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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 8 Mar 1901, p. 3

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:ulwen_ ‘ . ‘ “08¢! for ‘RBAIRN 3' of l‘unkim-ilurpens )h'. ‘3. a ‘Otneh o: thistown FeneXon Fans. 4' Nurrhey. 0! South V - .5: here the gut: I: of Mrs. “mm” a let mm: HH’ H ugh I) an “my 01! :l. pc'xtlon ‘ .14;in that the 5 I»: opened "’0!!! lkl' Mr. Switzel' mmi of them. I'\ Ruherlfion "d mu instructed to m mourn the timable trait... "bum ion w}, E. He was 43,5 some 5“”. h “0 be borrowed ,1?" years. nun. 8* Cant: )1! In: years, had (:3an W. He wag a son "’9 and leaves mtg: "- ”WI Wine“) u "fiver seen here. I“ 'Sflt'fldnv Mr. I: about , Were the 7; Chino! Jas BI". "in h any L i1. 5 KPH)!!! Rn tux-Mr- ("ion 01 O _' 0: ‘bruary‘ 930! if the l’nhly. 'h Ppening uur young es Britten won. Jim and among y pn-mrcs. rne we“ in ted. 'o menlly Lawson '3 "Q 1w Prescott, \lben JOhn :led Haas have N)" 0! ice. .'_v Pngnged k3 kind of '3 X cw mm the death 0‘} its of c . Which he had P.....,A 9 SN ‘ skating El Patron. i. made: I H H.- De In). and. centlv. ‘rporiuod Mon- have. ever. w n l b Kraut 2 this “ ark meal star '3}!in iIX' er NC ll Vbl- LIB-‘IAUI. a.- . ._ veterinary Dentist is staying 3!. Stem;- harst.li!2 the 15th, and is doing quite a businesa in Horse Dentistry. The Prof. makes: specialty of this line and claims that 65 p. c. of the diseases of homes arise from derangement of qhatpeth. He makes no charge for an emnnpauon. Kamaâ€"On the 4th in Bobcaygeon, Muri- el Annie Harris. aged 10 months, 17 days, daughter of Hollis Han-is. F. “X Read, 2031 B. Horton, .105. Allen. point A. Ingmmv R. 5. \\'right. c. p. Chas. S. Logic. A. E. Kennedy forwards Maurice \V’elsh, J. D. Montgomery “ Gad. Lewis, B. Pearson. “ \Vm. Robinson. John Moffatt. “ I. 1%. Stewart. Dr. BOVd. Goal umpires .E P. Hamilton A. E. Bottum, Timekeepers C. E. Stewart. Anxotbâ€"szxnnw.â€"On the 6th. at Christ. Church, Bohcnypenn. bv the Rev. W. J. Creighton. John William Arnold,.of Lind say. and Rosanne: Jane Kennedy, of Bob- ca’mn' DIED ”"TKEY- * The llnckev Match on Friday Waning between Married and Single was the mulch of the season. None of the regular vinyers Were allowed to take part, ““4333 nht, rwcre able to pick up We I! [)0 lots vu !:ockry.'~1t‘wns fun from start to finish. For the married Messm \Vright. Pearson and Montgomery at up some great play, and for the singles .lessrs Robinson. lngram and Len-i: were always in the thick of it. nnd as arule it was wldom thin. Combination play was ~trictly ignored, as being (lentrnctivc of in- -:irlduality. and n liner exhibition of indivi- qnnliu’ has not been seen this winter. By arrnnkement it. was decided that. the puck should not he lifted. introducing an idea that. the 0. ll. A. might well adopt. Bob- cavgeon is the tin-t to introduce this (le cirled improvement. adding much to the play. and avoiding all danger to life. “'hen time was called the Referee announced the game a tie. 6 all. As the teams were keen for victory the game proceeded for five minutes each way. Five minutw of exciteâ€" ment and no goal. Five minutes more of still greater excitement and still no goal, and the Referee declared the game a tie. ‘ The Referee was elaborately costumed. and Korformed his duties with great (inclement, ‘ eeping the fence well decorate With the‘ heated. panting, (short pants) athletes. His skating was the admiration of the fair spec- tators. and there was just a suspicion that the English of the gentleman’s French name was McIntyre. The {nllo‘Ning are the names ol' the players and othcials 2-â€" Benedicts. Bachelors. F. “X Read. goal B. Horton: . Jos. Allen. point __ A._In_grnl_nv 1 Vin. DE.‘:1'IST._-â€"Pl:0f. T. .I. Mcfl'apney. rcnu' \Ir. 1:.' u. Mo! .zmgivhhn. received good lnum'v forthe urpnxc of makinz "Stim- tinn m )Icsws. hurgm He and Kelly which restitution “as ordered by the court. mul was In ntl‘ on susbendc-fi. sentence on cummiun that he appear for sentence “'lzcn milnl upun and give baud“. Belch went. hi~ own wret)‘ for $500. and T. Belch and \\'n:‘ ('nulter wont. surety for $2“) each. 'l'hc Judgr: ordered that. the Confed- erate mum-y he impounded and retained in Kho- puswxiion of the County Crown Attor~ V‘IQ'F, Mr, DM'lin. The council for the de- A _-. H .... Belch who was an" rcw‘fcd nn 3. charge of paying Confed- rmte Mum-y was taken before 'udge 1mm, Belch having elected 1:) take smumurytrial. The report. of the raw ie rxxrni~hcd by the Lindsay Post. : “’m Bach. of \‘crulmn, “ho appeared before Mr. Jnx. Divkmn. J. P. at. I’enelon Falls hm wa-ek for circulating counterfeit money and was sent {0 Lindsay for trial. appeared before his Honor Judge Dean on Saturday. The priwm-r plt-uded guilty to_ the “lame Mn.I.xanY~Mr5. Murphy wan away this “‘x‘ck‘ attending the Millinery Openings at the \\im|c~‘ulc houses in Toronto, with a View to uhminink the very latest. creations for Lin- l:ulie~.. Miss Irwin is also in Toron- In, rcprcwnting Mrs. McDermou, and as Hm: ynung lady will again take charge of Mrs. Ali-Damon‘s rooms. the ladies of the :.-u,;h'..wimml wiii be cared for in the way u! Millim-ry. UN ‘rm-z Knuthâ€"Mr. R. 8. Rogers. Sup" rri: ending; angineer of the Trent, “'orRSv xx :u hun- Imr m-ek inspecting the work on my :“nmL In blasting: the frozm bank a (-hnnk uf wood was thrown nearly to .. Hall. This was not quite as good u the one made by Mr. Mont.- wn blasting a hole near the lock ‘vu- hole. A chunk of rock “ (hen thrown clean landed in the hall‘ ILuYrIST.~Rev. James Pollock of Canning run, will ocmpy the pulpit. on Sundn morning at 10.31) o’clock. and also at. Scotcg; Line at 7 p. m. l.~'ul'.\'x).â€" When the men commenced work at the bottom of the canal alter the water “'th shut ofl‘, zunong the first finds was a set. of teeth. 1‘1 l:1.x:m.~ A team of curlers left on “’ed- mommy murnin: {or a. frieudl 'tour among the di~trict clubs. Lnkctiel , Peterboro, t’mnphcllfurd and Belleville are to be Viallcli. _ ()n we: ii!) of Mr Byng the Council ad Journed. l 4 a a E. a: malfihl‘ngpflww‘ 8885833888 (9. Lancaster. memorial parade exp. W. Mitchell 3 days in Constable. . . . 1: 1-1 Garllck, cart re men) svrvice,st’s I“. Pen-null. s‘hux‘elling snow _______ .. Independenf, printing and y; ‘ _ _ . - \V Hamilton for 6 copies W Hickwn exp. Sec. '1‘ch aunties (‘ommble snl to lst .................. W Hicksm) auditing ................ Um) W. Tyylor‘“ _ .............. uuu uyy .. V“ In zwt'ordunce with notice of motion Mr. Tim: introduced his bylaw revising the Constable bylaw. and a lengthy discussion took place. linden; the new bylaw, the dcfinizr provision H made for POIico duty at. night. l‘he proposal to make the appoint HIHJ (-nd with the termof the COUncil,was, anvr full discussion. dropped. The {mowing orders were passed;_ 1) thin oil for streets; ............. . 3 8 50 ‘ "7 L ,. _,_ UV’i‘HEkfierk was instructed to write the (‘0. 'I‘rezu. concerning lot 12 w. Main, that had been on non-rpfiidenp' roll. .5“ wt -.-... . The Auditors report ivas ' resen ordered to bepublished. p tea ”d On motion of 31(35er Byng and Tinney a number of small abatements were mad‘e fur firemen, x'olurltg-grs,_etc-. and the taxes; :xf int-.‘Ve‘xi‘t'reésr $8 40 be having 7"" ' V .a - removed “(-51,me the Lollectors roll w timed. as finally .. Aun, . “‘6; $666!; BfMessrs Byng and Kennedy the Clerk was insuucted to ascertain if ad: mission could be obtained at the Home, and if so. the Charity Committee was authori. zed to Lake the necassiary steps. The Constable reported that he had asked the )1. 11. 0. t9 see Jas Gibbons. and the M. 1!. 0. hem}: present stated that he would recommend that he be placed, it p03. sible in the. Home for Aged. ‘ vâ€" _ A regular meeting of the council was held on Tuesday eveni_ , and in the absence of the Reeve, Mr. Ln gow was moved to the Chair. u...- . . _ . ricoc' ' Nowiiyoudnnoo. THE ' gohmygcan _ “ 531x dqmubmt MIDLAND COUNTIES' HERA-LB W. L. WHITE. mev. MARCH. 8, 1901. Bobcaygeon Council LOCAL KENT STREET, LINDSAY xilton'a and Mr. JEWEHRY- STORE - (3 EURO 1-; SI‘REE1.,P£T Having gone through our stock. we are now prepared to give our customers and the public some 0! the Biggest Bu- gains ever heard of in the Watch. Clock Jewelryline. In many instances we have cut the price closer than ever. J ust. think of what. 30 p. c. means to the buyer. Jewelry: Watches, Clocks, BOLTON Sr. Give us a can before buying. Oniy a pleasure to rhow Goods. ' .Millinery. y as tested free of charge. Always a full an- aoruneut of mnqkiuds of Spe-ctuclus and Eye- glnn as for yarn.» and old ymrsnns afioctvd Will] weak (3)88. tent ~rfl. quaverd, sputfued. cataracts. sh ~rt eye»si:lxt. waxnuss eyes and eyes with red rims Guarantee entire suttfluction to every one. Will b0 3: the Rocklaud Huuse. Bobcsmeon. thcee Mums a. year. My next unit will be in Much. Watch for date. But how fix; E5810“ of ‘L family v 1 four or five with constantly growing demands upon his purse. man-.23 to snvo nimbie mxpences ? m> , ,, ‘ . ,_ , , v _ -V -.-u._‘.-_ w. Tnem is a way up--n to evnry housekeerer. Buy reliable first “my Cm carton. which will lust longer than ' a poorâ€"z kinda. cost. no moxe, and {remote health and htppiuoaain the home. Hundreds of cmzem. no 6 ubt. havo made up their minds to sure a lit. Io money in this open- iug year at the 20th century. Goul times won't bust {uneven and its who to lay by I. little to: a little {or a. rainy_ day Ahead. A A second hand Cutter. alson second hand Phaeton (in good condition.) apply to s. Buggies. \l- â€"I--b c__-_- nuke: Equml -_ __v_ w. w v. \- .uunnxu muy be is eed‘ anomnd to chance the name 01 the 33:4 Runny Conn-my imp: ”I‘heégndsay. Bobcn you nntr ,Pomyrool 17ml- way om’ any" to '- °-\ 0330290“th Italy-y y‘ A3,. Mtho‘flme I». the oxpondituro of am]! page“ of the mount of the Cnpmd Stock. ‘ _ r, ___. V..- run." on DOWLSKB -n In an“ Co my 0! Victoria. thence through to sad-1V2!!- age or Bohemyuoonr the towaahips o! Vorulnm. Harvey. Gelwny and Snow-'eu. to a. point on the lrondnle. Bancroft nnd Ottawa Rdlway wilhm 10 miles of Furnace Falls. and {or own: to enter into an agreement with the said rondnlo. Ban- croft and Ottawa. Railway Company. The Toron- ‘0. Lindsay and Pembroke Bulway Company. end the Pembroke Southern Runway Company. or any or either or them. or their successors. f~.rlmnveying. or lean'ng. to'mch 6013ng or Companies the Railway ottbe‘ aid Lindsay. Bobcaygeon and Pontypool 8.1]an Comv-uny m whole or in part odor uma‘gsmatlon with said Com pan or Commie; upon such tartan or con 1‘31"“‘M m‘? be u: ked human-M m nun-m. 20% T" 30% Discou ht, Act of lncorpontion and 'to a . V m we: the and of 31:3: Company to continue t comtructinn said Raxlvmy from a. paint within the c . 0333335333153 HE‘S". °€.39b¢.‘s «8 -n , Duh .. PROF. J. H. desILBERG, N IMBLE 8: xPENcE The Lindsay, Bobcaygeon Pontypdol Hailwal company. Lot 8. Con. 8,0! Gamay. 300 um. 50 let-u in buy. nnd 35 for cultivation. Hood dwelling hon-a. , and underground stable. good hone aubfo Silvar Lake P. o‘ Optichn from Gemnny. :8- EYE SPEUI A LIST. TO CAPITALISTS Huiburton. Feb. 25. mm. '2“:°::z' 001”“; o t o ducemontl I01: 1 such mm. P": Obtained from Hanbnxton P, 0. The Municipu than of D _ nut in the mufighm County 01 (button roquire’u. Grist mg ml? manwnum i3 mama with underwent. Babb": ind book“ ”for. cent 03 on present prices. Dney'l old m Bolton 8:. lBobuygeon. Boom-.11 bills. W mâ€"P. w. Bad 1- on noun mt bum- in nude man'- nndorvou. Bubbmrtdznjd_tm‘ %. put 93 A- ___--_- “.4 , MRS. McDERleOTT Fancy Goods. Novelties, \Vools, Silks Stamped Linens, CushionTops etc Ladies Undernear SCHNEIDER. THOS. BRADY, H. J. WICKHAM,‘ Prof. J. H. doSILBEm}, Optician. Specialist. FARM TO RENT. Secretary, Linduy. Bobcnyzson st l‘ontnool. Runway 00. “m. The Municipal Council "Mon :13 provoked to one! in- Iot one who would mm: and opmte Plrticnlm of indooomonu an be run: the heave. J. R. Ruins, E-q. P- 0' 01' him the undersigned. FOR SAL ' i LINDSAY 81m: Quinn 3 BED. THEâ€"â€" MILLMEN. WM. PRUST Tomhxp éle‘ k Mouton P. O. km'sssono l thrpunh I9 93.“ V: 11- Boncuczox. Bobca'ygeon. Spreadin g iA. Good Report. Furs will be nniversallyworn this season, because times are prosperous and people have the money to satisfy their wants. A lurgnrment will practically be a sign denoting tlmt the wearer is well to do. Uur magnificient stock is ready (or Inspection Ladies’fl Fur Jackets from $20 up. in Wallaby, Asuachan Oposwm, l Electric Seal grey Lamb. Persian Lamb etc. Fur-lined capes,$lfi.50, ‘ $20. up to 835. $40 and 850, Capcrines and Collarettes from S5 to $35, Fur Neckm-ar in Scurl's and Bulls at all prices, Car-s for ‘ Ladies and Gentlemen in all the fashionable furs, Gauutlets, etc. We I defy competition in the above. I l I We direct special attention to our Repairing and Remodeling Department. ]f you have fun to be made over, now is the time. V‘Ve Invite You to Call and See Our; Clothingâ€" â€",Boot3 ' Shoes Gents Furnishingsâ€" â€"Hats and Caps Trunks Valisesâ€" â€"Sweaters and Hosiery RICH and GOSY FURS 54- MN?!» In Winter it a constant annoyance, and in Summer 3 source of torture. Why, therefore, does any man tolerate one when he can We believe in printer'sink. Its a great thing. Hundreds of people in this and surrounding settlements tell their neigh- bors how Well they have been treated by us the low prices they have pald for goods in our store. the advantage of trading end sav. ing the retailer’s profit. ‘Almoet everybody who buys once from us comes again because they find we tell them the truth about the' goods we sell them. Our theory is that it pays to be honest with them.» We pin our faith toe lair, square deal every time. Everything on a plain butiness' basis and get as near as possible to the actual cost of production. THERS IS - N8 PLEHSBRe 3; "3:11 F261 G e 0 . Byrg ()- % BOBCAYGEON. a, ham "fizfififiwmwgmmfimm fa‘af Ja' 14:2..“““§‘r“f‘ifi‘flmhޤhfi2§§§“3 1,93 leLL AT IT, Suits, $10, $12, $15, $18, $20 $22, $25. Trousers, $3. $4. $3, $6. glasses. A full AVOID Spectac]e§ Where we have a large stock of Mouldings to select from." Also Rockers. Fancy Chairs, Hall R-tks, ~-~Musie>Cabinets, and numerous Fancy Pieces, all 0! the newest and Up-to-Due Designs. ORDERED WORK TO ANY DESIRED PATTERN A SPECIALTY. Assortment. and Eye- Our Stock Complete BYNG’S WAREROOMS. J. T. Robinson 8; Son. Armsfrong Bros. LINDSAY, Bobcaygec-n. Our selections of Paints this season has been made with unusual care. The range of colors is more varied than eve1, and nothing unworthy has been given a place in outline. May we see you early 2 74/112. We ‘60)!!!“ ’ If you wanta Picture to beautify your dwelling go to BOBCA YGEON and even less satisfacti (n not to men - tion the dis- comfort re- sulting from MISFITTiNE m COSTUME. MISFITS Tai'n: BOBCAYGEON DRUG STORE. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO S...‘ ................ ........ c 3 pieces Pink Flanneleue. was 7c bargain day 50 Mens Ulsters was $6 bargain day $3 Ladies Ulster: was $9 “ " $350 400 ladies white lam: handkerchiefs2c 38 pairs Ladies wool hose was 180 bargain day. Me 360 yards white cotton, was 60 and 5c bargain day 40 25 cream mndow Shades lace trim. odd pieccs Mcn'u wool under wear, were 50 and 600 now 380 112 unlaundered Shirts, were 60 and 50c bargain day ................. 39c Combination Suits for 6 to 10 years Were $.25, now .............. 500 lpiece White and ] Grey Factory Sheeting. 50cnow ................ 40c 1 piece Lighc Grey Flannel was 121-2 now ......................... 9c 3 pieces Pink Flanneleue. was 7c bargain day 50 Mens Ulster: was $6 bargain day $3 Ladies Ulster: was $9 “ " $350 AM l__l:,, A,- FeBRwIRY. BflRaAIRS OF gm prepared to give ‘ every Attention. BARGAINS Good anrse, ’7 Kent Street Lindsay. Midland TREMENDOUS CLEARING OUT SALE Market Square We also have on hand a large stock of Hats, Caps, Ladies Dreaagoods. Heavy Underwear, Boots and shoes, Rubbers, Gloves. Men’s Furnishings. Butter, Fresh Eggs, h’l‘ea and Cofiee, Hams and Bacon. Dried Fruits, Every grocer keeps these goods, but they do not always have the best. s a proper and becoming wind up to the most sneeessf _ n1 business season we have ever known} stock upon the mercy of the peopleâ€"sparing notning and reserving nothing. and flooding the greatest. Bargains the citizens of Lindsay and surrounding country have ever known. We Ihall smash Dollars into pennies during the next 21 days. Onercoata, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Furs, Etc., must be cleued nothing over. A Few of BEAD’S SPECIALTIES . ' ........ OF- ........ thter Suns, overcoats, Furnishings, Hats, Ca] roftc r, Having Rebpened LINDSAY. EnMgG-aflby, 9. Hon-7 ,v.-- ......-uuu-u’ "Cir: 81 and 75, bargain day .........-....38c 4 pieces 36in. F‘Jannelette, suitable for shining, quilt. lining, etq was 12; cents batgain day .............. 80 8 pairs F lannelette Bla‘nkels bargain day per pair 850 69 yards Floral Hemp Carpet, was 17 cents bargain day 13c Ladle-Cloth Mantle: ranging in price 1 piece Navy Flannel, was 15 now 10c 5 pieces tartan flannelette, was 7c nw ........................... 5c Ladies Blouses in muslin and print. were 50 and 75c, bargain day 350 3 pieces All wool Tweed, was 40c and 50c bargain day .....................25c 2 do: Mens colored PrintSbirts, were a! , Jun . We Will interest you many Departments Camus, ‘ Caskets. Robes. Crepglfiloves Etc. . Read. A Bonanza for Shrewd Buyers Furniture made to order Repairing done. BARGAINS .B. I J GOUGH. Bolton Street, Bobcaygeon. Overcoat: 25 pc 06‘ lIl ‘notning and reserving; Boating. ":7th déé‘iiEg'cBE' 36.113301; ‘ nnrrnnnAi.._--__,L__ l, ,_- -___ I__A_, ’WW’MWM’VW ne next 21 days. Every dollars worth of Men’s and 8033‘ must be clan-ed away by the first of March. Come early I *6+¢+6+¢+¢+¢+¢+¢+'.'+¢+¢+¢5+¢+~3'+¢+¢+¢% +6+¢¥¢§¢+6+6+fi¥¢+¢+¢+§+¢+¢¥¢+¢+6+¢+¢v A. E. BOTTUM, Caps, Furs. Etc. Do you wish to a style Ind Good V: in: Shoes 7 Of con to the popular 8201 as: jun abut you ‘ n on “I" ,0: db e $8. a I all more m“: 1 stock 0! Women': _ tad Rubbers. As geek, wq win to BOBCAYG EON. Do you wish to get comfortable om . lots of ' style end Good Value for your money w 351?”. mg Shoes 7 Of course §ou do. Then Iv" ' “ms to the popular Store. on are pm" w“- ”we“ 33?“ 3m?” “mu?"umg‘?" on w 00- , deePes. he.“ but one rice. end treat 4 all more m: and aqum. c any 3 lug. 6- stock 0! Women's Men's and Children’s Shoes 3. end Rubbers. As it is Boom and shoes this ’ week. we will tell you glare of our other Line I!- Int-v urn-In .- Y\_ n--‘_ Of (ou rye eqnm 3": Bobcaygeon. MS. LITHGOW. Now In Full Swing \, we now throw over our Sanderdons Ilene Powdou {or r HJI'SGS. Distemper and thront troubles. Cattle Hagyards Royal Condilion Powder ' for P321 and Sheep “Herbageum or Hagyards cattle spice. Boiled Flax-SeeJ and Sulphur is good any time Now ego and don’t. have your animals raising but: backs. W\“Z\VW§V"â€"W Glossy Coats 8: Fat. flm‘mfl; fed some Condition powder this time of year Sulphur and Molasses. Gorrié’s DEPARTMENTAL STORE HALIBURTON Now is the time. Sulphur should be used by man and be: in small quantities often it can't be bent m they say when sulphur is u-ed Grippe emu slay. 1 8013' Suite only we carry with gun: D/épartmental Storo H alibu' hid uuu LuUltwnUD. Gmnd mother's remedy. be be :0: st " ETHBQTTUIVI Bo BCA Y 5'4â€" F’: h “.... ...“. Old

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