end i The Harvey Council met in the True Blue Hall on Sat. March 9th 19‘ ’5. “ embers all present, T1“: Reeve 1n the chem. Moved '0" Mr. Irwin scc by Mr. Chase that minutes be read. carried By Chase and Inï¬n that minutes be adoptsd By Chase and Hall- authorizing Ree- \.'._ and Ole rk, to draw orders on areasâ€" m; for tin: following mcounis, H. A. VOLUME 64 my; Ior the folio SLe carer, supplies .‘- cipal VVorl ‘7 0 following? accounts, H. A. nearer, supplies for Ted Alford 21.66 an cipal Worlth supplies. 22.28; " ipal \led Subsmiptions 6.40; 3-. Moore Grading 6.40; Frank uard, 80 load stone, 4.00; W. A. Ad- .ins. B. O. H. Meeting 2.70; Margar- et. B. Hail Salary for Jan and Feb. w '( E†. H . rt 1) 'l‘ :8 .C . .3. i nci i-v .â€" J 5 s: III | x r. .. 0v \ Dr Boyd reported on Mr. Geo. Eastâ€" tan and Mrs. C. Russell. He thought ‘1 am i «able to notify Childlens Sheltei ‘: Peterhow and ha‘ 0 them visit the n'xssell home at an early date. Moved by Chase and Irwin authoriz n.2' clerk to order latest édition of .é~,ses;<ox"s Guide and. have it mailed 1:,ftct to Mr. W. Shearer aSsocsor. Moved by Flynn sec. by Mr. Irwin taut we appoint Geo. Wilson as aud- ‘Zur in Mr. Robt Smiths place for cur- .- 31:, year. Moved by Flynn see. by Hall that "-ank Pluard be paid for 80 load, of Mr. Reid add1 cs5 Cd Council re road ‘1 ring made. giving access ’10 Pidgeon lake Council to consider same and I: Mr. Reid know decision llm‘ed by Mr.11'win sec. by Mr. Elynn that 1933 tax collections be ex- .mdcd until next meeting- of counc1i. 1-.-.llcctor to haxe roll completed and rm: to treasurer by April lst. Moved by Hall sec. by Chase that 2‘ E214 tax collections be extended until tax; meeting of the council April 6th .1: Halls Bridge Moved by Mr. Chase 32c . 10;. Ar :Irwin that we do new ad- .1: um to memin at Hall: Biidgc .3 s‘ri'll 6th. Then followed snadow scene enacted ;behind a screen by members of Mr. LAME WARDEN I’REPARRS FOR lAnderscn: group as poems were read SPRING SEASON by l‘vll'. Anderson. I The meeting came to a close by the Game warden R. D. Windsor was in ’singing of Hymn 6 3 “Abide with Me.†':._.wn recently. It is understzod that a land the repeating): Of the Mizpah. “not canvass is being made regarding; the possibilities of more efficient pro- mection for the fish during the spawn- 1:._9; season. Greater care is to be exercised in the rulection of special patrol. This in our (pinion should be left Vith the Game 'Warden himself. In the past it was a \\C11- knCV'n fact that the appointments were recomm- lgzded by the member who in many in- Co-cperating with the various Agricultural Societies and Fa cf the County are holding the following meetings addressed by JAMES LAUGHLAND, B.S..~\.. Fiuid Husbandry Department. t Cuelph. M. H. Win-tor, Agricultural Rspre:ent’ative and other Local Men. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED. 'Grain Varieties, Seed Selection, Hay and Pasture Crops, Smut Cont ble Fly Campaign. DAIEWOOD Ccmmumty hail PENELON FALLS Commission Ree-ms LORNEVILLE. R. J. McCaIpine's FarmWed CAMBRAY Community £23.11" BOBCAYGEON Town Hall Ved REABORO Community Hall T? SMEMEE United Farmers Hall Jas. Casey. Valentia, President. HARVEY CGUNCIL VICTORIA COUNTY Li‘fr‘ STC‘C The Vicioria Trust and Savings Campany All interï¬sted Noéége a} Meeiings Ccmmunit; Hall Tuesday March, 26th. Commis Eon Reg-ms are invited to attend thes: meetings. ASSETS â€" $8,922,826.00 CAPITAL REVENUE $1,695,000.00 A Complete Trust Service At Your Disposal Includingâ€"- EXECUTOR AND ADMINISTR- TOR FINANCIAL AGENTS A DEPOSITORY FOR TRUST FUNDS A PLACE TO INVEST YOUR SAVINGS Where Safety is the First Consi ‘ ratitn Manager, LindsaY- v' FLAVELLE - President .J. Lytle, T.H. Stimson. K.C., M.P., Vice-Pres, _ B. Beg". W'esley Wajgen, Canon C. H. Marsh. ff. J. McLaughup. C. E. Weeks c- E-WEEKS. Ra‘m‘og SMALE, Fidd Husbandry E} {ECL'TORS and TRLq I - IRO\E}11}NT ASSETCiA'i‘HL‘ n n I†v )F' ‘ w - The minutes were r€ad and adapted on motion of Misses A. Anderson and and 13. Campbell. The Presbyterian P. Y, P. S. meet- ing was held on Tuesday, March 19th, opened with singing of hymn 595, "Work for the Night is Coming". and repeating of the Lords Prayer, Mivs. {5.1a Anderson read the scripture. On motion cf Messrs W. Fulton and 0 Anderson the treasurer was instru- cted to issue a cheque for one dozen hymn books at 35 cents each plus post age. On motion of Mr. R. Shields and Miss I Anderson the secretary was in- structed to write a letter of accept- ance to the invitaion received from the Pintied Church Young Peoples League ovisit them on M. ndav, Maich 25th By Messys Shields and Munro the P1 (wramme comn itte is to be composâ€" ed of the five group leadeis namely, Mesdames W Mark, and I Herbert Messrs Fulton, 0 Anderson. J Vac- Issac and the President Miss Doris Hawke KNOX CHURCH Y.P.S. MEETS A letter was 'Cad f1om the Boaul of managers thanking the Young; People fpr the donation of Ten Dollars tow- ards the 35th Anniversary Thankoffâ€" ezinyr of the opening of the Ohm: h. Mr. Oswald Anderson group leader for the evening- took charge of a St. Patricks pram-ammo, an interesting Biography of St. Patrick was given by Miss Aenni Mark Messrs Munro and Fulton spoke brieflv and miss B. Cam- pbeil lead the Peon] The wearing: of the green" “Bk. Munro favnured tha‘ Your);r People with a violin soil) on Irish Airs. The roll call was responded to by naming a place in Ireland and show- ed about 40 present and collection amounted toTO cents A letter of gratitude was I'E‘ad from Mrs. John Grant, for the basket of fruit received during her illneSs. stances, had not the faintest cam-apt- ion cf the duties to be final but 1003(- ed upon the appointment as an opport- unity to make himself a little stronger with so) ‘19 of the faithful. The Depart- ment of Game and Fisheries were now- erless to prevent it. ns 8.00' PJVednE' sdm, Ma“ch- "7 th 10 00 d Pasture Crops, Smut Control Warâ€" ‘(ednesday March 27th Thursday Mar:- _ 28th DIRECTOI‘ Sâ€" M. H. Winter, Lindsay Secretary NEWTON SNARE, Asst. Manager. v.1 "11"“~Clubs 8.00 .) :3 )0 11m "5"" BOBCAYGEON. ONTARIO, p.111. a.m p.m. p.111. 13.111. -WJW|The regular meeting of the A. Y. P. A. ‘1 . Avas held in the Parish Hall on Monday The Independent will be glad to ' March 18th. ~ have the names of Visitors in town and ; :My. Bill Watt read the Bible reading- accounts of various social events forï¬fg-y‘m the ninth chapter of corinthians ‘ ablication in the soda} coiumn. Such‘ "The Minutes of the previous meet- {communications should be signed andjng were read and adopted, Ethe address of the sender given. I The 1-011 call was answered with sun Miss Glady’s Thornc, returned to Torâ€" ‘cnteen members present. fonto this week, where she will be under I i 1a doctors carc- ! Rev. Leach of the United Church. will address our next meeting. ' Mr and Mrs} Chas Johnson and Baby ‘.~‘p9nt the week-end in Oshawa. SPECIAL MEETING OF ELECTRIC LIGHT (IOMR'IISSION A special mccting‘ of the Electric Light Commission held on Monday evening- in W. (T. Moores office. Mem- bers prrseni F. Walker. R. A. Kennedy and Chairman W. C. Meow presiding. Moved bx" F. Valâ€"101' seconded by Mir-s .Ag nine; Atthill of the Bank of Mcntxeal Staff, is on her annual hol- iday Moved F. Va ker seconded by R. A. Kennedy that the motion of Liarch 6th regarding the Secretarys salary be revised to read one-hundred and twenty-five ($125.00) per year payable monthly. instead of one hun- dred ($100.00) dollars per year payâ€" able monthly. carried SPECIAL SERVICES Special semi: es will be 1101;! in the Bobcavgeon Baptist Church commenc- £119: Tuesda) Mulch 26th. We invite yin to com-9 and hear Rev Leander Roblin. Evangelist and violinist. On Thursday. March 28 at 8 p. m. in Knox Church. the Minister Mr. Munro, will giVe an illustrated addz'css ehtifle‘d “Across Canada" ILLUSTRATED LECTURE . $22 vicc< each mist-(ht excaapt l‘Jonday. Song: Se e2vice '7 .45 p. BROKE LEG The many Friends of Mr. Andrew Falls are sorry to learn tl‘at he had the misfortune to beak his: 13:; in four places,. vhilo skidding log-s. His many friends with him :1 speedy )‘OCO\'C‘I'}'. “If 511 “'D (Rh! E AS SOC :(Tl EN 10 111011) EETESG A meeting of the r‘ ish and Game As- -<(':ciati(m will be old inthe Council Chamber on Friday 1 a1ch 22nd. All interested please atend. I’I'BLlC MEETING A public meeting of interest to the farmers. will be held in the Town Hall, Bobcayg‘ecn, on Wednesday, March 27th at S p. m. Mr. Laughland will be present and trim an address on field crop extens- fun \\ ork,. “.121 VV inter and other speak- ers will also be present, and will speak .m the control of the Warble fly. LOCAL WILD CATS DEFEAT SQL’AW RIVER PI'DDLE JL'MPERS The senicr team here clashed in a hattie of the so called hockey to prove that one boast was bet’uer than the uthor on Wed Night against the Squaw river puddle jumpers and gave a very :ood exhibition of hockey considering the practice they have had. cz‘l all winter and with the result he got one goal and had one disallo.ved. In the second period he scored 2 goals and two were disallowed In the third period the team opened up and gave a good exhibition of combination with the result being the team secured 5 more goals. In this game the ccach of the local iunior squad practiced what he preach- The winter is over and our next move is soft ball. Will Edgewatcr Pavilion have a team? . V Are the rumors right about start- ing- up a league with the surrounding towns? Six hundred bushels of potatoes shipped by the Boys and Girls potato ciub at Nominin'gue, P. Q. to Montreal sold at 18 cents per bag over the cur- rent market prices of their high qual- ity and uniformity. Will the Churches have a league? AND MIDLAND COUNTIES HERALD eiwï¬gis ONTARIO ARCHIVES CANADA, THURSDAY, MARCH ‘2lst 193 ,- TORONTO 3 1 Regular Meeting g Anglican Ycung People The regular meeting of the A. Y. P. A. f The regular meeting of the Unite 1 was held in the Parish Hall on Monday Y. P. S. was held on Manda}; evenirig‘ March 18th. lMareh 18th. lea-tine; opined with h;-.'â€" .-Mr. Bill We. ttread the Bible readings 1:111 133 fol lowed Ly pra‘ver by Mr. fir-n1 the ninth cnapim of cminthians Leach Sc1iptu1: 1255011 1.1". 5 taken bv The Minutes of the pre1‘1ous meet-fArthui Leach A \ci-y pleasing solo ing‘ were read and adopted. ï¬ves ï¬ngered ‘m 3115. Xicltol;. Miss The roll call was answered with sev- ‘Gi‘a'ce Crave then read a poem Hy 11‘. enteen n1 embeis present. '234 w; w, >LG r after whilz Z‘Iiss D01 0- ReV. Leach of the Uniteï¬ Church, thy Pziehaid favoured vith a solo will addiess om next meeting ' j“Whe1e the Ri'viz'Sha01ion f10w~" A Mi'55 Jean Lancaster then gay'e a veu' humorous Irish reading was gixcn most interesting- 3.11d~educat2 ona-l talk. by Mifzs Amy Cosh DJ“- LCD-Ch then The remainder of the evening» “asigace the topic on Life and Work of spent in games. iSaint Pat: mix. A Piano instrumental, The meeting closed with the Nation- 5 “Come Back 10 Erin," “'33 given by al Anthem and Benediction. jliiss Jean Staples antn 146 wa- s 11,. land Mr. Loam l: d in playel. Con tn sis i." {were enjoyed by all, _.Mr. Bill Watt read the Bible reading: {git-m the ninth chapter of corinthians The Minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. The late Mr. (Earlier had been Ev- ing in the neighborhood of Bobcaygeou ‘ Tor the past seven years, coming here from Nerrin Centre, where he had re- sided far twenty-five years. ANDREW ALFANSO (TOULTI‘JR '1' here passed awav in Harvey Town ship, on Tuesday l‘Imch 19th, a .er linuwn resident 31' 1h;- person of And-- rew Alfanso Couhev, in his 78th year. The late Mr. Coulter had been ailing: for about 9 year: and the end was not uvoxpocted: He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and four sons;Percy, Bartlett, Clifford and‘ William, and txvo daughtersâ€"Min nie and Irene, also two bl‘OthGlS, Bart- lett, of South Vcrulam and John of North Verulam. and three sisters, Mrs A English, of Bobcayg‘son. Mrs. Curt- is, Peterhoro, and Mrs. Jos. Forrest, of South Verulam, Service was held at his late resi- dence on Thursday, March let. RevM B- Gil‘iion,i officiating; . Interment took .,;-:a y‘Ve‘t‘uIa'm (â€n N.- Y“ - 333 . q, ï¬t?“ - . On Wed Feh.1 41:}. the Girls Auxii- iary held its regul .r fertnig'htly :1 et- ingr the Rectory. The meeting open- ed by singing hymn 517, after which the President? Iiss Jean Latrsa stcr 12d in prayer. T 1;- I3ible wading: wa< taken by Misr; Grace Vatt from the 5315: Chapter of Isaiah from the 1 to 12 verses, The minutes of the last meet- ing; were read and alopted. â€The. "roll call. bring“ a text from the Bible foll- owed. I' ' z : lespcndefl to b\' fourteen rcmbers per esent. The, treasurers zep- ort was then read and adopted after which the W. A budget for year 1935 ms road by Miss Barbara Cross. Th": nmcting was brought to a close by the singing 0f the Girlh V'cspcr and the Benediction. Fisk} Crop Compeiition Juab» AAAAA ‘1... ...... H CREDITORS and others havinglfrmm their breath claims against the ESTATE of JAM‘istiIl‘fawchcr ahcw ES FARNET WEBBER, late of thegé'lap ihis 1e2:d “ Village of Bobcaygeon in the Countyibn Reloh Gordon ;of Victoria, Garageman, deceased, who; â€V ‘ Edied on or about the Twenty-eighth __ iday of January A. D. 1935, are hereby! Enotified pursuant to R. S. O. 1927, GAVE HIM :Chapter 150 Section 51 and Amendingi His father onc< $Acts, to send their fully verifiedted his mother, /‘ statements to Messrs. Frost FrOSt’I'Sh‘aps and a piec Barrisers, Lindsay, Ontario, on or be- ; a boy who might fore Monday, the FIRST DAY of'ISO I gave him th: 1.4me A. D. 1935, after which dateifalo élevenï¬ar- the Admiziistrator will distribute ,theifrom a non-rel estate havmg regard only to the claims 'to fit right here of which he glggstEFeiéigvgggtci'cre. 'country n e (ids is ‘ ‘ " more morality; n Temple Building for depression I: ’ Lindsay, Ohmio- The churches ar ' -’ -. 9 -. ‘ ‘- ,1- "8211’:me i0; Charles Joscyhgand the papers . ' ' 4-. . , . V5 ebber, Admmxsaator of Ethelr welcomes. tn-e estam of James Faxemia horse to water Webber -â€"â€".a- ..i.......... .- ._.__._- The \‘orulum A::1icul‘uia1 Societv l1 <‘1'e d (idcd to hold :1 Standing, Fiell op Competition in Barley this 39211, â€ac-hr competitor must sow not less than th"ee acres with registered seed .-.egistered seed can be secured 1111 ouï¬â€˜h the society at about 1.26 1321 bus. An entry fee of 50c will be charged each competitor and the prizes will 110 paid as follows 81? 1 81:1, 811. $9, .17, $35, $23 and 32. V 6131.3 AUXELMRY NOTICE TO CREDITORS Obituary 3 Ottawa. March 13.-â€"Proclan‘.ations Sare to be posted in every post office in 'rClanada proclaiming May 6th, Jubilee iDaV, a public holiday, it wa ‘5 announc- ied hole The King’s proclamation has 1been sent out from the sscreiaiy of .5 I State Department. Next Monday vening, March ‘25, the Y. P. S. of Knox Church will be with us and will supply to programme for the evening. May 6, Jubilee Day Proclaimed Holiday United Church fWomen 0f Sudbury Y. E’. S. Meeting Protest Dionne Bill In connection with the jubilee the Bank of Canada revealed that it would issue a special $25 bill to commemorâ€" ate the 25th anniversary of King George's accession to the throne. The Government has already ann- ounced issae of a silver dollar descript- ions of which were reported lart month. Detailed description of the new bill was not immediately available. Fix. Playaflff. Rates “ Ta 0pm H. H. L Series Montrealâ€"Thc Toronto Maple Leafs meet the Boston Bruins in Boston eith- r March 22 or 23, in the fir=t game :f a three out of five series for the National League Hockey championship and the right to advance to finals int: he Stanley Cup playdowns, Frank C'zl‘ (ler; president of the NHL. announced The next game will be played at Boston March 26th and the third at Toronto March 28. The remaining: two if necessarv will take place at Tor- mto March 30 and April 2 Dates for other playoff series will 17.: settled lat- The local School made tho . Lind. ~15" sqdad sit up and take notice (‘11 Thur- sday night, when they clashed in the much cow “etcd “1.1Ncw1nan’;-t Trophy The local boys wzre gyped out of a couple of goals due to too many gaol umpirfs. In the first 'half of the rare Jack Kennedy shot away in the leal like an arrow out of nowhsre and had his op~ ponents panting so hard the wind from their breath seemed to push him still farthcr ahead until he had gained a lap. this lead “7215 gained still more by Ralph Gordon and R. Bick The Iccals were outclassed in weight as many of them were off the Fronchy Colt’s team The players were â€"G. Cosh, R. Gor- don J. Gordan, Ace. Nichols. J. Thibadâ€" ea ,’ Cleary (\gndl'ozLR. Martin O. L-oucks, Roy Bick. A. McCullum. The same night the local relay team brought home the honor:- of defeating Haliburtont W'oodville Lindsay, in a relay race,. The relay tsam ~was band- led by Mr. Mosure and the bcys put on what Hort Nichols calls a power play His father onCe tarred and feat er- ed his mother, ’oftcn beat her with straps and a piece of hose. So claimed a boy who might stand under your arm So I gave him the works said this Buf- falo eleven-yeapold. A new; dipping from a non-religious» source seems to fit right heie. It says. What this countiy needs is not more money, buté FOR SALEâ€"Dry Wood apply to more morality; not mcie specific cures Hartman Brock, Phone,3 2R 42, Bob- for depression but moze spirituality caygeon. The churches are open every Sunday‘ and the papers genezously announce FOR SALEâ€"- â€"Door Whippet Sedan‘ their welcomes But though vou lead P.01tab1e Underwood Typewriter: 1 GAVE HIM THE WORKS ESTABLISHED 1869. Sudburyâ€"While the sentiment is not unanimous, the majority of members. of Le Federation Des Femmes Cana- dienn-Es-Francaises here object to the Dionne Quintuplet Guardianship Bill because it gives the guardianship of the quintuplets to the government, it; was shown by a telephone poll of members of the organization taken to- day by Mrs. . F. Lemieux. president. Prefer Individuals They prefer that the children be made wards of selected individuals. It was found questioning of local mem- bers on the matter is not yet complet- ed. but it is estimated about 100 Sud- hury women are telegraphing their objections to Premier Hepburn Some state they are not conversant with the iwhole situation and will not express !opinions. ’ FLOL'RISHING BUSINESS Four bandits‘ flourished guns hold- ing up nine gas stations and one car- conduct‘or in Chicago the other day; If Al Capone would turn preacher what. could tell such misled groups. The gov erument'has had an uncanny way lat- ely of puting the final flourish on most of those who strat‘ this way, Why the new ones 2’ The principal business in Canadian canned- “ï¬ts and vegetables in Scot- land is in solidâ€"pack gallon apples and Baltlett pears. FISHER STRAIN YEARLING HENS EIGHTY FIVE CENT FISHER STRAINâ€"LATE HAT- CHED PL’LLETSâ€"ALL' , sum; 'NINETY FIVE CEN'is These birds are all from blood test- ed high record hens, 200 eggs and ov- a. Sired by R. O. _.P Cockxc‘b with dams record SflOI‘ll 200 176% eggs Just the bixd: to use as bleeders. Have also a few Fisher White Wy- andottes to sell. We carry a complete stock of SNETEB {SEAR STORE DON'TS DON’T PUT ASHES IN COMBUST- IBLE RECEPTACLES. DON’T BLAZE UP FIRES WITH COAL OIL D Kâ€? STEP OFF SIDEWALKS WITHOUT WATCHING THE TRAFFIC. D N’T TRY TO BEAT THE TRAIN TO THE CROSSING. DON’T TRY TO GET ALONG “’ITH- EGGS FOR HATCHING â€"â€" From bred-toâ€"lay Barred Rocks and White Leghorn Hens. Apply to W. C. Kimble R. R. 2 Bobcaygeon. Phone 41 r 12. OUT INSURANCE. If you have a record for safe driving, you can save 20 per dent. on your premium FOR SALEâ€" 11 foot gate, and. 2 window frames.â€"Geo. Turner. MAPLE SYRUPâ€"Order your Maple Syrup from Robt. A. Bradt, R. R. 3. Bobcaygecn. FOR SALEâ€":1 â€"D001 Whipnet Sedan; Pmtable Underwood Typewriter; 1 Set Single Driving Harness. Apply is Dr. Boyd. Pipes, Tobacco and Cigars Consult: J. LITHGOW.’ Insurance Agent, $1.59 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. For Sale ï¬makes R. Shields Bobcaygeon, Ont. K. GRIFFIN Bobcaygeon