.6 PAGE “Elam 36% ' GROWING G R E11 T E 1R F ONLY some â€Magie Hana†had guided and confrolled the weather; July, August and September and the ram had been lessene‘dgo a pf supreme and Victoria County Would have further strengthened er pom ,. M. “7.“...‘Punnn: hiaf whnf nan 33%‘33 M’l‘. HDREB. Mt. Huroh, Dec. 3,â€"311'5. 11. Ste wart, m‘ n-‘ranlin, visited her dangh‘ Mr, Mrs. W. Flemming. x isitcd fri. m The “131.3. monthly m‘eet he'd at the home of Mrs. I I'm Tuesday. December 3rd. ‘\ number of the W.M.S. ‘\ number of the W.M.S. members intend going to the conwntion which '14; hold in Lindsay on December 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .1. (Handy Vis- ited at the home of Mr. '1‘. Wilson. Lindrfly. Mr. lmw lN‘yeH purchaeed of fouls last week. The lk‘ll Telephone (‘0. are 511.: the Mt. March I m- eust a Mr; W. lit-3's. Mallcrsmith. Dec. 1’..â€"Mr. nah, “hn was taken to th about s‘x weeks ago. died du' m- rn‘nvz. The ("norm (in) was Int-rely attend shown! the high eswe-m of tors and friends. Rev. \irs. Elliot t. They are instruments built by an institution that stands at the head and the prices and terms we can quote should interest you. Call or drop us a-post card. By adding a mdiwm MAKE THE HOME HOMELIKE Dominion Organs HF ONLY some “Magic Hand" had, guided and co ' . . ‘ July. August and; September and the rain had been lessened to a proper distributlon, supreme and Victcrna County would have further strengthened her position as the Banner Cc agricultural line; However. we must accept WI‘I‘HTHANKS just what nature has been' pleased tol tht' best of the situation. This however, does nct lessen cur Overloaded Fall Stock .of Clothing and Furs purchased when the PROSPECTS WERE THE BRl We Have no Alternative. We Must Unload. Juet When ‘. “ Ml LLERSMI’I‘H It and Miss McKinnun Is at Hillhead on Sun- hum- ('n- are extend- SOLD OLD BOILER. 3b ln" 0'45" 115 far as It. is understood that tho ‘yaker Lumber (‘0. has disposod of the â€""' large boiler in their mill, which was ERSMH'H- hurnv-(l (lo\\n some tiny» am). and al- aken ‘0 â€â€˜9 hOHpital xmm penplv m‘ l-‘enelnn Falls. who I ago. died last Fri‘ _ are erecting a large saw mill in the The {nnr'rui on Sun- cataract villnga. A number of men 4y amended. \\ hit h are mmged at. the present time in 1 esteem of H10 m'ith- reclaiming the brick and will lift. 1119 '5 ReV. M. E- \Vil- boiler out of the debris. " 26- ."-.â€"-.\Ir- “'m. Fina» so the. bricks. m the Mickie ma- Piano, Player-Piano or Organ. We are agents for the well~known , aed l . heyvll span son, of Ponty; ool, but former pastor here, preached the funei-al sermon, and also conduéted service'here in the morning. Mr. Wilson is always a welcome visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clemov'. of Montreal. are visiting at Mr and Mrs. Joseph Smith's. Mr. Fred Parker left, Wanda-q mum- ing fu- 'l‘oronto. where he 12“.; 53;" :r- ed a. gOud position. We wish him ed a, pond s:;C(f.SS. Mr. Wm Mr. Wm. Bell. thresher, â€ad m§sfortuno to break tlw uceril the engine. which causedvhim 1 a we‘k's delay. a, “1." Mm'u nvwonnts. made of Re!" new and tweedi, wall wimmad. val: Vat calms, raga!†I8, Stools 1382 ductitm Sale Mm's (lollege Ulster or Chester- ï¬eld uvercuats, in a beautilul range of puttenm, regular ’10. Stock Ra- (luctiun Sale ...................................... Men's Fancy 'l‘weed (Warrants. Sin-11v or thlIblo-breasted. military m' Velvet collar, regular 812, Stock lu-ducticn Sale ............................... Men's (‘ollege (‘nllar ()vercoats, in new fashionable 'l‘weoda, beautiful- ly ï¬nished. regular $15, Stock Re- duction Sale .................................... Msn's Black Meltun ()vercoats, made with convertible or velvet col- lars, regular 818. Stock Reduction Sale .................. MEN’S OVERCOATS I v I - v v â€" -- Where wauooa memes Lame r‘rom 6% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ammeW 'I‘Weed ()vercoats in w stripes, excellent m $20, Stock Re- Pianos him about. 1:08 ring of LITTLE BRITAIN. Little Britain. Dec. 2.â€"â€"Mr. H. (Y. Hamiltun, music teacher, of Lind- say, span. Friday last in our ,in- lage. / Miss Hazel Connor. of Lindsay. spent the week the parcnfal roof. ~---., Weddinr bells are ringing noighbmhood and soon will be here. Mrs. Mark “ickett spent a few dns “11h her daughter Mrs (‘harles (‘orneil during the past week 3111. Han McLean is in Toronto this “eek on busmess. Mr. \tanlm Johnston. of lindsm 5.110111 Snndax at his home 11019 John 'laxlm‘ left for England “11919 he “ill remam 1‘01 in this :‘.v[r this \\ 90k. 1 '. ‘ 1h \ \\ inn-1. M r. Enos Mot new in; match hare on was largely attended Mr. and Mrs. . returned from tl Montreal and s; before returning Mr. um! Mrs. 1" Sunday with his Mrs. (I. L‘. l’err‘m Mr. W business Mr. J John .\V shop. Mr. dang last daughter last, week Meser- Ransley. shooting Don't. bazaar nesday Rev. J. program 1 Maurice Brown's s with trial Cameron. village gn Mr. and illa‘ â€"Rec\'e J. J. Devm. of \‘erulam, and Reeve A. E. Bottum. of Bobcay. geon. passed through town this morning on their way home from Oitawa, where they waited on the Hon. Frank Cochrane, minister at railways and canals. Warden Steele and Councilors I. H. Fee and J'. I. Michael were also members 0! the; County of Victoria. deputation. ‘The minister assured the depot-man um. hewonldeohismtinmving the Government lid“ in them tioï¬ of the flouting bride“ m PigeonCreekfl Inthigmmlm 5.95 7.50 9.75 12.50 14.75 16.50 THE WATCHMAN and Mrs spent. Sm . Yerex’s. Enos Mothcren mm a friends um! Mrs. I". C. I‘errin spvm v with his parents, .Mr. and 7. L‘. l'errin, in ()akwood. W. J. Deshanc is doing a good 58 in our village. J . J. Rich has employed Mr. Newman to work in his tailor \\' 2k at Brown's scnoo s. Sande Brown, W1 . of Lindsay, atten match here on Sat forget the ha.‘ which is} being held of this wqek. 3' Mrs. J. H. Thompw n have 'rom their wedding trip to and spent, a few days here urning to Mitchell. 3 ' and Chat“ school house Frank Ferguson of Oakwood. Vi | Sunday evenin Mrs Sunday . Robins Salem 01 here Charlie Mam: Fancy Tweed Hum. man in nwï¬um brown» with new mix- turel. regular .8. Mock noduomm Sale ............... ,..... ...,...,, ,..,.., ........... Men’s Fancy Tweed Hllitfl, In medium grey ’ and (MW mixtures, regular .10, Stock Reduction flala... Men's Fancy Tweed and Wanted Suits, single-breasted, “an trimmed. beautiful patterns. regular .12. Stock Reduction Sal's ...................... Men's Bannockburn Tweed and Worsted Suits in a swell assortmong of patterns, regular $18, Stock Re- duction Sale .................................... Men' 9 Fancv 'lweed and Worsted Suits “ith newmst trimmings and correct make, regular 315, Stock Re- ducticn Sale Mnn's Honey Brown. 'I‘weeds and Worstods in a beautiful range of high-claSs materials, regular 820. Stock Reduction Sale .................. ‘ ...... Wickett Parry I evening. Eneker at Mr. of the L.(‘.I., 39k end undvr ll ht'h‘l a shoot- Saturtlay and from a. distance ‘ waited on the ‘helpod‘.muke the .e, minister 0! success. andzthg : Warden smele" singing “God am .y home from assisted in the _ Thursday last- 8 Woolridge, of spent Sunday :ett Visited his ry Lobh a day school house. '2), Wood and attended the .11 Saturday. , handkerchief .n and ‘ visited of Man- MEN’S SUITS Archie our EXCELLENT PROGRAM BY SCHO- LARS AND FRIENDS. .I‘en'tl. Izec. LEE-Mrs. Charlie 'l‘eel spent a few days at (ulllia. where she attcnded her father's funeral. Miss Mabel Ainswonh was the guest of Beaverton friends last week. Miss Mary Bagshaw spent the week- end with her cousin, .Dr. J. Hart, Cannington. Miss Jean lumsay. nf ()rillia, is vis't 11-: her s'stor. Miss Belle Rum- 8113'. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKague. of Greenl‘a 1k. ‘uere at their cousin's. Mr. John McKaque’s. for a couple of da5s. Mrs. Wm. Lillico. of ()akwood. vis- ited her daughter. Mrs. Ernest Wright, this week. Mr. John McIntyre. also Misses Maggie and Mae McImtyrv, spent a LW dams with L'nlsay friends. Mr. (‘ol'n Campbell. m‘ \Voodville. paid a fe.v.business calls in this \‘icin'ty cn Thursday. '-wmnn. LINDSAY. ONTARIO- 'ihe Iniin concul, given by the‘ scholars 0! both "Black's†and “('e('e,r Grove" schools. on Novem- l.er 28th. Was a splendid success. Rev. W. R. Archer, of \Voodville (in the absence of our pastor) made a most efï¬cient chairman. The pro- gram opened by snging the Maple Leaf. after “hich Mr. Archer deliv- ered a short but pointed address. and the other items on the program, cons sting of several excellentlv ren. I schools, also a. three act play“ "(‘oUntry Cousins," giVen by young people of both seetions; readings by Mr. N. D. Mch'naon, o! Cannington, Which wcn applauseâ€"loud and longâ€" and which were well 'worth hearing; selectionshy Woodville male quartet 'and also our owo male quartet : 30108 by Mr. Fred McKague. of Greenbenk; Rev. W. R. Archer and the Misses Ainsworth comprised the musical part of the programâ€"all of which were enjoyed cps! appreciated by the large crowd who but gathered lthere. The zoom closed with . Vote of thinks to whom lrom a distance who had so kindly- helped _mnke the entertainment a success. and the audience Joined in am “God sue the King." _llucb creditisduetoourtsschers.xr. R. ‘A. “Key gt cadet GroVe. and Kiss Bells Runny st Bucks for the suc- Mr. and In. Ernest. wright “Id In: Long Wright spent SW “m fit to his um here-Mt JEdge lelityro. of Whitby- 9}“! t 'Awmsxmmm SCHOOL CONCERT of the children's “M 0' 5.95 7.50 9.50 12.50 14.50 16.50 Lnt' Lusty-c cher deliv- d addreSS. 2 program . lently ren- ‘n of both f act play. by soung ‘ endings by anningsOfl. ' . and longâ€" 1 h hearing : ale Quartet I â€" BOYS' ovsacons loyl' Fauna? “anthem with -Â¥ ...". “331m, High Class Furnishings "nya' "wk 'l‘waod (Newman made in douhio'breuutod um la, {may but- uma, Voh‘et «Mari. regular .4. Mock lteductlou Hula ................. . ..... . . lmys' Fancy 'l‘woad (Normals, made with com'artiblo collar tn beautiful humerus. regular 05, Stock Reduction Sale ....... , ........................ “058' (‘ hutorfleld Overcoat-I made in Famv "lwoods and “luck Manon, good trimmings, reguiar $6 Stock Reductivn Sale l‘ms' F‘ancv 'l‘ueed Militan Cpl- lar (Met-coats, smart clexer models. in good pattellls, regular 87. Stock Roguciinn Sale ......... ........; ' Rays‘Wlundsome College. Over- ébats made of excellent tweed ma- terials. good .Iinings, regular $8. Stock Reduction Sale ...-._.,....... from l’eniel attended service at Oakwood on beat Rev. C. E. L‘ragg. pastor. Mrs. LIOyd l’hilp returnvd on Sat- urdhy night from a three months’ trip to the West. Rev. C. E. (‘ragm of l’oterboro. was the guest of his friend. Mr. G. Rev. C. E. Crag; ol l'oterooro. was the guest of his friend. Mr. G. W. Hardy. this week. Mrs. Rich. Ware is in Tonmto hooâ€" pita! at present. and we are glad to report is doing as well as possible. can a hinmrll‘ is Lu IN to new :qubjct‘t. Sumo men urc Johnny Snnw men urc- Johnny-(m-tho-spot when it C(lnlt‘i to paying a grudge. but wh-n it comes to paying the primer and grocerâ€"well. that’s _an- other story. ' Th 0 11c man who bots more than he Lord in I-wse deserves to lose. LIL) is ulnays (ulking .bout If is Lu M to have a tedious r V ’CK It whst we say in not £1119. We will gludly show you anything in our large 81.0 ot boots and ‘ahoes, hdies’ and men's rubbers, ova-cats, ladies’ furs, skirts. genu’ furnishings, etc. SJ. -HOUZER (’ I Let others gull the public with their everlasting “any-old ' cuse†sales. Our price tickets are not juggled up and down to {41' the bu yer the false idea of unhrard of special savings. Better value than ynn have any idea rn'ess you are already among pleased customers. Iva-y dellar brings y m an in n st dollar’s worth We will back our gocc's for ml north against. my sold anywhere in the any time end always than our compotim homage at our unbeatable stock buying connections, our cete in the selection 0! goode, and a. hundred other reasons. county for _t}_1e monghs of 1 hi3 evening Sunday to our former } BUT WE DO GIVE VALUE AND WE SELL CHEAPER 6.25 425 5.25 If you want. to treat yourself to a genuine bargain that will please you during 1913 and for all yeai‘s to come, send a dollar to The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montrenl, for a year's subscription to that great paper. and you will also re- ceiVe a copy of their new picture en- titled. " Mother's Treasures." size 23 by 29 inches. all ready for fram- ing. It is the best dollar's worth to be had. 'l'h.» picum', †Mother’s Trea- sures." will be a surprise to you. It is worthy a place in the best homes. 'lhn Family Herald and Weekly Star is known to everycm u the greatest newspaper on the» continent. ï¬ne dollar cannot, be better spent. Try it and be convinced. SEE FOR YOURSELF Read our advertising columns. DO "LOW Ton Need the Goods. Let’s Exchange. the Money. We Need %%% Whore tha Good Clothes Come From 10c (’olorod Handkerch-I, 4 fur ....... 15c Wool Roam... . .. 95c Woe] Sax ................................... 25c Llama Cashmere Hox ................. 85: Wool Sox......... . . 85: Boys' W001 Slmkingu .............. 40c Boy's Fleece leml'nderwoar 50c Meir o Wool l nderwear 50c Mom' a â€com trader's-r ............. 75c Men' 5 W00! l nderwear .............. 75c Men's Working Shirts .................. 75c Men's Jersey Working Shirts...... 31.00 St. (Wge's Wool I‘nderucar “.00 Black Jersey World-g Shirts... 81.00“ White Shirts (large sizes) ......... “.25 Men's Woo! Underwear ............. $1.50 Woolunp Vader-wear ................. I00 EchIMI "ammunition. 8 km. vmnsmv. DECEMBER 5 'XMAS STATION ER \ In very pretty boxe ham's Drug Store. SCHELL â€" 'l‘HUM \s - i Bdlbur. on Dec. 23, m 1 residents, 19 Riversido p 885'. Mr. Henry )larxlm; Mrs. Elizaheih Thoma» MCGIIJ .1 VARY.â€" on. on N0\'c.nhm‘ - GilliVal')’. am‘d Occasionally on" annther by 91'3“": Childre n C 1'37 ron rmcnaa's >ASTOR'A muons; our many worth of W“ in the province- HARRIAGES. zed SH M ED M“ "'3" . 1913‘ L) "t“. D. h» bride's u‘k, lind- St'ht‘u t0 Higinbot- cmnlc‘ )1 Mc- "babe [1151!“ -\\ Forester same I!“ T:‘3V€:f§ has a Very Geog: LINN I“ 11., “H". u m w‘s ‘ut’ .1 Since W. R. Tr mot the ddu; was sentunCcd t. titty. he has s.â€l in that institutu paper. has be ton: o. tame. a Sta wee‘s. and t 8101:, only u to give evuh Beattie Nae}: While in Jurunh good fine. “0 h: and emept x-Ju-n an en_’0y himself . that his â€Lorly is a ,J‘Zxcextt “hm i to the City ha?! ‘8 restéicmd m 1 fresh air. “its: trial re arc-'3' there are the h â€Locusts. Sun ilg to give evid awaiting trial. The men are 3110 0“. read and chut hidden them, ulf while they are “'1‘ hm. .\'0 on- m' and the only \is L! governor, his dqmz. HHIH‘J :A quiet hm solemm‘ud Iax‘ tone or Mr. " 8t... when hi> d In: uniuxl in m by Mr. ‘ you bride, 1 W of tha ‘ m perform It. and Mrs. \i'†but in Lindh-u :x! % ‘I'!th thï¬ir m3" h Dishing {hem nu. # Wed life. Fred Robor The nup‘. presence 0 cynthis \Vam -. fluid. “11“» Hu- Stem m BOOKLETS Au! ‘Pkcture Post “1"“ w m, Higinb otham' into For†actor Induc- e 1110!! h- I. o. F. RECORD ll Inn in Victori ed mm! Hi )1 k mm ‘COY MAN! hon SH; nu IN"