for than hast fallen by thine iniquity" (Hos. mi. 9; xiv. 1). "Return. thou backsliding Israel. saith the Lord. ‘ ' ' only acknowledge thine ln- lqulty. ‘ ‘ ‘ Turn. 0 backslldlng children. ‘ ' ° for I am married unto you†(Jet. 11!. 12-14). In the midst of all the unhellef there was. us there always has been and will be. a faithful remnant referred to it: ill. 16. “Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another. and the Lord heartened and heard it. and a book of remembrance was written before ï¬lm for them that feared the Lord. and that thought upon His name." I have quoted the whole verse. {or it eeenu no marvelous that God should keep a ."-' """" 1 - i am the (i. ii. M; ill. 6». What done Be at in return for ouch lore‘i Simply that they hear Hie nee. Ian. lay it to heart and tire glory to ï¬le name. walking with Him in peace and equity. even an Levi did (ll. 2. 6. 6). brlnxng in all the tlthee and proving ï¬lm an ready to pour upon them more bieaeing than they could receive (iii. 10). for He la able to do exceeding abnndantiy above all we ask or think (Eph. iii. 20:. How did they reqnite such love? They deepiaed ï¬le name by altering polluted bread upon Hie al- tar. by oflerlng the blind. the lame and the sick for eacriflce: by altering to the Lord what they would not ofler their earthly ruler and by calling all their eo culled service a wearlneaa (1. 6-8. 12. 13). They wearled the Lord with their worda. saying. “Every one that doeth evil in good in the eight of the Lord. and he delighteth in them" (ll. 17). They robbed the Lord of hosts in tithea and oflerlnga and yet aald. “Wherein have we robbed thee?" They aaid. “it in vain to serve God. and what proï¬t is it that we have kept Hie ordinance and walked mourntully be- fore Him?" They called the proud happy and aet up those who wrought wickedness (iii. 8. 1345). special record or those who even thlnk upon Him. Many have been comfort- ed by this blessed assurance. Then see how He speaks of them in verse 17. “My jewels." or. as In the margin. and the following passages. “Special â€"'__,- vised version. The return of verse 18 is that which is more fully described in chapter iv and referred to in Matt. ‘nv. 31; Col. iii. 4; 11 These. i, 7-10: Rev. xlx. 11; Ps. 1, 1-6. It is the com- ing of Christ with His saints of Zech. xiv. 6; I Thess. iii. 13, and the former passages just ‘quoted when with His redeemed ones He will execute His judgments on the ungodly and show mercy to His land and His people. It will be the day or vengeance upon Bis enemies and the time of redemption tor lsrsel (Isa. xxxiv. 8: xxxv. 4: lxiii. 4). When He shall come as the Sun of Righteousness (xiv. 2; then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun (Matt. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. tmsnre†(Ex. xix. 6; Pa. cxxxv. 4; Dent. 711. 6: xiv. 2. mi. 18). Compare l Pet. 11. 9; John xvii. 23: flt‘u. 14. re- xill. 4) and as the brightness or the armament (Dan. xii. 3). There will be. however. an event to precede that which is not mentioned in the Old Testament. the ï¬rst stage of His re- turn, His welcome to His elect church out of all nations in the air when He shall he to them as the morning star. which is always seen before the sun rising (Rev. xxii. 16; ii. 28-28). it is after the kmoval of the church (I Thess. iv. 16-18; I Cor. xv. 51. 52; Rev. iv and v) that the great and dreadful day of the Lord, so often mentioned in the prophets and fully described in Rev. vi to xviii. shall come on the earth. Then shall Israel be puriï¬ed. according to iii, 2, 3!; iv, 5, 6; Zech. xiii. 8. 9. John the Baptist. who came A LARGE SHIPMENT. Mr. P B. Mcnlhargey reports th? last shipment of hog: for 1911 took placeonDec. 21 andthethe will not maï¬a hog buying until mam Thursday in January next. The price quoted on lest thimnent was $6.16 per cwt.. which will ho to- tn the spirit and power of Elijah to herald the ï¬rst coming of Christ, was the messenger of chapter 111. 1. and the voice of Isa. 11. 3, but the reel Elijah will be the herald of Christ’s second coming in glory to judge the nations and set up His kingdom with redeemed Israel as the center in their own land and Jerusalem the throne of the Lord (Isa. 1x. 21: Jer. m. 17). It was utter John the Baptist had been beheaded that the Lou! Jesus said. “Elijah truly chm Int come and to- woman tuna." sight of the Lord. in them" (11. 17)- Lord of hosts In a - and yet and. obbed thee?†The! 0 serve God. 1nd the Lord 11 book of etore Him Lord. and a." {have r It teem: BATESâ€"To Mr. ad Mrs. Arthur Bates, 13 Bond-st., on Dec. 19, a to bed.'and my back was so name i could hardly straighten up. I took dit- {erent kinds of medicine, but none cl them did me my load until a «5m! advised me to try Dean's Kidney Pills. I did so. and toâ€"day I don’t know what itistobe tired,a.ndmylamebackisall (one. I can recommend them to any person sufiering with lame back. and that terrible tired feeling.†Dunn's Kidney Pills are a purely vege- table medicine. realizing quick. perma- nent relief. without any ill after eï¬ects. Dean's KidneyPillsaresocentsper box. or 3 boxes for 81.2_5, “.311 design tâ€"oo well of Dean's Kidney Pills. For twoyearslwassotiredlifewasaburden end I got up more tired than when I went hon rlchly cookod Hoe served with milk or fruit Moo for dlnnor. In the tut-ooh lo I blanched almond. and he who got. (hit "calm a present. The practice and to be prevalent among tho pennant. to at out I (ll-h of "III Christ- nu rlco In tho born for the gnome. or brownies. whom they thought would do some good mm for them In pay- mt. Llowm always mat. a homo look Mn. and the custom-1n Norway to to and than u messenger: of love u u-vvwv-’ . v_, Mali. mod to Chan 1:. no any baton Chrlmnu the hou- dm rally both}. _It III customary to r-â€"â€"-A 45h Mrs. Joseph Thmop, Upper Point dc Bate. N.B.. writazâ€""I cannot Speak SEEM! 31:28 0; §ecupt of price, by The T. Milbum Co., Limited, Toronto. Richly BACK WAS 80 LAME Pm ofLot or Stream N. W. put (here- tofore sold to T1103. Adalil) ...... N. o! Water-st... W. of Colborneâ€"st... West pt. ............ Kimount. E. of Main-st. E. of min-st. E. of Main-st. E. of Main-at. mount. E. o! min-at. 9 2 50 10.3.» E. of min-st. 10 i :32 2.50 10.35 PM E. of min-ct. 11 § 7.88 2.50 10.38 PM E. of min-ct. ...... 12 § 7.38 2.50 10.38 PM 1- June- Richnrdson McNemie, Treasurer of the Count." 0‘ V‘w Coumy of Vic“ 31me by the Wan-mt of the Warden of the â€u Twenty-second day of November. In). 1911. wâ€. 9’ each and «cry of the above mentioned Dame’s 0‘ 1am. foruzbe <01, 0 v "u'dmnow due upon them . W wit' 1: respectively, as aboxe - “’3“. (unless the said wars of taxes and costs sooner M). at the Court House in the Town of Lindsay. 1;} mg“ ues County of Victoria, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon on m‘yï¬mw day of February. A.D. 1912. . J. R. MCNEILI.IE:_ U mam North half ......... 16 14 100 I. James Richardson McNeillie, Treasurer of the C< as directed by the Warrant or the Warden of the C01 “M the Mty-Becond day of November, 'AJ). 191]. sell each â€d 0W 01 the above mentioned parcels o: County Mex-’3 Dace. -' 1 , Lindsay. Nam 22nd, 1911. .' 3 ‘ (Fix-d: Published, in the “Watchman-\Varder" n 1 . I. I Ty “M..." I n! he County of Victoria. for Arrears of Taxes, to be held in the CHRISTMAS IN NORWAY. ‘. of E Pt (Swift) Otpltd-4‘.808.050 The Bank of Toronto ... ..... LIFE WAS A BURDEN FOR TWO YEARS. COURT HOUSE, LINDSAY I Mr“. lad Ofï¬ce. TOMB, Calida. 10 On Tuesday February 27 1912 At 11 o’clock am. TOWNSHIP OF GARDEN. 3 Popular Dish. VILLAGE: OF IFENELON mus Lot Con Acres Arrears 31 4 100 6.96 2.50 3-90 TOWNSHIP OF FENELON . 22 9 § 12.27 2.55 14.83 16 'mwiismï¬'ép stERVILLE. 35â€"100 17.00 2-67 TOWNSHIP OF LAXTCS. 2 100 15.07 2.63 10 100 23.19 2.83 1 25 $6.64 $2.50 $9.14 Pumud TOWNSHIP OF DIGBY . Point f mm IMMEDIATE Winter Term from January 2nd Tor-out». Out. 18 in a class by itse when stricily ï¬rst-:13» Wurk is con sideted. Graduates are mutant good you“ ions owing to moi: pro- ps! training. “him for Large Cat- alusIIf‘. Cor. Yong“, and W. J. Ellm Alexander Scs. Principal th risk no hing Ly ausndihg unis talk? It:1 reputation for surm‘cr train :ï¬m square dvaling is also. 11M, and it wifl remain so. 1- Comet -‘ 2 , octaves “Deb and {Inga-mg f Chords at†How to overcome ‘ 5 How to overcome wt?†6 Padding he“ ‘7 Good time and 9 89'?“ things Mel'ng. 10 Hmts for public peg-{om to avoid in A complete explanation the difï¬culties encountered, the simple and logical wa‘ overcome them will be gen; the entire ten for 88.00, Ad on single problems $1.00 smart. capable man. at 2006 aim-y orrommimn.to scll ' ur We" knnwn speck-Inim- in fruit, and nrnummtd WI in yOur count). We pay ac. cording to ability. and desire the best. man pmcumhle. 600 1cm of {rum trees from which to ï¬ll cuswmer's require- ments. Our sn'esmvn moahaduu. ly sure to supply veliuhle. mum, ory stock. Ecmhlidhed over 35 years. Write Sales Manager, Pellnm Nursery Co.. Toronto, Ont. N. B. To l'ul-‘Ionuers! 'f our r9- presentetivee have not, called,wn'te for catalogues and prices. THURSDAY, Furs Wanted All kinds of fun and highest price. paid. Com‘ :1 and Toni Coats of Publication Novem he Year... g 1911, County er ‘33†19.67 9.46 Not M 9.90 Not P“ one“ «ltd .\'ov. Patten It , ant-emu 99R!) Qunntny of fresh mm i fled in pound p1 1m (flat :1 pound man 1 “price. Délin-x In Hun. 'l' pne337-L. 3!. APPLEBAUM, 85 Ke: POULTRY WANT Geo. W. She phar‘ William St. North 'cxt Post Building. Li “lakes of Guns n-pnirml. .‘ made fnr Gun». Skates Slum And RPnaimd, Saws (Eumnm Eett, Horse Clippers Shut] aqua! 150 new, Lul'k\ Flttvd Keys, Cream Swwrmurs Rpm Caren] Machinc- Bryan‘s at Look over your pouhry ‘ no if you haven't some ; more. Deliver than to S A Mum’s Poultry Depot, mean-at... East. Ward, gar-d naive the highest. market. pri lave your address u A. j plobtum's Clothing Store, writs. Phone 337 L. A ha and wagon will call for quaJ th- of one in the town an“ (â€alias in the country. BUTTER WANT room. an†and KM A" kind» nf Wand. [R Baker lumner (IL hi! 'Term'From Am; .III‘ 30an (Julio-pun huv M‘isbnd dummy 4;» l' '00“. Th? Inna-M. â€win “.63. Owing In on" a- “ All "W'r Ontario \3 ‘ Wr for uur grudunlm uny ntnpr s-hnnl. Yul: My all at, hnnw nl‘ [my-d Wand “flish ul‘ Mm Cd Omitted wuh 'l‘hc- (:nnIlll Educator-w Adsm'iutinn uf “a. It would m- swï¬ lnl wihvmigu'v hc-furv vhuq meiosis†right fur Hnmr the world famous Bliss keeping Ss'l'em. whivh i equalled. It, is Arum"! Iliu‘ fro-m Scat-L tn Firmh. an; Ibudent krvps same 'Imul Charter“! Banks and W‘ sale HousI-q. Elinor any 1 lndivid .al insu-uctinm GEO. SPOTTON . Presi: GUN REPAIRI ' if ‘ any-bk M u s '1‘ 7.... toyellonn your County. to abilit and ¢ . to ï¬ll customers . Oarsalesmen are: , to supply reliable, sa . Established over : Sales Manager, . 00.. Torortcix â€" a customer». f1 1“ B “’8: have not called1 We and prices roionm. w. H. Shaw I. the present salary BI†Long who ohmil W training in o- nr .â€"snug suv inga W ' t outlook pron myou like In. earl not? Send for our ca â€day and learn how. $728 A THIRTY YEA l“Him. call or phone‘fa pdrticulars. _White Bronze my. Artistic Etfec‘ B. E. Ingan‘ Princip‘ ' Slum mud: brownstny «- marhl 1) U proved .nilu Granite i~ No Stone 0m (:0 [founded [58.3] PEI'ERBORG ‘1'! D IIIIDL PHONE 77 over thirty old and a and Qerfect day it Wu: C. B. Nay. mout W; V “Lï¬nd a ‘ Bronze My ment in Sid faylor Cd ’D P. 0. in d bl] \\ ill