The following is from the Aylmer Enter- l fan's.» .- o" A mtlwr impnrtant muse is about i in come lx-l'nrc- the courts in Kent. with : Lw-ferunce l0 xhe Great Southern bonus by l l M. It. appears tb'zt after the bylaw had ; lug-n Manama by the majority of mi Vutc-ra in the county. some- «li.~«;losurcs l warp made by wlnch it WAS obsm-vt-d that} the milrmul would not be of :u much bone- ‘ ï¬t to the county as was anticipated. and the Cc‘nncil, therefore, became le’i¢'9(l 'upun the third reading and ï¬nal passing of the by huhâ€"tho- question lnnging upon the vet» 412' 0m- mmnber. Finally. Mr. rum: <61". m ’)r"l‘,'r to harmonize nmflmï¬. nu-l ss-curo the eighty thvmsnnd dollars be» fund a po'mnlvvmure. Offered thi~ memlmr SUN) 10 vote for the ï¬nal passing 3f 11w. bv-law. which was accepted. 8mm after Mr. Thmnp-nn learm-cl tlmt this man - - - -_ -n.......n “.1 Mr. Thmnpmn learnt-d- that this man mum not be depv‘nded upon afth'an. and tbs-refor» made- hiln a further gram of $2.9). M. :hw mac-ting of the County "mm ‘1] how 'hi': gc-nzlo-mnn Was un. tavnithï¬ly -~--:-.* and the r’ésult was that .1“. n- );m- “an vols-d down. Mr. Thomp- 3)!) nu“? 1.250." men, the wife dau hzer. In lindsay, on Sunday, the 23rd inst., Samuel Davidson, Esq, aged 75 years. Fall “ heat . . spring Wheat. Barley ....... (Mt-'3 ......... Eggs .............. Putatm-s (nrw) . . . Flour. (L3H) pet Mn] l-lour, (Spring) do 51y, per ton ........ Pork ............... Pram: . Buttrr Full \Vht-at, prr bushrl Spring Win-m, ~* Flour, (fall) ’6? hr! . . . . Buvkwhe-at Flam. . .'. . lirlttvr antn Prime Muss Extra Pï¬mc Hides, per 1‘ 58¢ Lard ......... 'l‘alluw ..... . ........... hrcssrd Hugs po-r Hm lbs Macs Pork . . . . '.'. ........ Hay B()13C;\‘YGI<3()N. The subst-ribcr l'cspt public that he has ten w'mrh has just I’m-n bnil ‘ev! and ï¬ne-d it up in g ‘rr-ly upon obtaimug h'I}' “POI nu mlntion At Dunsfonlville,_ tht'ir mvut WI ark-y FIRE 1381' RANCH “HIP.“Y. l‘llE MARKET VALVE OF THE STmi'K ur‘ 'rms L‘HMI'ANY ls NUW 3:30 1 ER VENT. »; lurm-l; lvnyuud the-ir r m hut kuthvr of th pm: ~': ‘ . . w fur months. many 3 u‘ztlili .~ was}. xxx, »- \. rriy {rum drunth, Wm q prw'tiï¬v mun-v u? tin-s. The bu<im~ss m mirt'nmpany bring 'W‘ltï¬lhd to farm property and drtachmi rc-sich-nuâ€"pa mu- lusxcs by light- ning Wcre very lurgvâ€"dnan‘ Umn- of an} funnvr year. We paid during the yo-nr 14.3 lussv.~ by lightning alnnc. Our unï¬m [0550‘ fur the yn-ar were $162.250J‘H, an inch-351' u: about $45,000 mw-r any prm‘i‘mis year». But ‘ nutwithstumï¬ng the large inch-Me in our lemsvs‘the NICK-amt? in our busincss has en- ablni us to add about the usual aver-agenâ€" mnunt to our surplus. It may not be out (-1 place hm: to take a n-t-ruspect of our busi- ness for the lsmt eight years :â€" January 1st, 1863, the amount of our surplm above capital stock was. . . . . . .3 45.572 79 January lst, 1864, it was increased to th- aumof......... ..... ...... 67,807 62 .nn Ann ‘- “L" ‘ \ bv - law I'ii nun: v:........-...-.. 1865, ....... 103,077 173 1866, ....... 150,221 20‘ 1367, ........... 202,038 94 1868, ........... 255,136 14 1869, ........... 306,006 50 1370, ........... 387,714 78 1871, ........... 441,358 57 This last amount, $441,358.57, with our capital of $100,000,00, make-s our assets at this date $541,358,57. It has been our rule in the past to make a dividend to our Stock- holdcrs to the amount only of our interest and rents. I think this policy wise, and should be adhere-d tn in the future. The in- tcrcsts and rcnts of thc Cnmpany for the past year, amount to the sum of $29,927.30. I would recommI-nd that a dividend of 30 per cent upon the capital stock of the Company . .A 5‘... be declared, which will only exceed the amount rcccivcd for interest and rents the run 0! $72.70. All of which is respectfully submitted. The above. most favourable report must satisfy the most incredulous that the Agri- cultuaal Insurance Company of Watertown, N. Y., is the strongest and most reliable Company doing business in Canada. It has deposited with the Receiver General of Cana- da $68,000.00. It will accept only non- hmrdous risks. It will only insure detached residences in towns and vicinity, and farming u Aâ€" AAA prnimv murm- (1 "Company being ’Id dvtat‘hcd rv-sidq in: were very la: ipts 0f lisuflmus nvmlly t rr'sxucuuca In W" uc “In“ Vw-_--; , » propeny. It never can lose to exceed $5,000 in any one ï¬re, as in taking larger risks they immediately minute the diï¬erence in some other good Company. Its rates are the low- est of any Company in the Dominion. It is a purely Stock Company, and every $100 of its stock is worth $350, being our twice as much as that of my other Fire Insurance ‘ Company doing business in Canada. Address on communications to the Agri- cultural Insurance Company, Kingston, Ont. Losses in Canada payable in Canada Cur. Bobcaygeon Markets. Clifton Hotel e fmuul can :51 \Vint'S, Li _ Mrals ‘35 Cu smming is always ï¬n at rum-n :zntl mlvantagv U v was won wings an Lindsay Markets. r 100 "Is 100 lbs†m THE BAR ‘ .wnll. 3!. I ., as pl‘t‘m'uu‘: ', lunuxu‘y 1|. 1871:â€" â€"â€" l m- \ car just « law! has In“. vnv Iur l‘in- lnsumnn-Cumpamix.â€" runghuut tho ( mmtr)‘. lhc n - : mun} huh- uut lmv-n 1mm than le-v'l th Er Eusiv': and «mu 1150. . A SI'L‘(,‘E.\'\'FU I. ille, dn )Io'n'lay the l'hhi 0! Mr James Bell, of a. BIRTH. r rcsprt'tï¬lnv hï¬â€˜nrms the has n-ntc-d the uh‘:)vc Imus.-s -.-n built. and having mrnislz- Lp in gnu-«l styh-g guests may mum; mixnï¬mablc ncrnm- DIED. unstantly supplied with the Liqnurs mu! x igars. l Innrisk will ï¬nd it t In putruuizr this catnhlisl )l'! action sofas-anon 4% new)". hrst class, and a carcfu WI. T. FISH. Agent, n; Arylxm r h‘m , N13 \V G()ODS -Inf . w» is nhmnt ........... ........... ............ .1.ct {mm $GC AI. icultural Insuranm .‘3. Y.. as prvsvntv: to reéover tliis { H comma, 051‘. l‘ l? LLY Sâ€"tf $1 3:, 35 30 55 5h â€(I U .J‘ next door to the Post Ofï¬ce. \‘In the Millinery rooms will be found New and Fshionable glLvrs, ‘ BONNETS, CLOAKS, \IAN'TJ L31 8-, 1« Loxv ERS, FEATIIER‘S, c., f i ,}OODS! Intending purchasers, wanting really New and Ntslzz'onable Terms Strictly Cash 3 HARDWARE, IRON STEEL. DRAM-11:8 [N White Lead, t'oiors, \‘aruishes‘ BOBI‘A “,4 E03. {ha-Agentsfor Stover’s Lubricating, â€â€™00! and heavy Engine Oils: Kenya/Is Sled, Saws, Files and Edge Ton/s: Lure Leallu'r and olï¬erjirst class manufactures. Our friends will always ï¬nd our st‘ock {veli myrrh-0|. ‘.\'c- :m- nuw n-uciving from th« mmmfun-tuz' -rs, spam-s, shnwls, hm-s, su-ytlu-s. snaiths and other :agrrit-ultural nmls. murtiu mui rim lurks, hingus and hullst' trimmi'ngs â€fall kinds. grim! vlvur sash from T y, 9 h 1‘3 2 10;; rm'pvntvr's. carriage mukvr's :uui cmrper‘s tmrlx, millv. right’s :mgvrs, whim-ls and guugvs. A grant variuly of m-w ï¬shing tarklc. baits, rods 8w. priws (m Mmzdny, the Hun muh-rsignvd the suit! (‘uurt fur In th Bobcaygenn, anmber 1870. wary S‘at'flai‘m 6‘; (‘55., lint-W! at Lindsay. in t)n-1,‘n1‘.nty‘nf Victoria. (his 28th day of Mara-h. A. D. 157!. WILLIAM DCMHLE, by DEXNISTUL‘N 3; l-Il,'l)Sl’ETH, his .-l{torncys ad litem 5-5w. ("1:11:1thy ) In the Cuunty Court Pr0\'ihc:- uf‘intm'iu. ,of the County of County of Vivtm‘in. _ Victuria. In thc mutter-of I‘IXUS U. KEAT» 011 .‘T_« u .v 3: .Liu tiftwnth (lay ofMay next, tlw uml.-rsi;.:xml will apply to the Judge of tln- said Court for a. discharge undcr the said Act. Dan-d m Lindsay, in the ( ‘onnty of Victoria. thls 28th day of)!“ rel), A. D. 1871. ENUS 0. HEAT, by DE-‘.\’ISTUI'.\' 3: HUDSPETH, lu's Attorneys ad litem NS(1)L“\VENT ACT OF 1869 “JUST" ARRIVED z A Large Consignment All of \lexvh we will sell in thc lowest SPRING 81 SUMMER BOOTS. HE undersigned has removed his Law and Chancery Ofï¬ces to the Rmms over Mr. James Watsun‘s store, corner of Kent Wil- liam streets, south side. Money to Loan at long or short dates, on mortgage security, at 8 per cent. Farms and Town Lots for sale. JAMES HBAP Thnrhanv not 99th. 1870. 35 NSOLV EXT ACT OF 1869. All parties indebted to James Dykes, late merchant of Bobcnygcon, are requested to call and settle thcir accounts at Mr. Alex Orr’s, Bobcaygcon. JAMES DYKES. Bobcaygeon, March 28th, 1871. 4 BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, c., BOBCAYGEON. I intend to sell with such small proï¬ts that I cannot afford to Give Credit. 0. BRADFIELD. n W Building done by ï¬rst class and expenenc. ed VV orkmen on the shortest notice. Bobcaygcon, Fcb'y 17th, 1871. 50 .I. In the matter of EDWARD B. TULLY, An Insolvent. I, the undersigned, S. C. Wood, of the Town of Lindsay, have been appointed Assignec in Creditors are requested to ï¬le their claims before me, within one month. Oils, (1‘: lass, gï¬ c. Lindsay, Oct. 28th, 1870. HI NSOLVEFFACT'OF 1869. Lindsay, 22nd day of April. 1871 GEMINI". S'I‘ETHEM 00., fresh from the REMOVHAL. [MM )li'l' HRS 0F WILLA}: KENNEDY, the_ï¬ftvvllth (lay Hf Many lh‘xl. -d wxll 3|.p1y tn fln- .ludgu- m‘ [m :1 di>chnrgu under the saif Sign nftlu: (‘russ (‘m Saw, Ui‘nrg‘w “flu-wt, l‘rtvrbnrollgh Notice. JOHN AITKEN. S. C. WOOD, Assignee .«ln Insulrcnl 5â€"5w. m CHEAPEST nmpmo Inn vunnn nun -- ~u--- _ rHE BEST WEEKLY mum $ A m m this use or progress the mom 1nd T231! have ' APAPER T0 SFIT THE TIMES THE TELEERAPH Stud: Unrlvaued peers. as minced and ever max-eu- I: oxen mducementé held out by no 00 Medium of Intelligence. ITS snoozss 1.33 UNPREGBDENTBD! BECAUSE IT IS TIES Brilliant Baum-lab. Reliable mm Reports. Telegraphic News, from an parts. We}! Selected Agricultural mat- ter. neporm oi’ the Legislnmms. Reli- gious Intelligence includes a Sermon by 3 Popular Divine every week. Charming Fashion News. English. Scotch and Irish -i ., ‘¥.__ -_II -0 EVERY ISSI'S (703'TAINS THE WORDS AND MUSIC 0“ .l POPULAR BALLAD, 0|! SACRED “SIC SELECTION. A rol- on: DOLLAR. you get rim-TWO fleees of music. worth 830. Thu “one 1.; worth the price oLsubscl-lpuon. Read our Splen- did Bookmamh Ind Sewing Machine Premium List. Wm smeuox £01" noolé lb: 11mm svnscmms : FOR 45 SUBSCRI 5155.15. i $32 LOCKMAN SEWING MACHINE For 60 Subscribers. flan Sewing Machines won) awarded 1st Prue over an other: at Promcm Exhibition 1:: Toronto October 4th, 18 70 MUSICAL SELECTIONS! .s Whï¬?!.f°if’fï¬.Yf’ff’.’..‘.‘.’..‘¥.‘.?‘: 3: -.. Subscriptions sent in new count I!!! end bf 18'!!- I’OI'B’I'El-ZX MONTE? SIBSI‘Z‘SPé “0N F0“ 0}; E DOLLA‘BX 5cm} [at Specimen coples. AGREES, Read our PL): Int.“ 1151'. in the DAILY and “1:22;“ TELEGRAPH. A liberal cub commisslos to Cmvusers. 1112 DAILY TELEGRAPH. $55 PER yam. “Muslim, post-paid "lu: C‘um‘tvf Revisinn for the Municipal (‘urlmruiiun (If the Unitvd 'l.‘u‘.\'n:ihlpï¬ of Snnwilen and (ilumorgun. will lw held at the Schunl House, Suction N0. 5, 011 Saturday the 13th day of May, nmunum-ing at 10 o’clock I'll-Dulvu uv n a- Ncws. Foreign-15;;_iii3 brim full of Sparkling and Exciting Stories. and lit- erary and Poetical Selections. Notice is hurcliy given that application will he made by the Corporation of the town of 1hnvmanvillc, to tho Logislature of the Provincc of Ontario. at its next St-ssion, for an Act authorizing the construction of :1 Railway from the waters of Lakv Ontario in the. Town of Bowmanvillc, in the County of Durham, through some parts of the Town- ships of Darlington, Clarke, Cartwright and Mann-rs in tho said County of Durham», and the Town of Lindsay and Townships of Ops, Emily, Fem-ion and ‘Vcrulamt to the village of Bobraygcon in the County of Victoria, thence to the Government lands, and lands of the English Land (‘ompany in the counties of Victoria and Pctcrboro‘, and to axialgamatc or make running arrangements with other Railways. ‘1 A" or!!!“ This is to forbid any person purchasing or othcnvisc nogociating a Note of Hand for $60, made by Simon and Jane Cullen, in ï¬xvour of Thomas Steele, Sn, dated March 13th 1870, and due one year after date, as the said note is lost andpuyment stopped. THOMAS STEELE, Sn. JOTICE $25 Celebrated Lockman First Prize Sewing Machine, 7 Form ydur Clubs for 1371. The subscriber has a. thoroughbred Ayrs- hire Bull, which he will keep for service this season. Terms 81,0151). ,_‘ _-- A ‘cmv n17 Snowdcn, March 27th T. Clerk. Bowmanvillv, March Vcrulam, April 18th, 1871. WINDATT, Vemlam, April 20th, 1871. A School Teacher Wanted for union school :0. No. 8 Minden. Second class. Minden. April 10th WFEAND LOST. Apply to TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. AyrsTnire Bull. NOTICE. Robertson Bunk, JOHN NOICE, JOHN GAINER, Trustees. JAMES CAR. SUB'SCRIBERS. JUHN‘ R. CALVERT, Tuwnship Clerk 27th, 1871. 5-3w. JAMES WANTLEY, Brandeston Farm. 90th. 1871. 7-4 w ' mom in 003v by m wondnrml 1115 Popularity. 22nd, 1871. 4.6 W .1871 F. CUBITT, Mayor. iosortm STOVES AND TINVVARE. The subscriber begs to inform his thst he has moved from his old st next dam to the Independent ofï¬ce. keep on hand a much larger stock t1 of the latest designs and b9 ti quality.» which, like everyï¬xing else in iii: establish ment, Will be sold in the L0 'BST PJSQIBLE PRICES FOR CASH. He Would also intimate to persons who intend putting up stores 01- dwellings, that he is prepared to Lake contracts for cO'vering their buildings with the i i chimneys and burners always on hand, and as cheap as they can be obtained anywhere. 33$†Particular attention paid to putting up EAVE-TRUUGHS, and all kinds of . REPAIRING executed neatly and promptly. 1 1,._.;:-J All (.5 nn..é 100 BOX PARLOER 5L “NPR “ " S'E‘0V F? which is but little dearer than shin 1 ’ ‘. - last _9. hundred years. g es, ls luhlcl, and, Ilia Stock of T INW KRE will be found very complete. not usually fouqd in Village stores; and as he uses made up under hm own supervision, he can conï¬dently Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, * Boots and Shoes, Ready-Made Clothing, Ladies’ Gents’ Hats, 810., c., Coal Oil and. Coal Oil .Lamps, Prints, Grey and White Cottoiis, 1 Hoop Skirts, Ladies’ and Gents J C‘..-_.».Aâ€" I 7-2in is superior to any less variety. P HIS STOCK OF CLOTHING imheys and burners always on uuuu, an“. a. WW, .V- V , 3%†Particular attention paid to putting up EAVE-TROUGHS, and all kinds of EPAIRING executed neatiy and promptly. A lot of Scythea, Rakes, Fox-ks and Hoes to be hurried ofl at cost. E225. B'utitérï¬nd Hides taken in exchange, and the highest, market prices allowed. 77* ‘___ ____'_ _ is also complete, where all persons wishing for clothes :1 perfect ï¬t and the best. of satisfaction given. As 1 to do a strict. cash business, all may depend on and examine for yourselves. TERMS UASII. Bobcaygeon, .Lprll 20th, 1871. egal’lease call and settle your ac Produce 01' all kinds taken in exch: Lindsay, Balacaygeml, AND MINDEN. A Stitge will lcaw Lindsay ovary lawful 1 morning at 7 n'l‘lhck. unxl urriw m Simp- son’s Hut-v], liolu-aym-um ut 1033“, mmmrct- lug: with llmtlmrn's surge flour l’g-Lcrlmru‘ at 2 p. m., lvm‘cs l‘cnlu_-zlyg(~nn u.“ "I p. m. fur Minder: A Slug!» will ln-uh- “illu‘uj gram and urrivu a! awry muniing at 6:30 u. 112., 11 o’clock n. m. A Stugu will leave Mir/{don for Bulrcuygcon at 6:30 und arrch at Bulwnygcon at ll 3. m. A Stage will leave Bulwaygon fur Lindsay evury day (It !:30 p. m., and nrrh’c ut. l'ind- say at. 5 p. m. AGENTS.â€"He:ntlmrn, agent, Pctcrbom': Simpson, at. B‘olwaygmn; lirunkluu't m Burnt Ri'wr; Leary at Mindvn; J. Mclius- kill. Workman's ('Btï¬Cv, Lindsay. Innproved Snnpson, a1. nmuugpmu , § ‘ ' V Burnt Ri‘v'vr; Leary at Mindt-n; J. Mdius- l hylvmhd I\cw Map uf the Frcc Grunt Dis- kill, Workman’s (:flin, Lindsay. ‘ ‘rlcts, 85c. Faro. and Freight RUuSOhflth. All kinds { ' l'RH‘l'Iâ€"Iu Paper (juror, 5-0 Gems ; Bound of Frcight Curried. Parcels at'mv'm-r‘s risk Incloth,‘¢'{ 0.), unless 1““)de and paid for. SIZEâ€"Dcmy Octavn. HUGH WORKMAN, 33 301u'1-Ccnt. ‘d'imfmiht aï¬owéd {'0 the P. CUNNINGHAM. trzuqu. All ordvrs to In: addre's‘SÃ©ï¬ in t1)!- Bobcaygeon, Feb. 15f, 1871. wlmlcsalc agent, Adam mm, 1551]., 11 We]- Iingtml Stu-ct, West, 'l‘ornn‘t’u. Rnkehy, April 17th, 1871. HE {Index-signed has private funds tolcnd, on good Mortgage security, in sums uf $200, and upwards. Loans negotiatcd {rum several companies. THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT Spring and Summer Goods, Minden cf: Bobcaygeon. The Stage will leave Bolmaygcon every Tuesday, Thursday aqd Saturday, at 6 o’clock n. m., and return the 88.) re evening. Fair moderate. Parcels at the risk of the owners unless booked and paid for. BRIAN GUNIGLE. rt of Revision for the ‘Towhship of 80:12:33: for the year 1871,wi]_1 be held if) the School House, near Mr. Reï¬ner’s, on Fn- day 12th day of May, cnmmepcugg at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. All puma? Interested are hereby requegwd to take notxce, and govern themselves accordm‘éIY- (By Order) rant-VI! n B "A1171â€!!! Bobcaygcon, Feb. lst, 1871. Bloney to Lend Z BEAVER Hotel 8L Restaurant, BBBCAYGEON. Meals FIRST-CLASS BILLIARD TABLE. ‘g- The Bar will be found supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Fresh Oystiers, Lobsters and Sardines constantly on hind. l-tf Somenrille, April 4th, 1871. Royal Mail Stage HURT OF REVISION. May 2nd, 1870. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Boboaygeon, March 232d, 1871. The undersigned isdnow receiving daily, DOORS NORTH 0!“ POST OFFICE, y in the Village, b'oth in quality and Style. Boots and Shoes in end- Persnns wishing can: have a. complete outfit. without going to other places, at this very Izowést Price, For Cash. BETWEEN CONS] STING ()1“ Vhite Cottoiis, Dress Goods of the Latest, Styles and Good Quality, lies’ and Gents' Cottmi Hose, Gloves mid Ribbons, Ladies‘ Trim- med Summer Hats 01' the most improved Styles. BETWEEN THOMAS HOWIE, Township Clerk. Bylwmgnn fm Lindsm '- A D« suipï¬nn of tlu- (.‘linmlw, Soil, Timber. .,m:d nrriw at. l â€h - Sw-m 1y, t‘ I'vph‘, t‘. ‘ i }11ntst4nlu1:xig.-r:ults. pm agent, Putt-rbom'; ‘; Illustrutul “ith a Lilu 110% of the Authm v-,gmn lirunkhmt m ‘a How of tin (Emmi P3111501 Mliskokn, and u 'n'+ \Iindu n' .I. \IcKus-l Splwnlid \cw \Iap uf [In Free Grant Dis- form his numero‘us customers am: we punuc geuemu, his old stand to the shop late-1y occupied by Mr. Walton. en! otï¬ce. where; having far more roomy premises, he will :' stock than ever before. He has now nearly all HOurs. W. DUNSFORD, lO-tf Lindsay DIOV ANDR 15“? ARNBERG. E. BOTTUM, Proprietor 187! . 34f. your accounts and save trouble and costs. in exchange for goods at the Cash Store; ,ml very complete, embracing many small articles %3 ; and as he uses the best materials. and has it he can conï¬dently recommend it to the public. Iron liooï¬ng, Proprietor wishing for clothes made to onlcr, may depend on .ction given. As the subscriber is detox-mined , may depend on getting goods cheap. Call TERMS UASII. mom ï¬nACTIcAL txrsmuxcn as BUSH Hamlet; 1.\' TH»; 1mm: mmsr ms'rmms or MUSKGKA 8: PARRY SOUND, Eplx‘cuvc 13/. (/M ['m‘hul Taurus/tips qt' Draper Macaulay, Stephenson, «jc. AHisturv oftlu- llarl) Settlmumt. The Advantngcs, l’mgnss. and Develope- mm at the Distxh ts. A Dvsvripï¬nn 0f the (.‘linmlw, Soil, Timber. customers and theï¬ubljg‘ gg'qe‘rally GROCERY To which he invites the attention of intend- ing purchasers. Hotel-Keepers will ï¬nd an cxhnsivc and choice assortment, of Pale and Dark Brandy, Port and Sherry W’ines, Holland and Old Tom Gin, and several brands of Whiskey. Herrings, Cod-Fish Mackerel Plaster 65 Clover Seed. Which will he Offered on favourable termsÂ¥ Also a few bushels of WHITE BEANS. The cash system willtbc strictly adhered to and, if painted occassionnlly. will Kent street, next door Store. Lindsay, May 12th, 1870. Cou’i‘t of Revision. Township of Verulam. The ï¬rst sitting of the Court of Revision for the Township of Vcrulam, for the war 1371, will be held in Taylor’s Hull, Bobcaygeon, on Monday, the lst Day. of May Just Published. next, commencing at lO’o’clock, a. in.) of which all partiesintcresied are requested to take notice and govern themselx‘es according- Verulam, March 22nd, 1871. Staple Groceries, ISY THOMAS McIï¬URRAY, J. P. ‘armcrs "ï¬nd a quantity of ï¬rst-class his immense sto‘ck ‘of received by the Subscriber a complete Stock of @0581! FOR PRODUCE. â€˜ï¬ JOHN CHISHULM. GRANT LANDS OF CANADA, A NEW WORK, ENTITLED THE AND Liquor Store ! S.‘ JOIINSON. (By order,) VICI‘URI A S; JOHNSON. to Mr- Browne’s Stove GEORGE BICK, Township Clerk. 71. 6 wks. 7-ly ll-lyr will be found a choice lot of Prints, Brilliants, Flannels, Tlckiugs, Denims and Summer Tweeds, Canadlan Cotton Yarn, Clothing and A superior lot of Fresh A full suppiy‘ of Naiisj Spikes, Glass, putty, Window-Sash, Paint-S, Oils‘, Brushes, Locks, Hingesa Chains; Ropes and other snelf-g‘nm‘L:5 Gâ€"ODERICH SALT. or shOrt approved credit... Cheap fOr Cash is now fé'céiving his A large amount of money to loan on improv- ed Farm Property, fer any term from three to twenty years, at greatly reduced rates of in- terest, on application to ) We B. READQ Dnlnnnfnrnnfl Am‘il 28th. 1871. Will be opened out in a few days. Brandies, Port Sherry Wines, Jamaica Rum, Hollands and Old Tom Gin, Spring Bobcaygeon, April 28th, SCOTCH AND IRISHMAL]; And several other bands of: Whiskéys, Ales, and Dublin Stout, Herring's, Codï¬sh, c. GROCERIES AND LIQUOng SELECTION C Family Groceries Rokeby, Apï¬128th. 1871. HENNESSY, DUPUY AND PINETS Gh‘oceries’ Bobcaygeon, January 19th, 1871. Every attantion paid to customers. "The Sdbscï¬b'ér :iï¬â€˜ï¬tcs fluent-ion to his Stock of Supi- JUNKIN’S JUST '. of Fresh Teas, Sugar, Tobaccos,- Flour; Coal Oil and 1“ ARRIVED, A CHOICE LOT 0? NEW TEAS, are now arriving, and Wholesale and Retail. anti Summer Goods Special care has 56911 1708110ch in the Stock of and fresh usual large supply of and Liquors I Joï¬‚ï¬ AITKEN. A call is respectfully nolicited.