MRSDAY :ia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Com- } invigorate: and strengthens the .- organism and builds up the Weak. nvr'n'ms system. It has carried women safely through this crisig 'ou want special advice write“ [1. I’inkham Medicine Co. (conn. - I: Lynn, Mass. Your letter-will wed. read and answered by n n. and held in strict conï¬dence. ?y Marble Works HAMBERS. Prat-‘- {9.9 ville. Nova LTS ago I was |ble and Granites :NUMENTSL w. SHEPHARD‘S William~3t. North '03! Building Lind“; NTER SESSION 1d show rooms 11 and rat, immediately north ihinglea. Etc ’ement and Sash r1 lumber (0., [mm nge and W ex- Sta {or the Massey Bicycle, lln‘_\clvs. Horse Clipper! Yvwer Knives sharpened Machine‘s, PRC†repaired a. husmesa in the sun. but not in the same 01‘ adxnnce with the thud TORVNTO. ONT a position to do haw over. New design; 00' 9w and improved too}. is in fact, the most “9" WOOD PHC NE 77 )1e and Granite of Ontario. G 80¢ our . . .r r.'-W, and mquxetude, amid: my heeded by intelligent wo: are approaching the period in woman’s great change may what your goc :. "-Mrs. Sm Yarmouth Ca 'ning symptoms as aensc of n 0 t :1 ashes, headaches, back- nf impending evil, timidity, :2 cars, palpitation of the -5 before the eyes, irregu- .5 ti pation, variable gppetite, / only 11: ed 5:519“; m took that did help ‘ me and I recommend n't, know how thankful and .m. I give you permisgim , DECE‘B'E‘EE' | Goon Factory Good! designs Qicycle sup- .xcn0n Tires. Repairs kept Ion-land 3'4 arse C lipperfl. SCOtia» Can F‘. D:_I-L-A J. ELLIOTT Principal .V I n ll jf ’inkham’g'ï¬ . Nova. (H. beforc work! SH.\\\' mt \mhs and \V l 0t 1| Scotiz; mad Ind :bm of (t) For Sale Lost or Strayed INTO THE Pl‘hLMLELD ulcrsigned. one ewe and (32'. nor proving property 11);: expenses may take vs. .1. Truman, Glenarm. Wanted ’03 E 15¢ m m BL’SH LOTS, 200 (me, Lot 16, Con. 6, uship, mixed bush, and hemlock, price , Lot 18, Con. 12, “ship. mixed bush, price $1,100. These 5m! for farming pur- timbcr is removed. .1 3.11105 Pluard, Hall's IH \ \ .\ lH-IRhl-IFIVâ€"AX on} can IN‘ 4 -r m‘ a dIM‘ .it'u [c ll! Hmugh \u-l‘. Mmther spa .-st piunn, HIE 1 instruuwnts of ev- u-h of music.:l sup ,ks, She-M music and d all tn the lnwvst nut I'M ups Hu- premim .\;|\ t‘nmmiSSinn has \m-timwor. (-rcun t'k and impiements .\lr. }i.t1'l'_\' Brown Emily. Sale com 'rlnck p.111. shun). l-IM Bl'll’. \1 Ln'l"11.(‘t).\' Nu I.\' .\I \lill‘().\‘.\.â€" hnusv. I'I'uuw ham 2 m‘x'vs urvhurd‘ . admin! and chur- siml. :\p -- buss: ,lllllzu‘} 1:4.«BY JUS. ~-r. (‘redit sale 1 implvments, the '5 Harlin. lot 8, us. Sula com« ('iL‘fhs xll vxpt'ch'd 3()_ con or Rent l'.\‘ 'l‘l{.-\l.\'. lust \wok .\lr. .Ins. turn. had the mis- u \‘aluuhlo horse ‘l‘runk train. I: :mimul wandm‘ed u‘h uml m‘tm‘ roamâ€" lllll“." lnmlml on (M wx'it'nc Stun ljtilll ‘UI'IX Walsh h sin! \l HANDâ€"POWER Apply Box 602, m in ml '10! .1 killml I‘III“, I’HI‘IMIHI Hv is an aura h-mrn to Wm. ll'iilA “all ()I' 2.22 7.5.3.. 3’6 ::.:_.:E::: "run {35.1.4 5.:â€" Cm. _. .2913: 3.2.- mane \V \X'l'l H10 SAWYICR .\.\'l) wmg l,ut ‘3, (‘on. 8. It August 15m, may haVe same '13‘ and paying: alsh. .lr., Kirk- H†(“A u'men I.\' ll) \‘5 com .\l{n1 .lmn in \\ hit um. 12. Muri- m'. H. Finder with William all and nph - I.. )luriposa. mm, qualiï¬ca- ctvd. hutivs \ lst ne'xt. rutul'y, Little sharp mom â€.3“..- Hunk Thu regular l‘m'om 0 ran PREMISES “nos hvm'ing par ()shawa tank and 1va end 0! umflnm‘ï¬. White is )phnnu 1‘!" mm, with sv tvrms und mu“ nhtnined machim- 1‘. wm‘th spu-iulty. flu» (it-X‘- Kc-nt-si nhâ€" BY ('rcdit ‘s m the svpa- ulnmSt 190R 'l‘\\'() (‘0101' Mack . and 't‘t‘ :nlar WETEERALLâ€"GALLAGHER. A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized on Wednesday, Nov. 26th, at 2.30 p.m.. at the home of Mrs. Eli- zabeth Gallagher, Bethany, when her only daughter, Ruby May, was uni- ted in “tedlock to Mr. Thomas Milton Wetherall, son of the late .W. J. Wetherall, of Bethany, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. W. Jones, of Janetville, and Rev, P. H. Neville, of Bethany. The bride, given away by her un- cle, Mr. T. E. Staples, of Lifford. looked charming in a white marqui- sette dress, trimmed with point lace and embroidery, and wearing a bri- dal veil, arranged in julliet cap. The bridesmaid, Miss Ethel StapleS, 01' Lifl'ord, cousin of the bride, was dressed in pink eoline, while Mr. Ed. Lethangue, of the same place. acted in the capacity of groqmsman.‘ The wedding march was played by Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy, of \Burketon. The ceremony was witnessed by 40 of their most immediate relatives. who, during the signing of the regis- ter, enjoyed a social time. This over, the wedding party repaired to the dining-room, where a sumptuous Wedding dinner was served. The waiters were Misses Florence .Xrnott and Vera Staples. m' Litl‘ord; Ethel (:illmnk, of llarlingtun. and Edna Manning. 01' l‘eterhorn. .\fter the repast the happy couple motured tn the (‘.l’.l{. 6 o'clock train to visit l’eterlmru. ,.\'ewcustle and other points, and upon their return will l't'Side at “l“uirview'" l-‘arm. lethally. The presents to the young: (‘uuple Were handsome and vastly. 'l‘he grnnm's gift tn the bride was an Wedding Bells Shiloh- vâ€"â€"â€"â€"vi7 The family remedy for Caughsr and Coins. Small dose. Small bottle. Best since 1870. Death of Rev. :mwlhyst pin ~l.ust Friday Nov. (‘annn Marsh, nf St. l'uul's (‘hurch, rowivml thP sud nwssago fmm Port Hope un- nuuncing the death of Rm; John (‘rvightnm for-six years n rcsident of Lindsay. yours was: ma 'l‘nwnship. 'I place Saturday no: u Ikluckstock. :OO"O5OOOOOOO"OOOO. ‘ . m Ho N53 $833 3 “ I c-ry wagons." 'l'hul is the rmni from Ihc- National .OO'OO'O-"""'O'¢"¢ :5. .f::. afar/4:51 _:..../.3:v. .:_._.4Il.~:._., 5 2:. 1.312.:â€" :: Z ‘35: 22â€" .z. 23:. :mnnpiï¬ it..." ::s.. E. 1:: 33â€"1751. 1. 2:. 5.3.5,; .z: :3: 2:. 5.52:7. 3:; :: :7. .r.:<- gtic of tho L'nitctl Stan's. whicn. with its mix-six In'ancgcs in nine- teen states. grew out of thw vase of a little cashhoy more than twenty (‘hristmascs ago. This littlu lmy spent January on a hospital out. sick with pneumonia, because hp haul worked six days from sun up to midnight in foul air and with ii'rcisu- lai' meals. (me day he had llc‘llht'l' luncheon nor dinner, and this was all hvcuusu thi- idea ut‘ early (‘hi‘istâ€" mas shopping had not hut-n spl'vail uvm- tht' land. (Hit of the unifor- ence OVer his case and the lesmm it taught grew the National (‘unsum- vrs' Imagine. which. as the (‘hristinus~ approaches, IS out again â€l0 $00.50!] (maxing thi- curly shoppi-rs to Slul‘vs rent evidcnce ence heuy, gt'urlul anu....... .. league : “ “1“ should the holidav season be a time of torturing overwork for on\' manl woman or child ?â€"- ’ew any man , York Times 1n the new literature of the recurâ€" xnt campaign the limericks arc in "itlvnce. Hero are a few of Ihvm: 743 .527. 72.2.. 7.2:. 7.724272: 3: But in all the mash She found nuthing hut tra Kate. why did _\'un wait till In! 0 2’ ' Miss Folly her shopping did late. Now mark her unfortunate state: She was worn to a thread And spent Christmas in bad : Thus shared she the shop girls‘ own fate.†slut» are is the question put I) » Kelly, general secretary me rvminder that John Creighton anl‘c‘ Christmas (’unsumt-I'S her shnppim: the had ’l‘urk. I: the clerk." by Flor- :v of the (‘nml‘h' which ash calm duty in in “I have been using Kendall‘s vain Cw: fora good many years with good results. In fact. I am never Without it.“ FANNING’S flï¬RSE â€(HINGE -u\~, . _â€" â€"_.-_ w. H. Xxmonr. $1 amineâ€"6 for 85. at'dmggistsâ€"nr write in: copy or our book “Treatise on the Horse" inc. Sale Saturday, Dec. 20 1915 (10 [read of cuttlc. 33 cows, Holsteins.aml Ayrshircs. 13'; highly-bred .\.\rshiros in lot. 21) chuicoly-hrcd HulStt‘inS. 35 cows. all gum'unh-vd ix; 'ulf or ruturnuhle. :30 ln-utl ul‘ young cuttlu of! .thc ranches. 10 0f ubnvv Int PXIN'CtOd in he btf‘elâ€˜ï¬ long. 50 sm-cinglvs. $011] In priCc 1 pair uf swnml‘hanu mako. (:4) head uf yuung (-u 4 mumh s ('l'c'dil un 4 wound-hand ('lle!‘ 1 sm‘uml-huml lmgg) I‘llhhvl‘ pair (3 sutts of singlu harm-s: uml stitvhml. I; now \Vnollvn horse hlanl (3 (loz. cm'n brushes given any price. 35 cows, Ilnlstnins and Ayrshiros. 1‘» (107.. curry cmuhs, at the begin- ning of the salw, vtc. 'l‘vrms.â€"l“uur month: on cuws, two months on young cutth- nnd sixiy days on humps nn uppmvml joint notes on all sums nvvl' $20. $20 and under. msh. .v\ «lisnmnt at the axle of 7 per ('o-m ullnwml for cash \\'. .\, Funmr .luckmm. Auctiunm notes on all ~mm and under, msh, mm 01‘ 7 pur Com on credit amounts ’I'he Ups I’mnrd of Hvalth posed uf IH‘. I-‘. Blanchard, Rm-Vo Jns. liulu-rlsnn and 'l‘ hr), of Rv.‘.1hmu met in tho ship (‘lurk 5 0mm» nn 'l‘uvsdu} mum, Ill-c. 91h. lll'. ‘nluncha summl his rvpm't tn the which proved \'M'_\' sniisl‘m‘h the mmnlwrs. 'l'h.‘ dumm- Dr. Blanchard 'I'Ilt‘ posed Rl‘l'Vt‘ hr) _ ( all the schnols m 11w Imvnmup (h‘l' instructions rum-Wed from Vlimnn. l'nn'imiul 31.11.â€. in dish-in. and n-pm'xml x‘uvm‘ahl those Spats of lvurning. For mumhs (hp 31.11.â€. statvd th: township \x‘us immum- {rum a] tugioun disvuw-s. Other im-iduntuls‘ rrlativc tn in;r the lnxsinoss fur tln- _\.-ur transacted by thu members thvy mljourm-d. Toronto polivv ull‘u‘iuls will suck legislatinn m prvvum n.-\\'spn|u-rs ishing racing illful‘luulinn. from puhl im- Mm'e stringvnt luws against and 11ch ulmliliun ul' l‘ut‘v- “Hu- morality truck gambling “'ul'o urgml ut wu by u strum: dvputuiion. 1 highly-bred Ilulstcin hull. :2 cows, (Inc in January. 5 head of furrow cows. 6 horses. Walkers and drivers 60 home blankets, new, "2 i A free motion of the bow I: duily 1 be the rule oi cvury one. fur u IL: I do not mow daily comuponcn n a follow and Lung in its ma... many troubles Whln the lmvfr'r'. l~C~TOTJC c ... vm. (ml Huaduclk‘g. Jaundicc Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A. 7 You Can Cure CGNSTBPATEON up 10110“ uuu Mu": ... .W troubles whtn the lmwrh become doused up. You get licaduclus. jaundice. Puts, Ileanbum. Floating Sztecks beforc the Eyes, Cataxrh of the Stomach. and those tired Weary (cylings “high follow 11m wreng action at thu liver. Mrs. Elijah A. Awr. Fawcnt Hill. NIL. \vritcszâ€"“l was trout-led with con- stipatiou for many yuan, and about three years ago m) hmbaxzzt wanted am to try Milbum’s Lam-Liver Pills 1; they had curt-d him. I got a vial, and tuck them. and by the time I had ukcn thru vials I was cured. I always ktcp them ._ ‘uâ€"l‘ «mi when l nun] a mild laxativt vials I was hand. I always Ktcp on hand. and when l mud a mild LA I take one." Milbum’s Lam-Liver Piils are 1 vial. 5 vials for $1.00. nt’ all dealc mailed direct on ncL-ip: wt mice by T. Milburn Cu, Lmu'kd, Toronto, (107.. rawhide whipsâ€"n bargain. now Huskutchmvun robes. m-w lvrlin mhm, imvrlim-d with [10W [ho schmds in By The Use 0i MlLBIRï¬â€™S Liam-U558 Pills. M‘tuntoomuzcmnymgngzh. QR; horsemen, \‘tlcri- narians and farm- ers tor 3;} )carsâ€" ' and 11-h.†v): med its “crth in h: 2ndrcds of thousands of Case-s. Bickcrdikc. A111, jan. ‘21). 1913. a; "1;; 300 gonna-Jump I'M 195 o! lamencu. Use A A [beddrduucmuwdy- Inspected Schools Fanning. I'rup ('n-dil un ('uws mul‘haml rulws Bishop h.‘ duvlm' \‘isnou 11w luwnship un- l‘uCt-ind from hr. :11 31.“.0. fur this ,n‘h-(l x‘anruinly uf arming. For muny .0. stated that the .mum- fx'nm all mm- “11‘ members before a-ljver Piils are ‘25.: $1.00. at' all dealcrt. or ’JCcit): u! rncc by T’m A" :g)‘ in good KENDALL’S Spavin Cure sv blanket s n has been used by hill'lN'SS. double nt 1 l" and 0mm nisl‘nvlm') in tho um‘n- l‘xu-sdu \' a 1'1 H‘- ‘ilunchur (1 pro- 10 the lmm'd. :u rdlcss nm II' h "0“ cum- .\1.H.( L. l'uw- (:vm'gc inches a w a y . .surc lx.‘ should bbw L ‘5 the mhu .xlf of Ont Butter and Eggs. 1‘ Cream, 16¢. per pint. Print butter brings 28c. pound. Creamory roll butter sells for 30¢. to 31¢. a pound. Cooking butter sells for 18 to 22¢. pound. Eggs. 85c. to 36c, a.dozen. Poultry and Game. Spring chickens. 17c. to 18¢. :1 lb. Ducks sell at 180. per 1h. Turkeys, 25¢. per lb. (It-me. 170. to 18¢. per lb. Hens sell at. 10 to 15 cents per pound, dressed. Meats. Spring lamb sells at 15 to 25 cents a pound. Spring lamb, hind quarters. sell at 20 cents a pound. Shoulders of spring lamb brin cents a. pound. Spring lamb loin chops sell a to 25 cents a pound. Legs of mutton sell at. 15 cents a 315 t 20I pound. Shoulder of mutton sells at 10 to 12} cents a pound. Mutton chops bring from 15 to 18' cents a pound. Stewing lnmb brings 1‘25 to 20‘ 20 cents a pound. Fresh pork, 150. to 17¢. per lh. L Pork chops sell at 18 to BBC. lb. i Ilam brings 25 to 27 cents _pound. Sliced hum Sells at 27 cents pound. Lard sells at 18 to 20 (‘c‘nts a pound. Bacon brings from 18 to :10 cents a pound. Roast of veal brings from 15 to '25 ('Pnt.:~1 a pound. .Veal chops Sell at 18 Cents pound. Sirlom steak brings :22 cents per pound. Hamburg stoak 190. ll). ‘ Sausage 150. ii). i Round steak brings 20 cents a l pound. Roast hoe! 50-11:: at 15 to 2:2 cents a pound. h-of cattle, $4.50 tn $6.50 (‘\\t. Beef hides, green, 3 to 11 cents. I Hogs, per t'\\'l., SN 15, As yet. this has not born prm‘od.‘ but inn-rosin] punk-s will ï¬nd nu- thing ln‘tn-r for corns than l'utnam‘s (‘orn I‘lxu'uctur, 25c. at all tlealn-rs. fly New Absorption Method.o If you sufl'er from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding l’ilcs, send me your address, and I will tell you 1'10“" to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if reâ€" quested. Immediate reï¬ef and permanent cure assured. Soul no money, but tell other: of this ollcr. Write 11* ‘ w to ll'rs. M. S tr: mers, Box 263 ‘-.‘.'i" ‘ ‘cr. Ont. ‘ " FILES CURED at HOME I DO Corns Lead to Cancer Ennismore Farmer’s “" .3 Proï¬table Milking Cow THE NUMEROUS handsome lines that are shown for Men's Wear at this season suggest many suitable, serviceable gifts. We would be delighted to have you look over the many things we have provided for gift giving and see our assortment of goods which cannot fail to appeal to men of good taste Silk Knitted Humor-s. $1M†$2.50. Sweater (‘03!9. 1111 “'hitt‘ and C MEN’S WEAR -\ngoru Wuol Unusu- (‘ {1; .u' s- a.00 and SSH“) chiefs, 500., as“ m sh um.- “mm Dll-er to 170. per II). at 18 to 250. 1b. to 27 cents Jmund at 27 cents pound 3 to 20 cvnts a 010er Silk Handker- .. 75c. and $1.00. wool. $3.00 to nuts. $4 .(nfl, GIFTS FOR MEN ! well dressed cunts to f0 See Our Special Liné of Christmas Veal skins. 111.0 1-1 Lamb skin: 50 to 7 Lambs bring $4 to ‘ Sheep sell at 58-50 cwt. Fish (white) and trout cents pound, and 18 can by the pound. ° Grapes, Melega, 20c. lb. Lemons sell at 40 cents a dot. Eating apples bring 20c. to and 30¢ per peck. Bananas sell at 20 to 25 cen dozen. Oranges (not seedless) sell at to 50 cents a dozen. Vegetables. Citrons, 10¢. each. Squashes sell at from 5 15¢. cents each. Carrots br' ng 60¢. per bush. Beets bring 60¢. bus. Lettuce sells at 5 cents a. head. Parsley sells at 5 cents a bunch. Celery stalks at 5 cents a bunch. Cabbage-s, large 5c per head 'lurnips 25¢ per bush. Sweet potatoes bring 5 cents per! pound. White potatoes, 90¢. per bag. Grain and Straw. Barley cells at 53 cents per lms. Bran sells at $1.10 per cwt. Flour. Manitoba, $2.60 per cwt. Hay. baled, $1. Iluy. $15 to $17 per ton. Clover, red,,$7 per bushel. ()utmenl $2.45 ewt. Oats, rolled, $2.22; cwt. Oat dust, $1 per cwt. Outs sell at 35 cents per bushel. Straw, baled, 60 cents a cwt. Wheat, spring, brings 75 cents per Wheat, (all, sells at 83c. to 85¢. bushel. Wheat, goose, sells at 75 cunts a Buckwheat, (35¢. per bushel, Peas, small, $1.25 per hush. l'eas. large. $1.25 per hush. (‘low-r, nlsiko-, $7.50 m $91M per Timothy seed, $2." -5 per bushel. i l to Tie Pins, rich designs. .\Ir. Jose-[iii H‘llivlly, of l'innismorv, has probably one of thv lwst milk- produring ('n\\'S in Untario toâ€"day, haying yielded 16.30“ pounds of milk in Night months. in rm'ord oi pvr- I'ormunc» test. and is still milking .10 pounds 1: day. â€or reCord for one day's milking was 9‘). pounds, and for the ï¬rst four months siiowod a daily ureragv of 77 pounds. The- animal is a pun-â€"l;rml lloislvin and comes from a good milking strain. 'l‘hn high price of milk and other prodm-ts derived therai‘rom might “flip a downward course if such rut- tle wore kept liy tlw dairy farmer, and tho scrim eliminated from tho- hm‘d. With a greater growth of Cow tvsting systvm uvontuullj' of- !it‘ial ziliproVul will be given to grade Cons. 'l‘hvl'i- is no reuSon why good gradvs should not lw recogniz- good grades should not In- rwognil- 9d, and by a continued and parsim- ent. vmlouvor on the part of 1h» breeder to raise only stock from milk-producing strains ‘lln- high prim. of milk. butter and cheese would be greatly dvcimatod. "(33‘s Sweater Fonts, 7.1“ to $1.50 Fancy “-31.4, new and tasty, inml and I an ~A»r- .~-' $1.50 to $4.0“ to $3.00 p and trout. sell at 15 and 18 cents in 83106 Fruits 'nlinml Gloves. $1.00 per bushel. 15 per bush. '3 [wt hush. 7.50 ‘0 $91“) DOT to 25 cents a $4.50 per at 40 0‘ ,00 $3.00 to Angora Drossing and $12.00. GOLD DUST , not only cleans, but sterilizes Gold Dust does more than wash the surface-â€" it digs deep after germs and hidden particles of dirt and decay. It puriï¬es and makes everything 'sanitarily safe. Neither dirt nor germs can live where Gold Dust has made its appearance. Gold Dust needs little help from you; it does most of the work alone. It is a vegetable-oil soap in powdered form, to which are added cleansing and purify- ing ingredients which get busy the moment they touch the water. Use Gold Dust for all cleansing purposes. It saves time, saves labor, saves backs, and saves money. big cities to George l-T. Hooker, civic sc-cretary of the (‘hicago (‘ity (ftuh. Speaking at the third annual session of the na- tional conferenci- on housing he said that crowded conditions necessitated largvr buildings, where human tw- ings swarmed, and required to hur- row into the ground to give them moans of transportation to and from tlwir plurvs of business. “0 advo- cutmi the lmilï¬ing of garden vities. But “hat about moving out alto- gether into tho country where there is no congeat ion, and where work brings a hoaltm life and a living. THE N. K. That heavy Overcoat you wore last winter 15 not in quite as good shape as you fancy. Better look it over at once and if a new one is required, place youi order without delay. Well be very 'busy later on. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Tailor. I‘hut we are living like ants Men's Soft Boys' Suits. $2.50 to $10.00. (‘nlorul bordered Linen linndker‘ chiefs. 20c.; ‘2 fur 35c. Linon Handkerchiefs, (‘1!!! Links, 50c. to $1 and 350 ULKS l.l\'l.\'(: LIKE .\.\"I Tics in boxes at 25c. FAIRBANK COMPANY LIMITED. Montreal. Canada Shirts. 3.1.0†to the man-mom (:uwns, $11100 50 $10.00 .H‘ in the ‘it ios. alto- ! here work 25c (m of 'l‘he {allowing hirlh notice is taken {mm the Endemy Press, of Enderhy. 131‘, Mr. .1. Victor Mills, who is the manager of tho Bank of Montreal at the above place, having at one tinw resided in Lindsay. being lo- cated in the local branch of the u have hank. "Mil I s ..â€"\1 the ( ottage Hospital. on “Pdnesdax Honing. December 3rd 1913. t0 MI. and Mrs. J. \ictor Mills. a daughter. l'mhn-llas. $1.00 to S Boxed Neckwonr, 25c. and 50c Bath Robes. $8.00 Fancy Silk and (‘ashmero Hose, 50c.. 750. and $1.00. Boys' (ivercuats. $3 to $10 Suspender Sets. 75c. tn $1.00 ‘nur-in-Hand Ties, 500. to $1.50 "Let the cow D05]: rwms C hi1 dr 6 n C ry roa rmcuaa's 3ASTOR|ï¬ do BI RTE LINDSAY “P It