The; 1 Ycur [MM BUSINESS. 01.33019!!! E. WILLIAMSON LINDSAY-ST. m. S. J. Sims, Dentist AH dental operations carefully pap,- lormed at. mndetata prices. No gilt is Ofï¬ce Over Gregory'simug Store A good frame house, stable and good acre of land with young ordlard in North Ward. Price $650. For Sale at a Sacriï¬ce Where did you \get those lovely photographs taken ? At‘OLIVER’S STUDIO. just across from the Ear- ket, Lindsay. Ont. Kent-st. CHAS. LINDSAY PHONE 53 Ir. 0. O. Forsyth, choirmaster {and Dear prganist of the Cambridgesn. Metho- the ye: dist Church was the recipient of a young beautiful and useful artistic readiggi mas e1 lamp as a mark of esteem and appreâ€" the w} ciatiou from the members of the the Ca choir. choir 1 LIVERY and HACKS Santa Claus Headquar- ters for Holiday Goods 5. 10 and 15 Cent Stores The presentation was made C. L. Pickering, while the !( address was read by Mr. I] well : CLEANIN G, PREISING AND REPAIRING E.’ W. MOORE, William-st Out 309313. 31' Offtï¬ï¬‚ Standard-Bred Stock For Sale m an». _‘ï¬nmw Presentation to Popular Organist of Cambridge-St. Methodist Church LEIGH R. KNIGHT l. M. OLIVER “ Prompt Service," is our motto â€9% m s more appreciated than a photo of yourself. --â€"wâ€"â€"uâ€" w v v, ally Wercler and The Weekly Wetehmen-Warder appeal to an exClusive clientele. card pleeecl in thle Directory will be an invitation into the best homes made by M". the following Hr. H. Brim- Lindsay. LINDSAY 6.28 p.m. Ar. 10.45 a..m., 8.10 p. m., 9.29 p.m. TorontO, m Port Hopeâ€"Lv. 10.50 £33133: TIME TABLE Paterboroâ€"Lv. 7,10 5.311,. 10-60 a. m., 8.15 9.111., 9.82 9.131., Ar. 7.50 a.m , 9.18 a.xn., 6.23 p.m., 9.55 p.311. Pataboro, Clmpballlord, Bellaville â€"LV. 7.10 3.1m, 10.60 0.111. Ar. 9.15 o,.m., 9.55 pan. m. Ar. 8.50 5.111., 6.10 p.m. Hsliburtonâ€"Lv. 2.40 p.m. Ar. 8.50 gm. Coboconkâ€"L‘v. 6.30 p. :11. Ar. 10.10 a.m. Port Perry and Whitbyâ€"1w. 6.20 a.m., 9.20 a.m., 12.01 p.m‘. Ar. 10.45 mum, 7.35 p.m., 8.45? 13.211. Fonolou Fallaâ€"Lv. 11 3.111., 2.40 p.111. Ar. 8.50 a..m., 6.10 13.111. Port Hope, Kingston, Montreal â€" LV. 6.00 g.m., 10.50 a.m., 8.15 p.m. Ar. 9.15 a.m., 2.05 p.m., 6.23 p.m. Drillia and North and Southâ€"LV. 9.20 n.m., 6.28 p.m. Ar. 10.10 a. m.. 10.45 a..m., 8.10 p.m. Toronto. Stouï¬villo Markhamâ€"LY. 7.55 n.m., 9.20 a.m., 12.05 p.m., Dear Mr. Forsytne,â€"â€"At this time of the year when the hearts of old and young are bubbling over \Vith Christ- mas enthusiasmâ€"the best season of a- the whole yearâ€"we, the members of the Cambridge-st. Methodist. Church choir feel that the time is opportune to put 911 record our sincere apprecia- tion of your valuable services and kind courteSy to the choir, collec- tively and individually, during the RAILS ARRIVE. I nmâ€"GTRâ€"For all point! I .â€"8. 00 a..m.â€"C. P R. from BobCay- mails close At 8.45 tun. geon. III. -G.T. R.-â€"For Mutton bray and Linden Valley. 111-900 a.m.-â€"G.T.R. from 3311.: button. ; IV.â€"9.00 s.m.â€"G.T.B. from out, west 3nd south. V.â€"11.00 a..m.â€"G.T.R. from To- ronto .34! point- west and north. * VI.â€"â€"2.00 p.m.--G.'1‘.B. from Bath- any, t’ori: Hope, Min and point. west on the main line. VII.â€"4.15 p.m.--C.P.B. m Babâ€" mseon ad More; VIIIâ€"68G pmâ€"cmn. Rom Po- umm. mm m. m am To: mun. M10 pdflï¬ï¬‚fl‘m‘ m 10‘ m. pom m and m. a! no m m Kinmountâ€"Lv. 11.00 a..m., 3.40 p. POST OFFICE GUIDE TRAVELLERS’ GUIDE p.m.; Ar. Port McNicol 1.40 p.m. BEFURNINGâ€"Lv. Port McNiool 3.20 pm: Ar. Goldwater Jct. 3.51 mm..- ‘Ar. 0mm 4.80 p.m.; ‘Ar. Lindsay 9.36 Cam; Lv. Bethany 10.00 3.111.; LY. Lindsay 10.46 mm; Ar. Orillia. 12.80 p.m.; Ar. Goldwater Jot. 1.10 6.15 p.m.; Ar. Bethany 6.66 p.12. _; Ar. Pet?rboro 7.25 p.m.; Ar..Ha.vo- lock 8.10 p.m. menu-cm, w.J.ANDERsoN, O.P.B. TIMETABLE No. 602â€"Lv. Lindsay 7.50 mm. Ar. Toronto, 10.85 Mn. No. 6'04â€"Lv. Lindsay 4.15 p.m‘ Ar. Toronto 6.35 p.111. No. 608â€"Lv. Toronto 9 mm. Ar. Lindsay 11.85 can. No. GOGâ€"IN. MM 6.00 p. In. Ar. Lindsay 7.65 p.m. Hindâ€"Lv. Burkoton Jet. 6.35 a. :11. Ar. Lindsay 7.25 gm. No. 611 (paaéengor doily)â€"Lv. Burdock 8.45 n..m.; Lv. Petarboro III.â€"G.T.R.â€"-For Halibut-ton. close gt. 10.25 8.111. IV.-G.T.R.â€"For Peterboro. Hope. 0mm, Toronto. and points west, and Bollovillo all Pawboro runny mil service. mulls clone at 1026 mm V.â€"O.P.R.â€"-For Bobctygoon and Mord._mllo close 3t 10.60 mm. VLâ€"Sugt for 0mm and Lin- den Valley, mil: close 3t 11.00 mm. VILâ€"G. '1'. R.â€"For Hum!» mul- oloca at 2.90 pm. vm.-e.'r.nâ€"sror all point. not. mill. m “ ‘5“ FA“. IXwa-dlrm‘arw nu pom» eat. m and ma. null aim a mo We are all aware of the fact that it requires the fearlessness of a. Daniel, the sanguineness and courage of a David, the wisdom or 9, Solo- mon, and the patience of a, Job, as well as the perseverance of a Paul to be a successful choirmaster, but we feel that all praise is due to you for the success of the choir of this church, and we wish you happinessâ€" full rounded happinessâ€"the happiness of health and wealth, and we wish you continued success. Good wishes being in order. we n.1- It will be remembered that Ellis is the man who shot down Lew Porter, his brother-in-law.- just as dusk was falling in the northern woods last March. His defence was that he had been in mortal dread of Porter, who he said had ï¬red upon him ï¬rst. The trial produced many pictureSque and dramatic incidents. and the whole time you have sojourned in Lindsay. ed the Governor for getting up out of his bed to give the glad message. Ellis also thanked his friends, and said he knew they “ould not forget. Ellis was awakened by his friend Governor Balfour from his slumbers in the jail to be told 01 the commu- tation of his sentence. He showed little emotion or. surprise, but bore himself stoically, as he has. (lane on all occasions save for a brief break- down after his sentence. He thank- 7. It: WIDDESS. A: MGNABB. Town Ticket Agt- Depot Tick» Mite in. Lindsay and the county, including hundreds of the farmers and trapper: of the locality. among whom were several members of the township council. Ellis was to have been hanged here J annex-y 7th. The word was received direct from 001. the Hon. Sam Hughes. Minister of Mili- tia. and Defence. and membï¬r for Vic- toria. ‘and Haliburton, who interced- ed in Ellis’ behalf, in the lonely woods 0! the country heck of Kinmount, Out. and near Minden, committed last April. was reduced by the Minister of Justice to lite imprisonment. The exercise of executive clanency {allowed upon a petition signed by even: 1,000 people The antenna 0! detth PM “9“ Arthur A. Ellis here at the N1 OI“ sizes, tor the mutant 0! LOW Pox-tat 5‘9: tether intnrmstien GPBLV ‘9 Arthur A. Ellis ls Upâ€"town uâ€"-__.,_ Irch, and we wish you happinessâ€" Wishing you the compliments of the l rounded happinessâ€"the happiness season and continued success, we re- health and wealth, and we wish main. Yours very siqcereiy, 1 continued success. (Es-d.) The members 6! the Choir. Bond wishes being in order. we n.1â€" .Mr. Forsythe, although very much wish you to accept this reading taken by surprise, in a. short. but hm“! Depot Agent 10.00 can: Given Life Sentence LNERY and BOARDING STABLE J as. A. Isaac, 10 York“ Fresh and Smoked Menu. flour m feed. Fresh. salt and Smokad Fish. 114 KENT-ST. FURS CLEANED, REPAIRED AND remodelled. luv furs made to order. CLEANING, PRESSING TAILORING, DYEING J E. MARRS, Kent-st 5 doors east of Benson Hone Groceries and Provisions ADAMS 31108., KENT-81‘ And w. hm lots 0! them. m navy “d tin. and the price- no right, Como ad see for yourself. F R A N K FORBERT’S Field Tile sewn Pipe 1mm“ mock aha Btu» (gig. ey HOCKEY STICKS 100 to 750 case I felt that Ellis' life must. and would be spared.†lamp, which is the unammous gift of your co-workers in the church, the members of the Cambridge-st. Metho- dist choir. May it spread a halo of comforting light around your home- lite that will in some slight way to- compense you for your untiring ef- forts in our behalf. May the ensu- ing year be your brightest, full of good cheer and happiness. lease, had not heard of the commu- tation till informed by 3. Lindsay despatch. "I am very glad," he said. “It is just and fair. One can- not know these things, but in this T. C. Robinette, K.C., of Toronto, who conducted Ellia’ defence, and who has worked hard since for his re- Ellis throughout his conï¬nement here has enjOyed excellent health. ex- cept for an occasional toothache. He professed to be a Christian. and maintained that he was ready to mount the scaï¬old and‘ meet his fate like a man. Rev. Mr. Bryant has been his spiritual adviser. 'It is expected that he will partake of his Christmas dinner in the local jail, and then be removed to King- ston. The citizens of Lindsay and coun- tryside in general will be glad to hear the news, Ellis having had the sympathy of the entire community. country-ids, m mutt to the ligh- ant pitch at acumen-both ot tho tune o! the killing and tho trlol. At thathneuunnhohevwdoyom madébyupomolthomldcntlho- tom the body was loud when Ellis bu! W [It to a, spot upon s lonely hillsldo. Inch Iympnthy wu shawn {at Ellis throughout. Mr. T. H. Stiuon. of lounghun. Peel, Fulton b Stiuson, was very much pleased to receive news of the commutation ot sentence. He worked hard for his client; and had many communications with the Minister of Justice and others in regard to the 'ro menus m‘nguln nu w» MRS. F. MULLETT RUBBERS ! YES ! Phone 266 day or night. . Edwards Inflow Whamâ€: aim Winduw Cup: Lam Van Fence not. But! Put. wen Garth. LINDSAY Co. I New Christmas Fruits,. I All First Quality Raisins, Currants, Shelled Nuts. Figs, Dates, Candied Peels, Pure Spices, Etc. . -â€"Mr. Melville Brokenshire, of the Faculty of Education, Toronto, is spending Christmas with his parents â€"Mr. A. E. O’Neill, teacher on the high achdol stall at Haileybury. New Ontario. arrived home Saturday to spend Christmas holidays under the puental roof on King-st. bridge-st. â€"-Mr. Arthur Stewart. 0! Toronto University, is the guest of his par- eï¬ts, Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Stewart, Bond-st. â€"Miss Lily Jordan, of Toronto, is spending. Christmas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jordan. Cam- -â€"Misa Ethel Greenan, teacher at St. John School, Kingston Road, Toronto, is home for the holidays. =4â€: Kelsen him. at Varsity, spent» Saturday in town, awn: If: If, Brybou. n! "Maury. Mme: i6 the West at Mr: “dim, Jud, unison. 49 Onmhridse'at: â€"Mr. Herbert Nuylor. 0! Toronto. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Naylor. Colborne~st. â€"Misa Flossia ngt, a! the L.O.I., is spending her Christmas holidays at her home in Fleetwaod. ME awn. thaakvd the members: u? the eheir mm): M thew hum {when a! 991mm and apmmtd Hm \H’gk' that the saw mum mmmw w be a enema; “8.2mm Leave your order for Christmas sup- plies early. Our lines are specially ï¬ne this year. Give us a trial order. “ Thistle†Brand Currants Excel fall athers. l Sold only here. «We have the pt mild cured Canadian Cheese in be in in Ontario, a sample pound ' and be conv need. Dundas Flavelles Shop Early and get Better Service - Pajamas, Night Shirts, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Ties, Gloves, Collars, Suspenders, Tie Pins, Cuff Links, Handkerchiefs, silk 01 linen initial- ed or plain. Ltd. Last Call Toe Morrow We have arrayed a display of “common sense' ’gifts for men and boys that will make the chosing easy for you in the last few hours remaining Wearable gifts; Mufflers House Coats, Dressing Gowns FEMSNNM CHEESE ’rhono lo. 10. â€"Miss Josephine Kenny, of Saska- toon, Seat, arrived in town Satur- day _evening to spend a. few weeks with her mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Kenny. Peel-st. Miss Kenny visited friends in Lampman, Sash, Winnipeg, Chi- cago and Toronto en route. â€"Miss Grace Mitchell, of the Facul- ty of Education, Toronto, is spend- ing the Christmu,holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mit- chell. William-st. -â€"Miss Helen Kirkconnell, of the Faculty of Education, Toronto, is home to spend the Christmas vaca- tion with her pug-ants, Principal and Mrs. T. A. Kirkconxml. -â€"Miss Isabella Jordan, 0! 019.1%- culty 0! Education. Toronto, is spending the halidaya with her par- ents, Mn and Mrs. John Jordan, Huron-st. â€"Misn Helen Mavens, of the route Conservatory of Music, is daying with her parents. Mr. Mrs. Wm. Flavolle, Colbomeâ€"st. 2hâ€: ‘1‘: (i: Landau. at Queen’s liniwrmy. Nazism". was in mun Saturday an his way 3mm m 0am- hmy. where he win wand ,the (33331“- ma vamtinu with his panama. mm a hankkwgw humus Um. ‘1‘! mm in Nnmmwi uuamm (mums, mg c “room M “M is: hentHrg Mimnms and MN ume Clothing Dept «9 mm M in mm um! m m FUN mam! mm the t (mm Nu W‘f NM He mimic; HM! huh: 9n HO hoii Primed “mums, “wanna! funk] iufflmflmi as to “mum-ma m pm: MAM cantrlwt, may m: Sun“ at blank [arms uf lumber may be ob: Him t“. the pus! “Hum: pi â€'qu Hmley, Woadvme, Lm'nck'xHu, 15w. Mala. Grass um, ('amhruy, m Lake, Kirkï¬eld, and pt Um at tbs Post Oflice Inspector at T ‘ mum. Vice Branch, Ottawa, 701 Octobtl' Post Ofï¬ce Department, Mail 1912. mm: H“ MM mm was “(my mm! mail reuw um M we 91’ ms 34 Hm Puntinastp‘r-ur-r Skates concaved and polished special machine Skates and anckle straps kcp stock. Jross Cut saws gnmmed : sharpened. Fine machine repairing at Cor. Yong. gnd Llomdor 8t.- Geo. W. Shephard’s William St. North Hut Pout Building, Lind! Monuments C" Ready Mixed Paint McLENNAN Co. “Prism Brand†Mm an «muons In M 0' mm; Arthur. aim W. H. CRBSSWEH mLINDSAY [IBM [m (m Hum SEALED 10:01:10,031 Canda's High-Glass Con School. Highly reconuu former students... Graduz strong demand. Write a mtalogue. THURSDAY. mm All dental operations (5 fully performvd according the latest methods at mod ate prices. onion over Gre gen-'05 Store. comer of \\ illiam D3 Kent. Streets. DB. 3. J. sms. Dun“ Graduate of Tomato Univ. ersity and Royal Col Den.t_al-Snx~g_z-ons. h‘e 0‘ PAINT co's uouxn mi ‘8: H3 FHWNW‘ MAIL CON! FACT ““6; a - M]. Eur-(W ’0 "" MUFACTuRLD 5' "loll 'n WOOD NIH m‘ jemetery Wort Bell 157 L A NDEHSON. Superin Kreslgh 1. ï¬ve ' ‘kct. arm- Nv i! C‘Iu:_epe l‘mmi ,. I. I. Alums on n senous I was treated . _ted 60C! 2' 'x‘ ~ would not ' , ordered a myrrh-a! opera- . e cnly Inward t-I rein ‘. m. I decided to try Dr. â€Ointment. :nd - ' L'i'xvi treat - the ï¬rst box. 1 x :‘ ~ use . taxes I was ennrw'x‘ ~ d. why It gives me m-c- z: - ure . mend Dr. Phase“: H~~ “rm who :uflor from NEW; t new†.t 0. fl!» 'rvatect ' ' " g‘l‘hqso's Ointmnï¬', “‘ "w" "ill leaders or Eflmansvm 84mg L. Limited. Toronto. ’l it will pay you tn we I wit will pay you In in!) EVery stove fully WAHRAXI “TISFIED. Cinnamon’s Kent-at. - ‘1is to relivw _\ hfl'f'ache and M to“ as far m Wt ‘ f vision. Ln“ w B “with a few treatments with- nd as the ailment grow- “ undies! doctor lsconsulted. won, he says. is necessary. bk 0! the suffering. expense * to life itself. and hesitate M such a. step. w (nomads or such cues â€'3 Ointment has made ’ ‘3‘ lasting cures. Read a {a the rrnnf. :t‘éfl" Mm ,1 im-urue' {at ma 1.: '5 1mm»! mu m Hm END MACHIN Wu It MEETIA“ ..‘M Bananas. w cut about one person anaer- more or less I. and who can imagine A 3,133. torturing. disagree- u “H!!! when necessary are P BUSINEBB." but- a square N W “ï¬ner purclmnpre Lt and Lenses b Emmi i Operation II “14¢ Priceless Eyesight HE me. 26. 1.91 STOY and considered I was treated - w? ~ would not Ills Jean. t0 nee 0|†L we!!- sufl ered SKIN e V. 8'. I" add Vin: aft Mr. n ig [an abl tUn Lit the Srn A III