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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 Dec 1912, p. 11

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o W” not mane him iron tho in by you: and 11110 the lights N greater bflllhneq of glory to tho 0 boy”. tut bto‘ breast. fit the old German. from heathenlsm to to the present m. and banishâ€"and in 1â€"01.: deep-root“ purification of the tuned. Its m1, mutation: at tho } Hence sprang tho utude‘ 0t Chris‘m” L'- which. an certs!!! r (arces or tooll’ ‘3 Iator period the {domed With “‘3" I nu any." tare as much I M â€"‘ no noblo c och... {Mn to m :omo to the m. o‘ s, who were 1mm moment 0! m an continental Ian- 3an. has no such Coppoo ud PM to tan you long. r. The council It! on: of thin school ”he credit of hm u fallen upon on. "11 DroVo him-alt L0 him. Otto Roof-v p on. best ontltlod other writers have Beam more no . to: both old and only Inhorltod our sands It pm ulna. unernluro a. u present In qua- »orn in 1763. and d“! number of hb Juve- I storm that not- ovor boon wrltun: tau do not. in my Id Gama. to ambuotthom )f 01" ,rols slowed had grown, {in he most mum Hort Lohror u. my, would be. In younptou 01 III. 15: the Inland. themselves to Rt- ... n, o: n 1m Into an mend- cxhotnuono on m. with vb"- w. munc- 7i '9“ fiYfiEfi! flaming and Furmshings at AN Y P RIC E Advertise in the Warder (Bur Great Christmas Sale! The Holiday Trade 3803- hings you needNo ' Fine Selection of Silverware; “Sliver Plate That Wears” \' [U ‘2“ Chile Skatfl. ‘m mu“ m‘ m" one sear All m 0.34:: 3”“ Hockey sucks. my: mm?“ ‘ and Futile Knives; mm” am. he ““9? N “‘ or a Safety Rum. mums 8mm am. mm“ m dung “Bra, 8830'? COW mt” m m “a lrnns‘ 11166th W - M1 mm m ”I m J? ...... urrhase from as and be adelightéd giver. Goods with a reputation are known by as all. “in (uqserohs, Ml! PG“. CHM.” Ina, I “ ‘~ Himuit lars. Butte? Knives. SW 399‘ ‘3'“ “elm 990033; l84-7 Rogers’ Bros 19p“; 9mm iutlery and Other UsefulmArfltloles manna m: ‘t‘aa Maya, crumb We and m. M HA! CHEM l‘fi‘g‘ m M 99‘? chm I ‘ uz‘ properly fitted glasses make as .acccotable gift. for father 3w. Ask to see our pmseltflion “’63 m" ’Wciea' If not, w: will h ue t) pack tha n up. On: Clnthlng is better than la claimed "by must store:. We handle the STYLE CRAFT CLOTHING which the largest. storm in 'l‘uronta a ll elsewhere keep in th:ir show cases to sell t6 their high-clans trade. We are Uffcl'iug the Style Craft Clmhingat. a. verylow rate-far less than; we p. il for it ourselvm. REMEMBERâ€"in {ferays we will have these’ goods packed u”, arul ym will 10k a 10.1.: tine foc an upparturity such as this. Bulmen ‘Bin are the ony people in town whoa ‘hamila the Style-Craft C: mhin r and exer y person thu. buys a. suit. made by this firm, will not wear any « m r mace of gamma It afccrwaxds. We can not. quote prices here as our space is Do you know when you are offeredha ”bargain; or when you can get a- bargain. Don’t be foolish to“ think like some peopIe that we-‘can. sell cheaper" “ than the rest. We don’t sell any cheaper, but in ‘ this great sale we have got to do it. We must se'J in :1 few days our big stock‘ot ’I‘h: ‘C‘hristmxs *radc 13 now on and all the thinos you will requi'e for gins, o 1 ca 1 buy here. For every 25c worth you “only have to pay about H: or 15c. Re: member this is the last call and you cm‘blame yourfielf if 3011 do not share in any lumncu. BOHNEN 8: BRILL Next to Bean’s NewZ man mnmmteea are mated“ can on us to! pr!“ :6! mm mm. marlmgware. fishing“, ate. We will any“ Itemuuna and some low prices, is trouble. Nickle Plated Wear The Skaters” Store these bargains that we offer. m. We havq hundreds of trouble to show the goods I beat. and ligfitat,“ summed Hockey Book with nockoy‘ruha. Shin Path. P3918. . , ' ml: and we beg to call attention we carry. Never before have we such excellent: value {gr your mon- . an‘ords a. variety of choice for any gift my be required. , Pie Plate, Em Spam, Cele lent Building Lindsay Romeo. Optician THE WATC'HMAN-WABDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. mead From the time the wheat enter- the ”193' mill, until it in needed for use. thin flour is not touched by human buds. This inukel it mushy ‘- 01W 8 of flour .. a flour whole whole-menace 0d 8 is ensured and one that win- prove Its an splendid bekiisg quantum At~ â€"â€" w E’, (Jomaunder' 85 Son ‘Greh. Flour, M. Coal pad food. From Fiold To 8:01! Every atop in the m a! 'm Queen" Flow in W“! M‘ Ilsa Loom Trumble. Taylor‘s Cor mars. in taking a course in the land m Business cum. 7 ' The farmers who are subscribers lor {The Weekly Sun. Toronto, how: res- lson to congratulate themselves on the enlargement and imprOVement to their paper. These improvements hsV‘e only been possible by the sup- port given the paper by its readers. They are amply rewarded by the knowledge that in the Sun _ they have s psper‘ that voices their opim ions without fear or lsvor. The Sun should be in every Ontario farm home; it's s duty the tsrmer owes to himself and his business. have in up: to be one or more 0! Wu: made who would I» only too glad to who your obituary. cod. while ordinarily 'at this time of the year 250.000 tone are on hand. With chilly nights coming due, such a statement might well cause a mild 'aeneation. 01 course there is an ex- planation. The trouble is the labor west. Recently there was a igantic coal strike in Great Britain. on] in- tended for the Canadian market was shipped across'the Atlantic to help out the English situation. Then fol- lowed the Pennsylvania strike, throw- ing dealers in the Dominion away be- hind in their orders. With a big de- mand for, coal, and no ready supply, naturally priceauhave aviatfii. This is _.-A‘A_ A rather remarkable condition ex- ists just now in Montreal. Recently the coal dealers in ~the metropolis mafia the 'calm announcement that they had in stock fifty tqu of. stove. (all. iwenty-fi've cents more ”if: Montreal. loose stove coal is $7.75 a. ton, and all the time going up; loose egg is the same; and chestnut mun-"J J'"‘ _ further compliicriitiroon in the matter which may be responsible for furrows in the brow of Mr. Consumer this '11 Then 3 'Coal Famine? T0 FARMERS Kirkfivld. .Dec. litâ€"On ’Nonday evmin; of law teak Mr. and firs. A. B. Smuh were completely taken by snrpr 159. when a large number 01 {heir irien'ls from the village and surrounding .cOln‘J‘y took possession KirMie'd Residents Moving to Uxbridge or'ih ir hame .xo unler them [are- well beiore leaving [or their new hon in Uxbridge. A very pleasant owning was spent in cards md dune-1 ing, su‘ler “huzh dainLy refrahments ‘were seru-d. The many friends re- gret their departure from town. Kr. and Mrs. Smith haw lived here {or ‘the past twcnu-fiVe years. Ur. SSmith has cur-rid! on a first-class saddlery~ business during (hat time and will be greatly missed. )liss Edna Smith will be greatLv missed by her young (fiends as she always took an active part in the church 'and social work of the town. We extend to than our best wishes for success and mamrity in their new hbmc and a welcome back at. any itime. . bk. soPEn ] 1m. WHITE " Mr. Ford was in (‘annington a day last week to see his father. who has betn. ill. Mr. (Wart-1W.- MncKay, who has been aSSismm operator at (Marlee. spent Sunday at his home here, be- fore gain; to l’eterboro as night, operator. -~ Mrs’. 'I‘umer and son Morris visited in Human)- last week. Tumult“ Miss Stoddafl. o! Lorne-Ville. Visit- ed Miss Mae McInnis for the week end. ”The Fun! Friend to: 40 m." A mung .- yir “nun find $13090“- 00:: The hnn‘ul of the 1M0 Mrs. Alex- ander Robinson was held on Thurs- Shiloh-i II. I). Melanis was in ’l‘orcnto last. :Er \‘lSIt- week ,1 last Mex- l‘hurs- :2:8,t:r::h 3:23! “(22);“:322 ‘12:: Guelrh yrll have an extra police- Two of the colts are bloods, their ' man ‘0 patrol the parks “9’“ sum- slro being Harry K.. the other two met, a}! a result of eVidz-nce giwn as being got by Lawrence Archer. Ap- to sundry happenings last summer. ply to Ethelbert Hooey/ Cameron, 1‘. 13. Collins was elected president Ont... Lot 18. Con. 6. Fencion 01 East Durham Conservatives. Township. ~ Hmistcn will have 5 winter lair __â€"-â€"_â€"-â€"-l- M. 19-20. Owen Sound tawn council has re- The Turkish Red Crescent has col- commmdod the appointment or Jus. looted and spent $325,000 on 1m imam" HcIAuchluI co the Senate. Tux-Bah hoapitaln. 5"“ ;Toronto Return $2.05 1From Lindsay, Ont. lick“: good going P. M. truins Duo. 9.3” Lain- uec. 10 and 1 1 Return I nut Dec. 12 , leooun. "Fab Stock Show" Dec. 10 ~ 1 t day at 1 p. m. 1119 Ha? rm servl Ices were conducted at the house and in- terment took [glue in Lulu-flew ce- metery in Kirklield. II. B. Connor spent Sunday Little Britain. STOCK 10R SALEâ€"THE UNDER- sigped has for sale {our colts (two rising two years old and two ris- ing three years old) ; also two bows. both in calf and whining now. Two of the colts are bloods, their sire being Harry K., the other two being got by Lawrence Agcher. Ap° 350 From I indeay,0nt. Ticket.- good going 0- c. 9. 10. i 1 12 Return limu D. c. 14 0|in Provincial Fur. Doc. 9 to 13 lPrOportiunate nuns {run other points in Uunud". Securelickeu and full particu- lard from nevi-est. Grand 'l‘ruut Agent. ‘V. R. \Vlnnnss, Agent. l'hone ll Mucnuw ugfl Br". Propm tionale n'es pm I u -. Guelph ply to Ethelbert Hooey, Cameron. Ont... Lot 18. Con. 6, Fencion Township. 1119 nnaral services f om olhea Kind Return Your Christmas ' Baking And New Christmas Fruits” All First 9 tality All First Quality Raisins, Currants, Shelled Nuts, Figs, Dates, (Candied Peels, Pure Spices, Etc. _Leave your order for Christmas supâ€" plies early. Our lines are specially fine this year. Give us a trial order. We have the finestâ€"him cured Canadian Chgese to be found in Ontario, Try (1 sample pound and be convinced. 100 vaxietiga,_all fwd! 9nd St all pn‘ceg: Crl§rist§c, Large Florida, all heavy firm fruit. Kent Street, Lindsay ’Phore No. 10. We sell only high-grade, pure goods. All kinds in stock. Abso- lutely fresh. Fresh and full flavor, imported direct. Lemon, Orange, Citron. - Figs and Dates Grape fruit mi - , col- ‘IC- ”19 Prince Louis of unttonberg was gazetted as first sea lord. Biscuits Candied Peels Formerly of Noclunds Irvine. ls: Class Dentistry practiced in all its branches n Moderate Prices. OFFICE IN NEW BEALL BUILDâ€" ING. LINDSAY. Dr. H. Irvine, Dentist Best Service. Spices all others. Sofd' Lindsay

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