1 5' ‘ V ‘ can aid 059 Prices“ ‘ mornin'gé'fb‘ulflï¬a theï¬fb’hérérof t‘lk Iï¬ï¬xds pone holding a com-«wt in thc- mim- futun- 'I‘he young folk are practis- ing haunting! no doubt will displa} Ihvir abilitx to a ‘good udvantugv When the tï¬ge {min-s -' ‘ ., Mr. Hubert Mark 19ft M‘stcrdiu lWe want your trade because we can satisfy you in every re- Spect ' because our prices are absolutely the lowest; because our. assprtment is most co m2!ete_ w ‘ ,w. __.. ., . -..-.»..V-.... -r ,- _ I‘I. _ ..'._. .~... ~.- VDOn't forget that we stand on the top rung of the ladder in the line of Furs. 'I‘Wn Dim-vs 01‘ Navy Blup Srrge, the regular price of which is 650. Per yard ...... ..... ............ 500 l‘he Victorian Order of Names pmu for Perfect ventilation is eésentizil to good health. V‘v’hen sletping see that the window ol-your room is open at top and bottom, if ever so little. You van buy an excnllvm Glove in either Indies' or gentleman's =BLANKET3= We are; showing a hug“ rangv of Silks and â€10 best values over offered .in this store, ' The makes all carry our guarantee for quality, wear xiud durability. 343 [nchvs wide, price per yard $1.00 Blurk Duchess Satin. 30 im'hca wide, per 3am! i 5:5":va dqn't Worry that it will 1." cold. So long as you In“? ‘tlw right ~Iu-(I ouvvrings. Ynu can stand all m.- cold the windows will let. in.‘ by ln-ing wrapped in u pair of mlr Aberdeen Blankets. They (‘n‘me in Big» m' Pink burners (Horn Bros. make). Very soft and "990:3.- wdnL 'l’r'u'v pvr pair ........................ . ..... _ $13.00 SUPPLEMENT. A POST CARD WILL DO! A Clear Title and Deed will be Furnished the Purchasers on Making Their Final Payment Without Extra. Cost. Lindsay is a most convenient shipping centre. The gateway of the Kawartha liehing and hunting paradise. Has good water and }. air; surrounded by the ï¬nest agricultural district. and populated with the choicest of Canadian manhood, is well governed and withal clainitng llll“ most honorable and obliging business community to be found. \Vhy not have a home in such 'a town ? \Vhy not. at least. star! ii. .: lit in- by getting first a nice building lot? Every lot in Breenlands is good, is level, is high and (ll_\' at all times of the year and is in the \\ i-stci'n part of the town. Special quotations are offered for the balance of December. 'Phone or write at once. The ï¬nest and most picturesque business sm‘et in the world. This street is one hundred feet wide. has sixteen {not sidew: pavmg andMagnetnte llghts 1n abundance, whlch IS the most modern and supenm' hghtmg system in the world. Lindsay’s ï¬rst, choicest, most central and select building centre. Five minutes walk will take you to the Post Ofï¬ce, Grand Trunk tral Park. Public School, Collegiate l118lltlll€£lfIClClty Hall Square, wlulc ten minutes will take you to the farthest of the m Churches, C..P.R. station, Agncultural Park, Industrial and Factory 81168, the Town \thl', l’ublic Llln'ury and Lindsay's Ht )B('.\1\'(1 l~‘.( )X N PHYS ï¬Blai‘Bk Silks and Satins at $I.OO SPECIAL IN DRESS GOODS A LITTLE BUYS A LOT! GO GET YOUR. LITTLE AND SEE L in tin' mmr for burial. “r. Yum-nu somu yours lk m‘v practis- ago run the uhl Maple Leaf- betwwn t7 will display here and Lindsay, and was at, the md‘ udvmnugv Hair a resident of Bobcuygeon. He 3' If ‘: thsia man '0! genial. personality and left \"stprdiiy where-w:- ho lived had a circlg of Gloves late .las. Van-09, of ’I‘orontu, whose lmdy was brought back to Muriposu BREENLANDS Lindsay P. J. BREEN $1.00 A Town to Be Proud of! We haVe everything in gent lemen's wear you can think of. and no Christmas present is appreciated so much as' a useful oné. If V611 {ire Tn‘search for a gift for grandfatherjnm-le ' brother. or for ‘ George,†game here and “9 “ill show \()u mam things to Dlee vou axis‘l ml â€help You to settle the troublesome question . of .1 (hngtmas in a satisfactorv manner. If mac Is. an} thing '22 new 1311 1111143110 you can alwaxs ï¬nd it here. 0111' (‘lu'istmas 13r- 'cï¬ x 'égigaig â€L131 £9.11?" in this directionâ€"COME! V '; N 1-. -\_‘ .. o ._ , ._.- A.-. ' .4 7.. «,w v“..- To neg-Inst a visit to this thilpi- lion wmald indicate us (-arvh-ss a Spirit as 10 walk by a bountiful flower garden without lending a passâ€" ing Idol-C at nature's â€gift to tho sonw exannflo laps“. wring nuw and I‘UUil in anolhur nmnunt, u indicatiu- of purvnvrs simplicity. \\'u an"- n quoms in 1hr (-rmllu. .' is a m-w murwl. :1 nm do nnt forgot In comv that day to 9’0 tlw .v.‘ in an small Iothrr: t. [hut low-s In smilz- «nu-r :1 t'mcllu. and Ijl'illg' lmvk memm'im nl' yulllh, urv invilml un'lhul il;i_\ 1.i.s;-i- Inn (luinty, l'}llll)l))' lilllp tms. with sum mvtry of form, (limplus uml (-m'ls. and all llu- lwmny lint-.4 which yumh and innut'vm'o pussnss. that will lm «'ntmwl fur ('nmpa-tilinn. It will Iw hotter than u (‘nmir (mom. â€1' trip to coast. and lhu [ullilit' will lw l'ull_\ vumpensatml I'm' the limo spun! in lnuking m tlmsv liltlv lll‘Hllt'l'S sput- tering; nuw and vowing Iilu- pigvuns in anullu-r mununt, ill! of which is Show. This fun! pruVud so grunt :1 l9]! .l'hut lln- mun tn pull it (m this } on H00. H31]: inst (ha- Winh r l- Baby Show Will be Feature of the Lindsay Christmas Fan GREAT WHITE WAY 1st DOOR WEST OF POST OFFICE “rm â€1‘ tho- mam‘ :xfh'm-Hnns Hm ludic‘s‘. 1h..- (‘hildn-n Our Santa Ciaus is n common-sense old follow. happy, hearty and healthy himself, and bent on seeing others just as well ofl'. He believes it is right to make- children merry at (‘hristmas with jim-cracks’ and other playthings, and hoiim‘os the big folks are all the better if they. too, come in for a share of those delights. Rowan-r, he has a way of being practical as wull as j0]l_\'; and so he sends out. may- be an ()vermt. pair of Gloves, or HatJor father; a Suit. Muffler or (‘ap for brother; a House Coat, I'mbrella or Tie for some oth- er girl's brother. nt forgot In cmnv to tmvn on day to sw tlw .vxhihit, of man a small Inter; the Fln‘istinn's alml thv lln- munugmm-nl J. HOUZER THE ' WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY. ONTARLO. hi? fuut un- x‘t’hich \u'll r..- (halwin ugml l'il I' ll“ of which is ass and childish > all kings uml -, um] mush hulw now mirm-h'; so will mu n 's (H P\'t'l‘_\' loud) cm [:10 l Il1' (bridal Inlln lu-M‘} r0- nt Trust. :1. chickenâ€"heart“! man to hatch excuses. . .- 3".ll FUR SALEâ€"UM". I1.\.\'h-I‘H\\'l£ll vacuum clvunvr. Apply liux GU‘J, “'arth'l‘ ullicv. S’I‘HN VIC“ mu) ln- :1 (limplc- or rurl \‘ mm. lhvir mu, u}- a mu.- luuk \vhivh will (I'lllnlnvnsu. â€I‘m-r H‘ighl illllh‘l'ltm'liull. llw «'hucnlu- uml [n‘uttlv nf ull that (lu_\‘. Hum! in tries :11 ullm- MINI ('nmln-te SJ“! llwm in. fan 01' thin. lhv fll‘.‘ llu‘l] uml \vnmc‘n ul‘ 1 of sight. , ‘ ‘ 7‘. The vmripotiiiun ‘ is OPP" in tin- un'lll, no rcstl‘il'limw m‘ cnmliliuns, m-!_\ unu. and that is thug llh- Hm; IIVUII gus hull 6mm the pr nmlul‘sig'umi, Int 20. ( pusn. on or ahunt In [uh-um- Cmmmmit‘uu- V (‘n-sts, ()zll;\\'uml. lhlilllll' l!¢)t m'v will For Sale or Rent whirl) Lost or Straycd l)\'1‘l' (HH' 'h prim-s \vhit'h \vnmc‘n ul' unlimilud uvh (HI pivk uul \ \' ;\ IH'Ilel-II'IX-X N LI N USA Y. \':"Il [H'vluisvs nf Hu- , um. 12, Muri- llm'. 6. Fimlc-r url which “sax.- ful' sun-u (m. . Uh IV! 11- uf thc- huh} 1! Ir stwmin}; with William III)\‘$1‘SS Uh (.Id hulgvs. u'hu _\nlll‘ will I'll â€It A‘H % jrg MILLS AND- FACTORY LINDSAY, om: 2§ Eggggxgxgggï¬ i!l gmeï¬waeawmzmwmwyï¬ E3 The John Carew Lumber Co. L d3†.3 (‘ounu of iLlli'l‘llWUH on the north. It might In- :I worthy donation or tribute [mid to that “'t'u-St'lt't‘lt‘tl hotly of mun who urn dvsignutml to ï¬ll thu important. position of muni- cipal Ism' giVm-s. to mukc- Sulllv (‘nm- nwnts upon thi- work which has [won pt-rfol'nml h} thvm during tho-ii' 10“" (if ollk'v. Mm! uvvr “11 h thn l'lw Wuiclmmn-Wurdvr Telephone No. 14. 159ng Rwawimggqussmg and {latching in Trausx' - Tamar LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, RAILWAY TIES MD POSTS, HARD AND SOFT WOOD, AND CEMENT THE COUNTY COUNCIL Pine cars Elm Import of Tilil‘l_\' lmh- mm Hemlock Box llw mullnss fl‘ix-tiun for ,smm- 3min! Wholesale and Retail runsnujhlu. and it's doubtful if au-i .. mhrr likn structure could IH‘ (-roclml , , WW :1! an advance of 51,011! m [fl'l(‘v.! 'l‘lu- ('02:th '(‘uum‘illnra' have real!) : “"1 uud the county that amount with-'lu-n ï¬cnlt to estimate. The host laid plans of lhv onginwr was frustrated at tinu-s. 'l'}w_grvut yawning abyss in the bottom of tho lake unlpml down thoumnds of tons of sum“ and called for moro. uftvr nn-n and tom-:5 hand drawn for days. This forum! 1110 foundation upon which 1hr pivrs worn to be constructed. l't‘l'Sl'Vt‘l" uncv had its reward, and now tin- county gun boast of om- of NW lwst‘ but 1101' (hp most lwnutiful ln-iduvs‘i \chin its boundary. Tho cost was} st rm-t Im ahead and g‘chn by Mr “KIN In I‘JI3 and urdrn, that the work was pushed discussinn and Ur- crmljl 01‘ lb" council of lhn (‘05! Hi (If? at raightfurward talk Ir. .lnhn Alton. H00“: 0f Cedar m unplvt ml LINDSAY ~ ONTARIO which was dif Hm on use of Crating Ash l “and; wo'Va- lnwn ('nunl} l'l’flSUllallh‘ pr ‘\ll told. \ u‘vll fowl prom sent them in v could In- mad. her back {at I'rum small udminist rum Hwy mum Ilvlm ! urs \\ ilh uu-mlwrs m hm "l N amen) hm! in th. uhich “us ¢ l‘Hl USS! THURSDA \‘ I ho w...- I ‘n‘, lnlm Basswood :uhhlu mt! ( ‘11 ms H'h hc-n\'\ KPH! ‘ [Tu U! >haltic 1 Ken. wilful emhl 5b ‘ â€and called *Go w liner! EVE IE pnd ‘IN‘ Mr. and ‘0“‘31 mo] on ad lu’ xviâ€! f0“ [V THE “\‘AH PHI able gift Hockey B THE “INTE! 13m v’f («)r Made of S refniorou] \\ in‘z, padded (‘8 6 t.) 10. of Gm'n tongm Prior. TH E men's “\m without the :2 dandy. Hi We haw ( men and to descrit Iaad iés' uul “' Why not ï¬sh drPs: button at $4.50. Toron t0 (‘ouhl tlla‘il Thfs arlm‘ for H UH You “H I I‘IN 1h. the per pa ir Hm SI “in! ' Speci: Hockey Christ M ll’l sens: large n\\'ll KPH $2,!" DEC BEBE m hou