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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 19 Apr 1907, p. 1

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ileum dock. cations ‘ than: h ”cording” mg, or onda. p must be out- }:her, and dress, counted. Fr; . III-rug” see. man. 6 mm. m “clots of .d L. 0‘”. mi.‘ )0“!- LA-.. ‘ Lye. “anion-l tndrpmdtut, m': “meats a: which wm Advonbemenu nah. I.) for the pun-mo; Ing : living. Don's "1643 mm ‘OVILLE QERVXCE Mmgm ' nod BRITISH »! yoursrl! with aibililies of our 'c, Aiming, For G such as nail bought in our I place next to LY FRIDAY. INE booked apply w uy old st0ck to Lindsav. mew M odds. humble Shae: 'of them {run the newest and I} .08! durable ES. HERALD I ha 5.2mm a :0 "who wrote that ?o groopmtor. 2:: . 3'! stop on to. hold I»; bgdboomontion uvnroot. Man can on ‘ E RT Special re INTER. RATES '3 Sunshine of shoes is dc ling. on) E! 3 0.13.300 A 115° am I: nbaoquen: 22¢: lo the ORIENT um tools to lot the winter 1 Shoe Man maze," hem y-ripzito of the 7M3 nu: his BOBCAYGEOX b. one”! M column of ten 50¢ Baths" and SI. mod. Stray Cut]. tour mutton: 0) mild ell” it Bobcaygcoa who need >38 :ldmu E~ ‘uxonlo to . ddiz'éfcb ndsay. Sunny: “43‘!" P t l IJ'L,E b ”U “M i ER F300?! b‘n d nef Int. I Attend a Reliable Schooi "nil-lxcn's No 1 Grey m h curl, were 8.; (‘hildrcn's Urey IAmb (Ioflars any curl satin linad . V , ..............$4 00 (key lamb \qufs. round or flat .. $4 soto $600 . if L‘v f’clcrboro, ()‘xt _ Grey 1 anflifl .nmtlcxs. iurlmed kid {red ....... .... ........... .....$4co M DORE J ACKSON_ ARRIS'I'ERS. etc. Solicitnru, (or the BCounty or \'|ctorm;und the Bmk ot Mont rml. .loncv to Loan on Mortgage at town-l current rates. Otfiucs. William St“ andsay 1“. 1). Moon: Aux. “exams FRED A. CLARKE umco {15 Water St. tank. Moncv so loan at low-st rates. terms to suit the borrower. 031088 N0 6 William St, south, Lmdsay, Ontario. u. U Horxms, BA KRIS n23, Solicitor, for the Ontario I )AXmXSI‘ERS, Notaries, kc Money to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to sun Borrowers. Officesâ€" On corner Kent and York St.,Lindsay. BIRTHS. MARRIAGES. DEATHS hr‘rt‘by noufim thn negiect to register Births, Mun-rings! Baths within 30 can auijcu the offender to a Fine of $20 and costs :or me}. oflence. 'l‘ho inuructiona 0! he Dgpnltmrnb are to prosecutcin evuy 1“ 1C I‘ufcnizr a vhcnl tlmt i~ known {or its thorough work nnd is: situated in PeterLoro .» of {hr Ira-Hug mmmfm-turing cities 0! Canada. where the bookkeepersm in de‘ un! “'1‘in for parricvlnrs. We me satisfied to give the public urn profits. W: wi‘l lakc cost for my "VCR. We must have the 'nuncywand now is yuur timc to gain” end oi the i".::ricr. Alaska. 51b}: Mum, Inge shape, "mud, deep, fnii furrcd. I‘lvderdowr. béds, finest quaiity. were 8X4 so ..A..\O\\'$nso - ...o.-. . c. l 111') (‘menne.. beaxtifu‘ inl'med, full skins were $1- ~ 5 of choice designs Wedding Presents F. A. McDIARMID .ULRISTER. Etc Fcnelon Fulls Monev to loan Registration Notice. '1‘. Srsw ART. ’ESSISTOFS. PECK. KERR STEVEXSUS Barristers Solicitori Fur Profits ONE S'l‘E \\ A RT U'CON NOR. Exceptionally The Pubhc 740W xclueiw Hath-r and Farrier Residents of Bobcavgeon, arc Patent Medicine and Jewelry Store combined. Tm Attendance at The l’eterbom Prices t 31 Special Bargains all WABNE BROS. : HAS. E STEWART. LEGM. ATâ€" fifhe gobcayge HOPKINS. L. V. O'Conoa 3.A. Has increased every year under the present managemen _ .71... _â€"ulâ€" South of Richard Hail Son‘s X0“ NOW '38 so Lamb Parannono nzw'r'dl' {,1 0’) I‘m-:55 being done for its students 1 MOLAUGHLIN, PEEL a FULTON Ayer's Sarsapnrilla (81.00) . . . . Robinson’s Tonic. none better $1 The beet Sammtilla ($1.00). . . . Hood’s “ (81.00). . . . Beef, Iron and Wine (81.00). . . . Symp of Hypophosphitea ( 1.00.. SPRING- MEDICINES CCT RATE prices Here are :gme reliable preparations at lucchuniuxim ();w1:ltiV:,d012c in NH i'l)‘ HST Lindsav On: I." wnrk L mot-l Api‘2H1V‘5d um: Incr. and wannntcd. [)I'Z‘S'L‘IS'l‘a, LIKE-SAY \‘xsits L'nhcnygcon. Kenoslm House, the Frat urrl Third Thursday of each month. DR. NEELASDS it IRVINE. ‘. , BOBUAYGEON 0mm hours 9 to 5 4 .\1'l:IS"1ERS Solicituri Nutmics Eta, ‘ {dune-y lo loan Lindsay Utficos own (Hummun lizml‘, Huhc‘mgeou Uffice ‘m ‘h‘O W 'l‘nIH-u’ s liuums ucm Post Office “1101-: :1 ll:"‘"lb:l’ uf tin. nrm Will mtcnd uh.“ Monday from 12.30 to 4.30 p.m Mr Goo. lmlm “in rvceiveinstruc: ions 3:: :mp'za 1’ m: n tdn: ing the week. '5. J. Mcr.;.tmn.xs. .vc. C. J A Pam. A, 31. 1": mun, 3 A. DR. VOGUE. DENTIST. L l N DSA Y oxfice nearly opposite Poet Ofllce Spam? attention given to Children's Teuth. HOWARD V. POGUE. D D.S. Id). 5 En Srzcumc. tiNDSAX'. R R. MILNE. I). 0., Office 93 Kent st, ovcr Ncins Shoe more Special attention given to examining and treating the ewe with proper unsen if reâ€" quired Bonn 9 tr‘ 1?. a m, '2 to 5 p m or by appointmenz. CHARG ES MODERATE. Univeritv and Boys! Calluge of Damn! Sur- geons. All branches of Dentistry poxformed According to the Latest Improved Methods 3.: Moderate Prices. ........ ‘ _...._ Dnannmn'fl snore. Calhoun 5: DENTIST, X‘enelon Fan. Gndunto of Toronto oFFICE â€" over 1 BYE, EAR. THROAT NOSE Rowan-10 s. m. :04 p. m. Oman ma r3001: smear. Pemboro Dc‘mal Parlors nvc-r Gregory’s Dmg Store. (Turner 0! Kent and William Sis. We have the latest and most com- plete line of Work Harness. Double and Single Drivmg Harness, Collars, Swaat Pads and evervtblnz you want to put. on shone. We igvgo you, in to get on anvnac. n. ...V. V i '7 our low figures. Collars of our own make are known throughout the whole District. Ham] ess We have In connection the best livery barns in town. First-class horses and fig: Competent driven furnished when dented. JAMES HILL Graduate Royal College of Dental Sur- goons o! Ontmio. ..-Dnn-\\v Special Bargains all this week at (R. F. A. WALTERS. 11. M A. FALLIS LL fi'Isrr LINDSAY EVERY FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAY 0? THE MONTH AT Smpsox HOC“E. â€"DE.\'TIST.â€"- Honor Uradnutr, ‘l‘nrunlo University. HES HILL Bobcaygeon Ovymfitr Skating Rink. Phone ,\’n m S. J. SIMS. DENTIST. MCC [' LLOUG H over Burgoyne'a Store. Colborne I); Lnlxg0w‘s Etor W. n . 6139553, â€"Dl~l.\'TIS'l'â€"- CO SSULTL‘I‘IONB BEHTISTRY. PETERBORC FENELON FALLS Principal Uflice over .‘lr Peterboro LINDSAY k’Chm'lotte St. Peterboro. New House, with all modern conveniences Convenient to Stations, and the centre of the Town. The most comfoxmble $1 50 a day Home in tin- l’rovmce. fly "â€"â€" -77 Formerly the Nations PETERBURO. therâ€" new tnmamm 365:2! don a-y Mfg, menu. 8mm honed. electric light. at... a sample rooms. The Leading resort of Summer Toumu. Boucaygeon people and vicinity will be trusted with particular attention and con- xderation. Moe Bus to uni from all Trains. J. A. LAWLESS. Prop I. PETERBOROUG t1, ONT. Leading Hotel in Tom: ’l‘nislmndsmnc new “mul is fitted up with lerL-trér: Light, Buthrhom, Iu-t ard coliwatvrmul all mmlmn Impmw-mums, Large and cunvx-Mv-nt ('mnnurrt-ini I'm-ms, Good Stalin-s. l'mlll‘lllm' ultnmnn gu-en tlw Bar Hm -m n: Par,â€" Ihc but to be prom m l . .\ ._.»A--..-n.v The Naca to spend happy H N Benntl in (he hulls wm 111. Links, l‘crms o‘d‘ay. -â€"â€"- cwly built, nx-wly furnished I spring WMtu'r (mutant) in lrnnt of e. The lws! bass fishing In th- Brmtiug, :auhinz, Tennis, (jolt Ease Bull, are m be. ohtzum-d. :--SI 5‘) to S'.‘ pur thy. Wliu- am! noun: m-como-mion The largest on the Lukea 3'. A Blank !t APPLICATION FORM Market Sq-mro ovaflmkiu: the River Otcnabee. [mPSOH HOUSE, JOHN \VABREN JOSEPH MEEHA‘N. AUCTIONEER â€"LINDSAY~â€" NOWDEN HOU SE. Satisfmfion C unt) of Victoria ‘-A.A-‘-----lllil\- - Andi- I; Good term of 100 acre: tour end a he.” miles from Peterboro. 80 acres in high new of cult;- vetion. good Brick House. 2 large Bank Burns and other outbuildinizfl. good stock and grain farm. price $4,500. Will sell stock and machin- ery if dashed at. correct price. CHEESE I' ACTORY ghee” Rectory in good section of country thh frame dwelling and stable. Separator mad all necessary eppliluzcesl for Cneeso md Buzzer nagging. Price and fall pnuculu. on appli- ‘HE ORIENTAL, HE WINDSOR once 106 Rama: 5:. \V. J. E LIOT. Principal.1 .Cor. Young and Alezandcr Sts. ‘ ()CKIAND IlUl‘SE (‘nnnd‘s High Grade Commercial and Shortlmnd School. Our Graduates are always successful. Their superior train ing enables them to get and hold ex- cellent positions. The pupils who grud- unte from our school are In the higheel and best. sense _ trained for Busing-w Life \0 h acutiona. Commence now Catalogue free. - ‘ cage .8: Gerrard Sts. Tm-Qnto. \ U'l‘EL BALMORAL Now is a Good Time to enter the well k xown w. J. READ GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT lcr Mvmlwrship in the Fhm-sl and best .business Training School in Canada The Cents! «Business Collsge of Toronto, from fluand next, together with detailed infor- mation of the giant advantages to be enjoyed, wm he senth‘ce by return mail on rx-quest by h'lcml or Mm. Wrnc to-dnv to Arrangements b§iTolephono can be made with SPRATT a KILLER. Lindsay LAND VALUATOR Bonc'Av-u-zos TORONTO, ONT.- L T. U’GOHNELL . Cl]. Fdn EAST woman; )1: Guanntoed. Charges Moderate BOBCAYGEON, ONT. HOTEL ROYAL SPECIAL OFFER BOBCA Yul-ION BUCKHURN I “M m». HOTELS. W. H. SHAW. Principal wn. sxowmzx, Prop W. R. L‘RANDELL (330. .anu. Pxor LINEBA I. . H.81MPSON, PrOP- Z i F: AB C] )S, Pmp MONEY TO M Y \ .1. HUNTER, Proprietor BOBCAYGI‘ION AUCTIOXEER BOBCAYGEON, me' .’m-:rm PETEBBORO "â€"MIDLANQ e‘OaNTIes‘ H€RALD Callnod see quick and perfect wuu; done by Elactric power and Ref. cur 39w pmcs befure purclnaing' All work guarnteed. Ll') GOLD CROSSE S PAPER HANGING'SZE‘PRING CLEAN- ING A SPECIALTY I am prepared to do FIRST CLASS pnperlmnmng acthe followng prices :- Single roll, for wall 106 Single roll, ceiling 12c SASH, DOORS FRAMES. MOULD BALUSTERS. STAIR RAILETC Custom Plani v, TIIE jEWELI-IR 21 George Street HAIR WORKS Clearing prices in Embroidery and Laces, Collars, Lace Tles, etc. Enumwsn‘ 16 Largest and best Stock NDSAY MARBLE WORKS; W e have made ample provision for t 1e wants of our customers, We offer and everything else muall) carried in an up-to-datc meat, store Our constant, aim is to satisfy by giving the best. Try us. I keep on Stock mm M Opposite A. Campbell's Grocery, Lindsay Painter Decorator. Etc" TABLE COVERS We are showing a rare collec tion of Solid Gold Crosses, plain and set with stones ; the mose critical tastes will be pleased withthcir beauty and range of prices. NECK CHAINS in great On hand or made to Order. This store is headquarters for WEDDING CAKES. Fruits. Nuts. Figs. and Dates of al'. kinds in season :ariety. ELEX GEBSQN Good Meats P. J. CMVIPBELL BUBCA YG EON PLANlNG MILL INGS. NEWEEL POSTS, Prime Roasts. Tender Steaks Grain-fed Pork. Lamb, Mutton Tenderloin, Sausage, Green and Cured Ham INDSAY Mrs Bl‘y'nes Oysters by the Quart CU AS. A. DICKSON HOBCA YG EON Summhiug entirely new in HAIR ORNA. VIE} ITS SWITCHES COMES, Eu: CHAS. A. DICKSOX, .__._â€"â€"â€" Wedding Cakes nirz. mat chin; unu “0111s“: done on b‘hozteah Notice. H‘ {our order solicited COMES, Etc i ILVisnt Soul exclaimed the person .-.”~ with the high pitched mice. :‘ut I‘ve E COVERS ‘ ‘zotagrowlmg machine that runs when TABLE CENTREs‘j cv’crit’sinthchouse: ROBT. CHAM BERS Pnovnmm ::. and Make to Orcor all kinds and 5:51.: of ONT, CANADA, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1907 SNTARIO ARCHIVES ED. ARNBERG L; in Connti PETERBORO PETERBORO TORONTO ONTARIO ALLIB'U'B'I'ON REPORTER 60' @«oowoowuuwooooou A House-Cleaning Carol The melancholy days have comeâ€"4110 sad (lest. of the year; The carpet’s on the clothesline and inces- sant whacks we hear ; The bedding’s in the kitchen and the bids are in the hall. . The pictures are upon the floor while some one dusts the wall ; We eat. cold meat and crackers from n. wnbbly kitchen chair. For this is glad house-cleaning timeâ€"so free from toil and care. :OMQOOWO”OONOONOMOO '6' P O E '1‘ B Y . 0 The neighbors line their windows, and a hasty sensus take Of all the bric-a-brac we have, and calcu- lations make Itic w_as_boug_ht with ready cash or on thief instfiiment plan ; We rescue our provisions from the hasty garbage man, ‘ _ And life is gay and careless-like, 1: makes one want to roamâ€" To hie awayâ€"because the folks are clean ing house at home. The melancholy 5154's qre here-the dnys of soap and brushâ€"- Stove polish dauhs the tableware~thcrds pie on ”Wagner‘s bust, The iano holds some fr 'ing-pzms-the ath-tub‘s filled with 001mâ€" The women folksâ€"ah ! who could tell who ,. they were by their looks !, Sing hey! The glad house-cleaning time the time of dust, and soap ! 1‘: ‘.= “ rYn‘flSnmn night tmscc- through :1 You have seen the woman 1:110] erks her head as she walks, I sun pose]? 'lhe habit 15 not un:ommon. and on close an 11 intance you wilI find that a woman so affii cted is given to fickleness. She trifles a lmle too much 17.1111 hvc. and 15 just the woman to m1ss a good husband and be sorry afterward The girl who cannot walk withouti skipping is very cheerful girl. and cn- ; j ya life with much the snme gusto as ‘ the girl with an elastic step, who tips onto her toes at every stride. But per haps the girl we like moat is the girl: with the brisk. mucicul walk. who loves to peep for a moment into shop win- dows and then walk b'ialdy on. and who . goes through life with the fixed resolve ; of getting the most pleasure out of i everything. \Ir Rnaggc was putting on his coat preparatory to going to busi ness mien there cam: a ring at the front door bcll. He open ed the door. A ranvasser stood outside. “I beg your pardon, said the can- vasser but I‘d like to show you a sample of our improved talking ma- chine. A Womcns Temper. V D, Youarc nct interested in hiking machines perhaps. ventnred Ihe other. lcan'tsay that either. But I have one ahead}: Talks all day. Never needs winding up, and never runs down. I don‘t think 1 care 10 see i: replied Mr. Knagge. . - .n' At this moment a hugl‘rpilched voice came floating down Stairs. Now is the time, just as the warm weather is setting in. when you begin to feel to tired too move you say you need a tonicâ€"that ycur, blood needs thiningâ€"that your whole digestive apparatus is out of kelterâ€"g and you carefully brew dandelion, bonesct and sassafras by the bowlful on the back of the stove. These are very well in their wayt but their are other aids and hindrances to digestion which should not be overlooked. In the first place heavy winter foods should be, dropped as far as possible from the bill of fareâ€"especially fat meats and fried things, such as griddle cakes hitters and doughnuts. Substi- ....., it“: hrnilerl and roasted :fish and l A Boy‘s EsSay on Hens Here is a boy‘s funny essay on hens which 1 have just come ‘acrosst “Hens is curious animals. They don‘t have no nose. nor no teeth, nor no cars. 'l‘hcy swallow 'their vittles whole and chew it up in itheir crops inside ofi'cm. The Out- lsidc of hens is generally put into :pillers and feather dusters. 'l‘ne in- :side ofa hen is sometimes fillled up ';with marbles and shirt buttons and ‘sich. A hen is very much smaller Ethan a good many other animals, but ithey dig up more tomato plants than ‘anything that ain't a hen. Hens is _very useful to lay eggs for plum ,,,,jj:..- "Inn.“ y... ..._ 7 In the first place heavy winter foods should be, dropped as far as possihie from the bill of fareâ€"especially fat meats and fried things, such as griddle cakes hitters and doughnuts. Substi- tute beef broiled and roasted ;fish and fowl ; "soups. salads fruits. sauceâ€"not too sweetâ€"and every available vege- tabie. Patsnips. carrots. turnips. tomatoes (even if they are canned) are better than hominy, wheat and oatmeal for warm weather. 7,-3,AL__-- The Feeling Mutual ya..." Sliads require :1 close acquaintance with the cook book, but every house keeper knOws how to prepare onions with the addition of a little vinegar in adozen difi'erent ways and the early dandclions “greens" are springing up everywhere C'UI,"I-'-‘- The tender. mrt rhubarb is an ekceflentappetizer and renovator and should be prepared wzth a lavish hand -1 -__ auvuou uâ€" I" V., For biliousness. take the juice of one lemon in a glass of water, without sugar just before retiring. every night for a fortnight. A dozen and a half lemons are cheaper than a pint ot alleged puri- ficr and about as reliable. Spring Tonic v Spring Diet Big telescope More Time for Sleep I 'i'om Want of sufficxent sleep is a , potent cause of irritability, inaccmacy have no of work. nervous disturbance and speak or breakdown. This was the undisputed §loud, CC verdict of physicians ‘at the recent Ihoil‘ meeting of the British Medical Assoc 'at the 1‘3 iation at York, Engiand. Young; “9““ children, they said. by want of suffi-;WaY f Cr cient sleep often lay the foundation? _ BCCFL‘ for nervous diseases which tax the smsald skill of physicians in after years. D', ‘ I-iave T. D. Ackland said that mental and; \C“ S bodily inefficiency of school child~' 'ISlLQ‘ ren was caused by over pressure and . Wna: ha deficient sleep, which produces simhiar ‘ f‘COfl' effects to the tobacco habit. Oflkmzntu twenty nine experts connected with5 53‘“ public schools, eleven named ten 13’0“ {Ft hours as the minimum time for pupils 1 me like to sleep, fourteen named nine and ten ‘th Jury and one half hours, and four thought , in ’WU nine hours might suffice, It was‘ 3.65:: I gv \shal agreed that adu'ts who work need more . sleep than did those of the last gener- i Sue-”u ation, because they live at a faster 3 This pace. Hard play does not recuperate 1W0T§e l for hard work. Exercise taken from N my time required for sleep exacts double '1‘)“ at reparation. Old people may retain ‘ YO“ wit 1 their vigor long by taking a nap after f The ‘ 1luncheon, or whenever they are so‘adeep ldisposed. “No harm” said an emi- iCOUld l“ {nent practionecr, is likely to follow in yawat; b l these axiemzou; day: from “. -‘ 3.19:6".1». tit}â€" ltotal:e as much sleep as is desired." clsc': Il:gin we}! and end batter. Ifyou give and take no heart v.i.l break. Confession of a huh makes half amends. Sdence is often the golden key of happi: as; Trust in Providencc but keep the kettie boxling . applics for insurance, is usually guidcd ur'rcs by similar sentiments of love and 1) Jill affcction. On the surfac: of lilifigs quin- ‘rsemiment is given but scam considcm con: 'licmin the business life of this strcnu- ‘ to 5} ' ous age. It is associated more with m- ‘ ofa: l'mamic people and with makers of ccc: 'lizht verse, particularly swing poets. resi' .Science ignores it, Cynirs langh at its ‘ " ' And yet it lives, a splendid vital . force film: i and predominant factor in the progress ; al 13 and well bein‘gpf society. The bread any Ewinner, the fielendcr of ti}: hpnc a,” nun- Make no disp'nay of the sacrifices you ma kc for each other. Nzxcr decei.e ; confidence once lost can never be “bony regained. Dm‘tboth be angry at the sax. t‘me : it takes two to make a r; Iarrsi. f" An angry speed} nc mec}. .-':\v id “mehiness" and cuhimtc be Null)" .1. c givc 1nd- take spin. \Eways smsm‘o: r it is better to hear the laughter of chiidren than no see a tidy room. Bitterness dics bci'oz'e SWCCL a Sentiment is the real basn of hemancc. Busmcss motives may in: pire some men who take out ceriiliitnlcs particularly those whe are well situated and who simp‘y desire to add to their estates, but the protection of depen» dents is ever embodied with sentimen- tal ideas The father of a family who Seeks insurance protection, does su almost invariably because of the rent love he bears his wife and children and his unwillingness in see them suffer if he can avoidir. IIe endeavors there- fore, to make prOper provision againit the day when he may, perhaps he called from iheir midst. The son who u quyl, .uv ‘â€" ....... prcves its eiisténce and its p'ower when he raises the banner of insur-. ancc protection over his household. Insurancd 'g‘] “' """"" "1 'aa' - . ing. I like plum pudding. Hens has got wings and can fly when they are scart. 1cm my Uncle William‘s hcn’s neck off with a- hatchet. and it scart her to death. Hens sometimes make very fine spring chickens." W hen a matrimonial match is struck someone usually gets bump. e__ a It 15 said that “Kemehi‘ milflndian word which being translated, means “face the wind'. F ace opposition and overcome it. The ever-buming question, “What! shall we do without boys ?" seems to: be satisfactorily answered in the iollow 1 ing advertisement which appears inx the window of a Farringdon Road. butcher’s shop I Wanted, a i‘cspcctab‘e buy [or beef sausages. ose who are Married ake a .‘3 at i! ‘ We further \‘ish :‘ncm h: :‘.‘m-:.n'.-v:x .force Aim :1 groom attired in th: coatxnfinn- 02"655 ; a‘. black is sufiicienfly cmcrcd v. izhrrJ'. bread kany dacriptiou of 11:5 dress but :1 home M I aw",- ix” . wâ€"Jâ€"J ~ ~ ., ~ -. ‘ power N01181:. 'f SpCClal rate‘: 2:13 a t'u'n «V- insur-Aumn th headline-;. If the luppy ld- ‘couple then depart they should be .éermilted, to go without saying. bu. I I", have :10 difiicuhy in gett: :12 mm to speak up, said the birrister.x in a vsry loud. commanding \oice. I hop 8 not. sir vshouted the wimess at the top ofhis lupqs How dare )ou spzak to me in lb way ? cried me law at - u \ Because I can‘t speak no louder, sir, said the ostler Have you been drinking P Yes sir I shquld infer so from your nonduct Wha: have you been drinking? - .n “Cofl'ee” hoarscly vociferâ€"ated the knizntof xhe stable. Scmcthing slrohgenha'n cofi'ec. sir you’ve been drinking ! Dan". look at me like that sir ! furiousu'. Look at the jury sir ! D'd you pn so'ncvlm‘ng in your coffce, sir ? Yes. sir, What '3'3" :1 " Sugar. . This I .:m is no ho}. my 'mni r In: is worse! normed the tunnel. Now, szrâ€"{uming to the witness-â€" look abn‘e. What beside sugar did you take in your ccffce :his morning ? T he tastier coUectcd his faces, drew a deep breath, and in a voice mat could have been hard half a mile Why he Fails When we I w'nimng why he has [flaming that fate ha mediocrity. that he start for himself, but for somebody else ; finding UHCOTIQ'I"‘!T Told What- it Was When we hear a young nun whimng why he has no chance. Lull.‘ plaining that late has doomed him to ‘ mediocrity. that he can never get a Start for himself. but m‘tst :1‘. ways work for somebody else ; when we see him finding unc nq'trzr‘. ale obstacles crety- ‘ where, when he tells us he could do this or that it'hc could only get a start,“ somelmdy would help him. we know there is very pa).â€" surces‘c material in himâ€"that he is not maic olthe stuff that isos‘. He acknowg ledge; that he is not ('(IHl t) the emergencies which matron: lxi'tt, lie confesses his wuknesa. his ix:- ahilitytoc pe with obstacles which others surmount. \‘s'uen a man tclls us that luck is against him, that in: ‘canzot see anyway of doing what lxc \VO‘Jld like to do . he at’lnits that he is not master of tl=c sittza‘lun, that lc must give way t-t commie-t became he is not big cnmga to surmount it. I": probably ltasn (. lime enough in his backbone to ‘nol a straw erect. There isa weakness in the man who ‘ always secs :1 lion in the way of what he wants to do. \‘Jlunit: determination is not strong enough to cvz'rmme the obstacle. Helms not the :nclimtion to buckle down to solid hard Work. H»: wants success, lmthc does not mu! it lndly (nouah t» pay the twine. ’l‘ite desire to drift along, to take tthgs easy, to have a good 12m: en's:- ‘ balances ambit‘on. The following sent to correspondents cw of an American pay.-. Our country corrc‘spandcm: are n: qweszed :0 write briefly and 1., me print In preparing their annulus (,g quiet weddings; l'ficr may l':;)\'.‘cvgr consider themselves :21 pcri'cu! library to spreadzhcmselvcsin giving (Ictaiis ofany uproarious weddings that may occur to break the monotony in their resmcrive neighborhoods. K4».- ugn‘uvv. _ ‘ D' . Shou'id they begin 1:) pu‘J ‘uair b'cfure the minister has got out oihearing, we want all the particulars If the table groans. la: 3: ; vun ; but any of the gussxs mote u: (iv. ‘ ‘collation' it wi'd Le a sxtious Ixzutzcz with our special C-.)rr'.;:'~pond::n?<. 1: w: dOD’t get complete and early rsturnu What Editor Yr r. :1. i “RA us termed the incmnc man. Tnc happy home does not get .15 much. 1dvertising 151.16 one whcre the divorce is asked. L?â€" ..J...... Emperor \‘tham w raised to $10900 oo. hxm. wnh butter at 35 - Farming is a grea ness which cannot at ones. (It ‘JUL; . Dani be too liberal with your advice Keep in mind that the wise man does not nczd it and a fool will no: take it. Consider carefully what you say. There is no cure for the indigestion‘ caused by bsing campclled to eat your own words. » .u- n:_: A! UWH nunuc. When one has cleared his mind of fancied obstructions he will find that the battles oi life are not half so hard as he imagined. ' '1"_â€"» -t Z.-_ 63 In; bun-Du. Remember that the billions of in- surance earned by other people ml! MW, flat help your family; unless your .....‘. - 15 m the 1st Pointed Paragraphs allowed out bus wwu-i VVVVV we want is news tin: is ncws Insurance prol'CC‘ William wants his salary 0.00909. (Sm you blame utter at 35 cents. ls a great and glorious busi cannot be all understood a hard half a mile Guest (in cheap lodging 3301190) out: 3333; there aina no bell in my mom Aqua-1c. and nothin"? Cetk. Dn’aaflzighx misief. Ir mu ‘ x. ”In: any. .ngwfing Obm‘fif"Tâ€"P:? ”Jrâ€"«~â€" .xhdgcâ€"Did :he durtnr :9}? 3w: tin. ails , you had' any i'ronmmrm.’ (11:08: ‘ D )l!}'~\cs Gear ; but I rm:ldx.: gm- we htar a \0‘ It; mm - _ _ , :wunce n il I tried for a ucck mess in the man who in I‘m: way of what whose dcicrminatizm rusfh f0 CV'ncoms the I hapc we ska! in gcuxng vou to nbstacks which ‘acn a man 13125 t him, that n.- I doing what he adniis thathe is ua‘ion. {12:11 lc :mtuicn became :roLcczion has been that outhvcs the ms hv Your hu<band has the dxzor Pane pie. What I): usin- cychsha Mr \ ":2! has I U m.T.1at.< the reason he give; such sweeping glances Ever try an automobfle judge '3 a fnend. Ne replied the judge I‘ve tried a lot of peoplc wlm hm” ooo¢¢0¢3.¢ozo¢.o¢ooo¢00‘ 1H. Sunday Sam-J Tut-3w what did 1/)! say to hm vsfle turned and lookcd back ? Rubber. Heâ€"Do you think your (film! v-i.. object to my suit ? Sheâ€"I don'. see why he should ; be bimsfll wears 0m: :fimost as bad. .mamAHHm .u . .v 0'. 006200300390690300003 My boy den -. you know ms; the Script-..r 5 say you must turn the mhex chc:k when struck. Huh 1 5“»osin' you're soaked in de mm: 3 Mistressâ€"What on earth arc y -u doing with the auto ham ‘3 ‘mdgm... Oi always carry one mum lo warn the mistress to kap: out av m: was: Line a man of good dceds ? (m say ; but} know he is a man of mm‘ L: ) on. [It's in the real csxalc bu»: nCSF I‘m 100‘. to WO: 3; Stingerâ€"I wouH L‘ucvzo : toozh puiied. lhmist-A um’n would like to have a 1mm ps’d'ci hca !u::a'ir. (Mess you'd bat: I regard Henry the pi‘t’lUd said] a I ness remarked a L: that rain ? ilrL'C‘J young woman {2 merely in the po: descended in my Snowâ€"F6 dc L‘m come to me .' I mouf organ 5 Russia is a prcuy Email marl'cd the man who ind all the atrocitics com-.mtic year. No wonder ilugiw of the luck platform. \‘ of the armed asked Meandering desc railroads gives peopie dat plva. us free oug .t to have a 1 How iong has ch preaching ’ v.1 ispersd who had wandered in: and sat down away xhirty years I believe re: who had wandered into the Chinch and sat down away back, Mun: xhirty years I believe repiied the OUR." occupant ohhc pew. That being flu, case rejoined the stranger I guess I .1 stay. He must be nearly done. Mrs. Youngewcdâ€"‘x'cs Mr. Young wed didn't feel at all well this mmmr; so I just made him stay home from the office. Mrs Nayborwlndcod ! I notice all your carpets are up and mu: back shed’s painted andâ€"â€" Mrs Youngwedâ€"ch I got Hr. \‘oungcwcd to do all that when he was at home :0- EH day Little johnnie having in his posses sion acouplc of bantam hens which laid very sma‘.l eggs suddenly hit upon a plan. (”wing the next morning to the for! run Johnnies father was sur- priscd to find an ostrich egg tied t‘: one cf the beams and above i: a rm” with the words “Keep your cyc '- this and dc you: best V01. 38. No. 11 Mrs. Johnsingâ€" ‘ 'an ; eta iu: ; n ”11*VOT‘JT'” " ‘c you looking {)r work? .\' :red the poor but candcd nnr onking for money but llu wilizn chhc is sick is !m? Now gnodiascd his case? lie qx. lecuv .Idv w {JUL \'§ 3111 (1 aka; honey dmr an. even [My 3 TAUS :3 .4 {d M “:0. n c rehncs t! «Hem she the skranzc: \\'.ilie oar-try \\' I!) other bu ] son- m

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