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Watchman Warder (1899), 18 Dec 1913, p. 15

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rJuelplz Man E. E. W. MCGAHTEY We wish all our No: ice of Nomination Friends and Patrons '1 Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy; New Year. thv ”mu“ m‘ 1m I the m IHH'UHSCiUIb. wmdition SECTION '1' W0 "I duir Found Bound “Pun open «If n for one hour, whyiving In fill the ufl‘u'vs‘ of “()uncillurs for Hw ufm'oc '.l"t' required to compose :1 (‘mmcil for the cnming 914. a poll “ill be open- up m-ur :0 ml Fri” mar}; 5th. a! the hour ()1 m the fm’enmm and will pen until five o'clock in 1-. and {10 longer. IQ. F. l.e(‘l’.;\\\'. 5'14. :1 poll “ill ho open- mve mentiom‘d place on nmx‘v 5th. at the huur of [tut cmnpum notice that I will he at , ”all, Head hall-:0. on ‘mhex' 29th, at the hour in the after-noun. where litx pa [n k‘ity (‘onncil’s last act was to pass a Ivy-law H0“ for sites for puh- 1'! WM) K'Q'KIHL'HI w morning lions. ramu stage the wage () "10 ['1' HI dead. with his huge: gate of {chart l-‘osl of 1nd In unknown H luckml n i In unconscious lhc‘ ich-nt i1) Ihc‘ix }lt' had [won lust ' 1"x'itlay night. and in Um l'runt (um-u. ml a (lingmi-in hut I‘ownship aswrtairwd ho was ~‘ in th.» 5.2fo \th-n of Ihc‘ Municipal highy and Lung “} ‘ i l‘ I' " I Q Q .' u'h-rnuun nlmm IQ and Cagged a n3 rk LEN DSAY nusml in 3 drivers wlwn (H. ‘ht no suspicmns main numm loads in tin J “-919" Imilvl' rmun hand (‘lm'k hug i0\\' [1‘ I l'ro-l l'u IIK ’IS and 1 ho It is becoming ,orthodox to oppose orthodoxy. 3 A cheese and butter factory near 11, D. McDouggall 10, F. McCluney‘Q, Perth was burned, 1033 $8,000. - ing 8, M: Wright 8, E. McGill 8, R ll.\'1‘ is Christmas without a plum pudding and u mince pic? These dishes will he found on the table at every family reunion. at 651907 hi;r tum-[ion in our cities and towns. at the little lounge on the hill where mother and father and their two little children are dining alone and. in fact. everywhere. l‘lw following recipes have been tried and are excellent: l‘lum Puddingâ€"One pound of but- ter. one pound of suet. freed from strings and (-hopped fine; one pound of mgnr, two and one-hull" pounds of flour, t\\'n pounds of raisins. seeded. chopped and dredged with tlour: two pounds of (-urrnuts, picked ovvr care- fuliy :xl'tvr they are washed; Hllt' pound of vitrou nsiu'ed tine». twelve eggs, whites and yolks lwntnn snpnrntvl): rut- pint of milk. om- rupt‘ul of lu‘nudy. nun-quarter ouurt- ot‘ (-lm'i-s. nun-quar tor mum-e or nun-v, two gmtml nut- fé‘éfim ' gflONOR ROLL BEGIPESFURTHHEE i - OF L. EISHESVEHYPUPULAR i . AT CHRISTMAS TIME jS‘“""‘"g 5:;me WW ’:° -Oâ€" ”N Silk Initial Hande-rchiufs 25C and Fancy (10mm, [’in (‘ushinna ('nllur Holders, Whisk Holders MPH'S (Taps from 300 to .................................... Ki“ Glows, ('npe, Kid and Undl'PSle, from 750, $1, $1 to .............. . .............................................................. . Silks, in stripes, piain and Brocades, $1, $1.25 and (‘ushion Tops, in a variety of mat'erials, from 25c to Guests’ Towels, each 20c, 25c, 35c and .. Indian Head Drawn Work Mats, Covers, Runners and Pillow Shamfl. from 25¢ to ............ .. .......... inon Initial Handkerchie rawn Work in all needed styles. 45c, 50c, 75c, 31, $1 THE We are Agents for D A Corsets 15c and i W:- [H'int below a statement of the tnnmlwr of subjects in which vach ~slmlcnt rcuchwl hmmr standing (75 bpn'l' cont.) Each pupil has been proâ€" vi<iml with n I'upurt for thv pau'mns' inspectiun showing: thv standing of vw-ry pupil in the farm in every sull- jvi't . E. Weldon 1;), (‘. Ashman 7172. l’. Crossen 11, M. Allnly 11, A. Mc- L‘Iuney 10, R. Currie 10, S. South- em 9, H. Adams 9, A. Whitehead 9. G. McLeod 9, E. Irwin 8, 1.. McGill 8, M. Kennedy 8, J. Wallace 8. 7.. Mchvan 9, V. Glassx'ord S, M. Dav- is 8, E. Hughan S, L. Martha 8, M. Lyons 7, H. Walling 7, W. Newton 7, A. McLaughlin 7, C. O'l.oughlin 6, V’. Dean 6. G. Tremeer 6, N. Kichen- er 6, M. White 6, G. Flhvelle 5, R. Chambers 5, L. Campbell 5, C. Co- wan 5, M. Woods 5. C. Moynes 5, A. Annis 5, M. Kerr 5, W. McCrimmon 5, R. Townsend 5. W. Maunder 4, V. Marsh 4, M. 139.11 3, L. Willock 3. E. Matthie 1. V. Beacockil. L‘I‘ . FORM 3â€"H. M. Smith 9. H. .‘uiums 8. M. Ash- more 8, C. Mt'l‘ilroy 8, (:3 Murtha (a, (‘. Fullis’ 6, M. MacI-‘adj'on 6, I. Imn- das 6, H. Hart 5 N. Houghton 5, M, O'Connell 4, K. Fox 4, H. mm- ip 4, :‘L ‘v'els‘n 4. (I. McCartney 4, R. Curtis 4, M. McI-‘adycn 4, R. Mann 3. 1.. Bigelow 3, E. Tompson 2, A. Dougan 1, F. Bigelow 1, V, Watson 1, .-\. Moore 1. FORM 3-K Helen Winters 1". Hazel Bagshaw 10, V. (‘urrie 9, E. Bushnell 8. J. Mct‘ulloch 8. R. Webster 8, ll. Mc- Lennan 8. R. Wallace 8, ll. Hopkins 7, R. Edwards 7. H. Rogers 7, R. Huaslip 6. .\. (‘m'rie (S, (L James 5, K. Woods 5 .\. 'l‘aylm‘ 5, R. Sund- arson 5. M. MlH‘ChiSon 5, II. Connor 5 J. (‘ullis 5, S. Smith 5. J. Ryle)‘ Ii'ougall (S, M. mlfnur (3. M. Smith (3, (‘. Kerr (5, IC. Matchett. 6, \. Scott 6, N. Switzor 5 H. 'l‘nlmio 5. 1.. Jordan 4. R. Stewart >1, ('_ RWnin 4. .\. Runsnn 3, H, “Ross 3' Swain 1). Th Notesâ€"(l) Irregular attendance is the most serious hair to any real prom-98s. Students should not he detailed from school for any reason which would not. be acceptable to the. manager of a business firm if they Vere employes. (IL) EVei'y stud- ent is given a moderate amount of home-work. If the amount seems excessive the parents will please communicate that fact to the prin- t-ipnl. If the students claim that they have no home-Work it will he “‘1'” worth while to examine closely the report sent home to ohm-mm the standing of such pupils. Standing for November and December -FORM 2-A. A. Ryley 13, A. .Hardy 12. 1485?:- M. Murtha 4, C. ("arew 3. M. howne)’ 3. 'l"hm'hurn ‘0 3, H. (‘innamnn Wuldnn 9 FORM 34‘ Hupkins Fl ”HI I OF L C. H H. Woods 1 Stewart 20C 33C, 02:1 n R. l‘nnst $1.50. $1 2: n, (Hiv- $3.00 $1.50 $1.00 500 :I .“v- MC- p o. S. Endicotg 5, G. Finley 5, F. GOPrill 5. R. Carl 5. I. Mo}yneaux 4 F OHM I. Ef Macmillan 13, B. Smith 11, S. Rogers 9, E. Moore 9,,M. Kievell 7, E. Kenyon 7. L. MacIntyt-e 7, J. MacEachex-n 7, M. Grgham 6, M. Logan 6, H. Parliament 6, ‘7.' Nis- bett 5, E. Syer‘ 5, F. Rich 5, F. Mason 5, M. Deyell 4, P. Tully 4, C. Dale 4, G. Johnston 4. He Mac- Lennan 4, J. 12de 4, J. ,Pn- FORM 2-‘B. l R. Mcflahey 11, I“. Abbott 10, G. Williams 10,1“. Tompkins 9, I“. Ed- wards 9, .l. Kirkconnoll. 9, B. Holmes 9. I... Skuve 8, W. Davidson! 8. H. Kirkconnell 8, H. Gla35ford 8, .»\. Piercey 8, (‘. Laidley 7, H. Con- le_\' 7, H. (‘lark 7, G. Corrieu 7, .1. Wilford 6, I Vanstone 6, B.~Spence| 6, E. Smith «3, .1. Whitesidc 6, 11.1 Wilford 6, N. Gregory 5, H. . Mc- Gaughey 5, 'l‘. lamett 5. G. Palen ”4. Dale 4 w. Middleton 3, R. Ca- rew 3, H. Broxm 3, '1‘. Lambe 2, F. Hunter 1. Robertson 7. (‘. Hofnslip 7. N. For 6. R. Sulliwm 6, 0. Rowan 6. A. Row- an 6, V. Skuce 6.11. Stewart 6. M. Miller 6. (‘. Noakes 6. (‘. Edwards 6, 1'3. Sutclifie 5, (‘r. McCrae 5, U. Shel- drick 5, J. Fisher 5, R. Mark 5, N. MCLeod 5. 1.. McGaughey 5, 1.. Hogg 4, M. Bennett 4. E. Sproule 4, R. Rrokenshire 1, L. Xaylor 4, E. Nay- lor 4. E. Arnhorg 3, E. Moore 3. G. L‘uthbvrt 3, H. Paton 2. A. (‘arew 1, .\. Bethune ], 0. ‘Vickery 1. A. Bentham 1. ’7 I‘. )Liller 9_ H. Hancock 8, McMillan S, E. Murchison 8. er 8, M. Mills 7. H. Marsh “Well. I'm going home for Christmas. going home for Christmas Day. I am going to see my mother. many. 'many miles away. . Here's a letter she has written. asking that her boys Come home, The family now is scattered and she's living there alone; So I‘ve wired her that I'm coming and I‘m looking up a train, And really I can hardly wait to get back home again. 01' course our work is heavy right at this time of the year. My desk is piled with matters that need my attention here; llut I can't resist her letter, let me read you just a line: ‘('ome home and I will feed you on those mincemeat pies of mine; I‘ll let you try my new preserves and sample all my "dell," And bake some of those cookies that you always loved so well.‘ Then utAhe end she says: 'l‘lease come, I’m getting old you kno\\'. You‘ve been away these seven yearS. I want to see you so.’ So I'm going home for Christmas. for I can't resist. the call, it's the uni} place one ought to he on Christmas, after all; He was seated in his desk-chair 'with a time-card in his hand .\nd :1 smile upon his features that I could not understand. When I found him at the ollice, after hours, all alone; The lumps had long been lighted. the whistle long since blown ; lie had evidently been reading from a letter there in sight Which a woman's hand had written it my guess was half way right. .\nd something in its contents must have held a pleasing part. For he did not hear me enter and my first word made him start. "Well, old chap." says I. "why linger, when your busy mates have gone ? Don't you know it's past the hour. and you still toiling on ?" He reached out for the letter as though he did not hear, Just opened it and read a part and smiled from ear to ear. .ing season 11181 cum-u, nuu‘l'u'r, u ‘pl'uVP that to tho lot or :1 cheap '3 'horsv and in country owner have: ('Ulllt' tht- honor of ht‘ndingr the list i: of monoy winnvrs in ”it" 2.05 011185, ’0 and the hi;‘' stnhlt-s urt- no“ casting 1n ‘u longingr vyu in thc‘ direction of In ('unVQ'l‘I-w. Iml.. and wmuh-ring ho“ J“ it happonvtl. ’n When \Villinm Maple, n (‘ht‘t‘SOIflPF- itl chant and huckster, of Converse cl lml.. hid $90 for :1 tall, longâ€"loggml, p and ralht-r «'onrsv lilawk volt at the :11 last. sale of [“0 lluughtw‘y Ih'otht-rsin l'vt- win-(l h.-I‘ that I'm Cbmimz. and I‘m looking up the train, \nd really l can hardly wail U) got back home again." customary for a (‘mmtry merchant to campaign the fastest pacer in the 2.0.3 class. ’l‘hu I‘N'OI'IIS for the raw in}: season just chm-«l, hmvm'vr, Detroit, Doc. 22.â€"It is not often that a $90 horSt- is able to go forth and battle with the “W3“ host of tho grand circuit brigade. and it is not. customary for a country merchant Pays $90 for Horse That Wins Purse Amounting to $6,500 Victoria County Pure B'red Stock Asmciation held a meeting in the office of Mr. -A. A. Knight “.8 RA! on Saturday. December 20th, at 2.30 o'clock. forkhe purpose of arranging a date of sale for such stock. Mr. Jas. Casey. in the absence of Mr. Wm. Wallis, presided as chmi'rman Pure Bred Stock ‘ Asso'ciation Held Meeting LINDSAY. on. mummy, mum "25 1913. Hzmcock S, V. Wallâ€" country owner lmvci Now the name of Walter ("ochato of bonding: the list is known from one end of the grand gcircuit to tho other. from Kala- lllli'S an- no“ casting mazoo, Mich. to Rockingham Park n ”I“ direction of Iat Salem. New Hampshire, and from and wmulcring how i liull'alo to Lexington. Opposite the ’namc stands a record of 2.03:, and Muplc, a chccsc incr-Iihc statistics show that; Walter (‘0- uckstcr, of Conversc. chato won for his huckstcr owner the or :1 tall, lonplcggml , princcly sum of 36500. the largest m- hlawk colt m the 'mnount. credited to pay any paiccr - lluughtw‘y Ilrotlwrs in the 2.05 class. ‘l'.\‘ in 1hr 2.05 011185, HOME FOR CHRIS TMASL: Rumors 01 the appearance of a man 'supposed to be the missing Professor C. F. Lavell have come from Michigan and {tom .Wm. Ron- son, Cedar Springs, Kent County. Elsie Whitman and Margaret John- son, English girls; of 27 and 24 years, respectiVely. have for a month been masquerading as C.P,R. tele- graph measenger boys in Ottawa, a1- so having worked in J. R. Booth's mills. One is a mother. , tatoes going into the United‘States. 'As a general proposition those peo- ple who are realiy dble to be charit- able can't see the good of so being. from Michigan I“Id Irom 1Wm.llon- in Alsace. Germany. ~" Too many of our coming men are Hydro lights were turned on in ,Cedar Springs. Kent County. PM if husbsnds exercised toâ€" unable to catch up with their great. “inchesler. Ont” Thursday night. > MW MW 35'5““ 0‘ Hernil- ward their tsmillea more largely the futures. Three Ohio fishermen, Fred and tan, 14 you! .vold‘ F38 511019“ ‘41er of purse their wives wouldn’ t D The under dog gets the ax mpnthy Frank Sm and Jas.Fsuste1n, were death in ‘ peculiar m ““19 exercise quite so much the lreedom and nothing else. Perhaps that’ s fined $90¢jmd costs for illegal M- playing gin hi! i” ., « - of M ‘1; ‘ the reason he it the under dog. mg in (:W waters with gill he“. t ,1,“ ' J.» rick -l, V. Swain 3. H. Moore 3, L. Hepburn 3, (l. Walling 3, M. I-‘la- voile 3, A. McGinnis 3. 0. Staples 2. (i. Robertson 2, (i. Sornhorger 1. A. Duck 1, 1.. Mad‘allum ]. FORM SR. COMMERCIAL. ‘ G. Tinney 14, (‘. tram 13, N. Mc- Donald 13, ‘ 'r. Cuthbert 12. R. Growden 11. V. Christian 9, L. Bal- four 8. T. Mcl‘adden 8, .A. Shaw 8, P. Twigg" u, 0. \arcoe 8,‘ H. (.‘uth- bert 7, .A. Blair 6, P. Wilson 5. E. Coombs 5, 1“. Powers 5. A. Ingram 5, M. :Ayros 4, W. .Algar 4, S. Hep- burn 4, N. Gray 2, L. Blair 2, W. Scully 2, E (luibell ], G. Benin 1, FORM JR. COMMERCIAL. M. Preston 10, L. \‘anstone 9, E. Deyell 8, H. Rathmell 8. M. Weldon 8, V. Bell 8, V. Mills 7, E. Irwin 6, B. McElroy 5, G. Jeflers 4, 1.. Hail- ey 3, J. Spratt 8, J. Finley 2, V. Lindsay 2, R. Dennis 1. ' . in Wabash, three years ago, he huilded hettc-r than he knew. Few men about the sale ring Considered Ithv colt Worth a season's training. hut Mr. anlv did not rogrol his purChnse when the follouing spring ,the colt, undvr the name at “um-r :(Fochato, took a record of 2.17: as a 3-year-old ()"N‘ the half miln- track [at Russiavillo. Secretary A. A. Knight presented reports and communiéations which were dealt with by the members of the committee, who decided that a sale would be held some time in Jan- uary next. The place of such sale will be- in the yard adjoining the Zutler House, Lindsay.’ at the meeting. 2:5 -'A sentence of 43 days' imprison- ment was imposed on Lieut. Baron Von Forstner, who caused the trouble in Allace Germany. â€" Treasurer P. Kennedy presented his financial report, for the year, and on motion of W. Walden, seconded by G. Maloney. it. was accepted and 100 copies ordered printedfl The Victoria Pure Bred Associa- tion met in the Agricultural office on Saturday and made arrangements for their annual sale of Shorthoxfns. About twentyâ€"five animals, mostly males, and all with excellent breed- ing back of them. will be offered. The auctioneer chosen was Wm. Mar- quis, of I'xbridge. â€"Little .Bfitain. Dec. 23.â€"-Miss Sophy Mark, of Loretta Ladies' Col- lege, Toronto, is at home. FOR SALEâ€"AT THE OFFICE 017 Ontario Department of Agriculture. opposite Market building. 31 It. pine partition. 7 it. high. glass top and three doors with guns tops. PURE BRED S’I‘OCK. ' Moved by W. Best. seconded by J. Brock, that 825 of general fund (re grant to 4th qr. line in 1912) he transferred to Com. Walden’s ac- cuunt, also $3.50 of returns from Emily and $20.12 from Fenelon be credited to (‘om. Maloney's account. --C arried . A hy-law imposing tile drain tax of $29.44 per year {or twenty years on the west half of lot 7, con. 9. Ops (.l. Calvert), and a by-law im- posing tile drain tax of $7.36 per year for twenty years on the west half of lot 8. con. 9, O-ps (Harry P. Hickson); also a by-law authorizing the nomination and election of coin- cil for the year 1914 were duly pass- Moved by G. Maloney. seconded by W. Walden. that the time for the r(~ turn of the collector's. roll be extend- ed a few days that. the work may be completed. MoVed by G. Maloney, seconded by J. Brock. that theJollowing refunds of taxes be authorized :â€"M. O'Hal- ‘loran $1, 'l‘hos. Reeds 31, W. Skuco $2.98. Rich. Wellington $3.50, .lns. Henry $1.10. W. H. Wilson $2. ’1‘. Helm $2. Thos. l’ogue $8.â€"-(‘arried. G. Maloney, ses. allow. and mileage $30.80, com. $61.65, ‘21; days' ser- vices $53.75; J. Brock. ses; allow. an(l.mileage, $34.10, com. 837, 8.5 days' services $21.25; D. Sinclair. repairs re grader $5.85 ; for work on bridge 10th con. line. lot 5, W. Win- drim 817. J. Patterson $5. ll. Mc- neough :8; E. l-‘. Flaming, for shI-ep‘ worried. 58.65; R. Deyell, inspection.‘ ‘31; Thos. O'Neill, work and gravel.! per account, $15.20, balance n- Mc- Nevin drain, $12; Thos. H. Reeds. additional gravel, $3.80; Clerk, re- ports to S. inspectorS. 85. first half 1912 Wood, old ofl'lce, $7. bal. 1913, postage. $6; (‘0. Treaa.. Ops share old West (‘ross (‘reek bridge and Judge's order. $37.20; Ops share new Innate $527.34; .1. .l. Warde. addi- tional gravel, $19.50; P. Kennedy, 'l‘reas.. postage and stationery. 81.90; C. Wagstafi. tile. $7.50; (‘. Reid, for tile across road. 2nd qr. line. 57. foes re tile drains (Pogue, Calvort. Hickson). $6; Dr. Blanchard. services as M.H.()., 1913. $68.05: W. H. James. gravel, $4.85; National Conâ€" crete Co.. tile. $8.60; John (Jarew, lculvert timber, $37.48; ’. H. Black- ?well. fees inspecting sheep worried, ‘51; J. Robertson. sen. allowance and mileage $29.70, com. $35.62. 1-1 (lays' servirexa.~ 835; W. Best, 898. alâ€" lowance and mileage 834.10, mm. $42.55, 12; days' services 33] : W.‘ Walden, ses. allow. and mileage $33;1 com. $46, 15; days' services. $38.75; Council then adjourned Moved by W. Best, seconded by J. "rock. that the following accounts he paid 2â€"R0bt. Reeds. fees inspect- ing tile drains (McNevin, Pogue. Calvert. Hickso'n). $8; the Clerk, Moved by W. Walden. seconded by G. Maloney. that the report of the Board of Health and Medical Health Ollieer be received and filed, and the accounts paid as recomniended.â€"Ca‘r- ried. Ops council met December 15th at 10 u.m.; all the members present. The minutes of last meeting wet; read and confirmed. OPS C OUM'IL ' A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year to all {E R H A133] Ladies’ and Gentleman’s Tailor. That heavy Overcoat you wore last winter is not in quite as good shape as you fancy. Better look it over at once and if a new one is required, place your order without delay. We’ll be very busy later on. W. G. BLAIR SON Her Christmas: IIStockim! Our prices are the lowest it is possible to name, and no pains will be spared to render each patron the best of service. We’ve the best things to wear for Men, Boys and Little Men! Next. Post Office \Vhile extending the compliments of the season to our host of friends, we announce also, our readiness for the Holidav trade. ’ I'm sprcting such; lqt of stufl’. My stocking won't be big enough. And so before I go to bed ‘ Hi just hang mamma's up instead. PAGBSSto8 J. HOUZER Three bun fisherman, Fred am} Prank SW and J... madman fined szQm com for illagul a.- ing in ( % waters with guinea Kent- at, Lindsay 1.00 PER YEAR

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