- Inez: TEN uyvnn u..." “I'll write a letter to my schooltellows." he mum]. “and try to get a lot of present; or a good tree for tho children of the poor School. Each one of us can do Iomething for the less fortunate of the town. "But It won't do for the writer of the letter to be lnown." he went on. half sloud. “UnknOWn I out more fully enjoy the fun and see wlnt comes out o! It." Then. on going downstairs. he at once told his mother 0‘ his intent. She not only enthusiastically approved of it. but also suggested how he could carry out hlg wish to conceal his identity. He should write the letter and she Would copy it; Thu was vlrme. and m in hour he had but dawn what he wished to as; on paper; all» ma “numbed It and u “15 mm tn the leaeher at the mm wheel. with the r-qum that he read it to his elasses‘ at MI Cullvnnlem-Q; n.) it Mpg.†-‘naglazinn a! Ih. “Have 1 not enough poor women anu luau“: vu earth who may take my place? Do for them what you wished you had done for me." When mornlng came the words were still ringing In his ears. After his devotions he sat on the bed I. few moments to reflect. and a strong purpose came upon htm. _ .- .. ,,,,-. L- ._..--A 17m: him. we asked the reason. “I don't think. momma." he taunted. "tho: poor lifted ever had n Christmas toy. and it seems to mo he would be happier even in henven it he thought home one had been kinder to him on earth. I won going to (We him the striped horse you bouzh! for no [at year, but I did not. And now I no will: I ' 5)., me» ï¬nd she â€teams Ibo churchyurd. ‘ During the Innou or the put nether wanna. do. hummus through tho Inn. but slightly hotter 01! In an. world's goods, hnd don. to: then In man... but her limited {munâ€"1n mowuco tron 3 mm: Rationâ€"permitted. In um not or trying to relieve the amenities 0! her natal-tun“. neighbor and her child. she had had .3 earnest coworker in her own boy. Otto. After their return from me tunenl. where they had been the only mourners. the mother observed thu Duo wu very thoughtful. As this wu not and “tofu! mama“ came. The â€hour. won a: ï¬n mu pnces. when an prmelpu. . um. um“: all I“! mama mm. “tend. out-mu n mm In an. hand. "a, eunuch." he began. "may t 8“. “Huh“. men Immoral! to “r to yen. nun." ' m nutty mum {no mm And mm mum M! f‘ to to» mean In an: n m 170 u: no I.“ , much happier by It. It bran BI Im an m ! 9: km am how any mum “on In an 2 new 3mm 01 III Son 1 aarwmnmuunuumumm; - _. A- _-x--. _- u- .L-I-lâ€"n- Anni-ll g 5173793353333: 'ia'in'"éiÂ¥iuiiéo‘imnc m Ema am the lawn: that in w“! an "up In on m, t «an o: \u Mn :9 the «M withâ€! i i emu wow u. mm 0: mg or mum I. “m“ «on or rm concomi- Qi'win." In mum "m mm u m xï¬Ã©tï¬ï¬iï¬x ï¬l‘ï¬iï¬â€™aé'ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬i mm ‘7 ,, k , F Wu“ um alum am «1va .- "wt menu 0! the ton well. an mam. at m "can :ll EP'T'MI‘: gnwm â€an flflflï¬ï¬d withem. Pusan: A! lac! the “ ‘That is a sign for me,’ Mid the deeperado.’ waited in Jena! eipeetaeien e! m when, we umuammmmmm, Cpnqm rm“. No no iknow rwlnt you think shout 1Lâ€. . my sentence. When I came out my wifeâ€"your sister-n and my child. were dead. Nobody could even tell me where they were buried." It was evident by his frequent mention of the words, “your sister," that he was trying to reuse I spirit of hatred in the heart of his young comrade. “I came back here, and they think I am trying to lead a. better life. But I am tooling them. I am e thief. a member or a band made outlaws by injustice like myself. We have sworn to be avenged when the time comes. and it is almost here. We intend this Christmas to light up the biggest tree this kingdom has ever known. Starting with the church and echoele. we will burn every house in the town or Thaleu. I shall kill Fromier, and then it needs Knuth dice con- tent." , , . .. __._..-_ -1 LI- The young man whom he had, in the course of hi. remarks. addressed as Ludwig. shudder-ed end his he. grew white. Before the other could rename his threats. a distant. shot was heard. ‘ -- -- A-â€"_---.I- an. 5‘! ul- vvâ€"uâ€"â€"v, _- .i_ "w- "While my-witeâ€"your sister-ans iii. snd her be†worse. I had to work st the shoes night nnd d0. What wonder I grew tired. nervous sud out misï¬t- there's the scar still"â€"holdlng out his hullâ€"“Io M I could not work. No work. no money. no medicine end not s crust of breed in the house. Nobody would help me. I was starving; so was sheâ€"your sisterâ€"end our bahy'a cries pierced my hesrt. “I went to the Baker Fromler. for whom I ind done work. I begged him for God's Unite to give no bread to save my starving dear ones. He laughed st me and ordered me out of his shop. “I was mad. I did not know what I wss doing. I, seized him by the throat and would hove choked him to death but that the police were too quick for, rest.“ “Thu is a sign for me.†said we hear two more It means nothl night." nl. He had hardly ceased speaking when t couple 0! reports sounded from dinerent directions. "It is all right." he remarked to Ludwig. “we any 'n â€"v-_ grwâ€"ï¬ _,,,.,_ O O O 0 O - O 0 On the evening of thst ssme do: two men we" taking in s misershle hove! iyinn some distsnee out- side the town. Bod the peeoetul residents known whst wss the topio of their oonyersstion. they would hsve slept leu quietly. . There wss oonsidersble difference in the “es 0! the psir. One wu shout so end the other nesrer to. In the (see or the nth: was every sign of dissipstion snd wickedness. The countonsneo of his younger compsnion wss ss yet unmrkod by those signposts on the downwsrd psth. Whetever their topic wet. the elder had pulled e moment in his an: to take 1 draught from a buck bottle before him. After heading 3 clan ot the “quot to his comnde, he resumed: .m. A;- L;‘ L-Lâ€" Almost 1mmedla ely after the reading of own letter. the boys got down to‘buslheqe; In (net. tho any (chewing. on remaining from school he ms to his mother In great animation. shouting: ' ~ ' , A...“- Aicngdu “an Bah-flail woz'iiaTééa'ai inn: tho wordl: - "Barr Limb I think we thank! auto 5 collection.“ nu tho who). elm mo and Ihohtoa with on volco. â€A collation.†The touhor. with tho brightest of â€proving mun bu his gun nu. nu his consent. had then m- tuny lad tho oxcltod yam-urn M to ooh-math: pt the“: mats: school tun , A _ _ _ . his mutner In Urea; â€munâ€... _.--_ ,, .. “duet mum at It; maxim: Already the when" have eeneeted ever '6 may one a! ihem Brena-M iemetmng else; me: We have. among other mince. e eahnam a were and e be; a! lead soldier-e; The teeeher'e awn two bays. Que and William. tetehed I tug reekthg hares: Au were taken is {he {fem room at the teaeher‘e Renee and What we fled eimee! ï¬ned one ewe at it: ï¬e‘e {Mimi ears 9! me meney. lee. Ae am In flees. he me me is keea the «sent at when is; eeueesea eaeh day: we Jun â€Imam. the whale busineeez“ Mm eeme tanner talk en the “west. Kn. Reamer sen: mm m me Baker {framers (er the murmurs bread: em: meenwhua 51mm} as a am e! napkins em. “Hunted ehgum make 939 at her own eomrmuuane t9 the echeal‘e museum The knees in whim me Rear-mam lived balanced to m- mam: W was between 59 and so. emu! and florid. Vain 0! ms wealth. mom in mm and see?" u! speech. in: “an Hum; by none, kite wt“, 99“! 1g appearance .uui Iumzu, was his other gait, There Was at tin: moment, a loud racket BUM! ‘0 his store dour. Two hays. on their wgy t9 anneal. were going by. '1 hey were doing their beat to mg!“ a great uproar and fairly succeeded. One had 0 slightly used drum and the other a. trifle banana ‘ ' "‘“‘ ““““““ ‘Im-JL » H'nmnet. by means 01 which they "Not a dou ‘one of convl‘ pox-taut by 9‘ back or it is It come: out" "‘Well. it this Is true." broxe m we I have a word to say about It. This Is no part of the school lessons. In t of the town conncll I'll see that the to account. I'm not a member of it, I won‘t allow such csrrylngs on." Even st the tlme thls conversstlon In Fromler’s store. there Wss an lmpo being held elsewhere on various phi Aua_ h..n..-l am â€VIM. â€" ...... subject. In the teacher‘s bonnet was Schneider. the head of the poor school. by Invitation to talk over the coming "You know the tau?†inquired Hm "omy nightly.“ returned the Minus 0: our hon «than: about magma 01 com; to [amass ta mom am you. gm . _.- -un‘nlnï¬l In him got ten years for it and served every thy of 444 _--_.. -I_A-- 4 a doubt of it." conviction: “110 by pretending it is and then were still exchanging opinions on nal ideas in vegue. and how the m the d033, when a sex-van} mud at me." said the despot-ado. means nothing is to be done wants to hide pretend added broke t believe such 3. :ed the 8m- "0 the things the making anything ted over it. It r is co school the girl. “Our house he things the school I: Ling anything out of G 1 over it. It must be 1-19 ans an unknown b he read to the class. n 01 course, that‘s only mm the in the b: This 50: . In the t the tea of it. (or he baker's wlte‘ to nuke him] who the real I to be surprised collecting 1 01 children the he baker. “I think I sort of business the next meounl teacher In «nod for nothing. and PETERï¬. DOYLE mg. and It wu simply be you In! the In“. mul- b!‘ 1th“? mhtl thnn of)?“ w... ,0! m “ THE WATCHMAN'!‘ must be t Lknown be! a clan. and at's only a. l wife. In a himself In- thing money W83 )ol ht- 01 On: person I when “If tlon huelneee. "It i. egntnet decency end Cline- tlenlty.†he concluded. “How?†he wee uked. "It I. alllnu the heed. of the children with nel- eenee." Then he went on to ten 01 eeverel mum- tlone he had bed In his store end whet he bed teamed etnce. “And thet'e not the wont. It will teeeh them to eteel. A one wu releted to me where e hay etole e be: of Me oleter‘e toys to take them te eeheel end eo be e bit then amen; hle known." "Who told yen thet story?“ lnqmree e meets». "We all true: ho matter who teld me.“ "You are mistaken. muster-better. it In not true. u was my we who We; nuavoaed to heve teken Me eleter'e ten. but the “me mmm them. end tenet they had- had notic obedienco Next I: n factory I factory owner. He mind. hgd traveled to or two At a that uu‘ of politics md ocono worked into his tnlk ‘ expreulom not. "Id! v vvuevu ........... Next in the order of epeekere wee Herr Rocker. e. rectory owner. He wee e men of rether elullow mind. had traveled to eome o! the lerxer citiee e do! or two et a time end picked up eome or the argon of politics end economic queetione. Theee word. he worked into hie teik wherever he could. 'l‘wo tevorite expressione were “iden†end “principlee.†'nenuemen." lie commenced. “(hie nutter bee ei densereue eide. I em oppoeed to the whole“ idee. n5 elleced principle of it le '3oodwiii.‘ Goodwill ll mother were (or emu-iv. end whet doee me leed to? ’re leeineee. People who een eei money or peed! without werkme will eome to decreed ehem u e rinse. 1m dive Min breed eel! when they ieber tee Ii. flee in my prineieie.†he eeeeher time“ new leek the leer. “i never (ileum e [eel end Ieneeeee mew ween meee em eeeeeitlen er be ee muted. children Ieve (one whee we relied ie do. new eleell nae ae eehened e! ouneivee. One e! yen mete el alumnae-widen hieveeemnepeel emu“! niereeiiveeeidueleeeeeeiecm Women†em lame-«lune ohm." 4 leerleeeeeeinue-lueum noticed Bu“ them. them listen 1 tor led to come of I. cud picked economic Que! ulk wherever rWARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. her burl tho nary bureuu. chagrlned ct nu do- ren (ll-obedient. mu , Heredter, don't our uervuu Wm commotion. uy tint th 3 collocunl. sum; or emu 1 our ‘ tho Jugon I. word. In No and“ III-Ill WI 5". With the wournment of the mating, Frontier rushed out furioun. Ho hnd timed u doing the ell†harm and inuud he Ind Actunlly Milt!“ tho council to uko put in tho bon' canny schemes. On his homowua 1n, his one woe. to. blind“ with use to notice {'0 tnmllur ngutu in u ob- Douro neighborhood through whlch ho land to pm. 7“... ‘llh Wuncu “I Inn- y-.. u- .uv â€"-._ --_ On bl. homowua 1n, bl- oyu wot. to. blind“ with use to none. uVo tumllur ngutu In a: ob- Icun neighborhood through whlch be but to pm. They war. one Koerner nnd his mom". with hurt. )uu as full of luv. for tho “lulu. .3 MI In charged with but. to an. Tho; h... In tho" humblo my. been vlultln. and brought nub con-clo- tloh u (My could to u house 0! Cum. when a duo ummu nun. mun ma for n time run â€or an and mother. and duel-rod that mum: «m tht. mm on they an to“ him the hlh‘hul or In. um». um ltfléhtl nu. «ma. Tho om mu an out“ with the (m at vlndleuwneu now Oh“ tun um Ila mulls Dena to In mlulu mus “knew“ DWI“ ,5 ' '“ II ‘- m mm: 19!!!!“ .- m M 0 A low dun In» the {on «anon vu um hur- mm ennui. From». me him. no u» only “nun immodmuy the â€um um am u or“! m pruldent I!“ an (enema. mum. "is the Gene†0! than" _ A ........ L-“ .--.I_.‘ "$9 "I! Will!“ '1 am.- "A band at murder!" 0 tlnovu Mn â€mam tomorrow oventnl. the on a! ems-mu. u n mm a In an m yaw chunk. yew unveil. a. to can n «one a! murder and MIMIC: 1 m to I. on o! no nnli m. mm than. I m an. to am mu m mum than"! nor many not “I“... m no you in um worm. «an I have turned «Runway with my mm." «mm Thou no mu “ch "mm a 80v. and 93mm. TM known“. M. can. to m too I“. Q! my own [004. puma». but not to «v- yow ! h". wrmm to tho man at tho Mad as“ I luv. Mtnyod umr plan: to you. (on and tau nothing. only I“ aw» rumor. who “may tn lawman am". No ware. ‘. “When an. loner rush“ you. I will b. on my way to anothel' land. who“ 1 my bocouu uothor’ um . better nun." The council wu um consulting “out wit“ nou- uru Ihould be axon to guard tho peril refund to would the viii-Anon: band persist in “trying out its purpose to light tho flaunt Christmas and.“ evor «on. when ; men-anger broke in to say um Knuth. the council Ihoouukor. Ind killed nutcr- Bakor Frouueg. The murder†wu himoit Ihoi do" by a cium u ho nttomptod to out†vvp-v- â€"v A numthul bun mu to the musical“. than croucd out. There never hed been such n condition or things in Thnlsu u was observable that holiday season. New end stance notions were abrond. Among them sup- port of the ailing and employment for the well. These principles were nobly carried out thet dsy. or st lent e. start made, and became 3 source or Joy for the poor in the present end or promise (or the future. The festival of the children wu to cone or! in the evening. . How msny youthful hearts found Inuit with the slowly-moving hours. and how otten the wooden clocks sinst the well were sued et with longing eyes; end I j ' 3 f w ere these tardy time-menurers were eheent. how ’ u . LE e -.- .. . ~, ,4 . -â€" I ~ ‘ I a g ? )l ' - “Whet e glorious picturr!" .‘ l ' l ‘ - 9‘ “'0 30M.†I! the olefin ereulii: Anwl layman" mwmmmmuum alum mun _ -- -â€"â€"- v- uâ€" v' v-- Ir u «um 00 I all»! m «an mm 08 m u". Hot at â€on won on null ml to “a school- aflwm'm'" Wm "uh" mm†"3‘3"!“ l stung. 't at the 4 Thou pr st lent 1 are never bed been such 3 condltu u u we: oblerveble the: holiday Lance notions were abroad. An: I the ailing end employment for 1 one principles were nobly carried leui e eurt mule, 1nd becune I my poor in the present and of p! 7 may Youthful moving hours. u: : the wul were 3: these tardy time hful hon-u tound (cult with I. um how often tho wooden cl re (and at with longing eyes; daemon-urea were that. condition of thin;- holldny neuon. N 1!. Among than in Int for the wall. carried out thnt d r the w.“ :d out th: 3 source prom“. I mt an. I of 10! for the um um â€nude tree, we have renlly inhernod "m holiday won from Germany. A. It sum}: at pvpseM. numb It probably u Nell In ChriMmas w-m â€a a. my MW; Dirk.“ mad. the Chmlnms story hll on. Me?“ me n no. any gun». “H'vrs mun “If.“ ‘5." hit!“ to ll 0!] W6“; Besides. ere an mmmu of will. Mu at thvfl. m qu: um am! r.“un the am can mm b. m e! u»- rm "no. In general. Easel. m mum: arm 0! mum Human; Biucel. um AMI. M" “and IND. chm-Hm: Mm hm mm with also“ my um have um- bm In «lam! tho “hum wedwum a My «nun Wm: theqegmngh am; 9» Minoan up to thin point his name was not men- tioned. ‘1! eye. had been ï¬xed upon him from the “art. and now a loud buns. joined in by young “4 old. made the very utters ring while the light: 9‘ (ho an Christan: tree shone wllh greater bml‘umoq, on though trying to «Id their meed of glory m 11;. crown ant seemed to encircle the boy's tau brou, .- ho wept his Joy on his mother's breast. r' "'7, The Mr, here adapted II. n he wrote it, of a length equal to our noveleuu. 1: you deeply Into me psychol- m of Chflumu and mm long exhorlaliuns .m prom nearly III the virtue. at the ctlendm. MN» plen- tltul mum.- ou what am In!" to than who ml to In“ the plenlmde or “vice. cum.“ "I lean“. nu «mum M m»: «on. um. mm Ind IBM. in wow 1mm 11- 1 not ad "III M. MM“ W: A My. lmmiwl u an. um. um use one Mn prom-Mod. arm at m mam elm. macaw ocuwn Whether or not It wee known his bed been N heed end heat which bed deVIIed no noble e echo... tend" doubtful. Still. there 1- reason to euppo†M u: some way or other it had come to the en. ol one eminent end weelthy persona, who were [netted by the dunnetence to the encouragement 0: Inch madly mm of cheruter. n a, ceee. It to certain thet nt the most mum. in. yen of the teetlvel ceremoniee Herr Lehrer u. cended the plettorm end letd: BRIBTOPH VON SCHXID. the author of the story hon “spied from the German. was among um um writer- at Christmas mien u ‘e know then injnodern times. He was one a: the lawn. writer. of bin day for the younger elemem. but his warâ€, illiod with religion and philowphy. would be. in tho origin“. much too pro» to suit the younguers or the ML , _ - “no." ’of won: one turthor when m. will We elm-wort: In toot. an to do :nouco 01th:?“ m0 prooonto or tho boundleu «manna; tho no†rooolvorl. m (In. children went home. one: on "out“ that am hovo boon whoa In ll of sold .. thdl' um tho tucker announced o :enooinm pound um morn-noon by tho council. 1: w w“ olloot: u ‘0 M ~13. an“ eoholere who xreduated e1 teeter, 6M In their cm three boye end three girls, than“ be MM mnmeflon (Irmenu. purchued by m given u en hone: In the neme or the com unity Honour. the three hon should be put to trad ‘ CI ‘5‘ My opt-entice teee pad from the public runde." n 2m course u the university. The credit of mm; tho Wt 10 win this xrelt honor ha: fallen upon one whom ygu .u love and who I feel will prove hlmult worthy d the prtu that has come to him. (ma Koep. "WW 9: mo must. and imam at um um . MIC m at I!" Rama". passed over from hm; 9mm“! and have pltuy survived lo we pm But the church am «mum to cummu Mm W...» W“ n '0‘. W . In†atom, aurcemsful ~lzm ‘2. W "OW by Midi". tor the purmhxn hoflhou (3th and team which it renamed. m “M "NWâ€. Md“ dramatic represemulmz mm 0! 0mm wd events or his life. Hence :1 DOWN ‘Wf‘ ml md a mumlme . - “N10. at well u Christan: drlmas, “hu‘h, . Um.- â€â€œ5 DMD“. degenerued Imu {mu ('> “a“ 3050'. £180. oflflnuod at a later ;.. m M. or Chflm tract, adurned w: M “I. cult“! of reciprocal pn-sezm lulu. menu and dishes, dumpn‘ flatma- mm. a unlversm sum-1 . a ct W “6 old. N31! ‘05 IOW. II no other (‘11:. could haw mane. At one time tho fvs'uz M93036 9nd} 99:93!!!†nnd Twelfth day " m on. KOODDOI' 'ho ha been the “T. â€I l ‘ to m â€to. M “on 'h‘ch .0 much h‘d I ‘To a, 'N "Ky Our children: I an going to tell you um. china 1 know you will like to hen. The council nu concluded m oaor to the belt scholar of this school 5.}, {on qu been selected an the one how u Honor." a entitled ' Tho domain cm†were mum! and mmâ€. and by no mum- conï¬ned mu mm M one mummy pan: 1 an. and It wu amply Mona the pow"- u'. M 57kt“? light: “In glowed n We no Innhln; um 90"!ny new,“ “a mum lam. 1t. vu tho cyst of the child". on, and Ward on tho rut-hm; “ht; ,: â€"___A __-_ p---AL-_ __\‘-_ A, th Anwvh-un- (nu- â€HM u the mm. m m “ muJ‘meu. *h't‘h Irv \IM 1va do. I“. I. l I «Aline roproutmuuns of “MIMI m w ԠMUN“. however. hm- Mach ro- m m}! m lame rah; mu I". ma whn N!" H." In. ‘ m I Wumblm n ‘m h chill-OI. ' I“ â€ll VINIM 1M am- uf (“M“- u: no NI" , an a. .00! popular at hm M" at mom-m mm m w- . mo «mo Vm‘ :3: m The Ancestors of Our Christmas Carols nod until miniâ€"ind Twelf‘ England the Christmas plays :1 TQUIISDAY. mmcmu-w "In" (:0in 9 â€um um â€" m alflmflï¬l ' | damn. which. nod lmo fnrvca mod n a later I "-9“. .dorned W Mprocul present m: dishes. duynpl mom a“ v- 0“ 9mm. CV“: boon «HUGH ‘u" l :. thsnoau «munchm 1m \merlmnl Ch"- M and '9“. M lui had 9N. M: a nan H! “‘9“. .u. 1 nut ch! 4". . 'ah-I ‘“ gp-ruuud In A“! m l"- dly the mo EBB £55 Advertise Our Grc Waist whom tut have mum winduw, A “as our In make out M a; †nu: \ Mbw M ' Our ( M1 {hp Appreciat Purchase with m Holidm' Mugs you n Fine Selection Plat Pockm 11 RM Oookim ’30“ H( Mutiful Autommmn for one yum Round Dishes. Forks, Presentatio 811ver Tum Dome I 111 h! "13¢ Wu "9‘ Ram Cutle and or when y< think like. ; than the 1‘: this grca’. a few day Clathiz most s‘nn mm suggz Next to and C3331 Biscu Berry not, W BPY “I UH 1( from ma Do ym hen VG m us reput