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Watchman Warder (1899), 12 Dec 1912, p. 4

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Mr. Winston Churchill spoke on the outlook in the Balkans. The Peterboro girls basketball team from the Collegiate Institute arrived in town this morning, and will play nfriendly game with the L.C.I. bas- ketball team. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon on Diday, the 8rd January. 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty's mails on 5 proposal contract for four years, six times per week, over rural mail route {mm Creeewell, Ontario. £0 commenw at the Postmaster Gen- ernl'a pleasure. Printed neuron. contalnlng further inmrmnuen an m examinees of We: posed comma may be even and mum: terms at Nader may be emmned M We rent emcee e! Creamvell. Salem CM'HN'II. and M the one a! the Past om“ tuagvaemr at Toronto. u. C. ANDERSON. mmerimemlent. l‘ust Olllee Department. Mall Sew vice llrdni‘h. Ottawa. 15th Novem- ber. 1912. Money to Loan. J. B. WELDON, Mariposa township Clerk. Oakwood. Fire Insurance agent. Issuer of marriage licenses. Com'eyancing in all its forms. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to JOS. MEEHAN, AUCTIONEER FOR the Counties of Victoria, and Peter- boro. ’Phone 449, Lindsay P.O. McLA'IrGHmN, PEEL, FULTON STINSON, Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries. Money to‘loan. Spec- MOORE JACKSON, Barristers, etc” solicitors for The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan on mortgages at lowest. current rates. (mice, William-st, Lindsay. F. D. Moore, K.C. Alex. Jackson. STEWART O'CONNOR, Barristers Nmariés, etc. Money to loan at very lowest current rates on best terms. Otflceâ€"corner Kent, and York-sts., Lindsay. T. Stewart. L. V. O'Connor, BA. HOPKINS HOPKINS, Barris- ters, Solicitors, Notary Public. etc. Solicitors for Bank of Montreal. Money to loan on verms to suit borrower. Officesâ€"6 William-st. 8., Lindsay, Ont. G, H. Hopkins, K. C., I". II. Hopkins, B.A., LL.D. pppointment. Kindness soon sour: unless kept in circulation. Jealousy 15,. Nod upon which low rm not fatten. Dr. F. BLANCHARD BRADUA’TE TORONTO KNIVEBSI- TY, CORONER FOR COUNTY OF VICTORIA Office â€" Ridout-st., corner Kent tad Lindsay-$13. Phone 45. Boater And'Physician Dr. Hall. Wis Britain GRADUATE OF TORONTO AND TRINITY UNIVERSITIES. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO SUB- GERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ZASSOCIATE COROXER FOR THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. 015ce Hoursâ€"1 to 3 p.m. and by loan money on farm, town and vilr lage property, at very lowest rates of interest. Company or private funds. I am always ready to buy good mortgages. I. E. WELDON, solicitor, etc., Milne Block. Lindsay in! attentiOn given to investments. Offices : Dominion Bank, corner of William and Kent-sts., Lindsay. R. G. McLaughlin, K.C., A. M. Ful- ton, B..-\., James A. Peel, T. H. Stinson. Woodville office open eVery week at office of C. E. Weeks. .EIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, So- licitor. Notary Public. Solicitor for the Home Bank of Canada, repre- oenting Waterloo Mutual Fire In- surance Co., of Waterloo; Federal Life Assurance Co., of Hamilton. Empire Accident and Surety Co., of London, 0nt., Office over Home Bank, opposite Post Office. PRACTICAL GIFTS! DRUOGIST Lomhor Goods â€"â€" Hand Bags for women. and Purses, Bill Books, etc., for men. Shawn: Sets â€" Razors and Straps, Fancy Mugs, Sul'cty Raz- ors, etc. 'l‘uilot Articles â€"- A most com- ph-to line of Brushes of all kinds. (‘omb and Brush sets, Hand Mir- rors. l‘ufi Boxes. etc. Leather Goods â€"â€" Hand Bags Perfumes â€" We have the finest odors: in beautiful packages. Also Toilet. Waters and Colognes. Stationery â€" Fine letter papers in fancy boxes. Ink Stands, Blot. ters, fiaper Knives, Desk Sets, MAIL CONTRACT PAGE DUUB . H I G INBOTHAM Barristers, etc. LINDSAY The late James Shea was a. man well and favorably known in Lind- say, having followed the occupation of thresher 011‘ and on for some time past. He was a good workman and highly esteemed, His father resides at Franklin, in Manvers township, while a brother of the deceased IiVes at Fleetwood. It is expected that the remains will be interred on Monday or Tuesday next. The sad message was told to Mrs. Shea, wife of the deceased gentle- man, who resides in the east ward on the corner of John and St. Pat- rick-sts. She was heart broken. stating that her husband left only three months ago for the west, where he was ofl‘ex'ed big wages. She is left alone with three small children at hume, two daughters in Toronto, and one son out west. 'lhlt her husband, Harry K. Thaw, is still responsible for all of her bills, was the declaration made in court by EVelyn Nesbitt Thaw. She appeared for examination in a. suit brought against her by the Gerham Manufacturing Company to recover $2.011 for gOOds sold and delivered. She insisted 1hat Thaw, now in the Matteawan Asylum, should pay the hi]. as he had told her to open this and several othi-r accounts. According to the meagre details of hand, “hich were [ecclved by Rev. D. Balfour, pastor of the Queen-st. Methodist church, death occurred in a. shocking manner. It appearsthat the deceased was working with a thresher and in some manner became fastened in the hungry separator, meeting with such injuries that re- suited in his death. The telegram, which was from his son, Mr. Sydney Shea, stated that he was leaving for home on the 5th with the remains of his father. Gordon Hayes was awarded his full claim for a month’s salary against Geo. Harahaw, postmaster at Orange- ville. because he was dismidsed with- out, due cause. He mas not been able to get empIOyment since. HARRY STILL PAYS . Word has befn received in town of the death of Mr. James Shea, of Lindsay. which occurred on the‘even- ing of the 3rd of December, Tuesday in the fanning district, adjacent to Saskatoon, Sask. FELL AWAY TO A SHADOW. Ja s. Shea Meets Shocking End-- Lindsay Man Killed Mn. Wm. Martin. Lower Ship Harbor East, N.S., writes: â€"-"‘I am sending you a testimonial of my cure by Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup. Last May I tool! a. cold, and it. settled on my lungs. I not so bad I could not rest at. night. I had two doctors to treat me but got no relief. “All of my people thought I had Consumption. I had fallen away to a shadow. I had given up all hopes of ever getting better again until my daugh- ter went. to a. store one day and bought me a bottle of Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup. After taking half of it I ‘felt better, so I got two more, and thanks to them I am well today, and able to do my house work. I cannot say too much in its praise, and I shall always keep it in the house.” See that you get. “Dr. Wood’s" when you ml: for it. Theta are many imitp- tiona on the market. Price, 25 and 50 own. See the: the me, The 'r.-m “manna-mum Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup con- tains all the lung healing virtues of the famous Norway Pine tree which makes it the very best preparation for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung Troubles. All HOI‘ People Thought She Had S COTT’S. No alcohol or drugs. Scott Bowne, Toronto, Ontario IZHSS As pure as milk, it is readily assimilated â€"nourishes every organ and every “tissue. Phy- sicians everywhere recom- mend Scott’s Emulsion with absolute confidence in .e ‘- beneficial results. Don't wait foodâ€"a concentrated, nourish- ing, curative food .to restore the healthy action .of :body cells, fortify the blood, sharpen the appetite, make strength, health, energy and-vigor. Scott”: Emulsion corrects nervousnessâ€"4t is essentially a CONSUMPTION. now, but .insist on By virtue of a. writ of fieri faci as issued out of His Majesty's County Court of Huron and to me direCted and delivered against the lands and tenemtnts of Thomas Windrim, wherein the McPherson-HOOey COm- pany are plaintifl‘s and Thomas Win- drim is defendant. I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemp- tion of the above mentioned Thos. Windrim_ in to or out of the follow- lng lands and tenements viz. : the north held of lot 6 in the 6th con- cession of the township of Emily in the County of Victoria. All of which right. title. interest and equity of redemption I will offer for sale by public auction at my office in Lindsay, on Monday, the 23rd day of December, 1912, at the hour of 2 o'clock pm. Priests, middlemen, and registrars were all barred from the marriage ceremony, as were wedding: guests, and anybody else who might be pre- sumed to have had the right of en- tree. The bridegroom stole out and sought two pints of sake with which the wedding cups were filled and the ceremony celebrated. Thereafter the bridegroom appeared at the door of his house, and announced to those waiting that they were married, and there was no need to wait further, as he did not propose to spoil his wedding day by a. reception. SCO’I‘T.â€"In Lindsay, on Dee. 4th, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott, Francis-st, a daughter. DIED. JOHN McLENNAN. Sherm Victoria. County. Sherm‘s omoe, Lindsay. Nov. 1Q. 1019. No eased are entered for trlal at, the evasion: o! olther the nandury sittings or the High Court of Juame Or the; County Court and General Rowena at the Peace, “hush were fichedulcd to take place next Monday (December 9th) hetero J udge Suther- land. of Toronto. at the courthouse here, consequently no court. will be held. As might. be expected, Mr. Ichiba had considerable difficulty in finding his J uliet, and looked OVer forty- seven candidates before being satis- fied with a. young lady of twenty- eight. NO CASES. SCOTT â€"In Lindsay, on Dec. 4th, 1912, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott, Francis-st. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster-General, will be re. ceived at Ottawa. until noon on miday, tne 10th J armory, 1913. for the conveyance of His Majesty's mails on a proposed contract for four years three times per week over Rural Mail Route 1mm Fenelon Falls, Ontario. to commence at the Postmaster-General’a pleasure. She must contract to keep the kitâ€" chen and bathroom absolutely spick and span and ready for instant use. Her style of hairdressing must be a la. mode Japanese â€" no foreign frills, pads, switches, or toupets to be permitted. She must stand five feet high in her tabi, and her limbs and body be of a proper plumpness "â€"as to face, features. and other points, these were not to matter. Printed noticcs, containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be obâ€" tained at the post offices of FeneIOn Falls, Bury' a Green. and at the 011109 of the Poet Office Inspector st. To- Except the clothes she should stand up in she shouid have no worldly possessions whatsoever. She must be severed from her famâ€" ily entirely. ronto. The lady must have passed through all the various conditions of life and the various phases of society, from A to 7., as only by ripe experience can perfection be attained. He commissioned all his friends to keep their eyes open for *him, and gaVe a. standing order to the various matrimonial agencies in the capital to report immediately any likely can, didate for the honors of being 3 the second Mrs. Ichiba. He laid down his primary conditions which the successful candidate would have to fulfil. They were: mediately set partner. Mr. Ichiba, a. well-known Japanese author, has just celebrated, under re- n’farkable conditions, his second mar- riage. His first wife died in April last, and the mourning spouse im- JAPANESE AU'flIDR é‘ SELECT S HIS WIFE Six Exacting Conditions Had to be Fulfilled G. .0. ANDERSON. Superintendent. Pout om Wt. m Bor- m Branch. mun. am tom THE WATCHMAN BIRTHS. about findin a another 3 SALE “ The Greatest Supernatural Won- der of the World,” the text being found in 2nd Cor. 11. The speaker made reference to 50%!) great phe- nomena which might be called the seVen modern wonders o! the world, but the great supernatural wonder is Christianity. By patient experio mental work scientists claim they can produce a grain of wheat very like the material grain in appear- ance and composition, but it will lack the great essential qualityâ€"life. So Christianity is the true religion -â€"the religion of life everlasting. Rev. W. R. Archer gave a. very helpful discourse last Sunday on In connection With the work of the Hartley Epworth League it is rum- ored that a, debate is to be held iin the near future. If such be true the details will be given later. Miss B. MacMillan. of Palestine. has been visiting her friend Miss M. Campbell during the past week. In- cidentally she attended the Susial evening on Friday night. Mrs. J. Myles, of Montana, is vis- iting her brother, Mr. John Currie. Miss Sophia MOyneS, of Glenarm, visited Mrs. Neil Brown on Sunday. Miss Hannah McArthur, of Wood- villc, is visiting her aunt Miss Low- me. Misses B. MacMillan and M. Camp- bell spent. Saturday in Lindsay. Electrlc Restorer tor £13 ha. hang] "mom overview. n o 3 Vining vuuiuy. _ “fifiifigfiwflgfi “$123333 ark" 0w man ENGA a V m d r‘llm. Last Friday night a number of the of the Adult Bible class members 01' and League drove to the home Mr. Wm. Maxwell and spent, a wry enjoyable social evening. WILLIAM ’l‘llUllNiquY Oli‘li‘IClA'l‘w 1C1! A'l‘ GLEi'AltM. 1 The annual meeting of L.O,I.. 935. was held in (lienarm on Doc. 3. with a largo number present. After the regular business Dro. Wm. Thom- bury, of Lindsay, was called upon to take the chair during the election and installation of officers. The fol- lowing oilicers were eIOCted to office : D. P. McKenzie. W. M. Rom. Hat-grave. D. M. R. McFadycn, chap. D. A. Spence, rem-sec. Dougald Spence, lin.-sec. H. BOyde, trees. R. Nicholson, lecturer. D. Ferguson, D. C. D. Campbell, sr. com. _ After the installation of officers in- ‘teresting addresses were given by members present. and Dec. 20 m sot sport for 5 degree muting _ o! the lodge, and/t well spent m; 1:» brought to 8 clone. ‘--.. On Saturday afternoon last the weather was ideal. Mr. (290. E. 'l‘hornbury had a. very successful shooting match at his home north of here. The shooting was long continued and some good shots were made. Among the most Qua-ossful was Mr. (.‘olin H. Campbell, who captured three geese. It is under- stood that W. A. Barker intends holding a shooting match here next week. INTERESTING NOTES FROM HARTLEYâ€"GOOD ADDRESS. Hartley, Dec. 3.â€"Mud again! It, is not our nature to complain, but nevertheless with snow one day and mud the next it )5 hard for the young men of our burg to tell whether to take the cutter or the buggy \vhm they go for an eight or ten~mile drive. And all other kind: 1» mm»- hun'n Dru; More. SAFETY RAZORS. .“h Tonight rub your scalp 11 D . I tly with Cuticura Ointment. In the morn- ing shampoo with Cuticura Soap. No other emollients do so much for dry, thin and falling hair, dandrufi and itching scalps, or do it so speed- ily, agreeably and economically. Full directions in every package. Cori». Dept. 17D. Cancun-38031) and Ointment we sold throughout the world. A liberal sample or eacn.wlth 32-mo booklctonthe cam and treatment. of the skin and scalp. Womb-mo. Address Potter Drugdr. Chem ,uvnn T-WABDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. OFFICERS INSTALLED mtw our newolnlhom DI hono‘ wm muztrum 3mm ‘ in mum}? ram and nmn a“ «Em hm “mod :wxow “III; l‘fll Mqvnszol‘oo '0 am! a“ dung. SHOOTING MATCH There will be oflerod for sale by public auction on Saturday the twenty-first. day of December. 1912, at. the hour ol two o'clock in the afternoon. at the Simpson House in the town of Lindsay, by Elia- Bowos. auctioneer. the east hnli‘ oi lot. No. 15. in the 10th communion of the township ot Ops. containing 100 acres more or less. The property is situate about. six miles trom the town of Lindsay. There is a. good comfortable house built upon the sumo. :1 trump barn a0 x (in. a log ntulrlo tor homo and iruum t‘ow siuiilo and huh liouuo. 'i‘lwm are about. tit) 5cm oi ilio land uutlvr cultivation. n cowl fli‘t'lmt‘tl and the lminnou in punturo unit uwauup iumi. which it: iimlmmi “UN Human“: «mi vim. 'l‘lw property in «it ivnuml and there in a good well on tho sumo. " Tut, tut. man, not a bit of it. I admit that. I got two tons from you, but I did not borrow them. I sim- ply h'anded the cash OVcr to your daughter. It's all in the family and I don't. (or the life of me 800 “hat you are kicking about." " Yes, I did," declared the father with some vohcmence. " What ? It is possible that you have forgotten. I certainly loans-d you twenty dollars. The said land will be sold subject to a reflervotl bid and to the usual atandlng condltlom or 9qu of the high court of justice. Possession turbo give: of March 1918. Every one present thought this a generous gift. and all \wnt, merry as the proverbial marringe bell. 'l‘ime sped on, and the father met the M. P. several times, but no mention was made by him of returning the money. One day he ” boned " Ard- ley {or the cash. " What do you mean ? " inquired the local member in well feigned as- tonishment. 'I‘erms.â€"-10 per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within 30 days thereafter without interest. For further partic'ulars and con- ditions of sale apply to McLaughlin, Peel. Fulton 6; Stinson of the town of Lindsay, solicitors for John H. Peel and Charles Hartley. executors 0! Charles Peel, deceased. V " Well ! you never did," ans“ cr- ed Ardloy, unabashed. " I never borrowed any." was the somewhat disconcerting response. Dated at Lindsay this 28th day 0! November. A.D. 1912. " Why, the money you borrowed frOm me at my daughter‘s wedding some months ago; you have never returned it." MINING BACK NORTH. Ardley took the proffered bank notes and, placing them in an ‘cnvu- lope, wrote on the card for a long and happy wedded life from yourâ€"" The New York Graphite Company's mm at Harcourt is nearing com- pletion and work in progressing no pldly. They got steam up and blew the whistle for the flrlt than t week ago. M. on. um» lumbar“; .‘P Certainlv not, " replied the proud parent anxious to oblige and happx in the thought that his ' girl " “as soon to be well mated for life. plained amt,~ he was pleased to be present and had only managed to get away from his duties at. Ottawa at the last. minute. " I am sorry,” he added, " but, in my hurry I forgot to secure a pres- ent for your charming daughter. Would it be too much trouble to lend me a couple of tons.” mtho principal industry but north hot it begin- to look now u n mung would {or Input-do n. decade ago, would carry him. As a general rule, however, the average member is better off financially than he was when a number had to de- pend on their session allowance. 1n days gone by it was rather difficult a to make ends meet and maintain social standing and dignity. ' No matter how widely recognize-.1 a. niember of parliament may be in his own constitumcy, when he attends to his sessional duties at Ottawa -â€" unless he has been a. sojourner there for years-he is comparatively un- known. In his own rising he may be esteemed a. devil of a big fellow and all honor and respect shown him, but. in the corridors of the Commons he attracts little more no- tice or attention than 3. sessions! messenger. He is lost amoné the larger luminaries. The MJ’. has of late years felt the added “east of IN- ing, and his indemnity of $2,500 will not go any farther today than the paltry $1,000 which’he reocivcd a decade ago, would carry him. As EXECUTORS' SALE widely recognized a on the first bu nk Greece refused to sign and alone continues war on Turkey. Sir James Whitney spoke at the Canadian (‘lub banquet. in London. British militant. sul‘xrugvtles decid- ed to resort to bombs. APPLES DESTROYED. lclteville. Dec. 5.â€"I-‘ire broke out last night in the Village of Frank- fordflfourteen miles north-west of this thy. A large apple storage warehouse bt-Ionging to David (‘0er was almost totally destroyed. Five thousand barrels of apples were con- tained within and all were damaged or dcstxoyed, with exception of fit- teen hundred barrcYS “hich were re- moved. ages for loss of hounds. “hiLh \\‘ granted by the county judge. , LETITIA IcGEE. math visited the home’of Hr. Wm. McGee. Janetville, on Dec. 5. and called to her great reward his be- loved wife. in her 67th year. The deceased my had been in‘delicate health lcr stout two years. Two weeks ago she received a. paraiytic stroke and e second.one since. from which she pever rallied. Mrs. Mc- Gee wss an ardent worker and at- tendant of the Methodrist; church. Besides a loving husband, who mourns -her demise, two sons and two daughters regret the loss or a kind mother. 'rhcy‘are: Mr. John M0303, on the farm; Edward, of Oklahoma; Miss Ethel, at home. and Mrs. E. Linton, of St. Johnsbury, Vermont . The' funeral will take place from the family residence on Saturday, December 7th, at 10:30 a.m. Ser- viCe at tbs house half :11 hour ear- l'er. Interment takes place it; Omeâ€" mee cemetery. DOG S CHASE]! (‘1 HQ 5‘ MOTOR BOAT Perrin’s Motor Boat Ridout-st. Luna's»! BRANCH. for next «non. fee (oodnau swim on NOW. You‘ll want it. in time. anzi want the work during the wintcr. THE DOM ‘ A IHIDN_-%E§F OBITUA RY. If You‘Aro Going To Gc You mnnot be 100 car you give the children, : “tiered are anythmg bu: r NATIONAL DRUG Ctr-nip OF CANADA. umu‘m. But don‘t your druggip mm. in “'11“; confidence, w a couxpicte 1 this or any ot Keep :1 25¢. reliable rem. .iv Wm nip in the b coughs and Cold is "ziablc, nolhmg 11.12 Syrup cf 5.33:0}, Licorice and (menu. 2 re 11S (‘9 “01‘: that A was not a and 1110 firm are t that acco THI'RSIMA’ thflu Smil King: (tl with .\l nuhn the SP“ livn. im ham Rn foanh l\\'8Â¥(l or sent 0 tives 1.1m SHE {WEB V WITH IEE Milli" of ever S RVC EXCI'J ( (‘hic '\.\':\I'l III ".\( frag-341%“ Cured its: mm Mn UN TA I N Limitec 1 V a! all the mot M133 MAGGIE J 1h O Ltav order {12 nudxu: ti .DCC lane .c ’05! v Payments 1.: cheque or drum The Bunk of every utwnti‘m upw: Assets FREE 10 YOU Lindsay Emma CAPITAL, SI tit-lime!“ a cum; ‘ (ems: wcck. ox 1' \ Just tend Inc your (munch! for 5- m “m Thy hunk» ' in: whv Wm H su' MR it and h nrn tion.‘ you can ‘1' « in remedy. It run \ I lmlmml whn n ~ I liar Menqrn. ~ 'hCfl‘VI‘f 3..., I San Francisc' .. Cot-responder»? travelling put : their journey by this Bank m in places when; to" any nume-(t' lhn‘ well. Mnmg. plump NIH. nlm lh!‘ .‘mfik ' V, Cheques am (I . main. lire, krona. n “H‘s-1"“.."s'uufim c R s:- . B A Greg: Ifyon am wn rt! 5 The B You H" i! LIP lnw’l’omt‘d by I of Parliament I‘Mdlpmt‘h‘ I-NG M \(‘H oflgrp jun! 1 1M: MM‘lH tho runm WARRE The Cana. y Proving SIR mu Amemm 1 TOE IQ‘K‘I'ZHV H m w 3 6% sgturdays THEE; $579 000‘ PC Paid up Ca: Rest Undivi dcdl1 Lindaay Br‘ Other blenl Office Ho bx,“ 'y u I .‘N transacted . Bran c! v Branches minion. 0”. 10h. )(tV. lHl York, Clnca DECEMBER IRIST s all. «M fllfllt I

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