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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Dec 1913, p. 9

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APS dam and Peninsular toves and Ranges ,ent Co tit over at Once reqmred, Place by. \Ve’l} be nttre bright girl who 0‘3 .- man {tom 8 d‘ Lation. as o! ‘ ul‘au‘l mes over other,makes 27 the staff butter. . Edwards l‘l\ E2 PRICES ARE LOW \‘ The Test f Time'- ion ‘ 5 Hardware Store TOYES nu better «S: CO. SON I'mw in the right mt. ‘h has “not! tho m? mmwr rams mu! aun- uw Mn! (mm and nun-Isms Maura MW“ I." rrm’kinfl '_ V mm: to NI.“ we: t‘m‘ 3‘9"" um. "“00"! Kent-5L, Lindsay now or later d to show you the them whether you \Ml‘LB fully warranted stock of Heat- ebrated indsay Wu and New mm- .. that ‘9 \._ “grow unflfld We A. HIGINBOTHAM Y \Vchzu‘c purchased a manu ‘5.1(‘Ellx‘t.'l“s xunp1es of Purses, Pvcm‘n.~‘r:<. Wallets, etc., and WM put than on sxle at. the wlw'cea’c- hrices. Leather Goods at Wholesale Price: TR/EASURER’S SALE or LANDS - rnfl'NTY OF YiCTORIA. for Arrears of Seat Sale Tuesday, Dec. 9th Prices 506, 756, $1.00 A few at $1 5.0 FRIDAY, D an This is the same company that plays the Prlncess Theatre in Toronto in February. ACADEMY OF MUSIC Ll NI‘SAY. ONT. M Court House, Lindsay Tuesday, February 24th, 1914 \n'\‘ l- vb ‘ S \\'. pt. of to Hurs- «vssod (m rum] Y’lceb‘ me not. COUNTY OF YICTORIA,‘ for Arrears Taxes to be held 111 the itiz‘hal‘dsmi MoNeiilie, Treasurer of the County of Victoria, I‘nv \Vurmnt of the. Warden of the (‘ounty of Victoria, (lat- nnh «lay of .\'0Vemb0r A. D. 1913. will proceed to sell each in- above mentioned parcels of land. for the arrcars of tax- mn them respectively. as above set out, together with costs id arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid). at the Court [um-n of Lindsay, in the said County nf‘Victoria. at Elevon {mu-noon on Tuesday the 'l‘went) â€"l-‘onrth (lay of l.‘el)ruar§' n rum] Sta m1- (f(). in ppml 121-133 ()flic‘é’, \vmher 19th, 1913 nn) mks) of ml n :vnm‘nlh IR 4 3 "I :5} J. 1-) 'l‘( )WX SHIP ()l“ SOMERVJLLE. I‘. A A B 35 PXR. 36 F.R. q o 62 43 90 95 1 00 19.66 3.09 19.66 3.09 16.33 3.01 16.34 3.0] 23.85 3.20 1 4 25} 1.7.43 3.29 VILLAGE OF FENELON FALLS. 16 31 z} 6.2:: ; H )\\'.V SH] I’ 01" MA RI POSA The 14 13 14 3 1 11 TOWN SHIP OF FENELON. 1.0: Con. Acres Arman Comm'fl T0232 Patented or and can: of nor. Patented Publication AT 11 O'CLOCK A.M. TOWNSHIP OF DALTON. 1,} $5.57 $2.85 $8.42 Patented VILLAGE OF BOBCAYGEON. TOWNSHIP OF EMILY Watchman-Wurdex"' November 20th, 1913), TOWNSHIP 0]" ()PS TOWNSHIP OF BEXLEY. 11 50 15.59 2.99 18.58 Patented. 12 100 12.77 2.92 15.69 Not Pat. 100 43 90 95 100 hm! CHRISTMAS CARDS Perhaps you have a large number of friends at home or at a distance to whom you do not care to send any special gift, but to whom you would like to send some token of re- membrance. Christmas Cards, Booklets, Eta, fill this need. A Higinbothum, llruggist, Lindsay. The operation is simple and pain- lessâ€"â€"just apply Putnam’s Wart and Corn Extractor. For fifty years it has been curing warts and will cure you too. Try Putnam's Extractor, 25c. at. all dealers. R:\’.\ .\‘â€"In Lindsay. on Thursday. De- cember 4th. 191:3, to Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan. Lindsay-mu north. a daughter. 19.66 19.66 16.33 16.34» 21.49 n.) Unsightly Warts Removed 21.34- 13.69 48,36 (3 9.62 7.64 11.92 11.90 12.25 2.85 2.85 12.47 Patented 10.49 Patented 2.90 14.82 Not. Pat. 2-90 2.91 14.80 NotPat. 15.16 , Not Pat. 5.033 2.85 7.88 Patented. 34 39 ISIC 3.1-1- 3.12 2.94 3.81 3.11 23.68 Patented. 3.29 30.72 Patented. ) â€". 9 .1 .‘ R. )ICNFIIIJJE, (‘ount y 'l‘rea surm‘. HI RTH‘. o.) 7 19.34 19.35 16.63 2-1 .47 Patented 9.19 9.20 JV) 9.12 Patented 9.07 Patented 33 .4. v4 Patented Not l‘at. l‘a tented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented. Patented OF VALUABLP Tenders will he received by Mr. Adam 1‘2. Staback, of Woodville 1’. 0., for the purchase of the farm of the late John Kineer, composed of Lot Number Seven in the Eleventh Concession of the Township of Eldon, up‘ to Monday, the First day of De cember next, at ‘twelve o'clock noon. Toilet goods make sensible, prac- tical gifts, but in makin: selections you should lu- sure of latest styles. Our stock is full of new things â€"- many of them just out. Our line includes Toilet. Sets and Manicure Sets in beautiful cases, Traveling Cases, Bristle Goods of all kinds. A. Higinbotlmm, ltruggist, Lindsay. Toronto has had its first automo- bile funeral, with motor hearse and theimourners in automobiles. It is not, stated whether Toronto people are any more anxious: to ride in the motor hearse than one drawn by horses, however. NEW EQI'II’MEV'I‘ FOR (:.'l‘.l{. It has been learned that the Grand Trunk Railway System is in the market {or new equipment, mcluding 110 passenger coaches, 500 flat cars, amL 5013 stock cars. This property is conveniently situ-‘ ated and the mail passes it. daily. There are about sixty acres under cultivation, and the remainder is good pasture land. There is also a small orchard. There are erected on the premises a cedar 10;: house and frame barn with stone wall un- derneath. TOILET GOUHS LOCAL OPTION VOTE. There is to be a vote on the repeal of the local option by-law taken next January in Haliburton village. The opinion is that some kind of a pub- lic house is very much needed in the village. We do not want a grog shop, but a well Conducted public house, says a correspondent. Terms :â€"'1‘en per cent. in cash on notice of acceptance of tender. and the .balance within thirty days there- after. The other conditions will he the standing conditions of the court. Tenders to be in sealed envelopes. marked "Tenders for Kineer Fawn," The highest. or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. .U'T’. ).\I()I§l LES A'l’ I-‘I'NFRA I. FL 11 possession will be ngen on the first of March next. For further particulars apply to Mr. Adam 1'}. Stulmck. Wondville 1‘. (1., or Mr. John Howie or Mr. John Neshitt. Glenarm I‘. 0., the l‘kecu- tora of the Will of deceased. MOORE JACKSON. Solicitors for Executora. Dated 4th Nowmhm‘. 1913. XEARING THE END. The Weekly Globe is to be discon- For wreaths, or any arrangements of choice cut flowers for funerals: etc., 'phone Hughan’s, 286, Lindsay. Prices reasonable. tinned at the end of the present year. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1913. CHOICE WREATHS. Toronto Repretentativeu 8. F. Smallpiece, 32 Church-st. Any 01 the recOgnized advertising qenciea in Canada are authonzed to woept business for The Warden rho Watchman-Wattle:- (Weekly)â€" 01.00 per year in advance; $1.25 it Odd during the year. Postage to Cni’ed States extraâ€"- My or Weekly, 50¢ per year. ' 11:. Daily Warder â€" one can per opy. By mail to- points 0|!de o.’ ”Andeay. $2.00 per yea}. ALLAN Cl]. LIES, thpictcr EXECU BY EUGENE WALTER. Allfflokwf PAIN/WW1; ’ “mam/£37 WAY.”- -'77y£ 71w; or mac/(£50m P/Mé' '22:; I" ASTOR THEATRE Nth/YORK"! CORT THEATRE CHICAGO e YTHE DRAMATIC EVENT OF THE YEAR/ WEEKLY EDITION Subscription Rate: TELEPHONE 97. '3 FARM PROPERTY . TORS SALE - I'I.H.FRAZE.,E PRESENTS.- fiflitfiflifliEfiEfifliEfiEH‘iH-TEEEEFH-fififliflikfiflifififififiEfiEfiEfi 1 While the older members of the fit of their readers. recognizing the welcome this] fact that exact knowledge on this I timely subject is an essential part oi i the education of all who would ad- iVance. So for a short time this for it contains YulUuM‘? knowledgel volume will be pregented to readers concerning this new little “01d” gor only six certificates and the strip 0‘ land between ”‘9 “‘0 Amer- small expense amount named therein licas. It. acquaints N0“ with ”‘0' to cover the expense of distribution. [people of Panama and the (‘unul "up“! and the (‘anal in Picture “Mir/fine. telling you of their appear- l‘rose." This latest book was writ-!ance, their dress, their home life,l ten by Willis .1. Abbot. the well-‘their social life. their industries. known writer on international sub-[their sports and pastimes. This is Latest Book In Picture and Prose family will gladly book, the children should also famil- liarize themselves mth its contents, .\s previously announced The War- :ler is presenting to its: readers "l’a- *â€" OBITUARY ? jects, and is the acknowledged refer-Inot only entertaining. but it is high: I ence work of the great waterway. lt 1y important information from an is a beautiful large book, fully don-.educationul viewpoint. and should be CAPI- JAS- l‘- \Altl‘tH-I. ble the dimensions of the usual niteiread by every man. womnnuand child Mail 1"“! Empire: Nil“- Jam“ I". novel. printed from new type. bound'who is interested in the world's de- “"909. ”r 35" Manning-me, (“M in tropical red vellum cloth. with theuvelopment and progress. ”INN Friday morning, folluwim.’ a title stamped in field and inlaid with Under usual conditions this beauti- “We?" ullat‘k 0‘ ulmplexx. (in \\'ed- a beautiful color panel showing the ful big book would readily sell for at “MGR.“ PVOMNR 110 came home and famous l‘ulebra cut. it contains least 84. but realizing the world- Went upstairs. .\ few minutes later more than 000 splendid illustrations. wide interest in the Panama Canal. he called to his wife. who found her which include magnificent water color|daiiy newspapers throughout the.l'ni- husband {1‘1"an his \\’-I.\' noon: the atudieu reproduced in full pages in ted States and t‘unadn are making room. He said that he cuuldn't‘m~ all their natural beautiful coioriuml. thin great distribution for the bone- anything. A doctor was immed- “SEASON SUCCESS These skates have all the good qualities that have made Canada Cycle and Motor skates famous. Ai their moderate price it certainly pays to buy'the best. Boys and girls should have real ‘good skates. Nothing please them move or give better service than a pair of SPLENDID SKATES FOR , YOUNG PEOPLE , " ‘ Canada Cycle Motor Co. Ltd. Automobile or Cycle Skates xclusive Agents for indsay, Ontario: Boxall Matthie D. Cinnamon man 5159. TENPEREb\\\\\\\ fit 0! their readers, recognizing the {act that exact knowledge on this timely subject is an essential part of the education of all who would ad- Vance. So for a §hort time this volume will be presented to readers ‘or only six certificates and the small expense amount named therein to coVer the expense of distribution. "Gripping and lnu~mun¢.“â€"uernld. "Succession u! Dramatic \\'ullopa.”â€"1‘elograph. “ Stirring llrama.”-â€"Mail. “Element of Suspenso.t' Salon's Big Succeea."â€"Joum.1.\ “Fine Acting Constantly."-â€"Te)¢gmm. ”I‘ho Play in l‘owertul."-â€"'l‘lmes. ' 'A Mastorly Play. ' 'â€"Tribune. “Best of Walter's l‘lays.”â€"Tribune. “Forcible and Sincere.”â€"Recordâ€"Herald. "Speeches That 'Ihrill.”â€"gmminer. .“StrpngeSt Ever Adairâ€"Post. "'Electrified Audience."â€"Inber-Ooea.n. “Host Talked of Play To-dty."-E:xa.miner. NEW YORK CHICAGO West Tomato iately called, who stated that Capt. Varcoe had become blind from an at- taCR of apoplexy. He became very weak a few hours later, and died shortly after three o‘clock Friday ‘morning. The late ('apt. \‘arcoe : was born in llariposa township. nvar Lindsay, 66 years ago. He came to Toronto thirteen years ago, and opened a small grocery store on Bor- den-st. For the past six years he had been captain of the Maple Leaf. one of the passenger boats plying Sturgeon Lake and tho Settgog lliv- er. He was very well klann among tourists in that part of the country. In religion he was a Mothodist and in politics a (‘onsm'mtivm “1‘ is survived by his widow, t\\‘o brothers and one sister. The funeral took place in Mariposa on Monday. Children Cry ton runners C/ASTORIA can PACE FIVE

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