[2‘ 1 PAGE The Lindsay Business College ed a do! freight- Arte: a. man has 93PM his views he M'J’iflh 11° Md pctrpniz- l-qu nds w. â€n (- "430",: '11-'10 ( hand. Iypmvrl'iu Bumrhvn tamghl pom-cu.- IL)â€. (Mr N wt NV nuclenn (In MTHiutinn with Hrilliw mum Cullt-uv :unl ID-Imil um ( pondem-e- Hchuul.) Leathef Goods Pocket Knives. Hot Wster Bottles, Chamois Vests, etc., at DUN OON’S 1.50 lo. 17. 50 Ebony Brushes $1 to ..... 8.00 Haadï¬ugs 150 to†.......10 00 Manicure 380:: 25c to... ... 1.3. 50 Stationary, fancy boxes 253 _to Mix-ton 25c to Gifts for Everybody ! Chocolates. Amaricu‘u ï¬nest, 25c to .. .. ... ..500 human 1.50 .to ............ 18 50 Brush. Comb and Mirrorisftl. to ........ 2.. ..... . ......... 8.00 Perfumes iu dainty bcxad, 25c Where th e“ Geod Clothes Come If you desire a Christmas Glftfor a Man or Boy, come here at once-*1: come here ï¬rst and save that'tiriï¬g‘ “Shopping Tour of the Town†that usually takes {tom the Christmas Seasdn half its joy I Thi; popuhr LJI‘fZS . ' 1 ‘I 51mpÂ¥y brown an rec r mg suztable Glfts for 21:1 and 130’s. :1" ‘ It has been acknowledged that our (’li<p1;1jv' of use p) ’8 (‘J .-.¢ k/ " f4 {mods are superior :1 ‘. H. 5 potton Christmas Gifts for “ Himâ€- ~ a... l‘r .l P i“! ENTER ANY DAY Came Here, Then, am â€Â£11303? Making You: Seiectiens! do-nN \Vx'itv flmvl vxams HI! i'm-- I‘: Ill‘utoru ‘Ap- II' Culuum . 'ht vi I] uiTt-r «‘4 all 0' - (flu-HI ms. ï¬lmm- m; and Unmuwran 1|. .rmnmrhip, n I‘IHH'L Id ......3.7.’> . . . .5.00 . Ross "1‘: I" 17.50 ,Wmo m-nr ()mmwv, on ginâ€"day Inst. Dec. 14th. of Mr. Ilichurd Shaw. one at tho uldnst residents of the vicinity, uml u m-mlmnun highly. ream-Mod by all m‘quuinuch. The deceased. \xlm mm in his Hard your. had been 11-) nml nrnuml n. '(‘uuplu of weeks \xlm mm in hm Hum your. nuu "cu" up uml uruuml n. ‘muplu of weeks ugh, but owing tn advanced um: he mm mmth to withsmnd' his attack “LIN \H‘Ilhll‘ KO \Vllllï¬tuuu xun u vvvvvv m‘ illm'ss. 1n [mHtlt‘l ho was 0. (‘unsorvntivm whlloi In religion ho- wna n mumbor of the .Vlvthmnst Church. One of Csmhrny’s respected resid- ents passed to his eternal reward ism night at 10 o'clock. in the per- son 0! Mr. Francis Chambers. alter on illness of about six weeks at the age of 69'yurs. The. deemed had followed agricultural pursuits pre- vious to nine years ngo. when he moved into Csmbroy village with his wife and family. He was a. Methodist in religion. The funeral will take place on Thursday after- noon. Dee. 18th. to the Eden ceme- tery. Mr. Chambers is survived by his wife. two daughters, one sister and one brother: The daughters are: Hrs. Albert Wilson. of Lind- say; and Mrs. Henry Sluggitt. of Fenelon township. The brother is Mr. Jas. Chm. Glenelg-st , 'i‘hn deceased gmtlomnn is survived by iivu mm. one of.- whnm. Ira. ro- qidm on tho homoutomi in ups. They have the uincoreutmympnthy oi the vntiro community in their and ho- rcnvomont. The tunvrul; took place Tuesday at- tornoon. interment. taking place in Emily cometcr) . The death occurred in South th ee piece ........... 1.x.) w Boys' Overcoats, stylish and servicmble ..... . 2.50 to House Coats for lounging 3.00 to Neckweur, stylish and_cI.-I.<sy, all ah 193%...." .13 t0 Gloves for dress or driving wear ..... .75 to Suspenders for work or «‘lleS\‘ wear.... .10 t.» Umbrellasâ€"ynu cannot be without one...... .50 to Fancy Ves’s ior all occ--Lsious...... 1 00 In Night Robes for gomfort............ .5010 Sweaters and Sweater Coats for Men and PA A- Men's Suits i') distinczive styles . ...... 53.5).) to Men’s Overcoats for comfort an i wear ...... 4 95 to Raincoats for protection ....... .. ...... 2.50 to Bath Robes i'vr comfort...... ..... .. 4.00 to Shirts for every occnnon ...... . .50 to Mufflers and Scarfs for comfort; and dress .25 to Handkerchiefs of entry mrt .05 to Caps for comfort and dreas Wm.†.‘25 to Underwear, Union or (vool umtsrials ......... .25 to Pyjamas, the Met} sleeping "'U'Yu-‘tnt ...... 1 ()0 to Boys’ Suits, built fox azuisiactitm, two or 7 1 0: Mn Boys .................. . . .... Fur Coats for father, grandfather 5432;3qu Suggestiens Em Christmas ! FRANCIS CHAMBERS lilVIIAHD SHAW. THE WATGHMAN-WARDER. LINDS Ops, From - Lindsay an! wear 4.93 on no-.o.---..-~.o â€".' nu-.n.-u no... a- -t and dress .... _..-..\o. THE HILLS. Now mm there be that low: the plain With yellow c‘ornlaml dressed, And others love thv sh-epy valos Where lazy cattle rest; But some men love the anCivnt, hills, And those huVe chosen host. Fur in the mm :1 man may go Forever as he list. And soc a net of distant worlds. Whore streams and valleys twist. A luuguu bolnw and 90mm; to hold 'l‘hu “hole earth in Na 11m. Ur ll‘ hv trend the dnlvn bent-nth .\ new (lollght lu hls. Pnr awry crusts a klngdom edge Whozw conqueror he in. And every toll the frontlor 'Uf unmwsuml umpcrlcs. And whnn the clouds are on the land In unaltor ho may Me. And wutch mlown tho-misty glen: Tho ruln go marching by. Along tho silent. thanks '0'! tell. Whouo hauls are In the sky. '“A man who knows how to do one thing right may try to prove it. by doing something else wrong. ‘ Boys arrested in Berlin confessed to robberies, to whiéh they said they were led by reading ï¬ve-cent novels‘ A ï¬rm of New York architect. have med ‘0. suit'agdnet the Great! Trunk Runway for 81,000,000; ‘ h Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst was ur- mstegl of! Plymouth Huber and ut- er ahead in prison.“ Enter; . .. u The gorse in Spring is like a. host. 0! warriors lln cold; And Sum hit-hon like a. cloak Of purple on 'the wold, While Autumn'l rumt brackcn in , Monks" livery .iol. bid. . And In the hills are cryutnl terns Au deep u melden'u eyes. About, whole edge at middle-noon The hoevy lunah‘lde 1m. ' And deep therein the troll-{elk dwell. Cen make men wondroue wise. ... .50 to 6 00 or broLher 14 95 to 150 00 . 1.95 to â€"-W. N. Hodgson. £6 9! 7".» 1‘200 12 00 6.00 ].C() 3 00 gatouâ€"ntâ€"IC‘. L'IU'O cu 9| 0 3 COO Nil)! 5'5 .. UI 00 Omemee, Dec. 15.â€"'Jne concert lugâ€"Messrs. Isaac r‘ee and mom. donn- Coronation Hall, under the auepices‘ston. The club bears the earmarks of L.O.L. 113 on Christmas )ight,’ with such a long list, of ï¬rst-class ‘ . artists, promises to draw a record (.lub promises to hold many meet- house if the weather be favorable. i135 01' interest during the winter we .â€" .-\s there is no reserve for seats. it season. , will be neceSSary to be early to tune The meeting in the Presbyterian a choice. _ Church on Friday evening. addressed of a strong organization. and the | The Pleasant Valley Glee Club met at the home of Mr. And Mrs: W. Moynes on December 10th, and a splendid time was enjoyed by all present. V'The club meets every two Iweeks. and the evenings are spent. in games. music and debates. and is one Pof the best and most instructive clubs in this vicinity. The ofï¬cers ,for the year 1914 are zâ€"l’rcsidcnt, iMr. Osgoode Imric; lst Vice-Presi- ldom, m. w. McNevan; 2nd Vice- fPresidcn’. Mr. .‘ijley )onnes; 'Socm :Trens†Ifr. .ios. Nesbitt; Organist, imss Lila Xosbiu. The following Omemeeites were vis- itors to Peterboro on Friday: Miss Johnston. Mrs. H. R. Murray. Mrs. John McCrca and Joseph Johnston. The l-‘armers' (.‘iub met one even- ing last week in the Armourios. The President. Mr. Joseph Bradley. after CAMBRAY. (‘ambray Dec. 15.â€"During the‘ shootiog match last “'édnesdny afterâ€" noon Mr. John Walden had his hand injured with a ball from a gun which was accidentally discharged. While house-(leaning on Saturday, Mrs. D. Clark was standing on a. table. and getting too near the edge she felt it tipping. so stepped unto a chair which turned over. letting her fall on top of it. Mrs. Clark re- ceived a severe shock. and us a re- sult will be kept in bed for several days. Mr. 140311 McKinnon, son of Mr. S. McKinnon, stepped on a rusty nail mm day last week which muse-1 blood poison. but we are glad to hear he is suma- better 10-day. The Epworth League are preparing a good program for Tuesday evening. December 23rd. They are intending East Victoria W. I. ‘ A large number from here attended the Iiindsay Fair on Tuesday. and report it to be one of the best of its kind. Among those noticed were: Mrs. _ S. Brokenshire. Miss Hazel to have a Christmas tree and can- tutu. Mr. R. .I. Warn. of Cromwell. via- lted his uncle. Mr. F. (‘humljerm last Thursday. Pleasant Valley Glee Club Elected Ofï¬cers Fenelon Falls. Dec.16.â€"Mr. Nor- man Martin motored to Lgkcï¬elq on Wednesday to attend the Eleven- Thirty Club ball. Mr. E. Fitzgerald was in Minden'ngeil. for a few days. The W. F. M. S. of St. Andrew's Miss Flora. Haynes and Mr; Morley Church met at the home 01 the 30!! Moynes were in Reaboro on Friday President, Mrs. J as Dickson. on Wed- evening nesday afternoon. The different re- Miss Margaret Lee is the guest of!ports read shoued a marked increase her sister. Mrs. ii. J. McKcndry, of in the standing of the societ‘ The Lindsay. . Iamount. raised by the Mission Soci- The Ileasant \aliev Glee Club met etv was $200.00. The ofllcers for at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 'the year 1914 are 'â€"Hon President MOI-Tl?s Oll DECL‘JLK‘P 10th, and a‘Mrs Dickson; President. Mrs. Ford; splendid time was enjoyed by all lst Vice-Pres, Mrs. Northoy' , 2nd present. 'The club meets every two Vice-Pres†Mrs. M. H. Chambers: weeks and the awnings are Spent in’3rd \ ice-Pres. . Mrs. R. M. Mason: games. 2 .usic and debates. and is one Secretarv Miss 3 Mc Arthur; Treas- of the Best and most instructixe urer, Miss \. McKendn; Organist, clubs in this vicinity. The ofï¬cers Miss 3, Martin; leaflet Lecturer. {or the year 1914 are :â€"1’rosidont.’Mrs. D. Robertson. Rev. S.- Steel held prsyer meeting'which wss a great success. in the school house on Wednesday 36". H. Earls, Mrs. S. and Miss evening of lsst- week. Quite a large. 928W. Mn. '1‘. W McLesn. Mrs. '1‘. number were present. Henderson. Mrs. Cross. Mrs. .1 cm Mrs. D. Grshsln is spending s rewlemt. Kr. and Mrs. A. Williamson. ms with natives in Brock Town- wag; 'vuitou to Pcterboro on non- The farmers are busy the weather being very that work. Mr. D. R. Spence had the misfor- tune to lose a. young colt on Sunday 0! last week. The animal was only sick a. tow hours. Dr. Dyer, V. S. .. b! Woodvillo. was summoned, but its death Md More his arrival. “Var. Jim Doharty is at present "a patient in the Ron Mental-ml trio-p:- “1.80 in suï¬oring trom an attack of dropay and congestion of the lungs. The trustees are hm‘imr a furnace installed in the school thln week. The farmers are busy cutting wood. um u-mnhm- Min: very I‘m‘ornlflo for ISLAY. Inlay, Doc. 15.-â€"Mr. Dun It. Spence attended the funeral of his cousin. Mr. Bruno McArthur. of Sarntn. on Monday of last “wk. The local branch of W. I. met at the homo of Mrs. II. Boyd on Wed- nesday of Just wook. A large num- ber were premt. Two excellent pn- porn were given. one by Min Llulo Knight on ‘_h‘(.’ perfume-a." and one by um Niylbf. do "The Value of Bonding." Music wu ghen by Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. W. Webster. The January meeting In to be heId at the home 0! Min Noylor on the usuol 5. â€""lhe cor cert intâ€"Messrs. Isaac Fee and Robt. John- Gathered at Omemee an old Mount Pleasant boy. and drove out to that village on Satur- day for: a few days' ï¬sh with friends. Mr. Stewart Chambers has resumed his foremanship with the 6.111%. at Omemee. He has been some months directing a construction gang. The Christmas meeting of the Ome- moe Branch of the East Victoria Woman's Institute took place at the home of Mrs. Jn'hn Sanderson on Thursday afternoon. December l'lth, 1913. There were 46 ladies present. mam of “ham were \isitors and some of them became m-mhers.l\1rs. Wm. Lottingham. the President call- ed the meeting to order. the ï¬rst 'purt being a full and lengthy report The meeting in the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening, addressed by Rev. Mr. Eadie, of Hanan. China. brought out a fairly large congrega- tion. who were enraptured with the intensely interesting theme of mis- sionary life and enterprise in the Celestial Empire. Mr. Kenneth Grifï¬n has opened a barber shop on King-5L. in the build- ing lately occupied a)“ the Public Library. Mrs. N. (‘larkc was a visitor in Peterboro on Saturday. Mr. W. E. Best and son. of Winni- peg, were guests of the (‘ummerciul House on Friday night. )Ir. Best is by any means the leut came the {cry (hint) roan-hunts. served by Mg... Sanderson; who proved butt! *it‘ ideal hostess: This m'emtio'i‘l do- W {or their homeI about 5. 80 pang, nu agreeing that this had been on. of the moat successful in the 10- Watery o! the Womm’ I Institutes Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mchvan, of Lindsay. wece in town on Saturday. Miss Winnie Maybee. of Cameron, was in town over Sunday. Mrs. E. A. McArthur )nft on Wed- nesday morning. and wili spend the winter with her son, Dr. Clan Mc- Arthur, of Detroit. Brokenshire, Miss MtArthur, Walsh, Mrs. T. Townley, Mrs Brandon. Mr. Scott, Mr. 'Mc‘ Mrs. Jos. Lee. Mrs. Dan Xi: Miss Wilson. Mrs. l-‘. Aldous. Jewell. Mr. S. Clegg. of Peterbom, was in town on Tuesday. 3' ,- the Misses Parsons. Mrs. Bryson sad-Mrs. D. Magoo assisted on the Mam of the Orange concert at Bethel on Wednesday evening of last. week: Quite a, number of Omemee- ftuzsttended the m and Concert Mr. 'MCKendryo Dan Nicholson. Aldous. 313- 1'- There has been an especially well- marked annual mOVe upwards in qual- ity and importance, and this year again greatness nobly asserts itself. A’l‘ MARKET lll'llJlING. The market building was throngml with people from ten o'clock in the morning viewing the line exhibit of dairy products on display. Butter, eggs. turkeys, geese, ducks and chick- ens were placed on tables in endless numbers, and the quality was in keeping with the magnitude of the display and (it for ~a top place in competition with anything in On- tario. Samples of choice barley, wheat. peas and aats were shown. all of extra good quality and weight. BABY SHOW. The baby show at the Academy was the hub of the attraction for the ladies and children. with a goodly number of men sandwiched in, view- ing some of the cutest little babies ever seen. They were all little types of beauty. and each had a ‘dimâ€" 1n, the five years since this town has held annually 9. Winter Fair there never was gathered together here or elsewhere in Canada a ï¬ner or better collection of horses of all classes than that which was on exhibition Tuesday. In that time the fair has grown and developed wonderfully. and in its past history neither men:- ory or the records can recall a fair that approached this one in all round excellence. There has been no let up by the President and llireclors in their ambition to make it the grand success which it has attained. Winter Fair Brings Out :W 1 gentleman is one of our new I a rus GramCIub Bags, priced from .5113 NéfllThe Shoem an .Fof’so'm'éfhing more elaborate adda set of‘xOur Ebony Fittings, pnceS $3355§55$6505y ’ ' Next Beau Building A Few Specials to be had at Our Anniversary Sale Eff arts ‘ Extraordinary té Aid and Serve You! Special boxes for tho. dim; Bibles and English (hurch Hum: Hunks A 2 priced. for presents m Sunda} Schunl class‘s. Christmas decorations for the tree and aim 1 tions, in very large variety. SEE THE ELECTRIC TRAINS .\.\'l) 111 )T-MR NING IN THE WINDOW. BOOKSâ€"To the. making of u very large assortment of all Seouts. nicely bound, :1 for 25¢ Iichind the Beyond. is wry p0 4O wat. Tungsten Electric Light (Hobos. .\ few new Electric Reading Lamps. ('I‘h (‘onsolcx Gold-ï¬lled Spectaclvs Would make a and mother.) A nice new homemade candy to introduce, 2 pounds for 25 NEILL’S BEAUTIFUL GIFT to a lady or MAKE YOUR CHOICE NOW. $2.50 to $10.00 'ond. is very popular. lnglish (‘hurch Hymn Hunks 11.34 wonder‘uu)’. neither men:- recall a fair one in all . L. MORGAN Best Produc is of the Farm? THURSQAY, DECEMBER 19 kinds at the candy cm: cents. 00145 t hon COX' er‘s pet p10 or curl t t i vcnoss . Tm mpetiu‘on \" ()l‘ (me gtrang nt- Stu Lindsay GOL of nssnul J Rowe, prim ‘ilidiburton, I midmed hit! 1-! 1i)“ been “fic- ; can, was (in the plaintifl. {only clt Ewing Hn ,‘p such a casa- \\ l Lift Child by the “w Dust has But does mo deep after ge: fldecay. It pl flysafe. Nei' drilled at shor . terms reason: LL-ST. LINDSA and One Pric can, I have no m N DENN 3t needs lit the work a Dwdered for: h are add¢ I and purii adients whic r the mome the watez ï¬lmmr: him-poses. h. saves lab: Neckgear Women. ‘ N o tions adornmen and sand