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Watchman Warder (1899), 11 Dec 1913, p. 15

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DESIRE]? 1 I) to $13.50 $7.50 to 315 330. W te 50 to $3 n mavly us- ml foe! lure ‘0 $3.50 pr. $3.50 pr. to $3 each 0 $100. “d {hen flag for 'ie at .- 03C- rach. sch. rs 20: 75c. 'hiefs, from spprec‘mted rm ~10th .50 to $2 :te gift- trouble thought fun-things cuntrihute un- thuto are than” 31.5.. 31.50 to and 31 «on > 3%. Glows. to $30 $3 .50. they at Ii 11, 1913 ""'ll!00 00000000 0 0 0000000000000000000000000000 00000000000300.0000; R YOUR HOUSE WIRED , FOR ELECTRIC CURRENT? The Lindsay, Light, Heat 81 Power Co. Ltd, WILLIAM STREET . LINDSAY ONT. Every progressive man, woman and child is eager to know markahle country through whlch it passes. Realizmg thls to take an enormous advance edition ofthe elaborate, 1i] A ":r fiEfiEET ETIQN B The \Varder wantslevery one of its readers to take a trip to the Great Panama L wonders of this mighty achievement. You say you can’t spare the time. All rig} 71:3 Lanal to you---a111n one big volume, filled to the full With pictures of ACTUA Ln'epublished, described in words that hold you spellbound. Read on and «films magnificent bool<---this complete story of‘ Panama in picture and prose __v~ h t“ Greatly Reduced Illlustration of $4 Volume THL’R For Lighting It is Economical Clean Ever Ready Brilliant {smut DECEMBER 11,‘ 1913. TRIP " Come in and .talk it over For $1.18 Only For Cbnvgnience It is applied to Toasters Smoothing Irons Heaters Etc. Etch â€"Exa.ct size 9 x 12 inches rip to the Great Panama Canal and see the an't spare the time. All right, then we'll bring 'ull With pictures of ACTUAL SCENES never spellbound. Read on and learn how you can now ail about the Panama Canal and the re- this s averal hundred newspapers have arrang- e. iilustrated hlstory of Panama and the Canal. ed. resulted in the prOmpt recovery or all three sufferers. The escape from death was pertlculorly tortu- nste. end a. terrlble tragedy would have occurred had Mr. Corey been detelned.much longer on the rsllwey. It. also provides e. strlklng lettuce or the mm o! venumlon In ell homes. Don't. keep your windows closed. Open some or that. st L.().l.. .\‘o. 113 has scoured the fol- lowing artists for their concert on Christmas evening in Coronation Hall zâ€"Robcrt Wilson. humorous en- tertainer; Bert l-Iarvey, comedian; James Fax. song comedian ; Miss 1.. McKay. elocutionist; Miss Jessie Fax, vocalist; Miss Florence McKay. pianist. The Orangemen feel that. owing to causes over which they had no control last year. the program was not as complete as desired, so this year they have engaged addi- tional artists to avoid the possibil- ity of a disappointment, and they will give their patrons a little extra this year. while the prices will not be increased. Mrs. John Corey and her ' two small children natrowly escaped death on Monde morning from the gas fumes fzom a coal stove. Mr. Carey, who is a breakeman, came home on that morning, and was sur- prised to find that the house was un- opened and the blinds down. Un- locking the door he found the place full of coal gas. his wile lying un- conscious in the bed. and their two small chlldren terrlbly lll. Throw- lng open the doors snd raising the windows. all 0! which were closed tightly. he hastened for medical ss- ‘slstsnce. whlch belng uppedlly secur- Omemee Family Had Narrow Escape From Death In another column of this paper is printed daily a Panama certzjicate. To get .Panama and the Canal in picture and prose at less titan the usual cost of printing and binding. wig and presrnt 6 ilafiama Certificates Panama and fine Canal 5' En Picture and Pmse g Regular ut'tm‘o 517.0; text mutter pl'uctit‘ully H10 sum.- as t $4 volume; bound in blue \‘vllum cloth; contains onl) 1x0 pho graphic reproductions and the color plates ur- oumud This. on would sell at 32 under usual conditions, but is [n-s‘vmml to (1 readers for SIX Certificates of consecutive dates, and only 48 the vxlwnse amount 01‘ .................................................. Sent by Mail. Postage Paid, for 67 (‘ents and 6 Certificate“. tn this nmw “ill: tlu‘ expense unmunt hm'uin so-l, oppnsno fivlvmml (“‘hit‘ll cnvm's Hh‘ Nuns at the cost. u! packing frmn the fut'hn'y. checking. (‘lvrk him» um! mhvr tr-m-ssm') ih‘ms) uml I'ncviu' ynm' «hum: of (In-m- bunks: Panama and the Canal $2 chava Edition THE DAILY WARDER mm and the Canal’ $4 Illustrated Edition Mail Orders, Address rrlbfo tragedy- wouldi Mrs. J. Sanderson. of Mount Plea-'5 had Mr. Carey been um. was the guest. of Dr. and Mn. longer on the airway. 'J. N. Thompoon. on a urfiklng Instance: Mn. Wm. Fair wu the guest mm o! ventilation in ull'wook 0! mm Petr. o! Sturgeon-It. . keep your windows} Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson visited her ______â€"â€"1â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--- some of than. at daughter. Mrs. Wat-on. o! Coboconk. ME m an arm cf Consecutive Dates On. Wednesday evening L.().L. No. 113 met in their ha.“ 631 George-st" sooth. and elected the following offi- certâ€"W“)! Bro. Wm. Mngee; D..M Bro. John White: Chap" Bro. M. Wilson; Secretary, Bro. R. W. Wil- son; Fin. Sec. Bro. A. E. Stinson; A fairly large audience attended Prof. Schuch's dog .and bird per- formance on Tuesday' evening in ("oronation Hall. . The program was entertaining. ' " \ firo. John White; Clap" Bro. M. Wilson; Secretary. Bro. R. W. Wil- son; Fin. Sec.. Bro. A. E. Stinson; 'l‘reas.. Bro. Thou. Rice. Sn; 1}. of C., Bro. Thou. McQunde; Lecturer, Bro. Wesley Wilson. Committee- Bros. G. Magee, A. L. Moncrief. H. McQuade. John Smith and Vince Pom. , The omcers were then in- stalled. under the direction of Bro. 1 Mrs. H. Reid returned to nor home least, every night.â€"Ilavelock Stand- in Limisav on Saturdav. ard- Mr- John Fares is a son of: The Methodist Sunday svhuox win our townsman. Mr. Redmond (‘areyflhold their (‘hristmas tree on Dec. l22nd. A good program is in. pre- al f‘nnnâ€"n c§ After a trip of about '9. month's duration to Calgary, Alta., aod other Western points, Mr. l-Ily Dan- cey retumed home in Hominy even- ing delighted with "his journey. of George-st. Mr. Wm. Smith. of Mount Plea;- ant, ‘vas In town on deay. Jon. 1‘. Batty. Put Deputy (.‘ounty Mutt-r. Refreshments were next in order. and the brethren concluded a. very happy evening. Mrs. Keel-u nndnlflu McCrcn huve returned from a visit with friends at Toronto. hm‘vin se-l ommsit'o 1h" Mylo s 0111)." ll?” [-lmlu- nilh-d. This mull; yrvs‘vnhld 10 (NW and only 488 I'\IN" A“: xprvss \Iu' Mr. Walter Lawrence is clerk at the Commercial House. Mr. John Palmer. of Peterboro, was home last week on a visit. Thippers are busy after the musk- rats, and the catch last neck was i ; i I l s g quite gratifying. l t Mr. Jack ‘ohnston returned the first of the week from Montreal, :where he had gone in charge of live‘ stock for Mr. lily Danoey. 1 '1‘3h~ Rifle Association met in the !.\nnmn‘ies on Satdrdm mening “ith aIthe President, 11. Sherin in the {chain After dealing “ith the min- : 1111m at the last meeting, discussing nntches, rifles. ranges and ammuni- E ti on for the coming _\-.ear the prizeâ€" Mr. Josiah Best. of Daily, was in town on Friday. ' The Public Library Board met on Tuesday evening to arrange for the purChase of new backs and maga- ( onsiderable grain is being market/- 9". and Mr. S. Grundy is busy at ‘ . his warehouses. zines. !rs. A. C. Hodgetts. Mrs. T. C. Stephenson. Miss Edith Curry and Messrs. W. G. Stephenson and Rey. 11. Earle were in Millbrook on Fri- du : evening assisting in the rendi- tin of "The Holy City." Hux'nt 'IUsz', Doc. R.â€"'l‘he regular meeting of the Woman's lnstitum mi Nov. 25‘}: “‘83 hold at the homu- of Mrs. J. Ainslvy. when Mrs. J. Hodg- sun gate a report of the Convmtion in Ton-mm. The new moeliw will Jr: held at the home of Mrs. '1‘. Hun- winners in the four cantests of 1913 wore announced. Names appear in order of merit :-â€"('ul_v lst, 7 prizesâ€" 11. Shcrin. A. C. Hodgctts. '1‘. C. Stephenson. Harold Laidley. H. R. Murray. Ira T0010, Sam Grands. July 19th. 6 prizesâ€"1‘. C. Stephen- son, M. Sherin. .\. (‘. Hodbcus. Ira 'l‘oole. H. R. Murray. Bert, Courtney. July 2802, 5 prizesâ€"Bert Courtney, '1‘. (‘. Stofllensonp Ira T0019, L. Prookf, H. (‘mtingham ()ct. 7th, 13 prizesâ€"â€".\. (‘. Hodgetts. l..1’.rooks, I: rum-mug. H. R. Murray, I'T. .la-n- Miss 013 Townsend spent Saturday in Kinmount. Mr. A. E. lmdd. of lslay, called on friends last Tuesday. (‘01. tho Hon. Sam. Hughes held a short public meeting in the Orange Hall on Saturday. On Dec. 30, an exchange of (‘hrist- mas gifts will take place and instruc- tions in punchwurk will be given. Miss 013 Townsend spent Saturday pa ration. money at to a !:nu t 01‘ mi tor. and demon ‘1 ran church- lion is (ion of (ho. ., U" V .m suture! 316! mu n. 1h in: w-rvn" m ('hurch m-xl Sulplmih. Mr. !~'..:dI«-. lui-Nimuu'y, (Mun. wlm ix Ln furluugh nu "(Mm-.- l'hurzh nu of m) W“ hnmo for The arm Muthmlist r-.)n(l:.'cu-d thf- Rev. 1.11:0 (‘- \mm lust m, xllium 1"" 7 “3'2: flood. lam adder Mun... Maudhln {urn-Mm. Madman What!“ an. Hours-10m“! mundane“ WIMmJoI 9... AW". l. 3h *0 next uf 1h“ who'l (lawn: W m \\' s: S ul «m donatnd for Hnum “ill \f‘ mnh fl) Reid returned to hvr home mm IN“! 'N) u 1:1)" Inst w:- hv was imim‘ 1hr.- ‘mudiuz: XH m m HIUI H I'II' nf 1" )vlt l‘hnrm u {.\"|‘ RI \'l-‘.R d w! «'lm‘k lud l‘ho ll ‘(mK huwing lht Hu- 1h pm (xiiir H m [‘1'011 S ll! 1U]! 7.05 Mt'lliliul su ' _ Dru: ul nu mm 0d 115' (‘11 into prim m1 Kl 1'1“ The funeral took place on Sunday from the residence of W. J. McGahey, lot 2. con. 12, Emily, and was very :lergely attended. the Rev. Canon 'ltl’lh conducting the funeral ser- vices. The floral tribune were Imam and beemiful making to the high esteem in which decanted was lheld. The narrowing husband has the-gummy of the whole commun- ity in his ud bemvement. LAII'I‘I MRS. (Iii ). It. MCGAHEY. 'l‘he‘doath occurred on Thursday afternoon. Dec. 4th, at the Ross Memorial Hospital. of Ella McKee, beloved wife of Goo. ll. Mdiahey, of Emily township. The deceased was a daughter of the Into Thos. McKee, of Manvers. and her bright sunny disposition won {or her a large cirâ€" cle of friends who regret her demise. Mrs. McGahey was a patient in the Boss Moniorial Hospital {or twelve weeks and at all times she bore her enacting: with the greatest fortitude and putience. The noel ruflroud cu- doesn't pre- vent accidents. of course. but when in accident occurs it. in very efficient in saving life, as has Lem many times demonstrated. California, Florida. and The Sunny South Tue Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct rouu- from all, points East through Canada via Chicago Detroit, or Buflalo. \ Round-trip tickets at low rates. giving choice of all the best routes. together with {ull'partic- ulm. may be obtained atGrand may: Ticket, Offices. ' \ A l‘x » ‘m‘e": \ x0. (5 95¢ Livery and Autos f0: Hire 900000. 0000090 3 Phone 266 Day or Night i W. B. Widdesa, Agent. no: A. HacNubb. Phone 81. Headathzs an! 4231mm Many who (or years have suffer- ed from chronic sick headaches us- lug drugs of all kinds without benefit have found immediate and permanent remedy in properly ad- justed glasses beCause eyestmin was the cause. We remove the cause and our cure is lasting. Sat.â€" isfaction guaranteed. Low prices. OBITUARY 92 Kent-st” Only Donbie Track Route JAS. A ESAAC Steamship Tickets on sale. over Neill Shoe Store PAGE mum. Cpl). ~ m Pi (0) (o) ,9 3» (O) I t. . 0/ l1

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