A girl with a fan» as p picture may be spoiled by heme of mind. Dated at Toronto. ix 0! York, thi‘z 31.6: [In AJ). 1913. the Province of Hm; wuman. will apply in t of Canada. at the urn 0!, for a. bill of divm'w band, John anry But» â€It. r9sidmg at â€w t‘it FANS, in thn State “1' N of the l‘r.ited Stan-s laborer. on the ground: and desertion. Notice is he'l'r‘h} gh June Bnlvumn, M the Verton. m tho;- tummy Pfupusml the lurc'nmm I tluw, \shvn ('lork will 5 Volm gn’vu fl and pr: propnm H) ’l lhv Vlllmp' of VI PM uppnintml nu fur NW Mpponmmns- nttoml n! Hu- pul 0w "1m! mmmmu the "lurk u! [WIN ID“! V th» 'nro‘nm m. M! ar)‘ homo-n cm A D. â€â€4 to “fly out-mm «I the in thc' " Watchman-W paper, “hich dnh- “us day 0! [Mcvmln-r, ,\,|)_ (2) That â€I0 \'Utt'\' u Cor Yon‘o and Ilo-audu In monk» TAKE NU'I‘U‘I'I (I) That thvabove is a true copy of u pmpuscd hy-law o! the 'l'uwnship 01' llexlo‘y, and if the assont of th" ulvt'tul's is obtained to it, it. will be tukvn intu considera- tion by the ('mmt‘il of the (‘orpora- tion of the- Township nl' lh-xlt-y after the expiration of un‘) munth [mm the date 0! the ï¬rst publication Lhereb! Winter Term Opens Jan th FREEMTfl/g Annual Read it ï¬rst mul m'nmd time this Eighth day 01' NUVHHI’H‘I', .-\.h 1913. ‘V. J_ l HIRI'AW, IiPth'. ALFIU‘II TAYLHR. Clerk. tilted liquors Ilvd In v\ of.“ huum u! plw menu In llw the lulu then 1:4 and SIM“ lu' pt‘nhllbit Ohup 0r plm'c- Ulhl‘l' {hull public «lllcrtuinuu'nt in l uu‘ipahty. 2. This hy-lnw shall loru- and takc- vfl'n'c'l ma fr day 0! May wat. ux'tvr th ing the-roof. A mzmw 4'†NW“ SMJ‘; m NH'HH. H mm. r'mmn-zx i m» MAM‘PM'I’I'M'U l.‘ 'mm MUSH‘H'HJIH 'I‘HWNï¬HU' HI" |H.\! ‘Hw Muuwuml t purnlluu at Hm I hutch) ulmflu as I. I What â€tn :1qu Iluuuu, im‘uuml Notice of Application for Divorce mum Inrnwv Headquarters for Hardware, / Stoveg, and Tinwm CINNAMON’S Hardware Store “Ivan Ill “an†education: u. gonna P“ new»! M‘rln large rulalngu Hem-i Hum-hm opens Jamar! meats a! th 3983 (‘01,: Quintdésts.‘ 1 term exptams unmask 9†sum; 3'0“ t fuf it 1! 1M?!“ same! mum; Fragment WINTER SESS L03 1098 I'hut Hn Thur UH It will pay you to see our line of “ PANDORA†and « PENINSULA-R †STOYES Amp RANGES . ' Ask to see our $35.00“ Steel Range. BY-LAW No, 439 Uwrmm “ Muniripul n thn- I-'n' ll mun up MIN ‘1: In!“ and ugun by luw. (‘lt'l'k Yet) are m n internami 1 Wait Mm‘h Adair-99 W Juan-y 3th in all a! the CENTRAL COLLEGE. You W54 Tor‘tmw. (MP éï¬tams our supeflafi 28%; Math methods a You are mum! to l! interuawd in Hm kii gawk with"! â€HHQ§ TORONTO, 0' 1' EVA J A\' [C BATH}! AN wh I‘Jl-l my; almluum Um has! Mun and animal: numlmuu when u \\ :\l.l"l£l‘1|)'l‘.\ \'l.t DI h} gin-n Hz: of the \"illug STOVE‘S nllim: [Ilsl vvvnl h m‘nNhlL nul M. "rum-94 up] m") “ppm!†HQ mwmml plum “us the I) That the above _ prupnsml hy-law l' 103(le and if m'turs is Obtained cm into L-onsidera- l of the (‘urpora- shull vuluv into us I'rnm the ï¬rst h-r Hu- linul puss- u; hllbitml és-nm, “in; m 1hr said Hu- A} in all E i! T! HI In; J ELL 1'" Prhml ,I Ih Hun t“ nu mm In HI “HUI \\ h hm Unfit" HIVIIH'k in ruh‘l'l slil)‘ NIH Oct .\ Ingum (Wk, 008 llutllw HI 1d II' Ill nllil'e in NV witch: HI' 3"" 0m: uf Hw NIH ncrica‘ 1'1Ҡib- n 83' [NH in- l\, nd “It's 18, n M' ry uum' of muury, Hunty H- Nes- uglv news: has plau‘e " to 'l M. \ll')‘ '0:ch anu- by In .«md k In INI‘ as tho 5nd ud P l‘ .1 of I M n: Lindsay Marble Works R. CHAMBERS. Prora Lumbar. Shingles. Etc Cement and 83-h .n this part or Onturlu. (let on prices and see our designs bomr purchasing. Shop and show rooms 11 and 1 Cambridge-9L, Immediately north 0 ï¬reball. Still doing business in the sum )id stand but. not in the same air any. We advance with the time: cm! are in a. position to do be“. work than ever. New deuigna. nu (unites. new and improved tool cud methods, in fact. the most as to-daw Marble and Granite work» Factory Goods me Baker lumber (0., limitee 'GEACILâ€"ln Lindsay, on Wedm-sday, Dec. 17, 1913. to Mr. and Mrs. W. KIRKFIELI). Kirkï¬eld, Dec. Iiiâ€"Mrs. John Ewen left on Thursday for Winnipeg, to visit her daughter, Mrs. H. Moï¬att. Mrs. W. A. Graham spent a few days in Toronto last week. M H cult. wlwu Min: Mimi-tn. Mny ’l‘hnxinu. dmluhtur of Mr Mid Minn. V.m ‘l‘huuuu. of Mul'tlm'hv. W'fli imit= :d in umir‘mgn with Mr, ‘ll, .l . Nun: Worthy. of tlm llourll of Panama, lrepartwant of mu Provincial Sacra- tary. lteginu. The ceremony was parturuiml by tho low. it. ll. Liming- ham. ll..-\., pastor Vanguard Presbyâ€" terian (‘hurclr The bride was giVen away by her brother, Mr. H. U. 'I‘hexton, and wore. white duchess su- tin with bridal wil and carried a bouquet of white roses. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served ‘At the home of the bridc's sister, hrs. R. Watson Clarke, of Vanguart The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian (’hurch presented the bride with a handsome Ilililu, this being the ï¬rst wedding in the new church. Mr. and Mrs. Noswmrthy left on the afternoon train for Swift Current, and after a short trip will reside on Montagueâ€"3L, Regina. Rev. H. H. Turner attended the Presbytery in~l.indsay on Tuesday. Miss Mitchell returned on Saturday from her trip abroad. Om~§..§~.....§.nss.§oo '3 Wedding Bells i M“Qâ€QWâ€Â§OQOQQ MtHWtbH‘l‘HVz'l‘HMX‘IUN. vaum anlm' 22.4 «mm hm, many “adding wan unlwnmmt 'm Vanguard 3'ruuh,v|nriun t‘hm't'h nu Nnv. :mm. m H awn†whvn Mia: Mhm'm Mus GEO. w. SEEPH__ARD’S William-St. North Next' Post Building Lind la. Ottawa, Due. 18.â€"-l'2rrnnemtu infur- mutton respecting. the (Mutant: trout- mant u! t‘hrtstman parcels has recent- ly appeurmt. Fur tlw Intm'nmttun u! the numeral tmhltt‘ It. in utatml by the Impurtnwnt n! (‘uatmm that nu motor has ht't'tt give-n uttthurtztnu the Irma mutt-v ut t‘hrtsttmm put-vein, and that duty In tn tm cullevtwl an horn tuturv. Agent for the Massey Bicycle) DUTY ’H) “E '11le MONUMENTS New Spring stock .. tiiosycle sup- plies. Dunlap Tracuon ~Tires, Tubes, Pumps, etc. Repairs kept {or the Massey, - Cleveland aid Perfect Bicycles. Horse Clippei’a. and Mower Knives sharpened. Sewing Machines. Etc., repaired. J. (touch. a son Marble and Granite: CHRISTMAS PARCELS "a mum: SUGAR mum. m MEAL: EM“ Choou which Grain ya like be“ far my white agar and buy it, "rem Pure Cane Grannies! white in efiï¬jflll ba§a=ï¬iae Quin. magma or new. M m eheleesuugah ' WOOD ‘9‘ my 6mm PHONE 77 BIRTHS. ('HlJJvEU'I‘ICH l‘PHN AS “SUM“ SJRRAGUB.â€"In.Bellevllle, to Mr. and Mr». Arthur Spruguo. a. daughter, on Dee. 18th. 1913. GERMANâ€"SHE 3HEY.â€"In Lindsay. on Wednesday. Dec. 17th, by Rev. (‘anon Marsh, Mis- Ethel Iva Shov- bey, Imrnt River, to Mr. Joseph I'Irmmt, German. Hohcnygenn. ‘ WRIGHTâ€"In Chicago, on Monday. December 15th. 1913. John J. Wrmm, aged 44 years. mum's Sm: or mus es now due upon them respectively, as above setout, together with costs (unless the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid). at the (‘ourt House in the Town of Lindsay, in the said County ol‘Victoriu. at l‘Ilvvmf o'clock in the forenoon on Tuesday the Twenty-Fourth day of February A.D., 1914. County Treasurer's (mice. J. R. MCVEIIJJT'T, Lindsay. November 19th, 1913 County ’I‘rousurur. (First published in " The Watchman-Wurdev" November 20th, 1918). I, James Richardson McNeillie, Treasurer of the County of Victoria, as directed by the Warrant of the Warden of the County of Victoria. dut- ed the Nineteenth day of November A. D. 1913, will proceed to sell each and eVery of the above mentioned parcels of land. for the arrears of tax- F. of Cameron road E. of Cameron road Soul) half 'I‘hat pt 01' W. p't. of S 4} deeded to Hors- crolt by Thorne no; sold for taxes Feb. 1910. North half Kinmount. E. of River St. E. of River St. E. of River St. In tha COUNTY OF VICTORIA. for Amara .of Tax“ to ba bald m the Court Home. Lindsay on Tuesday. February With, 191! N. of Water Ht. W. U! (‘olhul'ne M. M. (Anaemia to Htamh em! (V‘humivnl ('0. In 1907). 1". Fully! West. I", Pulls West S. E. pt. (assessed . to Anne Mctilynn) 16 4 H. E. pt. (assessed to Thos. R. Brooks) 18 4 Part of he! a? ï¬ttest North-went pt. (hams portion 0! N 0 nut aaseuned to Menu. Parker (h Handy A. Mllluup) Nurthvaat qr. 19 Uakwood, H. of King St. W. 85 Huuth hall Dawn's Island. Babm Lake Gall oui' Contract Department to-dayé Costs only a few cents a day. You may have one. installed in a convenient location in your home or oï¬oe. Do you know that it takes seventeen times the eï¬ort to climb stairs that it does to cover the same distance on the level ? Have your telephone calls brought to pt. of W. 9 and pt. 0! m. 0 9' Hflï¬d 8": 9! Read (it: at new St: at Read ï¬t. a! Head St. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA. AN EXTENSION TELEPHONE MARRIED. I“ R’I'H. DIED. 18 4 3 21.34 8.13 TOWN 9H1 P O I" SOMERVILLE. B A 62 19.66 8.09 A B 43 19.66 3.09 35 RR. 90 16.33 3.01 36 F.R. 95 16.34 3.0] 2 2 100 23.85 3.20 1 4 95} 97.4" ‘ 3.29 VILLAGE U!" I’MNMIMN FALLH. '11 8 35 16 14 100. H 'I‘HWNHHII‘ DI" EMILY 18 14 7b 6.08 19 1) 11m 24m 14m Noam; m 5 11:90 2290 14.30 Not- y†14 t 19,95 2.01 1546 Nut I'M TOWNSHIP (W DALTGN. 81 11 50 "5.69 $1.90 18.68 l’uumtrd 98 19 100 19.77 9.011 16.60 Nut l'at Le! 6919: Aem Amara “£33m" e?!“ of “ram we“ 'I‘UWNHHII‘ 0|" PEN 1111,05 L 85400 N! 11 O’CMOK AM. wwxsm or gamma 35 “:57 39:3}; “:49 Patented VIkLAGfl GP 11089 AYGEO N. , , 9:93 9:55 19:47 I'nteMod I , 7-64 9935 10:49 I'Rtflntad f 11:99 329“ 34:89 NM: 1’â€: t 11:90 2’90 34.30 NO“ "uh § 19.95 3-01 15-16 Nut. I'Me ’I‘OW‘NHHI l‘ 0]" UPS. THE WATOHMAN-WARDER, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. A NEW TEACHER. Mr. Robert Wilkinson. Fem-ion Fails, was one o! the uucceasful stu- dents who qualiï¬ed for n iimiiml third-class certiï¬cate at thn Provin- cial Model School examination hold this year. WILSONâ€"In Lindsay. on 'I‘m-sdny. lk‘cembor 10, 1913. to Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson. a sun. Children 0 ry ran FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 21.49 18.69 2.94 10.63 Pateun‘d. 20.68 20.57 6.35 2.85 6.39 2.85 $.08 9.85 7.83 Pawntml “l: “.2 I" Avoid Stair Climbing no. I 3.14 24.63 Patented. 3.15 35.33 Notl'nt. 8.13 2-1 .47 Patented. {UH 3.1.9. H.†23.68 I'utmnml. BIRTH. 19.84 19.35 27.05 Tam Mutated 0‘ 1m “mam an: 52.†9.1 9 Patented. 9.20 Patented. 9.24 Patented. 0.3'.‘ UJD'.‘ Patented. Patent ml. Patented. Puten t ed. Patented. I'atvmm. I'Mvntml. l‘utnmml. Put «me d I'M 8“! c *d Mr. Robert Lindsay has retired from business, having sold his livery business on Kont-st., west, to Mt. Chas. Minty: If any "mun-r3: consrivnr‘e ls tron 'bllnz her alum! the Chrismum "I: lle In: just nuw. lc-t m-r sit duwn and try to n-mmnln-r'flmt awful «My Mum Mk 6N: dtsmvvrul ‘Ihat there was no Santa Plans. and that n-nsmvnrv wllI «but up tight and never open Its mouth again. A RETIRED FROM BUSINESS. Let a child believe in Santa Claus just as long as be ur she will and pluck' the delicious fruit from the mythical Cllrlsmms tree lo‘hur heart's content. It Is had enuugll In dismx'er tbé sawdust in the dull 01' Hr» whpu' It begins to fall out wltlmnt leng mid about it when yuu tlumght It was rem! ly flash and blood. ' After all. the sweetest part of a :3!- Is life from babyhood up is the dream part. Some day she Mil ï¬nd out that there Is no Santa Claus. and then she wfll ï¬nd out that there are no minus and then she will and out that m name doesn't last. and tIn-n that mat rimony has its thorns. and then that women grow‘old. but why open he: eyes to these things? If your daughter has any Illusions left in this day or disillusion. let her keep them. She will feel more resent- ment toward you for shattering mew than she will for deceiving hen, You do not. think it necessary to tell your grownup girl all the UlillL'S you have discovered about love and matrimony and thereby terminate her dreams that those myths are all they seem to he. do you ? Don't Undecoivo the Little On» About 8:. Nick. If your daughter is Just six or seven years old and you are Logiuning lu i’m-l your conscience pinch you at deceiving her any longer with the beautiful inyih of Santa Claus. Just silence that con- science and wait until she ï¬nds out the truth for herself. THE BEAUTIFUL SANTA MYTH. The late Mr. Wright was engaged in the dry gnuds nude in Lindsay about 25 yours mm. in the More of Mr. James Graham. (In leaving The funeral of the late John Wright, whose death took place in Chicago on Monday. December 15th, was held on Friday afternoon, Dec. 19th. The remains were taken from the residence of Mr. Stephen Arnold. Wellington-9L, to Riverside cemetery for interment. The service at the nouse was conducted by the ReV. Mr. lmeert, pastor of the Methodist Church, Oukwood. The funeral was largely attended, (:8 the deceased was well known and highly respected in Lindsay and Ups by n lnrge nmnlwr of people. ’l‘he questiun of prohibition on holidays has been under cabinet con- sideration {or some time. A special bill dealing with Good Friday re- striction was voted down last ses- sion, on the understanding that the Government Would enquire into the feasibility of u more universal mea- sure. 'l‘ho pounlmlny n! mmhnr provin- r'ul rmtrmmn of Hm liquor H'nmc hi umlnr mnuhlm-ntiun. ' 'l‘hv mwt mum lntlcm Ml! m-ulmhly Now all lmru in Hm t'rovlnt‘v M I u'rhn‘k on Sutur- cluy. um! I'm; the muh'v may on Mm! hulldnyu. 'l‘lw ul'muuuulu prvuumml to tho (:owrmuum In advocating mortar huuru of Milo on ordhmry wwkdnyn haw luwn promaml utrouuly in rum-«mm H) Um "aw proposal. The mum of the workingmun “ho [u now relieved (If the temptation of a morning "nip" lml’oro work. hi ruviv- ed, to show that his uulury envelope in in unpecial danger on the lost; at- lernoon of the wvvk. l Abloiutely nmhlng compares with 8mm"- Emtumu to purify and en- rich the blond to overcome or fluid anaemia. It In totally free from al- colml or opium and your health da‘ mundl the purity of Swn'n. Scow's EMULSION ls nature's grandest bloodrmaker because at it: whalcsome medical nouiishmcm. g9 carefully predigested that it ansimie laces without taxing digestion and quickly increases the m1 corpusclei of the blood, strengthens the organs and tinuea and upbuildl the who}. system. ,. for much sickness and auEera in? because its quality deter- m nee eur resistive pewer. With peer bleed we are len- guid. susceptible to eeida. leek natural ener y and ambition. and the gr uei decline at stren it makes prompt and care ul treatment necessary. Dru s or aleehel eennet make big and meet be avoided. Poor â€anâ€" is Responsible mm A anm- 'ï¬mmlu. "Mum OBITUARY LATE J (' )1 I N WRIGHT. Liquor Restrictions [HI It is put up in a yellow wrapper; three, pine trees the trade mark. and is manufactured only by 1115 T. Milbum Co . Limited. Toronto. Ont. ' The price a! Dr. Wood' 5 Norway Pme ayrup is 25¢. a bottle; the large ‘amily size. 50:. . Mrs. Duel Manhall. Baeswood Ridge, N.B., writes:-"Just a few lines to let you know what Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup did {or me. I look a severe coldr coughed almost all night with that dry. tickling sensation in my throat. The ï¬rst bottle did me so much good. I thought I would try a second one. which I am pleased to say malted in a complete cure. I can strongly rewmmend it to any one snï¬en‘nx from a cough 1: any throat imitation.†° Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup hcals the mucus surfaces, relieves oppression and tightness 0'! the chest. removes accumulated mucous or phlegm, quitcs even the most obstinate and distressing coughs, securing sleep and rest at night. not only to the sufferer, but to others whose rest would othtrwisc be broken. A bad cough, accompanied hy that distressing, tickling sensation in the throat is most aggravating. of dishes. Even a bum actor can make a hit. with the audience by breaking a lot. With That Dry Tick- ling Sensation in the Throat. Coughed‘ Almost All Night MCMAS'I‘FJK â€" Sl'lml'lJC â€"- \t the n-uldonve uf thu- hridv'u uiulm'. Mm. (Hussturtl. ('umlaridgv-m ., on 'l‘hursduy. “or. )8. Miss May Sproulu in Mr. Mfrml ('I'mnnx Mc- Mann-r. lmth of ('mminglmx. Rev. S. J. Shm'ey omcinu‘d. a charge of powder in anzold gun ho was repairing, aome couple of weeks ‘ago. He will be much missed in the above village, not only in his business but. because of his unfailing friendliness to all and cheery out- look on all sorts of circumstances. 'l‘ht- old gentleman was ont‘t' n linu- ish soldier, had soon active service. and in many ways had soon a good deal of the work. "AILEY â€" MCDONALH â€"- .\1 Nu- Qm-vn-st. purmmugc (m PM. 12. by "0". J. S. McMullt-n, Mr. T. .l. Muiloy‘ to Mina (:rcln Mclumuld. all of Hurkoton. Word was received in Hialibmton of the death in Toronto of Mr. Peterson, who was injured by the explosion of haï¬piness by'this memoq. ' wmé’iéldl; Address: Mrs. M. Summers, Box. . ‘283 Windsor. Ont. A C CIDEN’I‘ PROVED FA'I‘A L. If you are troubled with weak. tired feelings. headache, backache, bearing down sensations, bladder weakness, cons- tipation, catarrhal conditions, pain in the sides regularly or irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, sense of fallingormisplacementof internal organs, nervousness, desire to cry. palpitation, hot flashes, dark rings under the eyes, ora loss of interest in life, I invite you to write and ask for my simple method of home treatment, with ten days’ trial entirely free and pastpaid, also references to Canadian ladies who gladly tell how they have regained health, strength. and ‘WOMAN'S MESSAGE TO WOMEN. MARRIED. GLENISTER spa Thursday, De- cember 18. 191$. at the residence a! be: daughte‘r. Mrs. W. Holtorf, 13 Brunswick-ave" mt'y Hason, wife or- the lat. Georgealenbtor. Mr. Spence, fone orzthe Trent Canal engineers. h returned from a busi- ness trip Bobcaygeon. In con- versation with a reporter recently, Mr. Spence remarked that beavers are trying to build a dam at the mouth of the Bobcaygeon River, where it enters Pigeon Lake. Early last No~ vember he noticed that a big tree‘ standing by the river's edge was cut‘ at the base partly through. He thought some child with a blunt axe or hatchet had hacked the trunk. A ‘few days ago a friend of his in that village asked . “Spence. have you seen any true of beavers in the river '2" Mr. Spence quietly slipped down to the scene where he had. .Wit- nessed the domtioned attack on the tree. The tree had been com- pletely felled. Other: in the same spot also lay in the river. Their limba were a; neafly cut on as though a manarmed with an axe had been busy. ’; a B I". .-\ “ERR AT 130130 A YG E( )N wife 01' the! in be; 88th.“ .,, “LINDSAY Monuments “"2232; W. H. CRESSWELL (In ull’iliulinn with â€rillia Busi- ness Colic-m- Mul Dammion Corma- [mum-ace Helical.) Our Malents wrilc set. by Btu-inane 1-3 sociutiou of Canada. gluu alt: uuuuug Now g M a way In pic-w,- Father Mother c 1' friends at Clnzi9t~ 1mm. Yuur PORTRAIT Ran you are taulay will ploase them all. LEE The Photographer in Ynur Town Developing and Priminq fm' Amz. trurs. 'l‘eue..hone 226! K. Extends a :3» vi .1 ufl‘er to all eu- mllinz hcl'om Gan-frtuus. Short- hand. typewrn ing and Uuuuner lg] Branches taught. :«mnnnvhip. a specialty. A. An. Spotton D. C. Ross I’m-aid?!“ ENTER ANY DAY Cometory Work Bell 157 L W fllml nxams urators As- Principal A pair of our rimlv»~ c): or spectacles in 8 handsuuh er case are very appruprm: in; and beneï¬cial. After pl tion we will test thu‘ «- and ï¬t the propvr lens v 'urther cost. Eve-night Sreciuligt 92 Kent-st, over Neill Shoe Store Eywight Specialist for <: M. B. ANNIS opus. J. G. Edwards q'hï¬ [0"! at liuu- m A roofing “hit-h hm. and tuur ul :mumur lhilu‘; HIM: Uu- In. snow (If our l‘un.uh:; out blistering m' rru.‘ the kind of ruufing l has stood this its! fc‘ only sutisfnmun .\ roofing made. Prism Brand Paroid Roofing HAS S'roov THE TEST Ready Mixed Paint MCLENNAN 81 Co mummy, nnmcmmén Christmas Suggestim Cinnamon'sflardwalcStorc min: In K l'}\"l‘ will O" m Niki?! frm: With U. lmy mm Pandora and Peninsular Stoves and Ranges We haw a lawn uh all at VW’S' M u w OUR PRICES ARE LOW ASK Full "‘W'Acrunco The Test: of Time-~- Us»... "I... .1. .1... ... We 99“,th cow ‘TREAL 6 " Inlmnsml Wan-E19 we ku C0; 63.5904 K M Ill HAN“ n‘ate p 1 ho (-a rly “I was 1 of [0' Cu. f()|lll 300’" anlIh fllinf \V [151 t he} I In i ['5' 1 ng um ':«:~ placil he w has nmn muni Hu- Mnn‘ of 0| shin 8mm >o:o ‘ nino (m 0' Hi 11' ‘1 Mom I‘G‘II’N _\ on r St [or pro | ic I he" («Ni