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Watchman Warder (1899), 5 Dec 1912, p. 2

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THE UNDERSIGNED isrprepared. to £31611 R. KfiIQHT, Bprnster, So: licitor. Notary Publi‘c. Solicitor (or the Home Bank of Canada. rep_re- coating Water}oo Mutual Fire In: Intance .00., of Waterloo; Fedexfal Life Assurance. Col, or Hamnton, Empire Accident. and Surety Co. ., of London, Ont... omce ovgr Home, Bank, opposing, Post pinch, ' ‘ IcLAUGHLIN; PEEL. FULTON "'8; STINSON, Barristers; Solicitors ' uni-l Notaries; Money to‘loan.ESpec- ial‘ attention given to Investments. Oflces : Dominion Bank; corner .1 of 'William 31nd Kbnt-st9., Lindsay. 'R. G.’Mc1£aughlin, K;G., A. M. Ful- ton,'B.A.',‘James A. Peel, '1‘. .‘H. Stinson. 1- 'Woodvme omee. open eVery week at. omce of C; E.:Weeka. The Peterboro girls basketball team from: the Collegiate Institute mixed in town this morning, and will play Mr. Winston Churchill spoke on tlie outlook in the Balkans. M UndstY‘SluB. lobRE a; JACKSON, Barristei-s, etc” sohcitors for The Canadialn a. friendly game with the ketball tea-m.- , - SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until- noon on Fridav, the 8rd Jannary, 1913,1'or the com eyanee of His Majesty’ s mails on a proposed contract for four years, six times per week. over rnral mil route from Cresswell. Ontario, to commence at the Poatmaster Gen- eral' a pleasure, - '1 'n?"' ' f ' “V 1â€"“â€" GRADUATE TORON'qjq 11mins? .7 TY, 0013qu FOR com ouo ,- Ridout-stu sonar Kw.“ Printed notices, containing further biog-mafia: as to _conditions of prb- posed contract. may. be seen and blank forms of tender may be obtaingd at tie p65: offices of ‘Cresswell. Salem Corners and at. the office of the Post Office Inspector :1; Toronto. G. C. ANDERSON. Superintendent. ' I‘ost Office Deputment. HM! Sor- Vico Branch. Dunn}. 15th Nom‘ w. 1919. . ”13. 'WELD'ON', 'Ma'riposa township Clark. 'Oakwdod. Fire ‘Insuranco loafn money on farm; town lulu 3'11- )ago property, at very lowest rates of interest. company: or private funds.‘ I anti always ready 2150 buy agent; Is'suer‘ of marriage licenses. Cogveyan‘cing Lin all ‘its- forms. ‘ §dr€c5sfs§U finysa‘y. " " ' ‘ " V ‘3 '1‘. Stewart. L. V. 0‘Connor;~~B.iAâ€". v'vr Bank 01' Cofiufler'ce. Money to lohn an mortga’ges it 106mm):I current htés. Omée, William-315., m‘ndsaiy. F- 1). Macro. K.C. Aler‘ J acksén 08. MW. AUCTIONEER EOR the Counties of Victoria, and Peter- hero. {Phone 449, Lindsay P. Q. . ”0601.! mm! * m .1: Bantam " ' : ;_L _ ’£-::.;.,;§nca} \‘lx Nico at“) wonky 5. :1 .: Nib an. an :md is 5 more suitable by the mu packhgeo pm up (or ,1“.an by the longing mm GERY MAIL CONTRACT , COUNTY OF VIC'NRIA- a Hoursâ€"1 t9 3 P-m- u HOLIDAY STATIONERY H I G INBOTHAM :Money to Loan. on farm,- town- and vil- y, at very lowest rates .Phone: 45-; .ebe-f L.C.I. bas- [ Mrs. Dillman left on Satuxdayeion Toronto, :where she will spend the Lwinter. . -' ~ I ’ Rev w. Elliott and Mrs, VElliott' also Miss. Gertrude, of Wellington, is renewing old acquaintances. , ' Miss 'Hazel ,gRichardSOn, .of _Toron- to, ‘is spending a few day; with her ‘ mother Mrs. V..Richar;dson, ‘_ Mrs. A.;0. Hogg,.of Toronto, is visiting .her .iriend MfS. G. B, Ben; nie. ; , o. . .3. _., -»’Miss S. 7M. :Savinaclqfi ',1701~"1"e’(.er-‘L Doro on Monday, where she .has s'e- 1 cured a. good position. ‘, 3:, '1 ; BURNT RIVER. I , Burnt; River,- Nov, .25.-â€"Mn, Jas'.r Budd, 0: Toronto, is .visiting .at Mr.i S. Suddaby’ sr. ~ _ ' 'Mr'u Jack LeVely and Mr. Mike Mrs; Short on Tuesday“ - . Misses MilLie and May Huddgin, also Miss- MavvacNabbtof Cen- nington, spent 51131-8de with their friend M 59 :Stella. SaVinaQ. ‘ ‘ ‘iMrs. -: Ed. Sluggitt _ visited her daughter Mrs“ . York, p; ,Fenelon Fallh last meek.â€" r "Mrs J ack Levely and Mr, Mike Morgan, ob. Lindsay, are visiting friends for a. few days. V. Miss 018. El‘orwnsend . and Mr. Russell Townsend, of Lindsay, spent Sunday at home. y _,:.. . Z Miss Annw Handley. onyipmount, spent: Saturday! at home. . ' - Miss Victoria and Myrtle ;.Hunter spent Sunday *at Kinmounth . , Miss Minnie‘Dodd and Miss Vida; Sheehey attended the Woman's Insti: tute’ convention at; Toronto last Sunflay at his homer- here. Mrs. Arthur Fell spent a. couple of weeks with her brother Mr. G. Um- phrey I "‘ ”‘ ~- , OAKWOOD. , . Oakwood, Nov 25. â€"Miss Lottte Spatks, of the- -:Bell Telephone Co., mndswij visited .her mdmothar CARETAKER OF OPS BRIDGE PERFofiMED ‘DUTIES WELL. The duties of Mr. John Kerr, care.- taker ol Ops swing bridge, ceased on Saturday through the closing of navigation. - This has been the first season for the newly-appointed , ofli- ciell who performed the allotted work with promptitude and satisfaction to boat' owensr. The bridge and surroundings were never kept neater and so presentable as since the new official took charge, his work all throngh being highly‘ spoken of. ’P Mr's. A. Mainwright, St. Mary’s, Ont., writes:â€"“I feel it my duty to write and tell you the good your Dr. Wood’s Nor- way Pine Syrup did for my little boy. He had whooping cough, which left him with o nasty, dry hard cough. I took him to several doctors, but they did him no goodyend I “could see my little Ind failing day bh dog. I was advised to take him to not or actor, which I did, 9nd he told me he was goxng mto a dechne. I was telling a neighbour about it' end she told me to t abottle of Dr. W'ood’l Nam Pine yrup. and give it to him reguluy. §hothen got to tell me how mu m: n “.3: Wm 1:: 2:: . .VO‘i , 0 my O , r§%‘e vnth the result 1- Mt anotherone, bythotlme , ninhed'it he]: no cough. Be nowfetmdmkmdlwouldmhe withoutphottlo the home'on on! tenant: ‘ .. m “umwmmfifmm mammal... " e H DRY COUGH. - . Doctors Gould Io lo Good ~ LEFT A NASTY, â€" 5001-7”: WK, im- pram them has milk ..-..it WWMW and nudeâ€"ti my.“ thin, sit unkwit richand abundant. ’ Férbbflde'babiesza'iew flops u‘emuisiau with em -' fading produces‘ mansions afiecsâ€" 'makes- new; firmrflesh and caddy "health: 1' ‘5 ; r . I NAVIGATION CLOSED SCOTTS EHHL'SM is-tbe cram of the purest cat Mail delicately emulsufied into fipy particles resembling mammal milk and eacmpartide; is mated. with glycerineT-no, Alcghpl a! stinpulantrap'holesome, nogfigh- ing, suength- -making £90d 1 and“ ‘ “D" WE’E'LEEQ .92 in?! Eldridge, of Lindsay, spent Mr. Clemmoris ‘expgrience 4d not; pmqsyal _ $1 NOWad::ys )poor stomachs are more the rule than the excep-i tion.1311t the proper treatment is sure to make a quick cure. ' You can' _ alwaxs depend on Dis. Hamil. Lton s Ifills, they reach the trouble at once, go right to business, work ; while you sleep and have you feeling ; better if not crured next morning. ' “My food seemed to decompose 111‘ my stomach, ” ‘ wr1tes Mr. Ralph; Clemmoxis, of Newbridge P'O. “ I‘ had a stOmach that failed in some: way to_peri‘or111 its work:1)igesl‘ tiOn seemed mare or less hrrestedu‘ and I grew thixi‘,‘ fellow. nervous The stomach beoame dis‘tended and‘ impeded apparently th‘e' ac’tion of the; heart', for often at fight it would dp‘ great stunts.‘ At ’tfmés I would vomit a mu'cous mass, and at these times my head ached m’bst terribly“ A friend who had been ‘cured‘ of 111 similar condition' advised mé to take; ,Dr. Hamilton' 3 Pills regularly, which 'I did.Tl'1e result in my case was ‘ .( simply marvelous. ' Dr Hamilton' 3‘ Pills removed the cause, .su'Engthen- 1 l: ‘ l p.. owvvnl“ vâ€"â€", __'- 4 Be advised â€"- 11159 Dr. Hamilton’ 9, Pillsâ€"they are sure to do you good.- -: 25c. per box, five 161‘ 91',’ at all druggists and" storekéepers or by mail from thg Catarrhozéne Co. ., Buffalo, N. Y.. and _Kir_lgston, Can.- LWLterdlqo. ..-. late Wilham; English took: flight to receive his eternal reward“; The de- _ceased had been a. patient of the hos- pital !or four weeks, a. sufierer from consumption of the bones. He had‘ been 'in delicate health for about fifteen months and he bore his inal-. ady with true Christian fortitude. For OVer twenty-eight years he em- barked in agriculture on the Scotch line, Yemlam, and was a progressive and prosperous farmer'. His failing health induced him to seek rest 11nd he became a resident or Dunsforq two years ago. In politics Mr. English was a solid Conservative. As a church meniber he had‘ a high standing, being deeply ihterested in religious and Christian duties: :and ed the stomagh, exciied ihe ‘liver to normal action, the kidneys Were re- leased of excessive work. ‘Health soon grew within me. ' I can now eat, sleep and live 'like a. like man! CURED .BY DR. HAMIUI‘ON'S; ‘St: Thomas Woodstqck frillspnbng fiiggara. Falls ..,.....\ . qulph,.l....,... um”... . Berlin ........ Stomach “ways Baque’d. ~ Had Ilenstaht' ,jIIIdig'cstioII SMELL 02F. COOKING MADE HIM SICK â€" BILIOUS- TWO DA'SS. A WEEK. ‘ ,., 0173.5? Wridgem ' ‘ Cyan : $°9nd; “in“ "= ”‘1' i x 3!:“5w33‘361‘5535' many .IOODUQOO no? oooooooooooooooooo qulipgwopd “up 1"f"” on. you'---. a“ , Strqtfoyd .........‘.,...,... u, pounds, died . at Manfred. ' ‘_'D a constant attendant at the Metho- dist church of which he was a mem- ber. He is survived by his wife, four sons and one daughter. They :Robert. James, Baker and An- drew, of Toronto, and his daughter, Mrs. Anna Blunt 0': Winnifieg. Mr, English was .65 yéarslI of age. ‘ WILTLIIAM ENGLISH. At the Ross Mem’onal ficspital at _a..m. last Friday the spirit of the; Justine Masson. the biggest ‘wo- an in the world; weighing 780 .,..,..,g.. .5 "rm-- -9f the Wm“ $3M “14.006 .12. 500 ,.,». I~ ,: 3.? { ~ Mr. Dgan, who appears with the ;Chicp.gq Glee Cluh at the sesogd D! jthe Lyceym. course of concerts 1 sember 9 presents all his charaeter impersonation in mahe-up. His + types late __taken_, from life â€"- who} J some“ refneshing" real! never r over-1l ‘ drawn or exaggerated. His j ‘fiHposieL'f an. original sketcP illus-‘ rusted with poems- -hy James Whit- jcopb leey and other original per-1 41'2”an are acknowledged to 139* Zameng the very hest hits of charm;- terization on the platform.1 g 43 t9 the thcagp Glee pipb it has long been recognped timt there fig not a, similar male quartet on the America} continent to excel it. . Lindsay people will remember that the first concert; 01 .this course was greeted with a. full house and every Pergon‘ was delighted. Several cour§e tickets ‘have. been sold since the, first concert for the remaining three: '1}e entire course is 01 the 'phone‘ . The plan opens to subscribers eourge tickets next Thursday. w. w “6335' fag-mm . and bumped,” I goul‘drhndly bear it. 1- tot the C'utlcdra cum: I tried 1:. ‘Now - mg entfi'ely and an"? «mum Gym-WardJan. 1.1912.{ . - 6‘, ; 004mm Soap talcum Olqtznent no sold throughout the florid. Send 60 FM 1333: 0. Com. Dept. $31); Bosuim. 133A; “trample 0! each wish 32-pin boob: I . ‘ best Course ticket? may still be qbtanég from Mr. ”Forsyth _ .by c n ,4 LATE MRS. 'WA’quEIis. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mark Watters was held Thursday from her late residence, Queen-st. and was attended by a number of {fiends 9nd relatiV‘es, who followed the funeral procession to the grave, where the last earl rites were performed. The pan-bearers gets the following gent- 1-- Mr Dixon in ‘ ‘ Character Sketches rm- vyuâ€"av-w ‘vâ€"v , lemen: Messrs. George Kent: Jos', Jock. Chas. Babcock, Capt. ‘ Wm. Fee, J obn Chambers and George Windrim. :va. Canon Marsh con- ducted the service. _ _ x v The deceased lady, who for a num‘- ber of years resided in Lindsay, has since the death of “her: husband, Dr. Buyrows, in July 1908, been residing .with her only daughter. Miss Lottie ‘Burrows at Ann Arbor. She 1 was 69 years pf age, and high‘ly respect- ed and esteemed by all who knew LATIE JOHN‘cowm'son. The death pccurred in Orillig o! ‘1; longer roai‘de'nt‘ of Lindsay. in the person qt MEI-”John Cowman, whoa. tuner-.1 tools plane on,‘ Saturday tram cmbny Gagn'. mama ,to Eden cometary. .whoro interment. win The deceased goptlcmul at one time resided with his: dung-hm. Era. Stan Arnold, in Lind”, wt! was well known to n number 9! cttlnm. He in mo aux-find by another daughter. In. Bun Wright, at Club W. and on. non. m; John Cowh- non. who 1m. near IW. Out. \ r_,, Tbs deceased lady waé' born in Omstown, Quebec ‘ The late Mrs'. Burrows leaves to mourn her loss twp brothers, Wm. NéedIer, of Limi- 383’. and George Neegler, of Mill- brook; also one daughter, Miss Lot- tie, 0! Ann Arbor. Midi. ' . [IL ,JIIII :â€" Jn'BadWé Fm ragefsisre’tnd M115 P”; Badly-i ‘C‘ffliwi‘vsfi‘fflfl‘ 95"“ OBITUARY. - wâ€"w‘__ -V W, n.5gm not an] Poop}. who at â€"- V‘sâ€""w _ _ undhuhmfiothfl 1. “MW!“ kn 1w» - vvr-v viiâ€"WM um 111- st WM 5 man of generous man new. r “bearing no grudge and keeping no ‘ enemies. For some 16 years he held numi an important omee in the Buy 0! V has .Quinte Cantu-race, and was 'never ’ Dr known to shirk 3 duty. Quite the ;iding: oppoeife. his duties were always well Lottie and {althhflly performed. . '11). hte Rev. Ir. Soocombe was a. ‘ “"5“, membor of the Masonic Order, at we o! ppujen yin: we ”as never dens.” uumhhealth set in some three we go. and the deceased gentleman was roma' to retire from active preach- ‘ingi- "'Even deer being placed on the Superannuuted list be we: nlways 10de randy And willing ‘to take his 3pm. in supplying pulpis. and acted JSru’ supply at Cambridge-st. Metho- dist. Church. Lindsay, and also to churches on the Dunsford circuit. » .'_l‘he late Rev. Mr. Seocombe was hem in GunnslaXe, Cornwall, Eng. ., ingnp his studies in Sackville Col- lege“ N.B.,A did missionary work amongst. the sailors. His work re- pultod, in much good being done and the, bettering 01 the condition of the hearty and herdy men of the sea. On June”, 1880. he was ordained in- .te thevMethodist ministry, his ordinâ€" ation. taking place at. Cubaneu', Newfoundland, at which ,time Rev. Thos. Harris was President 0! the .Conxerqnce. For fme years he labor- ed in British Columbia, after which he was‘transferred to Ontario and to survive the loss of a. kind father, namely; Mrs- (Dr.) H. A. Nesbitt, of Lindsay; Mr. Alex. Seccombe. manager of the Union Bank at Car- roll,. Man, and Er. Burson Secâ€" combe, of Greenbenk. Ont. ‘A lov- ing and devoted wife, iormerly Miss Nettie. Faweett, oi Ssckvme, N. B.. is .0180, left.“ mourn the loss ohan aflectionnte. husband. Mrs. Sec- Combn waste. true helpmste, and dur- ing her husband‘s long illness waited patiently day-and night by his bed- side, attending to his eVery want. To the banned ones is extended the sincere. sympathy oi the citizens oi bxi Apt-{1:28, 1862. He came to GM as patudent. and before tak- Qnt. , . who enemies. For some 16 years he held an important omce in the Buy or Quinta Conference, and was 'never known to shirk a duty. Quite the opposite. his duties wem always well and mummy pertormed. '11:. Into Rev. Ir. Socoombe was a member of the Masonic Order, of the Independent Order 0! Oddfellowa um an Independent Order of Foresters. There no no my took. it. in t wonder the dangerous kind who can: revolver. up“: non unmar- I‘II. - ’ To clean an cannula! bathtub wipe it dry and than rub It with . cloth dipped In tumult. up» wad. wuh n: with clean. m v.- W. MWRM. lung and successful career. and he wu a man of generous instincts. ~31: T569. (5001:, 0! Port Pony. 1; flitting. m. and Mn. Thou. no- Donnell, Kent-at. ‘ -â€"Mr Fred Terrill. of FeneIon “[13 M through tawn this morning «amâ€"route to Edmonton. where he has secured 0. P0831011 with o largo dry goods house. day. tom the residence of his son- inâ€"lgw, Dr. H. A. 'Neabitt, Bond-at., a; 10931.. and proceeded to the G.T. R: station. thence to Hastings, Ont... where interment took place. mgmaomtu-wam - her husband u distance of fourteen miles. With visiting, photographing. lumhing and eight-'éeeing' {he' day ended far too soon. and they returned to Nor- hnd by moonlight a. tired but hap- py bunch of girls. rThe quilting given :by Mrs. New- son on FridILy last. was a decided success; so also was :the dance in the evening. The members of the Young Ladies' Walking Club‘ took advantage of the beautiful sunny days of the past week, and on Wednesday last made atrip to Moore's Falls and back, L.C.I. STUDENTS CHAMPION RE- CIPROCITY AND WIN. 'A'debate in 3-13 foam Friday af- ternoon on the subject, “ Resolved that Canada would be benefited by annexation with United States." proved to be Very interesting as well as beneficial along educational lines. The champione of reciprocity had .worked faithfully in gathering information to aid their cause and delved deeply into books dealing with the subject. consequently being allowed the decision. The two students championing the negative side acquitted themselves nobly and despite the eloquence and forensic language of their- opponents put forth many able arguments showing what reciprocity with the United States would be detrimental to Ca- ’ vagy'Nelsop 'Wicks spent a few Capt. E F. L'oCraw and his com- puny. comprising Messrs. W. Upton and Capt: Potter. of Toronto; H. Keslick and Ir Byers. of Sunder- land;‘~J. Bhirk, ’1‘. Woods, of Buf- (do; R. M. a! Bexley; and R. Scum. o! \orlsnd haie returned from the chase.“ the fleet-rooted tribe. They were very successful, but report game nut as plentiful as in former years. ‘ HOW DAY'ION LADIES CURE THEIR CORN-PINCHED TOES. His; 1!. Lnkey, of Zena-avg, Day- ton, Ohio, writes: “Before using Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor I a. loomly buttoned shoe. I applied Putnam's Extractor and in a mirac- ulously short. tune I won completely cured. I take greappleasure in re- commending your waluable remedy to my friends." Putnam's Corn Extractor in 25¢ bottles. sold by druggkts. fig; m Bomidt «in Friday {or “W, when she intends to 19.4%!» gutter. 13"» was quite laid up with coma, and could not. even stand the pressure of murga turda_v “Arno. flown! a few mm- Perkins is home for a. m {Kim‘s-e. where he has In.- rat wmmlewmnaw“ “18‘ graph om“? " n . fr“â€" 1*.qu 111013501 Boulerton W Band‘s dbi'er the“parehm1 root. Hr. Creightoi has returned to the city alter . {cw week's pleasant. re- ér'ution a the home of Mr. “11) Ward‘s. 3; _ T wvâ€" ~ vygkh‘i; 1,“ gone to Port m- "a: I the winter months with ‘1rmdsi â€" _ m» mm; Perkins 1* hm k" ‘ nada.\ One of their strongest ar- guments was to the effect that the question had been thoroughly and aatisfactorily dealt with by the populace of Canada and decided in a moat emphatic manner ; that the Canadian Government had been overthrown on the strength at the vote. and that the United States GOVernment met a_ similar fate. Messrs. W. Sharpe and Roscoe Ste- wart championed the aflirmative cause. while Messrs. Carl Nesbitt side. George W. tho. of Waterloo, auc- cumbed to blood-poisoning-trom a. mtch on the finger. HARPER - SYLVESTER â€" At the Cambridge-8t“ Methodist church parsonage, by Rev. Dr. S. J. Shorey. mes Alice Sylvester to Mr. Wm. H. Harper, both MIDuns- ford. ' 8h- Wlltrid‘uuflor is hoping to who up in Puliunentary blun what in loot tn byâ€"oloctton tents. It’s tough on an unmp ehsufleur when ho aka a. drop too much. Undo Bun In. In. thanksgiving BmLExâ€"In 1 an.“ Acoodufichboruono toMr.nnd‘\1"‘- 0! MI W I son. W ‘IW "I“I‘I‘I" W". ’0 , ,4 n in ‘w 3711's“ Piifi'd STORE , * w u 4 ww,’ w- mmvmm. my , g w . i H ,\k‘~'»n ~- '>‘~,’ IN TERES TING DEBA TE E. Tolmie upheld the negative I"‘_v‘- v‘t' “ I - MARRIAG ES. HARTINwâ€"At Quun Victoria piul, Revelstokv. 111'” on: day, November 16, 1912, ,Martin, brolhur of Mr, 4 ”Martin, Penelnn [’an agec Years. The Ontario (;m.-rnmo.-nt spent $400,000 this year in building ,5 fixation roads. W. Bennett, saw. tendent of construcmm, madeam port to the (:uwrnment ”st“. show’ng that nenrl} all of the». propriatLOn of 8428.000 had Ma pended on roads in New (mum, and a few of the northern section”; the undevelomri counties harden; on that part of the Province, m wet weather caused a set-back an! in the men, but during them few months great progreSs was M. In the case of about (me-third on]: Made the municipalxtk-s contrim oneâ€"half the cost (:1 their constnp tion. SPENT LARGE 51 'M Bufialo, l-Z.Y., _'\« G. Smith, Veteran light harness um here, following an 0 cer. Born at ()rchu Smith had meted as tically every track States and Canada, years was the omci Canadian ice mt harness horse 501 name of “ Judge Mr, Smith was every meet 1h» 1. Miatlon ofimm! : here. He “in h. IOVOI‘ of the burs but his memory v be thought Of .‘N honorable horn-1n ed a race-track. JUDGE SMITH I +21 I BOWEN â€"- ST. THUMA 27th. in. Bohcuym-on, W. G. Smith, “In. 1:0 my BéiFfiEdi'c‘iée‘frnd {S‘Wfi'fi five rs. Pr ““5 Egg named wiffimm Noticing the tdvertisemenu “N. c-txves” I adopted this t: Pm“ altogether, and as everyone hat?” nayâ€":nd haye pecn since taking up”: bum 'â€"¢njoymg the but of M‘ l . F. ' If .Rheumatism or mg,“ 19%. makmg you miserable, :3)": "F . ' tiva” and get well. “13+ socabox, 6 for 32. o, ' - At all dealers or sent 311 mmg; In Fmibnnwpg Iimhul n“- , . u A 7' MIC! y everybod - ~ know. Prolcssor 1, 1:33“. This theeliteoftlmdg muffin: Prof Dug-y“ His constant activi swim , end his Kidneysfywhich ’ ~ threatened to make him an ism But Ind Prof. Davis‘ ‘. 3 CHURCH 81. Togo 5‘ D m. On if: "I want to say that "Fruith my only medicine, and 118 been \' mfive years. Previous gouty}: troubled with “9% Kidney Disease, and had “I! “ken media without salisfaflm em}? soc a box“. 6 for $2.50, nil .3, At all dealers or sgng on receipm hv Fruit-bares Limited, 01:.“ “I mama mad-15:5 of dimd (get. or thrush on horas with Egyptian Lunment with two or three applications. nfter calomel, salt. coal oil. etc, 1:1 completely failed to do the work. 100 side: it a waste of lime to use anythf'al but Ecgy‘puan Lixximcnt for thrush." Sn an emphatic statement {mm AL...‘ TH RUSH I“ 31:. J. L. Boyc< Secretary of the We: Drixizq~ r Park Association)»: a good deal (f experience with thrush on horses’ feet, and has tried Wmcdies. He writes: SURE CURE FOR "‘5‘ 3’ r...â€" u.-.-.:. ., Sn an emphatic statement frown 'enced horseman speaks volumes for Douglas’ Egyptian Liniment. Anethet man who has found it most efiective is Mr. John Garrison, Non-en, Ont. Heisays >:â€"- k m “One of uiy horses 11 that his feet became (. neighbour? adxiscd m Before doing so I and 12311 Linimcnt and in horse' 3 feet were a< ‘0 Twenty-five cents Frre sample on regu Napance, Ont. m cases field To Douglas’ Em: Liniment regular MARRIAC DEATHS XRTHS. ”e (zfitnSivej udfln d me to shoothiflk decided to try Fm 1 in a shortfimtll! : sound as 8‘55" :5. at all mg?“ had thnISh 50k“ rhomns (1 1‘3”: Bowen ainer-Mw a horseS, is w -ration {or W (1 b3 aged the 1nd new. Id be 'm 1c most x-er ET” in 1855' at W’ I'M-0f“ eve“ ‘ 1‘81“}; 01 T ”mend“ -‘ You no inw‘ Q'u'dfi rewiw (he Bank of lust-«$57, 000.000 Lindsay Bran WALKERâ€"J n THURS“ ' Nov. 11 CAPITAL, $15 The 93000.? “or Wuiucts Paw-.01"??- “f RBI-31.9 â€" (H of the britlo The Canadian 1-) ”fly for the trims findiscount and a; mapplied free of Ion. sm EDMl'xn ‘ MNDER LAXRI) Gcncxul N gig-am. gulf-prom. ' ‘0!!!er were ‘ M c you old “on. ‘1‘, . {1.1.9 1 i ‘M time th: t 13: mum in U3 in' i‘ undie- ! had tri ”Jul there '3' mt und 1113' m w (mufim “ Mmgtum H M the vsluo of 2| ‘ ”But in jun. *, Nood'PO‘m- m (not him. b“I harm“ of Ups five yea I Who the I 10$ anche: minion. 9"! inn. :\ch( York Clnc Paid upC Undividei MARINA lh-n M t‘Oto CAFI {rm “if NH

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