PAGE TWELVE Did you ever have too ' many Handker chiefs? Not likelyâ€"therefore, they are safe buying as gifts. we show an immense range and they come to us direct from the makers. Prices range from 9 for 25c, to each $1. ' Battenburg Doilies, some all Battenburg, others have Battenburg borders a n d linen centres. These are a line worth 50c doz., but for Holida} business we are making them \ery special Beautiful Evening Dresses Are most acceptable Christmas Gifts.\\’e show them in silk, satin, chiffon lace, voiles etc., and they are made in the latest styles, not too extreme, just the kind that appeals to the exacting buyer. There is an immense range of them to select from at prices ranging as follows 7.50. 10,00, 12.50, $15 up to $27 Ribbons for Christmas Assorted colorings and Wide widths, suitable for hair bows. Per yard 25c, 19c and ----- ..... 15c Ladies Scarfs very Special $1 This range is the best value we have ever shown at this price and it is also the largest. They are in assorted fancy patterns and a big variety of colorings. Your ‘choioe for ............................ $1 Hand Bags for Gifts Especially good values in ladies hand bags of leather and velvet in various shades, also the new mesh bags. These lines are particularly attract- ive for gifts and an immense range of prices to select from ranging from 29c, 50c, $1, 1.25 up to $5. Pretty New Collars 25c: Lace collars in cream and Bulgarian shades assorted patternsoand all new, just the thing for an inexpensive gift. Each only 20c Per Dozen only 29c Doilies Special 29c Dozen Other qualities at 50c, 75c and $1. Ladies’ Handkerchiefs $14". HMâ€. down t9 Ladies. 1111551214 and childrens coats at spem 1111 prices. We are wutimmlh addingncu 111011215 to 0111‘ stuck and Me showing \ cry s11mrtsty1es 1111;1dies ....___..... .1111! 11115325 garments 11: From our big range of furs, muffs, neck pieces and coats you will ï¬nd selecting easy. Very popular furs in Persian Lamb Mink, Sable, Wolf, Coon, Marmot and Muskrat are here at very reasonable prices while the _styles are the most approved and the quality the best oï¬ered anywhere. Reliability is the ker- note of our fur business 50 select yours here. - Remember in the Rush This Big Store Has the Assortment and the Service Furs are Always Appreciated Now, gift buying in earnest should commence and every want ï¬lled now will add to your pleasure at the last moment. When possible shop early. It means greater comfort. At this store you can shop in a crowd and not feel fatigued, for with our immense space, splendid shapping facilities and rapid service you make the best of your time. Bring your want list and ï¬ll it from our splendid assortments---THE PRICES WARRANT YOUR DOING SO. IIO‘I' Special Value in CoaAtsA Woman’s Institute Rest Room 2nd Floor We are now showing a big range 0f “made in Lindsay†and Eng- lish Brass 'goods in Trays, Cut flower Baskets, Boquet Holders, Candle Sticks, Tea Pot Stands, Pin Trays, Jardineres, Umbrella Holders and Pedstals. These are the best values we [have ever offered and for gifts they are especially suitable. Be sure and see them. Second Floorâ€"Convenient to Both Stairs There is a range of Toys, Dolls and Games on our second floor that will gladden the heart of any child and parents will ï¬nd it an easy matter to buy all the things that Santa Claus requires to ï¬ll the children’s stockings. There are dolls of all kinds, mechanical toys, games, vast assortments from So each up to a .dollar. It is to your advantage to see these. THE WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY, ONTARIO. New Brass Goods In a Large Range Other lines at 3.00 each. laberiand make 'work a pleasure. We have Bissells celebrated gold medal sweeper, fully guaranteed and extra value at each These make very ac ceptable gifts to the lady of the house. They lesson ' SEE THE TOYS AND DOLLS Carpet Sweepers LINDSAY J l Théy sell regu- larly at from 35c to 50¢ each. Our price only Save time and trouble and pre- vents spoiled or unevenly hemmed skirts. You can use it as it requires no experience. Men’s Suits Popular Priced For your Yuletide Suit it will pay you to see our range. Popular material made in a way that pleases the most 10 careful dresser. Prices range from 825 dnwn t0 unly Men‘s brown, diagonal Tweed ()vercoats, with clieviot ï¬nish, convertablc collar belted back extra well lined and tailored. Special ,each ........... , .............................. 16-50 19c The Ezy Hem Marker This Picture Shows Our $2.00 Jardinere Kent and William Streets Men’s Linen Handkerchiefs These are assorted t news of the Old \Vorl d, assorted ’2: A .. stock and ’some : * scenery, all mount- | ed on card in brown shades. Very special :1 form. Pretty Pictures 2?» dozen Mons pure 1.: :1 en Hundkervhiefs. hemstatclwd and reguhn' We each. ()1! sale 7fut' $1 01' each 15c Colored Border Handkerchiefs Men’s Excelda Handker- chiefs in a big range of patterns. These are the genuine Excelda, each one stamped. Regularly sold at 15¢ each. Now I; for 25C or each 10c . New Scarfs $1 .50 2 for 25¢ New Books at 250 Each Stiff bound Books for b0} 5 and girl 5. ( Etc? 250 titles All by r:popular authors Your Choice Each 250 We Prepay Shipping Charges On all orders cf $25 and over to wit? nearest station on the G...TR or C ’.E’. Club your Orders and get the Benefit Gift Umbrellas and Parasols We havea very ï¬ne range of good qualities with pretty handles. made up especially for the gift season. Few things are more acceptable. so be sure and see our range. They are very popular priced. These are put up in neat boxes suit: ble for gifts and are splendid qualities u: éilks and Delaines. The dress lengths are 5 yards, and drincipally in Pailettc aud Messaline qualities. A big range of prices to choose from. Rugs at Reduced Prices for Gift Giving Waist and Dress Lengths Very Popular priced Christmas Cards. pa. age 5c and «QC. Chrisnnas seals for m: and parcels. package 3c. \Vhite pa per for wrupp up your gifts, package -» Art calendeirs. assm-ch desxgus, each. 20c, 23C. 2% and 00c. L’Poinsettas. th c 11 c \\ decoration. spray Inc, 1%; Gift Notions THURSDA Y, DEC EMBER ‘amnng letter 11. 1913 Ric: - ï¬xed (II (8" at. sonn- fllnn a few ‘ Tm: has! report thilt Christ “H" in the lien night." a ‘ the Intirm shortest d: the rainy ‘ dale (luvs m “Pg-ted gene I"?! hfl“? arguml Sfllr (of Ur!“ the Satin†Venus and .HI conjmwfluu n that the am» them was mm the fufl mum thou Hm Mutll'fl lml .m-dm'vd ‘ “luv and uhjm't 'll (ham nu. â€mud. n WIN! nlln-l' tur I! h fur the ~! lu'o years mun: mum NW limit ‘0 Imam. tum (H “M‘ “Hm mm. as r»! (ll that l'in'ist B! the (iuw “mild Hm Jl'\\"$h (11M “'m‘r m, p “as hot ï¬c‘l 11‘“ is rmnnrkud. tun llw smue ymr :1. tun-1km uf pir' IUC Marsumd flamed \u-rv 1:. truth (In. I'HI'HI I.“ ’3! IN" SWH' [IN-4 «u Another {In-um “Milkmen: “M"! II that the Mar 80308. the lumhrz; Otellatiun 0f \':1, many years 1w Christian em 13:. Its place until it “star In the «as! In that dim-11m. Very fact mum} 00m centuries z» “I that the prop! would be {ultiilu It“ Mched 11w this were so the \ BIctfla. in the r mined. and the ‘ “t the "summit “It such an imxmru undel'tOOk Is HUIiH‘I‘A of the four evangvlisI (The uncertaitny of MPG to the do!» u m and month may “9- “t8 existem-e h Cited as reason {or 'bole narration. Tm mm ago attached Us “‘38. except current ‘ â€3 remembered that 't Jausalem occurn “UGO! the Nativity n‘ (In mm. at lpnst M it has come dov Many l-‘rmu red four I ï¬xed on {U but “1 litel(i :m-d Tu r lt‘l (‘H Uu ’_. SS} \ \