fl building only. or land only, will be considorod. Ten per cent. of Tender price to be paid an acceptance of tender, balance in cash or good secur- ity on taking possession. Highest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. Possession giV-‘n Jan. 5, 1914. 'l‘l'INlbl'IHS will )w rm'viwtl up tn lwcvmhm‘ 27th. for tho purchase of Emma School Building. 40 x 51'), tu- gethor with \‘illugv Lots, Nos, 8. 4. and 5. East Idlgiu-st. 'l‘oudvrs for building only. or land only, will be considorod. Ten per cent. of Tender () A KWOO D Dated of Yan thv l'z‘m-incc 01‘ Ontario. mun‘iodix'c woman. will apply to the Parlimm-nt si: 0:" (‘anzuiu at the next session t‘nez'e-gof of, for a hil‘. ux‘ divorce from x]1§'l111§~‘gu huml, John Hmn‘y liatvmun, at pn-s-fai ont ra'siding at tho ('itjv of \iaszat'a'rg Falls. in the State of New Yvrk, mw'm of thf‘ i‘liitvd Status of .\m(‘!‘i(‘u.: laborer. cm the grounds of mltzltv2‘y} I and doSvH inn. vert 0 \ml a n No ice of Appiicatlcn for Divorce Headquarters for Hardware. Stores and Tinware CINNAMON’S Hardware ' Store Ant Sam‘s Emulsion QBREMM thé .mnewned bed fzbuâ€"Nding fats 92 mm cud livpr oil. an médigally mdxgegted ma} it sstributés chef-g: puma: and amngth all mm the bedy and simplmes thg stemaeh‘s w: 3 Ta peapla in declinin years w say with unmistakgblc mesmess evSem‘s Emulsion wi I add years :9 yen: lifé and life to your years. E. G. LYTLE t ,JL‘FZ†eemetimee {New that gear teeth and 3,3- . tmmeer meetieetiea prevent autheientneuriah: VI men! hem erdinery feed and burden the Gimme erme. bï¬â€˜.‘ if every men or woman past (7} , 0 My weld fully realm the bountiful. “sniping nourish: meat in Sean‘s Emulsion they would take it after every mesh I was born in Indiana, " says a strang. r,cr Ian]; and slim, :,-: us feilers in the restauranï¬ was kind 0’ guyin‘ him, nd ['nc’e Jake was slidin' him an- )( iCP PAGE SIX lhm him ll Hu‘ fc'HN‘. n‘ h" m'nhlwcl I u: ' "\‘un lw! l huln't \‘m‘um wmm' M Ma «gum. mun l \‘mu‘ vufl‘uu's muslin“ hut 2" Hll FOR SA LE Ikm 1r P! H I :P is hereby given that 1. Eva. Kntvmun. m‘ the Village of Hon- . in the} ('nunty of Ontario, in ’z‘uvim‘o of Ontario. married h. Ill It will pay you to see our line of “ PANDORA †and “ PBNINSULAR STOYES AND RANGES IN "Ill Ask to see our $35.00 Steel Range. unulul th IT H‘f (mt ruin tra cup 0 HI mm mt n his STOVES mtn ()5 Fur lhu' Ml‘nnm‘l ml "H‘H Mm! III' M his HH‘“ ave)“; W sum ml \\ 1‘. [LYNCH \.\' Ill uin II'H ll“ d n tlnm m nul in thn ('mmt) u\' of Uctulwr. m mr yum Mm H‘hml Sill ONTARIO nnl “Mum! r~nml mw' ‘ ml! “HM "51 unyu hu (M mm hm 1h. mm: u] mul hm nml says In wot mi king, the ï¬rst-drawn milk is usually used for dampening the hands. and this should be dis- carded altogether. instead of apply- ing to the tents to be washed into the pail later on. Thus the danger of taints is increased. When a hen has access to a bed of mad dust. rim) dry loam. sand or sifted coal aahes, she will rid herself of many zburly lice. but she cannot get rid of all of them without the aid of some destroying agent applied ruzului'ly at intervals of a few Regardlcss of the breed, hogs. like other classes of stock, thrive best when they are comfortable. They need shade and plenty of clean wa- ter in the summer. and dry. warm sleeping quarters in the winter. Select ynur mwl oats now. And lm absolutvly certain to take them from a part of the crop where there has been no frost damage. ()ats are easily damaged for seeding pur- poses by frost. The bodies of n'nm sailors drowned in tho recent lakes storm Were buried at [{invnrdinv, (zoderich and Narnia. 'l'wn more lmdiva from the Hydrus have lwen identiï¬mi. Unlouu Inna upuml a vvunuuuhlo mnmmt u!’ liuw umuuu (ha Mom! saws and gum thnh' umfldonvo, vm'y tow will [u-nwfnlly permit ynu to hand!» thnir pigs during tnrruwlug timu. m'inn nml lush l'u hvml IM‘UM will ul‘h'n mu'imml,‘ mjm HI Hprinklinu Hmu in tlw \vntm‘ trough will pruwnl m‘um from furm- hlq nu tlw mn‘l‘nt‘r‘ nl‘ lhu wnh‘t‘. 'l‘hu «Imps m‘ mun whivh uxudu I'mm the l'nnls of the pmu'h (rum shuw u-lwr.- tlw hm'm‘s urn. Smooooooooooooooooomfl ,9 CHOPPED DOWN 8 FOR FARMERS with 1110 stlnw juyuusnués :nul unlim- sinsm as ch) thum- :n- is “um-him: It is possible that M might m'on rmliize that the prusvm-u ul‘ su many children cnjnying Christmas- tnzrvthc-r under one roof is n thnusnml timvs [U be pre- ferred to NW sizht u! one lmu-ly child of the ric-h pinyin: alone with its tnys. with no one but the nurse to look on. if one were im-zim‘d to believe that (‘lzristmns outside the hume circle is dm'nix] uf :III that brings pleasure and my; simss tn the- child he shuuid visits mm c»! lhv grim 9m! Erutinus'\\'lwre the 1.x inlzm. nf tlzv [mm and (mun-less :H‘? ‘ ,;;-m;i.hui with the mmfnrts of life by j I'w (“'5 :: 1.1 :m- mmtrihmiuus uf (ht-J To thousands of children in our great cities are denied the joys attending the Christmas festivities that those who have pleasant homes and parents in comfortable circumstances‘enjoy. But because the home surroundings are lacking one must not 'jump to the con- clusion that the children of the unfair. tunates and the waits who are parentl less or have been drlven from home by drunken and inhuman parents do not haw their Santa Claus and the other pleasures that make Christmas the joy and delight of childhood the world ovvr lITTlE WAIFS ENJOY THE YULETIDE SEASON m‘ln'nn \‘usm‘ln \\ hivh Nut h union†h‘flml lnh‘mhu‘v u t‘uW lnm yum' 1.1qu Mum Hm! Him hm tl In at vmnpntmll \‘le'lll- l'mlml Mm h'um lulwwu- wm'ls. pnmlmlnrly tlmuv milk hm: lmmmu HHlll‘Nl. tlw mlf [mu It :3 mum k0 :n and mash!) unlim- him and THE ONE NEWSPAPER. The one farm newspaper that stands for the farmer in and out of season and has done so during‘ the last twentyâ€"three years is the Fam' er'a Weekly Sun, of Toronto. I! you are making a business 0! farming you will ï¬nd The Sun. the Issuer's business paper. of great help. not only to you. but to every person on the 9m. Let us send you. amp! ‘ copies. ‘ . ' ~ (mg day tlu‘l'p name to thv clinic a nagl-ess \Hlll a hr-nlu‘n jaw. The ex: ‘ammlng physlvlan. intent on mac-ov- él‘lhg the exact nature anrlyxwm M the injury. aakpd HUlllél‘mla' rules: Hung; To all 0! them the mamas; muffled evasm anew-9m l‘mally glm admltwd (hat she was" “ Mt M an unseen†" Was it a lavgg object 6? a small abjeet 9 “ asked the phxslelam " T911693 laurel“ “ Was it a ma 9mm 91* 3 Gem; object 9 " “ Telle‘hy hard l " " Was it 99min; upldly or slow: " Tolie‘by hm." Then her patience exhauatog. m nearest: turned tn the physician. “ to tell the truth. doctor. I was mat simply-Mord in the taoe by a. ma. 16mm friend." Sir William Uslrr tells the follow- ing to illustrate the elasticity of the the English language, as used by the southern negro. "Ah," hereplied. "it unmistakably shows the pOVerty o! the people; they must sell as soon as an article is saleable. and the English farmer reaps the beneï¬t." DO NOT MARKET T00 EARLY. Be it remembered that the dearest part of any animal is its early life, and it_should be kept until it reaches maturity. I maintain that hogs are put on the market too soon. The packers are to blame for this, we know. If. instead of being slaught- ered at six months old, our output would be greatly increased, and our proï¬ts greater. -()ur.system of forc- ed feeding interferes with natural growth. while the same amount of feed over a longer period would pro- duce better results. This applies to 1 ruuwunbor. when on a visit \to England some yours ago I saw in the streets of Grantham several hundred calves being driven to market. I asked my friend where these came from. He replied “From Ireland." I said, “How very foolish to sell them." "Vim." n uriim' in iiw 'l‘urnnin i“l‘i'kl_\‘ Sun. I'ufvru in liw Huiciiinl [miicy nr uinuuhivring cnwu nmi iwif- mm i‘uiinwwl in i‘nnmin. ilu nnyn: \Vu ui'v mung from but! in wm‘uv in immi iiwm uwr in iiw [\mm'imnn. nlul iiwn imw in ionk m‘iiw Anil- pmivu i'm' mn' imiim' umi ciwww «up. ply. Wv mum. (‘uii n lmii iwi‘nrv \w an imy furihm' umi uni uuruviwu in build up n imitm' Mack and in givu in ii nil Hm (‘ui'l‘ uml iliii‘ilim‘ni mmmgvnwnl it wuriiiiiy ciuummiu. Iii Wiililil iw imtlm' to ionvu mw-imit ur uili‘=liiil‘d at our int-mu in mum to ho pimuu'uii until it. WM run nut and duvmv our labor in getting the mom. out at our nook. and in ruining the most proï¬table fwd for them. iiy pursuing this course. we rapidly do- procinto their values. Selling young stock rarely ever pays. Hold On to Your Cows and Young Calves; Loss is Forcing Hogs to Maturity Too Early Dr. Chase's Ointment cleans out the pores of the skin and increases the natural activity of the skin as an eiiinincting agent. If you would have a clear. healthy. beautiful skin. Dr. Chase's Ointment will help you to realize your wish as nothing else can. 60 cents a box. all dealers. Sample box free, if you mention this paper. Edmanson. Bates 9 Co.. Limited. Toronto. The almost magical effect this ointment has in the cure of eczema. salt rheum. blackheads, pimples and all forms of itching skin eruptions is the wonder of all who use it. It acts as a food for the skin. and. is con- sequently a beautifier of most remarkable effectiveness. '1‘( Fl] AY '5‘ BEST STORY To have a beautile skin, yau should use only the best of soap. and when roughness or irritation of the skin arises the application of Dr. Chase's Ointment will soon restore the natural smoothness and beauty of the skin. health and beauty of the skin. Skin powders are in reality only White dirt. They absorb the perspiration and form a sort of paste, which seals up {-118 pores and positively stops the natural eliminating action of the skin. Ile thinks of you boturo himself He serves you if he can. ‘ For in \vhmsopvnr mmpnny The manners mnketh mm. M ten or forty ‘us the same. The Manner mus the tale. And 1 diswrn the gentleman ny signs that new» fan. He met his mother on the street. 06 came his little cap; ‘ My doo: was shut, he waited there Until I heard his rap. He took the bundle from my hand. And when I dropped the pen. Ile sprang to pick it up for me ; This gentleman of ten. He does not push or crowd along, His voice is gently pitched, He does not fling his books about. As if he was bewitched. Ho stands aside to let you pass. He always shuts the door. He runs on errands willingly 'l‘o forge or mill or store. By Margaret E. Sangster. I knew him (or a gentleman By signs that never fail : His coat was rough and rather worn, His cheeks were thin and pale; A lad who had his way to make With little time for play; I knew him for a gentleman By certain signs to-qay. nll clnsmm of Muck. 0111' Mm nlmuhl ho m rum Nu an m prummv lu-nlthy gruwlh up tn thu po-rlml upprmu‘hlnu umturlty. Hu'n llnlnh lu Inn-M tlw bout mnrkvl. which In mostly m um tlmu fur lerl-cluun Mutt. How Much Will You Be Worth at Fifty? _ THE LITTLE (‘- ENTI.EM.\N. I! depend: Fun“. Muhwmoh ..m... A: My“! my Cheap, inferior soaps and pore-clogging powders are the greatest enemies to the Cleanlim the Essentialâ€"Cheap Soap: and Powders to- be Avoided of the Skin ‘Eer C_e___,nt lures There in nothing new in keeping the vital organs alive alter may have was taken n‘om the body. may :mu'hohuloothhhe‘gn in» mud mo and that it hm. lard" “I know a good deal about tho begin- ning at it ond on axiom to tell you all I can with certainty.†Leon appeared :1me upon an thmhold and m hidden aunt-July to ‘ “If you will oxcusu me. brother. I wlll go to my room. I ln-lleve the trngmly of ‘lllclmr-l â€1' will lute-rest we more than Leon's uwlodrxnnu." Bvarlste and and mounted the stnlrwny. :12;- moodn life seems a grewsome ne- cessity. Sat so with Evnriste. To him it is all a glad song." "What do you think will be his call- 3lng? Will ynu make a lawyer of him 1’" ' “By no nmms.†1 "How So? Do you not like your own proi‘vssion?‘ i "As a branch of learning. A science. “hm. Mrs; \\'_\‘h‘5‘. It mu vnn mnre the tune to til-m me In giving M» 019th h) QtIIIIt‘Iu‘H'n Jm‘lu‘y. Imam. Mm. In nmnmnuy m-Mt dmwas. pus H‘NHQ It." Hut-awe mum]. not; 3 JUN ms 93“ mane lh thflflkfllh B98! for the any that has panned and open to eagernm M the any that be- Imh. Apparently tmpaeelve. he II keenly observant of and mmhelve to every event. weenie: a marveloue power of new“ and hnlmuatlag what to pleasant and rejecting what to dim humble. He delights tn the snee- ful eplhulha tumult. the air at the num tent. but will not look at tt when tt hue touehed the duet. and wtth eu Ne w- et moo-oer: he tn 1 out. “Indeed I an more than mum to do In.“ ehe end. mutate. the lam rech- ee. mrlunelwenteltthmm tenth!“ teeny mu ta thet Moh- m‘e treatment at the w.“ “Have you my pom! known“. barium It!†best man In this country. and I know you cannot do or old a. wrong. I bog that you will hear me.†Team rolled down his face. and hls bands were held out beswcmngly. good as to ho prvsc‘llt when l wll you about myself? She has known me.- llll my llfe. I want her to near me. She may know much about me that I do not. Wlll she be so klnd as to come Into the olï¬ce. Mr. Binker':" turning to the overseer. “Request your mother to do so." nor- ace said to Binkvr. "and you. Leon. so to the kitchen and get supper. Come here half an hour from now." bio and Mimi “What! You run sunny. Loon? llo you not know tho patrol law and line donor or your bring out urn-r dark without Mr. Quiliioiwri'u wruwu por- uiisnion ?" “i came away. .\lr. Romeo. l did not run away. and i know or the patrol lnw.†answered the young follow urn:- iy. but not ofleuslwly. "I had to too you tonight. air. and l have come to tell you my trouble: and ask your advice and help. if i am wrong. you will tell mo no. I will believe you and submit to punishment. 1! i am right. you will tell me no. and I hope you will help me. i have always believed you to be the N“! cannot ughâ€"me to hour you. Leon." said Horace. “Walk Into my cum." “I have no doubt she will.†the latter said. Unkrell llglnml n ctgné and nwnlted Mrs. Wiley and Leon In the mike. “That seems a wisp nrmuzu-uwui." Mrs. “.5103 flssvutwi. “ivuiim: In â€:0 hupplnvss or yozzz'su-lf and hrutiwr and tlw gum] of tiu- lwnplu.“ maker Wyn-y. in (‘II'SHI :ignjml'vi «inn- and after his may of tall 1: Um i‘wldu, joined his iuuiiwr umi linrm-v. and. i-:\'- nrlsu- roturuinz. 11w four ut ilu- signal of the hull prm-omiml to ilu-ix‘ o-wuiuz mm! of poultry. hot lm-mi. riw. mf- ft‘v. mllk and Ili‘l‘m‘l'Vt‘H of Hz: m-rvml by two quick moving grifï¬n mum" and tritium! Ivy tlw wuvlng «If [wan-«wk fouiiu-ru in UH' hum!» of Fun Ill“!!! hum! of oimn him-k. .\s tin-y Mu and mu- \‘I‘I‘N‘d song: nml luuuhlo-r mu! the Jingllnx of imruiw vinuim ~0ch ur the coming of the lnlmrm rrnm iln- rur- mwmi ronclu-u or sugar cum. and wt- hm nlnnt. 'i'lw numwr «mind. the thrw mun. lens-1m: ilu- mum. ruumi uuuuiimx uu- du-r the wrnmin. lmt Iu lmunl. n yuum: qumlrnou or numll uuniuro umi Iiuuiii- nvut rum. lh- wnu m-il vlntiwd. and bin ummwr mm pump and humble. «\wu. Luau." mid ()niirvll. “min In I Iurprlno. I would imw "mugm urn-r jock-sing no nkliiruliy fur Mr. Quliiv- lwrt today you \vnuid haw- iwvu term at home: tonight to be ('Xliibih‘il l0 his admiring rrivuuu." “In; did try m kwp um. Mr. Norm replied Imp. “but I World unt may! 66 "Hardly the la: tor." said smilihg. "I do not think his mind Is toward n-lzglous out Yo have put a quvsflcu the n Wh! h l have not thought nu own satisfaction. This ls the approach to a plan that l I been able to fornmlntv. l m: tlcs and dislike the practice nnd tlwrurorv alt tlmus Itu-Hm p050 to livarhm- lntvr that manage our joint mit‘l‘t‘sls an I prank-n: [1 No. me‘i: my mlvlvv " W Lat lstor?" "Mr. Horace. will Mrs. \Yyley be so “on while I lllt 0V“. “kink... ["0 [vrm'uu- Ul In" More Ilt times iuolmo to pro- livaristo IMN‘ that ho shall mr Joint lun-n-sts on â€w plau- bne I explozt a [mum-a! va- FMmS a who nrrnnzu-nwm." Ivy nRSthNL "mum: tn 1120 s or yoursc-l!’ and hruUn-r and of â€w pvuphn" Wyh-y. m rimm ammro! dun- ' his day of mil 1') ll)» livlds. I mmlu-r and Hurnvu. :HHL l-Iv- turning. the raur ut Hn- signal ill prm-ovdml to tin-Ir uvuumz poultry. hot hruad. I'lcn. ruf- und prom-I've: 0! ï¬gs m-rrwl quick mm'lng grm‘v mum-n I i i l MASTER an? S LAVE ï¬fa'mm CHAPTER V. Laos‘s QUEST. OU dvsIn-d my presence. Mr. Unkfvll?" said Mrl. “‘ylvy. unwrmn mv olflm fulluwml by n surmm. who plnwd Ilglna upon the w rvlzgziuus onthtmalsm. uostion the answer to I thought out to my This is the nvarrst Inn that l have ,n-c mint». l ram-y pull- tlw practice of law tlmvs invlmo to pru- lnh-r that ho shall mu-rusts nu tln- [IL‘IU- 12:. a solemn. a. flux as :I the I: nln-zuh‘. e a lawyer H‘ 01' 8 all}! On I: (0". 1mm of 1901. by T. H. Hue Syrup {trial I got a bottle and are I hd It half: one I found relief I and two bottles. “id have never been .. [would not be without “Yes. sir." said Leon. "except when he loses a race. and then he curses me for not punishing the horses. That i will not do. for i know they try their best. as i do mine. But. he has never whipped meâ€"the others. yes. my mother and all. for he is terrible in a passion. but not me. My mother has said that I do not belong to him. that I am not a slave. that I am free. and he whipped her for telling me so. though he never said anything to me about it. I do not understand it. Fa- ther Grhe. who christened me. has told me the same thing. But I cannot explain how it is. One day when I was crossing some horses on the ferry at Bayou du Lac M. \‘aisin Mouillot said to me that he had heard M. Con- stant admit I did not belong to him or to anybody else." , - “â€"Vâ€" vâ€" v Mu. Eduard Patterson. Young's Cove Rmd. N.B.. writesâ€"“I have had oc- culoa to use Dr. Wood‘s Norway Pine Syrup. and up say an: it is certainly a good medium. About a year ago I continued a seven cold which settled on my Wand Mt than in a very weak m. .cough racked are terribly. â€d I was In gespair until a friend ad- vind In: to gag Dr) Wood‘s Nanny It in msumgaw qua. tt ml! tu- lound «womanly . «Mal and nlcasgm t9 take. The. use at tt a generally I“ (heated whmm tymptom at thy-«at a: hut trauma appear. but «pecan; to wit all pot-am at a consumptive 0t cam-that tendency. u it: ptomv! curative WM 6 fly move the auger. and «stone . throat and lungs to_a_ my; butt†state i! and in time. Obuinato ca hï¬ and 90"“. ï¬eld u u» (mum. com and Malta mm: at Du Wood}; Nanny Hm Symp‘ and let an Mini. 90mm“ cough. anon “And from what i hear you give him satisfaction in that capacity." Horace remarked. “ We are waiting to hear you." “31. Constant has treated me diaer- ently from the others on his planta- tlon. I have never been put to ï¬eld work. Up to the tlme l was 15 he made me stay about the house. and after that he put me In charge or his best horses. Now, as you know. Mr. Horace. I am his jockey and ride for him at all the races." Her Cough Racked Her Terribly. Ml. moon's NORWAY PINE SYRUP Effected A Cure. tell you I do not at all undorstnnd. I know that uutll l was 10 or 11 your: old I lived with Mrs. Wyloy on the Lallzmdo plantation. on Atchnfulnyn rlvor. One day she sent me to M. Con- stant Quillolu-rt‘s plautntlnn to soc my mother and got sumo presents from M. Constant. who was my godfather. He would not let me go back to Mrs. Wy- ley and has kept me on his place slum." Onkt‘ell looked Inqulrlnzly nt Mrs Wylvy. whose eyes rc-npouded a con nrnmtlon. Mon continued: ution being-repeated by Mrs. Wyley in a tone conveying something or com- mnnd. be complied. ï¬rst laying his bat upon a bench outside the door. He was manifestly agitated. embarrassed and npprohvnsire. amt-though ample time \mi :‘nvn him m nan Hw (‘UXH'Pi'Sa- 1a.... m «It mmi‘um d and sill-m. "'Y“.:~ urn-H'irw I~ «.t in!!! mâ€) mmk~ Wltl. rlsllllt- efï¬nrt to ram cltomcnt Loon snul: “I cannot speak “’0" Illa Harm-o. :md Snllll‘ or tlm th tell you I do nnt at all undn know that untll l was 10 c old I llvud wlth Mrs. Wyl ve seated. ne nalnted:_l_)ut._t_bo Invi- granted by Mrs. Wyloy and myself. You ask for my advice and help. Whether either or both will be givou must de- pend upon the character of your state- ment. Now proceed to tell your trouble without reserve. for we are kindly dis- posed to you. but tell it with absolute truth. You must not mislead me into action or spew-h by a falsehood. Give me rams only. L'pon this condition 1 will advise to tho liflh‘t of my ability for your good and pmsihiy assist you to make the advic-o t-fl't-ctive. We are wait- ing to hear you." To be continuum s. Wyioy and myself. You Jvlce and help. Whether I will be given must de- = character of your state- well like you. Mr. to repress his ex- j H 8“" dd“ .Mdatï¬saaa l 9‘6 “05d hm mu m I» w W. “‘9 aaww «uh m “d an In a [lamina to do work than ova. 3w can. â€NW. new and Improw M IGWWH. to tan, the 1: Wu Marble and mum in thin part of Ontario. ‘ M9†Mid see our desig Whaling. 3MP and allow rooms 11 Widmtu immediatciy W11. William Murrow Bui‘ THURS DAY Agent for the Massey Bicycle} Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sta Winter Term Opens Jan. 5th The south wind nv'm‘ so fast the ram clouds bring, That there's no ghmpsv of sunshine 't\\'1.\t the dimers, X0 lam! so barren xhat we may not ï¬nd Some useful herb amidst the bran- bles hidden. No lot has for-tum so unhappy made. BUt somu joys lift 1 1 .-.:~‘ tft‘ sting of pain Ah'ld, Lydia 15. Hanna: pound invigoratvs : female organism um med nervous 53's! many women sax‘cly GEO. W. 'H it. You don’t grateful I am. to publish what done for me. "â€" Belleville. Yam Canada. Such warning sufl'ocationï¬ot f: aches,drcad of it sounds in the 1-: heart. sparks b< lax-ities. constipa Weakness and in‘ are promptly be men who are an life when womu be expected. If you want elm-Eu! advice wry-um Lydia E. Pinklmm Sta-«Iiriuo (‘0. (Nu!- donllal! Lynn. Mu». Your Iottervdll be owned. road and answer-M by: woman. and held in strict conï¬de“ MrsDoucetteTl to socur ness educm peten t larg flew Sprifl! plios. INN Tubes. I‘Uml fur the MM I‘erfnct Riv." WINTER SESSION Sewing Gives its Monuments (30:‘l‘ul‘cl-M.~,, ’l ntuv luxuv c-xplm'ns um- uquimuout. Mnâ€, 1' flulhl. \uu “Fr 1 {or H H inh‘l'vhhui lichuul \vurk \Hm â€mm: mm! H Nl-ZSS Hlu‘t‘flhï¬ Pr 0 fl. itic‘l :l W. H. CH Marble and GI teasing Symptom, mfg: Change of Lifean She Found Rel‘iiego LY? Cd In "worn-H“ 0 him“) Ll N LLIOTT may; Tr“ “‘1‘“ SUNER LINIXHS TORuN TO. ONl Hl \Yt WOOD pnoun 7" HI \ddl‘c'» DEC Emma SHEPHARW '5'.’ mm. win! advice “it“. | Mmlivino (‘0. (mg. \5. “mr lottery“! and :lgnswoml by I all I. ‘h’ In I» “W M!!! ‘5’ w. J ELLIOT! Principll 383W DSAY ometory Wort BOII 157 L 5 lo do I w denim nuprowd the 53°" Gram 3 medicine h. 33' DOUG fast the run up th‘ LI Mali not (I 1mm SHAW lid 1 pt Lindsay Branc mm-t-z-z-M-z-H CAPITAL, $15. This Bank ochrs with foreign count: ics. sale of Sterling and m fers, and for the ï¬nnm Commercial crcdn Cheques and Letters m‘ world. Ready Mixed lMcLENNAN WE“.';' ,. h Wm. Warren Incorporated 189 C. E. WEEKS. Prism THE YI WARRE BAN Hudqunl“ 0'! #- INC MACH!) oï¬m jun nu [NO MA(‘lll.\ tho room Omemee Br We era 0: at the some question ! ‘10. We beg for the pur men! Canada who i EVEHY'I‘I l 1 Nu PAmT Co‘s . I‘ht SIR EDM [IND ALEXANDER mum Collections chc ‘ellt 10 m 3 n'chwk. “tux-days 10 to Mummy a: Ofï¬ce H Paid upw Rest .- Undividi FOR Lindsay mmmn you, 2 York transact Branch DECK General Stre irrmc V01". Mam