’mv Kirk of WNW Ltally burned through My [1 into a stove. ut blistnring or cracki be kind of roofing to q Stood this tee: for 1y satislactory 9m cling made; K roofing which has [flow of our Muir-rs “ill be received by Mr LXH l-I. Staback, of WoodV'iue P for the purchase of the farm 0| qu- John Kineer. composed 04 .\' umber Seven in the Eleven! .‘cssion of the Township of M to Mondav, the First day 0! 9‘! wr next, at tnelve o clock m IiS propertv is conveniently SW1 and the mail passes it M: '0 an. about, sixty r cultivation. and the re >nd pasture land. There is tall orchard. There are er he promises a cedar 10K ho frame barn with stone wall ï¬lth INS Iâ€"‘l‘on per cent. m w...- _ P of acceptance of tender. 83" ulancc within thirty days that? The other conditions will he tauding cunditions of the confl- “ to be in sealed emv'eloli‘f;~ N1 "'l‘cndrrq for Kineer Pam highest or any t accepted. 3 further particulars apply“: f" dam E. Staback. WW - Joli; tr Ericson, a I 'owned at Kenora. l. G. Edward @EOUGHMN hhhhhh “am MCHNTYRE Ice and Residence corner Bu: nnd Cambridge-It... Lind“! Ice Phone 387J. Residence 8! Cemetery in: onuments Ball 157 L VALI'ABLI haul“); n specialty. Cdll unpfly attended to day or I M. Fox, Reeve ¢ let-ted treasurer of The test of time is . H. CRBSSWELI ‘12::3‘: LINDSAY KENT-ST EXECUTORS SALE Veterinary Sun-goon om Graduate 0! the 0am wintry College, Post-Grad‘ II Veterinary College, also London 5‘ [1001 0' Tropical I possession will be me ha rn 'aroid Rooï¬: AS s'roon THE TE advanta will be wish to buy Ulonarm k'. u.. u... the Will of deceased- MOORE JACKSON. Solicitors for WW 4th November, 1913. M aver-y “(We ASK 01D 'ch next “I" a d nut-nor: f and see .1393 over 1"“ R SAX?! .133 FARM PROPERTY “It: hard unadian v thirty conditions will be Cemetery Work Dy of {KW skating on: ‘acking other “‘mk -â€" that to buy_ Pl] for years, 1 Smooth gun '. RIC fully given on ‘7 rains and st 001! the LINDSA, right ‘ the ,Christmas Suggestian Don’t forget that the time is here when you should think of your We Z111e the xery best 1n new dried Fruits, Raisins, Currants Peels. Dates, Figs, etc. \an Shelled \uts, Spices, Icing Sugar, Chocolate, y. b l U U I I Extracts etc. Our prices are the best and the quahty unsurpassa ed. Our store service as unequallec, and we can guaran- zee mu perfect satisfaction, careful attentlon and promut delivers. See Our Kent-st. Window Display of New Goods ï¬nceries and China Hall-~Kent-s'. Cash and One Price mac. {ORONTCSC "" 'INDSAY BRANCH Ladies 3 Don’t Forget the Men ! OuI business is not to moralize on it, but to give you sugg estlons on what to buy to make your famlly happy. CHRISTMAS! We Advance Our Wish for A Merry Christmas 'c a u-Vva‘l ‘, .vâ€"w-_, Ibo I * 3 mm, m a...“ 0mm (3. Are- "'meeï¬ar'imkf’u. swim). Harlem. Suï¬-a: LEE-(30050.. :\_ {'L‘fllzer). szferhw. SW and W . L. CAMPBELL Read These Timely Hints : Christmas Baking zht Frwhitliét 0‘ er "ei 11 Shoe Store What would the World be without It ? xxxiety of \Vinter apples at special prices. Ask about them. sand dainty accessories for the ladies. See in our W5“ handsome 'Silk and Wool Sean's. They are not. iml, but useful also, in all colors and dcsin'p all the a .L. .'un(l Mags, Collars, Ties, Jewelled Bandeaus, Jewelled 4, Necklaces, beaded. jewelled, jet, glass and pearlâ€" up to the latest, and very correct; and many other: :zwnts. N2») is sufï¬cient. COMMITTED T0 ASYLUM. IC t0 Llr'SS .-yeqlasses Amisome leath- ‘n‘upz‘iate. last- \:'1 pr presenta- m e} esight inns without ~nECEMBI-ZR 18, 1913. for md. sensible giftsâ€"they like them. Yam-y Braces {undid Ties, Shirts, ('ollars, ('utf Links, Tie Pins. ml and silk lined ; 3.130 fur lined, up-to-date Colâ€" .\ man always looks happy in 0. Silk Scarf. It it. We are showmg some of the tonicst ,things in '1, from $1 to 32; also cheaper lines. oken S. ALCORN, Manager- of Canada or elsewhere vi! ï¬ndthescrviwoftï¬sbfllkd Wthflbd- ingdnhhdc- -I William Nash. a Hydro lineman, was fatally crushed against a. tele- phone pole in London by a skidding motor car. a violent disposition and desire to tear up everything around him. Four men were required to keep him in subjection at times after his arrest in Somerville. Benjamin Hopkins, who was at- raigned before County Magistrate F. D. Moore, K.C., at, Fenelou Falls on Wednesday morning. was adjudged insane, and committed to Mimico Asylum. The demented man is now in Lindsay jail, and at times shows Flour and Feedâ€" William-st. Lindsay $6 It was announced by the horse show judges in the Arena that Ca- nadian exhibitors had captured four ï¬rsts in the Clydesdale classes to the Americans’ three. Up to late in the afternoon the race between the two countries had been .close. Hopes of ‘rooters of the States, however, were downed when it was announced that Colony Lady Degg, owned by the Colony Farm of Coquitlam, B.C.. had taken the blues in her class, making the score four to three for the Canadians. . 1 of the Canadian winners for the day, British '(.‘olumbia carried off: two ï¬rsts, one second, one fourth. ! and one sixth; Saskatchewan, one' ï¬rst. two seconds, one third and one ï¬fth; and Untario. one ï¬rst and two thirds. ! l w L Chicago, Dec. 3. â€"â€" Canada won again to-day. After upturing the World's grand Championship steer pr1Ze yesterday it was exxiected that the DominiOn would submit to a re- lapse to-day and give 'the Stars and Stripes 3. chance at the Internation- al LiVe Stock Shpw, but such was not the case. CANADIAN AWARDS; The Canadian awards in their THE WATCHMAN-WARDER. LINDSAY, ONTARIO. ‘ e CANADIANS WON AGAIN AT CHICAGO SHOW J. D. J. Campbell, of Wood- John Kelley, Shakespeare, has a ville, Ont., for the fourth year in third, ï¬rsts and the championship in succession, won the Grand C ham- (at Leicester‘s. A. and W. Whitlaw pionship for Shropshire Grade wethâ€" I Guelph, are among the winners. In er. breeding Cotswolds. E. D. Park. and, owned by Hugh McLean, Arâ€" Burt'ord, Ont.. wins three ï¬rsts and cola, Sask. ; sixth, Bow Hill Baron. the‘champion ram; E. Brien Sons Glen Garnock Victor 11., grand win one second and two thirds. Mare, three and under fourâ€"First, Colony Lady Begg. owned by Colony Farm. Mare, agedâ€"First, Nerissa, owned bv Colony Farm, - ï¬fth. Queen of the Revels, owned bx R. H. Faber, Coo- die. Sask Brood mares, agedâ€"Second, Peggie Pride, owned by Colony Farm, B. (3.; fourth, Opal, owned by Colony Farm. Stallions, two years and under threeâ€"Second, F5vie Emperor, own- ed hy Robert Sinton, Regina, Sash; third, Gallant Buchlyvie, owned by W. H. Brice, Arcola, Sash. Stallion foalsâ€"First. The Prince 0! Hillcrest, owned by R. H. Taber, Condie, Dask. Stallions, three and under four -â€" First, Lord L'llin, Graham 81-08., Ontario; third, Gold Nugget, Gra- ham Bros. Ontario. classes Iolloyr : Aged mailbagâ€"Prince Rupert. soo- owned by Colony Farm of Cognit- John Kelley, Shakespeare. has a third, ï¬rsts and the championship in (at Leicesters. A. and W. Whitlaw. Guelph, are among the winners. In breeding Cotswolds. E. D. Park, Burford, Ont.. wins three ï¬rsts and ‘“ ALL STAR TOUR " FOB VICTOR 1 II. champion of the fourteenth annual International Exposition, passed a busy day holding a reception to ex- pert admirers. J. D. McGregol‘. Brandon. Mam. the champion's own- Ier, announced that the great bull will begin an " all star tour " alter the close of the Exposition. The start will beniade at the Manitoba; Agricultural College at Winnipeg. ‘ CANADIAN SHEEP'WIN. Canadian uheep' exhibitors have things. all their own way in the {at classes. In Lincolns; H. M. Lee of Highgate. 0nt., has won three ï¬rsts Fund a championship, also third and fourth. J. I). Brien of Ridgetown ‘and John Kelley of Shakespeare each have seconds. In Cotswolds. J. I). Brien of Ridgetown has one ï¬rst and, two seconds and the champion weth- er; E. Brien 8; Sons, Ridgetown, havetwo ï¬rsts and one second. E. D. Park of Burford is also in the money. , = a 1"} Furnitun Undartakilm 1- well uttered by “something in the furniture Line 2 " “’9 show such a. “rude range of articles at moderate prices that you could not. do nether than to pneent some of these gifts to your friends. THE QUESTIONâ€"“WHAT TO GIVE? " urgently suggest a. visit of inspection. . E. TANGNEY' This Grafono}a. is one of 13 different. designs ranging in price from $17.50 up to$650.00 and is made by the creators of the Talking Machine Industry and the largest. manufacturerein the world of this line of wares â€"The Columbia Graphophone Company. The instruments are beyond compare. To see and hear is to be Convinced. And the records, always in the lead are s-iil the blst and they are the cheapeet, being only 65c with a choice selection on each side. 25 Kent-at. Linduy PAGE U u Sm