REM ENTS“ 681' etter. 10 T0 15 PER Here ! .9 From Ontario 3 1.09 196 199‘ 286 25C 256 39c 49c 49c 59c 696 79c 79c 90c 25c 19% â€"m-. B. A. Ayotte town. is â€ti- ‘W mg the Commercial Course in tho “W Business College. rabbi“, ma LINDSAY MARKETS! Red clover, $10 to $13. Straw, $4.00 to $5.00. Sirloin steak 20c lb. Spare ribs 10c m. Sage per bunch 5c. Timothy seed. $1.50 to 82 bushy Turkeys 24¢ per l'b. †Turnipa, $5 per ton. Wheat, fall. 85c. bush. Wheat, goose. we. bush- - W Wheat, spring. 80c. bush; 3 “Mb, WN' mu'h, 10.0 m. "34’, balml, 750. (3“- “MIN, vow, no to 120. mm, calf, 12 to He Ib- Huics. sheep,.50c. to 75¢- Hay, $8 to $12 per ton. Lamb. 13 to 14¢ per q!“ â€(5 380. bus. ' cats. rolled. $2.55 bag. Pork, hind 14c. Pork, front, 13c. Peas, large_ $1.50 bush. Peas, small, $1.25 bush. Potatoes, 85¢. per bag. Rib roast. 17c lb. flu We (mm handle umbrellas, brooches, ear rings, lL!i1(')’}’llf5tS, and many other nations. W8 have wry kind ofgifz‘far men and boys. Come in and iuzw a look before you buy for father, son or broth- Cash and One Price I; we wish something to wear, we can show a mumml and ma little adamant; or neck and /‘m:'/-.almgl>vesin kld,.leather, st or met; a mm“! m Nu†latest stylé silk, 8 material. or 11wu/,J1‘1‘SS(‘S and dress pa terns wit number. [maxi/1:4 quality affltrs in mink, Persian lamb nmmur, wolf and others. Fancy scarfb, WA: and mm] from SUL‘ to $3.00, We' h1ve gifts of a praoti-el al nature; they always give satisfaction : * and comfort. In useful gifts we sug'-': gest for the home, some handsome table linen, napery, centres, doyliee, which will deck your “tabie d’hote" and make your dinner as merry as that ofthe“Cratohett’s even If you do ., not meet the savory goose. ‘“ We Want to llelflon ta Make It a Gala Tme Christmas spirit is it} the air. I . And .on balls are nngingeverywhete; hr} )l ll «win: this morning brought, “Humor 01‘ producers on the l-‘nw! were in uuundance [ml' “1., UN. to 170. litllc, 3+ to $6 pair. pw‘ va, $7.65 1.0.1). Mun‘noha Lu-r “L. l If» [0 80a. 1341'. lb. spring, 800. hush; ll hunch lath week's‘pi-wes, with n! @2058», whiCh advanc‘ -r pnnnd, Many secur- [m HI lb H H market a noticeable Full wheat took ...- busho'l and spring Hy "mm by. Hogs uh nml are quoted ,ts guns» this morn- 1U $5.50 SECTOON 0N! mmh :uml urn quoted llv'\' wvekn There '1 fn!‘ hay, all Ofd I†to 17¢. bushel . to 30¢- m â€00. in piece. or THE rule 190. Barry, 01‘ West Guilford, is making his headquarters at the King Edward getting his fast pacing stal- .ir-n ‘- Guin'ord Boy " keyed up for the coming ice events, which will take place during the winter. Getting Ready While they last. The new Webster dictionary at The Warder oflice 98c. The University of California is the ï¬rst great institution of the kind to recognize the importance of an anta- mobile by establishing fa. chair 0! motor scienoe. . v a. syndicate headed by Sir Bani-y Pollen has'purehmd If W,†ed that Mr. Irwin Jackson, son or the above gentleman, was acciden- tally killed some time ago. An no tion for damages was instituted by Messrs. Stewart O'Connor. The sum of $1,000 and costs was receiv- ed, the costs amounting to ‘a consid- erable sum. owing to litigation amongst the American lawyers. Sir Wilfrid Laurier moved mendment in the Cammons ‘ mier Borden’s navy resoluti volving the immediate const: mammg and maintenance of ‘ It. is understood that a. settlement has been made in the case of Mr James Jackson, of Lindsay, against one of the big railway corporationSI in the States. It. will be remember-J $1 ,000 SE’I‘TLEMEN '1‘. WA LKING ALONG TRACK-4ND : Borden’s navy resolution, in- 'ing the immediate constmction, and maintenance of twenty- Canadian warships of four class- LADY KILLED For Ice Meets Lindsay Hon. J. D. Hazon roooivod a great ovation when he rose to reply to Sir Wilfrid Lnurier. Ho dealt oflectlve- ly with the ex-promier's claim that under his policy there would now be ten war vessels opon the stocks at Montreal. He pointed out that the present emergency contribution had nothing to do with Canada’s per- Mr. L. Hooey, of Cameron, return ed on Wednesday, Dec. 11, from Al- berta by C.P.R., after a. three year's sojourn in the Canadian West. The. objeCt of Mr. Hooey's visit to the' prairie province was for the sole: purpose of observing the habits of the people and customs of the coun-l try. Calgary was the pomt at. which he made his headqugrters and he traveled north, south, east and west ironiduns‘ great and growing city, picking up informntion as to loud values, and the prospects for investment. Land around Calgary andsixtyuiles north Bheld‘atflo taper me. ~Every:urmr,uhcddmed. Q94! in the mrket with his [mute and Mr. Hooey look: upon: the mpiority olthefmnuhndshsflmmost staged and put on. The singing of God Save the King and the cheering ‘l'ormcd an effective drop curtain. TWO FLEET UNITS. Sir Wilfrid’s policy can be 5111an up in a, few words. Heegrees with the government that thirty-ï¬ve mil- lion dollars shall be put at the dis- pose). of the government at once for the purpose of strengthening the na- val forces cf the empire. He does not favor presenting nrltuln with three drendnoughts, to he a. part of the royal navy .slatinnud in the North Sea. but propoues in lieu thereof that Canada shall spend $36,000.000 upon two fleet unlts (embracing one dmadnouqht each). one to be stationed on the Atlantic coast and the other on tho Pnclnc coast. and these are to ho manned offlcorotl oqulppvd and malnulnod hv Canada. Slr Wlltrld declares that no emer- gency oxlltl. “ It there in an omorr army,†he myl. “ l! Finylnnd II in‘ danger. do not lend 885 000. 000. but twice, thrlco and tour times thatl unount." l I The whole aflair was carefully l no pm‘amncnt policy without Canada. having a. voice in Britain’s foreign policy. They ‘ were both asserting Canadian autonomy from their re- spective standpoinm. Mr. Hazen, who followed, also spoke well, but when he charged Sir Wilfrid with saying on a. (ox-me; oc- casion that Canada might orde'r her ships. but not to take part in a. war until it had the sanction of the Ca.- nadinn Government, he (Mr. Hazen)‘ was insisting at the same time for] ‘ A {mocking pitch-In hunt)! oc- curred on the Grand Trunk Runny ‘at 10.56 o'clock on Oct. 11th. at i'l‘nnnér's siding. when Fireman Rod- path was scuttled to duth. m. umeets Herb8 Elliott nud F}. Lynda and Fireman Wethowp being .130 ae- Verely guided; Ottawa. Dec. 1822:5119 people of the mother country will think mu more ‘0! Canada. after the m at Hir Wilfrid Laurier in the com here to-day. tor in the two Mal, that of Promise Borden and Ill' Wilfrid, we get both an mm contribu- tion and g naval pollq. end the two must come and thq all“ go tagether. Sir Wilfrid delivered one of the best. speeches of his long career and lt'mwas cut in lotty‘ tone and absolutely patriotic all imperial. DEAD wuuwï¬odnflu o! W†b variant ol musty one week. M- ptth van 'on his trig! run a Mo‘ E. Lyhdo. mum. at Lindsay. ludly scald“. ‘ -'â€". Wothorup. aroma: (or W Lynda, ‘01 Linday. bully mud. Herb. Elliot. augment. who “van on, qullnthn-gg. bully, 3W“- » Veiy law fllfflflmm m to and «regarding the was at the uealdeus. w the damage resulting; =1: appears that. Engine No; 904: In ehuge 6f Condueter 6039:: item: way and Engineer Alger. at Lindsay. cuss bound way freight, was when: in; a Tanner's aiding. abet“; two miles from Waubaushene. when: with: 9% any mm the deubledmder ex: Laurier Declares iorr Canadian Fleets on the Atlantic and Paciï¬c ameron Resident Likes ’ Canadian West, But FIRBMAN REDPATH SCALDED TO DEATH THE INJ URED. LINDSAY. ML. mmmv. MCI!!!" 09. 19†The people oi this country had ‘aweited with impatience and appre- hension the message which would be delivered to them from the British Government by the present Canadian prime minister. They had beenitold by people here that England was on her knees begging for help from Ca- nmiu. " lint," eaid Sir Wilfrid. amid tromvndmm 'cheere, †England never bend: the knee i She in never a. beggar, and never a. suppliant." I’liltl'llA’ (‘ANMilAN NAVY Sir Wilfrid made an eloquent plea ior veeeele paid for by Canada. 1! possible built in (tum-tin. maintained by Canada. with Canadian: oniboard to ï¬ght [or the empire. HAZEN liEi’lJES Hon. J. D. Hum. miniater of ma:- ine and naval affairs, pointed out that the prime minister faithfully carried out his ante-election pledgee. He had been the epitome of sincerity and consistency. Mr. Ham went on to point out how impossible it would be for Canada to build dread-i noughte ior many years to come. and reminded the house of the dimeulty experienced in manning the ships we have. There is ‘ {nudity About good reso- lutionsâ€"they gr. always a little too He then traced chc history of the nM'al question in this country, be- ginning with the resolution intro- duced in the house of commons, by ‘Hon. George E. Foster, upon which was ï¬nally founded the resolution oi March 29, 1909. When ‘the house opened the prime minister moVed that the report of the committee of the whole house re- commending the adoption of the relolutlon, declaring it to be exped- ient to appropriate 835,000,000 [or the construction of three capital but- tle ships under the direction of the governor ln council. be placed at the disposal of his mnjeety {or defence of the empire, be ndoptai. NON-POLITICAL ISSUE. ‘ When Mr. Borden took his seat Sir 3Wiltrid Lnurier arose. “ In rising." he said, " to present the views 0! his majesty's loyal oppos'tion. I should say to the house that there came to me last summer as well as to the prime minister. representations from many eminent mtn. asking that the question of imnerial defence he keptl out of, contentious politics. I am heartily in accord with this proposi- tlon." m out. pitched m- “ mun ms- with mac mt. will a [afoul In!!! M manhunt; with loan at We and MN. Wart-l to mammal th- mw on the double- hador. The donut-heater (cannon Not. 2019 and mâ€) m In chum 0! 0m J. M. o! [Judas Wm M man got! Finn-n woman may»: W on the loud- ln‘ moan! and W m. We and Fireman Wothowp on the 006° and engine. Two an on Conductor XeElroy'n train worn donned. while tho two double-header undo“ toppled over into the ditch odor. the membofl of the crew had 5 chance to Jump. currylng nlx curs. It lune-rs that u blinding snow storm prawntud Engineer Ethan and ï¬reman Wth lrom peeing the mun thud In time to Mt the pitch-1n. The slippery rung also handicapped the engineer from bringing Mg mm to u stop; mummt many, and would hows been made men it the BMW NW! N been continued by the I'WWM 80‘“ ernmem. ï¬reman Mann. 1: is stated. was terribly guided “(hated almost in sunny Engineers ' when; and Made and ï¬rms: vaemm were nine badly seamed and are in dam; or. white they also gunman! denim John Foster. of Wyoming, was Ia» tally injured in an automobile acci- dent, being thrown out und g sewing whine ï¬lling on him. l..0.L. No. 557 met in regular eon- Iiun lull. night. with a largo numimr of onion" and members \prmnt. hur- lng amen! buelneu it was deeded to write W. Bro. Thou. Dull. of flu- Ornnge Mutuni, in regard to having him here early in the new year. in connection with‘ that. part o! the Order. A npeoinl Rayni Arch meet.- ing will be held the third 'I‘ueedny in January, when seven! member- will be edvnnoed to that. illustrious do- nee. It being the ennui election of omoerl. W. Bro. P. Conquergood. P.M., wu celled to the choir. when the following once" were elected for the ensuing yelr :â€" Put meterâ€"Andrew Marshall. W. WM“. Zeolnnd. D. Mumâ€"W. H. Skuce. Chaplainâ€"P. Conquergood. Rec. Secretaryâ€"D. M. Lockwood. Fin. Secretary-aloe. Brown. Treasurerâ€"Wm. Warren. D. of C.â€"~I. POgue. Lacturersâ€"T. A. Newman and Walâ€" lis Burke. ' Committeemen â€" Brown Zealand, Wm. Morrison. Fred Shouldioe, Robt. Bell, Frank Burrow. Tylerâ€"E. Neddo. Auditorsâ€"P. Conquorgood and A. The omcers were installed by W. Bro. Wm. Warren. County Master, in a. Very impressive manner. and the lodge closed by singing the Nmom ‘U. S. Ambuudm- Whiteluv Reid is seriously ill in London. Agirl b9" 5 lot dump Ibo Don't give things because they are cheap and make 3 big thaw for the money. AI 0. rule. it. is a dangerous thing to pick up . lot. of all sorts of thing: at but-gun snles for Christ- mu presents. It you do there in ul- ways tho tomptutlon to make inap- propriato gm... Don't decide to abstain from giv- ing just because you cannot word ex- pensive presents. The thoughtlul- non of your gift, the interest you take in those to whom you give, are the principal things. The intrinsic value of your mt: comm: very little. Don't let your Christmas go by without giving same sort of present to a child. The excuse that you know no children will not sufllce. You can know plenty of them be- tween now and the day of days. loo dann't want s will 30““ m tq know tint ‘50 known. new; A m tron mam! outed that the not: in the ho-plul, “though very badly nodded. were doing a ale-1y .- could be expound. W's Siding II no ecu-d um I no mm u thin point. operand Don't eat your Christmas dinner in a. restaurant i! you can ï¬nd any old home that you may eat it; in. for a Christmas dinner in a home is worth two in the bush. Don't be the ï¬rst to tell , child there is no Santa Claus. It you have to lie about it lie, and lie as attractively as your educatiorx will permit. by g ml: and Tanner. It was while "Inching at this point 01M. the m:- nd could“: took mm. The utn out douhlvheulor, I. gain mm. m on In wuy lrom mm: to Linda». Don't acquire your Yuletldo bolero the fun at Christmas actually begins. No Christmas la fulï¬lled when the celebrant is ï¬lled full. on «ma. up In. Brown. with whom the you“ ï¬reman. (mum bparded. n Murder report»! mu mâ€" formed that map»! had only been Don't expect to receive as much .3 you give, as the odds are on the dis- appointment. A resident of Lindsay about one Week; In. home in m Lakemsld. and he was on his will run when killed; mum? Eliot: Is 1; Heater i of Mahatma Wed mum. who was not: iausly inland sue mm his! week by falling off 0 mm while In mm W Hummus; Don't auburn. yourself by giving more than you can word. Don't. let money domiuata yaw autumn [Mum Dan‘t let Christan" giving datum: "to Into a Wadi. no“ lava the 59“ MN: an pm: um. 0. L. No. 557 Chrlstmas Don’ts Elect Officers Mullto4 to-dly. Toronto. Doc. 12.â€"Wulklng behind a. wontbounn car on Front-ut., appu- site the Queen's Hotel. Rev. W. '1‘. Rosin, a Methodist minister. of Tnnton, 0nt., stopped directly in front of ‘ rapidly moving outbound Bothth our nod was fatally injured. 80 was picked up in an unconscious oond than .nd token to St. Michael's Hooplul, where it was found thnt he had unnamed .. compound tracture o! the bus of the ukull and a. number 01 um brubeo. It was stated at a Into hour [at night that the in- .Iunod man would probably live until Mr. Regen had been very busy dur- ing the put (ew weeks at Trenton looking after extensive repairs to his church, which are now nearing com- pletion. He had come to Toronto to arrange with one of the local pastors to preach at the re-opening service, which was act for a week from Sunday. Mr. Rogers is widely known in To- ronto, and was one of the most pro- mising young men of the Bay of Quince Conference, of which he was mercury last year. He entered the ministry in 1892 and graduated in arts from Victoria College in 1902. He was received into the ministry by special ordination in 1894, and in mu connection in 1898. His rise m.vexyrepldone,endheievery well known throughout the [etho- dist Church of the Dominion. a well n In hi on comm. ma ï¬rst '5." he anointed (or cover-.1 years: durum moving to WOoler. Kill- uook. and than to Tunton. vb†1'9 mmtammtw 5“". Miss Spencer appears at the un- nusl choir concert. Mr. Fiddes. tenor soloist of Toronto. wlll slso be presmt to uslst the choir and 0. program of run musics! worth to omrod Tue-61y, Dec. 17. Methodist Minister Fataly lniured an audience that ï¬lled the building giving the young entertainer a i re- ception that was a tribute to her dramatic powers and the program of prose and poetry chosen by her. The group of poems musically accom- panies by Miss Pearl Powell was a feature that won iavor. Miss Spen- cer's rendering oi the ï¬rst and sec- ond, " Uncle Eph's Heaven †and Thackeray’s “ Cane-bOttomed chair," showed her to he possessed of an in- sight into the pathos 0! these poems, lwhile the third, a stirring patriotic selection, entitled " The Girld of Canada," and written eSpecially for her by Owen A. Smiiy, brought a rousing encore. The diversion of a gOod share of humor kept the aud- ience in the best of spirits. It is not too much to say that Mr. Arthâ€" ur Blight Is one of the most cultur- ed and ï¬nished of Canadian vocal. ists. Although the assisting art- ist, he may fairly be said to have shared the honors at the evening with Miss Spencer. Miss Lilyan Smith played his accOmpanimcnts with good taste and judgment." Nothing to do . Miss Clarion Spencer. the tolemed elooutionist 0! Toronto. who sp- pears in Lindsay on Tuesday highi next at the Cambridge-st. M'eihod- lst church, comes very highly recom- mended. She is spoken very highly of by the Toronto critics, the fol- lowing clipping being taken from the Toronto Star: " The recital given by Miss Clarice Spencer in Associa» tion Hall last night was a success, ' am. an. uédru Mg moulding shop at the C ' [whim Cor- mutton bra plant u Hamlet- was burned to that ground at 4‘30 um mommy. entailing an estimated km: a! “0.006. partly covered W mar-m. ‘th «sauna lg nmaowm The him had gunned good headway when the Bflï¬demmm. and had it not been for the ï¬re dour: me when; plant would probably have been de: snared: The maiden have um anagram to the 89: 1 werkn at am: Moulding Shop Miss Spencer Comes Highly Recommended Burned at Gall But to Accept "I cannot my: I understand there are always expense- In Ottun.‘ (q got anything through." "Yes, but I do not. remember speaking to him 0! it." “For whet! service did this pay. ment provide ?" Call and see our Christmas Goods. We are selling cheap. Miss J. "Nothing puud between you and Ryan in any myment or my chapel “I understand Ryan Win: in the Former: Bank Wendy am- that," queried Hr. Thompson. Retused to Build Scaffold For Ellis tgo in regard to Building a scaaold toi- the condemned m Ellis, to whit tho'mn 0! architecture posi- tively Manet, "No. I kept it in ‘ unit. with other commission." "To whom did this momy go ?" "I cannot. nay. but to c diaerent Duty. " It requires a great deal 0! tact for a. mto make her husband think he in Influx hi. on way. "ma you but it in your own mm. 7" ukod counsel. "Did you meet Mr. Ryan in Otto.- wu. the ï¬rst day you art-Wed ?" "I did." “Wu H. thut duy or the following tint. you wrote the 83.000 cheque ?" "That day. It was drawn on tho Traders Bunk." "Can you give my turthor light ?" "I with I could. I can any noth- Iug more of th. mung cheque." «pod without injury, but seven! m m gvm by smoke. The W Hotel at Nina“ M.0ntaflo,mdestmyodbyfln. Lou 87.000. All the We: ee- â€Wee. and when it came in I cashed it. I was puzzled {or this cheque lacked to me like the money I paid (Net for it. I think “possible that I changed the mom-y I mm in my “eat for that cheque. I do not know what the 88.000 wu plid for. “No, I was unable to say what I used it for. But I say it might have had some connection with it. I cannot say." EARME ’ BANK [NOW “.0553 " You were expecting the chequo from Ottawa. ?" . Mr. Travers. looking much heartier than at the last session, entered the box at this juncture to clear up tho difï¬culty. ‘.'Was this cheque drawn in Janu- ary, the one deposited in Ottawa. for some unknown person ?" moo. not. 18.41.. tonry I.» to tho hum of tho Forum Bonk w an- wmmhwuh, Commu- olonor to: tho M Gout-melt. cloud 1mm oooolon at 11.46 this morning. Fran . ouudpolnt o! u- luniutlng ovtdouoo tho outing wu unuttohotqry. on. “though .x-Ion- “What. was the ultimate destina- tion of the money ?" “Mr. Travers got it," interpolated Mr. Clarkson. who was sitting in court. " And kept it ?" "I do not remember what he said he did with it." acct-mm'lnmwnw macho: and wu arc-dwell. Comb-loner to Icy ban .1! an mu gt bl. dhpoul in connection with tho min-lug 08.00 cheque. noun-c new doulopal um would mntd‘klly mm. In clearing up the annuity ubout this document. n W ofldont that the cheque. now notorious. uu-om m «lawman o! "0.†mm commend by m to he tin key ta the mm or duneultm and Gamma; swam «mm: hue wow: rod away the history at the imam: "There was no stub," he further suggested. " No. no stub. But there was on entry on the Union Bank lor 83,000. It was drawn in twenty one-hundred- dollar bills and twr. 8500's. “The chews has not turned up, suppose ?" 11:. Thompson replied that account: at the Rum]! House. where bit. Rye. was reported to be staying, showed no further evidence. Abe†m. poms the trauma“ 9! the norm centred: It. Tum m questioned at tenth as to m relate“ and “1030 91mm.“ unit an: Peter Ryan. bus the 9mm no mm a repetition of um won 3‘â€! 39. John Thompson. at mun. amassed a: crown gauntlet. and pro. Quad 3 letter from the 139.9%wa me! of Finance and an attached «oh tram the general manager at m bunk. It is reported that g Lindsay our. enter was splat-Med some days "In than an turum light about the 88,000 plaque." uked Sir Wilv lion. " No." film