hlx‘n one? r213“; uh) he- 1;: An £2212:an .n Inli'u invented a tiger .1; If: «1 thha woman. The only 1 1v1-- “3 .1:1 1' N 1. Mat WhE-le they get one ' -: 11 1.31.- 1121;; {110'} :md half a dozen n ('hlt wh waggon :1 economic: h Hid )r (1mm ‘nnn brinfl'iA m uh: it did a. big thing by 5 1 m r, 'g; 1- :zmcis Train‘ .‘or a debt. '1‘: :2»- 'mt them by writing an I up a, d' 1'â€)! um 01’ something, 4qu the value of property . .- ,-»'~‘.’»':nt}' million dollars. in: an agnnt ofLouis Napo- htter wa: at Wilhelmsbohe, ,- 1 £1 >:1 nutc- wasbom withaview, \giv. n. rmking it the residence Empv: 6r. 1 the water gets ;. :1 ;.- -n<n.tinn 1"! -P t-Ll'htf‘en b0! . Efllmlv on thn b0 4 them by 8 d .m.â€"_ Steamboa n I L1" m» ever Bobs; geon Markets. «113nm. given a short time w '1 wk. the names of the guests, ... viw-zr 1,1..095 at the table, were :rzmw-z- builoons, which were « “m: {4513. bemg fastened to k. ,9. 0“,. m the stem of each per- 'iL “ Immor. shmont w mint". harmful Quinn, of Pennsyl- ;t :11. hit with but, missed her, mrlinz which he attended her w nwx: day. She never had lived }. :Iu'l wwm't used to it, so she K hwrrvlf IO «hath. ‘48 says he qr-l warse about, it if he had kill- m- 100 lbs '1' 100 lbs“ Lindsay Markets. . Th: ‘Vrst etter .' aim at; :{ \VmLm: \'t.. hitched his team It v 2" «anding on the track. and :1 hwnr'mu <hnp to take some- mu in- thought ho heard some- «1 imking up the track saw a win muving (mt. in the rear of ~ :1 “-hir-lwsind. composed princi- mx‘r-s‘ tnil~z wnggon wheels and "lfht‘l'. All he saved out of his nont was :1 fewhnrse shoes and a. me. He says pasts are the most :11 things to hitch to. t thn 051th is growing small in twu thousand million I 3w nurhing left of it. This "'13“ wlm are continually li'nling to thinking. They mil tho-y 32M: this world nar- ~ people will have to move nf‘ t'nt‘ tm‘rors which beset m.) virtuous members of Cumminion is being com- ir :0 bring writtpn up by hiugthn cox-respondents of ',"‘!'s. Thny are all alive Lter g9t~10w we areg going minn from Steubenville, in» 01: Pumps nitro- glycerine m the huttum of the river. by a drunken skiff not. 4:9:zrnh0nt men say their my“ every time they pass p:r1001bs.. . W r bust mew wrnte )Ir. Greeley for n r: {hing geese- for market. H» “I Is no trouble at all guâ€"l ugh “ore nor, weaned ~ xv ~ they should be allow. Thu 0111 00“: and suck at. hwms :0! out an inch or “:11 he hardy enough to mu 1m- lnalké-t. -. m m is hung for funf Eu ",fr' Ming szot out M" or- m- 1::- hanging hzm vu- -u they cut him down «’i thv," had better get. take his place as his me 1 enough (,0 play that. u~L go to Washington; «mud the White House. proudly forward anIn- :md tin-delirium tremens will 10 well enough, but M-fm‘e thgyb rag mfl. :1 hpathen Chinee mm. and took a club §‘:1\\:I_\~' and she has n «livoxctf‘. How quick :11 thw rudiments. He _v r-.~<man Bowen and . \nmple. hoping to be 11:: was sent to jail in- !) Better real estate is xiw‘P‘nlliltiVG put-pases, t» rantinn the case of vim a few years ago 2'1 in that city for a um! is wm-th a million min htw hue-n gathered { im’t worth a. con- mated in a Chicago wxz-l y-Hn' address tn =‘.\~-.. ynn light 2! ï¬re an 1.-: rntm'e take Unli~htwss to buy a. tmrf {90th Pvident :Il‘ 1‘- ~::\r ni< mme b?- Hing pn'hlic. 1: 0? fashion in Salt. thorn are not men making it necessary nnkmg 2t necessarv n? “omen should nnd do nothinv. IV the matter by 1 snv‘ié‘tx the mem- in“ I\\ (th9 Wlth z-n 'vnt nwn are ti'L1-'k.and refu=ed Ymk mrnner is “H 1150'†what to u $1 30 'lplusinn. 1 10410. 2‘ m- address aSl All will hold its next session in Taylor‘s Hall, Bobcaygeon, on TOWNSHIP OF VERLUAM commencing at 10 o’clock a. m. Wanted immediately, a. girl to do gcncml house.work. Apply at the Independent ofï¬ce. The subscriber, having just received a. con- signment. of NEW PRICES! of this year’s manufacture, offers the same At 11inch Lower Prices in stock as usual. The highest pnce paid in cash for eggs and butter. FOR (DA-ASE}: having made up his mind to discontinue the credit system of business. A general I assortment. of 3 Fresh Groceries PETERBOROUGH. _._._-0___ NEW FIRM Cmcerées, ‘ 3c anti“; :onnf intend- 1'1-t I1-*: 11hm “â€113de an . L‘IK! {UL‘ u>>wlllxl= 111 Of Monday, the 24th day of Aprih The subscribers beg: to announce to the in- Pale and Dark Brandy, Port and . . ‘ ‘ ,3 . .Y . f . -_ habnants 01 15001115211011 111d \1 mm tha ‘ Sherry H (Ix/’3, 1101’de and Old Hwy hum con mung-1.11 business in \11 Clux- ~ ‘ Inn‘s 01d stand, I’ctcrboru’, “here t1: .1" Mal To)?! HIV. INN] spreral 110“ 0}) 111111; .huir 1 i [m '/ //\' 0/ II lll'.‘~'/1€!/- FIRS'I‘ NE“ 181‘05/ 1‘ ' Ham-:31": Pen}. 531;?! .Q' 1:210:591‘14 DRY GOODS; which was bought under most favourable cir- cumstancas, goods being so very cheap in the markets at the prcSL-nt timv Th1 y int ud to do a livL-ly b'" sincss, and nm of} th- -i: goods rapidly at a light proï¬t so as to I“. p cun- stantly nn hand They Win offer mrc incluc-rmrnts tn ('lIanln- ers frnm the back country who may visxr tonn to lay m supplies. Fresh Fashionahic 6.00m. JOTICE. The Municipal Council of the CHOICE DRY GOODS, Yemlam, April 4th, 1871. Bobcaygcon, April 13th, 1871 0n Mummy thc ï¬ftc nth Ila.) m“ Way 11 x! tin-11nd rsigncd will apply to th- Juduu n the said Court for a discharg- und- 1' th- 5:1 5: ;\('t. Dat d 8.! Lindsay, in thv (‘mmty of Victm thls 281)) day of Mn rn h, A. D. 1871. EELS 0 KB -.\T bv DE.\\ISTUU.\ M 'ILD“ PT'W‘ Th:- Court of R Avisinn for 1h- T-svn Y2]: . f Sum-wills for th * y M 1871.1vil 1.. i: 1.9. in thL b‘thfl P101133 1) ar Mr. R Hi 1‘s tn 19:1- day 12th dm of Mn} wmm n in; ..1th hm A. of 10 o’clock a In. All 1);“th intLr studar: hereby requested tn take noti e, and gov m themselves accordingly. (By 0111a,) Bobcaygeon, April 6th, 1871. Thc IDSOIVt‘nt has mad .i< E\‘t3lt" to m -. and th--( d t0 mvz't at th: Plan-~- v1 “Iv -nt., in th : \‘illngx- (-f 'nunty of Vlvtm in. n" Fri \,:rIl. A. U. IRTL u! . 11 ¢ wn, tn r.:. vi" still 11: .nd to appoint an Assign;- The Court of RL-vision for th: Municipal Corporatlon of the L'nitvd Townships of Snowdan and Glamorgan, will be hsld at th: School House, Suction X0. 5, on Saturday thv 13th dayof May, commcncing at 11) o‘clock a. 111. JOHN R. CALVERT, ‘ Township C‘wrk. anwdpn M’aroh 27th. 1871 5-3“’. .L Canada, } In the County Court Province of Ontario, . of the County of County of Victoria. ) Victoria. In the matter of WILLIAM DUMBLE, An I Insolvent. On Monday, the ï¬fteenth day of May next, the undersigned w111 apply to the J lldgv of the said Court for a disuhnrgu under the said Act. _ ‘_ . _ any .. Dated at Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, this 28th day of March, A. D. 1871. WILLIAM DUMBLE, by DENNISTOUN k HUDSPETH, his Attomys ad litem 5-5w. IRL WASTE? NSOLVEN‘T ACT OF 1869 In the matter of EDWARD B. TELLY, NSOLVENT ACT OF 1809 Lindsav, April 1st, 1871 Canada, In I?! ( Provincu of Untario, -. nt' L11:- Cuunty of Victoria. J Victnrm. th - matt‘ rof ENOS (. KEA'I‘ .TOTICE. Cluxton. Henderson Cluxton. ‘ctcrimrough, Marv}: [$71. 4 Sommvillv, April 4th, 1871 Snowdcn, March 27th, 1871 NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. OURT OF REVISION. MILLIXERY, mxrms, M, iAMERTEEWm-E NEW OF FANCY AND STAPLE JOSEPH BROWN. than usual GOODS I I“ THOMAS HO‘VIE, Township (‘1‘ TR .-n- Township Clerk. GEO. rm (IQ TELL)» ; thl- '9 An Inxnlrent.i Wiii h \VLUD BICK, iLrnmvnt ntv 5-1y GOODS! New and Fslnionable IIA’I‘S, B'ONNETS, CL04X33§S9 )IAN'I‘LIES, FLf)‘ 1812.8, F‘EHL'I‘EIISRS, 850., Terms Siriefly Cash 3 New . a Jud J F as}: 2'0 72 a?) le GROC ERY Intending purchasers, wanting really Plaster Clover Seed. \VhL-h xvii Also a fuw MANUFACTURERS, 1i. I Boocaygeon, B()}3 (3;,X'1' (ï¬rEON. I‘iiiS?â€"(7L.\SS liiLLHRD TABLE. th ‘ ‘ ()yst hand BGBL‘AYGEGN. in HE undsrsignvd has removed his Law and (V‘hmlm-I'y (um-cs to the Rooms over Mr. Jaunus \\':x1mn's stm'x‘. ('nrncr of Kmt 8'. \ 'il- Iiam sum-ts. south sidv. Money to Loan .11; long or short dates, nn mortgage socurity, at 8 pm cont. Farms and Town Lots for sale. a 11 IIours. A1} partxos iudslltsd to James Dykes, late mun-hunt of Bobcaygunn, are n-qucstcd to call and Scttlv their accounts at Mr. Alex Orr’s, Bobcaygcon. Eï¬ï¬xi e13; Ear:=s§m:ll'alat, TWO DOORS NORTH OF POST OFFICE, as I intend to sell with such small proï¬ts that I cannot afford to Give Credit C. BB 1’~.E‘J-‘IEL]J.'4 next door to the Post Ofï¬ce. the Millinery rooms Will be found can be suited by calling on C. BRADFIELD, 3 sum of Revision. Bobcaygoon. March 23rd, 1871 Lindsay. Oct. 28th. 1870 Bobcaygeon, March 281b, ‘. ext receivcd by thg Subscriber a complete Stock of .ETERBOROUGH, Ontario. Tuner and Jowett. Propriotnn. \\ AND liquor Store I :ul mu 1)\' f‘n -B:n' wiH h- fulln'l supplied with - mt \\'in s, Liquors audcigars. Fresh Lubstms and Surdixus constantly on 1{ E .‘I()V';\L. fresh from the s, {Mi-Fish S; Hackerel :1 LA‘ h XV 1‘ 3{ CAISSE’S HOTEL, November? .b cl'TO. VICTORIA wï¬â€˜rrvd (m f-wnurthle terms. ls of WHITE BEANS. in) will b".- sfrictly udhcred to FOR PRODUCEW .‘H‘IL’N (.‘UISHULM. L 11w. :' w 115- 131mm; ‘5 Ston- N otice. d a quantity of ï¬rst-class :lt‘ 1. 22ml, 1371 nth-s, in th; County m: pans of the Town- 'Inriw, Cam: right and rum}.- nf Durham, and 1M 'l‘mvnships of Ops, "‘minm, to thee \‘illzxgo ('mmty of Victoria, m lands, and lands of pull): in tin: munti rs nf ,rznd to :z 7: igumatv '1: u ms nith other ‘° Wriiiam. JAMES DYKES. I, 1871. 4 E. BOTTUM, JAMES HEAP k. a. m. m “cqucst‘wl to s :ucording- MM}: Cl: 6 wks Pro]; rietor 3-tf. 11-1yr Mayor on, (m. W' The subscriber begs leave to return his sincere thanks to his friends, and numerous customers in Bobcaygeon and surrounding“- country, for their kind patronage bestowed to him, since commencing' business in the Village, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same, by paying strict attention to his business. He would also draw their attention to his ï¬ne Fall and IVi/zter ‘ is superior to any in the Village, all perfectly new, and made in ï¬rst class establishments. is also complete. All customers and others may depend on a perfect ï¬t, and good satisfaction given. THE GREEN WE) ERQEKERY DEPARTMENI is now complete. All cash paying customers will do well to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All goods sold .CHEAP FOR CASH" He has also added the Boot and Shoe trade to the rest of his business, which will be sold strictly for cash only. Please call and examine for yourselves, no trouble to show goods, no fault found if you don’t think ï¬t to buy. All parties indebted to the subscriber, either by note or book account, will save‘ trouble by calling and settling at once, as his obligations are such that he cannot dd Without it, any longer. All kinds of {armors produce taken in exchange for good. . _ â€" A cv‘vm n‘v A Stage will lcm’c Lindvny ever}- lawful morning at 7 o’clock, and arrive at Simp- son’s Hotel, Bolwnygcnn. at 111:30. ('Olnluct- ing with chthorn’s stage from l’ctcrlmro' at 2 p. m., leavcs B1.1l11:11)'g1-1»11 at ’1' p. 111. A Stage will leave Bnhcaygenn for Minden emery morning at 6:30 a. 111.7 111111 arrive at 11 o’clock a. 111. A S we will leavu Mimi 111 for Bnln-uygcun at 6:30 and aniw at l ubmygcon at ll 11.111. A Stage will leave Bahrain-an for Lindsay (v1: 1v dav at 1:30 p. 111., and arrive at Lind- . my 11t’ .1 p. 111. AL}EN'I‘S.â€"-H“11thorn. 11511-111. I‘c.1~rl11,ru‘ ; Simpson, a1 B11111: aygvon: l’1r1111kl 1111‘: at 11111111 Riwr: Lenrv 111 Minrlvn . J. McKus- kill. \\ ox‘kman‘ s L‘vil'u 1', Lindsay. Eilldsay. 305333533. AND MINDEN. Fun: and Praia-ht Reasonahln. All kinds of Freight Curricd. Parcels at ownm’s risk unless booked and paid for. Ladies’ and (:hantlemens:9 Hats and Caps, the largest and best stock in the Village. Also, a large Early R090 potatoes per bush Choice- seed Potatoes FOR SALE. Goodrich do “ 5!) Harrison do “ “ 5!) A few hundred apple trees: grafted, at, :5 (-ts. each. If required. ban-013 will be furnished at 25 cts., cotton bags 50 cts., and linen bags 25 ct‘s. 9‘“ . \0r‘v." v\1‘1 nyâ€" The snbscrihor of'vrs for mic. (1123p for (11:11, Lots Nos. 8 and 9 intlm 4th cmnm-xsi.m. and Lots Nos. 8 and 9 in thv 5th mrzm;<sinn nf flu: township of llimh-n in Hm rullnl‘v m P :tm'hurngh, situnhd nu (2:11 1mm; t'unr mih-s from flu: villagn of Mimiwn. (tn Imt X“. E) in the 4th con-1w Ssh-n. thun- i< :I Slvl‘fll- ditl mill site, and on Imt No. 8 imlm .111: mm- vession, there is a largc l'x'umv burn and a ï¬rst (-Iass two-story 10;: housu. Two of (11.; [Am have upwards of 20 acres clL-arcd, and than: is a (-1-. amnce of about 12 nun-s on {llhlt-II'T. Apply at the Independm! l‘rfï¬w, m- to FREE GRANT LANDS OF CANADA, BKMHHflrHMHJWAHmâ€"fln wavy/MHNHOxHHdrH. MHHIHrHL FI‘.‘ MUSKOKA PARRY SOUND, A D scription 0fthc Climate. Soil, Timber, Sc :11 xv, Crops, C. Hmts to Emigrants Illustrated with a. Likeness of the Author. a. view of the Grand Falls of Muskakn and n Splt‘n‘did New Map of the Frcc Gm nt Dis- tricts. 85c. . PRICEâ€"In Paper Cover, 50 cents; Bound in Cloth, $1 00. SIZEâ€"Dewy Octavo. 30 01' cent. discount allowed to the trade. All oxders to be addusscd to tlu “holesale agent, Adam Miller Esq.,11 \\ e1- 1ingtunStrcet,Wcst, Toronto. Ex-Rseve If the Um'Ied Towns/zips Qf Draper, Macaulay, Stephenson, (j‘c. A Histmv of the Early Sett] ment. The Advantages, Prngless and Dev slope- mc-nt 0f the Districts. The Stage will leave Bobcaygcon every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 o’clock a. m.,and r_etm:n thgsa) )_e eveangn _ Fair modal-ate. Parcels at thevrisk of the owners unless bodied and paid for. BRIAN GI’NIGLE. AND FASHIONABLE LOT OF TWEEDS Bo‘ncnygcon, Feb. 1 Minden cï¬' Bobcaygeon. Rokeby, Oct. 2 o,th 1870. ° ’ FRANCIS mm; Snowdon. Mindnn 1’. 0 Snowdon. March 10th. 187 . Lindsay, Oct. 20th, 1870 031 PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE OF BI‘SYI FARMING IN THE FREE GRANT DISTRICTS 0F IHE Undersigned has private funds tolvnd. on good Mortgage security, in sums ul‘ un,nnd ugwards. Loans ncgtmzm‘d fmm r -::l wompflfléS. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO . l S'FA(§}E Lands for Sale. )Ioney to Lend: May 2nd, 1370 Royal Mail Stage Just Pubiished. READY-MADE CLOTHING DY THOMAS McMURRAY, J. P. STOCK 0F DRESS GOODS, Armed' NeW Goods. V A NEW WORK, ENTITLED TUE BETWEEN BETWEEN JAMES SANDERSON, LIN USA Y HUGH W0 KMA‘ P. (‘lI\.\I.\’GHAM. st, 187 J. W. DUNSFORD, IO-tvf Lindsay worth examining. His stock of CNS. 3 Prnpricfnr $1 00 3L-lf THE HANDSOMEST, THE MOST CAREFULLY CONDUCTED, A.\1) T HE iCHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPER THE WEEKLY GLOBE. THE GI.UI‘.I£P]HX'I'1.\'H(‘(,)MI’.»\.\‘Y grate- fully ark 11()\\'lcd_:‘x' flu: suppnrt uxtcmlcd to their sen-ml pm-Iicatlons throughout the Irngth :uul I‘m-nth of Canada, during the past year. 'I‘uwntnsvwn wars have rnllml bysincc tln- cstuhlislnm-nt uf Tm: mem in Tnmuw. From its ï¬rst nmmu'nncv to tlu- prvscnt hour, its prosperity mni inllurnm: huw- 1mm always udvum‘ing: but at nu tinn- has it cvm‘ bcfnrc h« M an ï¬rmly, 01‘ S0 unis :U'Iurilyy the posi. (inn univm'sully vmlculwl tn it, as the lL-ading m-wspnpwr or British Alm'rim. 1 , ,, mu- 'l‘hv impwwrm-nts rvccntly made on Tim WEEKLY (1 mm; haw. iimncusvly extended its popularity and vin-uiuiinn: and the publish- crs (“Ullï¬dl'nfly claim that it is not only the must widely virvulutod Journal in British Axuvriuu, but that it is D111 i11<*th': cuming V1 nrâ€"whi1l1 is likclv to brinu' with it most i1111111r1111111 111111 1.xciting cv- 111’s aï¬cctingr 11111 political and 1111111 1111.1 in:- 11111111 111 11m 111111111111111â€"1111- Editorial and .\1\\s Dupm'tnu‘ns will continue to be sus- 11 1i111~1l \vzi l1 1111- 11l1ilitv11111l vigour that have guinwd 1"111 U11: 1111111- 1' its 1111-51111 1111si1i1111. A 11- -li11l1 l1- smmnan 11ftll1- D1 l-mtcsin 1111: Domin- 11111 PM“. 1111 111 and 1111' 1’111\1111111l 1.1-gisl11- 11111-5 will always 111,- {11111111 in its \1'111-l1ly 1:111- 11111111“: 11111ltl11-111-11's1'1'1111111ll11ar1s111‘1l1e world will be published up 111 the 11111-51 1111111 (11 1111l1li1'1111111). That 111m grim-n sm-h universal satisfactlon this y -:Lrâ€"amll Hm! is m-kmm lvdgvd by i wry [Ewmur tn 1w :Llnuu Wurth thv subscrip- tiun [:riw- nflhv Impvrvâ€"will ‘n- maintained in I871 with Inulimiuishwl intcrust undcra stiil 1mm- (‘Hit‘ic-nt mm m' L-diturs and com-s- pmnln'hts than hwt'nrvr. SEL’ERï¬L HEW Aï¬ï¬‚ EXCiTING TALES, ‘l‘IIE AURII I I FUR \L DEP \1.T\IE\'T. 1"†n all Hm“: nf tho wm'.1<l will receive nn- remitting zith-ntinn. ll'vmy (Iquu‘tmcnt of 112“ pain-r wiil lac nulintuimd in tin.- highest statr 0f «‘lii1:i«:n(‘_\', S/W'ial Telegraph Dispa/c/zes, JIM- A'et lie/unis, Prim Current and General Com mew-17a! Intelligence Nutwitlmlmuling Hm grq-at cnlargcment and impmvvmmf of the \Vlil-ZKLY GLUBE that have recently lucr‘n madv, tlu: sninsr-riptiml will (Tmtinuu to lye only TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, Payable always in advmxcc-â€"und thc follow- ing will be the Ahd each additional chriy over Ithirty, at One Dollar and Fifty Cents; ’ EQDLARGE PRIZES are given in parties who get up Clubs, '0, li§t qfw’n'ch will be sent to (my one who will apply jbr it by let/er or' personally at {he Qflice. Anyone 219a! liberiy to get up a Club on his own rtmp0n.vibil£fy; and flmse desiring to do so, should send at onccfor (1, Circular showing the ferms. A Club of Five Copics, aria year ..... .S 9 00 D0. 'I‘vli d0 . . . . . . 17 00 D0. 'l‘wa-nty do ...... 32 00 Do. Thirty do ...... 45 ()0 Building done by ï¬rst class and experienc- ed Workman on the shortest notice. JUST ARRIVED I A Large Consignment line-h Club paper shall he addressed separ- ately, and may be for any Post Ofï¬ce. Orders and Remittances to be addressed to WILLIAM KENNEDY, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, c., BOBCAYGEON. l’a‘i‘tics subscribing (in {Clubm'othcrwisc) before the lst January. 1871. will have the paper sent to them up to 31 Ht Dec-ember, 1871, on payment ofa. year’s suhsvription SPRING SUMMER BOOTS. THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, Bobcaygeon, Fcb’y 17th, 1871. THE LARGEST, ON THIS CONTINENT SAMUEL JOHNSON. CLUB RATES FOR 187l SAMUEL JOHNSON. JOHN MTKEPL Tonoxm, W Will be receiving by ï¬rst arrivals on OPENING OF NAVIGATION, and other Seasonable Goods. large quantity of SII:§.\V.LS, CIJOITDS ()IV’C Si“.‘LRI<‘S, TEAS, SUGAR, OR TOBACCOS. Boots, Shoes, (her-Shoes, or chasim 0r Amt? “gin l‘lsv, Go Tc) . I. Junkm. N. B.â€"â€"In order to keep the machine running he nms'. have cas f our‘e ex ects it from those indebted to him. ando c b p .I. .ITNKIN mamm- “on 19th. 1870-. 43 Brandies, Port Sherry Wines, Jamaica Rum, Hollands and 01d Tom Gin, Whiskeys, Ales, and Dublin Stou’i, Herrings, Codï¬sh; SCOTCH AZVD IRISH ï¬IALI; Navigation Open. TWEEDS, FULL- -CLOTHS FLAME-2L3, BLANKETS GREY COTTONS ‘V’INCIES, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS! Special Notice. Rokeby, Dec; 12th, 1870-. SELECTION C Bobcrwgeon, January Web, 187] W. B. READ HENNESSY, DUPUY AND PENETS E’rroceries and {liquors Every atte‘ntion paid to ,oqstgmers. A call is respectfully .nliciwl. If you want anything really good and cheap, in a Full Assortment of The Subscmber invites attention to hii Stock of Slap]. JUST ARRIVED, .\ CHOICE LOT HF NEW TEAS, Wholesale and Retai Special care has been boRtOWrul in the And several other bands 0 on: JOIIN .AITII IS- .