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Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 6 May 1898, p. 1

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't‘ n; AN D MIDLAND ..».~c .~.- VCOUNTIES’ HERALD. . , 52 3 . . .â€" , - __ wâ€"w- -â€"-â€"~ . - _ - WV _ ,“D- ,, w, h o i O ne Dollar 3 Year. BOBCAYGEON, “992931310, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1898. volume 29_ No. ,2, n " ‘ ' ’ ' ., - 'â€""v-"'â€""‘-"‘â€"~â€" -' -F.-. â€"r--â€"~ â€"* , “h + ‘ ""‘" " W" ' _â€""-_"DM”â€"" " ‘ “MW wvfih' "M -‘iv‘ »~ ~77 . 7- ya... u “7“,. .. s .... fl 5 i REMOVING TO PETERBORO POE TR Y. GUIDES FOR BICYCLISTS. i .4 FAD. HER SAD PREDICAJIENT. i SIDE TIGKbERS 5 â€" N . - . I y . I it w TOO GOOD TO MISS. reopieot Bobcai'seon and surm‘md‘"g H George The roads and tourinn' committee otl Then": made of ”me-shoe "“118 "*‘FWUWd the lawyer who was con-I _ g conntryityoil1 contemplatet tremoving"freon:l On enry ' Ithc 0. \V. A. have startzd out. in the the latest fad of the girl who is not 511- ducting the cross examination, “will you I UP 150-9316 JOkes, Original Otherwite f ' -~-~ ~ ~ ‘ ' REX: $2::r1§3r:mheassw:0\v“Equ:l rif'guimi Behold ! he is m?! alibd: ~ I right direction, having already closed a perstitious. but “never can pass a horse-I state how and where 5°“ first met this I ' ; Ibiilario, its a Manufacturing Cominercml 1l{90:03f§?;:;iifi?;léd ’ Icontract with Sanderson, Pearcy 00., film?- [1:0 be a reliable .source 0f helpl ma‘il? . n _ . Sensible.‘Millieâ€"Did you scream - :miri distributing point, Railways l’zullltilng 'l‘o broader spheres on high. l of Toronto, to supply intersection guide ‘“ “me 0‘ trouble, the "all ““15‘ bf? takenl 1 think. said the lady With the when he kissed you ? Tillieâ€"No; after. .1. I from its centre in eight different directions, His spirit still remains ! board for Canada. The board is neatly from a. horse-shoe found by the girl her-l sliarn nose, “that it wasâ€" ‘ Ward, ‘ R besides ’thei 'l'lrclit‘ V‘llltiY Canal uttid ”it; Within the hearts of men: self, and which has been accidentally . “Am-0,. mind what you think," inter- I Al'UStâ€"-D0 you like things done in oil? U T E ' Iiiiiilliullgbfiiijgbobn‘ Idflti‘nrlnlxtllfv:lli‘:éc bilfnis And so be free again. index finger extended with three lines cast. The nail ls taken to ' Jewell?“ I ruptcd the lawyer. “\Vc want facts i Miss New Commcrâ€"“Uli, Yes. i» adore ,.wâ€" ,, â€"â€") IROBERT FAIR, ( PURCHASED HAS A SWEEPING SACRIFICE SALE NOW OK In orili-r to convert the entire stock into Cash on speedily as possible. i i I I I GRAND TRUNK I I I'l‘he outcom': must be it big city in tin- ,nuarfnturc. We buy, sell, exchange and {rent cwrythin: in [ital Eitnte and our I long experience enables us to serve our pu'- irons to their athittitiigc,izive us it. call oI write for any information desired. T. llURLEY CO., IMPOR’l‘AN’l‘ NOTICE ! The attention of the Gun-rill Public is respectfully cnllt-il to the fact that. Wt: have i'l‘_!)il3llt:ll our Town Ticket Office under as follows: ‘C. W. A. guide to ’ (The next destination) and ‘widc tires make good roads.’ The :committce arc cndeavoriug to interest ! every chief consul in the work. also the local roads and touring: committee, and And is his work then done on the arm, ‘iccztuse his voice is still? . I. - - It bids men. burst their chorus I sawn out of one piece, Wltll a. hand and i All, no. 'tisjust begun For, lo, it is his will Thttt we, who loved him so, lie brave and strong as he, Till tyranny lies low Th1:Ir‘iiiiiiiiiigiixiibifgftiifah?£' poles at the intersections to attach the The “Fatherhood of God i" I guide boards, a concession which will very materially assist the local com- mittees in the work of posting. Be strong, be pure. be true, Be patient, in defeat, To teach us, while you can. who bends the unwieldy metal to fit tth middle finger of the left hand, cutting} off the superfluous length and leaving the head as a setting for a stone, or merely as l , a finish. The horse shoe ring is even used as an engagement gift, and is the to fit the wrist, and given as an engage mcnt bracelet. In this case a solitaire is set in the head of each stone. It is a rather strange ornament, but it is the I19“?- We don't care what you think, decharcn't any time to Waste in', listening to what you think. Now please tell us where and when it was that you ’ ly sea travel. first met. this man.” '1 lie witness made no reply. to an answer to the put." “The witness will please answer thei question," said the court in l l l question I litive’ sardines. Wattsult takes travel, to bring out what. there is in a man. l‘ottstspecial- Nod-He married the girl I was en- caged to. Fredâ€"Well. don't worry. after: seeing her home 1’ Flamâ€"No. That was just the trouble. He saw her home. “If you insist. upon knowing, there are impressu'el two reasons far my refusing you?" And g \ ’ r ‘ ‘ v' ' ‘ T . l '7 N'cnr Post Olli'w: l’lfi’l‘EltllORO And “ghmmmb mmy ! hope before Dominion Day to see thous- 5°" Of a New“ 3 3‘” ”‘99 ‘0 Take he" “(MW WW." “-‘rf-zed the l‘mycr- I 1 You“ get over it before he does. 3 ” . i _ i t 1 I{ [< \‘ \V JOHN STOV 5,170le ‘ ‘ ° ’ Then rise, oh! true heart, risé: ands posted throu‘rliout Canada. Gener- fiance, because the value is all in the ex demand an answer to my question.” I n . . . , . "i . J - 0 ’ J- 9 ' Xe iitournitinonesbc Flt)“; at mananer H p rBimini“ ofthn G N pression of sentiment. Two horse shoe poll no response from the witness. l .“l‘mi‘ket”! “Justin“wflkw Beg‘m‘m‘ . l. f' . T'fi yours to M" the rm?" , , w ' 7 . i. a ’ ' ‘ ' nails one found by a r'irl and the other "Your honor " said the law 'er turn Cycle (41m? llandlebiirâ€" "“3" “”3 "m” , , At L..=s than 000. on the Dollar. AV SYSTEM \ourleader should imelnit}. I . Telegraph Company, has consented i b b i i , 3 - , colors. Sprocket- hack and blue. qr ,____ _ -____ _ RAILW .i. to the association using the company's by her fiance, are welded tagether, 9'" ""1 ‘0 the court, ‘I think I am entitledI l-‘lim-l suppose we mum propmed ..~. . There wt re a good many aspirants fo'r this “sfnap,” who were dawm'fi 1:1”: I fhe charge of And know, what'er you d'h’ lfashionable fad. tones: ’ n . ‘ they are? “Yourselfand another man." “1‘. JUImW/I'I“? WiCkf‘waT 3 wry “J“: mm “I‘Y selccmd “0 “L L? ’ GL0. “hI'LDERbflico Lindsay Ilisiesdiiglfhasfllltl:idLii:cdii ' 7" if 4‘ _“ “IV? t, Sta-12d, the lany. Clergyman_why are vou fishing on '. 8~~HTLHJHHC oi Star» t: 100‘ s. Axltl‘t'r‘fi I '.- .‘..‘ f '. ‘ , . . iy no 5 do . 9 B .__' - -. , . “ne‘er ill b- a t, AB U I ‘ J . . I v ‘ . .. no 3, my son . oy Imnot flâ€"ilnhlng .3 , , . . . 7 . , I . ., -. . m. .- . Till victor)’ be digit“ U T NE” SP“ HRS . HAT‘S FOR WHEEL WOMEN “fhe court doesn’t care to hear what sir. I’m only teachin" this warm bow to - ;-. 'l he Nook H sneetal;y well adapted for prescntnresls, being composed of .â€" 'rllh 0th c will bb“\\'ldt. open for bllhlnt'hS And re-ib 0‘1”"qu . . .. __ . 7â€"- . I “1:. k d _ ?" swim a . ' l'lckcts unit nil intmnintion lntfl'ilie obtltlll- ‘ 3 ‘3 â€"â€"Alice finrlandfi~ .0 Here is what Peter Cooper, who died The bicycle girls’ hats are innumerable \7'01, 095 “‘ ' . I, cd from Mr. \\ ”iicri'mlivli‘igni‘i‘v ____n f I llglgwortb many millions, said ofnewapnpera: A high-crowned felt With a long, at!!! i j. ‘. ”q th , c . “Is your husband a devout churclimnn ' .. " «7". :ll ' 1‘ "0 Fl? In“ fiinwhams ; Shirfino‘sl ' "h tâ€" i, ‘...,‘,,.’,,,,t(, ~ ”‘fl . In all we towns where a ncrivspaper 'is l‘P‘“ if “he'd to L? m“? The "4“: - ‘ to] ' ercs no me questioning me 'M" N‘”‘”“"‘? 7:: "'1‘“: b“ “”1" “7' 1 3 __ - .‘- q.“ 7";- n- an“? v. S: ‘ f" ‘ “ii C P ‘ ti ‘ ‘ ' ’ GO-AIIEAD GLASGOW. I published every man should advertise in bat trimmed With folds of striped silk to I .an yfuri tern Il am not_ a v,hiwycr. 1 en tolls :ijii’ke on Sunday unless it is‘ or:~ ,._. i . TICklngS, )luslms 9'3““ ' .." I? °' ‘ ,ayi‘so S I ' I it, if nothing more than a card stating I match the tie is another favorite. Tam “'1‘ in k “"30“: I'I'mk'”i~'-_ ”‘9 CICFSY- ‘ ”fills TWCNIS, Mllllllel’), It“! iIIUV’S, ‘elllng‘s, l B. HUDSON, The Hamilton Herald observes thntI his name and the buriness he is in. It O'Shanter caps are m)st becomming 50 they “Led the "cm "ll“CSF- l'll wed some meek, submissive man, ti'oloiiiit-s l’ortit‘rs. MEGS. lilhlmlls. Dress “00‘“, I «Artist- “PP “1‘10”“ W“ “9?” “9° "Wliscnt does not only pay the advertiser. but it wear to same faces. while small yachting ,rm- rensons good, though lawâ€" A" Bl-uok gin!"g Binnll‘t} si!kg "r058 Trill‘!llillgs l’rill‘s . -â€"â€". â€"â€" . . Cltlécns speak dubiously' Of munlclpal lets people at 3 distance know the town caps are stuck. to tile .year round by _ T0 [Ill-41$ OLYIESfI‘LI’EAS. I ('1 rather be the y-fllOltl Oi One , ‘ ’ "" ' ' ‘ ‘ ’ liipn “‘liS ‘ Towlinun’ Portrait Flgure Painting, control of the street railway system, in which you reside is a prosperous com- those whose chief deSirc is“not to ctitclil I “m" the bell” ha“ 03 1W0- ' ‘ ° ‘ ' ‘ ‘ L . . I ' ' . . . z ' . , ‘ , “0“ “5'5, ”I'lldllluub. ‘ 9“ ' ‘ l ’ a " -â€"-A Specialty. electric rllghtiuguanq ”Emu.“ ",i‘tural munity of busmess men. As the seed is the W‘Ud'" Felt '3 501%" than stra'w,I The development or the phonograph I flmqler-{iow d6 you 5’39” “weather ,. All kinds of Scenery, such as 30002;:de a sociplisiic ideailband sown so the seed rccompcnses. Never baitdtliebcoolness ofihcisailor Ihat. fand lits seems to be somewhat slow. Possibly I {lilelewgii‘izp Inuit-hail. lezicliorâ€" that; . _ V , 7 . . . , limiios‘tt-tltls CumpStft‘llt'S llUI‘St-s, ticrc. angprous n to we - clog all down you siun while you ex ect to s a y riin give t he pain or ' mt Into a little impatient. but. I was inI . ' 7 “‘0 "'1‘“ "3r “‘3 “We 3 91. A ""2“ 9" “13’ “‘11 film" that ‘5 mum“ exception, one Of the most desirable and otht-i-Aiiininl painted i'oordni; of seeiety. Its amusing. Why, we 30 business. This most costly andpornate weather. Some of this year's sailors hopes that long: before this we should I for ”me “me- scarf laidI . , . . . . the ( nnrterl . hill: Come in. . Take Glasuow, for instance. The around the brim and fastened wrtli gold purveyor of dry litinior the club bore . i i 0 3 ‘l l l t v , . . . "’,, v u . . , . . . v v ' t r G, 3': ~ i 5 g 4 ] Um be {WWI DJ) UI Nam.“ "'5 “-"L I Herald has lrcquentlv referred to Glas- or Silver pins in the shape oftruuipets. I l .- , . . ., -. i , , l .. rt .1.” 5 ” ‘q-V l ‘0 mm “a” l.‘ mo“, " . ' I’ J 35- 9 rooms M‘tl‘kct \‘t li'llt‘ or residenceâ€" (1 l '7 TVOODIQV [1300131) COLT l - . “film" CM‘ICI-‘mp .l“b‘l”br~ 3'“ the MI- .strilting costume in the t‘.ll‘)l(,‘ piece .’ All.” 'r ' . l . : ~ ~ ITOW asatown tint has blaznd the _way ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ A horoushly up-to-datc bicycc 095' satisfied babblcr of bunniiticsl S(,Hll‘- ‘ "Yes” "That's «liioer. What is it?” . . . Z « «lll'lLi‘. til" l'IiY WWW ('Mil’i‘li". 311111115151“- 1‘11‘". One Block stt of the Fountain 1” munlctpnl reform, 'but ”5 acliievc- 1 - rt d l_ - M Ituine-mny havctnrtan lmtbm‘it necktie, one, lonu before Robert. Burns, lininuinc I ”fights and boxiiigrhanCS.” . H... 'i Elf. t.~i..>i:\' 1mm, phi l.;l;l;i.l;.,_ lithl‘lliY. meets in this direction cannot be two lt '5 “3190‘ c It)“ 1“ man (in 35' stockings. and. in addition to these, the announced intelligible lzinzunne tint iii “Momma “m do,” know Ml; Easter I. ‘A full stock of Collins, Caskets, Robes l frequently potnted to as cVitence of :acmsctts la“ a CI). llivlfllilwwob) 0: 105‘ broad ””3" ’03” 0‘ Highland dross would be a good thing if we were able , Sunday is like the letter i," said ~Iii-willie A, M""‘""""_"' ,v, ----- -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l‘Jvlw "I"! ‘r-IUVCS MW.” 0“ hand. lwhat can cislly be done when there isl “Sf summtr a I“ m‘a_ "a f0 e t- c I passmg over one shoulder and under the to see ourselves as others FCC Us. [ am I l-‘mglc. ~-.\‘o. l do..'t. Fl’l‘tl'llt‘. What. LEG“. I HUTELS- I __ I the Will to do it. The following recordl colts 1915-5 below t ‘0 I‘OOL-rkthIE‘3 forla other arm. Fortunately, however, suehI inclined to think it would be even more I is it ‘2" “Because it’s the end of Lent." ‘ , ‘ . . ' .' . - . ersona reason astroug i in" or tie . ' .7 ' . . ' . I . , , i l rv~~ v~ ,- - , - ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"._~ (1F!) W TAYLOR 9f Glasgow's irogrcss in reform, Wbmhl p . l l 3 ’ . ‘ . ." ' Icomplettuess ‘5 "0‘ absolutely required. I advantageous if we could litar ourselvcsI “()hl Scarids, across the Nov is the l I" "' Hm‘ ' I“ tr iilr‘ ()l'll"V l‘ \l ‘ ' ' ' I ‘5 “kc“ “m” an Old country P3P". anima ’ “L owner W” unwrlling to have as others hear us 'l‘l‘is cannot be done l stingiost 111'”) on ("Will ” "”0“: ’cnn \' lu " ‘ V.“ ‘ "‘f“ ' W" ’_ I 1 _’_ ‘TERULAM TOIWNSIiu' (ISLERK, AND.5hould open the eyes of those of our Em” destroyed 5" he called 1” a veter- WI] 17' 1 ,MA 2,71 "15,771 V? by what is usually known as "Fpt‘akiiiw'l‘r‘we it?" ..ll,, lit'es'nn grllt‘l.hblnliilv )\"-I'-:\I u"! ' If“ .w. uh.._ . Pia'i‘illzizoicoi't;it. oN'l‘. I .- ‘lu‘lzlslr’ilrfff I'M-mi“-Dii‘uftlhbii‘lid- “I,“L‘ citizens who catch their breath at the 1"“! surz‘e'w'h W“? amputated ‘hc 1}? " *5 ” ‘ ‘ ‘ ' into the phonouraph,” we then wil‘ We to avoid wearing out the gold fill.ilg in ) l"-' . ‘ ‘ . ‘ “I” “”ul" ““t 110301": Huh! In Town. I ”"1“ Ar} ( ii”, (vigilant? M’ ’0’ very mention of “municipal control" ' and alter a time fitted a wooden peg for Thiu is wl at Iâ€"Tâ€"cL en l s to S y I can “1le 0f fluidly)" ‘0 53} CIW‘I his teeth n (::i\"'t~oii unsut ' t u: ' l ‘5. - . . . _ ‘ ‘ , , . i an A a ar )3. a . ‘ i . - ._ . ,5 . (Rim. N. GRAHAM I‘nnr ‘ h ' Glasrow’s corporation lonut 'Vfl) ac uir ltJuSt like these you see o.d soldiers and , . . w r . u, . ., . - i , ...-_, - . - ~ . - ,. . . . . - . .raf‘l to I ~ A shift lance. .n :l . \ l x .|.\' t\. "7‘, I 7 fl _ _ ,,,, D... # ‘(d the "I S 3 Id ‘ d“ Bk. 'q . the like WPal‘lD‘” At first. the cult re- nbou‘ :1 Lihl’lstldn - our 0 d5 cf}. " u 139 p_ nou_ncc [IUD l . H ”.y' .g ‘ . . g I rl'he (".ch 1" b H . _ I , w â€"« , (.4 I water no trta mi), in btll d m_ Q Lil d w b J . Christ did not come to cramp any ones clearly. and assume a votce different h, ioaidii. .l.‘ .i Mlle sign in .i fllrllill:C>L . t . . . .t . n I Lemmy HUL'SIJ, I ‘gr F I: l 1894. they took oycr the traluways. e c a_.iin.t ic appeu .ane,’ ut .i tor manhood _ He came to broaden it Hi- our usual one. But if we had the pockct character; “in other woirls,”s:ii.l Asliury lym' lxl'l‘l .x' \ lg: lillx, t 0:21ch ' ' - es“ 1 They are about to establish a munici-I he found he could walk “uh "a” “an“ «id t ’ . ‘d t i d:‘ honoumph mad-i m “Minn, our own I1"’l'l"3’5- ““10 “1:1“ “‘I") (”“1133 IUU'H , j ! Vii | m ‘I . I h ‘ l.lNl!S.\\’. I li-al bank ! The citv owns a labor bureauI he grew to like it and now gets around i ll :0 mcoinef [flil 2“ mi; Suicidal” '00. ’ liitlurcpit‘v or that of otlitrrlp oplt accord Iround l5 “”0" b"l‘l'm‘r-r 4" v ' ' . .l . . , . . .. -. i l ' ' . ‘ - , .. - - e a c 0 ii i. no gl"01ll’.: i _ ' 0 ‘. ‘ .. _ i _ ,i L. ‘i \ o» , I. m) in: to 1m, h.) immin ham). I HHS“ “flea 1‘g‘ent, land the corporation have charge of ten l Without ti‘oublc. Last Cliiistnias time Christian is a nun with a stronl'ei‘nrc'i-I ion as wc‘presscd one button 0,. mail,” . lourisz, (to county hoy)â€"\\‘lmt time is . l l‘l'l ‘ ~ 0W "DH“ 3 "My ‘ ‘CIIUFCIWS- Which they are bound ilo main-I “I? 0““? soon walked twelve lunes.m 'a son kinder llt‘1l‘; firmer will '1de richerJ wd'should possess an instrument “Til? "1' mil“ 1’ W‘ AI") ll ““4"“ ‘YCIW'Ix’. "- H- I““ “"‘\"‘ Win. li.Sl.\ll‘SON Pm). I t" ' -‘.‘ .‘ "‘S tuin " ‘ ' . ‘ ' . neilrliborin" town and (:Xibited him in . ’ . .' " ' _ ‘_ ‘ ‘ . .‘ . Hr. l‘ouristâ€"l thought it “H5 morn. . l Itl.lltlbLI\l . ie muniCipalitv provrdts baths 6 I“ . . imaam-iunn than his fellowsâ€"one who i lll"ll as beneficial as a tender conscience . - ' . “I.“ 5"?“ T“ "‘F I!" ””m'mi W ’’’’ I lat two cents “a swim ” and Public wash-l vacantstore band"): to large crowds, I = “ . l'. ' i ' '~ rd 5 t . r 'e‘ u . . l"l layâ€"ll S Kiev“: any mom hen" :lr' It hm, N l. ...i ill Incl-st inns . . _ ,V , {The Western. lh f l " . _ who cheerfully paid to see the curious- has attained to its lieigot in Christ. A an. a 0 160m R'T’ml‘llla 45 3_ 0““ “ JUst begins again at 1. J.” ”W lmwm.‘ “MW 5,, c” ‘il..>\.\D (,EMhAll, . Capital $000 000' i 9“”‘5 1‘7”] “0 emit-“i903“: fir? house: ity Ibiuot. or a prig, or a wankling is a half‘l friend. Ifyou had been spending the M 1 . \' H l 1 l ' ': . ,..-.; ‘. I. .is: t‘ ti u. ' J ., . . I | ' ,.., ’ Wives w ‘0 turn “0" t “3 act itics 01' Pu“ ' ~77 . ‘ ‘ i - -. I c’enin: in congenial so‘iet ' and humid .‘ 3 mm" " "“3 L‘ m” . t ‘0 ’0“ imr' u “‘H l M ' \ H ’ m 1," ill ll:,,.,..\.. I I‘ (. I'I"H"RB()ROv ONT- iLiverpool, London Globe -i'i‘ing clothes at home. The city ownsI . . gh‘igfipfjcunbuan' one Mt y“ armed ybu had been more brilli-ini. than u~uil “in” 0! we {0M “'0 10" H": ”I‘M" "" '~ - ““‘- S‘i'itlt'i‘in’ ‘llIS'I‘ l..\~>. . .-. i i ) ..' . ... ‘n ' . . . ' ' ‘ .' ’ w 111i. are ”on "will," hit win-ii I risk \'0‘. k7? r~ Assets over $00,000,000. SLVLral . mink} 10(15ng Lnuu‘a' net to 2 IVYFD I) . ) w “flint, ouwht a Christian to read :71 llOW wholesomeâ€"albeit somewhat [with Wlizlt \Ou) will hail“; I’lwn. ,i .i ' ,1 . ,. . . . . I p, t" .. 1‘ . ‘s oak of a i- i h 0 S d 10 . J ARAGltAPIIb. . n , , . . . . . . I Urt .t lwl\l\ lilo r; .\l l;\\;\l\.l, -i.o. .ont.ii., not. , I P 4"” y omc. U atur ay Ever book which feeds the intellect ' IUIâ€"lt “'Ollld be $0 find 0" CUUSUIUU" flu of 'hi i "ill l" il ‘0» lus- ‘ ' .7 ,, . ____ The Farmers Umon Mutual afternoons dun... in. mm, womb, ,. . â€" , , . 3’ , , . l. H i . l . l i c ~ ~ .. n - .‘ n l' a... )\l‘...l‘l i l.\ Sullt'llnl’s‘, Noon-ins, C W “M" , , . . . him, are c r 0 i" , l d Police courtJudges nre fine-imposmg Where ought he to go ?' lavcry place W5 tn“! U. aphpamlut’l “at 3"“ W Sunday-school touclierâ€" Yes. Children, b’ it ....., it: i...:. :ll. Inwcsl t‘lll-rl'lli mitt-s" SNOWDEN “DINE. This tompnny is Jumping .fl'i t 0 Fifi lO_!1 concerto, Lle't‘l - men. where the moral atinospncre is pure and . been more of a silly loo. than chl'. 1 God made us all hmmv No‘m, 1m ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ " u o . - .' V ‘ . ." i - - v - . mi i-.l~)‘ t m. illiit't‘Sâ€"i n-t mum'wlhuk- . .s P-t . .- w‘ . ll H‘ ”ti _ ""10 POPUh‘lr'li 1339““)th 0‘ “3 I 2”“; (illllo will?!) 13 one 15‘0”: “‘0 An auction store is always a for-bid- bracing. What ought he to do? Every sincerely trust. that hlr. Edison will be d'tln’t.‘ llori-ihetl [Oilcllt'l'-â€"‘~\ lint .' alilll. AWHL M" Li" U" nllbiliTtlfilr‘ti idini' ‘lAtlilH'ilt‘i-s dtSonJZiiii'antii 3 0W ‘ . I r3: if)! dado "HI l out a go} -c|oux-Sc’ the din: 913.00. thing ”‘3‘ Will make Cliamcmr- Religion i able. to prcwdc us With such ‘1” ”"ahl' myâ€"intl did“ I “WK“ my l’“- M"- 33." V. . v» |~.: 41' I, - I i‘ c."._ ' ' e 4' - - _ v. . . . . '. ' ‘ . ‘ '_ w 1 i l .. , . 1* -- .. '4 ‘ . ‘- “ " 5...... ...... ........ .i n..- W r... BRITISH AMERICA. 3 m. lndytiicp 23.0.: W iii.‘ a” ti.” “he honeymoon often ends min the m not some» a films “P “I“ or We “"1” vadc-mccuni “'3 a “3mm“ 1““ ‘ 5'” ” “N“ 1‘ m “1‘“ "“ - 7 ; h “if- ‘ most outnf'ortablc $1 50 it day llousc ili lhv I Assets $l‘174’000. . liave ' OCC 8' “ ‘ ] def bu 1’8 t ey granui'q last quarter. but posture, :1 getting and a. pogscssipg, before very long. Small [,OV~D09§ Hod mqko apologies " “MINIMUM 06 AZCDUIQUD. PW" “W. I _‘ ifbrtninninatltonimibli: Oilimo “D‘sdpcr. It's mud: on the balloonist when he [fa man Will be content Wllll nothintr Clone-”*1 Viril”!‘-"Nlhl'lli’ "”1- Mod! . . . _ r W.“ lelvaN PFOP- ‘ ~" '3 par 5 0 one “Y ' - b l b ‘ l l'l b s k b Q Do â€"l)itlil't he make '01) " l'l2 . 'l .. \ -. ~ .‘n.‘ttx'.~' l-.t,-. l. l>ll dz, - i AN l . .. . .’ takes a dro two much. In tic CM: “011 It ct WOT OJ . , ., . . , . . Y . 3 - 7 ”-04 V‘s ll-‘Qjfil Il’l‘if‘”:1:..lvn.lli,_,:,l’,v.Iixilmhtmn“ V Dvfi ILANCASHIRE 0f ENGI’ 13’ lthcy deal with cases of infectious dis- some we: who possess neither "old mend, has, envimgmgm, he we’d “0,, "111' 1112 "ANTS “All nor-Certainly. sin.” boyâ€"Well, h. . l1.1....I-ifiiduii..ii‘nil mil «mm. ill INN I UUKLAND llUl'Sli. Assets over $7,900,000 5 :35? at ”:10” 0W" 1"‘ISle'3 i “I" have‘ nor silver have lots of brass H trouble, abOut avoiding the worst. The ‘W 9 Of "“ d 51‘3’33'0” “re ”My “11 “1’01023' 101' a man. ' - ' ‘ . .. . -. mi; - i- '--’ ‘ uit ' ' 't . . ‘L' - . ‘ ar. coursewcwnntwar.au ,, l r.tr~.< .Hlll lust. ll iiii~. .\ Illt (”In it)! Ill olVlti R . . ‘ . ‘ ‘ i I | i 32‘ arekstil Ib‘dlldlng, houses The optimist takes a day 0- when the gOOd drives out the bad. There are tWO I ts f 't \V f u U rec “m melancholy (lRVS have come, , ’.nll.t 1...... lil14l-\.IÂ¥'lll‘-(~‘I‘)- 1» U“) 0"“ lrUbLAilvhtN. a O t - M. t 1 L'fe w ierc t e wor mg: cusses can live at! ll (1 w soflivhtin" a dark room . one is to 0 0 '0 1» one 0 your PC 3’ _ ‘ 'l'hw “ll t l . a... ‘ 'H- 'vml‘il-"V- 'l'h’ l'mtismnt- ni-w Hot -l H titted n i with Th" n arlo u ua’ 1 Imoder t t O l ' rent on ector comes aroun ' ay "‘ "‘ . ’ months’ cam autos for me Gimme “ H I e“ O 1 “’ S““°"' l’ , \l , .. 7 [,le A L l.“ -\ unliimiiin 'nll “x: lino hm in” "‘1”;an L,” It and The oulv C‘tntllll‘ln Mutual . the co: :r::?03' lily talemlr'occilflii The conipOSCl‘ can’t. publish his first, . attack the darkness With candles, the ore and don"t, st-int the Cu It ,, 0f carpets up and stovepipos down. __.'_ P|-.‘-l"'~"i ““ ' " '5 i. |‘ n ‘0 ‘ 'y' ' t - ‘ ‘ I _ . - ‘ i i ., ’- ~-t ' ' « .,.' ' lCommie“u.,,,,,n,,.,.,.h,lrooms. Goodztnlilcs l Assets 83,000.000- f ace ., it? Which addition? cutii‘iaiismcnat ' opera until he has produced a score. Iother is to open the. shutters and let in I h “What makes you so blobiltliirstv 1’" 0‘ New”! and 1M” in min . AM“ rum-um attention given to He Bi"- T‘H'I Gowrnmcnt Deposit $100,000 ‘ ,,,’.,,c,, free Am‘m i‘ I, S It is caster for a borrowed umbrella the light; When light comes darkness "Well I'yc gm the fines, minimum lloax- My wife and some on...r Mann, 5.5.3 Billof Fare, the best to be procured. l j. 5 ' - wt! 0 ‘9' Pro‘ to keen lent than it, is for the averaoe goes. There are two Ways of forming ’ . . . .' ; ‘ are gain: to organized 5 on”, mew”. «via EEHTI - \1 u I Jocts 0" “3"“: such “9 80‘1“"‘93 the tele- man ‘ a character- one is to CODQqu our sxns the for hard me" 5°“ “7" I‘m} eye” ‘m’ and ion \‘on ‘(1159 ' l‘ht ldt t of “on ' . IV} V. . 'S )A' u _ _ ' . ‘ .. .. _ - -"‘ b” . t ‘i ' lentil . A ~ ll u I. Y “[0 t ( Specifll P'Call‘rCSâ€"l’l‘oml‘t Dnymm“ of l I hiionc sjtilsltcdm’ the Cleans“): 0‘ the odor- ' Perhaps money talkS, but it seems other is to cultivate the opposite viriues. if'our cougrfibinwt cand FOIL liiii: :om ' a “wet '5 ”my! ”WK-Y0“ 'Illr'm‘I-‘I . .. ., . . . - ~ . ‘ . ': l crous ~ ' ‘ . . . - - - missar cucra in 0 or orin" 005 ~ . .. .... I DE. A. ROSE, \ \ n Ethyl)”thil'l‘glxITJllLll‘iTilieullfl‘h'QESEt‘ig'y‘Btel'liu" tdcce::abii:liaiiigifto:?$; 1113:3110“ adverse to holding conversation With The latter plan is best because it is the of. it jivfll I’m no prophet: tlrit‘s all “and“ “‘9' “m ”11“" l" ‘9“ “Wm. , . . . . ,. . ' -. c. .i..i,:‘v': ‘ -: “ - .- - , ‘ i e I.rar- _ ' . ' â€" ‘ . r - . . , l “‘3 I “L 5‘ l‘('l‘0‘\’ .. . ‘. . . . “ Gunmntwl CM“ SW'UWW' "mm“ . ies. tin-d, the installation ‘of' an ‘ . in I greait many people. iu - ”its.“ - The-[Virtue replaces thesrn. T And they can't fire on the old fla'r too "5°" that. Sm" 5°“ 15 a partner "Ismail l -â€" Mfr .. ‘ ‘ . _ ‘ “Jilin of 'l hird lllvtsum Court of ('otinty Liberal policy conditions | ‘t fl] l n f s. "I I The amateur who fights a proiessmuul burlatldnity‘ws not a drill ; 2t- ;4 line. (a t r it c. . . . ° Ofn. clerk, Mr, Hardly. down he litlli» yo i I 14'.) H l'};']‘ 1-21; r'l‘ltl-Zl-ll, l‘l-.l h.l.l.t)l.0 (} of Victoria, Colnlnkblonul‘ for taking I lsy“ cm "_ nu 3"? or the tramways, the I pugillrt has about as poor show as the full, free, radiant and rejoicing, “I hntl ' m o “u me' in your business :is much as munch."- ‘ .' . ' ‘ V ' . v a . . . _ ~ I Allltllnlis in H. L. J. I W J READ I COFPOI‘QUOL seriously contemplated a I man Who 2005 to SEC 11"!) act. a young man should do is not, to VCX him" v “A good deal more," "i lint S into," \h'. ll. GROSS, I \nd lN‘s‘liel' (ll \l‘ll‘rl’lfi‘ llCCHSCQ OWL» . . BOBCA’YGEON . lfi‘CaISUI"? the 0150? Soy dfol' [the reform H sclfabout, his imperfections. but to fix "9/1), .7 “X'r‘S’ he never shows Up at tile «illicn i t " ' ' ‘n' ‘i ‘“ 0 tie corner oys, an have resolved ~â€"v- DVD... “~ l' - - - - now " . ,. . . , .. . . .. ~ .. ;. , 1 . . .. - . . . its mind on the brl‘Vllt ima'rc of cifcc- ' l..\ 1 I513 Lin is ii , (mt, All .umk. jolton blrLLt. l ibt‘nyhco i. Oiic docr north Du: Store. i to build for themselves, on the banks of tie . tt, ,I.‘ .1. _ 1p 1 . . â€"__ , -I-'I‘IMHH'£III>| t'ln'mwi‘, “WW 1" u” I 'Loch Katrine a house for wh 5‘ no SUGAR EATING NATIONS, 0: °°_ owcary “‘52 50“ WI“ 1:“ 95, Why isnta vacation 9. sort of hand “For my part, lilon‘t think any man must Li-itl'tivi-il illillllt'l" llllil Will‘xulltcd. J‘uFS DICKSUV [member cqllcil “a h f (3“ o .é’I halt to llyc Wltl'l (/hTIOSt as one hvcbh l POSt ? ever dOCS llllntell‘ any credit by Hlflii‘y'll}: v, H W -7 -rvâ€"H- Ah...“ ‘ A A i , OUIIDCllOI'S fir Tl] omeh 01‘ .thyL The sun'ar crop of the world amounts With a friend. There 15 OD? way [’0 com I ‘th Should telegrams that. g0 00 tick :t. wet-"fl” for “(‘1‘ "long." .. "N". ll" . 'L sURVEYOlt,Commissioner in the Q _ . . _ 1 _ en a so 01-110 for the _ -1 ear to 8 000 000 tons of pletc manhood, and that 15, fellOWsliip be mid for in advance ? thesu t do llllnsvll any credit. but lit- 0'”! I )R' 0553- NEILL. “"5 I 151' B ,Conroyaueer,c. ; aunlf‘l’al‘zg‘uogflf illcdpublic house 13' 10h? £2,221? river part, abbut 4 506000 with the Lord. “ii", does a head of hair more than get all he wants of it alter that. .lust tho - is on y to c iscusse No wonder w to El g , i i â€" " same.” ' Residence “1d address m At the fist Annual General Meeting of I a - ' ’ f b t d th ‘ b l n n 1 the sum of its arts 7 . . ~ v S , , .. ‘ itherefore blasnOWl tons comes rom ee 8 an t. aancc _. . . , , H- , ~‘l :i . . p .. . - , . L)!“ no-4.orner (IGOR-‘8 and‘lluntcf t3 Fenclon Falls THE SPANDAR'D LIFE ASSURANCE (-00_ahca:d" ? S looked upon as a 3 5010 000 tons from,su(yar cane. O 7 I \th do lovers always want. more If “Do YOU believe iii-”)0 any”): lll'li Man WV“ mumml‘rs Drug hum- ) COMPANY' held at Edinburgh, on Tue" 3 m y. the latter the lai'vcst Priportion come GOOD ROAD'S' I lovc’c lir't kiss is swcctcct ? Proposes and “0d (“film-‘0“ 3" “I” Mk”. . ' . ' ,â€" â€"- " > “ ‘ ' Ufcoursn he rallied t'l‘tieii l >.liO‘ll'l ~â€" Phllgltl‘mflit}. 'day the 6th April 1897. the followrng . , 7 ‘ . . . . .. , . . _ , l .. . n'vur ‘IOVEY LEVI-T V I Results for the Year ended 15th Novem- , 7 from the W0“ _ Indies and a large 3 Farmers are "1 many “903 fighting “ by doc: J YPUEI m‘i" abs,” 3° b a" I think you would do your shim. she to: 31)th _ A, 7# g _.,__.... J. L l- . ber, 1896, was reported :_ A ll 0NDER] UL INVENTION mount from the lSlaDd 0f Java, says the against good roads, because they have an 0” harbor for his l‘St 8 have; t 3031“]. Shortly afterwards everything ._.. v . . . ' ' . s r. ' ‘n -; .. . - ' ' 8‘ ‘ it Vt‘El \‘(lN ni‘wi'is‘r LlVDS~tY â€" I 479 2Policics otLife Assurance . The w d f I . . New Yorktsun- t' d , w b at idea the cyclists will alone benefit from ‘Xingfvg‘zf:i‘o:;:?f0fiery}:all?” “‘3 am"°°’ “mfmu’my . . . . .. . . -» - , ~ - . . rr - -, . - i s F - . , . w ‘_ Arrangements htu'e been made by the were, issur‘d,’nssuring, $10,865,096 Szezc anikoilo ewlui hinvefntiou ofh Heiir fmoazrmzncogggégsfigiio livfixtliiu aboeut them. This is a wrong impression .31. cleliv does it take twd to make a soar-I ”<2thth hat hotel clerk queormi in!” \.':».i[,\‘ iz..i..-.iy;r0“v “WWW“ ”M’s", ”“3 1“ Umlcrsisncd ‘0 lcnd 00 Reid ESWO SCCUV'W ' in 10“” h-“S‘y‘g fiss‘lr‘filff read pb ’ d "3. ’0 erence. as a - “a":r d y {y b . ld’: _ th 'together, and every cyclist should pornt l 'f man and his wife are one 9 ‘ Isoli lastmght. Jewottâ€"llow WIS that '2 vl‘lllll‘slllly at each month, also Edition i‘ oils at m“ 0, interest from 5 to 7 per cent, The force at lath a cum U: y _ ccn ma e, is thus described by one t.” 3:0 t. e wor a crop , cn out when such an argument is used in his I m i a i _ . . ”event A lady ho was call”); upon “up Ml._\,_,im,. ”mm. ”1,, 3m 'l‘ucsdu)’ oi» cud, . - i896 amounted to $114,305,000 the Vienna corres onden‘. of l‘ udon Austria With about as much ; and then , -. -_ Why does a small boy always take dc- ,ened 103,, Um, that her hm, was MW . , ’ . l «v at 4} c the mortvages . . M -d . P t b 0 i , , presence, that tb. Wishes of the cyclists . . . i Y _ l . -7.” mun”). viry Moe sums .. P i . a ‘ The claims by Death or itturt. Daily News : The tclelcctroscope will France, Russta. and Belgium and Ho] are “th secondar to th d f ti light. in seeing: how near he can skate to and he absenuminiipdly asked her what. } "H.” taken loranrtcrm not imam“: ”“30“”, 0"dech “I“Ch “Wired“ not on] in it :2 'b1 l ' d n i 'th bst ti ll t'es q y e “cc 5 ‘3 1° t1 danncrriwn ? Itime she would have it. called, 1 ' c- and the interest payable yearly, half yearly in: the year amounted, includ d y . a efpo.5i e I: ‘9 instantaneous lan ”he" let, WI Si! an a y u am people who use the roads to take tilll' pro 10‘“ "- thâ€" eraflc mm 3.an 8 read I . .. . . or quarterlv, on (luvs fixed to suit borrower. ing Bonus Additions to .... $2,838,143 ”pro ““9" ° ,man.“5°“Pts at any dis- qume- - , duce to market. They need izood roads ‘y is c av l ' 'i‘ y ’ yi “His success in a financial way has 7 DR. F. A. “ALIE‘hi QT Principal can be reduced by instalment. The Annual Revenue amounted mucc’. but it Will print them upon photoâ€" In respect of the production of beet most of all, but. in providinw them than ;o stand up for he W03 02‘ 80! 8V”? 7 been something m'irvellous,“ ,,\'(.|\?~.I ‘ Honor “rung.“i‘hiiiio 'L'Tiivvrsitv Apply to ‘nt 15th November l§96. to .t $5,323,374 graphic plates: Thus if the first copy sugar in the United States, there has cyclists are also benefited :nd that is: where but m a street 08? ? “Yes, sir, I've often heard him tell how, 1 r” __'_._. ' WILLIAM STEERS, '1“? A§°?m“[:‘::gtc: if“ a 841 “50,8 ofa: paper as it leaves the press is insert- been a vast increase since the establish- why the latter are so infei-cstcd in farm-I ,, ,, , When he 95mm “”0 “WWI 3‘0an ”:0. n” ' ‘ ~‘ " Dental Parlors ()VI‘X' (Erchry'S Drug Store. . ‘ 501ml“- $13)", 3,332,035,, during. the ' ’ . ed m He" Szechanik’s apparatus. it mcnt ofthe McKinlCY hand in 1890. ers obtainin'r their ri~hts in this dircc- 114]) If“! he owed to the world was :o. dollar :md to ‘ Gum“ m Km” “I“! wmmm SIS. Dominion Bank [iimdmji' t L' i ay Yea-Lot $1 468 690 can, he says, be Produced by photo- The year previous the American product tiou ° ° ‘ ‘ ‘ iiuarlfr. and latt Week he failed for" “111- 'i ' , , Wi inm J rec , im 5 . I - v v _ . - . ' , ion. 1 m. ; humans MODERATE. LlsnsAY I lveshnentsxn Canada; gap? the “gxtimoment In New York. was 2300 tODS-F TWO Yearsllizter 3: "ml _,..___fi _ MR.--“ Swami Mercwcriicr once got into a r _ om ay or y ney, our years 2 er 1 was ‘ ntnpk. of Joy (in «l... put upon the clearing market for sometime rim-"nu “till :1 . , v. . i,lu ,. H, ’l lziiiltwt time. Sacrificing Prices must do the selling. in Ill-.‘li‘iitilnlt'tl iii w ill“; llnrgziins in the truest sense of the word, as a As we must. min The public .. pill-rm ”f iv-i- \‘itit-k will lm iifloreil (it. lll)i)ut, ()no. Hztlf llt‘ss th'ln Similar Goods A large collection of Pictures for sale, Landscapes, Figures and Animals. stsons Given. . , . . l" Canada are 3“.“ PQI‘Nd the “3° 1“ I circular n busmess man sends out dies in the science of Munmipal governmentuicss than a day; but the enterprising The same can be said of our neighborsI have their crowns Walled in to make a reservoir for rainWatcr. Except forl descrttours, where snppLies must be have had a cheap pocket instrument that 5 might have registered our own conversa- tion and that of our friends for future Flo-Do you love me, sweet '2 Willâ€" IDeztrly. h‘loâ€" Would you the for me? Willâ€"No, my precious girl ; mine is an . . newspaper, containingr the news from the , _ l .i, .1 v iii-i; anti in in tho li(‘glil;u' way. The stock millic sold in the 13.: Brock stint. . pE'iEiiiiORO over the border. In Germany MdIcnds 0f the earth exists from day to day Icarricd, these should be avoided. The reference. What an excellent thin" u” 3 ’5: U °~ . ' . Great Britain ”19y are “‘1' in advance I and a business card in its columns be: POPUI“ sailor is trimmed With a striped this would be to keep in check the Daugmpr-“hv is It’ rm, “m.“ honey Iof' the people of this continent in all that' or plaidcd scarf to match the tie. Au- moo“ ’5 sul’l'oseil ‘0 1"“ "m." ””90 \‘l’. \l’. .lililNSTilX STollE, 0 “ST“. Bliilflli. GEO. BYNG, - UN DERTAKER il Bonds $6,860,000 l comes as familiar and as welcome as the lappcrtatus to oivic affairs. news itself; Telegraphy will 12,000 tons. other decoration is a broad brilliant conversationnlist, the man with an inexhaustible fund of anecdote, the .carriagc with Lord Campbell, who was l months 1’ Mn -At the end of 3 months ‘No button upon my shirt !’ he cried «< .3 vv ”1333;31:an 33“";3, state . 4,652 000 thus become a thing of the ast and 20,000 tons. Last year it was 43,000 BA THE YOURSELF. l . u in a... . “this eye m angry glow. 2 1 'W Gd L B R A I TH O L S E. WILLIAMSON» Re,“ 1:555“: , . . . 5702000 even the telephone, which at. a linn-cit dis. I tons, and the article is on the increase. __ . tiling: eghnutclizllriérgtgrcirit £31 atricd ti) Bu‘iJlin replyjhe softlyL sigheil, l ,â€" - ‘ ’ ' ‘ " PHOTOGRAPHER, LINDSAY Sundries . . 602,330 tance is a worry to those who have to In England the consumption of sugar Human perspiration has been proved t p into conversa‘iorL Lord Campbell ' say” -say no bew ' I"? ' BRACEBRIDGE‘ ‘ Tagâ€"330 work it, will be cast aside. Herr Szeze is 86 pounds a year for each inhabitant. to possess toxic qualities, and the poison- if" "v” was as unciril as possible my: Gargoyle (hack in town after a year's .v â€"x"" Pictureseopicd and enlarged S . 1 pilot]: is a young man of 25, handsome In Denmark it is 45, in Holland 31, in one qualities of the exudations are -I?:tla;t. “Why, Morewether,’ you Iabsence)-When i wentawavglones and . v .' Disputed lines adjusted. 'l‘imbcr Surveys Frames of all descriptions. . MONTREAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS. dark-eyed, With a. head of curly hair, and France 20. and in Norway and Sweden showu to be greatest after vigorous .nus- "2; worse and worse ; you're as fat, as a. I 3:03" visit: rlwal sutiioriofor} mi? ”in“? i ’1 ii bun minarahnns "mic, Plans and Tommi . ‘ .. IJAMES A. GILLESPIE. Esq. nSimplc and gentlemanly manner.- A- 25, whereas in Russ'ia it is only 10, in color exertion. Guinea pigs and rat».g oisi: n "Fit. company. my lord nl m'ijn; (‘liicniigigfeCan't ti?” tiliat "any " ' ship Mails ffll'nislli-tl. Muskoku Island: ALLWURKGUARANTEEDMRM‘CLASS E. 5. GREENSHIELDS, Esq, nother invention of his which is already Italy 7, in Turkey 7, in Greece 6, and bits were killed during the investigations porp h ' e 1 “for the Great Seal ” ’ she 5mm?“ Brown onl a month 3.; , Surveyed and Mapped. I H. V, MEREDITH, Esq, being worked in Germany is one to sim- . in Servia 4. The consumption of sugar of French scientists by inoculation of was t c r p y . 35k me again in about “yvear. ° ‘ or? , -'* “cmâ€""I",â€" For BOOTS and SHOES go to I ARM” W' HOOPER» qu. PM! the manufacture of designs for seems to have very little epnnection with perspiration taken from the flannel shirts' ‘ . ; _ h, “983,, said mu; thoughtful” . l D. L AVERY, AUC‘l‘lONEER. J_ H. B ALFOUB, W. M. R-tMSAY, woven materialsâ€"carpets, tapestry, bro- or relation to_ the production of sugar; .ot a young man, in perfect health, who To be innocent is to be not guilty} I "”1"th "0;“ play anything but classical ‘ _ _ FOOT McWflINNIE, Superintendent, Manager, codes, edits, and cottonsâ€"by means of for in Austria, the sugar product of had sweat profusely while dancing. but to be vtrtuous is to overcome our evtl , music hereafter ,, “Bu t a gum "may , i - ICEfiSED Auctioneer. tor Lets! viiitibrii: t photozraphy. The Bank Union of Bar- ' which is large. the average consumption That taken from a glove worn by .a feelings and intentions. people dour, enjoy lhn replied Mamie. (ton‘nd82riiji’t1jgjpogaktiirixzton gtilziii'rt‘c'd. Storegory'flry ofcui’ifiithzgdidgg LioiiICKee WM' Ififffiafz eon 1‘" Wâ€" IDORiN fuen haspui-‘chnsod this invention, and is is only nineteen pounds, while in Switzer young,' lady heated by the same exertion A man recently drank 3 pint 0f 3933‘: “-1 know it. But they have to say it's ‘. . helm-Me Fem “penance. Chargcsl rnhgts , o. pus . .s )g . 11th or introducing it into all the German textile land, in which therclfl no production to was equally deadly in M. Arloiug's rec- in mistake for buttermilk. ilc rosethrce , good. because they dont’ know whether 2 Moderate. Bobcuygcon P. 0. George She“ PETKBBOROUGH, Special Favorable Terms for Ladies. works. speak of, it is 44. ' cnt experiments. hours earlier than usual next morning. I make mistake» 0r "0- ' :‘ L f'“. _ L \. l ‘ , -3; 1 v ‘ «Wokeâ€"guy; .: 5: -,:_.,_- ,: t. , -.9-..'. 1.“ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO

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