"eo (‘olming Matter \0 Adultelation ,fg-‘Absolutely 13111 e. -'r ~;-+.:~-:--:.+-:r+-:-+o:-+'v:. + o:- + -:~ + o:- + .z- + .;.+.;.+.:.+.,s+.;..y..;.+.;. \Ivn'u win 'l‘uilmi-d Made, all my»! ws.,\rstcd 5:: 21¢ ani double- h"~cn loud worm $10, On Snurduy for $7 50 Mons Suits '1‘ wen] m-nh $8 on Saturday for $65 \hus Suits 'lweed wt rth $7 00 on Sam: day ful'5$r I hnu gm m A \et) Iur've Stock of Men 3 Tailored Cluthing, Boots and SIN-cs. (.,‘.np.~ Shins and Summer l nderwcar H you think of buying .1 Suit or any Gent's Furnishings it wiil 12y an to any i: now. BIG BARGAINS m UNDERSKIRTS ' It “in pay you to give us a call .-\ gram} chance to help out the (bid \Viulcr Suit with a pair of Fine Z‘fcw Trousers. or if you are wise, a splendid chance tt buy several pnm at prices away below regular ï¬gures. H u)†want to mvcx money without am \wrk come m} s: c us on SATURDAY BARGAIN DAY Every man should Lau- an nxtra ynir in his Wardrobe if “le13 to look trim and neat at all times. Ex )1 1391's in Below are a few of the many Bargains has the: same charactie; as Japan but is mdeï¬mtely most dehmous. KI A X 1%(31â€"1NEN Peeled Basswood, Excelsior Wood, also Saw Logs of all kindsâ€"Bass- wood. E1m_ Birch, Ash. Bemlock,etc. THE RIDER KETEHEHEB CO. LTD L()C}S 82:WOOD VVanted Inâ€): I. HENDERSON ,Buym. Rubwygcnu. €-+€-+€~!~'I'+'I' '1' '1' + 4' 4- 6- +9 ‘1" ‘39'P‘5'4"1'+€'+'9+<'+ ‘ECIAL FOR WORKING MEN Pairs Hun); Working Panh. 9! r uuly ...... LADIES AND GENTLEMEN LOOK HERE! ‘“ Adjoining Stonyhurst Bobcaygeon .n was? u weir. .fl Luvâ€"â€K V. 1.53,. hugs: H. LeBRUN Co. kn.“ Shins wnnh $1 25 for 990. [an Shirts “'m‘th $1 0) for 7:0. 1cm S‘sim worth 750, for 50:. 7 l-‘ns Fiirls worth 50c lnr 35c hns Sacks worth 2.31:, 2m. .‘cr 25c hues 45 per cen‘l. of! and Underwear 35 yr cent 05- 73c, 30c, 40:, 50c, cud 603 per Lb. Only 1500 0033338 LiNDSAY, ON'l GREEN TEA fl‘rouser‘s Z Peterboro. % 90c and 15c At all Grocers Newpremisee 394 GEORGE STREET , next to H. LeBrun and Cu. I’ETERBOR') 50 dozen scrub, Stove and Shoe brushes, :5 20 for ten cents. TOILET SETS 5 only still left of the $x5.oo and $16 sets for onlv $10 00 GROCERIES 4 so 8: 35 Sets sun left for only $3 00. A number of $4 E\'er,\ho:ly in Canada wants to see Z\:ex\'foundlund a part of Confedera- tion. but few people would hring in Lhc ancient colony without the full consent of its inhahitants. What is needed "net. now is that the people of both (monies should know one un- ntrm' beiieri lo this end no one has contributed so much in recent years us. l-Zarl (ht-3;. Governor-General of Canada. Newfoundland paper:A are still recording the kind acts which Their Excellenniee (gs-1 they‘ll-15's? inundlnndv {513.- gmï¬xer‘j “and which aided. in He conquest which Their E‘R-ellencies made of the hearts of Newfoundlanders wherever they went. One of these was the sending by the Countess Grey of the'sum of $325 to aid an injured miner lying in the General Hospital at St. John’s. Now Lord Grey is using every effort to have present at his musical contest in Ottawa a representative musical organization from Newfoundland. He very much desired the presence of the Ladies' Orchestra of St. John's, but, owing to the difï¬culties of traveling about the end of January, and for other reasons. the orchestra cannot come to Ottawa. However, Lord Grey is endeavoring to induce one of the other musical organizations to rgnxe- sent the ancient colom'. All 6? which ' N“ . '. makes for a better understanding and a betterieelingeanengendh ““195 h; enters ~{hi}3 \vaief. l‘he:tr§g1 per then prepares__ his trap; m’ul se- cufés‘ it by driving a stake deep into the mud, just at the edge of, and just- under the water, concealing the pro- truding end with a handful of mud. The trap is then set in the shallow water, at a. depth of three inches. and is covered with a piece of moss arranged to ï¬t nicely within the jaws. and in such 0 manner that while it seems to conceal, it will not inter- fere with the working of the trap. Like our domestic friend, the czn‘, Rey- nurd is rather dainty in his habits, and dislikes wetting his feet unless stress of circumstances demands it. The tuft of moss. being above the sur- face of the water. offers a tempting foothold, and should the suspicions of the fox be lulled, he may inadver- tently put his pnw on the moss in or- der to reach the bait, thereby unwit- tingly giving the trapper his reward. By any: of the methods faxes can be taken. but where the trapper pursues he will 111119.13 ï¬nd 0'19 or 1210.- e cunning; 11111 baffl‘g 10m Another method which usually 01;- tains for the trapper indifferent re- sults is the placing of a bird on a. sharp-pointed stick, which, in turn, is driven into the mud in the bottom of some stream, or along the edge of some lake or marsh. The bix'.(l sup- ported by the stick is just touching; the water as (lxough flew-Hf and nlcelv out at Lb m‘léuch of“ b. nnln ‘: L-" .‘evnnrdw circles, as is his â€hgblt c%oo§_in§r for n vantage ground the big est points in the vicinity, and any knoll 'con- venient to the bait he will usuallï¬ ascend, the better to enable him to see exactly what it' may be that by its meaty smell has ï¬rst attracted his attention; and should the fox be of n more conï¬ding nature than the bulk of his fellows, the trapper’e ruse may be attended with success. guiding and investigating, scratching pa“ approaching ever closer in les- sening (Ercles until the prize is won Ohservant trappers, well versed in the habits of the fox, often attempt his canture by throwing carelessly on the gro md a p: ecc of venison or oth- 8: meat, aeletting open ground for the ose gen at some little dis- ranc om the abut, on a convenign nt 75150! lï¬mï¬'bï¬f‘oâ€˜ï¬ hicdnvenjgnt knoll or cut-hill, they set the trip. Once the animal scents the bait, he CHI NA Hï¬LL SPECIAL BARGAINS The Indians and half-breeds of the Northwest have many devices with which they strive to overcome the nat- ural caution o! the animals, and they d. succeed in capturing many, but eac- ch and every one of the trap agree in one articular, viz, that tgg are foxes. so amiliar with the various plans {or their destruction, that even 1.1 hen pressed by hunger, their capture i~ next to impossible ‘.\ herex er a trap is set one may see uidence oi the sugacity of the ani- mals; for days, even for weeks at a time, the foxes will visit the trap, reading with nnerring nose the tale as told them by the different odors. At each visit they approach more and more closely, until the trap itself is located and the coveted bait'almost within reach. The ground surround- ing the trap and bait has undergone rigid inspection; a keen. delicate nose, Many are the stories told of the sa- gacx’ty of the fox and his almost sup- ernatural cunning in detecting traps and poison, by means of which the trapper hopes to gather unto himsel! the coveted pelt. Campbe†J. Lewis. of Mitchell, 8.0», Tells of Reynard as He is Known to and By the Trapper. In the great Canadian Northwestâ€" the Great Lone Land, as it has, not inaptly, been termed. the red fox shares in common with the prairie wolf or coyote the vast prairies and dense forests which form the habitat of these offshoots of the canine race, writes Campbell J. Lewis, of Mitchell, BRUSHES CHINA HALL Eu! Grey’s Good Work THE FOX. DINNER SETS GROCERIES Everything in the Dept. at NET COST as we have a short time only in which to clear out the whole line momioned no matter his calling moge 1’0ng lli§ sttg (‘5 CO. w Yemen MWDEN†Perhaps some of your readers have seen the following earnest statement in Dr. Lawrence F. Flick’s valuable book, â€Consumption, a. Preventable and Curable Disease";-“ )ould the consumptives of any given community be seen at one time or pass in pano- rama. before the poo 1e public consci- ousness of the magnitude of the amic- tion might be aroused. A physical disaster shocks the world and lets loose the sympathy of millions. A few thousand deaths are nothing as com- pared with the deaths from consump tion.†N Nothing Pays Better To the Edimr of The Globe: Sinâ€"I ask for space in your columns to quote from :L letter received at this ufliee For obvious reasons I do not give the mImeJVThe letter reads:â€"â€"“I have a and we to present to you. Twelve years ago a mother died, leaving six small children, the eldest eight years old and the youngest; an infant. My mother took the eldest and kept: her until my mother's death. Then the young girl went clerking on small wages. Last year she contmgiï¬ a and she has been unable to work: .ée last January. She is just nineteen years old. Kindly tell me how to groceed to get her into the Muskoka rec Hospital for Consum tives." The sad part of it; is this etter is only one of manyâ€"alike pathetic and up- ceilingâ€"that are being received daily y the writer. Fifty-ï¬ve patients are in residence in the Muskoku. Free Hospital 00-day. Seven hundred and thirty-eight have been cared for since the hospital was opened_ in April‘blm. “ A t... The a pen! of the trustees of the Na» tional - nitarium Association is on behalf of the consumptives of the Do- minion. 500 of whom die in Toronto annually, 3,000 in Ontario, 8,000 in the Dominion. This poor. motherless ~irl is one of the many suï¬erers of to-é’ay. . Thanking you in anticipation for m- sertion of letter. believe me, very truly yours, J. S. Robertson, Secretary Na.- tional Sanitarium Association. 28 Adeiaide street west, Toronto. _ Contributions may be sent to Sir Wm. R. Meredith. Kt. Osgoode Hall. Toronto, or to \V. J. Gage. 13511., 54 Front street west, Toronto. - wages. Last car she contrz cold of whlch s e has never be A Touching Story as Told in a Letter to The Toronto Globe. THE ELBEST OF A FAMILY BF SIX 'r"'-'“ "' 'Vr In place of Vï¬firyriv've could care for one hundred if the needed money for maintenance was at, the disposal of the trustees. P008 MMHERLESS 933m Please send contribuiions to J. Ross Robertson, Chai‘mnn, or to Douglas David- son. Sea-Tram, of the Hospital for Sick Children, College Street. Totonto. I See what can be done for club-foot chil- dxen. There were :16 like cases last year and hundreds in 3! years. {7.3 «cm [115.7512 paid by friends of little children. If you know of any chiid in your neighborhood who is sick or crippled or has club feet. send the paront‘s name to the Hos- pital. E {r c r y- body’sdnlm may be the Friend in if: N e e d t o S’omcbodya child. Your dollar ma: be a door of hp e to "nlï¬â€™uu’w‘s L'niui The Hospital pays out dividends of I-eaLl: um‘ h:.1piness t9 suf- fetin" childhood :. n SERVING L'RL’JKX' ASP. ' ’ MW Since ~ - _»‘ fl“ ‘__,. . « "NEW rxm‘vux nooxs Jva-r â€5 {qun- utmvxn."« ' d a. £1 on the Hospital has treated 12,120 clxiiglaen. Aboub 5.600 of these were unable to pay and were treated free. Lient per day, and l, b e r e were 138 sick lic- tlo ones a day in the Hos- pital. The Hasï¬iml is not a local institu- tionâ€"but. l'rovitr ciul. The sick child from any place in Ontario who can’t aï¬â€˜ord to pny has the same - privileges as the 3‘ n W child li‘ving in Tor- “nu’n wrm um onto and is treated nou. free. The Hospital by! lgst year in its beds and cats 858 "Miami-33! of these were from 23l plums outsidu of Toronto. The cost is L37 cm The Hospital for Sick Children, College street, Tango, appeals to fathers and mothmof Ontario for fund: to mainm'n the thousand sick children that it nurses within its walls every year._ "'L, at For it Cares for Every Sick Child in Ontario whose Parents Cannot Afford to Pay for Treatment. “ turn wrrn mm nou. Than an Add. in tha Boa. Ixn. BEFORE Is To? My! Try It ! m0 (‘LCB FOOT CASES 1N X’LARTER Your money can put. gol- den hinges on the door 0 f t b e Hespital's mercy. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Bevanâ€"Enos THRIFT 3s ECONOMYâ€"Fm'mcrly, LIE: Insurance was u luxury of the rich, now It has been placed within the reach of the numblt-s'. workman, A system of easy pay monlshas been adopted. no tlwt neither Clerk nor artisan cun plead innbility'to In- sure his Lite. All that is wanted Is the Will. The payment 0! a premium may in- valve the loss or some luxury, but the sacri (ice is worth making. Once: made, the up ward path becomes caster to climb, lor the taking out of a Lilc Insurance pnlicy not only proves a good inu-slment but pro motes habits ol Thrift and Economy. The Leaves of Life keep Falling One by One. Time is Fleming ! Confederation Life ASSOCIATION. KEN ’1‘ ST It’s so ï¬ght, the nonâ€"c0an5e Hair Pad, indispensable to the present style of hair dressing. To be seen at D rink Cfalcutt-‘s lVlEDICAJ.‘ £’()RTIZIL co LINDSAY MARKETS. Spring . . l'nrlcy No 2 Peas . . . . Oats o o n Eggs ., Butter r01) Tub Butter . . .‘ HM’ . . . . . Hogs ...... Eggs . . . . Turkeys ench . . . . .. . . b’owls, a pain..." . Geese, .. Wheat fall.... Barley “ ...... . Peas small . .. Oats .. Butter roll ...... Wheat {all Anyone sending u sketch and desalwguon may quick) In our oplntonfrco other an Ipvcnï¬on I: probgbly Mamie. Communica- __, “7. _ ___‘ ~_ n--__.- "Fauna unn' {Biron h hum: "Co. neofve mm witbonbo aims. lathe Scientiï¬c Hmerican. Pork . .... Poultry.. :0 O PETERBORO MARKETS. o" A handsomely Ilium weekly. Large-ta;- cum of mutant: mn'L Terms. 3 vgr: 1991-5103:». 81. byul yew-65a: Peas . . . . Potatoes Butter . . . 0“! ..-.ouu .. .nu Flour, per 100 Hay per ton. .... Spting Wheat..;.'. Barley. No l . .. '1‘.“ c Foamy. CraumvE ixir {In twin: Gem- Ilnadnnd Bend Stud-10d I’x Izod by ul‘-â€" Newt Excelled. NOXV IS THE ACCEPTED 1‘] ME. Jos. Riggs THE NEW ' HAIR PAD Calcutts Brew-{15.61. Malting Co Iladn’l; you better take that additional policy you have been thinking about, before It is too late ? crock mania!) PETERSOLO 0-00 n3..-a-n â€"EEAD OFFICE _'1'UIKC)N TO:â€" nu. u... 0.00 . cal. STEWART BROS can I. c-oouoI-vn . .l‘! at... 3mm flew York as F ELWuhumeo DC Gccsc..ll LI SDSA Y 9001000 6 00 650 23 24 I}! )5 2 10 2 60 ') 00 10 00 4 00 6 01': 6 00 Turkey . .17 65 47 70 40 40 80 39 25 2! ‘8 25 9"; 90 WIâ€; [1.4. 28 0') 9') SO 50 75 45 80 Residents 01 the Township of Vcrlen, 1m: livruby lxcliï¬ 'd that m-L'h'c'. tu rt-gix-lvr Births, Dunks. 8', Marriages within 30 (hm subjects (h? ofluudur to a mv u.‘ fit and costs for cnrh oflcncc. The iuslxuctmm u! the Dcpmlmvnl are to Dicsu-ulu in every case. If you warm Paint, “’31! Panev or Yum-3 Goods of any description try us. The Inn: est Wall Paper House outaidc the Citlcfs, b2†stiH thcil- equal. NC'I‘URE FRAMING dmmmry Umduutu of Ontario ‘u'ctcrinury ' ‘ College ‘ l watmcut 0! all dumcstxcumd ummnh in the. hum: improved methmls, 'Hnr latest improved instruments only L'M'd. If you have :1 lu‘usc- to paint or pupcnwritc us :1an up “EH show MINUHCH and give ligurcs Herve city artist: do your village prices. w or]: {U VETEBWARY SURGEGN BIR'I'II‘<, DEATHS, AND 211A lil‘dAGliS Yu :1 w .u \' 20a :1 1’ 0 Peterbero W. A. Sandersnw En New Stand Opposite St. Andrmw‘ Church 5‘ S EXEMINAHON FREE DR. J. M. RICE OUR METHOD Registration Notice. Children' 5 cases a Speciality Snisfaczion guaranteed or Money Refunded Insures Absolute Accuracy No Guess \Vork The Most Difï¬cult Cases of eye strain relieved and Corrected Pianos Se w in g Machine Organs JEWELLERS and OPTICI.\I\ \S Issuers of Marriage Licwces WM, WARREN TOFFICE RESIDENCEâ€" Mnin Sirvct. Nmr Fm- Hull LiOL‘uUA YG EON WALKER The prices are the lowest that mm :b: :. ads consistent wuh good quality. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Our Goods are bought from the Best Manufacturers NEW FU {MTUHE NOTICE Canned Goods u, w. TAYLOR, Call and leave your order and see for yourself We ‘62:; ï¬ediwmni call in and see our Heck, compare Values and Prices with other deal- ers and you will ï¬nd it mll pay you to buy here instead of sending to Tomato or any other place. Wholesale Rutaikz 367 Geerge Street This glad season ï¬nds us better pru- parcd than ever to furnish customers with the best, grade ofgooc‘u: in our lines and our prices con- sistent with quality Come and see our slyics. Prices right. ! LINDS A?Y Toronto Bread and Cakes Terms to Suit Purchaser \\'I I E I\' \'( )L' \VA N 'I' Everything in Groceries @E8 9. BEN/7% ‘ 'ERL :....r1 ‘3: XH’JI’ Cums, Asp j 1' Registrar nf hm Ls, l)vu£.x,:md Mur- ja'i 1:05 at 01m.- (:\':I' We [’L-SL Offloc, Doll 5 CI' :cou ’ {Aw-m lm‘ Loud-m 5; 131303331“ Lift‘ Aw: {“m', Comm, zn-cfzz Cone. INN-(my l‘uhhc . : isuuiawa a}: lymmcudcd promptly [ A Six months nmicu In writing shun] 2H2!) to Ihc Cummissmnnm" Uuu Lands at Ultzm'. o! inumiun [0:13.51- mam-m, 3, H the settler has his. pcrmnuvm u-si. dvm'e upon lnrming lann owned by him in the v‘r‘iuily u! hislmmcshmd! the r.- quircmmts as to tend 1m,- may be mm.» (in! by l’vsiduncc upon the Mid lax-n1, N H,»Un;zut|x()112c«i Publication (A In \‘cuisumcut wzl! not Dc ILA.MURPHYJ%V 2 X! the I‘nlhcx or moU: on I'. the {lulu-I- of dI-consed "(the lmmostcudcr reside-s upon bum in lhc vivimlv 01 the Mud entered tor the Ir! unemmts us to m.doucu "122'? M‘mihflr by such DcI'son residing u in: the {:Iï¬hor or mother. Joe 33111113311 2. At least six mbmhs’ rosidencc upon and cql‘tivalion o: the )and in each ycm‘ tor three years. Synopsis of Canadian North- West HOLISSTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numberod section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba or the Noun-w est 1 'rovmccs excel ting 8 and 2.6 not resumed, may be liomcstcaded by any pexson who is thv sole hand of u manly 0: am mulc over 1‘ )ems 0! ago, to the extent oi ol 0 quail- ci _x-ucrion oi 160 "CUES, h are 0! 1058. Entry must be made personalh' at the loc- al laud oiï¬cc for the dxxtricl in which the lam! xa “Unto. The homcatcudcris W‘qmred to perform the conditions connected therewith under one or the following plans .' Trunks, Valises, Mitts, Gloves, Etc Selling: fast and pleasgng the .customcrs Occause the rices are right nun [he quali- ties are limb e. Sign 0! Horse at door. BARG. Excellent assortment. Any sizes you wnnt, and price you wan' to pay. uggist and Optician LY In I dour W est of Gouglxs HEEDEEHES \'\'. W. L‘UH‘A' Dvpuiy of (he hlxuiatcr 01 Hr.- lnl BOBCAXGE‘ )N Benj. Shortly. urcd Permanently 90 per can: Iiwscd 11y liycsnniu Eyes examined Free um ). ‘w. u 3' L01; Horse Blankets By Giassss Bobcaygcon CURE?) A Specialty PETEREOBO , " :11)“. A Iieautilul uxnan'; I)isplay ()f l“2.:lc \u 1 d3 . . ‘ (1“ ads ~§Col H u - Cms. 11.81211†1. R. Proprietor. It in desired that an cdrt be c‘uuasd once numb. Extra en es hall 1 column 5-1. mg column 0’ Iâ€. 5040 Farm for 8310. Teacher ' wan Wanted. etc" under 10 111:“. 19:33:52?! Cutie Cuehmustlcoompan order m '1 Paragraph adv“. otlowing Local News 6c . . lme ï¬rst insertion 3:. .7 insertion ' a um “’3 "biâ€â€œem No ndvorUaemen ‘ r matter. a 11:.cmd smog; Subscription $1 per {ear 5- [ mchs in advance. 0t nerwise $1 50‘ 1‘70 Patent Medicine udrt. Accspmd. Noticrs Births. Deaths. 25:. Man} notes-inn] curds. 6 lines and undor‘ i3, 1 Year 4. Advance â€ï¬ction of Banzai: an entrance 169 u chimed. an: and must be considered as “ch Th1: jaumu 55 conductbzl for the raw meeting its demyud earning a. [Ring Imagine it is banana IOU. giddy pan Libel Suns md incubus u to "who n uncle" may be “honed m Promew 1c is but not to send them. Don‘t ate; Prom-labors ball-pup, he take: hold. 'Irrmecient notices. such as low. society. addresses to election arm“): a magnum. md‘Sc a line subwquez £502, nonpuou name _ V ,V- _- "um..- unhilfclum an: :nseruan.md‘5c anno «ch subaquent me: tjoa, nonpuou name :3 report of a Show is desired. tickets of ad. minim should be hit at the nth All business cnmmunicaliona dlessed to the Manager AH work done prummiy at the popu lur Jewnncm Store 77 Kent ‘78,. Lindsay er Lickru and ixdormallo: c3329.: G I 1: 3: 1-1 or Ind-Ire“ J. .1" McDJnntd " a Rom 303 Union Saab-n Totem; Sxivcrware am} (‘uL Gias.‘ at†W McCarly's. A“ new dcsigm. Handsome Mani-:1 (Hacks at X‘.‘ ,‘JcCany's. Moderate prica. Bring aur repairiny to Carry. Prices. moderaw. \V. F. ï¬oiiraggwu ï¬ndspmï¬mé, “â€"15D‘-â€"' 311:1: ‘. {1) COUNTIES HERA! D 1.., {Anusaan 1339 N . a . 7.5%,“? fl "1: p Gm HAM? 08A H... E n u rm 3 "d M W . L V. a I 0 EATCHE‘WAN IXDEI’ENDENT OFFICE, BOI:CAYGF.OI\ .. _ From Manual an! Quebec '\ zrgminn May 10, June 7, JUIY 5 Tunisian May 17, June 14. J uiy 12. Victm'ian, May 24. June 21:“, Jul? 1?. V Victorian and Virginia}. 12,000 teas are we culy turbine afo‘mm on tha Gamma Absaluzely no vibration. cord. passage 5 days, 14 born. FIRST cuss, $55 upwards according Lu steamer. KECOXD CLASS Liverpool or Londonderrv‘ $42.50 and upwards. ' rum!) (‘1 A58 Liver rpool Landau or Be' fast. $57. 50 and 3:58. 4.) according to stem n or Full inlorxnnion and Pause booked upviy 1'3 W . 15' MN ROYAL MAIL SERVICE St. Julm and Halifax (o Livm‘paui. Tunisian 30th April ; Virginian. 3 Apr‘ Ionian 23rd March. Victorian 27th Apr Ionian 33d. and 31s: of my, 2821., ALLAN LINE SEn§_ERS’ Gflï¬"; {riving fun pnflic- â€J rim: of r cm [13‘ nem'vicc fox «(tiers travelling wit “We stock and (am-:15 in we ,‘iorthn‘mun March and Anti). vxiih ltJSS'JY‘gur ant! freight mm V v "" . pmcatedes~ wags? N CANADA â€mm 0, the “43.4me “entcrn (unditimw. 8“ {:2 of information inyaluam': iu settlers. seful mum and Manama. Tl ' MEI " . aw. 5 show .‘in" «cubic (13.! 17' ES.) .. n n m. r- .1 n IIV‘ , F n! n r n- x" ‘M Leave Toronto daily. Connortable. roomy b“ .hs m. modem :1: rates. Fuiiy equipped with bedding. ranking: range and every (son- ven'vencc. licrths should be rmorvcd (throw ~h nearest C. PJL Age-:11) ï¬lms {we wet-kn 'cfcrc departure. \‘Vrite {0-day {or free books and any! him: on want to know (Lamp. One West and how. 0 reach it. Address C. B. FOSTER. Dist. Pass. Ag?“ (3.121)... Tog-onto 15: V “â€3325 bELV-tng'im mm sex-v to \\ imazpcz and Calgary. Feta? Settlers 3 mo. 6 mo 01. $10 515 » 15 25 . 20 3:: Preferred position 30: p.c. ce our Engagement and “'(wizhn ONE WAY SECOND CLASS T03R18? SLEEPING CABS A Strong train of \‘csxibMe Cars and Pullman Sleepers leave Tummu daily at 9.00 p.m arriving Cobalt 8.45 a.m. New Liskeard 9.15 a. m. Cobalt is the richest Silver Mining camp in ihe World and well Wunb a visit. (in sale daily unt'l April 30th to paints in Brit sh Cnlumbia. Culifurniu, Montana, Colorado. \‘v'uahiuglon, Oregon. ADVERTISING P L'BLISH ED EVER 1' FPJDA T CIDBALT SPECIAL“? .c A r: .l .1 I r 3. h... .1 LT ST A RX“ V COLON IS'I‘ TICKETS â€3"- EL Write for Pro «pics of Stewart Bros. 'u L 3:: “TEE-â€" 'cw: Aaam . lindsay ii) ALBERTA Eicw Reached :zninmenu at which are Advmuemenu 5'10} MRTYS RATES Proprietor. 15;: Don‘t step on me .. L_n.‘ Marriage: 50:: sddinoual 2221;231:103†9! Clo bead- '. 6 month. Stuns Manna per Sit 31* There is mlyixinn 4 preferably many use: Have bee! poeiliuns 1 month at BEFOR Petcrbor‘ once (15 ARR]: . Count n-ni. Mu! currem r BEG LIEV‘ to! 1m William \N’E to Run com" B ARI; l A mu S‘ M om when l C'k‘r." M1366 and :I‘ a. J. I '1. '4 ARK Mob nut: BI‘ hora sub} the Pa ‘ nu: Om [in